Proceedings of the 2nd UPY International Conference on Education and Social Science (UPINCESS 2023)
82 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Ari Kusuma Wardana
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [UPINCESS] during [Wednesday, September 27, 2023] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Virtual Conference]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [UPINCESS Reviewers] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms...
Proceedings Article
Challenges for SMEs During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Importance of Innovation and Digitalization
Dekeng Setyo Budiarto, Adi Prasetyo, Gulam Hazmin
Even though SMEs have significantly contributed to economic growth, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many businesses in this sector failing. Therefore, the right strategy is needed so that they can deal with environmental changes. This research will test whether digitalization and innovation significantly...
Proceedings Article
Consumer Involvement, Consumer Brand Engagement and Self Brand Connection Users of Food and Beverage Delivery Service Applications
Latifah Putranti, Pradita Nindya Aryandha, Hapsari Dyah Herdiany, Priskia Ayu Wulandari
Consumers are consciously involved in a relationship with a food and beverage delivery service application, then actively contribute cognitively, affectively, and activate the application, which in turn makes consumers make the food and beverage delivery service application part of their identity. This...
Proceedings Article
Does Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Research and Development Investment Affect Financial Performance?
Tri Siwi Nugrahani, Fitri Susilowati, Galih Tri Astuti, Lintang Dinda Saputri
This research aims to determine the relationship between corporate governance, social responsibility, and research and development investment on the financial performance of property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2016-2019. The research sampling technique uses a purposive...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Authenticity’s: A Driver of Trust
Adhi Prakosa, Galuh Mira Saktiana
At the present time, there is intense competition in the coffee industry. To overcome the high competition and maintain consumer loyalty, marketers must consider the unique characteristics of young consumers. This study aims to examine the impact of differences in consumer attitudes based on demographic...
Proceedings Article
Financial Literacy: Study Based on Perceptions of E-wallet Users in Indonesia on Social Media
Helmi Adiningtyas, Tri Widarmanti, Aldilla Iradianty
Over the last several decades, technological advancement has resulted from a significant shift in customer habits and preferences, such as a cashless society. These tendencies support the massive growth of e-wallets such as ShopeePay and OVO. To communicate their services to the community of the two...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Product Quality, Attitude, and Price Perception on Souvenir T-Shirt Purchase Behavior in Yogyakarta
Fikri Farhan, Rifqotun Nafiah, Guruh Ghifar Zalzalah, Latifah Putranti
Yogyakarta is one of the provinces in Indonesia most visited by tourists. Apart from traveling, visitors also buy lots of souvenirs. One of the souvenirs that many tourists buy is souvenir t-shirts. In Yogyakarta, there are many souvenir t-shirt manufacturers. Therefore, this study aims to examine the...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Owner’s Perception and Accounting Knowledge towards Use of Accounting Information
Ratna Purnama Sari, Anandita Zulia Putri, Anita Tri Setyaningsih
The portion of MSMEs in the Indonesian economy is quite large. MSMEs is a company that is very popular among business people in Indonesia. This is because running a business is quite simple and does not require significant costs. However, the problem that is often faced by SMEs is the lack of utilization...
Proceedings Article
Agricultural Diesel Motor Maintenance and Repair Training with the Application of a Combined Learning Model between Peer Teaching and Practice Rehearsal Pairs in Sonosewu Farmer Groups
Muhammad Priya Permana, Muhamad Amiruddin
Industrial development also spread to the world’s agricultural sector. The agricultural industry is divided into two parts, namely upstream and downstream. The upstream sector includes the processing of agricultural land up to the harvesting process, while the downstream sector includes the post-harvest...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of the Intensity of Online Learning Media as Tools for Mathematics Teachers
Niken Rahmawati, Padrul Jana, Abdul Aziz Saefudin, Kristina Warniasih, M. M. Endang Susetyawati
During the current pandemic, online learning is one solution to break the chain of spreading the virus. The use of online learning media is needed to support the implementation of online learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the intensity of online learning media used by mathematics teachers...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Students’ Learning Saturation During The Covid-19 Pandemic At Primary School
Siti Maisaroh, Yulia Rahmasari
The purpose of this study was to analyze the students’ learning saturation in terms of emotional exhaustion, physical exhaustion, cognitive fatigue, and loss of motivation of students during the covid-19 pandemic at state primary school of Kradenan, Karanggayam, Kebumen. This method used a descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Audio-Visual Combined Role-Playing Learning Model to Improve Speaking Skills Indonesian Lessons
Mugiyatmi, Sunarti
This study aims to determine whether audio-visual combination role-playing learning affects the speaking ability of fifth-grade students at Pacar Elementary School, Bantul, Yogyakarta. This study used a quasi-experimental quantitative approach using a pretest-posttest design. The population in this study...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of DRTA and CIRC Learning Models in Class IV Elementary School Science Subjects
Juliana Aningtyas, Muhardila Fauziah
The purpose of this research is to determine the difference in IPAS learning achievement between the use of the Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) learning model and Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) and to ascertain which one is more effective in terms of IPAS learning achievement...
Proceedings Article
Cultivating the Potential of the Ocean as a Source of Income for Local Residents
a Literature Review on Seafood Canning as an Effective Method of Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit in Public Elementary School Bungkus, Bantul
Titik Yuliana, Ahmad Agung Yuwono Putro
This research is a literature review that aims to explore the use of seafood canning as an effective method to foster entrepreneurial spirit in SD Negeri Bungkus, Bantul. The research used a literature review approach to investigate the entrepreneurial concepts in the learners, their experience in the...
Proceedings Article
Development of an Instrument to Measure Food Security Literacy Capability of Primary School Students
Dhiniaty Gularso, Okti Purwaningsih, Ari Wibowo
This study aims to produce an instrument for measuring the level of food security literacy ability of 5th grade elementary school students. This type of research is research and development carried out using four of the five stages of the ADDIE model. Instrument development uses two types of validation,...
Proceedings Article
Development TPACK-Based Online Mathematic Instructional Design Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach
Mohammad Auza’i Aqib, Siti Suprihatiningsih, Rizki Kurniawan Rangkuti, Kintoko, Bernadeta Ritawati, Wike Ellissi
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the transition from face-to-face to online-based learning, which will certainly be an alternative in the future. To integrate technology for online learning, pedagogy, technology, and content knowledge are required, including TPACK. There are various TPACK development...
Proceedings Article
Differences in Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Learning Using Discovery Learning and Problem Based Learning Models
Sri Lestari, Hereditus Sujati
This experimental research aims to test whether there are significant differences in mathematics learning outcomes between classes taught using discovery learning and problem – based models of learning. The type of the research is Quasi - experimental research. Research population was the students of...
Proceedings Article
Differentiate and Extracurricular Learning Upgrading the Quality of Education at Panggang Elementary School
Parjiyatmi, Setyo Eko Admojo
This best Practice writing tells of the good experiences that have been carried out by the Principal in the Implementation of the Batch 2 Driving School Program which aims to improve the quality of education at Panggang Elementary School. This best practice was carried out at Panggang Elementary School...
Proceedings Article
Education Quality Issues In Era 4.0
Ika Puji Astuti, Setyo Eko Atmaja
The era of the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, has brought significant changes and challenges to the education sector, especially in terms of the quality of education. This article aims to identify and discuss some of the education quality issues that arise in the era of Industry 4.0,...
Proceedings Article
Education That has Not Matured Studens Impact on Student Delinquency
Nur Anisa’a Hanum, Setyo Eko Atmojo
Student behavior or actions that can cause negative consequences, harm themselves or others, and violations of ethical and communal principles are known as student delinquency. Delinquency in students is also a form of conflict that cannot be resolved properly by the parties. Student delinquency is deviant...
Proceedings Article
Efforts To Improve Mathematics Learning Achievement Addition Material Through Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Type Learning
Hindun Maryatun, Muhardila Fauziah
The purpose of this study was to improve learning outcomes in mathematics addition material for grade I students of SD N Gunungsaren Srandakan Bantul semester 2 of the 2022/2023 school year. This research includes classroom action research. The subjects of this study were all class IA students at SD...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting the Achievement of Numerical Literacy Skills for ABK Inclusive Elementary School Students
M. M. Endang Susetyawati, Danuri
Literacy is the ability of students to understand, use, evaluate, and find information from various types of texts that are used to solve problems and develop their ability to contribute productively in society. Numeracy is the ability of students to use concepts, procedures, facts, and mathematical...
Proceedings Article
Factors of Using Learning Models on Learning Attitudes, Learning Motivation, and Social Studies Learning Achievement
Esti Setiawati, Endang Titik Lestari, Ahmad Agung Yuwono Putro
This study aims to explain the factors of the use of the learning model on learning attitudes, learning motivation, and social studies achievement of the fifth grade elementary school students. The research subjects consisted of 87 students with discovery learning models and 81 students with conventional...
Proceedings Article
Growth Mindset in Mathematics in Junior High School: A Reflection on Students’ Mathematics Learning Activities in a Science Specialization Class
Abdul Aziz Saefudin, Ariyadi Wijaya, Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum
The growth mindset in mathematics is one of the important elements in learning mathematics. With these psychological aspects, students have beliefs that their mathematical intelligence can be developed through an active and diligent mathematics learning process, not being afraid when facing difficulties,...
Proceedings Article
Hypothetical Learning Trajectory Based on Theory of Didactical Situation: An Initial Learning Trajectory Design to Enhance Mathematical Creativity and Resilience
Abdul Aziz Saefudin, Ariyadi Wijaya, Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum
The aim of this study was to formulate an initial Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) aimed at fostering the growth of mathematical creativity and resilience. During the design process, researchers implement the Theory of Didactical Situations, which includes specific phases including action situations,...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Of Character Education For Kadiresa Primary School Students In Lower Economic Families
Character formation starts from the family environment
Rena Dewi Sulistiawati, Muhardila Fauziah
This article is to describe the implementation of character education in elementary schools and parents’ concern for the character education of elementary school students in lower-income families. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that aims to describe the implementation of character education...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Differentiated Learning with Project Based Learning (PjBL) Models in Science Content for Class V Elementary School Student
Rofiana, Sukadari
This study aims to determine the implementation of differentiated learning using the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model in the science content of fifth grade elementary school students. Differentiated learning practices are important to share because differentiated learning can accommodate...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the School Literacy Movement Program (GLS) In SD Negeri Triwidadi Pajangan and SD Negeri Puncak Pajangan
Tri Ningsih, H. Sudjati
Low literacy skills lead to low interest in reading among elementary school students. One of the government's steps in increasing students’ reading interest is with the School Literacy Movement (GLS) program. However, various obstacles arose regarding the implementation of the GLS program. Many...
Proceedings Article
Improvement of Motivation, Courage of Opinion, and Citizenship Learning Results Through the Watusisi Portfolio Learning Model
Salamah, Nurwahyuni
In the learning process in secondary school especially in sains subject requires unique skills and presentation metods so that students can receive the material well. Natural sains subjects become subjects that are considered severe, so it requires a methods that can improve learing motivation and student...
Proceedings Article
Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes Using the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model in Grade IV Students of Kalipucang Elementary School
Risa Aditia Wijaya, Dhiniaty Gularso
This class action research was carried out from the findings experienced by the author when self-reflecting on the learning outcomes of grade IV students of Kalipucang Elementary School. Learning results show that students’ abilities in mathematics lessons are still low, learning activities are monotonous,...
Proceedings Article
Improving Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Social Studies Through the Kunjung Karya Method
Salamah, Ari Istiadi
This study aims to explain the increase in motivation and learning outcomes of social studies subject matter through the work visit method to fourth grade students of SD Negeri Semawung Kembaran, Kutoarjo District, Purworejo Regency for the 2021/2022 academic year. This research is a classroom action...
Proceedings Article
Interactive Power Point Learning Media Based Multilingual Literacy for Children Learning Language
Sri Wiyanah, Siska Candra Ningsih, Juang Kurniawan Syahruzah, Rifki Irawan
The research aimed to produce interactive PowerPoint learning media-based multilingual literacies for valid language learning. The learning media used handphone as technology information in the process of learning. The research implemented the ADDIE model of research and development, Analysis, Design,...
Proceedings Article
Lack of Teacher Professionality
Fahrudin Aribowo, Muhardila Fauziah
We all may have encountered some teachers who were less professional in teaching during our school days. Teachers who are less responsible for their profession, or with teachers who teach bring their life problems to school so that teaching and learning activities become disrupted. Things like that shouldn’t...
Proceedings Article
Learn Fun Multiplication with the Repeated Counting Method Using Cards in Class II
Armi Kholifah, Dhiniaty Gularso
This research was motivated by a problem found in class II of SD Negeri Kalipucang, namely the weak ability of students to solve multiplication arithmetic operations questions. The weak ability of students to calculate operations is due to the learning process being less interesting and the lack of variation...
Proceedings Article
Limited Availability Of Educational Funds
Diah Susilowati, Sunarti
This study aims to determine the impact of limited education funds and the efforts made by schools to overcome limited education funds. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive research is to describe, describe, or illustrate facts in the...
Proceedings Article
Low Quality of Education
Rendahnya Mutu Pendidikan
Eka Susila, Dhiniaty Gularso
The quality of education in elementary schools is very important in the educational development of a country. However, the quality of education at this level is often found to be lower than average. Various factors, such as the quality of teachers, inadequate curricula, lack of facilities and infrastructure,...
Proceedings Article
Macromedia Adobe Flash for Recognizing Letters and Numbers in Children Aged 5-6 Years
Titik Mulat Widyastuti, Herdi Handoko
This research is development research, which aims 1). produce products in the form of Macromedia applications Adobe Flash as a medium for overcoming difficulties in learning to read the beginning of letters and numbers for children aged 5 to 6 years 2) to determine the effectiveness of the program Macromedia...
Proceedings Article
Mathematics Learning Design: Measuring the Volume of a Cube Using Unit Cubes for Elementary School
Esthi Larasati, Siti Maisaroh
This study aims to develop an effective learning design to teach the concept of measuring the volume of a cube to students using the unit cube approach. The research method used is qualitative with a development research design approach. Data in this study were collected through class observations, interviews...
Proceedings Article
Peer Tutoring Method For Improving Learning Achievement In Adding And Subtracting Mixed Fractions At SDN Soka Pundong Bantul Elementary School Academic Year 2022/2023
Ruswanto, Setyo Eko Atmojo
In order to improve student achievement in the academic matter of addition and subtraction of mixed fractions at SDN Soka Pundong Bantul, this study intends to evaluate the effectiveness of the peer tutoring method. A technique called peer tutoring involves having students who are proficient in an area...
Proceedings Article
Realizing Child-Friendly Schools in The Classroom Learning Process
Ika Novitasari, Sunarti
This study aims to discover how to realize child-friendly schools in the learning process in the classroom. The research was conducted at Muhammadiyah Senggotan Elementary School. This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by observation, interview, and documentation...
Proceedings Article
Recognition of Emotions to Increase Student Self-Efficacy in Learning
Rizki Dwi Kurniawati, Ahmad Agung Yuwono Putro
Self-efficacy is a determinant of students’ success in learning. Ignoring the emotional aspect cannot be taken lightly for students’ self-efficacy. This study aims to determine the effect of emotion recognition on students’ self-efficacy in learning. This research is descriptive-analytic using a pre-post...
Proceedings Article
Soft Skills Competency Analysis of Prospective Teacher Students: Self Assessment Profile Review
Esti Setiawati, Palupi Sri Wijayanti
Soft Skills Competency Analysis of Teacher Prospective Students: Self Assessment Profile Review. This study describes how big the soft skills competency profile of prospective teacher students is taken from three study programs. The number of students who filled out the questionnaire was 55 people, who...
Proceedings Article
STEAM For Early Children’s Development Domains
Khikmah Novitasari, Herdi Handoko, Novianti Retno Utami, Arif Wijayanto
STEAM-based curriculum in early childhood can motivate children to conceptualize and explore as well as develop and use existing APE, hone knowledge or cognitive abilities, children’s manipulative and affective development, and apply knowledge simply. This study examines the STEAM learning approach that...
Proceedings Article
Student Character Building Through the 5S Culture (Smile, Greeting, Greeting, Politeness, Courtesy) in Triwidadi Public Elementary School
Ninis Setyaningsih, Ganung Anggraeni
This study aims to describe the implementation of character education through the 5S program (Smile, Greet, Greet, Polite, Courteous) at SDN Triwidadi. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research was conducted at Triwidadi State Elementary School. The subject of this research...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Errors in Solving Geometry Problems of Van Hiele Levels Based on Newman’s Error Hierarchy Model
Venissa Dian Mawarsari, Kintoko, Zaenuri, Iqbal Kharisudin, Abdul Aziz
The mathematical curriculum must include geometry because it helps pupils learn to think geometrically. This is so because geometry has many applications in both literacy and numeracy. One of the attempts undertaken is to identify the students’ geometric thinking level because it is crucial to comprehend...
Proceedings Article
Study of The Impact of Implementing The Pancasila Student Profile Through Morning Culture At SDN Plebengan
Asih Aswandari, Setyo Eko Admojo
The aim of this research is (1) to describe the implementation of the Pancasila Student profile through morning culture at SDN Plebengan. (2) Identifying the impact of implementing the Pancasila Student profile through morning culture at SDN Plebengan. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Needs Analysis in Developing Android Learning Apps to Improve Elementary Students’ Numeracy Literacy Skills
Jayanti Putri Purwaningrum, Latifah Nur Ahyani, Muhammad Sholikhan
The purpose of this research is to identify problems and analyze needs in the development of android learning applications to improve numeracy literacy skills of elementary school students in Kudus Regency. The research used descriptive method with qualitative descriptive technique. The research subjects...
Proceedings Article
Teacher’s Perception of Mathematics Learning with an Online System based on Pedagogic Competence’s Perspective
Marfuah Zumarotul Izzati, Padrul Jana, Rosalia Indriyati Saptatiningsih
The spread of COVID-19 certainly affected the learning process in schools. Therefore, the researchers wanted to know the teacher’s perception of learning mathematics with a pedagogic competency-based system. This research design was a Mixed-Method with an unbalanced mixed research model (Concurrent Embedded...
Proceedings Article
Two-Dimensional Shape in Geometry using Tangram Card Game: Ideas and Implication
Ganung Anggraeni, Laela Sagita, Titis Sunanti, Bintang Wicaksono
Geometry not only about the concept, but also need other skills, such as visualizing, knowing various forms of shape, describing images, and the ability to recognize differences and similarities between flat shape. Contructivism learning is needed equipped with media to be able to make it easier for...
Proceedings Article
The Benefits Of Merdeka Mengajar Platform To Improve Teacher Competence Elementary School
Tuminah, Dhiniaty Gularso
The Merdeka Mengajar Platform (PMM) is a technology to make it easier for teachers to teach, assess students and provide training to improve competence and develop their own creativity. In an all-digital era that brings many challenges to various aspects of human life, technological advances have changed...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Experiental Learning Models In Improving Students’ Understanding And Achievement On The Material Properties Of Light Class V SD
Ratna Wulandari, Muhardila Fauziah
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of applying the Experiential Learning model in increasing students’ understanding and learning achievement results in the material properties of light for class V SD Negeri Soka. This research uses qualitative and quantitative research that applies...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Group Discussion on Understanding Connotative Meaning in Reading of Grade IV Elementary School Students
Arum Puspitha Pertiwi, Ganung Anggraini
Understanding connotative meaning plays a central role in language literacy. This study aimed to investigate the effect of group discussion intervention on grade IV students’ understanding of connotative meaning. This study was conducted at Karanggondang, Bantul Elementary School, in the even semester...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the ICARE Learning Model on Student Computational Skills
Selly Rahmawati, Lilis Nur Kholizah, Ricky Santoso Muharam
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the ICARE learning paradigm, which stands for Introduction, Connection, Application, Reflection, and Extensions, on the computational thinking skills of fifth graders at SDN Tamansari 1. The study was carried out by fifth graders at SDN Tamansari...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Using Virtual Reality Field Trip Video Media on Motivation and Social Studies Learning Results for Middle School Students
Esti Setiawati, Nur Khopsun Wibowo
The purpose of this study was to find out: 1) The effect of using Virtual Reality Field Trip video media on students’ learning motivation in social studies subjects; and 2) The effect of using Virtual Reality Field Trip video media on social studies learning outcomes. The population in this study were...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Cooperative Team Accelerated Instruction Type in Thematic Learning For Grade 5 Students of 1 Sewon Elementary School
Rohmat Nurhadi, Setyo Eko Admojo
The purpose of this study was to show the effectiveness of the TAI-type cooperative method in thematic learning for fifth-grade students of SD N 1 Sewon on: 1) students’ learning motivation in the thematic learning process, and 2) thematic learning achievement. To achieve these objectives, the TAI-type...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Picture Card Games on the Emotional Intelligence of Children Aged 5–6 Years
Novianti Retno Utami, Khikmah Novitasari, Yulian Agus Suminar, Subhan
This study aims to determine the effect of a picture card game on increasing emotional intelligence in children aged 5–6 years at TK Citra Sakti I Cangkringan Sleman. The methodology used in this study was a pretest-posttest one group design experiment. The research sample consisted of 10 children aged...
Proceedings Article
The Role of School Operational Assistance (BOS) in Elementary Schools
Sunardi, Dhiniaty Gularso
Education is a primary need for humanity. Education determines the good and bad qualities of a nation. However, economic factors make it difficult to obtain education for all levels of society. This is because there is quite a lot of funding for education, so that in this case, the development of education...
Proceedings Article
The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education At SD Negeri Kauman Kapanewon Pleret
Siti Khasanatun, Septian Aji Permana
This study explores the role of the school committee in improving the quality of education at SD Negeri Kauman Kapanewon Pleret. This research aims to obtain an overview of the role of the school committee in improving the quality of school education, namely as a consideration provider, as a supporter,...
Proceedings Article
Use of Diorama Media
As an Innovation in Science Learning in Elementary Schools
Rahayu Ika Prasetya, Siti Maisaroh
IPAs is a subject that has many theories that students must memorize. The teacher must find a way to help students memorize the material. One of the media that is used to help students memorize the material in science subjects is to use dioramas. The diorama made is adapted to the material in the Sciences...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of the Paper Mode Quizizz Game in Mathematics Learning at Elementary School
Upik Dwi Cahyati, Siti Maisaroh
Mathematics is a subject that is often considered difficult by most students at the elementary school level. It mustaddressed early because it will affect the child in the next academic career.Educational technology has become one of the solutions that can help improve mathematics learning. One of the...
Proceedings Article
Batik Colek and Batik Celup Through Community: A Prospect of Introducing The STEAM Strategy to The Community
Ganung Anggraeni, Laela Sagita
This training and mentoring program was an effort to introduce the creation for making of batik colek and batik celup shibori to the Padukuhan Kalipucung community, Bangunjiwo village, Kasihan, Bantul, in Yogyakarta, especially through mothers who were members of the PKK/Dasawarsa. The objectives of...
Proceedings Article
Benefits and Challenges of Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Academic Workplace
Muhamad Nurdin Yusuf, Aneu Yulianeu, Dyah Ciptaning Lokiteswara Setya Wardhani, Ifni Izzati Subekti
Diversity and inclusion are important for workplace well-being, yet too little is being done to promote them, particularly among minority groups, meaning that enterprises, workers, and societies are missing out on considerable potential benefits. The goal of this research is to help the reader understand...
Proceedings Article
Ecotourism Experience and Integrated Marketing Communication as an Antecedent of Ecotourism Satisfaction and Ecotourism Intention
Niken Permata Sari, Antonius Satria Hadi, Antonius Satria Hadi
Ecotourism is one of the tourism activities that are environmentally friendly by prioritizing aspects of nature conservation and aspects of socio-cultural-economic empowerment of local communities. The more varied ecotourism destinations in Yogyakarta make researchers interested in researching how marketing,...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Marketing Mix through Social Responsibility on Housing Industry Performance
Vicki Dwi Purnomo
Basically the construction of housing and settlements is the responsibility of the community, while the government's obligation is to guide, regulate and organize guidance as well as provide various assistance and other incentives that can encourage the creation of a more exciting development climate....
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Fulfill Children’s Nutrition Through the Parent Class Program In Elementary School Physical Education Learning
Slamet Santoso, Erik Teguh Prakoso, Shodiq Hutomono, Joko Sulistyono, Muchhamad Sholeh, Dewi Mashitoh
The educational, social, cultural and occupational backgrounds of the parents make the patterns of upbringing and education varied. The diversity of parents’ abilities in caring for and educating children has an impact on the lack of fulfillment of children’s nutrition. Children who experience malnutrition...
Proceedings Article
Employee Diversity Management In Creative Industry In Building Competitive Advantages
Sri Wijiastuti, Zandra Dwanita Widodo, Rini Adiyani, Abdullah Zailani, Darsono, Ferawati Setyo Retnoningsih
This article focuses on the management of employee diversity in manual filtration screen printing creative industry in building competitive advantage. The tighter competition in business realm makes the owners of business in manual filtration screen printing creative industry should empower human resource...
Proceedings Article
Green Marketing Strategic the Impact on Green Tourism
Jumadi, Ascasaputra Aditya, Arya Saputra, Aldi Irsyad Burhani
Good management is a factor of success in the green tourism industry. The one of concepts of tourism management is green marketing tourism. Aims this study to determine the effect of green marketing tourism on green tourism. This study quantitatively determined the sample using the accidental sampling...
Proceedings Article
Impact Of Technostress Towards Productivity On Teachers At The Elementary And High School Level
Elaine C. Lantang-Engel, Rina Anindita
This study aims to analyze the relationship between technostress dimensions: techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity, and techno-uncertainty toward perceived productivity moderated by technostress inhibitors of teachers at the elementary and high school level. The data...
Proceedings Article
Investigation on Parental Supervision of Adolescents’ Attitude in Medicine Consumption
Nurul Jannah, Astri Praba Shinta
The population of adolescents around the world continues to increase. WHO estimates that the adolescent population will account for one-sixth of the world’s population. One of the problems that arise in adolescence is drug abuse. Figure of parents is the main factor that can prevent drug abuse behavior...
Proceedings Article
Mass Media and Reality Construction Process in System Theory and Differentiation
Tommy Satriadi Nur Arifin
The mass media itself is referred to as “media” because of its nature as a medium/intermediary. For the discipline of Communication Science, the media (as a medium) is one of the factors forming the communication process. Whereas mass media, in general knowledge, is more defined in institutions/organizations/media...
Proceedings Article
Mental Health Issues Impacting Pharmaceutical Students of Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta During COVID-19 Pandemic View from Religius Perspective
Rahmat A Hi Wahid, Intan Malioy, Puja A. Fadilah, Nurdia Rumakat
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a major impact on public health, especially mental health. The psychological impact that is often found during the COVID-19 pandemic on society is anxiety. Data from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia also states that the majority...
Proceedings Article
Mitigating Stunting Cases Through Community Empowerment and Local Potential
Rosmauli Jeremia Fitriani, Padrul Jana, Rosalia Indriyati Saptatiningsih
Stunting is a nutritional problem in children that is caused by prolonged malnutrition, characterized by lower body height and stunted brain development. If this condition is not handled, it will result in human resources not being optimal and will also result in the emergence of disease in the future....
Proceedings Article
Modelling Gender-Based Human Development Index in Indonesia Using Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (S-SUR)
Prizka Rismawati Arum, Kintoko, Ardy Octavian Winarta, Indah Manfaati Nur, Eko Andy Purnomo
Indonesia is one of the developing countries in Southeast Asia that still faces many problems and challenges in human development. An important indicator to assess human development in a region is the Human Development Index (HDI). Gender-based disparities in human development (gender inequality) are...
Proceedings Article
Pandemic Firm’s Performance: The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital
Agustine Dwianika, Romi Juliani Putri Perdana, Farhan Ady Pratama, Irma Paramita Sofia, Fitriyah Nurhidayah
The research aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital on the Company's financial performance before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The population used in this study is the consumer cyclical sector companies in the consumer services...
Proceedings Article
Preliminary Study on the Potential Development of Kulon Progo Geoheritage Based on SWOT Analysis
Hita Pandita, Adi Prabowo, Ika Yonita Gunawan, Eka Pranyata, Eko Susanto
Kulon Progo Regency is known to have unique geological conditions. This is proven by the establishment of five geoheritage areas in the region. The five areas are Suroloyo Peak-Kendil, Widosari Structural Remaining Hills, Eocene Nanggulan Formation, Kiskenda Cave, and Kliripan-Karangsari Mangan. This...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Nutritional Status and Sleep Quality with Quality of Life in Geriatrics
Rosmauli Jerimia Fitriani, Margala Juang Bertorio, Afifah Dharma Rini
The number of geriatric people increases every year. The geriatrics population in Indonesia is predicted to increase higher than the geriatrics population in the world after 2100. The highest percentage of the geriatric population is in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Increasing the quantity of geriatrics...
Proceedings Article
Solow Growth Model: Encourage SMEs to Provide Information and Communication Technology to Global Value Chain
Muhamad Nurdin Yusuf, Aneu Yulianeu, Dyah Ciptaning Lokiteswara Setya Wardhani
The foundation of the SME growth program is the benefits by paying attention to the role of SMEs in economy. Development to encourage SMEs global competitiveness can be done withpay attention ability of SMEs to fulfill the needs of domestic market and as a substitute for imports.
The research...
Proceedings Article
Sustainable Tourism Development
Edi Priyatno
In line with development and economic growth, the role of tourism is increasing in various new sectors which are significant contributors of foreign exchange for increasing people's welfare. Indonesia as a country that has extraordinary natural and cultural wealth, also enjoys this benefit. However,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Capital Structure, Information Asymmetry, and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Quality
Ayuni Fitria, Fitriyah Nurhidayah, Rudi Harianto, Irma Paramita Sofia
This study analyzes the effect of capital structure, information asymmetry, and free cash flow on earnings quality. Capital structure is measured by the debt ratio, information asymmetry is proxy by the measure of liquidity, and free cash flow is measured by the FCF ratio. The hypothesis in this study...
Proceedings Article
The Influence Of The Language Discourse Of ‘World Peace
An International Coception For Sustainable Development And Human Civilization On The Face Of The Earth
The influence of the G20 on world peace is urgently needed at this time. Awareness of the nation and state in various regions of the world, regionally, nationally and even internationally must always emphasize the benefit of humanity on earth. The reality of the global world today has caused anxiety...
Proceedings Article
The Potential of Waste Recycling Program to Supporta Green Campus
Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti, Yayan Sanjaya, Kusnandi
High volume of organic waste may decrease the quality of the environment. This research is done in order to manage organic waste recycling to support Green Campus at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). This exploratory and action research is carried out at the Botanical Garden UPI, within four months....
Proceedings Article
The Role Of Individual Innovative Behavior As Mediator In Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage At Mental Hospitals
Friska Agnovita, Rojuaniah
Hospitals need to improved service which can be achieved by role of innovation. Innovative behavior is influenced by leadership autonomy support, individual creativity and psychological capital. In the other side, innovative behavior has a positive effect on sustainable competitive advantage. This study...