Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2024 (IJCAH 2024)

1010 authors
AS, Fathor
Transfer of Knowledge to Farmer Group Cooperative Through Training as an Effort to Empowerment Rural Communities
Abdillah, Autar
Music Illustration Training Based on Pelog and Slendro Idioms at Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (SIKL)
Abdullah, Ade Gafar
Understanding the Impact of Teaching Experience on Vocational Teachers in Retaining the Teaching Profession: Implications for Vocational Teachers
Abdullah, Muhammad Taqy
Analysis Of Policy Implementation Of The Sinau Bareng City Of Surabaya Program On Teaching Tutors
Abdullah, Muhammad Taqy
Branding Strategy Through Tagline Pinarak Bojonegoro in an Effort to Realize the Development of a Creative and Tourism-Friendly City
Abdullah, Zulaikah
The Reflection on Physical Conditioning Vocabulary in Teacher Handbook of Physical Education, Sports, and Health
Abdullah, Zulaikah
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in The Equivalent Questions of Minimum Competency Assessment Junior High School Teachers in Surabaya
Abdullah, Zulaikah
The Exploration of Favorite Vocabulary in Early Childhood Education Teacher’s Handbook
Abdullah, Zulaikhah
Operational Resources Perspective Analysis on Service Development at the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Surabaya State University (UNESA)
Abid, Abid
Exploring Lecturers’ Narratives on Promoting English Majors’ Success in Language Learning: Case from a University in Gorontalo
Abidin, Muhamad R.
Optimizing Product Photo for Effective e-Commerce
Abiprayu, Kris Brantas
Material Quality and Student Perception: Key Factors in E-Learning Adoption
Adelia, Silvy
Sharpening Critical Thinking Skills through Visual Rhetoric Training
Adelia, Silvy
Strategies for Enhancing Intercultural Communication Competence for German Learners
Adelia, Silvy
AI-Based Cultural Poster Design Training for MGMP German Teachers in Surabaya
Adelia, Silvy
Decoding Student Voices: Exploring Cultural Perspectives of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy Through Podcasts
Adimas, Yogi B.
Boy’s Love Novels in Comparison: From Narrative Point of Views to Coming Out Issues
Adistana, Gde Agus Yudha Prawira
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Internship Practice In Higher Education: A Case Study In The Building Construction Education Study Program
Aditya, Rendy
Code Switching and Code Mixing in YouTube Channel Speech “Daily Tika Weixun” in China
Adiyatma, Muhammad Haidar
Policy Implementation Of Direct Cash Assistance For Village Funds (BLT-DD) Iker Iker Village Geger, Gresik
Adriansyah, Nasruddin Affan
Waste Management Strategy in Rural Areas Based on Circular Economy in Jatidukuh Village, Mojokerto Regency
Aedi, Nur
The Artificial Intelligence Application Model In Higher Education Towards World-Class University
Aftar, Nur Farhana Ardillah
Love on the Plate: The Impact of Gender and the Length of Marriage on Spousal Food Portion Sizes
Agatha, Arneta Meila Donna
Optimizing Local Potential and History Site as Creative Economy Support
Aghnia, Anang Akwa
Evaluation Of Leading Sector Comparison: Economic Cooperation Opportunities Between Surabaya City And Bangkalan Regency
Agustanta, Nainta
Pro-poor Policy in Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Program in Gunungkidul Regency
Agustin, Fadea Emelia
Implementation of Parking Police to Increase PAD in Gresik Regency (Study on the Management of E-Parking Machines in Gresik City Market)
Agustina, Imelda
Integration of Local Wisdom in Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in the Traditional Village of Ende Tribe
Ahdiyana, Marita
Pro-poor Policy in Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Program in Gunungkidul Regency
Ahmad, Asy Syam E.
Mapping Local Idiom In The Region Of Central Java, East Java as A Potential for New Aesthetic Innovation In Indonesian Contemporary Art
Ahmad, Gelar Ali
Increasing The Knowledge of SMK Negeri 1 Glagah Banyuwangi Teachers About Preventing Sexual Violence Crimes
Ahmadi, Anas
Utilizing an Educational Proficiency Speaking Game (“Monocard”) to Mitigate Verbal Bullying in Elementary Schools
Ahmadi, Anas
Strengthening Islamic Boarding School Literature as an Effort to Prevent Harassment and Violence with the Problem Based Learning Method at Al Machfudzoh Islamic Boarding School
Ahmadi, Anas
Local Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Innovation in Indonesian Language and Literature Education at the Junior High School Level
Ahmadi, Anas
The Effectiveness of Utilizing Fairy Tales Using Puppet Media to Improve Listening and Speaking Skills of TK Muslimat NU 98 Darul Ulum Students
Ahmadi, Anas
Innovation Teams Games Tournament (TGT): Alternative Learning Model in an Effort to Improve Interest Student to Language and Literature Indonesia in Middle School 1 Maron Maron District, Probolinggo Regency
Ahmadi, Anas
Religious Character Building through Indonesian Children’s Literature: An Analysis of Children’s Short Stories towards the Perspective of Local Wisdom
Ahmadi, Anas
Abstinence and Prohibition of Madurese in Indonesian Short Stories: A Critical Literary Ethnographic Perspective
Ahmadi, Anas
Ethnic Symbols in Korrie Layun Rampan’s Novels (Cultural Semiotics Study)
Ahmadi, Anas
Marginalized Society in Joni Ariadinata’s Short Stories
Ahmadi, Anas
Mysticism in the Myth of the Safety Forest as a Value of Student Character Education: a Case Study of Wonosalam Village, East Java
Ahmadi, Anas
Tzvetan Todorov’s Narative Analysis in The Novel Pukul Setengah Lima by Rintik Sedu
Ahmadi, Anas
The Tradition of Islamic Community in Welcoming Ramadan: An Anthropological Psychological Perspective
Ahmadi, Anas
Beyond Stereotypes: An Interdisciplinary Perspective On The Role Of Literature As A Gender Boundary Breaker In The Fighting For Equality
Aini, Khurrotul
Waste Management Strategy in Rural Areas Based on Circular Economy in Jatidukuh Village, Mojokerto Regency
Aisyah, Dinda Dwi Rita
Implementation of Result of the ‘Kader Surabaya Hebat’ (KSH Program) in Citizens Association 05, Balongsari Urban Village, Tandes District, Surabaya City
Aji, Angger Jati Prasetyo
Waste Management Strategy in Rural Areas Based on Circular Economy in Jatidukuh Village, Mojokerto Regency
Akbar, Rifki
Boy’s Love Novels in Comparison: From Narrative Point of Views to Coming Out Issues
Al Farisi, Mohamad Zaka
Arabic Objective Accusative between Indonesian and Javanese: A Contrastive Study of Lexical Meaning
Al-sofwa, Shahwa
Implementation of the MSME Empowerment Policy through the Small Business Credit (KUR) Application Program in the Trade Sector in RW.06 Banyu Urip Subdistrict, Surabaya City
Alam, Renantanda Shah
Implementation of Full Day School Policy at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surabaya
Alamin, Fajar
Arabic Objective Accusative between Indonesian and Javanese: A Contrastive Study of Lexical Meaning
Alfauzi, Muhammad Sidik
Implementation of the Uninhabitable House Repair Program in Surabaya Case Study at Nginden Jangkungan Village
Alis, Filda Putri
Implementation Of PPDB Zoning Policy At Junior High School Level In Surabaya City, Tambaksari District, Surabaya (Case Study Of Smpn 9 Surabaya)
Alliena, Adellia
Implementation Of The Independent Learning Curriculum: A Case Study On The Overseas Internship Program In The D-IV Mechanical Engineering Department At The State University Of Surabaya
Almawa, Syafira
Implementation of MSME Assistance Policies in Order to Improve the Tourism Village Economy (Study on the Ketapanrame Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto City)
Almeyda, Afifah
Persuasive Language on Students’ Work: A Reflection in Enhancing Writing Skills
Almustajidah, Adisa
Implementation of Edu-Tourism Development Policy in Oase Village (Ondomohen Asri Sejuk dan Elok Surabaya City)
Amala, Ayyukum A.
Communication Culture Problems in BIPA Learning in South Korean Learners
Amalia, Dini
Literature as a Catalyst for Inclusivity: Promoting Equality through Power and Discourse in Black Narrative
Amalia, Rina
BIPA Thai Students’ Responses Regarding the Integration of Small Talk as a Culture of Communication in Indonesian Society
Amalia, Rina
Small Talks ‘Ayo Makan!’ as Indonesian Culture of Communication
Amaliyah, Amaliyah
How to Measure Literacy Skills in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Amanda, Mariska Dwi
School-Based Management (SBM) in Supporting Education Financial Management at SMKs Kartika 2 Surabaya
Amaniyah, Evaliati
Financial Distress Prediction Model
Amarissa, Sabrina Shanda
Religious Character Building through Indonesian Children’s Literature: An Analysis of Children’s Short Stories towards the Perspective of Local Wisdom
Ambarwati, Dwi Retno Sri
The Learning Patterns in the Inheritance of Woodcarving Skills in Jepara
Amelia, Elsa
Digitalization of Cultural Heritage Through Blockchain Technology in Support of the Digital Tourism Industry: A Narrative Literature Review
Amelia, Nahda
Policy Implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Wadeng Village, Sidayu District, Gresik Regency
Amin, Khoirul
Preserving of Metal Canting by Batik Stamp Amidst the Development of Printed Fabrics with Batik Motif
Anam, Syafi’ul
Encouraging Critical Thinking Skills among Pre-Service Teachers through Asynchronous Online Discussion: Advantages and Challenges
Anam, Syafi’ul
Adapting or Avoiding: In-depth Exploration of Lecturers’ Attitudes and Beliefs on Literature in EFL Classrooms
Anandita, Nadine Salsabila
Love on the Plate: The Impact of Gender and the Length of Marriage on Spousal Food Portion Sizes
Andriani, Dwi Esti
Why Some “Program Guru Penggerak (PGP)’s Graduates Do Not Want to Become a Principal?
Andriyanto, Octo D.
Empowering Global Students: Indonesian Studies at Surabaya European School Through the Commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day
Andriyanto, Octo D.
Enhancement of Appreciation Ability in Tembang Macapat Pangkur Through E-Gamelan Media at SMPN 19 Surabaya
Andriyanto, Octo Dendy
Enhancing Javanese Script Learning through Surabaya Batik Puzzles
Anggarda, Achmad
Implementation of Environmental Policy in the Tourism City Area (Study on the TPS3R Paba Asri Program, Punten Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City)
Anggarda, Achmad
Implementation of Waste Management Policy Through the GEMES Sekardadu Waste Bank Program, Gresik Regency
Anggarda, Achmad Aufa
Implementation of the Uninhabitable House Repair Program in Surabaya Case Study at Nginden Jangkungan Village
Anggarda, Achmad Aufa
Analysis of Waste Management Policy Implementation and TPST Infrastructure Facilities in Wonokupang Village, Sidoarjo Regency
Angge, Indah C.
Preserving of Metal Canting by Batik Stamp Amidst the Development of Printed Fabrics with Batik Motif
Angge, Indah C.
Napthol Textile Dyeing Experiments on Various Types of Fabrics
Anggreini, Novita
Implementation of Local Government Policies in the Sector of Structuring and Controlling Street Vendors Gading Fajar Sidoarjo
Anistyasari, Yeni
The Reflection on Physical Conditioning Vocabulary in Teacher Handbook of Physical Education, Sports, and Health
Anistyasari, Yeni
The Exploration of Favorite Vocabulary in Early Childhood Education Teacher’s Handbook
Anistyasari, Yeni
Lecturer Satisfaction with Research And Community Services at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Anjani, Siti
Implementation of Result of the ‘Kader Surabaya Hebat’ (KSH Program) in Citizens Association 05, Balongsari Urban Village, Tandes District, Surabaya City
Aprilia, Imas Diana
Acceptance of University Students Toward Deaf Classmates in The Higher Educational Settings
Aprilliani, Puspita Nur
Analysis of Waste Management Policy Implementation and TPST Infrastructure Facilities in Wonokupang Village, Sidoarjo Regency
Aqobah, Leny Zumrotin
The Effect of Online Reviews and Halal Labeling on Consumer Purchasing Behavior on Halal Products on the E-commerce Platform
Ar-Robbaniy, Farras Huwaidi
The Experience of Students Of State University Of Malang (Um) On The Sipejar Mobile Application Using The Usability Testing Method
Arbarini, Mintarsih
Transforming Communities through Non-Formal Education: A Study of Indonesia and Thailand
Ardani, Muhammad
Strategies for Enhancing Intercultural Communication Competence for German Learners
Ardelia, Devi Abidah
Implementation Of E-Health Policy In Improving The Quality Of Health Services At Wonokromo City Health Center, Surabaya City
Ardiansyah, Bryan Edvan
Experiential Learning in Vocational Apprenticeships among Students of Civil Engineering Program in Indonesia
Ardianto, Octo Dendy
A Comparative Study of the Performance Form of Thai Panji Dance with Indonesian Panji Dance
Ardienta, Aliendra Putra
Implementation of Local Government Policies in the Sector of Structuring and Controlling Street Vendors Gading Fajar Sidoarjo
Ardiningrum, Siti Dewi
Implementation of the Elderly Food Program in Wonorejo Sub-district, Tegalsari District, Surabaya City
Arief, Muchkish
The Efficiency of Using Polyflax Screen Printing in Learning Two-dimensional Fine Arts as a Provision for Entrepreneurial Skills