Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2022 (IJCAH 2022)
229 articles
Proceedings Article
Ideologic Code in Asma’ Artho Text at Islamic Boarding School
Diana Mayasari, Kisyani Laksono, Agusniar D. Safitri, Suhartono Suhartono
Asma’ Artho text contains ideology in its use which is believed by the user community. The presence of a diversified community allows for a wide range of assessments. There is an ideological misuse in this judgment. Misuse of this concept leads to things that deviate from Islamic law, such as pesugihan...
Proceedings Article
Technical Training Mapping Analysis of Education Staff Personnel Towards a University with Legal Entity
Sapto Wibowo, Sarmini Sarmini, Slamet Setiawan, Eko Wahyudi, Sulaksono, Tri Suci Ulamaullah
The purpose of this study is to analyze the understanding of functional positions regarding functional career development in accordance with the functional positions, strategies for developing functional and structural positions, and accelerated promotion patterns. This research method uses an exploratory...
Proceedings Article
The Awareness of Lecturers Towards the Role of Research Ethics Commission in Research
Arie Wardhono, Yuni Lestari
In order to improve the quality of higher education at international level, university lecturers are required to publish their work in an international journal. However, a high rating international journals require evidence of ethical clearance which is a written statement given by the Research Ethics...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Kanji Learning Outcome Assessment During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Amira Agustin Kocimaheni, Djodjok Soepardjo, Joko Prasetyo, Nise Samudra Sasanti, Parastuti
Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world which has resulted in changes in the offline learning model that was commonly applied before the COVID-19 pandemic, into an online learning model or distance learning (PJJ). This change certainly requires adaptation for both teachers...
Proceedings Article
Online Project-Based Learning and Critical Thinking Skills: A Case Study in Tertiary Education
Arik Susanti, Sri Rachmajanti, Nunung Suryati, Utari Praba Astuti
Institution of higher education are required to provide to the growth of students’ critical thinking skills. The use of online learning is common in Universitas Negeri Surabaya because of pandemic Covid 19. Therefore, the goals of the study is to describe English method, project-based learning, to enhance...
Proceedings Article
Development of Operating Plan for Four-Year Diploma Civil Engineering Program
Satriana Fitri Mustika Sari, Anggi Rahmad Zulfikar, Hasan Dani
D4 Civil Engineering program is a program study at the State University of Surabaya with focused learning on building construction knowledge. Graduated students of this program have a good prospect career, starting from the drafter image, an estimator to calculate the Budget of the Construction, and...
Proceedings Article
The Website Analysis of Nutrition Study Programme
Satwika Arya Pratama, Amalia Ruhana, Rita Ismawati
The aim of website in university are to provide information about profiles, academic programs, facilities and facilities, activities and achievements. The website is the first media interaction and engage interaction to prospective students and public users. To find out how far the Nutrition Program...
Proceedings Article
The Factors Influenced the Undergraduate Thesis Completion Among Engineering Students
Yulia Fransisca, Suhartiningsih, Mochammad Arif Irfa’i, Satwika Arya Pratama
This research was conducted by looking at the reality in the Faculty of Engineering based on the data of students who can complete their studies on time around 29.19%. The low number of students of the Faculty of Engineering who can complete their studies on time makes it necessary to find answers to...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Quality of Counseling Services in Improving the Achievement Motivation of Senior High School Students
Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, Mochamad Nursalim, Titin Indah Pratiwi, Muhammad Farid Ilhamuddin
Achievement motivation is an important predictor that affects students’ academic achievement. One of the assistance efforts provided by counselors in order to help solve problems faced by students is to provide counseling services. One of the important things related to the quality of counseling services...
Proceedings Article
Digital Marketing and Creative Space Rebranding for Senior High School Students
Renny Sari Dewi, Riska Dhenabayu, Anita Safitri, Hujjatullah Fazlurrahman, Achmad Kautsar
Covid-19 pandemic have halted student creativity and innovation programs in SMA Negeri 1 Krian. The existence of a community service program initiated by the State University of Surabaya aims to revive the vacuum of digital works creation and production in SMA Negeri 1 Krian. The two activities that...
Proceedings Article
Research Development Strategy to Support University Become a Higher Education of Legal Entity
Nurhayati Nurhayati, Sari Edi Cahyaningrum
It is necessary to develop a strategic plan for research activities to support the University as higher education of legal entity. Strategic planning for research development is very important to do to create and maintain a match between the organization’s goals and the resources it has to capture opportunities...
Proceedings Article
Operational Plan Development of Four-Year Diploma Mechanical Engineering Study Program
Andita Nataria Fitri Ganda, Arya Mahendra Sakti, Diah Wulandari, Warju Warju
The demand for labor in the industrial sector will increase by more than 8% until 2035. This increase is spread across all manufacturing sub-sectors, such as the food and beverage industry (mamin), metals, textiles and clothing, and automotive. The development of industrial human resources aims to create...
Proceedings Article
Modification of Dryer Cabinet Based on Automation System
Minnar Titis Santoso, Gitud Sudarto, Nusriningyati Nusriningyati, Patni Patni
Dryer cabinets based on automation systems are able to carry out and organize work so that they do not require human supervision. The automation system is able to reduce the role of humans in the operation of the tool, improve production quality, avoid human errors and for the safety and security of...
Proceedings Article
Advanced Development of PLC Trainer Products as Facilities in the Control Engineering Laboratory
Gitud Sudarto, Minnar Titis Santoso, Hikmat Oka Kusuma
The rapid development of technology in the industrial world must also be accompanied by the development of the world of education, therefore the bachelor of Electrical Engineering Study Program, Surabaya State University provides automation control systems courses to bridge students to study control...
Proceedings Article
Preparation of Research Proposals and Articles for Vocational School Teachers
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Fitriari Izzatunnisa Muhaimin
The government has regulated career paths and the mechanic of teacher promotion through the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Regulation No. 16 of 2009 concerning Teacher’s Functional Positions and Credit Scores. In the regulation, it was stated that one of the components is for...
Proceedings Article
Does Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Have an Impact on Student Character Values?
V. Pratiwi, L. Hakim, E. Wahjudi, A. Arif, A. G. Ismoyo, E. N. Sari, D. S. Sitorus
This study aims to find out the impact of online learning on the character values of students in higher education. The type of this research is a literature review research by reviewing various relevant theories, findings, and previous journals. The results showed that online learning had an impact on...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of E-Catalog Technology as a Digital Promotion Media on a Small Medium Enterprise
Dhita Ayu Permata Sari, Tias Andarini Indarwati, Riska Dhenabayu, Sista Paramita, Imami Arum Tri Rahayu, Muh Ariffudin Islam
Promotional media and information are media that are very influential and play an important role in the development of the business world which is getting bigger and tighter in competition. Visual communication media in the form of informative smart e-catalogs is a way that can be used as identification...
Proceedings Article
Curriculum Design for Emancipated Learning at Higher Education to Accommodate Experiential Learning for the Students
Bambang Yulianto, Syamsul Sodiq, Prima V. Asteria, Harmanto Harmanto, Bachtiar S. Bachri, Sueb Sueb, Hasan Subekti
The curriculum has a central role in academic activities. The implementation of Merdeka Belajar (transl. Emancipated Learning) issued by the Minister of Education and Culture as the new framework is to respond to dynamic changes life in the disruption era. This is an initial developmental research to...
Proceedings Article
Emancipated Learning: Bridging Universities and Schools for Future Teacher Education
Bambang Yulianto, Sueb Sueb, Prima V. Asteria, Harmanto, Bachtiar S. Bachri, Hasan Subekti, Fatkur R. Kafrawi
This reflective conceptual research aims to propose two strategies to meet the expected outcomes future teachers as a continuum from B.Ed. Programs (universities or LPTK), Teacher Education Professional Program (transl. Indonesia: PPG), and work place (context: schools), providing opportunities for students...
Proceedings Article
The Ambivalence of Emancipated Learning and Student’s Learning Experience on Graduate Attributes: An Initial Identification
Muhammad Sholeh, Shelly Anda, Syamsul Sodiq, Hasan Subekti, Sueb Sueb
This is a preliminary study that aims to explain the ambivalence of the implementation of Merdeka Learning (transl. Emancipated Learning) and student’s learning experiences towards the graduate attributes of their respective study programs. As the Ministry of Education through the Emancipated Learning...
Proceedings Article
Blended Learning Development Based on Connective Theory to Improve Results of Learning Concepts and Digital Literacy
Septina Alrianingrum, Yatim Rianto, Bachtiar Syaiful Bahri
The impact of globalization touches various fields of human life, including education. Standard learning 21st century pushed in teacher preparation the learning process based on creativity, innovation, and local knowledge to advance go to virtual all classes. Blended Learning’s significance to repeating...
Proceedings Article
Need Assessment of English for Specific Purposes Learning Materials
Mukhayyarotin Jauhariyah, Maharani Putri, Sharvina Yudatika, Dhita Sari, Evangelista Palupi, Nur Qomariyah, Muchlis
It is a preliminary study to analyze the need assessment of learning materials in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) courses in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMNS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Using an explanatory type of research regarding the need for teaching materials in the ESP course....
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Various Concentrations of Alcohol as Preservative of Bamboo Shells (Ensis leei) and Blood Clams (Anadara granosa)
Sugimin Sugimin, Rizki Yulia Oxi, Trisiswanti Trisnawati, Eza Alfian Rizkita, Anggi Maulia Arista
Laboratory activities and/or field practicum activities are one of the important activities. Preservation of specimens is an activity that is often carried out. Preservation of specimens is intended to maintain the condition of living things as they are in nature and their morphological structure (only...
Proceedings Article
Public Service Innovation for Vulnerable Groups
Haryo Kunto Wibisono, Prasetyo Isbandono, Agus Prastyawan, Dian Arlupi Utami, Yuni Lestari
This article discusses the practice of public service innovation in vulnerable groups in Dolopo District, Madiun Regency. Through qualitative methods, this article aims to identify the situation and conditions for the implementation of innovations in public service programs; Thus, analyze the factors...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Arrangements, Maintenance of Archives, and Employee’s Competency on the Quality of Services
Jody Suryanto, Zumrotul Faizah
Service is the key to success in various service activities. A service is said to be successful if the archive team member can provide information in the archive and provide the library quickly and precisely. The success or failure of a service is highly dependent on the implementation element or team...
Proceedings Article
Analysis and Identification of Human Resource Needs in the University Vocational Program
Abdul Hafidz, Martadi, Warju, Weni Rosdiana, Gading Gamaputra
The needs of lecturers and educational staff need to be analyzed and should be stated in the strategic plan (Renstra) of Vocational human resources every 5 years. Currently, Vocational does not have a Strategic Plan for the next 5 years. This research is expected to be the basis for the preparation of...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Relevance of Vocational School Basic Machinery Materials to the Industrial World
Mochamad Cholik, Soeryanto, Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan, Ali Hasbi Ramadani, I. Made Arsana
This study aims to: (1) Obtain information about the level of implementation of machining competency learning at SMK Negeri Surabaya; (2) Obtain information about the level of competency needs of Machinery in Industry in Surabaya; and (3) Obtaining information about the level of relevation of machinery...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Operational Plan Performance for Four-Year Diploma of Public Administration Program
Weni Rosdiana, Agus Prastyawan, Gading Gamaputra, Yuni Lestari, Noviyanti
The Applied Bachelor Program of Public Administration makes continuous and continuous efforts to improve the quality and performance of the tridharma of higher education. Efforts to realize the vision and mission of the study program are followed up through the preparation of the Operational Plan the...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Roadmap for Research and Community Service
Agus Prastyawan, Gading Gamaputra, Weni Rosdiana, Dian Arlupi Utami, Noviyanti
The preparation of a roadmap for research and community service is carried out to map research studies and community service activities based on the competence of lecturers and science. The roadmap for research and community service can be a guideline for the implementation, evaluation and development...
Proceedings Article
Roadmap Development Research and Community Service of Four-Year Mechanical Engineering Program
Ferly Isnomo Abdi, Diah Wulandari, Arya Mahendra Sakti, Dyah Riandadari, Andita Nataria Fitri Ganda
With the growth in manufacturing value added (MVA), Indonesia occupies the highest position in ASEAN. Indonesia’s MVA reached 4.84 percent, while in ASEAN it was around 4.5 percent, then at the global level it was ranked 9th in the world. From the manufacturing sector, Indonesia is in the top five in...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Research Outcomes and Community Service on the Implementation of Key Performance Indicators
Nurmika Simanullang, Yuyun Irawati, Tri Wahyuni, Dody Purwanto, Endah Wahyuni
Human resources are important to support the duties and functions of the Research and Community Service Department (LPPM). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of research outcomes and community services (PKM) implementation on LPPM’s Main Performance Indicators (IKU) at Unesa. Data...
Proceedings Article
Mapping the Budget Plan Towards the Key Performance Indicators
Tri Diana Sari, Nuri Susilawati, Teguh Wahyudi, Masita Nur Hayati
Universitas Negeri Surabaya in its financial management is required to prepare a Business and Budgeting Plan (RBA) every year. Public Service Agency (BLU) Business and Budgeting Plan, hereinafter abbreviated as RBA, is a business planning and budgeting document that contains the programs, activities,...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Parking Retribution Policy in Madiun City
Noviyanti Noviyanti, Cindy Pramita Agustin, Aditya Pratiwi Fitrianingrum, Siti Lutfianingrum, Fatma Sasmita Setiani
One of the Original Local Government Revenue is parking retribution. Several regions have regulations regarding parking retribution, one of which is Madiun City. The parking retribution policy in Madiun City refers to Regional Regulation of Madiun City no 22 of 2017 concerning parking retribution on...
Proceedings Article
Community Participation in Covid-19 Response in Surabaya City
Weni Rosdiana, Agus Prastyawan, Noviyanti Noviyanti, Gading Gamaputra, Yuni Lestari, Dian Arlupi Utami, Prasetyo Isbandono, Arzetya Fitri Karimah
Community participation has an important role in efforts to overcome Covid-19 in Surabaya City. This paper aims to describe and analyse the factors that affect the participation of the people of the city of Surabaya. This research uses qualitative research methods and qualitative data analysis. The results...
Proceedings Article
Asset Lending Information System at Faculty of Languages and Arts
Tara Satyawati, Yakup Yakup, Moch. Masrur, Fajar Ratna Handayani
The Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) is a part of the State University of Surabaya, which is a government-owned institution that provides higher education services for the society. In providing educational services, of course, adequate facilities are needed. Information about these facilities should...
Proceedings Article
Audit Time Budget, Auditor’s Experience, and Professionalism Impact on Auditing Quality
Budi Agung Prasetya, Dedi Purwana, Saparuddin Saparuddin
The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that influence audit quality at the ITJEN Kemendikbudristek, and to describe the implementation of these factors at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The research method uses descriptive analysis using psychological measurements...
Proceedings Article
Cost Budget Plan Training to Improve Transport Infrastructure Planning Capabilities for Vocational Middle School Students
Amanda Ristriana Pattisinai, Ari Widayanti, Fitri Rohmah Widayanti, Anita Susanti, R. Endro Wibisono, Purwo Mahardi
The Cost Budget Plan (CBP) provides an overview of the cost required for a project. Preparing the CBP must ensure that the calculation of the total material or workers’ wages is detailed and correct. Partner in this public service activity (PSA) is SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya (Senior High School of Public...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Technostress on Technology-Based Learning on Academic Productivity with Job Outcome Students as Intervening Variables in Accounting Students
Khairunnisa Harahap, Akmal Nasution, Erny Purba, Andri Zainal
Related to the existence Covid 19 pandemic and it’s done online learning to whole students at Medan State University, whose activities the learning of course just related with use various technologies. Height intensity use technology this, especially with regard to computers and smartphones then study...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Performance of Financial Managers and the Impact on Budget Spending
Zulaikhah Abdullah, Tintin Sri Puspitasari
The purpose of the research to find out the effect of transparency, value for money, and income on financial management at the State University of Surabaya and also aims to measure the effect of accountability, transparency, participation and value for money on the performance of financial managers....
Proceedings Article
Diversification of Patterned Batik Products (Nyanggit Motif) in Clothing as an Alternative to the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Batik Enterprises
Urip Wahyuningsih, Indarti Indarti, Yulistiana Yulistiana, Fadilah Indira Sari, Laylisa Salsabillah, Yuni Zhaafira Fatmawati
Batik is an Indonesian cultural heritage that has become worldwide and has now become an industry and is generally in the form of Small and Medium Enterprises. One of the batik industries in Indonesia is on the island of Madura which has a wealth of cultural sites in the form of batik cloth, precisely...
Proceedings Article
Inquiring the Development of the Nusantara Vaccine and Legal Certainty in the Community
Emmilia Rusdiana, Arinto Nugroho, Eny Sulistyowati, Muh. Ali Masnum
The Indonesian nation is a nation that has advantages in producing diverse and beneficial products for society. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the problem was regarding the existence of vaccines produced by the Indonesian people themselves. The purpose of this paper is the development of the Nusantara...
Proceedings Article
Digitalization of Simple Financial Statements on Women’s Fashion MSMES in East Java
Tias Andarini Indarwati, Riska Dhenabayu, R. A. Sista Paramita, Dhita Ayu Permata Sari
Women have an important role in supporting the nation’s economy, especially during the current pandemic. MSMEs run by women account for 60% of the total number of MSMEs in Indonesia. The use of financial technology is proven to be able to improve the performance of MSMEs. Modernization in financial records...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Digital Marketing as a Revitalization Strategy for MSME Leather Crafts at the Bag and Luggage Industry Cooperative
Hujjatullah Fazlurrahman, Riska Dhenabayu, Tias Andarini Indarwati
Kedensari Village has the potential as a center for leather crafts in Sidoarjo. The craftsmen in Kedensari Village are members of a cooperative organization called the Bag and Suitcase Industry Cooperative (INTAKO). Based on the results of interviews and field observations, it is known that the average...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Determinants on Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy Students of Business Education
Raya Sulistyowati
Entrepreneurship is an effective approach for overcoming a country's economic challenges. Entrepreneurship requires intent/intent so that entrepreneurial performance also improves. A good entrepreneurial ecosystem should also be considered in order to help entrepreneurship grow. The entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article
The Exploring LET’S Read Book
Level 0 (My First Book)
Kisyani Laksono, Endah Budi Rahaju, Zulaikhah Abdullah, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo, Raras Tyasnurita
This study aims to identify gender equality and numeracy in Let’s Read (my first book); identify the conformity of the book with the guidelines. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data sources come from five books in the Indonesian language Let’s Read level 0 (my first book). The analysis...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Statistics Features Collection of Scientific Works in Digilib Application
Johan Wahyudi, Tri Lestari, Bagus Pambudi, Humayyun Nabila Ramadhani
The library is one of the sources for disseminating information, as well as a place for collecting scientific works from various faculties at the State University of Surabaya. Digilib is one of the tools used to collect scientific work. However, the problem faced is that it is not known how many collections...
Proceedings Article
The Exploration of High School Students Writing
Laksono Kisyani, Yuliyanto Andik, Mintowati Mintowati, Suhartono Suhartono, Rhubidho Dadang
The purpose of this research is to produce a writing pattern in terms of the number of supporting elements: identification of the average number of words in a lema ‘entry’; the number of characters in a word, the number of lines in a paragraph, and the number of sentences in a paragraph. The method used...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Literacy Strategies by Junior High School Teachers in Indonesia
Endah Budi Rahaju, Kisyani Laksono, Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, Zulaikhah Abdullah, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo
Literacy (and numeracy) is an important learning theme in the recently applied curriculum in Indonesia. Known as the ‘Freedom to learn curriculum,’ it emphasizes the importance of literacy strategies that all teachers must master. The use of literacy strategies is evident in the learning steps stated...
Proceedings Article
Problem of Writing Personal Letter in German to Students at the State University of Surabaya Base on Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen
Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Raden Roro Dyah Parnaningroem, Lutfi Saksono
The results and discussion of this article indicate that there are problems in writing letters by students at the German Language Education Study Program, Department of German Language and Literature, UNESA. This study aims to find the problems of students in writing personal letters of students in writing...
Proceedings Article
Learning German Through Traditional Dance
Raden Roro Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem, Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Lutfi Saksono, Suwarno Samsul
The world is still not 100% free from Covid-19. Therefore, face-to-face learning can take place on a limited basis or a hybrid or online system. However, the teaching and learning process must continue. The State University of Surabaya also experienced the same thing. For this reason, lecturers must...
Proceedings Article
The Strategy of Madurese Women to Get a Leadership Position
Yuni Lestari, Lely Indah Mindarti, Abdul Hakim, Riyanto Riyanto
The emancipation of women has been echoed since the new order. Kartini has become an icon of women's struggle and movement in realizing empowered women. However, the reality that has happened until now is that women's efforts to occupy leadership positions are not as easy as the opportunities...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Digital Library Media Utilization During Pandemic
Rina Juni Rianty, Mutty Hariyati, Doron Prabowo Juwono
The pandemic that broke out in 2020 forced the government to issue new policies as an effort to maintain the continuity of education. One of the policies is learning from home (Belajar dari Rumah/BDR). This policy requires university students as learners to actively seek information and learning resources...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Digital Media in Making Comics as an Effort to Improve Writing Competence
Tri Edliani Lestari, Audrey Gabriella Titaley, Wisma Kurniawati, Agus Ridwan
The purpose of this research is to improve the German language competence of high school students in East Java, especially in the field of writing. The development of media in the world of education is also developing in line with the development of the internet in the industrial revolution 4.0 and the...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Job Analysis and Workload Analysis in Surabaya City Government
Gading Gamaputra, Nur Azizah Afianti, Dian Santana, Muhammad Nauva, Dwi Prabowo
The research describes the analysis of the implementation of the utilization of the state apparatus and bureaucratic reform of the Republic of Indonesia based on No. 1 of 2020 concerning position analysis and workload analysis in the city of Surabaya. In this study, we saw the first problem: a discrepancy...
Proceedings Article
Employee Archives Management in the Process of Archive Return to Support the Promotion Process
Titin Sumarti
This study aims to determine the management of staffing archives in the archive retrieval process at the Sub-Division of Staffing FMIPA Unesa. Through this study, it is hoped that it can provide new information regarding archive management in the archive retrieval process at the Sub-Division of Staffing...
Proceedings Article
Improving Health, Independence, Character of Santri at Islamic Boarding School Through Table Tennis
Abdul Hafidz, Syafiul Anam, Afif Rusdiawan, Muhammad Kharis Fajar, Najlatun Naqiyah
The purpose of this research was to identify and analyze the improvement of the health, independence, and character of students at Mamba'ul Ma'arif Islamic Boarding School through table tennis in realizing students who are characterized, religious, and have achievements. This research uses...
Proceedings Article
Nurseries’ Strategy for Athletes Since Early Through Sports-Specific Classes (KKO) Based on Sports Science
M. V. Roesminigsih, Monica Widyaswari, Widya Nusantara, Afifan Yulfadinata, Dwi Lorry Juniarisca
Professional athletes need to be formed from an early age through the nursery process. However, not many people see the importance of the early nursery process. Breeding athletes tend to be done through professional clubs under a very limited number of sports organizations. In addition, there is also...
Proceedings Article
Digitization in Inorganic Chemistry and Instrument Laboratory Services
Vera Dessy Noevita, Raisza Tarida Savana, Moniqsa Purbo Syahrani
One of the ways to improve the quality of laboratory services in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era is by utilizing information and communication technology or in this research it is called digitization. Digitization is the process of converting information available in paper into digital format, digitization...
Proceedings Article
Research and Community Service Partner Satisfaction Survey
Amalia Ruhana, Imami Arum Tri Rahayu
LPPM Universitas Negeri Surabaya’s main responsibility is providing services for research and community service at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The program has a strong commitment to satisfying all stakeholders, one of which is a Research and Community Service (PKM) partner. The present study aimed to...
Proceedings Article
Training Music Sequencer at the Pare String Ensemble Community
Harpang Yudha Karyawanto, Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro, Heri Murbiyantoro, Autar Abdillah, Noordiana Noordiana, Senyum Sadhana
Realm of entertainment music develops along with technological developments, one of which is the use of music sequencers in musical performances. This article discusses the results of developing music production skills through music sequencer training in the Pare String ensemble community. The research...
Proceedings Article
Revitalizing Local Language Curriculum and Its Implementation
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, Darni Darni, Respati Retno Utami, Nurul Ulfatin, Andika Bagus, Tuwoso Tuwoso, Rochmawati Rochmawati
The revitalization of the local language curriculum needs to be carried out as a form of adaptation to the times. The increasingly strong educational challenges require strategies to overcome them, especially the local language curriculum that is relevant to national and regional education goals in order...
Proceedings Article
Designing and Fabrication of Integrated Fish Feed Machine 2 in 1 to Efficiency and Feed Quality
Muamar Zainul Arif, Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Heru Arizal
One important component of fish farming business is fish feed. The costs required in procuring fish feed are very large, namely 60–80% of the total cost. An increase in efficiency for fish feed is to make the fish feed yourself using a fish feed making machine. The first stage is the design process by...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Developing a Blue Print for Community Service to Strengthen University with Legal Entity
Lutfi Saksono, Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji
The community service program at the State University of Surabaya (Unesa) needs to be designed so that the research results of the academic community are better able to be present in solving problems in the community. This is in line with the government’s vision to implement research results downstream...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Plan for Research and Community Service Institute Based on University with Legal Entity
Imami Arum Tri Rahayu, Amalia Ruhana, Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji
A strategic plan (Renstra) is a planning document that is used as a guide to achieve organizational goals in the long term. Problems raised in this study: What is the process of making a strategic plan for the Unesa Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM)? What are the obstacles and problems...
Proceedings Article
Supporting Dekatagung Bawean as a Tourism Village Through Water Sports Safety Training for Young People
Imam Marsudi, M. Jacky, Arie Wardhono, Lutfi Saksono
Indonesia has many small islands that save the beauty of its beaches and underwater life. One of these islands is Bawean Island. Currently, tourism in Bawean is starting to grow. The trend of increasing tourist visits has made people in Bawean begin to develop the tourism potential that exists in their...
Proceedings Article
Community Sports Participation and Its Distribution in East Java
Hijrin Fithroni, Afif Rusdiawan
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of sports participation of the people of East Java and its distribution in 2022. This study is survey research with a quantitative approach and using a cross sectional design. A total of 25945 people from East Java were used as respondents for this...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Social Studies Lesson Plan Based on ESD: Theme of the Rise of Local Entrepreneurs
Nasution Nasution, Harti Harti, Andre Dwijanto Witjaksono, Nugroho Hari Purnomo, F. X. Sri Sadewo, Wasino, Moh. Mansor Noor, Faridatul Lailiyah
Education has a vital role in supporting the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). First, education is chosen as a pioneer in human development and second, education as a means to increase awareness, knowledge, and self-development. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a program...
Proceedings Article
Discrimination of Women in Modern Javanese Novels
Darni Darni, Yuni Lestari, Yunita Ernawati, Ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Subandi Subandi, Azizatus Zahro, Norhayati Ab Rahman, Dwika Apriyani
Discrimination often occurs against women. Discrimination against women is reflected in Javanese novels as well. Through feminist literary criticism, this paper is focused on describing the problem of how discrimination is experienced by women and how women try to fight this discrimination. The analysis...
Proceedings Article
The Description of University Budget Variance, Equality, and Expenditure Matter Toward Services
Nuri Susilawati, Tri Diana Sari, Teguh Wahyudi, Masita Nur Hayati
The current concept of budgeting in PT-BLU is performance-based budgeting. This system aims to realize an efficient, effective, fair, and transparent budget. Therefore, as characterized by public sector organizations in general, budget performance is a benchmark for organizational success, in this case...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Position, Function and Load Material Regulations of the Rector and Senate Regulation Based on Law Number 12 Year 2011 Concerning Establishment of Legislation
Lusy Andriani, Yuniarto Wiryo Nugroho, Muhammad Aldy Firdaus, Kholidah Kholidah
The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has been amended 4 (four) times, but still contains juridical problems in it. The problem that most often occurs is related to the overlapping of existing rules. Law No. 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislation as amended by Law Number...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation Strategy Ecoprint Fashion Business by Applying Web-Based Bespoke Tailoring Application: Case Study on “Daun Efek”
R. A. Sista Paramita, Imami Arum Tri Rahayu, Tias Andarini Indarwati, Muh. Ariffudin Islam, Riska Dhenabayu, Dhita Ayu Permata Sari
Covid-19 has made changes to the Fashion business run by SMEs. Efforts to stay in business, not only focused on green product innovation but also on being able to carry out digital transformation as a response to the changes of business environment after the pandemic. Daun Efek, engaged in men’s clothes,...
Proceedings Article
Problems in ‘Accessing’ Colonial Archives for Indonesian History Department Student
Lillyana Mulya, Arif Rahman Bramantya
Historical research in Indonesia, especially during the colonial era, cannot be separated from the Dutch colonial archives. However, not many researchers or students were interested in using colonial sources for various reasons. Precisely with colonial archives, researchers will find knowledge both written...
Proceedings Article
Variation of the Health Ecolexicon on Covid-19 News in Indonesian Mass Media
Khusnul Khotimah, Maria Mintowati, Zulaikha Abdullah
One of the positive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on linguistics is the emergence of a new ecolexicon. Ecolexicon, these variations arise because of the depiction of the situation during the pandemic that enriches the Indonesian language. The richness of a language is reflected in the variety of its...
Proceedings Article
Releasing Music Album in Digital Era
Athiyah Y. Hafizhah, Raden R. M. K. M. Anggoro
The digital music era was born from information technology and the problem of piracy. Based on research conducted by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (2016), internet users from the millennial generation are 63% of the total internet users in Indonesia, namely 132.7 million people....
Proceedings Article
Cultural Value in the Performing Arts Langen Tayub as a Strengthening of Preservation of Traditional Arts and Cultural in Nganjuk District
Anik Juwariyah, Trisakti Trisakti, Retnayu P. Sekti
This research departs from the phenomenon of the Langen Tayub performance, which is a form of gratitude for the results of plants and maintaining a balanced relationship with nature and God, the Creator of the Universe. This research is interesting to study since it examines the values contained in Langen...
Proceedings Article
Visitors’ Perceptions of Performing Arts in Tourism Village: An Indonesian Experience
Harpang Y. Karyawanto, Warih Handayaningrum, I. Nengah Mariasa, Dhani Kristiandari
Performing arts are one of the cultural elements that exist in a society that respects culture, especially tourist villages. All of these expressions have been protected and shown within the frame of a social tourism town. In order to maintain this cultural tourism village, it is very important to invest...
Proceedings Article
Aesthetic Value in Surrealism Painting The Colossus by Roby Dwi Antono
Shinta D. Meutia, Wening H. N. Ruci, Indah C. Angge
Aesthetic value is one of the important values in the study of fine arts, especially painting. This paper intends to examine the aesthetic value of Roby Dwi Antono entitled “The Colossus”. This paper is studied by qualitative method with form theory. The result of this paper is that the aesthetics of...
Proceedings Article
Reactualization of the Sandur Tradition Towards Multicultural Education
Arif Hidajad
The re-actualization of the Sandur theatre is intended as a series of processes to refresh the Sandur traditional theatre into a theatre form with modern performance management methods and principles so that it is possible to contribute to multicultural education. The actualization of the form of Sandur’s...
Proceedings Article
Arrangement Approach to Improve Music Creativity of Keroncong at Vocational School
Agus Suwahyono, Moch. Sarjoko, Dhani Kristiandri, Joko Winarko, Vivi E. Dewi
This study aims to achieve several goals, namely: 1) to improve the ability to arrange keroncong music, 2) to improve the ability to play the ensemble of students of SMKN 12 Surabaya, so that, the resulting arrangement is closer to the essence of the original song. The writer uses data collection technique...
Proceedings Article
The Study of Panji Culture in the Pandalungan Sub-ethnic, East Java
Review: Jaran Kencak Performing Arts
Anik Juwariyah, Vivi E. Dewi, Welly Suryandoko, Nova Kristiana, Octo D. Andriyanto, Ida Chasanah, Pensri Panich
The purpose of this study is to describe the performing arts of Panji Culture, namely Jaran Kencak, especially in East Java (Pandalungan Sub Ethnic) in terms of the form of presentation, makeup and costumes, order of presentation, accompaniment, and the story of jaran kencak. The method used is descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Choir Creative Process in Facing Regional, National, and International Competitive Levels
Bambang Sugito, Jajuk D. Sasanadjati, Arif Hidajad, Budi D. Putra
This study aims to determine the success of the Gita Pramawisesa choir in the creative process of vocal training in facing various levels of competition. This is important as a solution for problem of non-academic achievement that can be used as an example to other student communities at UNESA. The process...
Proceedings Article
Sticking as a Basic Drum Technique in the Indria-Level Percussion Course in the Music Study Program
Senyum Sadhana, Harpang Y. Karyawanto, Heri Murbiyantoro
Percussion subjects, especially drums, require basic skills in the learning process. Material innovations in the development of textbooks must be adapted to the instrument’s characteristics. This article focuses on sticking in the development of indria-level drum textbooks as a basic engineering skill...
Proceedings Article
Masks in Thathakan Performing Arts in Tuban: Ethnosemiotics Study
Setya Yuwana, Titik Indarti, Arief Sudrajat, Buntas Pradoto
The background of the study was to give the academic sense of Thathakan performance in Tambakboyo district, Tuban Regency. The purpose of this study is to describe: 2) denotative meaning; b) connotative meaning, c) Ideology myths) the masks of Thathakan art performance in Tuban. The theory used in this...
Proceedings Article
Mixed Media Painting and Medium Diversity: Development of Painting Techniques Using Ceramic Media
Winarno Winarno, Muchlis Arif, I. Nyoman Lodra
Research on this development practice can increase the creativity of the media for creating art in the Department of Fine Arts. The development of this technique can improve the teaching and learning quality, especially in mixed media painting practice. Directly or indirectly, the wealth of fundamental...
Proceedings Article
The Making of Cinematic Company Profile of Cultural Arts Education Study Program as Information Media and Promotion Strategy
Setyo Yanuartuti, Nengah Mariasa, Indar Sabri
A company profile is one of the most efficient ways for an institution or company to convey comprehensive information about the institution. Cultural Arts Education study program at Postgraduate UNESA, generates a company profile with cinematic features that are engaging to the audience since there is...
Proceedings Article
Social Choice of Medical Personnel Handling Covid-19
Mohammad Hidayaturrahman, Nurul Pujiastuti, Hesti Respatiningsih, Prima D. Kusumawati, Yossita Wisman
The covid-19 pandemic is still becoming a major problem in the world until now, especially in the health sector. One of the most vulnerable community groups to Covid-19 are doctors and medical personnel. Not a few doctors are sick and die. Doctors work in the back line to treat Covid-19 patients. They...
Proceedings Article
The Adaptation Strategy of Pencak Silat Singa Dorang in West Java: An Ethnography Study
Irpan A. Rahman, M. Yoesoef
The aim of this research is to reveal the adaptation strategy of Indonesian martial art through the Community (Perguruan) of Pencak Silat Singa Dorang in West Java. The analysis is prioritized in the form of adaptation strategy studies that are being carried out and there are few comparisons with adaptation...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom in Maparaji Tradition: Sundanese Indigenous Birth Knowledge
Mutiarani Mutiarani, M. Yoesoef
Maparaji tradition is a form of local wisdom that is still maintained by the Sundanese people in Pameungpeuk, Garut, West Java in the current era of medical treatment. This study aims to reveal the local wisdom values in birth indigenous knowledge through paraji practice in Garut, West Java. This research...
Proceedings Article
The Legend of Kemaro Island Folklore as Inspiration for Modern Muslim Wedding Dress
Indarti Indarti, Jihan A. Salsabilla
This study aims to describe the making process and the final product of modern Muslim wedding dresses inspired by the legend of Kemaro island folklore. The Double Diamond method was used consisting of 4 stages: discover, define, develop, and deliver. The study determined the source of the idea from the...
Proceedings Article
BIPA Cultural Notes as a Marker of Cultural Awareness Level: Teacher’s Perspective
Prima V. Asteria, Ahmad Rofi’uddin, Imam Suyitno, Gatut Susanto
The context of language use is influenced by the cultural orientation of language users. Cultural awareness is needed to minimize the negative impacts of cross-cultural interactions, such as cultural shock, cultural stereotypes, cultural polarization, and cultural conflict. The learning needs of cross-cultural...
Proceedings Article
Serat Partakrama: A Javanese Woman’s Beauty and Idealism Symbolism
Natasya M. Fanesha, Respati R. Utami
Nowadays, discrimination and body shaming are still essential issues for women. There is also a current standard of beauty that refers to the beauty standards of South Korea. Thus, this study aims to describe beauty in woman’s idealism since the days of the Kraton Surakarta, whose story was written in...
Proceedings Article
Digitalization of Local Culture to Build Smart Villages
Devi C. A. Rahmawati, Rama S. Mustofa, Erika S. Damayanti, Aminatul Khoiriyah, Arik Susanti
Sukorejo Village is a cultural-based tourism village since local culture is still sustainable today, such as flat leather shadow puppet, Pencak Dor, Sandur, Terbang Bancahan, Njara’i Manten, etc. Even though it is known as a cultural tourism village, it turns out that the people of Sukorejo village have...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Multiple Choice Questions for Japanese Language Final-Term Exam at Senior High School
Muhammad Muhammad, Syamsul Sodiq, Miftachul Amri
The teacher must undertake item analysis to improve the quality of the resultant questions and identify which queries are acceptable, unacceptable, and incorrect. Research questions in detail indicate how they were constructed and how they can be improved in the future. The Japanese language final-term...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Multiple Choice Questions for Japanese Language Mid-Term Exam at Public Senior High School
Rizki A. N. Dayanto, Syamsul Sodiq, Miftachul Amri
Evaluation is a process of finding information related to student outcomes. This study aims to analyze the quality of school middle test items in the form of multiple choice conducted by class XI students of Public Senior High School 1 Purwoasri. Quantitative descriptive research is used to determine...
Proceedings Article
Development of Basic Vocal Teaching Materials Based on Etude and Indonesian Classical Seriosa Songs
Budi Dharmawanputra, Agus Suwahyono, Joko Winarko
Vocal learning at the elementary level at the Music Arts Study Program, FBS (Language and Arts Faculty) Unesa (State University of Surabaya), is constrained by the limited experience of students in etude-based material literacy and Indonesian classical seriosa songs. Based on this phenomenon, this study...
Proceedings Article
Development of Powtoon Learning Media in Indonesian Language Courses for Children with Special Needs
Arie Yuanita, Mulyono Mulyono, Bambang Yulianto
This current study purposes to describe the development process and quality of powtoon learning media in Indonesian for CSN lectures. In this study, the method utilized is the 4-D research model by Thiagarajan et al. This model has four stages: define, design, development, and dissemination stages. The...
Proceedings Article
An Evaluation of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers Curriculum: An Evidence from a State University in East Java
Hespi Septiana, Warsita N. Ardiyanti, Octo D. Andriyanto, Asrori Asrori, Dadang Rhubido
This research conducts since some foreigners have wanted to master the Indonesian language as a communication skill for their occupation requirements for many years. Unfortunately, a state university in East Java called Unesa has not yet had a business or professional curriculum. Moreover, the component...
Proceedings Article
Japanese Language Teacher Self-efficacy in Learning Outcome Assessment Practice
Amira A. Kocimaheni, Djodjok Soepardjo, Didik Nurhadi, Suhartono Suhartono
This study aims to determine the correlation between the self-efficacy of Japanese language teachers in the implementation of the assessment of learning outcomes with the practice of assessing learning outcomes carried out by the teacher. By applying a correlational quantitative research design, the...
Proceedings Article
Fairy Tales in German Lesson
Wisma Kurniawati, Ajeng Kartika, Audrey Titaley, Chikka Prameswari, Elena Andini
This paper examines the use of literature, such as fairy tales, in German lessons to improve students’ reading competence. This paper focuses on integrating the usage of literature as the learning material and the problem-based learning method. The data was obtained using a literature study and analyzed...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of Materials Development in a Postgraduate Course for Cultural Arts Education
Indar Sabri, Setyo Yanuartuti
This study aims to identify the need for the development of teaching materials for Creativity Education in the creativity education course of the UNESA postgraduate cultural arts education study program. The collection of research data was carried out using student questionnaire sheets. The results showed...