Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2024 (IJCAH 2024)

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224 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Cicilia D. M. Putri, Ali Mustofa, Wendy Hakim, Galih Pradana, Danang Tandyonomanu
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Joint Conference of Arts and Humanities 2024 (IJCAH 2024) during 9-11 August 2024 in Surabaya, Indonesia through hybrid mode. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved...
Proceedings Article

Market Response to Batik Products and Its Development: Exploration Study of Local Wisdom Products

Tony Wijaya, Anita Mustikasari, Bintang L. B. B. Muslim
This research aims to explore the batik market’s response and obstacles based on consumers’ basic preferences or motives in purchasing batik products. The data used is primary data, namely the responses from research informants regarding the market response for batik products. Data was collected through...
Proceedings Article

The Ethno-Art Approach as a Strategy to Improve the Quality of Karawitan Learning

Subianto Karoso, Enie Wahyuning Handayani
This approach explores the integration of ethno-art methods in Karawitan education to address the challenges of sustainability and effectiveness of traditional music teaching in Indonesia. Karawitan, a performing art rich in aesthetic and philosophical values, plays a significant role in arts education...
Proceedings Article

Preserving of Metal Canting by Batik Stamp Amidst the Development of Printed Fabrics with Batik Motif

Indah C. Angge, I N. Lodra, Fera Ratyaningrum, Khoirul Amin, Titiana Irawani
The shortage of Batik Canting Stamps craftsmen has raised concerns amidst the development of printed fabrics with batik motif which are now widely sold on the market. This scarcity is of course directly proportional to the lack of literacy among young people in studying the “mbatik” cultural heritage....
Proceedings Article

The Efficiency of Using Polyflax Screen Printing in Learning Two-dimensional Fine Arts as a Provision for Entrepreneurial Skills

Ika Anggun Camelia, Djuli Jati Prambudi, Muchkish Arief, Florens Debora
Screen printing is considered a difficult graphic arts technique because it requires the use of special tools. There is a need for media that can make it easier for students to learn graphic arts efficiently at school. So the aim of this research is to test polyflax material and analyze its efficiency...
Proceedings Article

Visualization of Batak Karo Ornaments in Batik Works

Wahyu T. Atmojo, Misgiya Misgiya, Sri Wiratma
Karo ornament is one of the ornaments in North Sumatra. Karo or- ornaments have various motifs. Many researchers have not used these motifs as a reference when making batik. This research aims to implement them in the written batik technique. The search for Karo ornamental motifs was carried out by observing...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Clay Materials for Improving References and Productivity in Pottery Art Creation

Wening H. N. Ruci, Muchlis Arief, Nur Wakhid, Imam Zaini, Muhammad Nasrulloh
The investigation of clay as a medium for pottery is the subject of this research topic. Clay displays unique characteristics in various places. A mixture of minerals and organic material that are formed from clay soil is what forms clay, which is utilized for making pottery. The geological processes...
Proceedings Article

The Learning Patterns in the Inheritance of Woodcarving Skills in Jepara

Muhajirin Muhajirin, Dwi Retno Sri Ambarwati
Jepara is renowned internationally for carved furniture craftsmanship, featuring unique and aesthetically valuable carvings. This study aims to uncover the cultural learning patterns used to train and produce skilled carvers in Jepara. The research employs a qualitative method with the researcher as...
Proceedings Article

The Aesthetics of Lengger Lanang Wonosobo Dancing

Eny Kusumastuti, Dika Irawan, Rimasari P. Putri
Aesthetics in performing arts is a study that focuses on the beauty and artistic expression contained in it. One of the traditional performing arts rich in aesthetic values is the Lengger Lanang Dance, a typical dance originating from Wonosobo Regency, Central Java. This dance is known as a pair and...
Proceedings Article

Transformation of Syiiran Traditional Musical Expression

Muhamad Burhanudin
As a literary work, Coastal poetry has undergone a crucial transformation in a changing era that always develops. It is also used as a platform for education and da’wah. This article aims to reveal the process and implementation of coastal poetry transformation into musical expression. Transformation...
Proceedings Article

Strategies for Promoting Traditional Indonesian Cuisine through Webtoon Comics

Rahina Nugrahani, Urfan Rafif Musabbihin, Wandah Wibawanto, Arif Fiyanto
Indonesian cuisine is crucial for preserving cultural heritage and increasing global awareness of Indonesia’s rich culinary traditions. This study explores the effectiveness of utilizing Webtoon comics as a medium to introduce and promote traditional dishes to teenagers. Focusing on the Webtoon series...
Proceedings Article

Kasepuhan Banten Kidul: Exploring Local Wisdom Through Reading Culture

Eka N. Mualimah, Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Vismaia S. Damaianti
This ethnographic research on local wisdom through reading culture aims to determine the contribution of the reading culture in the community to the preservation of local wisdom. Kasepuhan Banten Kidul continues to uphold its local wisdom traditions amid modernization. One important aspect of local wisdom...
Proceedings Article

Music Illustration Training Based on Pelog and Slendro Idioms at Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (SIKL)

Senyum Sadhana, Autar Abdillah, Retnayu Prasetyanti Sekti, Tomy Agung Sugito
Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (SIKL) is one of the schools in Malaysia where Indonesian children learn Indonesian culture abroad. In its implementation, SKIL provides educational services to the Indonesian community in Malaysia. The concern in SIKL is that it needs supporting facilities and infrastructure...
Proceedings Article

Napthol Textile Dyeing Experiments on Various Types of Fabrics

Fera Ratyaningrum, Denik R. Rini, Indah C. Angge, Imam Zaini
This study conducted experiments on naphthol dyeing across several fabric types to strengthen students’ comprehension of the visual outcomes of textile dyeing using naphthol. The key benefit of this research is that it provides State University of Surabaya students with a valuable reference for dyeing...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing Product Photo for Effective e-Commerce

Tri C. Kusumandyoko, Marsudi Marsudi, Muh. A. Islam, Muhamad R. Abidin
The use of images as a powerful tool in digital marketing has gained significant recognition, particularly in the context of online food delivery platforms. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a shift from conventional to digital marketing, compelling marketers to prioritize image-based marketing strategies...
Proceedings Article

Digitalization of Cultural Heritage Through Blockchain Technology in Support of the Digital Tourism Industry: A Narrative Literature Review

Kholifatul Ilmi, Yoga Renata Pratama, Kartika Endah Trapsilani, Elsa Amelia, Nunik Dwi Kusumawati
The digitization of cultural heritage through blockchain technology offers an innovative solution to support the growth of the digital tourism industry. This article uses a narrative literature review method to analyze five major journals that discuss the use of blockchain in the cultural heritage sector....
Proceedings Article

Heritage Of Jaranan Pegon Arts Kridho Karya Pusoko In Tulungagung

Anik Juwariyah, Trisakti Trisakti, Eko Wahyuni Rahayu, Retnayu Prasetyanti Sekti, Bambang Sugito
Jaranan Pegon Tulungagung is a combination of Jaranan art from Javanese Jaranan and puppetry art. Jaranan Pegon group Kridha Karya Pusoko is one of the oldest Jaranan Pegon groups in Tulungagung led by Suharwanto, who is the 6th generation descendant of mbah Sohkaryo. This study aims to examine the pattern...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of the Performance Form of Thai Panji Dance with Indonesian Panji Dance

Anik Juwariyah, Nova Kristiana, Welly Suryandoko, Vivi Ervina Dewi, Octo Dendy Ardianto, Ida Nurul Chasanah, Pensri Panich, Endah Puspo
This research aims to compare the form of Panji performances in Indonesia and Thailand. The selection of Panji Dance is considered very suitable considering that Panji culture grows and develops in works of art, literature, and culture. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the researcher as...
Proceedings Article

How Tourist Destination Online Content and Social Media Interaction Influence Tourist’s Visit Intention?

Yustina Chrismardani, Sri Setyo Iriani, Yessy Artanti
One indicator of SDGs achievement is the proportion of the population served by mobile broadband. Data sourced from the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia stated that in 2022, the proportion of the population served by mobile broadband was 96.97%. It is common for...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Academic Culture Self-Assessment to Measure the Quality of Learning in the Fashion Education Study Program

Emy Budiastuti, Kapti Asiatun, Anita V. Dewi, Putu D. A. Kusumadewi
The quality of learning in higher education determines the extent to which education is achieved. As a guarantor of educational quality, academic culture plays a vital role in forming a conducive and innovative learning environment in the Fashion Design Education Study Program. This research aims to...
Proceedings Article

BIPA Thai Students’ Responses Regarding the Integration of Small Talk as a Culture of Communication in Indonesian Society

Prima V. Asteria, Cicilia D. M. Putri, Parmin Parmin, Surana Surana, Lutfi Saksono, Suhailee Sohnui, Irma Hildayati, Rina Amalia
The aims of this research are, 1) to describe Thai students’ understanding of Indonesian small talk as a communication culture, and 2) to describe Thai students’ ability to integrate Indonesian small talk in communication. This research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data used...
Proceedings Article

Encouraging Critical Thinking Skills among Pre-Service Teachers through Asynchronous Online Discussion: Advantages and Challenges

Anis Trisusana, Arik Susanti, Slamet Setiawan, Syafi’ul Anam, Sueb Sueb
This article emphasizes the significance of critical thinking skills in pre-service teachers and the potential role of Asynchronous Online Discussion (AOD) in enhancing these skills. The authors argue that universities should modernize their curriculum in order to cater to the evolving needs of students...
Proceedings Article

How CEFR is Varied as a Material for Javanese Language Learning Modules for Non-Native Speakers?

Avi Meilawati, Endang Nurhayati, Doni Dwi Hartanto, Galang Prastowo, Sri Harti Widyastuti
The need for learning Javanese today has shifted, namely from learning the language as a mother tongue or local language, to learning a language with a multicultural background. This phenomenon results in the curriculum being given is a language curriculum for communication, no longer a language knowledge...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Lecturers’ Narratives on Promoting English Majors’ Success in Language Learning: Case from a University in Gorontalo

Abid Abid
In the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, understanding the narratives of educators is crucial for enhancing language learning outcomes. This qualitative study, thus, explores the experiences of English language lecturers in promoting student engagement, motivation, and employability...
Proceedings Article

ChatGPT as a Contemporary Learning Tool in the Digital Era: Enhancing Digital Literacy in Students’ Scientific Writing

Noor Komari Pratiwi, Bambang Yulianto, Mintowati Mintowati
The presence of ChatGPT has led to a new trend in education, especially in student scientific writing. ChatGPT has the potential to significantly improve digital literacy and scientific writing skills, making it an interesting subject to research. This article aims to provide a quantitative description...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Android-Based Learning Media Needs on Javanese Speech Levels Materials

Joko Sukoyo, Pandu Perdana Putra
This study is a qualitative research aimed at describing the needs for Javanese language learning media based on Android. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews, and then analyzed using Mile and Huberman’s interactive analysis model. The results showed that 99.1% of students owned an...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of MBKM Programme in Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Programme, State University of Surabaya

Abdul Aziz Khoiri, Bambang Yulianto
The Freedom to Learn - Independent Campus (MBKM) programme is a Ministry of Education and Culture policy in 2020. The MBKM programme has a vital role in improving students’ soft and hard skills so that after graduation they can work according to the needs of the times with their passions and talents....
Proceedings Article

Self-Assessment and Dynamics of Learners’ Preferences toward Texts in Japanese Reading Instruction in the Digital Age

Mintarsih Mintarsih, Dewi Rachmatin, Urip Z. Fanani, Nise S. Sasanti, Amira A. Kocimaheni
The rapid development of technology has linked generation-Z closely to gadgets, affecting their preferences for digital texts when learning Japanese. This study examines correlations between students’ self-assessment of their ability and willingness to read, and preferences in selecting and reading Japanese...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the S3 Art Education Curriculum Faculty of Languages and Arts UNESA

Setyo Yanuartuti, Setya Yuwana, Djuli Djatiprambudi, Indar Sabri, Warih Handayaningrum, Ratih Asmarani
The curriculum guidelines for the FBS UNESA Art Education S3 study program have been prepared and are ready to be implemented starting from the even semester of 2024. The study of the implementation of this curriculum is critical to be carried out at the beginning of the operational opening of this study...
Proceedings Article

Development of Compilation of Anglicisms in Advertisement Based on Kodular

Marice Marice, Ahmad Sahat Perdamean, Surya Masniari Hutagalung, William Anderson Hutapea, Lilis Novianti
This article aims to develop, determine the quality and determine the efficiency of a modular learning media dictionary that contains anglicisms. To develop it, the 4D stage was adopted which consists of 4 stages, namely define, design, development and dissemination. At the define stage, problem and...
Proceedings Article

Nusantara Ornament Picture Card: Learning Media to Appreciate Indonesia’s Traditional Ornaments

Ratih Ayu Pratiwinindya, Achmad Zairin
The learning process in appreciation of Indonesia’s traditional ornaments in several junior high schools in Semarang is considered less optimal due to the lack of use of learning media in the classroom. On the other hand, the use of learning media can help students understand the material and improve...
Proceedings Article

Role-Playing to Improve German Speaking Skills

Ari Pujosusanto, Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Raden Roro D. W. Parnaningroem, Lutfi Saksono, Yovinza B. Sopaheluwakan
This research explores the effectiveness of role-playing as a method to enhance German speaking skills. Considering the challenges faced by learners in mastering the German language, such as complex grammatical structures and difficult pronunciation, this research aims to evaluate how role-playing can...
Proceedings Article

Application of Android-Based Learning Media in Keroncong Course

Abdul Rachman, Wadiyo Wadiyo, Udi Utomo, Suharto Suharto, Loo F. Ying, Lee F. Hsu, Aji Purwinarko, Hery Supiarza
Keroncong music is group music consisting of five main instruments: bass, cello, cak, cuk, and guitar, where the accompaniment pattern between the instruments is interlocked. This study aims to determine the application of Android-based learning media in Keroncong courses. The research methodology for...
Proceedings Article

Sharpening Critical Thinking Skills through Visual Rhetoric Training

Cicilia D. M. Putri, Ephrillia N. Fitriana, Ayu Saraswati, Silvy Adelia, Ayunita Leliana, Slamet Setiawan
The visual rhetoric training at Senior High School 12 Surabaya is a workshop that enhances the teachers’ and students’ critical thinking abilities to influence their intended audiences. The training was organized at Senior High School 12 Surabaya due to the teachers’ and students’ enthusiasm to improve...
Proceedings Article

Project-Based Learning in Tourism Management Course to improve Tourism Promotion Skills of German Literature Study Program Students

Raden R. D. W. Parnaningroem, Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Lutfi Saksono, Ari Pujosusanto, Yovinza B. Sopaheluwakan
Student-Centered Learning Implementation Guidelines published by the Ministry of Education and Culture (2023). Project Based Learning (PBL) is a learning model applied to Tourism Management courses at the German Literature Study Program, Surabaya State University. Research objectives: describe the implementation...
Proceedings Article

Communication Culture Problems in BIPA Learning in South Korean Learners

Ayyukum A. Amala, Prima V. Asteria
The purpose of this study is to identify the cultural problems of nonverbal communication in BIPA learning, which are experienced by learners from South Korea who are studied through sociolinguistics in second language learning. Then the problem of nonverbal communication is looked for the difference...
Proceedings Article

A Review on the Use of Audiovisual as a Media in Improving Pedagogical Skills among Prospective BIPA Teachers

Prima Vidya Asteria, Syamsul Sodiq, Suhailee Sohnui, M. Wisnu Pawoko, Meydiana Dyah Pramesty, Lasmana Fajar Hapriyanto
This research aims to analyze the influence of audiovisual media in improving prospective BIPA teachers’ pedagogical abilities. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research instrument applied was a questionnaire consisting of 6 questions that represent the practicality of using...
Proceedings Article

Strategies for Enhancing Intercultural Communication Competence for German Learners

Audrey Titaley, Tri Lestari, Ajeng Kartika, Silvy Adelia, Muhammad Ardani
This study explored the integration of intercultural communication competence into B1-level German language education for future teachers, utilizing Byram’s Model of Intercultural Communicative Competence and Hymes’ Theory of Communicative Competence as theoretical frameworks. Recognizing that language...
Proceedings Article

A Study Examining the Relationship between Interpersonal Communication Intelligence, Learning Motivation, and Narrative Ability in Primary School Students

Mohamad Syarif Sumantri
This study aims to investigate the impact of motivation and interpersonal communication intelligence on storytelling ability. We conducted the research at the primary schools in Tangerang City, Indonesia. We sampled a group of sixty-fifth graders using a basic random sampling technique. We collected...
Proceedings Article

Empowering Global Students: Indonesian Studies at Surabaya European School Through the Commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day

Octo D. Andriyanto, Darni Darni, Yohan Susilo, Respati R. Utami, Meilita Hardika
BIPA learning at Surabaya European School is applied through the Indonesian Studies Programme by exploring the local wisdom of the archipelago as a source of learning, one of which is the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day. It is used to improve the Indonesian perspective of students from different...
Proceedings Article

Enhancement of Appreciation Ability in Tembang Macapat Pangkur Through E-Gamelan Media at SMPN 19 Surabaya

Fatimah A. Zahra, Ridha Saffana, Nurul Emiliyah, A. Farida Hanum, Mochammad G. Y. Triantoro, Octo D. Andriyanto
This study aims to enhance students’ abilities to appreciate Tembang Macapat Pangkur using E-Gamelan media at SMPN 19 Surabaya. E-Gamelan media was chosen as an innovative tool to stimulate students’ interest and skills in learning Tembang Macapat, considering the declining interest of the younger generation...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Javanese Script Learning through Surabaya Batik Puzzles

Nastiti Izzah Adi Thifali, Anggrika Firstya Pratiwi, Yoga Pamungkas, Fahrizal Gustama, Widigdo Diknas Nugroho, Octo Dendy Andriyanto, Sulatun Sulatun
Learning regional languages, especially Javanese, is crucial in preserving Indonesia’s cultural wealth and linguistic diversity. However, at SMPN 19 Surabaya, teaching Javanese, particularly script material such as Aksara Swara and Aksara Murda, often needs more student motivation and interest. An innovative...
Proceedings Article

Employing Stanford’s Design Thinking Method for Tackling Social Issues in Kelurahan Gayungan, Surabaya

Tri C. Kusumandyoko, Marsudi, Kanya Catya, Dwi Prasetya
In order to address social concerns in Kelurahan Gayungan, Surabaya, this study paper looks at how Stanford’s Design Thinking methodology is applied. The study used a qualitative research methodology to investigate the impact of Design Thinking on social innovation and community participation. The research...
Proceedings Article

Utilizing Local Culture in Thematic Learning for First Grade Elementary Students

Kanya Catya, Martadi, Wening H. N. Ruci
This study explores the development and implementation of culturally-based thematic multimedia learning materials for first-grade elementary students in Indonesia. Given Indonesia’s rich cultural diversity, integrating local cultural elements into educational content is crucial for preserving heritage...
Proceedings Article

Development of an Artistic Framework on Classical Music Performance Research Based on a Critical Review

Herry R. Djahwasi, Zaharul Lailiddin Bin Saidon
The core interplay of objectivity and subjectivity in classical music performance takes on a paradoxical nature when examining whether the performer is the object of the score or, conversely, the performer is the subject of the score. This conflicting perspective holds significance for the epistemological...
Proceedings Article

A Historicization of Art Education Curriculum in Post-Colonial Indonesia

Anik Juwariyah, Haris Supratno, Djuli Djatiprambudi, Trisakti Trisakti, Setyo Yanuartuti, Lena Farida, Muchammad B. T. Sampurno
Post-Colonial Art Education Curriculum is interesting to be analyzed, moreover since the curriculum has been amended in Indonesia of which art education curriculum has also been included. Through times, each curriculum has its unique and distinctive characteristics. This brought to the objective of this...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Teacher and Student Responses Related Learning Media Development Augmented Reality (AR)-3D on Atmospheric Material for Students Class X in Surabaya

Sri Murtini, Bambang Sigit Widodo, Wiwik Sri Utami, Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Bambang Hariyanto, Ita Mardiani Zain, Agus Sutedjo, Sugeng Widodo, Sabrina Azharia Sabitah
Study This aim For developing learning media based on Augmented Reality (AR)-3D and analyzing teacher and student responses related to the media it develops. Development of learning media This done with method research and development (R&D) which refers to the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development,...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Civic Knowledge in Junior High School: Demonstrative Methods and Humanity-Based Education for Sustainable Development Goals

Suyato Suyato, Yayuk Hidayah
The study discussed the usage of demonstrative methods for improving the civic knowledge in Junior High School. The method was focused on the analyzing the effectiveness of the method in learning civic education. The study method used was similarity qualitative analysed by a literature study approach....
Proceedings Article

Towards a School Without Violence: An Analysis of Teacher’s Understanding of the Anti-Violence Education Policy Permendikbudristek no 46 of 2023

Oksiana Jatiningsih, Raden Roro Nanik Setyowati, Sarmini, Harmanto, Listyaningsih, Rianda Usmi, Nonik Fatimatuz Zahroh, Mumammad Bintang Nugraha
Violence in educational environments is a serious problem in Indonesia. Data from the National Commission for Child Protection shows that throughout 2023, there will be 3,547 cases of violence against children, with sexual violence dominating. Bullying at school has also increased significantly. To overcome...
Proceedings Article

Mitigating Socio-Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia: Indigenization of Multiculturalism in Pendidikan Wawasan Kebangsaan Programs Through Social Capital and Inclusive Citizenship

Rianda Usmi, Oksiana Jatiningsih, Wahyudi, Mi’rojul Huda, Habib Nihla Thohari, Nur Chamidah
This research aims to analyze the indigenization of multiculturalism in pendidikan wawasan kebangsaan programs through social capital and inclusive citizenship as mitigation of socio-ethnic conflict in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a literature study method. Research...
Proceedings Article

Understanding and Response of Pancasila Education Teachers to Violence Cases in Schools to Realize Pancasila Students

Listyaningsih, Raden Roro Nanik Setyowati, Oksiana Jatiningsih, Sarmini, Harmanto, Rianda Usmi, Ananda Fatiha Nabila, Adinda Zanata Zahra
Pancasila Students are students who behave in accordance with the values of Pancasila, which include six main characteristics: having faith in God Almighty and possessing noble character, global diversity, cooperation, critical thinking, independence, and creativity. The rise of violence in schools indicates...
Proceedings Article

Improving Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Through the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) At SMAN 1 Kertosono

Yudha Kusumaningrum, Harmanto Harmanto
Indonesia occupies a low literacy position, according to the Global Creative Index in 2015 revealing that Indonesia’s level of creativity is still relatively low. Education has a very important role, looking at the independent curriculum, there is a project known as P5 which has the goal of developing...
Proceedings Article

Formulation of Bullying Prevention at the Junior High School Level in Surabaya from The Teachers’ Perspective

Wahyudi Wahyudi, Maya Mustika KS, Iman Pasu MHP, Rahmanu Wijaya, Warsono Warsono, Budi Santosa
Bullying cases in Indonesia need serious attention. Lately, bullying at the school level has been getting higher, both by students at the elementary and high school levels. In Indonesia, bullying cases occur in many places. This is evidenced by the increasing number of reports about acts of violence...
Proceedings Article

Arabic Objective Accusative between Indonesian and Javanese: A Contrastive Study of Lexical Meaning

Fajar Alamin, Mohamad Zaka Al Farisi
This research explores maf’ul bih, or accusative objects in Arabic, as well as their meanings in Javanese and Indonesian. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a focus on analyzing and comparing the meaning of the word maf’ul bih. The research methodology includes the use of primary...
Proceedings Article

The Ideal Islamic Education in The Indonesian Context: The Islamic Thought Of Nurcholish Madjid

Miftahuddin Miftahuddin
Islam is a religion of “rahmatan lil ‘alamin,” meaning a mercy to all the worlds, or a religion that brings blessings (goodness) and peace. Therefore, Muslims, wherever they are, should spread peace and not hostility. This concept has been embraced and proposed by Nurcholish Madjid. In various opportunities...
Proceedings Article

Acceptance of University Students Toward Deaf Classmates in The Higher Educational Settings

Imas Diana Aprilia, Siti Musayaroh
The presence of deaf individuals in higher educational settings presents challenges attributable to their hearing impairment. This study aims to explore the level of acceptance that hearing university students have towards their deaf classmates. A total of 79 hearing university students participated...
Proceedings Article

Philosophical Cognition of Social Studies Teachers on Sustainable Development and Social Values Transmission

Arif Purnomo, Ferani Mulianingsih, Ganda Febri Kurniawan
Teachers’ philosophical cognition regarding social studies learning still considers it the same as other social studies disciplines. One of them is reflected in the theme of sustainable development. This research was carried out on social studies teachers in Semarang, using a qualitative approach with...
Proceedings Article

High Levels of Student Satisfaction Are Often a Key Factor In Determining The Rankings And Reputations Of Business Schools

Angga Pandu Wijaya, Widya Prananta, Made Virma Permana
This study aims to analyze the factors contributing to student satisfaction at business schools. Satisfaction is a crucial factor that business schools strive to achieve, reflecting the quality of the institution. This research employs a quantitative approach using factor analysis to identify the components...
Proceedings Article

Identifying Lecturer’ Perspectives on Excellent Academic Culture in the University to Improve Productivity Using Q-methodology

Atika Wijaya, Suwito Eko Pramono, Inaya Sari Melati
Universities are currently required to improve institutional quality to be able to compete globally. An excellent academic culture is needed to encourage lecturers to be more productive in publication achievement to achieve the goal. In the last two decades, lecturers and universities have demanded publication...
Proceedings Article

Prospective Teachers Teaching Readiness: Quality of Introduction to the Teaching Program as a Mediating Variable

Amir Mahmud, Ana Rofiqoh, Nurdian Susilowati
This research aims to determine the influence of pedagogical competence and microteaching quality on teaching readiness through the quality of Introduction to the teaching program as a mediating variable. The research population was 177 Economic Education students from the 2019 and 2020 classes. The...
Proceedings Article

Pesantren as Best Practice for Sustainable Education to Addressing Global Challenges

Muh. Sholeh, Kokom Komalasari, Erlina Wiyanarti
The aim of this research is to analyze pesantren as best practices for sustainable value education in response to global challenges. These objectives were then developed into: a) pesantren as a social and educational system, b) development of pesantren values, and c) adaptation strategies for sustainable...
Proceedings Article

Representation of Heroes from West Java in Indonesian History Textbooks

Mima Kharimah Aryani, Andy Suryadi
Textbooks are the main learning resource in teaching and learning activities in class, including in Indonesian History subjects. The main focus in this lesson is the discussion of national history that concludes the role and struggle of National Heroes, one of which is West Java Heroes. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

Integration Of Technology and Local Knowledge Content Through Historical Tracing Models in The Context Of Sustainable Education

Cahyo Budi Utomo, Hany Nurpratiwi
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has included the concept of sustainability as one of the basic principles in its national education development. This means that all types of education in Higher Education, including History Education, are very important and strategic to contribute to achieving...
Proceedings Article

Entrepreneurship Education as A Business to Increase Students’ Interest In Entrepreneurship In The Digital Era

Ahmad Jaenudin, Khasan Setiaji, Dwi Puji Astuti
The collapse of the economy in various countries was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Opportunities and challenges to rise from adversity are the main focus. The entrepreneurial sector is one of the main pillars in the revival of the national economy. The purpose of this study was to identify entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article

Development of Mathematical Literacy Teaching Materials: A Preliminary Research

Pradnyo Wijayanti, Endah Budi Rahaju, Ismail, Nonik Indrawatiningsih
Mathematical literacy is one of the relatively new courses in the S-2 Mathematics Education Study Program. The emergence of the course is due to following the development and needs in the world of education. This research explores the need for the development of teaching materials for Mathematical Literacy...
Proceedings Article

Tracer Study of Nutrition Study Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya in 2023

Amalia Ruhana, Siti Sulandjari
The Alums Tracer Study of the State University of Surabaya is a survey of alumni that is of strategic importance to the advancement of higher education. A tracer study is conducted to collect information from alumni from the time of graduation until alumni tracing is conducted. The objective of this...
Proceedings Article

Quality Assessment of Students’ Kikigaki on Community Local Wisdom: A Many Facets Rasch Model Analysis

Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo, Fenty Puluhulawa, Lilan Dama, Raflin Hinelo, Muhamad Jahja, Motoko Shimagami
Kikigaki is a student writing that tells the life journey of a “meijin” (resource person), an older generation who inherits local knowledge and wisdom from generation to generation in managing the sustainability of natural resources. This study aimed to assess the quality of students’ kikigaki (N = 54),...
Proceedings Article

Student Cognitive Development Through Cognitive Behavior Therapy-Based Counseling Services: Study Literature and Meta-Analysis

Agus Taufiq, Anisa Mawarni, Ilfiandra, Andi Thahir
The development of optimal cognition is a factor important in the learning and development of personal students. This study aims for know efficacy service counseling with an approach to Cognitive Behavior therapy in optimizing the development ent cognitive participant student. Search in a manner comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Personality Characteristics and Financial Learning on Students’ Financial Literacy Levels

Susanti, Vivi Pratiwi, Han Tantri Hardini, Moh. Danang Bahtiar, Irwan Adimas Ganda Saputra
The Indonesian people’s lack of financial literacy has real-world consequences for the country’s economy and standard of living. As a result, universities and colleges play a crucial role in educating the populace about personal finance and instilling strong moral values in the next generation. It is...
Proceedings Article

Sleep Quality in Sports Students: a Study Research of Screen Time, Coffee Consumption, and Smoking Habits

Kunjung Ashadi, Hani Astari, Julifais Neni Dwi Rusdita, Karin Setya Arzety
The study aimed to determine the correlation of screen time habits, coffee, and cigarette consumption to the quality of sleep of sports coaching students. The sample used was students of the Sports Coaching Education study program totaling 105 samples with used Simple Random Sampling technique. The method...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Education Financing in the Era of Regional Autonomy at Tanjungsari 1 Elementary School, Taman Sidoarjo

Mochammad Ja’far Sodiq, Naurah Salsabila Az Zahrah, Rosa Nilla Nurjannah, Syunu Trihantoyo
This study aims to analyze education financing in the era of regional autonomy to improve the quality of education in the local area. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method with data analysis involving observations, interviews, and documentation of necessary data with relevant school...
Proceedings Article

Non-Formal Education and the Humanization of Education to Support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Indonesia’s Golden Era

Sjafiatul Mardliyah, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, Rivo Nugroho, Shobri Firman Susanto, Desika Putri Mardiani, Monica Widyaswari, Suji
The implementation of basic education in the non-formal sector through equivalency education shows a form of ‘partiality’ that creates an educational problem referred to as neutrality. This condition emphasizes the need for critical analysis to understand how non-formal education becomes critical education...
Proceedings Article

AI-Based Cultural Poster Design Training for MGMP German Teachers in Surabaya

Audrey Titaley, Wening Ruci, Kanya Catya, Silvy Adelia
Young people are generally more interested in international culture than local culture. In this context, the youth of East Java often forget their cultural heritage. As an effort to introduce and integrate East Javanese culture into German learning, teachers can use informative and creative media, namely...
Proceedings Article

Transforming Communities through Non-Formal Education: A Study of Indonesia and Thailand

Mintarsih Arbarini, Wirathep Pathumcaroenwattana, Fakhruddin, Tri Suminar, Bagus Kisworo, All Fine Loretha, Tanisa Hasdiani
Non-formal education, a key aspect of lifelong learning, aims to foster a learning society. This study examines the necessary and desired non-formal education programs, their implementation, and the factors influencing lifelong learning campaigns in Indonesia and Thailand’s Community Learning Centers...
Proceedings Article

School-Based Management (SBM) in Supporting Education Financial Management at SMKs Kartika 2 Surabaya

Yosea Bagus Armando, Tri Wahyuningtias, Mariska Dwi Amanda, Syunu Trihantoyo
The results of the study show that to support effective and efficient financial management of education in SBM at SMKS Kartika 2 Surabaya, several strategies and principles are needed that must be implemented in its implementation. To increase transparency, accountability, and legitimacy, every stakeholder...
Proceedings Article

Utilizing an Educational Proficiency Speaking Game (“Monocard”) to Mitigate Verbal Bullying in Elementary Schools

Rediva Novalisty, Setianing Putri, Hilda Izatun Nafsi, Zuhroul Ngafiyah, Mahla Zayani, Anas Ahmadi
Verbal bullying is a persistent issue that can occur unknowingly in public settings and become habitual. It is the most prevalent form of bullying, and schools are not exempt. Students often report being targeted for verbal bullying based on appearance, socioeconomic status, or even parental names. This...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Islamic Boarding School Literature as an Effort to Prevent Harassment and Violence with the Problem Based Learning Method at Al Machfudzoh Islamic Boarding School

Putri Saskia, Indah Tri Widadari, Dewi Muthiah Wijayanti, Lasmana Fajar Hapriyanto, Anas Ahmadi
Organic waste is a waste with a high carbon content. This waste has a negative impact on the environment, so it can be utilized, one of which is to make activated charcoal as an absorbent agent for heavy metal waste (Pb, Cu, and Fe). This study aims to make activated charcoal from maceration residue...
Proceedings Article

Storage Place Creation Design For Digital Archives In Library Of State University Of Surabaya

Titin Sumarti, Diana Widyati, Tusiana Skriptin, Johan Wahyudi
Archive storage in university libraries has an important role. Before the global digital era occurs, university libraries only stored books. Meanwhile, valuable official papers such as formal notes, contracts and deeds/certificates are kept by determined office holders. Nevertheless, as higher education...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Internship Practice In Higher Education: A Case Study In The Building Construction Education Study Program

Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Gde Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana, Suparji, Hendra Wahyu Cahyaka, Soeparno
Education aims to produce graduates who have the knowledge and skills needed by the industrial world. To the current curriculum in universities in Indonesia, namely the Independent Learning Independent Campus or “kurikulum merdeka”, learning is not only carried out on campus but also off campus. One...
Proceedings Article

Local Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Innovation in Indonesian Language and Literature Education at the Junior High School Level

Cindy Wahyuningtyas, Salmah, M. Wisnu Pawoko, Meydiana Dyah Pramesty, Anas Ahmadi
This research aims to increase literacy, increase students’ interest in Indonesian language subjects, and foster a sense of love for local culture. The local culture used is original Surabaya oral literature entitled The Legend of Raden Sawunggaling as learning material, which was applied using wayang...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Utilizing Fairy Tales Using Puppet Media to Improve Listening and Speaking Skills of TK Muslimat NU 98 Darul Ulum Students

Putri Bunga Yossilia, Khurun’in Rizki Az Zahra, Alvina Damayanti, Aulia Rahma, Anas Ahmadi
This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of Fairy Tale Utilization Using Puppet Media to Improve Listening and Speaking Skills of Muslimat NU 98 Darul Ulum Kindergarten Students. This study uses a quantitative method of experimental approach. The population determined is class A1 and A2 students...
Proceedings Article

Innovation Teams Games Tournament (TGT): Alternative Learning Model in an Effort to Improve Interest Student to Language and Literature Indonesia in Middle School 1 Maron Maron District, Probolinggo Regency

Ajeng Putri Cahyani Maulidiyah, Fera Dwi Veronica Sari, May Nanda Veliant Kusumawati, Eka Andini Oktasyah, M. Maulidil Zidni Ilma, Anas Ahmadi
TGT (Teams Games Tournament) based learning show is an elective learning show for understudies. This TGT-based demonstrate points to make and prepare children’s attitude towards learning fabric, particularly Indonesian. The steps for utilizing the TGT learning demonstrate incorporate 1) Class Presentation;...
Proceedings Article

Religious Character Building through Indonesian Children’s Literature: An Analysis of Children’s Short Stories towards the Perspective of Local Wisdom

Nova Rahma Dinna, Annida Kun Aunilhaq, Sabrina Shanda Amarissa, Tarisya Nashwa Aulia, Anas Ahmadi
This research discussed the influence of local wisdom in the formation of religious character through Indonesian children’s literature by analyzing short stories by children. The studied problem was religious values with the influence of local wisdom in the book collection of short stories by children....
Proceedings Article

Development of Interactive Microsoft Power Point Learning Media Based on Motion Graphics on Social Studies Subject Pluralism Material

Erlina Firdaus, Alya Fikriyah Dzihni Kusnanda, Neka Tankira
This research is motivated by the use of various learning methods that are effective and in accordance with the needs of the modern generation. The urgency of applying this learning method in the educational environment is the demand for 21st century education, where teachers must be able to use technology...
Proceedings Article

Training On Making Tracer Studies For Teachers At Madrasah Aliyah

Rizky Putra Santosa, Miftakhul Jannah, Desi Nurwidawati, Arfin Nurma Halida, Riza Noviana Khoirunnisa
This community service initiative is motivated by the limitations teachers face in evaluating the curriculum and understanding the successes and obstacles of graduates (alumni). Schools find it challenging to identify weaknesses in their education system. This results in non-objective evaluations of...
Proceedings Article

Budget Planning For Improving The Achievement Of Key Performance Indicator (IKU) 1 At The Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Sciences State University Of Surabaya

Sulistyorini Sulistyorini, Fatimah Sariri, Dinda Herli Septiana
This research was conducted in line with efforts to achieve performance targets in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) through the Key Performance Indicators of State Universities (IKU-PTN) established by the Minister of Education and Culture. The researcher analyzes the budget planning...
Proceedings Article

How to Measure Literacy Skills in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Amaliyah Amaliyah, Andy Hadiyanto, Lubna, Abdul Fadhil, Firdaus Wajdi
This study aims to develop an instrument for assessing the reading-writing literacy skills of elementary school students on Islamic religious education subject materials. Indonesian students’ reading literacy skills are still at a low level based on PISA assessments and the tendency of students to use...
Proceedings Article

Why Some “Program Guru Penggerak (PGP)’s Graduates Do Not Want to Become a Principal?

Dwi Esti Andriani, Reni Rizki Anindia Putri, Muh Saidil Ikhwan, Heri Supriyana
This study aims to explore the reasons why elementary school teachers who graduated from Program Guru Penggerak (PGP)/Transformational Teacher Program do not want to become a principals. For this reason, this study applied a qualitative approach. It was carried out in July - August 2023. The participants...
Proceedings Article

Increasing The Knowledge of SMK Negeri 1 Glagah Banyuwangi Teachers About Preventing Sexual Violence Crimes

Kharizha Krishnandya, Emmilia Rusdiana, Vita Mahardhika, Nurul Hikmah, Pudji Astuti, Gelar Ali Ahmad, Miyatikno Maulidha
Education units are in an emergency condition of sexual violence. According to data from the Ministry of Protection of Women and Children’s Empowerment in 2023, sexual violence occurred in the first place with 639 cases of several forms of violence that occurred in the East Java region. Any act of degrading,...
Proceedings Article

The Validity of STEM Integrated Biotechnology Textbook to Learn Research Skills of Prospective Natural Science Teachers

Hasan Subekti, Fasih Bintang Ilhami, Aris Rudi Purnomo, Arindra Trisna Widiansyah
The integration of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) concepts into biotechnology textbooks is a significant contributor to the development of competencies and the enhancement of the efficacy and quality of natural sciences education. The objective of this research is to develop...
Proceedings Article

Parental Participation Evaluation in Education at SD Negeri 024 Petapahan Jaya

Yadi Suryadi, Herlina Permata Sari, Diding Nurdin, Soemarto
Aim – This study aims to evaluate the level of parental participation in education at SD Negeri 024 Petapahan Jaya and to identify the factors that affect their involvement. Design/methodology/approach – This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the data collection technique used...
Proceedings Article

Trends and Implications of Motivational Interviewing From 2017-2022: A Bibliometric Review

Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, Nur Hidayah, M. Ramli, Adi Atmoko
The study aims to identify research on the topic of motivational interviewing. Motivational interviewing is a client-centered counseling approach to encourage behavioral change. This article uses a bibliometric method, analysis using journal documents for the period 2017-2022. The research questions...
Proceedings Article

The Reflection on Physical Conditioning Vocabulary in Teacher Handbook of Physical Education, Sports, and Health

Kisyani Laksono, Muhammad Turhan Yani, Oce Wiriawan, Andhega Wijaya, Biyan Yesi Wilujeng, Sari Edi Cahyaningrum, Nurhayati, Mufarihul Hazin, Ari Wardhono, Yuni Lestari, Syafiatul Mardliyah, Sri Abidah Suryaningsih, Amalia Ruhana, Yeni Anistyasari, Zulaikah Abdullah
Vocabulary is an important thing in reading. Through a series of words, a person can find, understand, evaluate, and reflect on a reading, including the readings in the physical education, sports, and health teacher’s guidebook. (PJOK books). The book focuses on physical conditioning. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in The Equivalent Questions of Minimum Competency Assessment Junior High School Teachers in Surabaya

Kisyani Laksono, Yuni Lestari, Riki Nasrullah, Zulaikah Abdullah, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo, Rachmaddani Rizki Saputra
Teachers as educators have a very important role in directing the learning process and objectives in the classroom, including designing and using quality assessments. In Indonesia, Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum or AKM ‘The Minimum Competency Assessment’ nationally is carried out by adopting the types and...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration of Favorite Vocabulary in Early Childhood Education Teacher’s Handbook

Kisyani Laksono, Yeni Anistyasari, Zulaikah Abdullah
The Early Childhood Education Teacher’s Handbook (PAUD book) is a book used as a basis for teachers to do activities and communicate with PAUD children. The world of PAUD children is a world of play with fun to prepare children for the level above. Therefore, the vocabulary in PAUD books should reflect...
Proceedings Article

Pioneer Orientation and Management Control System towards Dynamic Capability Strategy in the Innovation Ability of Muhammadiyah Educational Institutions in Ponorogo

Fery Setiawan, Sri Setyo Iriani, Yessy Artanti, Dian Kristiyana
Muhammadiyah as an Islamic missionary organization has a passion for providing educational services in Indonesia, so it has thousands of educational institutions from pre-primary to tertiary level. In its journey, the Muhammadiyah Education institution encountered various kinds of challenges. This research...
Proceedings Article

Physical Activity and Passive Behavior of Sports Education Students After the Covid-19 Pandemic

Andhega Wijaya, Sapto Wibowo, Nur Ahmad Arief, Dwi Lorry Juniarisaca
Indonesia has experienced the Covid-19 pandemic. For three years, this study aims to determine the level of physical activity and passive behavior of post-pandemic physical education department students. All students of the physical education department became a population of 1,197 students, and as many...
Proceedings Article

Persuasive Language on Students’ Work: A Reflection in Enhancing Writing Skills

Mukhzamilah, Trinil Dwi Turistiani, Afifah Almeyda
This research explored the students’ language skills in making interesting and creative advertisements as coursework assignment. The language used in the students’ advertisements has its own uniqueness so that it is quite different from professional advertisements in general. Based on this, this study...
Proceedings Article

Elaboration Thinking and Fluency Thinking Aspects of Creative Thinking Skills in Writing Essays Media-Based Image Series

Nidya Ayu Oktavia, Sri Marmoah, Kartika Chrysti Suryandari
The existence of a 21st century learning paradigm that includes skills focused on 4C, one of which is creativity. The implementation of learning in the 21st century seeks to make students skilled in creative thinking. This study aims to analyze creative thinking skills in writing narrative essays through...
Proceedings Article

Design And Construction Of Project Based Learning Media Using The Addie Method

Rindu Puspita Wibawa, Martini Dwi Endah Susanti
Education serves as the cornerstone for life’s foundation due to its significant role in fostering change. It is considered a crucial process for achieving balance and perfection in individual and societal development. This balance ensures high-quality education. Effective dissemination of teaching materials...