Proceedings of the 2nd UPY International Conference on Education and Social Science (UPINCESS 2023)

223 authors
Adiningtyas, Helmi
Financial Literacy: Study Based on Perceptions of E-wallet Users in Indonesia on Social Media
Aditya, Ascasaputra
Green Marketing Strategic the Impact on Green Tourism
Adiyani, Rini
Employee Diversity Management In Creative Industry In Building Competitive Advantages
Admojo, Setyo Eko
Differentiate and Extracurricular Learning Upgrading the Quality of Education at Panggang Elementary School
Admojo, Setyo Eko
Study of The Impact of Implementing The Pancasila Student Profile Through Morning Culture At SDN Plebengan
Admojo, Setyo Eko
The Effectiveness of Cooperative Team Accelerated Instruction Type in Thematic Learning For Grade 5 Students of 1 Sewon Elementary School
Agnovita, Friska
The Role Of Individual Innovative Behavior As Mediator In Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage At Mental Hospitals
Ahyani, Latifah Nur
Teacher Needs Analysis in Developing Android Learning Apps to Improve Elementary Students’ Numeracy Literacy Skills
Amiruddin, Muhamad
Agricultural Diesel Motor Maintenance and Repair Training with the Application of a Combined Learning Model between Peer Teaching and Practice Rehearsal Pairs in Sonosewu Farmer Groups
Anggraeni, Ganung
Student Character Building Through the 5S Culture (Smile, Greeting, Greeting, Politeness, Courtesy) in Triwidadi Public Elementary School
Anggraeni, Ganung
Two-Dimensional Shape in Geometry using Tangram Card Game: Ideas and Implication
Anggraeni, Ganung
Batik Colek and Batik Celup Through Community: A Prospect of Introducing The STEAM Strategy to The Community
Anggraini, Ganung
The Effect of Group Discussion on Understanding Connotative Meaning in Reading of Grade IV Elementary School Students
Anindita, Rina
Impact Of Technostress Towards Productivity On Teachers At The Elementary And High School Level
Aningtyas, Juliana
Comparison of DRTA and CIRC Learning Models in Class IV Elementary School Science Subjects
Aqib, Mohammad Auza’i
Development TPACK-Based Online Mathematic Instructional Design Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach
Aribowo, Fahrudin
Lack of Teacher Professionality
Arifin, Tommy Satriadi Nur
Mass Media and Reality Construction Process in System Theory and Differentiation
Arum, Prizka Rismawati
Modelling Gender-Based Human Development Index in Indonesia Using Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (S-SUR)
Aryandha, Pradita Nindya
Consumer Involvement, Consumer Brand Engagement and Self Brand Connection Users of Food and Beverage Delivery Service Applications
Astuti, Galih Tri
Does Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Research and Development Investment Affect Financial Performance?
Astuti, Ika Puji
Education Quality Issues In Era 4.0
Aswandari, Asih
Study of The Impact of Implementing The Pancasila Student Profile Through Morning Culture At SDN Plebengan
Atmaja, Setyo Eko
Education Quality Issues In Era 4.0
Atmojo, Setyo Eko
Education That has Not Matured Studens Impact on Student Delinquency
Atmojo, Setyo Eko
Peer Tutoring Method For Improving Learning Achievement In Adding And Subtracting Mixed Fractions At SDN Soka Pundong Bantul Elementary School Academic Year 2022/2023
Aziz, Abdul
Students’ Errors in Solving Geometry Problems of Van Hiele Levels Based on Newman’s Error Hierarchy Model
Bertorio, Margala Juang
Relationship of Nutritional Status and Sleep Quality with Quality of Life in Geriatrics
Budiarto, Dekeng Setyo
Challenges for SMEs During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Importance of Innovation and Digitalization
Burhani, Aldi Irsyad
Green Marketing Strategic the Impact on Green Tourism
Cahyati, Upik Dwi
Utilization of the Paper Mode Quizizz Game in Mathematics Learning at Elementary School
Factors Affecting the Achievement of Numerical Literacy Skills for ABK Inclusive Elementary School Students
Employee Diversity Management In Creative Industry In Building Competitive Advantages
Dwianika, Agustine
Pandemic Firm’s Performance: The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital
Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
Growth Mindset in Mathematics in Junior High School: A Reflection on Students’ Mathematics Learning Activities in a Science Specialization Class
Dwiningrum, Siti Irene Astuti
Hypothetical Learning Trajectory Based on Theory of Didactical Situation: An Initial Learning Trajectory Design to Enhance Mathematical Creativity and Resilience
Ellissi, Wike
Development TPACK-Based Online Mathematic Instructional Design Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach
Fadilah, Puja A.
Mental Health Issues Impacting Pharmaceutical Students of Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta During COVID-19 Pandemic View from Religius Perspective
Farhan, Fikri
The Influence of Product Quality, Attitude, and Price Perception on Souvenir T-Shirt Purchase Behavior in Yogyakarta
Fauziah, Muhardila
Comparison of DRTA and CIRC Learning Models in Class IV Elementary School Science Subjects
Fauziah, Muhardila
Efforts To Improve Mathematics Learning Achievement Addition Material Through Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Type Learning
Fauziah, Muhardila
Implementation Of Character Education For Kadiresa Primary School Students In Lower Economic Families
Fauziah, Muhardila
Lack of Teacher Professionality
Fauziah, Muhardila
The Effect Of Experiental Learning Models In Improving Students’ Understanding And Achievement On The Material Properties Of Light Class V SD
Fitria, Ayuni
The Effect of Capital Structure, Information Asymmetry, and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Quality
Fitriani, Rosmauli Jeremia
Mitigating Stunting Cases Through Community Empowerment and Local Potential
Fitriani, Rosmauli Jerimia
Relationship of Nutritional Status and Sleep Quality with Quality of Life in Geriatrics
Gularso, Dhiniaty
Development of an Instrument to Measure Food Security Literacy Capability of Primary School Students
Gularso, Dhiniaty
Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes Using the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model in Grade IV Students of Kalipucang Elementary School
Gularso, Dhiniaty
Learn Fun Multiplication with the Repeated Counting Method Using Cards in Class II
Gularso, Dhiniaty
Low Quality of Education
Gularso, Dhiniaty
The Benefits Of Merdeka Mengajar Platform To Improve Teacher Competence Elementary School
Gularso, Dhiniaty
The Role of School Operational Assistance (BOS) in Elementary Schools
Gunawan, Ika Yonita
Preliminary Study on the Potential Development of Kulon Progo Geoheritage Based on SWOT Analysis
Hadi, Antonius Satria
Ecotourism Experience and Integrated Marketing Communication as an Antecedent of Ecotourism Satisfaction and Ecotourism Intention
Hadi, Antonius Satria
Ecotourism Experience and Integrated Marketing Communication as an Antecedent of Ecotourism Satisfaction and Ecotourism Intention
Handoko, Herdi
Macromedia Adobe Flash for Recognizing Letters and Numbers in Children Aged 5-6 Years
Handoko, Herdi
STEAM For Early Children’s Development Domains
Hanum, Nur Anisa’a
Education That has Not Matured Studens Impact on Student Delinquency
Harianto, Rudi
The Effect of Capital Structure, Information Asymmetry, and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Quality
Hazmin, Gulam
Challenges for SMEs During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Importance of Innovation and Digitalization
Herdiany, Hapsari Dyah
Consumer Involvement, Consumer Brand Engagement and Self Brand Connection Users of Food and Beverage Delivery Service Applications
Hutomono, Shodiq
Efforts to Fulfill Children’s Nutrition Through the Parent Class Program In Elementary School Physical Education Learning
Iradianty, Aldilla
Financial Literacy: Study Based on Perceptions of E-wallet Users in Indonesia on Social Media
Irawan, Rifki
Interactive Power Point Learning Media Based Multilingual Literacy for Children Learning Language
Istiadi, Ari
Improving Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Social Studies Through the Kunjung Karya Method
Izzati, Marfuah Zumarotul
Teacher’s Perception of Mathematics Learning with an Online System based on Pedagogic Competence’s Perspective
Jana, Padrul
An Analysis of the Intensity of Online Learning Media as Tools for Mathematics Teachers
Jana, Padrul
Teacher’s Perception of Mathematics Learning with an Online System based on Pedagogic Competence’s Perspective
Jana, Padrul
Mitigating Stunting Cases Through Community Empowerment and Local Potential
Jannah, Nurul
Investigation on Parental Supervision of Adolescents’ Attitude in Medicine Consumption
Green Marketing Strategic the Impact on Green Tourism
Kharisudin, Iqbal
Students’ Errors in Solving Geometry Problems of Van Hiele Levels Based on Newman’s Error Hierarchy Model
Khasanatun, Siti
The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education At SD Negeri Kauman Kapanewon Pleret
Kholifah, Armi
Learn Fun Multiplication with the Repeated Counting Method Using Cards in Class II
Kholizah, Lilis Nur
The Effect of the ICARE Learning Model on Student Computational Skills
Development TPACK-Based Online Mathematic Instructional Design Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach
Students’ Errors in Solving Geometry Problems of Van Hiele Levels Based on Newman’s Error Hierarchy Model
Modelling Gender-Based Human Development Index in Indonesia Using Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (S-SUR)
Kurniawati, Rizki Dwi
Recognition of Emotions to Increase Student Self-Efficacy in Learning
The Potential of Waste Recycling Program to Supporta Green Campus
Kusuma Wardana, Ari
Peer-Review Statements
Lantang-Engel, Elaine C.
Impact Of Technostress Towards Productivity On Teachers At The Elementary And High School Level
Larasati, Esthi
Mathematics Learning Design: Measuring the Volume of a Cube Using Unit Cubes for Elementary School
Lestari, Endang Titik
Factors of Using Learning Models on Learning Attitudes, Learning Motivation, and Social Studies Learning Achievement
Lestari, Sri
Differences in Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Learning Using Discovery Learning and Problem Based Learning Models
Maisaroh, Siti
Analysis of Students’ Learning Saturation During The Covid-19 Pandemic At Primary School
Maisaroh, Siti
Mathematics Learning Design: Measuring the Volume of a Cube Using Unit Cubes for Elementary School
Maisaroh, Siti
Use of Diorama Media
Maisaroh, Siti
Utilization of the Paper Mode Quizizz Game in Mathematics Learning at Elementary School
Malioy, Intan
Mental Health Issues Impacting Pharmaceutical Students of Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta During COVID-19 Pandemic View from Religius Perspective
Maryatun, Hindun
Efforts To Improve Mathematics Learning Achievement Addition Material Through Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Type Learning
Mashitoh, Dewi
Efforts to Fulfill Children’s Nutrition Through the Parent Class Program In Elementary School Physical Education Learning
Mawarsari, Venissa Dian
Students’ Errors in Solving Geometry Problems of Van Hiele Levels Based on Newman’s Error Hierarchy Model
Audio-Visual Combined Role-Playing Learning Model to Improve Speaking Skills Indonesian Lessons
Muharam, Ricky Santoso
The Effect of the ICARE Learning Model on Student Computational Skills
Nafiah, Rifqotun
The Influence of Product Quality, Attitude, and Price Perception on Souvenir T-Shirt Purchase Behavior in Yogyakarta
Ningsih, Siska Candra
Interactive Power Point Learning Media Based Multilingual Literacy for Children Learning Language
Ningsih, Tri
Implementation of the School Literacy Movement Program (GLS) In SD Negeri Triwidadi Pajangan and SD Negeri Puncak Pajangan
Novitasari, Ika
Realizing Child-Friendly Schools in The Classroom Learning Process