Proceedings of the 2nd UPY International Conference on Education and Social Science (UPINCESS 2023)
223 authors
- Novitasari, Khikmah
- STEAM For Early Children’s Development Domains
- Novitasari, Khikmah
- The Influence of Picture Card Games on the Emotional Intelligence of Children Aged 5–6 Years
- Nugrahani, Tri Siwi
- Does Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Research and Development Investment Affect Financial Performance?
- Nur, Indah Manfaati
- Modelling Gender-Based Human Development Index in Indonesia Using Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (S-SUR)
- Nurhadi, Rohmat
- The Effectiveness of Cooperative Team Accelerated Instruction Type in Thematic Learning For Grade 5 Students of 1 Sewon Elementary School
- Nurhidayah, Fitriyah
- Pandemic Firm’s Performance: The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital
- Nurhidayah, Fitriyah
- The Effect of Capital Structure, Information Asymmetry, and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Quality
- Nurwahyuni
- Improvement of Motivation, Courage of Opinion, and Citizenship Learning Results Through the Watusisi Portfolio Learning Model
- Pandita, Hita
- Preliminary Study on the Potential Development of Kulon Progo Geoheritage Based on SWOT Analysis
- Parjiyatmi
- Differentiate and Extracurricular Learning Upgrading the Quality of Education at Panggang Elementary School
- Perdana, Romi Juliani Putri
- Pandemic Firm’s Performance: The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital
- Permana, Muhammad Priya
- Agricultural Diesel Motor Maintenance and Repair Training with the Application of a Combined Learning Model between Peer Teaching and Practice Rehearsal Pairs in Sonosewu Farmer Groups
- Permana, Septian Aji
- The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education At SD Negeri Kauman Kapanewon Pleret
- Pertiwi, Arum Puspitha
- The Effect of Group Discussion on Understanding Connotative Meaning in Reading of Grade IV Elementary School Students
- Prabowo, Adi
- Preliminary Study on the Potential Development of Kulon Progo Geoheritage Based on SWOT Analysis
- Prakosa, Adhi
- Exploring Authenticity’s: A Driver of Trust
- Prakoso, Erik Teguh
- Efforts to Fulfill Children’s Nutrition Through the Parent Class Program In Elementary School Physical Education Learning
- Pranyata, Eka
- Preliminary Study on the Potential Development of Kulon Progo Geoheritage Based on SWOT Analysis
- Prasetya, Rahayu Ika
- Use of Diorama Media
- Prasetyo, Adi
- Challenges for SMEs During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Importance of Innovation and Digitalization
- Pratama, Farhan Ady
- Pandemic Firm’s Performance: The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital
- Priyatno, Edi
- Sustainable Tourism Development
- Purnomo, Eko Andy
- Modelling Gender-Based Human Development Index in Indonesia Using Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression (S-SUR)
- Purnomo, Vicki Dwi
- Effect of Marketing Mix through Social Responsibility on Housing Industry Performance
- Purwaningrum, Jayanti Putri
- Teacher Needs Analysis in Developing Android Learning Apps to Improve Elementary Students’ Numeracy Literacy Skills
- Purwaningsih, Okti
- Development of an Instrument to Measure Food Security Literacy Capability of Primary School Students
- Putranti, Latifah
- Consumer Involvement, Consumer Brand Engagement and Self Brand Connection Users of Food and Beverage Delivery Service Applications
- Putranti, Latifah
- The Influence of Product Quality, Attitude, and Price Perception on Souvenir T-Shirt Purchase Behavior in Yogyakarta
- Putri, Anandita Zulia
- The Role of Owner’s Perception and Accounting Knowledge towards Use of Accounting Information
- Putro, Ahmad Agung Yuwono
- Cultivating the Potential of the Ocean as a Source of Income for Local Residents
- Putro, Ahmad Agung Yuwono
- Factors of Using Learning Models on Learning Attitudes, Learning Motivation, and Social Studies Learning Achievement
- Putro, Ahmad Agung Yuwono
- Recognition of Emotions to Increase Student Self-Efficacy in Learning
- Rahmasari, Yulia
- Analysis of Students’ Learning Saturation During The Covid-19 Pandemic At Primary School
- Rahmawati, Niken
- An Analysis of the Intensity of Online Learning Media as Tools for Mathematics Teachers
- Rahmawati, Selly
- The Effect of the ICARE Learning Model on Student Computational Skills
- Rangkuti, Rizki Kurniawan
- Development TPACK-Based Online Mathematic Instructional Design Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach
- Retnoningsih, Ferawati Setyo
- Employee Diversity Management In Creative Industry In Building Competitive Advantages
- Rini, Afifah Dharma
- Relationship of Nutritional Status and Sleep Quality with Quality of Life in Geriatrics
- Ritawati, Bernadeta
- Development TPACK-Based Online Mathematic Instructional Design Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach
- Rofiana
- Implementation of Differentiated Learning with Project Based Learning (PjBL) Models in Science Content for Class V Elementary School Student
- Rojuaniah
- The Role Of Individual Innovative Behavior As Mediator In Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage At Mental Hospitals
- Rumakat, Nurdia
- Mental Health Issues Impacting Pharmaceutical Students of Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta During COVID-19 Pandemic View from Religius Perspective
- Rustam
- The Influence Of The Language Discourse Of ‘World Peace
- Ruswanto
- Peer Tutoring Method For Improving Learning Achievement In Adding And Subtracting Mixed Fractions At SDN Soka Pundong Bantul Elementary School Academic Year 2022/2023
- Saefudin, Abdul Aziz
- An Analysis of the Intensity of Online Learning Media as Tools for Mathematics Teachers
- Saefudin, Abdul Aziz
- Growth Mindset in Mathematics in Junior High School: A Reflection on Students’ Mathematics Learning Activities in a Science Specialization Class
- Saefudin, Abdul Aziz
- Hypothetical Learning Trajectory Based on Theory of Didactical Situation: An Initial Learning Trajectory Design to Enhance Mathematical Creativity and Resilience
- Sagita, Laela
- Two-Dimensional Shape in Geometry using Tangram Card Game: Ideas and Implication
- Sagita, Laela
- Batik Colek and Batik Celup Through Community: A Prospect of Introducing The STEAM Strategy to The Community
- Saktiana, Galuh Mira
- Exploring Authenticity’s: A Driver of Trust
- Salamah
- Improvement of Motivation, Courage of Opinion, and Citizenship Learning Results Through the Watusisi Portfolio Learning Model
- Salamah
- Improving Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Social Studies Through the Kunjung Karya Method
- Sanjaya, Yayan
- The Potential of Waste Recycling Program to Supporta Green Campus
- Santoso, Slamet
- Efforts to Fulfill Children’s Nutrition Through the Parent Class Program In Elementary School Physical Education Learning
- Saptatiningsih, Rosalia Indriyati
- Teacher’s Perception of Mathematics Learning with an Online System based on Pedagogic Competence’s Perspective
- Saptatiningsih, Rosalia Indriyati
- Mitigating Stunting Cases Through Community Empowerment and Local Potential
- Saputra, Arya
- Green Marketing Strategic the Impact on Green Tourism
- Saputri, Lintang Dinda
- Does Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Research and Development Investment Affect Financial Performance?
- Sari, Niken Permata
- Ecotourism Experience and Integrated Marketing Communication as an Antecedent of Ecotourism Satisfaction and Ecotourism Intention
- Sari, Ratna Purnama
- The Role of Owner’s Perception and Accounting Knowledge towards Use of Accounting Information
- Setiawati, Esti
- Factors of Using Learning Models on Learning Attitudes, Learning Motivation, and Social Studies Learning Achievement
- Setiawati, Esti
- Soft Skills Competency Analysis of Prospective Teacher Students: Self Assessment Profile Review
- Setiawati, Esti
- The Effect of Using Virtual Reality Field Trip Video Media on Motivation and Social Studies Learning Results for Middle School Students
- Setyaningsih, Anita Tri
- The Role of Owner’s Perception and Accounting Knowledge towards Use of Accounting Information
- Setyaningsih, Ninis
- Student Character Building Through the 5S Culture (Smile, Greeting, Greeting, Politeness, Courtesy) in Triwidadi Public Elementary School
- Shinta, Astri Praba
- Investigation on Parental Supervision of Adolescents’ Attitude in Medicine Consumption
- Sholeh, Muchhamad
- Efforts to Fulfill Children’s Nutrition Through the Parent Class Program In Elementary School Physical Education Learning
- Sholikhan, Muhammad
- Teacher Needs Analysis in Developing Android Learning Apps to Improve Elementary Students’ Numeracy Literacy Skills
- Sofia, Irma Paramita
- Pandemic Firm’s Performance: The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital
- Sofia, Irma Paramita
- The Effect of Capital Structure, Information Asymmetry, and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Quality
- Subekti, Ifni Izzati
- Benefits and Challenges of Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Academic Workplace
- Subhan
- The Influence of Picture Card Games on the Emotional Intelligence of Children Aged 5–6 Years
- Sudjati, H.
- Implementation of the School Literacy Movement Program (GLS) In SD Negeri Triwidadi Pajangan and SD Negeri Puncak Pajangan
- Sujati, Hereditus
- Differences in Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Learning Using Discovery Learning and Problem Based Learning Models
- Sukadari
- Implementation of Differentiated Learning with Project Based Learning (PjBL) Models in Science Content for Class V Elementary School Student
- Sulistiawati, Rena Dewi
- Implementation Of Character Education For Kadiresa Primary School Students In Lower Economic Families
- Sulistyono, Joko
- Efforts to Fulfill Children’s Nutrition Through the Parent Class Program In Elementary School Physical Education Learning
- Suminar, Yulian Agus
- The Influence of Picture Card Games on the Emotional Intelligence of Children Aged 5–6 Years
- Sunanti, Titis
- Two-Dimensional Shape in Geometry using Tangram Card Game: Ideas and Implication
- Sunardi
- The Role of School Operational Assistance (BOS) in Elementary Schools
- Sunarti
- Audio-Visual Combined Role-Playing Learning Model to Improve Speaking Skills Indonesian Lessons
- Sunarti
- Limited Availability Of Educational Funds
- Sunarti
- Realizing Child-Friendly Schools in The Classroom Learning Process
- Suprihatiningsih, Siti
- Development TPACK-Based Online Mathematic Instructional Design Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach
- Surtikanti, Hertien Koosbandiah
- The Potential of Waste Recycling Program to Supporta Green Campus
- Susanto, Eko
- Preliminary Study on the Potential Development of Kulon Progo Geoheritage Based on SWOT Analysis
- Susetyawati, M. M. Endang
- An Analysis of the Intensity of Online Learning Media as Tools for Mathematics Teachers
- Susetyawati, M. M. Endang
- Factors Affecting the Achievement of Numerical Literacy Skills for ABK Inclusive Elementary School Students
- Susila, Eka
- Low Quality of Education
- Susilowati, Diah
- Limited Availability Of Educational Funds
- Susilowati, Fitri
- Does Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Research and Development Investment Affect Financial Performance?
- Syahruzah, Juang Kurniawan
- Interactive Power Point Learning Media Based Multilingual Literacy for Children Learning Language
- Tuminah
- The Benefits Of Merdeka Mengajar Platform To Improve Teacher Competence Elementary School
- Utami, Novianti Retno
- STEAM For Early Children’s Development Domains
- Utami, Novianti Retno
- The Influence of Picture Card Games on the Emotional Intelligence of Children Aged 5–6 Years
- Wahid, Rahmat A Hi
- Mental Health Issues Impacting Pharmaceutical Students of Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta During COVID-19 Pandemic View from Religius Perspective
- Wardhani, Dyah Ciptaning Lokiteswara Setya
- Benefits and Challenges of Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Academic Workplace
- Wardhani, Dyah Ciptaning Lokiteswara Setya
- Solow Growth Model: Encourage SMEs to Provide Information and Communication Technology to Global Value Chain
- Warniasih, Kristina
- An Analysis of the Intensity of Online Learning Media as Tools for Mathematics Teachers
- Wibowo, Ari
- Development of an Instrument to Measure Food Security Literacy Capability of Primary School Students