Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Advanced Education (ICOLAE 2022)

548 authors
Santosa, Joko
Lexical Cohesion in the Novel Entitled “Pencuri Kecil” by Iin Nuraini and Its Relevance to Teaching Materials
Santoso, Djoko
Code Switching and Code Mixing in Mobile Legends Online Game Dialogue (Sociolinguistic Studies)
Santoso, Joko
Jakarta Ethnic Language in Higher Education: Sociolinguistic Study in Central Java and Its Relevance to Indonesian Language Learning
Santoso, Joko
Violation of the Principle of Language Politeness in Instagram Comments @kemenkominfo and Its Relevance in Learning in Senior High School
Santoso, Joko
Language Variations in Shopee Ads and Their Relevance to Add Text Learning in Junior High School
Santoso, Joko
Critical Discourse Analysis: The Use of Language in Sukoharjo’s Second-Hand Buying and Selling Group on Facebook Social Media and Its Relationship to the Learning of Negotiation Texts
Santoso, dan Joko
Speech Politeness Strategies Toward Citayem Fashion Week Phenomena on Twitter and Instagram and its Relevance as Indonesian Language Teaching Materials
Saputri, Pratiwi Yulia
Analysis of Language Errors and Their Relevance as Advanced Indonesian Language Teaching Materials
Sari, Desy Luvita
Patriarchal Culture and Sexual Violence in the Novel Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi
Sari, Novita Anjar
Structure of Lexical Bundles in Articles Published by Journal of Cultural Heritage Vol.55 (Scopus Q1)
Improving Language Skills Through Storytelling Method with Audio Visual Media in Group a Early Childhood Department
Sarworini, Zhahwa Indah
Content of Communicative Character Education Values in Elementary School Student Books
Sa’diyah, Halimah
Digital Native Teacher vs Digital Immigrant Teacher: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda
Sepindah, Selvia Syella
Development of Innovative Learning Media Educational Game Periodic Chemistry Based on Scramble for Class X SMA Students
Septiani, Irna Wulan
Analysis of Parenting Patterns in Handling Reading Difficulties
Sholihah, Mar’atus
Increase Cooperation Through Token Economy Techniques for Early Childhood 4–6 Years Old
Sholikhah, Nining
Enhancement of Early Childhood 4C Skills with TAMAITO-Peaceful Love and Tolerance Smart Card
Sidiq, Yasir
Peer-Review Statements
Sistiasih, Vera Septi
Strategies to Increase Early Childhood Learning Motivation Through the Role of Parents and Teachers: A Descriptive Study
Slamet, Sri
Analysis of the Textbook Coloring Pictures and English Reviewed by Cognitive
Slamet, Sri
Children's Play Festival as an Effort to Grow a Global Diversity Attitude in Paudit Al Hasna
Slamet, Sri
Improving Student’s Speaking Skill in the Kindergarten By Using Picture Story
Slamet, Sri
The Implementation of Pictured Story in Expressive Language Competence of Students Group B BA Aisyiyah Ngalas 1 Klaten
Slamet, Sri
Learning of Science Playing as Effort to Grow Students’ Learning Interest in TK Pertiwi Blanceran
Colored Flour Plasticine Media as a Means of Early Childhood Creativity Development
Solihatul, Ayu
Development of a Guided Inquiry Model Based on Blanded Learning (Moriblend) as an Effort to Strengthen Scientific Literacy
Subekti, Nur
The Effectiveness of High-Intensity Interval Training on Specific Endurance and Technical Performance of Pencak Silat Athletes
Sufanti, Main
The Dokumen Jibril Short Story Collection as Teaching Materials with the Character Value of ‘Belief in the One and Only God’
Sufanti, Main
Code-Mixing in the Novel Sepatu Dahlan by Khrisna Pabichara
Sufanti, Main
Personification and Metaphor Language Styles in the Novel Tentang Kamu by Tere Liye dan Their Potential as Teaching Materials for Writing Poetry in High Schools
Sufanti, Main
Patriarchal Culture and Sexual Violence in the Novel Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi
Sufanti, Main
Exploring Students’ Reading Interests in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum Based on the Achievements of the National Assessment Results
Sufanti, Main
Character Personality in the Novel Egosentris by Syahid Muhammad to Build Cooperation Dimension in Vocational High School (Study of Literary Psychology)
Sufanti, Main
Reception of Students to a Collection of Short Stories with the Theme of Kompas Social Dynamics in 2021 to Improve Moral Education in High School
Sufanti, Main
Application of Learning Models Through Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) to Anecdotal Text Teaching Materials in Order to Be Able to Create Interactive Media in High School
Sufanti, Main
Integrating Pancasila Student Profiles to Descriptive Text Teaching Module in MTs Muhammadiyah 3 Masaran
Sufanti, Main
The Contents of the Pancasila Student Profile in the Reading Material of the Ministry of Education and Culture's National Literacy Movement
Sufanti, Main
Topic Variations and Religious Character Values in Student Scientific Writing
Sulistyono, Yunus
Peer-Review Statements
Sulistyono, Yunus
Teacher Expressive Speech Action Strategies in Indonesian Languange Learning
Sulistyono, Yunus
Implicit Functions in Digital Comic Strip Discourse and Its Implications in Learning Anecdotal Texts of Indonesian Subjects in High School
Sulistyono, Yunus
Analysis of Indonesian Language Deviations in the Journalistic Public Domain of Online News Articles
Sulistyono, Yunus
The Politeness of Teacher and Student Directive Speech Acts in Indonesian Learning
Sulistyono, Yunus
Lexical and Grammatical Cohesion in the Short Story Rembulan Dalam Cappucino by Seno Gumira Ajidarma and Its Implications for Learning in Junior High Schools
Sulistyono, Yunus
Hashtags “Begini tanggapan lesti” (“Here’s How Lesti Responded”) in Viral News on Social Media: Discourse Analysis and its Implications in Indonesian Language Learning in Junior High School
Sulistyono, Yunus
Analysis of Indonesian Language Errors in the Explanatory Text Essays of Class VIII Students of Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura Junior High School
Sulistyono, Yunus
Language Politeness and Character Educational Values on the Literacy Module Text for Elementary School Students as a Part of AKSI Application Issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture
Analysis of Literacy Skills in Solving PISA Questions Based on Gender
Sumardjoko, Bambang
Indonesian Learning with Audio-Visual Media: Noble Character Civilization
Main Figure, Character Education, and Education Dichomy in the Movie of Laskar Pelangi and Freedom Writers as a Comparison Study of Literature
Implementation of Academic Supervision in Child Friendly Elementary Schools
Sunanda, Adyana
The Hegemony of Power in the Folklore of the Tomb of Giri Sampurno’s Hermitage and Its Use as Literature Teaching Material in High School
Sunanda, Adyana
Code-Mixing in the Novel Sepatu Dahlan by Khrisna Pabichara
Sunanda, Adyana
Application of Learning Models Through Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) to Anecdotal Text Teaching Materials in Order to Be Able to Create Interactive Media in High School
Suprihatin, Nunik
Practical Life Activity Improves Early Age School Students’ Independence
Peer-Review Statements
Susilo, Muhammad Edi
The Role of Parents in the Application of Speaking and Writing Skills for Elementary Students
The Contents of the Pancasila Student Profile in the Reading Material of the Ministry of Education and Culture's National Literacy Movement
Environmental-Based Science Learning Process in Elementary Schools
Learning Science with TAULISTRIK Media: Increasing Students’ Independence
Cultivating Courage in Civics Learning in Elementary Schools
Flipped Learning-Based Indonesian Module Foreign Speakers: BIPA Students’ Communication Skill Improvements
Indonesian Learning with Audio-Visual Media: Noble Character Civilization
Learning Discipline and Learning Media Use on Numerical Literacy Skills
Self-confidence Cultivation in Elementary School Civics Learning
Cultivating Discipline in Civic Education Core Activities in Elementary Schools
Minimalizing Bullying at SD Negeri Karangwaru 2 Sragen by Stop Bullying Application
Analysis of Conceptual Errors of Force Material in Elementary School Student
Content of Communicative Character Education Values in Elementary School Student Books
Sutopo, Anam
Flipped Learning-Based Indonesian Module Foreign Speakers: BIPA Students’ Communication Skill Improvements
Swandari, Fayza
Moral Values in The Little Prince Novel as Character Education in Junior High Shools
Swastihayu, Revivalindra Anandari
Correction to: Moral and Social Values in Arjuna Wiwaha’s Story and Its Relevance for Literature Learning in High School
Swastihayu, Revivalindra Anandari
Moral and Social Values in Arjuna Wiwaha’s Story and Its Relevance for Literature Learning in High School
Syafitri, Yeyen
Assertive, Directive, and Expressive Illocutionary Speech Acts in @muktamar.48 Instagram Account Posts and Their Implications for Indonesian Learning
Thoyibi, Muhammad
American Cultures Reflected in the Three Faces of Eve Movie (1957): Sociology of Literature
Thoyibi, Muhammad
Freedom of Self-expression in Dead Poets Society Movie: Existentialist Perspective
Trisdasari, Heppy
Code Switching and Code Mixing in Mobile Legends Online Game Dialogue (Sociolinguistic Studies)
Umamy, Kurnia Hannyda
Interactive Handout on Learning Prose Fiction in High School
Utami, Pramudya Ashya Novika
Code-mixing Analysis in Krishna Pabichara’s Novel Lakuna
Utomo, Arief Cahyo
Analysis of Parenting Patterns in Handling Reading Difficulties
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Implementation of 2013 Curriculum and Independent Learning Curriculum Components in Junior High Schools
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Principles of Irony in the Speech of Leaders and College Students in Student Boarding School
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Directive Speech Acts in Kartasura Junior High School Students’ Conversations and Their Implementation in Learning Advertising Texts
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
The Function of Implicatures in Instagram Social Media Humor Discourse and Its Implementation as Anecdotal Text Teaching Materials
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Directive Speech Acts in Instagram Posts and Their Implementation as Persuasive Text Teaching Materials
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Code Switching and Code Mixing in Mobile Legends Online Game Dialogue (Sociolinguistic Studies)
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Analysis of Indonesian Language Deviations in the Journalistic Public Domain of Online News Articles
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Deviations from the Principles of Language Politeness in the @dpn.ums Instagram Account and Its Relation to the Teaching Module
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Imperative Sentences in Novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata and Their Learning on Persuasive Speech Texts in Junior High School
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Discourse Representation of Quora App Users’ Comments on Najwa Shihab: Critical Discourse Analysis
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Flipbook-Based Digital Teaching Material for Preparation of Creative Writing Fiction at SMP Negeri 1 Tangen
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Grammatical Cohesion in Kompas Online News and Its Application as Teaching Materials for News Texts
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Syntactical Errors in Explanatory Text and Teacher’s Efforts in Improving the Language Skills of Class XI Students
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Locutionary Speech Acts in the Novel “Orang Miskin Dilarang Sekolah” by Wiwid Prasetya and Implementation of Negotiation Texts as Indonesian Language Learning Materials
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Lexical Cohesion in the Novel Entitled “Pencuri Kecil” by Iin Nuraini and Its Relevance to Teaching Materials
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Jakarta Ethnic Language in Higher Education: Sociolinguistic Study in Central Java and Its Relevance to Indonesian Language Learning
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Directive Speech Acts in the Novel Laut Bercerita and Its Implementation in Indonesian Language Learning in Class X
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Informal Affixation on Twitter Tweets as Teaching Material for News Texts in High School
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Quality of Multiple-Choice Questions in the Indonesian Language Examination for Junior High School Level
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Speech Politeness Strategies Toward Citayem Fashion Week Phenomena on Twitter and Instagram and its Relevance as Indonesian Language Teaching Materials