Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2024 (IJCAH 2024)
1010 authors
- AS, Fathor
- Transfer of Knowledge to Farmer Group Cooperative Through Training as an Effort to Empowerment Rural Communities
- Abdillah, Autar
- Music Illustration Training Based on Pelog and Slendro Idioms at Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (SIKL)
- Abdullah, Ade Gafar
- Understanding the Impact of Teaching Experience on Vocational Teachers in Retaining the Teaching Profession: Implications for Vocational Teachers
- Abdullah, Muhammad Taqy
- Analysis Of Policy Implementation Of The Sinau Bareng City Of Surabaya Program On Teaching Tutors
- Abdullah, Muhammad Taqy
- Branding Strategy Through Tagline Pinarak Bojonegoro in an Effort to Realize the Development of a Creative and Tourism-Friendly City
- Abdullah, Zulaikah
- The Reflection on Physical Conditioning Vocabulary in Teacher Handbook of Physical Education, Sports, and Health
- Abdullah, Zulaikah
- Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in The Equivalent Questions of Minimum Competency Assessment Junior High School Teachers in Surabaya
- Abdullah, Zulaikah
- The Exploration of Favorite Vocabulary in Early Childhood Education Teacher’s Handbook
- Abdullah, Zulaikhah
- Operational Resources Perspective Analysis on Service Development at the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Surabaya State University (UNESA)
- Abid, Abid
- Exploring Lecturers’ Narratives on Promoting English Majors’ Success in Language Learning: Case from a University in Gorontalo
- Abidin, Muhamad R.
- Optimizing Product Photo for Effective e-Commerce
- Abiprayu, Kris Brantas
- Material Quality and Student Perception: Key Factors in E-Learning Adoption
- Adelia, Silvy
- Sharpening Critical Thinking Skills through Visual Rhetoric Training
- Adelia, Silvy
- Strategies for Enhancing Intercultural Communication Competence for German Learners
- Adelia, Silvy
- AI-Based Cultural Poster Design Training for MGMP German Teachers in Surabaya
- Adelia, Silvy
- Decoding Student Voices: Exploring Cultural Perspectives of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy Through Podcasts
- Adimas, Yogi B.
- Boy’s Love Novels in Comparison: From Narrative Point of Views to Coming Out Issues
- Adistana, Gde Agus Yudha Prawira
- Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Internship Practice In Higher Education: A Case Study In The Building Construction Education Study Program
- Aditya, Rendy
- Code Switching and Code Mixing in YouTube Channel Speech “Daily Tika Weixun” in China
- Adiyatma, Muhammad Haidar
- Policy Implementation Of Direct Cash Assistance For Village Funds (BLT-DD) Iker Iker Village Geger, Gresik
- Adriansyah, Nasruddin Affan
- Waste Management Strategy in Rural Areas Based on Circular Economy in Jatidukuh Village, Mojokerto Regency
- Aedi, Nur
- The Artificial Intelligence Application Model In Higher Education Towards World-Class University
- Aftar, Nur Farhana Ardillah
- Love on the Plate: The Impact of Gender and the Length of Marriage on Spousal Food Portion Sizes
- Agatha, Arneta Meila Donna
- Optimizing Local Potential and History Site as Creative Economy Support
- Aghnia, Anang Akwa
- Evaluation Of Leading Sector Comparison: Economic Cooperation Opportunities Between Surabaya City And Bangkalan Regency
- Agustanta, Nainta
- Pro-poor Policy in Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Program in Gunungkidul Regency
- Agustin, Fadea Emelia
- Implementation of Parking Police to Increase PAD in Gresik Regency (Study on the Management of E-Parking Machines in Gresik City Market)
- Agustina, Imelda
- Integration of Local Wisdom in Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in the Traditional Village of Ende Tribe
- Ahdiyana, Marita
- Pro-poor Policy in Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Program in Gunungkidul Regency
- Ahmad, Asy Syam E.
- Mapping Local Idiom In The Region Of Central Java, East Java as A Potential for New Aesthetic Innovation In Indonesian Contemporary Art
- Ahmad, Gelar Ali
- Increasing The Knowledge of SMK Negeri 1 Glagah Banyuwangi Teachers About Preventing Sexual Violence Crimes
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Utilizing an Educational Proficiency Speaking Game (“Monocard”) to Mitigate Verbal Bullying in Elementary Schools
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Strengthening Islamic Boarding School Literature as an Effort to Prevent Harassment and Violence with the Problem Based Learning Method at Al Machfudzoh Islamic Boarding School
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Local Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Innovation in Indonesian Language and Literature Education at the Junior High School Level
- Ahmadi, Anas
- The Effectiveness of Utilizing Fairy Tales Using Puppet Media to Improve Listening and Speaking Skills of TK Muslimat NU 98 Darul Ulum Students
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Innovation Teams Games Tournament (TGT): Alternative Learning Model in an Effort to Improve Interest Student to Language and Literature Indonesia in Middle School 1 Maron Maron District, Probolinggo Regency
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Religious Character Building through Indonesian Children’s Literature: An Analysis of Children’s Short Stories towards the Perspective of Local Wisdom
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Abstinence and Prohibition of Madurese in Indonesian Short Stories: A Critical Literary Ethnographic Perspective
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Ethnic Symbols in Korrie Layun Rampan’s Novels (Cultural Semiotics Study)
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Marginalized Society in Joni Ariadinata’s Short Stories
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Mysticism in the Myth of the Safety Forest as a Value of Student Character Education: a Case Study of Wonosalam Village, East Java
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Tzvetan Todorov’s Narative Analysis in The Novel Pukul Setengah Lima by Rintik Sedu
- Ahmadi, Anas
- The Tradition of Islamic Community in Welcoming Ramadan: An Anthropological Psychological Perspective
- Ahmadi, Anas
- Beyond Stereotypes: An Interdisciplinary Perspective On The Role Of Literature As A Gender Boundary Breaker In The Fighting For Equality
- Aini, Khurrotul
- Waste Management Strategy in Rural Areas Based on Circular Economy in Jatidukuh Village, Mojokerto Regency
- Aisyah, Dinda Dwi Rita
- Implementation of Result of the ‘Kader Surabaya Hebat’ (KSH Program) in Citizens Association 05, Balongsari Urban Village, Tandes District, Surabaya City
- Aji, Angger Jati Prasetyo
- Waste Management Strategy in Rural Areas Based on Circular Economy in Jatidukuh Village, Mojokerto Regency
- Akbar, Rifki
- Boy’s Love Novels in Comparison: From Narrative Point of Views to Coming Out Issues
- Al Farisi, Mohamad Zaka
- Arabic Objective Accusative between Indonesian and Javanese: A Contrastive Study of Lexical Meaning
- Al-sofwa, Shahwa
- Implementation of the MSME Empowerment Policy through the Small Business Credit (KUR) Application Program in the Trade Sector in RW.06 Banyu Urip Subdistrict, Surabaya City
- Alam, Renantanda Shah
- Implementation of Full Day School Policy at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surabaya
- Alamin, Fajar
- Arabic Objective Accusative between Indonesian and Javanese: A Contrastive Study of Lexical Meaning
- Alfauzi, Muhammad Sidik
- Implementation of the Uninhabitable House Repair Program in Surabaya Case Study at Nginden Jangkungan Village
- Alis, Filda Putri
- Implementation Of PPDB Zoning Policy At Junior High School Level In Surabaya City, Tambaksari District, Surabaya (Case Study Of Smpn 9 Surabaya)
- Alliena, Adellia
- Implementation Of The Independent Learning Curriculum: A Case Study On The Overseas Internship Program In The D-IV Mechanical Engineering Department At The State University Of Surabaya
- Almawa, Syafira
- Implementation of MSME Assistance Policies in Order to Improve the Tourism Village Economy (Study on the Ketapanrame Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto City)
- Almeyda, Afifah
- Persuasive Language on Students’ Work: A Reflection in Enhancing Writing Skills
- Almustajidah, Adisa
- Implementation of Edu-Tourism Development Policy in Oase Village (Ondomohen Asri Sejuk dan Elok Surabaya City)
- Amala, Ayyukum A.
- Communication Culture Problems in BIPA Learning in South Korean Learners
- Amalia, Dini
- Literature as a Catalyst for Inclusivity: Promoting Equality through Power and Discourse in Black Narrative
- Amalia, Rina
- BIPA Thai Students’ Responses Regarding the Integration of Small Talk as a Culture of Communication in Indonesian Society
- Amalia, Rina
- Small Talks ‘Ayo Makan!’ as Indonesian Culture of Communication
- Amaliyah, Amaliyah
- How to Measure Literacy Skills in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
- Amanda, Mariska Dwi
- School-Based Management (SBM) in Supporting Education Financial Management at SMKs Kartika 2 Surabaya
- Amaniyah, Evaliati
- Financial Distress Prediction Model
- Amarissa, Sabrina Shanda
- Religious Character Building through Indonesian Children’s Literature: An Analysis of Children’s Short Stories towards the Perspective of Local Wisdom
- Ambarwati, Dwi Retno Sri
- The Learning Patterns in the Inheritance of Woodcarving Skills in Jepara
- Amelia, Elsa
- Digitalization of Cultural Heritage Through Blockchain Technology in Support of the Digital Tourism Industry: A Narrative Literature Review
- Amelia, Nahda
- Policy Implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Wadeng Village, Sidayu District, Gresik Regency
- Amin, Khoirul
- Preserving of Metal Canting by Batik Stamp Amidst the Development of Printed Fabrics with Batik Motif
- Anam, Syafi’ul
- Encouraging Critical Thinking Skills among Pre-Service Teachers through Asynchronous Online Discussion: Advantages and Challenges
- Anam, Syafi’ul
- Adapting or Avoiding: In-depth Exploration of Lecturers’ Attitudes and Beliefs on Literature in EFL Classrooms
- Anandita, Nadine Salsabila
- Love on the Plate: The Impact of Gender and the Length of Marriage on Spousal Food Portion Sizes
- Andriani, Dwi Esti
- Why Some “Program Guru Penggerak (PGP)’s Graduates Do Not Want to Become a Principal?
- Andriyanto, Octo D.
- Empowering Global Students: Indonesian Studies at Surabaya European School Through the Commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day
- Andriyanto, Octo D.
- Enhancement of Appreciation Ability in Tembang Macapat Pangkur Through E-Gamelan Media at SMPN 19 Surabaya
- Andriyanto, Octo Dendy
- Enhancing Javanese Script Learning through Surabaya Batik Puzzles
- Anggarda, Achmad
- Implementation of Environmental Policy in the Tourism City Area (Study on the TPS3R Paba Asri Program, Punten Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City)
- Anggarda, Achmad
- Implementation of Waste Management Policy Through the GEMES Sekardadu Waste Bank Program, Gresik Regency
- Anggarda, Achmad Aufa
- Implementation of the Uninhabitable House Repair Program in Surabaya Case Study at Nginden Jangkungan Village
- Anggarda, Achmad Aufa
- Analysis of Waste Management Policy Implementation and TPST Infrastructure Facilities in Wonokupang Village, Sidoarjo Regency
- Angge, Indah C.
- Preserving of Metal Canting by Batik Stamp Amidst the Development of Printed Fabrics with Batik Motif
- Angge, Indah C.
- Napthol Textile Dyeing Experiments on Various Types of Fabrics
- Anggreini, Novita
- Implementation of Local Government Policies in the Sector of Structuring and Controlling Street Vendors Gading Fajar Sidoarjo
- Anistyasari, Yeni
- The Reflection on Physical Conditioning Vocabulary in Teacher Handbook of Physical Education, Sports, and Health
- Anistyasari, Yeni
- The Exploration of Favorite Vocabulary in Early Childhood Education Teacher’s Handbook
- Anistyasari, Yeni
- Lecturer Satisfaction with Research And Community Services at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Anjani, Siti
- Implementation of Result of the ‘Kader Surabaya Hebat’ (KSH Program) in Citizens Association 05, Balongsari Urban Village, Tandes District, Surabaya City
- Aprilia, Imas Diana
- Acceptance of University Students Toward Deaf Classmates in The Higher Educational Settings
- Aprilliani, Puspita Nur
- Analysis of Waste Management Policy Implementation and TPST Infrastructure Facilities in Wonokupang Village, Sidoarjo Regency
- Aqobah, Leny Zumrotin
- The Effect of Online Reviews and Halal Labeling on Consumer Purchasing Behavior on Halal Products on the E-commerce Platform
- Ar-Robbaniy, Farras Huwaidi
- The Experience of Students Of State University Of Malang (Um) On The Sipejar Mobile Application Using The Usability Testing Method
- Arbarini, Mintarsih
- Transforming Communities through Non-Formal Education: A Study of Indonesia and Thailand
- Ardani, Muhammad
- Strategies for Enhancing Intercultural Communication Competence for German Learners
- Ardelia, Devi Abidah
- Implementation Of E-Health Policy In Improving The Quality Of Health Services At Wonokromo City Health Center, Surabaya City
- Ardiansyah, Bryan Edvan
- Experiential Learning in Vocational Apprenticeships among Students of Civil Engineering Program in Indonesia
- Ardianto, Octo Dendy
- A Comparative Study of the Performance Form of Thai Panji Dance with Indonesian Panji Dance
- Ardienta, Aliendra Putra
- Implementation of Local Government Policies in the Sector of Structuring and Controlling Street Vendors Gading Fajar Sidoarjo
- Ardiningrum, Siti Dewi
- Implementation of the Elderly Food Program in Wonorejo Sub-district, Tegalsari District, Surabaya City
- Arief, Muchkish
- The Efficiency of Using Polyflax Screen Printing in Learning Two-dimensional Fine Arts as a Provision for Entrepreneurial Skills