Proceedings of the 5th Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC-5 2023)

864 authors
Wicaksono, Dimas
Teachers’ Perspectives on the Significance of Patentability for Innovative and Commercially Technological Works: A Study at SMKN 4 Semarang
Widaningsih, Lilis
Implementation of Vocational Education and Training Models for Construction Workers
Widarwati, Sri
The Effectiveness of Video Tutorials on Textile and Fashion Design Learning
Widayaka, Parama Diptya
Arduino Based Microcontroller Learning Media on Improving Electrical Engineering Student Skills
Widayat, Widi
Teachers’ Perspectives on the Significance of Patentability for Innovative and Commercially Technological Works: A Study at SMKN 4 Semarang
Widianingsih, Irma
Logic Scoring of Preference Development Training New Urban Agenda for Ready to Build Areas and Environment
Widiartini, Ni Ketut
The Effect of Local Culture Utilization as a Learning Source towards Students’ Creativity in Vocational Education
Widiastuti, Indah
Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on the Entrepreneurship Intention of Pre-Service Teachers in Vocational Technical Education
Widihastuti, Widihastuti
Development of Learning Outcomes Assessment Instruments for Fashion Technology Courses
Widiyaningtyas, Triyanna
Development of Interactive Learning Media in Data Communication Subject Class XI TKJ at SMKN 1 Udanawu
Widiyanti, Widiyanti
Vocational Skill Potential of Thinking and General Working Skills of Mechanical Engineering Associate Expert in Industries
Widodo, Aji
The Analysis of SMK Students’ Interest to Pursue Higher Education
Widodo, Aris
Development of a Media Website Using a Self-organized Learning Environment (SOLE) Model to Improve Learning and Innovation Skills in PKK Subject at SMKN 7 Semarang
Widodo, Aris
The Effect of the Project-based Learning (PjBL) Model to Students’ Learning Interests and Learning Outcomes in the Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structure Subject, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Widodo, Aris
Application of the Problem-based Learning Model in the Engineering Drawing Course of Building Engineering Education Students, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University, Class of 2021
Widodo, Aris
The Relevance of Practicum Implementation on Student Interests, Understanding and Learning Outcomes in The Land Surveying Subject, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Widodo, Slamet
The Feasibility of the Module for Making Choux Substitution of Brown Rice on Community Training
Widowati, Trisnani
Development of Flipbook Media for Deaf Students in Hair Care Course in Cosmetics Education Program, State University of Surabaya
Widowati, Trisnani
Media Assisted Cooperative Learning Presentation on Improving Learning Outcomes Students in the Traditional Bun Course
Widowati, Widowati
The Role of Fashion Design Education in Developing Ecoprint Technique Clothing to Support Final Projects and Increase Sustainability Awareness
Widowati, Widowati
Upskilling Fashion Design Vocational High School Teachers through training on Making CAD-Based Digital Fashion Patterns with Richpeace
Widowati, Widowati
The Effectiveness of Visual Media in Increasing Learning Outcome of Textile Subject in SMK N 1 Jambu
Widyaman, Tresna
The Development of an Augmented Reality-based Learning Media on the Subject of Radio and Television System
Wijarwanto, Fendy
The Key Factor that Determines the Success of VHS in Implementing the Indonesian Teaching Factory Learning Model
Wijaya, M. Burhan Rubai
Teachers’ Perspectives on the Significance of Patentability for Innovative and Commercially Technological Works: A Study at SMKN 4 Semarang
Wijaya, M. Burhan Rubai
Classroom Management of Motorcycle and Small Motor Practice Using the Block Teaching in The Next Normal
Wijaya, Robby
Analysis of Job Types Suitable for Indonesian Workforce Based on Industry 4.0 Revolution in Accordance with Performance Indicators, (Literature Review)
Wilujeng, Biyan Yesi
Development of Flipbook Media for Deaf Students in Hair Care Course in Cosmetics Education Program, State University of Surabaya
Windayani, Novia Restu
Development of Flipbook Media for Deaf Students in Hair Care Course in Cosmetics Education Program, State University of Surabaya
Windayani, Novia Restu
Arduino Based Microcontroller Learning Media on Improving Electrical Engineering Student Skills
Wirawan, I.Made
Development of Robotic System Controller Textbook Based on Problem-based Learning (PBL) for Vocational High School XI Grade for Industrial Electronics Engineering
Wiyono, Agus
The Use of Interactive E-Books Digital Literacy to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Wiyono, Agus
Learning Module Development AutoCAD in Drawing Course of 2 Floor House Program Building Engineering Education the State University of Surabaya
Wiyono, Apri
Bibliometric Analysis of Creativity and Creative Thinking Skills of Vocational School Students
Wolok, Eduart
The Impact of PjBL on Creative Products and Entrepreneurship Subjects on Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention and Readiness Vocational Schools-Centers of Excellence
Wulandari, Dyah Arum
Design of a Reactor Tube on a Non-Isothermal Pyrolysis Reactor Prototype for High-Density Polyethylene Plastic Waste as a Practicum Learning Module
Wulandari, Fadila Fitria
Improving Micro Learning Competencies for Vocational Teachers in the Construction and Property Technology Expertise Program in Malang City: Using A Team Base Project Approach
Wulandari, Sinta
Development of Reinforced Concrete Floor Slab Mockup Media to Improve Student Competence
Wulansarie, Ria
Science Experiment by Making a Simple Water Filter to Increase Students’ Learning Motivation
Yahya, Muhammad
Android-Based Instructional Media for Case Studies in Environmental Engineering Course
Yamasari, Yuni
Applying Data Mining for Anomalies Detection on the Academic Performance of Student
Yarman, Indah Novi
Improving Mastery of “Mendeley” Information Technology to Write Scientific Articles for Vocational School Teachers in Semarang
Yasinta, Rezi Berliana
Skill Requirement of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Professional
Yassin, Ruhizan Mohamad
Project-based Interactive Learning Material for Vocational Students
Yayat, Yayat
Using Android-based Learning Media to Facilitate Students Critical Thinking Skills
Analysis of Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and Nordic Body Map (NBM) on Work Fatigue
Yoto, Yoto
Increasing the Quality of Education in Vocational Schools Through Cooperation with Industry
Yudiono, Heri
Ability to Collaborate with Prospective Mechanical Engineering Teachers through Industrial Project Learning Strategies
Yuhana, Taupik
Attempts to Enhance Vehicle Engine Maintenance Learning Outcomes
Yuhana, Taupik
Comparison of Self-evaluation and Peer Evaluation with Assessment Lecturer Against Course Products Body Automotive at State University of Malang
Yuhana, Taupik
Development of Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) E-Jobsheet on Motorcycle Chassis Maintenance for Class XII TBSM Students SMK N 11 Malang
Yuhanafia, Nurul
The Effect of the Project-based Learning (PjBL) Model to Students’ Learning Interests and Learning Outcomes in the Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structure Subject, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Yuhanafia, Nurul
The Relevance of Practicum Implementation on Student Interests, Understanding and Learning Outcomes in The Land Surveying Subject, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Yuhanafia, Nurul
Support of Computer Laboratory Facilities and Infrastructure in Achieving Drawing Competence in DPIB Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 3 Kuningan
Yuhanafia, Nurul
Android-Based Instructional Media for Case Studies in Environmental Engineering Course
Yunos, Jailani Md
Project-based Interactive Learning Material for Vocational Students
Yusro, Muhammad
Vocational Education Development Strategy in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Era
Yusuf, Rampi
Application of Direct Instruction Model in Basic Network and Computer Subjects to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Zaeni, Ilham Ari Elbaith
Development of a Control System Trainer using AVR Microcontroller to Understand Microcontroller Programming Concepts
Zahro, Siti
Promoting Students’ Creativity Problem Solving in Vocational Education a Theoretical Comprehension
Zakaria, Alfian
Implementation of the IDEA Learning Model (Issue, Discussion, Establish, and Apply) with the Quasi Experiment Method for Understanding Concepts in the Basic Programming
Zatilhija, Nada Arrumaisya
Development Of Animation Video-Based Learning Media in Food Processing and Serving Competency
Zulfikar, Anggi Rahmad
Arduino Based Microcontroller Learning Media on Improving Electrical Engineering Student Skills
‘Ulya, Dzurriyyatul
Improving Academic Learning Outcomes through the Team-based Project Learning Model in the Audio and Video Processing Engineering Course