Proceedings of the 5th Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC-5 2023)
864 authors
- Wicaksono, Dimas
- Teachers’ Perspectives on the Significance of Patentability for Innovative and Commercially Technological Works: A Study at SMKN 4 Semarang
- Widaningsih, Lilis
- Implementation of Vocational Education and Training Models for Construction Workers
- Widarwati, Sri
- The Effectiveness of Video Tutorials on Textile and Fashion Design Learning
- Widayaka, Parama Diptya
- Arduino Based Microcontroller Learning Media on Improving Electrical Engineering Student Skills
- Widayat, Widi
- Teachers’ Perspectives on the Significance of Patentability for Innovative and Commercially Technological Works: A Study at SMKN 4 Semarang
- Widianingsih, Irma
- Logic Scoring of Preference Development Training New Urban Agenda for Ready to Build Areas and Environment
- Widiartini, Ni Ketut
- The Effect of Local Culture Utilization as a Learning Source towards Students’ Creativity in Vocational Education
- Widiastuti, Indah
- Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on the Entrepreneurship Intention of Pre-Service Teachers in Vocational Technical Education
- Widihastuti, Widihastuti
- Development of Learning Outcomes Assessment Instruments for Fashion Technology Courses
- Widiyaningtyas, Triyanna
- Development of Interactive Learning Media in Data Communication Subject Class XI TKJ at SMKN 1 Udanawu
- Widiyanti, Widiyanti
- Vocational Skill Potential of Thinking and General Working Skills of Mechanical Engineering Associate Expert in Industries
- Widodo, Aji
- The Analysis of SMK Students’ Interest to Pursue Higher Education
- Widodo, Aris
- Development of a Media Website Using a Self-organized Learning Environment (SOLE) Model to Improve Learning and Innovation Skills in PKK Subject at SMKN 7 Semarang
- Widodo, Aris
- The Effect of the Project-based Learning (PjBL) Model to Students’ Learning Interests and Learning Outcomes in the Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structure Subject, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
- Widodo, Aris
- Application of the Problem-based Learning Model in the Engineering Drawing Course of Building Engineering Education Students, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University, Class of 2021
- Widodo, Aris
- The Relevance of Practicum Implementation on Student Interests, Understanding and Learning Outcomes in The Land Surveying Subject, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
- Widodo, Slamet
- The Feasibility of the Module for Making Choux Substitution of Brown Rice on Community Training
- Widowati, Trisnani
- Development of Flipbook Media for Deaf Students in Hair Care Course in Cosmetics Education Program, State University of Surabaya
- Widowati, Trisnani
- Media Assisted Cooperative Learning Presentation on Improving Learning Outcomes Students in the Traditional Bun Course
- Widowati, Widowati
- The Role of Fashion Design Education in Developing Ecoprint Technique Clothing to Support Final Projects and Increase Sustainability Awareness
- Widowati, Widowati
- Upskilling Fashion Design Vocational High School Teachers through training on Making CAD-Based Digital Fashion Patterns with Richpeace
- Widowati, Widowati
- The Effectiveness of Visual Media in Increasing Learning Outcome of Textile Subject in SMK N 1 Jambu
- Widyaman, Tresna
- The Development of an Augmented Reality-based Learning Media on the Subject of Radio and Television System
- Wijarwanto, Fendy
- The Key Factor that Determines the Success of VHS in Implementing the Indonesian Teaching Factory Learning Model
- Wijaya, M. Burhan Rubai
- Teachers’ Perspectives on the Significance of Patentability for Innovative and Commercially Technological Works: A Study at SMKN 4 Semarang
- Wijaya, M. Burhan Rubai
- Classroom Management of Motorcycle and Small Motor Practice Using the Block Teaching in The Next Normal
- Wijaya, Robby
- Analysis of Job Types Suitable for Indonesian Workforce Based on Industry 4.0 Revolution in Accordance with Performance Indicators, (Literature Review)
- Wilujeng, Biyan Yesi
- Development of Flipbook Media for Deaf Students in Hair Care Course in Cosmetics Education Program, State University of Surabaya
- Windayani, Novia Restu
- Development of Flipbook Media for Deaf Students in Hair Care Course in Cosmetics Education Program, State University of Surabaya
- Windayani, Novia Restu
- Arduino Based Microcontroller Learning Media on Improving Electrical Engineering Student Skills
- Wirawan, I.Made
- Development of Robotic System Controller Textbook Based on Problem-based Learning (PBL) for Vocational High School XI Grade for Industrial Electronics Engineering
- Wiyono, Agus
- The Use of Interactive E-Books Digital Literacy to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Wiyono, Agus
- Learning Module Development AutoCAD in Drawing Course of 2 Floor House Program Building Engineering Education the State University of Surabaya
- Wiyono, Apri
- Bibliometric Analysis of Creativity and Creative Thinking Skills of Vocational School Students
- Wolok, Eduart
- The Impact of PjBL on Creative Products and Entrepreneurship Subjects on Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention and Readiness Vocational Schools-Centers of Excellence
- Wulandari, Dyah Arum
- Design of a Reactor Tube on a Non-Isothermal Pyrolysis Reactor Prototype for High-Density Polyethylene Plastic Waste as a Practicum Learning Module
- Wulandari, Fadila Fitria
- Improving Micro Learning Competencies for Vocational Teachers in the Construction and Property Technology Expertise Program in Malang City: Using A Team Base Project Approach
- Wulandari, Sinta
- Development of Reinforced Concrete Floor Slab Mockup Media to Improve Student Competence
- Wulansarie, Ria
- Science Experiment by Making a Simple Water Filter to Increase Students’ Learning Motivation
- Yahya, Muhammad
- Android-Based Instructional Media for Case Studies in Environmental Engineering Course
- Yamasari, Yuni
- Applying Data Mining for Anomalies Detection on the Academic Performance of Student
- Yarman, Indah Novi
- Improving Mastery of “Mendeley” Information Technology to Write Scientific Articles for Vocational School Teachers in Semarang
- Yasinta, Rezi Berliana
- Skill Requirement of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Professional
- Yassin, Ruhizan Mohamad
- Project-based Interactive Learning Material for Vocational Students
- Yayat, Yayat
- Using Android-based Learning Media to Facilitate Students Critical Thinking Skills
- Yoto
- Analysis of Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and Nordic Body Map (NBM) on Work Fatigue
- Yoto, Yoto
- Increasing the Quality of Education in Vocational Schools Through Cooperation with Industry
- Yudiono, Heri
- Ability to Collaborate with Prospective Mechanical Engineering Teachers through Industrial Project Learning Strategies
- Yuhana, Taupik
- Attempts to Enhance Vehicle Engine Maintenance Learning Outcomes
- Yuhana, Taupik
- Comparison of Self-evaluation and Peer Evaluation with Assessment Lecturer Against Course Products Body Automotive at State University of Malang
- Yuhana, Taupik
- Development of Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) E-Jobsheet on Motorcycle Chassis Maintenance for Class XII TBSM Students SMK N 11 Malang
- Yuhanafia, Nurul
- The Effect of the Project-based Learning (PjBL) Model to Students’ Learning Interests and Learning Outcomes in the Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structure Subject, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
- Yuhanafia, Nurul
- The Relevance of Practicum Implementation on Student Interests, Understanding and Learning Outcomes in The Land Surveying Subject, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
- Yuhanafia, Nurul
- Support of Computer Laboratory Facilities and Infrastructure in Achieving Drawing Competence in DPIB Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 3 Kuningan
- Yuhanafia, Nurul
- Android-Based Instructional Media for Case Studies in Environmental Engineering Course
- Yunos, Jailani Md
- Project-based Interactive Learning Material for Vocational Students
- Yusro, Muhammad
- Vocational Education Development Strategy in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Era
- Yusuf, Rampi
- Application of Direct Instruction Model in Basic Network and Computer Subjects to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Zaeni, Ilham Ari Elbaith
- Development of a Control System Trainer using AVR Microcontroller to Understand Microcontroller Programming Concepts
- Zahro, Siti
- Promoting Students’ Creativity Problem Solving in Vocational Education a Theoretical Comprehension
- Zakaria, Alfian
- Implementation of the IDEA Learning Model (Issue, Discussion, Establish, and Apply) with the Quasi Experiment Method for Understanding Concepts in the Basic Programming
- Zatilhija, Nada Arrumaisya
- Development Of Animation Video-Based Learning Media in Food Processing and Serving Competency
- Zulfikar, Anggi Rahmad
- Arduino Based Microcontroller Learning Media on Improving Electrical Engineering Student Skills
- ‘Ulya, Dzurriyyatul
- Improving Academic Learning Outcomes through the Team-based Project Learning Model in the Audio and Video Processing Engineering Course