Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Advanced Education (ICOLAE 2022)

548 authors
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Violation of the Principle of Language Politeness in Instagram Comments @kemenkominfo and Its Relevance in Learning in Senior High School
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Code Mixing on News Accounts Catch Me Up! on Twitter in News Text Learning
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Language Variations in Shopee Ads and Their Relevance to Add Text Learning in Junior High School
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Assertive, Directive, and Expressive Illocutionary Speech Acts in @muktamar.48 Instagram Account Posts and Their Implications for Indonesian Learning
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Language Politeness in Film Series Layangan Putus and Its Implementation as Drama Text Teaching Material
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Euphemism in the September 2022 Edition of Kompas Daily and Its Implementation as Indonesian Language Teaching Materials in High Schools
Wahyudi, Agus Budi
Code Switching and Code Mixing in the Twitter Account @NKSTHI and Its Relevance to Indonesian Language Learning
Wahyudi, Daud Tegar
Analysis of 4C Skills in Lesson Plan of Elementary School During New Normal
Wahyuningsih, Tyas
Ecranization and Variation Stories in the Novel Imperfect and Its Utilization as Media for Learning Literature in High School
Wardani, Anggraini Syukma Ika
Personification and Metaphor Language Styles in the Novel Tentang Kamu by Tere Liye dan Their Potential as Teaching Materials for Writing Poetry in High Schools
Wardani, Dina Selia
Implementation of Three Language Literacy by Literacy Ambassadors in Elementary Schools
Wardhani, Junita Dwi
Enhancement of Early Childhood 4C Skills with TAMAITO-Peaceful Love and Tolerance Smart Card
Wardhani, Junita Dwi
Improving Language Skills Through Storytelling Method with Audio Visual Media in Group a Early Childhood Department
Efforts of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Improving Writing Skills for Children Aged 3–4 Years at KB Mutiara Hathe Ngargoyoso
Warthadi, Anugrah Nur
Athletes’ Knowledge Level About Handling Musculoskeletal Injury (Case Study of Ankle Injury of Pra-Porprov Surakarta Pencak Silat Team)
Wati, Nanik Istika
The Implementation of Character Education at Pasuruhan State Elementary School, Central Java
Wibowo, Yunus Aris
Are Students’ Adaptive Capacity to Earthquake Disasters Correlated with Their Knowledge?
Wibowo, Yunus Aris
Do Students in Urban and Rural Areas Exhibit Different Spatial Thinking Ability?
Wicaksono, Sidiq Nugroho
Implementation of Instilling the Value of Honesty in Indonesian Elementary School Students: A Literature Review
Widiantari, Prafika Putri
Directive Speech Acts in the Novel Laut Bercerita and Its Implementation in Indonesian Language Learning in Class X
Widiastuti, Krisna
Analysis of Youtube-Based Learning Videos on Volume Building Materials
Widiastuti, Rika Candra
Cultivating Discipline in Civic Education Core Activities in Elementary Schools
Widiawati, Dwi Indriana
Implementation of Mathematics Learning with Cooperative Learning Model in Elementary School
Widiyantiningsih, Vika
How Autonomous Students Solved Their Problems in Learning English: A Case at a Special Program Class (PK) in an Indonesian High School
Widodo, Nindy Arum Setyo
Analysis of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Elementary School Lesson Plans
Widyaningsih, Ananda Nur Aprilia Ika
Language Style in a Collection of Poetry “Masih Ingatkah Kau Jalan Pulang” and Its Relevance as Teaching Materials
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Implementation of the Use of e-report in Evaluating Early Childhood Learning
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Analysis of Teacher's Ability in Mastering the Stages of Scissors to Develop Fine Motoric Children Aged 4–5 Years in the Insan Kamil Karangasem Playgroup, Bulu District, Sukoharjo Regency in 2022
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Loose Part as a Learning Media to Improve Early Childhood Education Creativity
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Increase Cooperation Through Token Economy Techniques for Early Childhood 4–6 Years Old
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Practical Life Activity Improves Early Age School Students’ Independence
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Alternative STEAM Method for Developing Socio-emotional Skills of Children 5–6 Years Old
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Audio Visual Media as a Means of Developing Language Skills for Early Childhood
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Improving Student’s Speaking Skill in the Kindergarten By Using Picture Story
Widyasari, Choiriyah
Efforts of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Improving Writing Skills for Children Aged 3–4 Years at KB Mutiara Hathe Ngargoyoso
Wipradharma, Mahadhika
Imperative Sentences in Novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata and Their Learning on Persuasive Speech Texts in Junior High School
Wulandari, Diana Rizki Avita
Children’s Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Sexual Abuse as a Self-protection Effort
Wulandari, Fitria
Character Personality in the Novel Egosentris by Syahid Muhammad to Build Cooperation Dimension in Vocational High School (Study of Literary Psychology)
Wulandari, Fitria
Analysis of Motivation, Physical Condition and Training Model of Petanque Sports Athletes: A Literature Review
Wulandari, Murfiah Dewi
Analysis of 4C Skills in Lesson Plan of Elementary School During New Normal
Wulandari, Murfiah Dewi
Children’s Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Sexual Abuse as a Self-protection Effort
Wulandari, Murfiah Dewi
Knowledge of Children Related to Reproductive Health to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse in Elementary Schools
Wulandari, Rioni Tri
Translation Technique Used in for the Sake of Sita Webtoon by Haga
Yamtinah, Sri
The Need for Interactive Media for Electrical Learning in Vocational High Schools: Fact from the Classroom Activities
Yosi, Nadila Ade
Self-confidence Cultivation in Elementary School Civics Learning
Yuana, Melati
Application of Learning Strategies for Writing Poetry Based on Idols in High School Students
Yulanda, Mei Nurisetya
Analysis of the Physical Fitness of Trained Individuals in Power, Speed, and Agility: A Descriptive Study
Yuliarni, Rina Wahyu
Analysis of Students’ Misconseptions in Addition and Subtraction Material