Proceedings of the 7th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2022)
204 articles
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Social Media and E-WOM on Tourists’ Intention to Revisit Teluk Kiluan, Lampung
Rina Suprina, Mayagina Bangun, Ratih Hurriyati, Vanessa Gaffar
The purpose of this study was to analyze the usage of social media and electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) by tourists in Teluk Kiluan, Lampung, and to examine their effect on revisit intention. The independent variables were the usage of social media and e-WOM, and the dependent variable was tourists’...
Proceedings Article
Patient Satisfaction Level of Chronic Illness National Health Insurance to Pharmaceutical Services
Kamelia Agustini, Ratih Hurriyati, Bambang Widjajanta, Akhmad Priyadi, Ratna Puspitasari
One of the quality services is by examining the degree of a client or patient satisfaction. Attempting to raise the standard of service is absolutely necessary as determined by the degree of patient satisfaction. This study aimed to assess how satisfied chronic disease patients were with pharmaceutical...
Proceedings Article
Consumers’ Behavioral Intentions to Use E-Wallet: Applying the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
Resa Nurlaela Anwar, Ratih Hurriyati, Bambang Widjajanta, Vanessa Gaffar, Heny Hendrayati
This study aimed at measuring and determining the extent of intentional sustained behavioral when using an e-wallet application. This research was conducted using a data collection method with a questionnaire of 100 active consumer respondents using the application e-wallet. Samples were taken using...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Customer Value on Customer Retention at Merdeka Toyota Dealers
Sumardi, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of customer value on customer retention. This study used an explanatory research type with 43 respondents from vehicle maintenance customers at the Merdeka Motor Toyota as the population. The SPSS 25 regression was used as a tool to analyze the data....
Proceedings Article
Effects of Celebrity Endorsements, Customer Experience on Viral Marketing and Purchase Decision
Sindhu Alamsyah, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
This study examines the effect of celebrity endorsements and customer experience on purchasing decisions with viral marketing as a mediating variable with a case study at Antapura de Djati. The sample of this study was visitors to Antapura de Djati using quantitative analysis techniques with the path...
Proceedings Article
The Multi-sensory Marketing Effect on Buying Intention of PT Sari Coffee Indonesia (Starbucks Indonesia) in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era
Fitri Aprilianty, Salman Al Farizi
The coffee industry is growing rapidly in Indonesia, which prompts the presence of coffee shops or café brands, one of which is Starbucks Indonesia. A multi-sensory marketing strategy has been implemented; however, the large-scale social restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have limited the multi-sensory...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of COVID-19 Incentives on Nurses’ Work Motivation in the Emergency Department of Bandung City Regional General Hospital
Debora Marito, Hanna Enita, Ahmad Nurhadi
Considering the critical role of health workers in handling COVID-19 cases, the Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia provides monetary rewards in COVID-19 incentives for health service providers, including nurses who interact directly with COVID-19 patients. The incentives are expected to...
Proceedings Article
A Study on the Merger and Acquisition of Goliath Bank and David Bank
Strategizing Pay-to-Stay Approach and Internal Communication
Haryobimo Arief Alexander, Mone Stepanus Andrias
Merger and acquisition have seemed to be a generally-accepted and expected business strategy for any firm to grow. It does offer a compelling potential for exponential business growth and ROI to the shareholders. It is interesting that up to 70% of the global merger and acquisitions failed miserably....
Proceedings Article
An Analysis on the Effect of Transformational Leadership, AKHLAK as Organizational Culture, and Organizational Climate on Employee Engagement at State Owned Company
Farra Yaneta, A. Rahim Matondang, Iskandarini
This study was conducted to analyze the effect of cultural and structural transformation in the company. This research was a quantitative correlational study to analyze (1) the effect of transformational leadership on employee engagement, (2) the influence of AKHLAK as an organizational culture on employee...
Proceedings Article
Human Capital Advantage Based on Dynamic Capability Through Digital Competency
Lina Marlina, Syamsul Hadi Senen, Tjutju Yuniarsih, Eeng Ahman
This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of human capital based on dynamic capability with digital competency for the creative craft industry in West Java, Indonesia. Most previous studies have applied dynamic capabilities for organizations, but this research reveals the dynamics of capabilities...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Education and Training, as Well as Self-efficacy on Improving the Performance of Civil Servants in Civilized Disaster Management Countries
Ocvita Ellianora Harahap, Yeni Absah, Meilita Triyana Sembiring
The purpose of this study, was to find out and o analyse the effect of education and training on improving the performance of the State Civil Apparatus at the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Medan city to find out and analyze the effect of self-efficacy on improving the performance of the...
Proceedings Article
Organizational Citizenship Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Examining the Role of Resilience, Safety Management Practices, Perceived Risk, and Job Insecurity
Firdausa Putri Astrida, Ayu Aprilianti Lizar
This research attempted to understand the effect of workplace safety management practices (WSP), resilience, perceived risk, and job insecurity on Indonesian hotels’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The quantitative method used in this research with online surveys as data collection methods....
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Financial Resources on Executive Remuneration: Evidence from IDX 30 Companies at the Indonesian Stock Exchange
Widayanto Widayanto, Mone S. Andrias
This study aims to examine the impact of financial resources, i.e., assets, revenue, and profit on executive (board of directors and commissioner) remuneration. The data were collected from a listed company on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016–2020. The listed companies as research samples are those...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Onboarding on Job Performance Through the Mediating Role of Employee Creativity
Nuzulul Ilma, Putri Mega Desiana
The onboarding process has been found to provide long-term benefits to employee productivity. The method has gradually shifted to online, offline, or blended learning. In supporting the adaptation process, companies need human resources who can make changes for new employees who still need much adjustment...
Proceedings Article
Policy Parameters in the Development of Strategic Management of Candidates for the New Autonomous Region of South Tasikmalaya Regency
Demi Hamzah Rahadian, Agus Rahayu, Vanessa Gaffar
This study aims to explain the parameters of the preparation area for the expansion of the southern Tasik region and develop a regional development strategy. Tasikmalaya Regency, as one of the regencies with a large area and population, has many problems related to accessibility and equitable welfare...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Workplace Spirituality on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Mediating Role of Affective Commitment
A Study on FMCG Employees in Jakarta Metropolitan Area
Kanthi Tresnaning Widhi, Putri Mega Desiana
In a dynamic and competitive business environment, extra-work behaviors of the employees are needed to sustain the firm’s performance. There are some extra-work behaviors that bring many positive impacts to individual and firms’ performance, one of which is organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)....
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Ethical Leadership and Work Meaningfulness on Performance: Reviewing Work Engagement as a Mediator
Jeffrey Ivan Vincent, Riani Rachmawati
Employee evaluation of managers will provide an assessment of ethical leadership styles because employees work closely with their superiors so that they know the behavior and performance of leaders. The level of work involvement possessed by individuals in a job is an important aspect that affects the...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Recruitment and Selection System on Improving Employee Performance at PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Medan
Yovita Noor Hidayah Sitanggang, A. Rahim Matondang, Nazaruddin
The recruitment and selection process is a process of finding, selecting, and determining potential employees in accordance with the needs, requirements, and culture of the company. Companies must be meticulous in the procurement of recruitment process activities and selection of prospective employees...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Compensation and Organizational Culture on Palm Oil Employees’ Productivity at Pt. Cakra Daya Sukses, Sekadau – West Kalimantan
Amarullah Salim Harahap, A. Rahim Matondang, Iskandarini
Plantation companies in carrying out their activities cannot be separated from the support of human resources to achieve success because human resources are the main force in the plantation sector in all main lines of work. The resolution of various problems that occur in human resources must be handled...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Innovation and Participation on Employee’s Job Satisfaction with Psychological Ownership as Mediation Variable in Wedding Decoration Business Registered in Associations of Decoration Service Entrepreneurs Indonesia (ASPEDI) in Sumatera Utara
Febriza, Yeni Absah, Rulianda Purnomo Wibowo
This research aims at employees registered with the Associations of Decoration Service Entrepreneurs Indonesia (ASPEDI) in Sumatera Utara. Job satisfaction is a factor that is affected by innovation and employee participation. This study used quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to 69...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Influence of Leadership and Competence on Career Development Through Self-Actualization at PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat X
Roy Zonatan Siagian, Harmein Nasution, Linda T. Maas
This study aimed to determine the effect of leadership and competence on career development through employee actualization. This study uses primary data from the questionnaires’ results and secondary data from company archive data. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative, which describes...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Performance Target Achievement of Pt. Rahmat Tunas Karya Citra Mandiri Padang Sidempuan
Zainal Abidin Nasution
This study aims to describe and analyze performance and determine what factors affect PT. Rahmat Tunas Karya Cipta Mandiri Padang Sidempuan’s employees’ performance. The achievement of performance targets is one of the crucial things in an organization to determine the extent to which the work plan targets...
Proceedings Article
Leadership Challenge in Maintaining the Travel Business During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Ina Veronika Ginting, Rafif Andyka Dzulfiqar, Indriyani Handyastuti, Andri Faskal Tarigan, Melani Angelina, Trizmayanti Putri Nugraha
The leadership of travel agents needs to respond to the crisis of the impact of Covid-19 in maintaining the travel business. This requires the professional ability of the company’s leadership to maintain the business. Some travel agents who can survive are also trying to find strategies to create positive...
Proceedings Article
Explaining Factors that Determine Individual Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Level at Work: Empirical Study on Working Women in Indonesia
Maureen Olivia, Elok Savitri Pusparini
This study aims to determine the effect of workload and supervisor support on job satisfaction, life satisfaction, anxiety, and depression with work-life balance as a mediator. The research data was collected using an online questionnaire and found 743 female workers in the Greater Jakarta area with...
Proceedings Article
Resilience and Career Commitment on Millennial Employee: A Moderated Mediation Model of Work Engagement and Role Modelling
Theodora Stefany, Elok Savitri Pusparini
The purpose of this research is to broaden the understanding of how resilience influences employee career commitment in the world of work mediated by work engagement and moderated by role modelling. A quantitative study using an online questionnaire was conducted on 415 millennial generation respondents...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Work Environment and Reward Programs on Turnover Intentions Through Work Loyalty at PT. Metallic Bara Synergy, Jambi
Siti Vania Wildhanie Wallad, Meilita Tryana Sembiring, Vivi Gusrini Ramadani Pohan
This study aims to analyze the influence of Work Environment and Reward Programs on Turnover Intentions through Work Loyalty. The research method used is a quantitative description with Path Analysis in answering the research hypothesis. The population in this study is all employees, with a total of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Communication, Motivation, and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at Bank ABC Unit Credit Operational Medan
Alif Kurnia Daud, Abdul Rahim Matondong, Linda Tri Murni Maas
Employee performance determines a company’s progress because performance is significant in the organization’s efforts to achieve goals. If employees have good performance, it will undoubtedly benefit the company and vice versa. This study aimed to examine and analyze the effect of communication, motivation,...
Proceedings Article
Deviations in Employee Behaviour While Working from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period
Ervina Handayani, Budi W. Soetjipto
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed people’s working way, including in Engineering, Construction, and Procurement (EPC), therefore many EPC companies in Indonesia implement work-from-home policies. This research was intended to determine deviations in employee behavior while working from...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Readiness for Change on Employee Performance with Motivation as Intervening Variable (Study on Frontliner Employees at State-Owned Enterprise Bank Branch Offices in North Sumatra)
Ika Sri Hartini, Meilita Tryana Sembiring, Isfenti Sadalia
This study examined the influences of self-efficacy and readiness for change on the performance of employees through motivation. This research was a quantitative study with a path analysis model. The analysis method used was a questionnaire method. As many as 572 frontline employees of Bank X, a State-Owned...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Organizational Commitment and Employee Engagement on Civil Servants’ Performance in Tasikmalaya, West Java
Deddy Mulyana, Eeng Ahman, Rofi Rofaida
This study aims to investigate the impact of organizational commitment, employee engagement, and mental workload on the performance of civil servants in the Tasikmalaya City Government. The study conducted a quantitative approach with the civil servants in the Tasikmalaya government. A total of 115 respondents...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Organizational Support, and Workplace Stress on Turnover Intention
Farid Ramadhan, Yasmine Nasution
This study analyses the effect of emotional intelligence and perceived organizational support on the level of turnover intention with workplace stress as a mediating variable. The samples in this study were 121 employees at an energy company in Indonesia through online questionnaires. The data analysis...
Proceedings Article
Does Transformational Leadership Impact Individual Readiness for Change and Resilience with Psychological Empowerment as Mediator?
Study in Indonesian Construction and Infrastructure Companies
Werdhi Hanartari Mangundjaya, Fanny Martdianty
This study explores the relationship between transformational leadership, individual readiness to change and resilience with psychological empowerment as a mediator. The data collection involves Indonesian Construction and Infrastructure companies’ employees. The method used in this research was structural...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Employee Discipline and Competency on Employee Performance at PT. Prima Indonesia Logistik in Belawan City
Maulana Hanif, Meilita Tryana Sembiring, Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring
This research focused on determining and analyzing the influence of Employee Discipline, Competency on Employee’s Performance at PT. Prima Indonesia Logistik in Belawan City. As one of the subsidiaries of PT Pelindo (persero), a Stated-owned Company (BUMN), which is engaged in logistics services operating...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Organization’s Climate and Rewards, as well as Effects on Achieving Motivation for Educational Staff at University of Sumatera Utara
Yani Arifiani Lubis, Yeni Absah, Isfenti Sadalia
Education staff are an important factor in assisting with implementing educational activities. Education staff with dedication and high achievements are required to enhance educational services. Based on these considerations, this study intends to analyze the impact of organizational climate and rewards...
Proceedings Article
Examining the Moderating Role of Workload: The Impact of Soft Skill and Transformational Leadership on Frontliner
Agung Khresna Waskito Hutabarat, Elisabet Siahaan, Prihatin Lumbanraja
Employee performance is a very important element in a company’s operational activities, high employee performance will encourage the achievement of company performance which can be assessed from financial or non-financial aspects. In the banking industry, the level of employee performance is assessed...
Proceedings Article
Study of Factor Influencing Work Engagement During Covid-19 Pandemic (Empirical Study on Employees from Various Sectors in Indonesia)
Nisrina Priyandani, Elok Savitri Pusparini
The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the way people live. Social restrictions caused significant changes to the communication and work methods for employees by implementing a hybrid system in the form of working from home and working from the office. Working online without work-life balance can have a negative...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Work Overload on Job Embeddedness with Quality of Work Life as an Intervening Variable at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, Medan Imam Bonjol
Putri Julianti Girsang, Yenny Absah, Ruliandra Purnomo
This study aims to determine whether work overload affects the quality of work life. Does work overload affect job embeddedness? Does the quality of work life affect job embeddedness? Does work overload affect job embeddedness with quality of work life as an intervening variable? The data analysis technique...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Certification, Motivation, and Teacher’s Performance at SMK Swasta Harapan Stabat
Bayu Pancarani Kesuma Negara Dayli, Meilita Tryana Sembiring, Iskandarini
The teacher certification program has been implemented since 2007 after issuing National Education Regulations Nomor 18 Tahun 2007 concerning Teacher Certification. This certification program is implemented to increase teacher competence as professional educators. A certification is a form of recognition...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Organizational Climate and Employee Training on Employee Performance with Innovative Work Behavior as an Intervening Variable in North Sumatera Provincial Manpower Office
Nurul Huda, Iskandarini, Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang
The problem faced by the Nation, especially in North Sumatera, is the difference between the small number of workers and the availability of employment opportunities. Likewise, the welfare of workers and the placement of workers in North Sumatra which has decreased. Therefore, to overcome the challenges...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of the Role of the North Sumatera Province Communication and Information Office in Handling Hoax Information
Christian Alesi Tamado Pasaribu, Harmein Nasution, Linda Trimurni Maas
Technological developments in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 have had a significant impact on people’s lives. The positive impact is increasing public knowledge of mass media technology and social media via the internet so that information can be easily obtained and accessed quickly. In addition...
Proceedings Article
Digital Transformation: Opportunities or Threats for Civil Servant Career Path
Devi Nafiana, Eeng Ahman, Rofi Rofaida
Limited mobility due to health protocols regarding the Covid-19 pandemic forced every sector to carry out digital transformations within their organizations. Likewise, with the public administration service sector and government bureaucracy, the pandemic has also become a trigger and encouragement for...
Proceedings Article
Analyze the Effect of Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Reward on Improving the Employees’ Performance at Pt. Trakindo Utama Medan Branch
Najla Atika, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Meilita Tryana Sembiring
This study aimed to determine the factors that affect the performance of employees within an organization. These factors include motivation, self-efficacy, and reward. To analyze and explain the effect of motivation, self-efficacy, and reward partially and the effect of motivation, self-efficacy, and...
Proceedings Article
Sustaining Organizational Change Trajectory: The Role of Charismatic Rhetoric Leadership Model Towards Turnover Intention During Organizational Changes
Shanty Herawastuti, Yasmine Nasution
Organizational life has become an inevitable feature of various changes. The COVID-19 Pandemic shows that organizations are forced to be ready to respond and adapt to any unexpected changes when they are abruptly faced with the condition of changing existing operating standards as well as structures....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Leadership, Motivation, and Compensation on Employee Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at Pt Bpr Npb 22 Binjai
Armudin Purba, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Meilita Tryana Sembiring
Employee turnover has a negative impact on the organization, which can be seen from the organization’s instability in terms of workforce and the increase in human resource costs in the form of training costs that have been invested in employees to the cost of recruitment and retraining. This research...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Training on Employability and Its Implications on Employee Performance: A Case Study on Hotel Employees in Bandung
M. Masharyono, S. H. Senen, S. Kevin
This study aims to determine the effect of training on employability and its implications for employee performance. The research method used is quantitative. The unit of analysis is Horison Hotel Bandung employees, with as many as 78 respondents. Data was collected using an online questionnaire (google...
Proceedings Article
Evaluating the Working Performance of Tuberculose Program Managers Study Case in Tasikmalaya, West Java
Abdulah Mubarok Dadang, Syamsul Hadi Senen, Isti Kumalasari
Long treatment and high dropout rates require responsible staff’s commitment to preventing and supervising patients taking medication. This study analyzes the correlation of leadership, motivation, and climate organization on the work performance of Tuberculose (TB) program managers in Tasikmalaya. This...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Performance Appraisal System in Public Sector: New Line Managers’ Perspective
Indah Fitriana Astuti, Riani Rachmawati
Performance appraisal in an organization is a way to measure the actual achievement of performance compared to targets or goals that are determined regularly. Performance appraisal affects employment prospects, educational possibilities, compensation, and interpersonal interactions. This study employed...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Social Networking Sites Users: LinkedIn in Obtaining Career Benefits
Lazuardyna Ulfa Ramadhanty, Elok Savitri Pusparini
This study further explores networking behavior using LinkedIn Social Networking Sites (SNS) related to personal characteristics, specifically Extraversion and Protean Career Orientation traits, in obtaining career benefits. Using a sample that focuses on LinkedIn users in Indonesia aged 25–34 years...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Psychological Capital, Work Stress, and Exchange of Leaders on Work Productivity Mediated by Health Protocol Compliance
Kurniawan Eka Prayudha, Budi W. Soetjipto
The Covid-19 pandemic situation requires employees to implement health protocols in the work environment as a way to reduce the potential for transmission. This study aims to analyze the influence of psychological capital, work stress, and leader-member exchange on employee productivity in the PT KAI...
Proceedings Article
Workload Analysis of Employee Needs at PT. Jamkrindo Medan Branch Office
Dina Harinanda, Meilita Tryana Sembiring, Rulianda Purnomo Wibowo
This study aims to find out how many employees need in each section of PT. Jamkrindo Medan Branch Office. The method used in this study is the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) method which aims to determine the level of workload on employees and the number of employees needed. Based on the results of measuring...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Job Insecurity as an Impact of Restructuring of a Merger of Four-Port State-Own Enterprises on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention with Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable
Fina Belia Bestari, Iskandarini, Abdillah Arif Nasution
Organizational changes (mergers, downsizing, reorganization, and new technology) will be a source of threat to employees and raises the perception of job insecurity. Extensive restructuring can encourage career plateaus, resulting in decreased performance, commitment, motivation, job satisfaction, and...
Proceedings Article
Workload Analysis in Determining the Number of Employees of the Engineer Division and Development Division at Belawan Container Service Company
Alvin, Nazaruddin, Meilita Tryana Sembiring
The purpose of this research is to analyze the working time of the employees using the Work Sampling method and balance the workload by analyzing the number of employee needs for the engineer division and development division with the Full-Time Equivalent method. The results of this research indicate...
Proceedings Article
Health Communication in the Digital Age in Disease Prevention Efforts Dengue Fever (DB) in Tasikmalya City
Asep Hendra Hendriana, Syamsul Hadi Senen, Rofi Rofaida
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas. This disease is an acute febrile disease caused by the dengue virus, which causes headaches, pain in the eyes, muscles, and joints to spontaneous bleeding. The Indonesian Ministry of Health recorded...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of the Mental Workload on Procurement and General Affairs Department Employees at PTPN IV Directors Office Medan
Master of Management Universitas Sumatera Utara
Yoga Wahyu Priambudi Harahap, Harmein Nasution, Linda Trimurni Maas
Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero) is a state-owned enterprise that is engaged in the agro-industry business field. The purpose of this research is to analyze the mental workload of employees and determine the cause of the mental workload with the fishbone diagram method. The population of this study...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Job Performance, Trust in Leadership, and Innovative Work Behavior with Work Engagement as a Mediating Variable
Yoga Perdana Hidayat, Yasmine Nasution
This study discusses the role of leaders in controlling the pace of the organization towards the future with the aim of understanding awareness of environmental needs and preparing organizational change strategies. Leaders with a transformational leadership style can strengthen understanding and fairness...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Workplace Spirituality Toward Public Service Motivation with Employee Well-Being, Organizational Identification, and Workforce Agility as Mediating Variable
Muhammad Hafiz Sidik Pulungan, Fanny Martdianty
Public Sector Organizations played a major role in a country’s policy towards the handling and the recovery of the COVID-19 pandemic impact, making maintaining Public Service Motivation (PSM) would be vital to delivering effective policy. This article examines Public Service Motivation (PSM) and Employee...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Employee Discipline and Working Environment in Improving Employee Performance at CV. Rahmad Syariah Swalayan
Adri Yani Lifia, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Meilita Tryana Sembiring
Optimal performance is required to achieve organizational goals because all current corporate activities and policies fully support it. Researchers conducted this study in a supermarket in Padang Sidempuan, North Sumatra. This study was conducted to see whether employee discipline and work environment...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Pedagogic Competence and Self-Efficacy of Knowledge Donating in Sinar Sentosa Education Foundation
Boy Raja Sianturi, Iskandarini, Vivi Rahmadhani Pohan
This study aimed at investigating the effect of pedagogic competence and self-efficacy on knowledge donating. The method used in this research is a survey by distributing questionnaires to 58 teachers who work at the Sinar Sentosa Education Foundation. The result shows that pedagogic competence and self-efficacy...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Social Media Communication on Employee Innovative Work Behavior: Mediating Role of Work Engagement
Hanisa Amalina, Elok Savitri Pusparini
This research aims to examine the influence of social media communication based on two kinds of communication, work-related and non-work-related, on employee innovative work behavior. A quantitative research method was used on 385 employees as samples to achieve the objective of this research. The data...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Management in Improving the College of Health’s Performance
Tarjuman, Agus Rahayu, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
Colleges in the field of health have begun to develop knowledge management strategies. They begin to have a good understanding of how to manage and optimize knowledge assets. This study explored various factors that help or hinder competitive advantage through knowledge management in health colleges....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Work Environment and Work Stress on Perumda Tirtawening Employees Performance Bandung
Syamsul Hadi Senen, N. Ramadhanti, E. Tarmedi, Masharyono, Ridwan Purnama
This study aims to describe the work environment and work stress on employee performance. The design of this study was cross-sectional using a descriptive approach through quantitative methods. The unit of analysis was the employees of Perumda Tirtawening Bandung as many as 133 respondents. A questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Work Discipline, Leadership Style, and Training on Employee Performance at PT Fuji Bijak Prestasi
Chyndi Dwi Putri Kurnia, Mokhamad Anwar
Nothing is static in the corporate environment because everything must change. Changes brought on by dynamic and competitive environmental conditions will be more impactful. The company will struggle to compete with other businesses if it does not have competent human resources to back it up. Analyzing...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Lecturer Performance Through Organizational Citizenship
Ratih Hurriyati, Ana, Afero Ismail, Sulastri, Lisnawati
The purpose of this study is to describe improving the performance of lecturers through organizational citizenship behavior. The methodology in this study uses descriptive analysis with quantitative methods. The object of research is lecturers at education-based universities in Indonesia and Malaysia,...
Proceedings Article
The Ambiguity of Information Over the Paris Fashion Week on the Trust of Ms Glow Resellers
Halimah Zahrah, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
This study derives from an issue of information ambiguity that became a polemic in the community due to the false information posted on Instagram by MSGLOW. The public claimed that this brand deceived them by stating that it would participate in The Paris Fashion Week event while it only participated...
Proceedings Article
Operation Process Integration Using Supplier Selection, Supply Chain Agility and Logistic Management to Optimize Corporate Performance Based on Enterprise Resource Strategic
Umari Abdurrahim Abi Anwar, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo
Operations process integration is an important strategy in optimizing corporate performance. The rapidly changing environment becomes a big challenge for companies in managing their operating processes and resources so that they are able to work optimally. Effective and efficient operations process integration...
Proceedings Article
Performance Analysis of MSME in Improving Bank Indonesia Program for the Development of North Sumatera Regional Office
Faid Akbar Purba, Sukaria Sinulingga, Sugiharto Pujangkoro
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have an important and strategic role in the development of the national economy. MSMEs not only play a role in economic growth and employment, but also in distributing results development. Bank Indonesia representative of North Sumatra is the Central Bank...
Proceedings Article
Business Strategy Through SWOT Analysis in Implementing Loan Origination System to Improve Bank’s Business Performance (Case Study at Mortgage Credit)
Harmansyah Nasution, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari, Erwin Yulianto, Ryan Nurgraha
The use of information systems and technology in the banking environment is increasing and expanding, especially in competing and gaining a competitive advantage. The loan management process, such as collecting information and verifying applicants regarding personal data, income data, and collateral...
Proceedings Article
Company Strategy Formulation Approach Through Organizational Structure Transformation to Optimize Business Performance
Irwan Triherda Permana, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari, Erwin Yulianto, Ryan Nurgraha
The era of digitalization is an era that cannot be avoided anymore. Starting from the Industry 1.0 revolution to the current 4.0, where the digitalization era has transformed every aspect of people’s lives, including the banking industry, towards digital. Consumer trends, government policies, regulators,...
Proceedings Article
Identifying the Key Successful Factors of Indonesia Start-Up Using Text Network Analysis
Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Grisna Anggadwita
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted many industries but has also fuelled their growth. Many start-ups in Indonesia, in particular, are benefiting from the changing business environment. The purpose of this study is to explore the key factors that Indonesian start-up founders need to consider at the early...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Values and Subjective Norms on Entrepreneurial Intentions
Kurjono, Dian Herdiana Utama, Badria Muntashofi
This study aims to determine the influence of entrepreneurial values and subjective norms on entrepreneurial intentions. The grand theory of this research is the Planned Behavior Theory from Ajzen. The research method used was the Explanatory Survey Method. The population is Accounting Education students...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing the Capabilities of Village Owned Enterprises (VOEs/BUMDES) to Increase the Village Economies; An Empirical Studies from VOEs/BUMDES in Tangerang
Nila Krisnawati, Tabligh Permana
The study aims to analyze the general condition of VOEs and their main potential product/characteristic in Tangerang Regency and to deliver the Gap Analysis by the Village Own Enterprises (BUMDes) in Tangerang Regency. The methodology used was an in-depth interview through a Focused Group Discussion...
Proceedings Article
Investor Type and Innovative Performance: Regional Characteristics as a Moderating Variable
Suci Lestari Hakam, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Muhamad Adhi Nugroho
Start-ups require external investment to accelerate growth and scale up their businesses. Many works of literature discussed the types of investors and their influence on start-up innovation performance. However, previous literature neglected the influence of the regional characteristics of each start-up....
Proceedings Article
Competitive Strategy Through Collaborative Value Creation and Digital Innovation Food of MSMEs
Megha Sakova, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo
Value creation and digital innovation are two of the ways that can be considered in the competitive strategy of traditional food SMEs in Garut Regency. In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, traditional food MSMEs experienced a decline in sales because the number of tourists visiting Garut Regency decreased...
Proceedings Article
Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness of Intention in Shopping Online Bandung
Mohamad Reza Nurpratama, Ratih Hurriyati, Aceng Gima Sugiama, Bambang Widjajanta, Rini Larasati Irawan
Due to the various conveniences that appear now, online shopping has penetrated people’s lives with various functions that accompany online shopping. Based on this, this study reveals how much consumers expect the benefits (perceived usefulness) from the convenience (perceived ease of use) of online...
Proceedings Article
Role Conflict – Job Resources Impact on Emotional Exhaustion: Work-Family Conflict as Mediator
Cecylia Mauri Napitupulu, Putri Mega Desiana
In the working environment, job characteristics such as high job demands and low resources impact workers’ emotional exhaustion, including Public Accountant workers. During COVID-19, Public Accountant workers should change their work method to working from home (WFH). While using this job method, workers...
Proceedings Article
Innovation Capability Strategy: How Does the Culinary Industry Deal with Business Sustainability Case Study on Culinary SMEs in Padang
Alfattory Rheza Syahrul, Syailendra Eka Saputra, Hari Mulyadi, Chairul Furqon
The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of the innovation capability strategy in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)-based culinary businesses in Padang. Many SMEs-based business actors have a short operational life, and one of the factors triggering this phenomenon is the...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Human Capital, Social Capital, and Financial Capital on Micro and Small Business (MSE) Survival: A Study in DKI Jakarta
Meliza Meliza, Ruslan Prijadi
The most important pillar of the Indonesian economy is SMEs. According to data, there were 64.2 million SMEs in 2018 and they contributed 61.07% of the GDP, or 8,573.89 trillion rupiahs to the economy. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 resulted in severe economic losses across the country...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Strengthening Digital Transformation and Implementation of Telemedicine in Accelerating Health Center Performance
Arif Prianto, Agus Rahayu, Vanessa Gaffar, Lili Adiwibowo
The problems studied by the author are related to digital transformation by transforming the organization of the Puskesmas in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. This study aims to find out how to optimize the digital transformation strategy by implementing telemedicine in puskesmas services in the Covid-19...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Partnership Ecosystem for Sustainable Superior Performance for MSMEs
Irvan Husein Kusumah, Agus Rahayu, Vanessa Gaffar, Lili Adiwibowo
This paper extends the strategic partnership ecosystem theory by testing how aspects of the local business environment affect micro, small medium enterprises into superior sustainable performance. The background of the research begins with changes in the global, domestic and regional strategic environment...
Proceedings Article
Dynamic Governance Model: An Approach to Sustainable Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia
Arvian Triantoro, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Iqbal Lhutfi
This study aims to analyze dynamic governance utilized to alleviate poverty in many governments in various nations. This study is expected to fill a research gap and contribute to the literature on the use of dynamic governance for poverty alleviation. This study uses a qualitative research design. A...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Sustainable Entrepreneur Competencies on Soybean-Based MSEs Business Sustainability
Ardika Sulaeman, Susanti Kurniawati
This research is triggered by the low business sustainability of soybean-based MSEs in West Java. There is a decreasing number of MSEs in the soybean-based food industry, high cases of environmental pollution, and labor and industrial conflicts within the community. The COVID-19 pandemic with the policy...
Proceedings Article
Productization of Services as a Growth Strategy for Aircraft MRO Company
Jemsly Hutabarat, B. Yuliarto Nugroho, Martani Huseini
This paper is intended to contribute directly to recent business aviation undergoing enormous changes, especially with the pandemic-19 and war, as well as rapid technological changes. The purpose of this paper’s preliminary survey and review is to analyze and look for alternative strategies for aircraft...
Proceedings Article
The Exploration of Staycation Innovation Based on the Local Culture: An Analysis of Digital Promotion
Anang Sutono, Hari Ristanto, Kennan Pramudia Cipta, Dear Illiyin Pratiwi, Mann Manda, Yehezkiel Antonius, M. Rizky Faturrahman
This study aims to present a tourist profile related to ideas, perceptions, and opinions to build and develop innovative staycation activities and digital marketing at Kawah Putih Ciwidey based on the local culture. This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The data collection...
Proceedings Article
Strategies for Halal Industry Development Through Strengthening Global Competitive Halal MSMEs of Tasikmalaya Municipality
Agus Wahyudin, Syarip Hidayat
MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) play an important strategic role in developing a nation’s economy. The national government highly considers this strategic role in developing the national sharia economy. Tasikmalaya Municipality, as part of West Java province, which has a great opportunity...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Business Capital on the Development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Garut Regency
Nizar Alam Hamdani, Fitri Widianingsih, Sukma Nugraha, Anggun Oktavia Herlianti
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises is a general terminology that refers to enterprises possessed by people or business entities that met the criteria set by the law. Meanwhile, income is one factor that can measure a business’s success rate. However, based on a survey conducted by researchers on MSE...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Knowledge on Business Success in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
Nizar Alam Hamdani, Anita Fatimah
The impact of entrepreneurial knowledge on business success in micro, small, and medium enterprises is discussed in this study. This study uses entrepreneurial knowledge as an independent variable and business success as the dependent variable. The sample of this research was the owners of micro, small,...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Product Innovation on Competitive Advantage in the Beverage Business
Nizar Alam Hamdani, Rifan Rahmat Ramdani
This study discusses the Effect of Product Innovation on Competitive Advantage in Beverage Business. The researchers used a causal research design with a survey type of 58 respondents who were consumers The data analysis technique used is a linear regression test using the SPSS version...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance at PT. Hoga Mutual Garment
Nizar Alam Hamdani, Novi Ardiyani, Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani, Asri Solihat
This study aims to determine how the organizational culture at the company affects worker performance. This study employed quantitative research and a survey of 58 participants who worked at PT Hoga Mutual Garment. The IBM SPSS Statistics 25 tool was used to perform a straightforward linear regression...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Innovation Strategies on Competitive Advantage in the Creative Industry of Garutan Batik Shops
Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani, Siti Aisah, Intan Permana, Nizar Alam Hamdani
One of the industries in Indonesia that is expanding the quickest is the creative one, particularly in Garut. Batik is one of the traditional Indonesian handicrafts that has gained popularity worldwide. This study investigates how Toko Barik Garutan’s competitive advantage in the creative business is...
Proceedings Article
Gastronomy Tourism: Local Food and Tourism Experience in Bandung
Irma Citra Resmi, Wawan Dhewanto, Dina Dellyana
Gastronomy Tourism is currently developing rapidly and has become one of the most creative and dynamic segments in the field of tourism. Bandung, one of three places designated as a gastronomy tourism destination in Indonesia besides Bali and Joglosemar, has a very attractive gastronomy Tourism Destination....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Salary on Employee’s Performance: A Study in Central Java
Sukma Nugraha, Silvi Haerunisa Dwi Putri, Teten Mohamad Sapril Mubarok, Nizar Alam Hadani
This study aims to analyze how salaries in Central Java affect workers’ productivity. Salary is the independent variable in this analysis. Employee performance is the dependent variable. The study’s sample consists of Central Java employees. Convenience sampling, a non-probability sampling method, was...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Hospital Performance Based on Balanced Scorecard in Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Singaparna Medika Citrautama (SMC) Tasikmalaya
Cecep Nurul Yakin
The Singaparna Medita Citrautama Regional General Hospital (SMC) in Tasikmalaya Regency is a hospital that seeks to improve the quality of human resources that are competitive, have good character and are ready to become a mainstay general hospital in referral health services, providing quality, friendly,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Knowledge on the Performance of MSME Employees in Garut
Lindayani, Hazrina Nabila, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Agus Supriatna
This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Employee Performance. This study discussed the influence of Entrepreneurial Knowledge on the Performance of MSME Employees in Garut. Researchers used a causal study design on 58 respondents with simple...
Proceedings Article
Etawa Goat’s Milk-Based Product as Gastronomic Tourism Development Strategy
Made Citra Yuniastuti, Selvi Novianti, Sandra Sanggramasari, Tristy Firlyanie Luthfi
Gastronomic tourism aims to ensure tourists can experience the fulfillment of eating and drinking as a whole entity, starting from the preparation process to the final stage when food and beverages are served and consumed. The main goal in developing gastronomic tourism within tourism areas is to provide...
Proceedings Article
Community Satisfaction Analysis of Public Services Case Study: Development Planning Agency, Regional Research, and Development of Tasikmalaya City
Andriana Revaldhi, Alfira Sofia, Vanessa Gaffar
One measure of success in providing services to a government organization is determined by the level of satisfaction of service recipients. This study aims to determine the level of community satisfaction with the services provided by the Research and Development Planning Agency for the City of Tasikmalaya....
Proceedings Article
Achieving Innovation Performance: Do Entrepreneurial Technology Opportunism, Organizational Readiness, and Environmental Dynamism Matter?
Ahmad Johan, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of entrepreneurial technology opportunism on innovation performance through organizational readiness as a mediator and environmental dynamism as moderator. This study was carried out using a quantitative approach. The population of this study was...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on Student’s Entrepreneurship Interest in Entrepreneurship Faculty of Universitas Garut
Nala Abwamiah, Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani, Lindayani, Nizar Alam Hamdani
The interest in entrepreneurship in Indonesia is very low, which includes the quality of the role of universities is not good, allegedly as a result of education and implementation that is not optimal, resulting in a lack of interest in student entrepreneurship. This study aims to empirically observe...
Proceedings Article
Selection of Proper Well Candidates for Well Intervention Job Using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) Method
Ali Mashar, Pri Hermawan
Oil and gas wells are essential assets for oil and gas companies. However, this oil and gas production will naturally decline, especially if it has passed the peak stages of production. In addition to natural factors from the condition of oil and gas reserves on the earth, external factors also influence...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning as a Marketing Strategy at Mother and Child Hospital of Bunda Aisyah
Nadia Hanarita Rahayu, Tjutju Yuniarsih, Vanessa Gaffar, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
This study describes segmentation, targeting, and positioning as a marketing strategy. In order to fulfill the availability of hospitals, increase access to health services and face high competition in hospitals located in the city of Tasikmalaya, a marketing strategy is needed that can support the vision...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Model Based on Digital Innovation in Building MSME Resilience in Bandung City
S. Sulastri, H. Mulyadi, D. Disman, H. Hendrayati
This study aims to identify the determinant factors in increasing the resilience of MSME businesses in Bandung. Previous research related to relevant environmental factors in building business resilience has been widely carried out, but the research conducted to build MSME business resilience has not...