Proceedings of the 5th Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC-5 2023)

864 authors
Prahastuti, Endang
Learning Media Development Telegram-based Courses Exhibition
Prakisya, Nurcahya Pradana Taufik
Development of Geo-based Augmented Reality Learning Media on the Distribution of Endemic Animals around the World
Prakisya, Nurcahya Pradana Taufik
Development of a WhatsApp-based Website Portal as a Communication Medium between Schools and Student’s Parents
Pramesti, Ardhea Cahya
The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Multimedia (Smart Apps Creator, Articulate Storyline, and E-Module) and Conventional in Bartending Courses
Pramudibyo, Sugeng
Evaluation of Motorcycle Technology Instructional Media
Prapanca, Aditya
Applying Data Mining for Anomalies Detection on the Academic Performance of Student
Prasetya, Tri Adi
Modeling Measuring Instrument Learning Media (MILM) in Block System Practicum for Engineering Education Students
Prasetyaningtyas, Wulansari
Development of Learning Outcomes Assessment Instruments for Fashion Technology Courses
Prastiyanto, Dhidik
Quality Education Development: The Role of Teacher Competence in Achieving Integrity Zone and Excellent Services for Students
Pratama, M.Mirza Abdillah
Improving Construction Digitalization Literacy through the Development of Building Information Modelling Learning Contents Based on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Pratama, Mulki Rezka Budi
Development of Macramé Art Interactive Multimedia Learning on The Bag Product as an Innovative Learning and Teaching
Pratama, Yudha Rian
Attempts to Enhance Vehicle Engine Maintenance Learning Outcomes
Pratama, Yudha Rian
Comparison of Self-evaluation and Peer Evaluation with Assessment Lecturer Against Course Products Body Automotive at State University of Malang
Pratama, Yudha Rian
Development of Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) E-Jobsheet on Motorcycle Chassis Maintenance for Class XII TBSM Students SMK N 11 Malang
Pratiwi, Herlina
Developing Digital Teaching Materials with Augmented Reality-based 3D Virtual Laboratory for Vocational Teacher Candidates
Pratiwi, Isna
Modeling Measuring Instrument Learning Media (MILM) in Block System Practicum for Engineering Education Students
Prayogo, Wisnu
Development of E-Book Based Domestic Waste Treatment Teaching book
Pribadi, Feddy Setio
Measurement Information System Development Performance of the Unnes Faculty of Engineering Academic Civity
Prihanto, Agus
Applying Data Mining for Anomalies Detection on the Academic Performance of Student
Primadiyono, Yohanes
Development of Electronic Module Based on Project Based Learning using Virtual Laboratory
Primartadi, Aci
Utilization of Interactive Learning Media of Electronic Ignition Systems to Improve Students Metacognitive Skills
Pritasari, Octaverina Kecvara
Increase Layer Technique Hair Cutting with Augmented Reality Media
Pritasari, Octaverina Kecvara
Development of Flipbook Media for Deaf Students in Hair Care Course in Cosmetics Education Program, State University of Surabaya
Priyanto, Sugeng
Evaluation and Development of Applied Knowledge Soft Skills in Vocational High Schools in the Machining Engineering Competency Test: A Literature Review
Increasing Student Knowledge and Skills through the Implementation of Project Base Learning-based Animation Videos and E-Modules in Wood Construction Theory and Practice Courses
Purnama, Wawan
The Development of an Augmented Reality-based Learning Media on the Subject of Radio and Television System
Purnawirawan, Okta
The Results of Project-based Learning Models Implementation for Beauty Students in the Design of Digital-based Make-up and Fashion Models Using the CLO 3D Application
Purnomo, Adhi
Skill Requirement of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Professional
Purnomo, Purnomo
Application of Lost Foam Casting Process-based Virtual Laboratory to Improve Students’ Understanding
Purwaamijaya, Iskandar Muda
Institutional Capacity Increasing of Green Building for Sustainable Development
Purwaamijaya, Iskandar Muda
Logic Scoring of Preference Development Training New Urban Agenda for Ready to Build Areas and Environment
Purwaningsih, Nur Endah
The Development of Video Tutorial-Based Learning Media for Making Basic Bras in the Lingerie Course
Purwaningsih, Nur Endah
Kvisoft Flip Book Maker Application on Cleavage Learning Material in the D3 Study Program of Fashion Design
Purwaningsih, Nur Endah
Development of Crochet Pocketbook Learning Media Based on the 1st Flipbook Creator Pro
Purwanti, Dwi
QR-Code as a Medium for the Identification System of Dementia Patients
Purwanto, Dedi
The Level Analysis of Student Employability Skill for the Needs of the Work Industry in Vocational Education in the VUCA World
Puspanikan, Saskia Kanisaa
Early Study of Gamification for Enhancing Post-Pandemic Learning through the Utilization of Collaborative Learning Algorithm
Puspitaningayu, Pradini
Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Open-Source Platform System OJS 3.2 Journal Management for Electronic-Based Article Publication: Author and Reviewer Perspectives
Puspitasari, Feny
Development of Macramé Art Interactive Multimedia Learning on The Bag Product as an Innovative Learning and Teaching
Puspitasari, Poppy
Analysis of Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and Nordic Body Map (NBM) on Work Fatigue
Puspitasari, Poppy
The Innovation of Hybrid Module System Based on Literacy in Increasing Critical Thinking Activities for Millennial Learners in the Digitalization Era
Puspitorini, Arita
Increase Layer Technique Hair Cutting with Augmented Reality Media
Puspitorini, Arita
Implementing Problem-based Learning: Improving Students’ Basic Haircutting Skills in Vocational School
Putra, Andika Bagus Nur Rahma
The Innovation of Hybrid Module System Based on Literacy in Increasing Critical Thinking Activities for Millennial Learners in the Digitalization Era
Putra, Ricky Eka
Applying Data Mining for Anomalies Detection on the Academic Performance of Student
Putra, Wahyu Buana
The Jigsaw Method: Empowering Students to Achieve Learning Outcomes in Architecture Education
Putranto, Hari
The Relationship Between Engineering Knowledge and Self-Confidence Level on Adaptability in The Industrial World of Work 4.0 For Students of TITL Skill Competency SMK In Blitar City
Putri, Anisa Eka
The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Multimedia (Smart Apps Creator, Articulate Storyline, and E-Module) and Conventional in Bartending Courses
Putri, Julieta Eka Yudo
Improving Construction Digitalization Literacy through the Development of Building Information Modelling Learning Contents Based on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Putri, Meddiati Fajri
Analysis of Student Satisfaction in the UNNES MBKM Program in Support of the Learning Environment Through the Service Quality
Putri, Meddiati Fajri
The Influence of Learning Behavior on The Learning Outcomes of Practicum Courses at UNNES during The Pandemic
Putri, Natasha Shella
UNNES Prigel Analysis Study: Application of Nail art Design Techniques in Liekuang & Co Mini Salon Project
Putri, Nurul Azhar Ratna
The Role of Fashion Design Education in Developing Ecoprint Technique Clothing to Support Final Projects and Increase Sustainability Awareness
Putri, Rohmania Agustin Pramana
The Development of Educational Game Based Learning Media Increases Computer System Learning Motivation in Vocational High Schools
Putri, Wiwit Livia
Variation of Learning Cycle 5E Implementation with Consideration of Learning Interest on the Effect of Electro Pneumatic Control System Problem Solving Ability
Putro, Setiadi Cahyono
Project-based Interactive Learning Material for Vocational Students
Putro, Setiadi Cahyono
Variation of Learning Cycle 5E Implementation with Consideration of Learning Interest on the Effect of Electro Pneumatic Control System Problem Solving Ability
Qoiriah, Anita
Applying Data Mining for Anomalies Detection on the Academic Performance of Student
Qolik, Abdul
The Influences of Microteaching and Peer Interaction on Undergraduate Students Self-Efficacy
Qolik, Abdul
Development of Water Turbine Trainers in Energy Conversion Machinery Courses
Qudus, Nur
Quality Education Development: The Role of Teacher Competence in Achieving Integrity Zone and Excellent Services for Students
Qudus, Nur
Android-Based Instructional Media for Case Studies in Environmental Engineering Course
Rachmadi, Dimas Prima
Development of Water Turbine Trainers in Energy Conversion Machinery Courses
Rachmania, Alvidah
Development of Crochet Pocketbook Learning Media Based on the 1st Flipbook Creator Pro
Rachmawati, Rina
Peer-Review Statements
Rachmawati, Rina
Effectiveness of the PKBP Learning Model (Experience-based Entrepreneurship Education) in the Technopreneurship Course at Home Economics Department of Engineering Faculty UNNES
Rahayu, Dwi Lestari
Visualization of the Sampling Method for Quality Control Course in Agroindustrial Products
Rahayu, Imami
Entrepreneurial Behavior of Bachelor Students in Fashion Education, Surabaya State University
Rahayu, Sri
The Level Analysis of Student Employability Skill for the Needs of the Work Industry in Vocational Education in the VUCA World
Rahayu, Sri
Development of Learning Media: Waste-Free Cullotes as an Effort to Support Green Campus
Rahmadani, Sarra
Development of E-Book Based Domestic Waste Treatment Teaching book
Rahman, Aulia Zikri
Early Study of Gamification for Enhancing Post-Pandemic Learning through the Utilization of Collaborative Learning Algorithm
Rahmannullah, Fauzi
Implementation of Vocational Education and Training Models for Construction Workers
Rahmawati, Anita Dwi
The Innovation of Hybrid Module System Based on Literacy in Increasing Critical Thinking Activities for Millennial Learners in the Digitalization Era
Rahmawati, Risfani
The Role of Fashion Design Education in Developing Ecoprint Technique Clothing to Support Final Projects and Increase Sustainability Awareness
Rahmawati, Yulia
Digital Flipbook in Preparation for Competency Test in the Field of Pastry
Rahmawati, Yuni
The Relationship Between Engineering Knowledge and Self-Confidence Level on Adaptability in The Industrial World of Work 4.0 For Students of TITL Skill Competency SMK In Blitar City
Rajab, Ismadi
Development of Performance Assessment of Car Air Conditioning Skills in Learning of Automotive Vocational
Rakhmawati, Lusia
Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Open-Source Platform System OJS 3.2 Journal Management for Electronic-Based Article Publication: Author and Reviewer Perspectives
Ramadhan, Try
Implementation of Vocational Education and Training Models for Construction Workers
Ramadhan, Try
Priority in Design Principles of Educational Space in Evaluating the AKSI-ADB Project Scheme
Ramadhan, Try
Design Principles Priority of Creative Space Architecture for AKSI-ADB Project Scheme Evaluation
Ramadhani, Yashinta
Development of CAD Fashion Pattern E-modules Using Richpeace Software in Computer Pattern Making Course
Ramdani, Sulaeman Deni
Developing Digital Teaching Materials with Augmented Reality-based 3D Virtual Laboratory for Vocational Teacher Candidates
Ramdhani, Ramdhani
Development of Performance Assessment of Car Air Conditioning Skills in Learning of Automotive Vocational
Rantung, Vivi P.
Animal Recognition Application Using Mobile-Based Augmented Reality at TK Gmim Solafide Uner
Ratag, Lenie
A Study of Education Background and Teaching Experience on Teacher Performance of Senior High School in Implementing Curriculum 2013
Riadi, Selamat
Teaching Factory Learning: Implementation of Independent Learning Policies and Independent Campus at State University of Medan
Ridwan, Ridwan
Achievement of Student Competence in Learning Electrical Power Installation in the Department of Electrical Engineering Education Using the Electrical Control Techniques Simulator Application
Rijal, Bait Syaiful
Discovering Plantae Kingdom: An Interactive Android Learning Experience with Smart Apps Creator
Rijal, Bait Syaiful
Development of Group Discussion Application Based on Multiple Intelligences
Ristanto, Riska Dami
Discovering Plantae Kingdom: An Interactive Android Learning Experience with Smart Apps Creator
Ristanto, Riska Dami
QR-Code as a Medium for the Identification System of Dementia Patients
Ristanto, Riska Dami
Development of Group Discussion Application Based on Multiple Intelligences
Riwayani, Rika
The Influence of Online Learning for the Result in Houte Couture Course at the State University of Makassar, Faculty of Engineering in Family Welfare Education
Riyadi, Riyadi
Evaluation of in-Service Teacher Profession Education Program
RoZiqin, Ahmad
Utilization of Interactive Learning Media of Electronic Ignition Systems to Improve Students Metacognitive Skills
Rochmawati, Naim
Applying Data Mining for Anomalies Detection on the Academic Performance of Student
Development of Reinforced Concrete Floor Slab Mockup Media to Improve Student Competence
Roemintoyo, Roemintoyo
Investigating Building Information Modelling (BIM) Adoption in Vocational High School Learning