Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2023)

638 authors
Disman, Disman
The Power of Green Influencers: Leveraging Social Media for Environmental Sustainability in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
Disman, Disman
Empowering Indonesian Migrant Workers Through Entrepreneurship Mentor Training
Disman, Disman
Mapping Current Evolution and Trends of Environmental, Social, Governance Influences on Firm Performance
Disman, Disman
Bibliometric Analysis of Entrepreneurial Success in Creative Industry
Disman, Disman
Implement Enterprise Resource Planning and Effective Corporate Performance Strategies through Supply Chain Management Intermediaries at Auto Parts Companies
Disman, Disman
The Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Culture on Entrepreneurial University Relationships with the Promotion of Innovation Mediated by Sustainability Development Goals
Dwijayanti, Ni Made Ayu
The Trend of Transaction on E-Commerce by Millennial Generation
Ekaputra, Virda Dimas
Portfolio Diversification on Value Creation and Its Implication on Business Performance
Etienvre, Julien
The Evolving Position of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing: A Qualitative Study of SMEs in Indonesia
Fadhil, Rizki Akmal
The Impact of Serviscape on Purchase Decision
Fadilah, Azka Muhamad
The Roles of Inspiration and Learning to Entrepreneurial Intention Moderated by Attitude Variable
Fajrin, Ozka Muhammad
Y & Z Generation Customers’ Decision to Have Hajj Savings Products
Fatah, Galih Abdul
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Parenting Patterns Toward Entrepreneurship Interest in Vocational High School Students
Fauziah, Eva
Enhancing Repurchase Intentions in Local Fast Food Chains: Unraveling the Influence of Product Innovation and Digital Marketing
Fauziyah, Azizah
Digital Financial Literacy and Digital Financial Inclusion: Efforts to Overcome Challenges After the Covid-19 Pandemic and Increase the Independence of Financial Management
Fildzah, Vera Fadhillah
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation on Business Performance (Study on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Laksa Kota Tangerang)
Firmansyah, Firmansyah
Y & Z Generation Customers’ Decision to Have Hajj Savings Products
Furinto, Asnan
The Influence of Digital Innovation, Human Resource Capability, and Business Orientation on the Co-Creation Strategy of the Digital Industry in Indonesia
Furqon, Chairul
Brand Image: Its Influence on Youku Application Purchase Decisions
Furqon, Chairul
Funnelling Strategy of Digital Marketing for developing incubator Business Ecosystem MSEs in Cirebon City
Gaffar, Vanessa
The Effect of UGC (User Generated Content) and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on Gen Z’s Online Purchasing Decision in Bandung City on Online Start-ups
Gaffar, Vanessa
The Influence of Experiential Marketing and Tourist Satisfaction in Revisit Intention Tourism
Gaffar, Vanessa
Determining Consumer Purchase Decisions For Product Imitation In Developing Countries
Gaffar, Vanessa
Discovering Factors of Indonesian Customer Brand Attitude Towards Australian SMEs’ Brand
Gaffar, Vanessa
Muslim Tourist Perspective: The Role of Religiosity on The Relationship Between Halal Tourism and Satisfaction
Gaffar, Vanessa
The Power of Green Influencers: Leveraging Social Media for Environmental Sustainability in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
Gaffar, Vanessa
Muslim Loyalty in Halal Digital Recreation: The Role of Experience Quality and Value
Gaffar, Vanessa
An Empirical Study of E-GovQual and Technology Adoption and Its Impact on the Image of Good Corporate Governance
Gozali, Rian
The Roles of Entrepreneurship Education to the Student’s Employability Skill Moderated by E-Learning Variable
Gunawan, Ahmad
Competency Towards Performance Mediated Commitment and Moderated Persistence Rational Choice in Universities in Bekasi
Gunawan, Arie Indra
Working towards Sustainable Behavior in Household Waste: The Role of Consequence Awareness and Responsible Consumption
Gunawan, Iwan
Managing Strategy Offline Sales Channels in The Digital Era for the Courier Industry
Gunawan, Iwan
Effect of Differentiation of Pospay Kiosk Services on the Decision to Use an Application as a Consumer Service
Gusni, Gusni
Aggregate Herding Behavior in Asymmetric and During COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from ASEAN Capital Market
Hadian, Mohamad Sapari Dwi
The Rise of Gastronomy Tourism: A Systematic Literature Review
Halim, Sherliana
How Can Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use Influence Purchase Decision on Netflix Indonesia?
Halimah, Helly Siti
E-Wom Strategy Through Perceived Usefulness to Increase Repurchase Intention of Pospay Pt Pi
Hamdani, Doni
Effect of Self-Concept and Knowledge Sharing on The Performance of Individual Lecturers
Hamdani, Doni
Analysis Of “All You Can Eat” Business Strategy Implementation in Bandung City’s Restaurants
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Parenting Patterns Toward Entrepreneurship Interest in Vocational High School Students
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
The Influence of Product Composition Information and Brand Trust on Purchasing Decision
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
The Roles of Inspiration and Learning to Entrepreneurial Intention Moderated by Attitude Variable
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
The Roles of Entrepreneurship Education to the Student’s Employability Skill Moderated by E-Learning Variable
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
Analysis of the Effect of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Education on Social Entrepreneurial Intention
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
The Influence of Promotion and Product Quality on Purchasing Decision
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
The Analysis of Subjective Well-Being Influenced by Self-Employment and Personal Functioning
Hamdani, Nizar Alam
The Influence of Training Program on Entrepreneurship Development
Hamidi, Masyhuri
A New Framework for Amplifying Business Performance of SMEs in Riau Province through Digital Finance and Financial Literacy
Hamsal, Mohammad
The Influence of Digital Innovation, Human Resource Capability, and Business Orientation on the Co-Creation Strategy of the Digital Industry in Indonesia
Hamsani, Hamsani
Indonesia Lecturers’ Professionalism
Handayati, Yuanita
The Implementation of the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model in Developing the Enterprises in the Fishery-Based Food Industry in Pangkalan Baru
Handyastuti, Indriyani
Strategy in Event Tourism and Event Management: A Systematic Literature Review
Hanggini, Agisni Sekar Dwi
Analysis Of “All You Can Eat” Business Strategy Implementation in Bandung City’s Restaurants
Hantoro, Setyanto
The Influence of Digital Innovation, Human Resource Capability, and Business Orientation on the Co-Creation Strategy of the Digital Industry in Indonesia
Hapsari, Ayuningtyas Yuli
Brand Trust, Consumer Experience, and Customer Satisfaction Function as Moderating Factors on Customer Loyalty (A Case at PT. Trimitra Garmedindo Interbuana)
Harahap, Sahrona
From Farming to the Dining Table: Exploring Agrotechnopreneurship in the Food Business
Analysis of Enhancing Marketing Performance in MSMEs Through Strategies to Boost Local Value-Creation and Competitiveness
Hartono, Pierdijono
The Influence of Macroeconomic Conditions on the Speed of Recovery of the Capital Structure of Companies: An Empirical Study on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Hasan, Fachry
Social Media as a Contributing Factor to the Potential Decline of Commercial Sales Jobs in the Future and the Driving Factors Behind the Increased Intention to Buy Among Generation Y and a Segment of Generation Z in Indonesia
Hasan, Fachry
Model of the influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership on optimizing the benefits of Knowledge to improve Customer Experience
Hawignyo, Hawignyo
Indonesia Lecturers’ Professionalism
Hendrayati, Henny
The Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Engagement
Hendrayati, Henny
The Influence of Electronic Service Quality (Mobile Banking) on Electronic Customer Loyalty Through Electronic Customer Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable
Hendrayati, Heny
Green Marketing: Green Brand Positioning’s Influence on Green Products Purchase Intention
Hendrayati, Heny
The Influence of Locus of Control, Motivation, and Family Environment to Student Entrepreneurial Interest Based on West Java
Hendrayati, Heny
Enhancing Online Repurchase Intention: Unveiling the Crucial Role of Digital Customer Experience among Bukalapak Users
Hendrayati, Heny
The Influence of Experiential Marketing and Tourist Satisfaction in Revisit Intention Tourism
Hendrayati, Heny
Analysis of The Impact of Service Quality on Lion Air Customer’s Repurchase Intention
Hendrayati, Heny
The Effect of Complaint Handling and Service Recovery on Customer Loyalty at Lion Air Indonesia
Hendrayati, Heny
The Effect of Service Recovery on Customer Satisfaction on Lion Air Users
Hendrayati, Heny
The Effective Customer Relationship Management of Business to Business in Improving Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention
Hendrayati, Heny
Whether AI-based Chatbots Influence Destination Visit Intentions?
Hendrayati, Heny
Brand Image: Its Influence on Youku Application Purchase Decisions
Hendrayati, Heny
Brand Trust, Consumer Experience, and Customer Satisfaction Function as Moderating Factors on Customer Loyalty (A Case at PT. Trimitra Garmedindo Interbuana)
Hendrayati, Heny
The Impact of Serviscape on Purchase Decision
Hendrayati, Heny
Implications of Sensory Marketing of Indonesian Culinary Fine Dining on Customer Satisfaction
Hendrayati, Heny
The Influence of Competitive Advantage and Service Quality towards Customer Satisfaction of Ranca Upas Tourism in Bandung City
Hendryati, Heny
E-Wom Strategy Through Perceived Usefulness to Increase Repurchase Intention of Pospay Pt Pi
Henilesta, Lidya
The Influence of Servant Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Herdiyanti, Herdiyanti
From Farming to the Dining Table: Exploring Agrotechnopreneurship in the Food Business
Hermansyah, Hermansyah
The Actualization of Pancasila Values in Digital Entrepreneurship Activity of SMKN 1 Garut Students
Heryana, Toni
Behavioral Bias in Retirement Planning: A Literature Review
Heryana, Toni
The Influence of Macroeconomic Conditions on the Speed of Recovery of the Capital Structure of Companies: An Empirical Study on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Heryana, Toni
Dynamics of Corporate Financial Performance in Indonesia: Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Heryana, Toni
Analyzing Valuation Approaches in Country Bibliographies of Equity: A Bibliometric Analysis
Heryani, Yani
A Model of Co-Creation Strategy Implementation in Supporting the Performance of Vocational Schools in West Java
Heryawan, Toni
The Influence of Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Investor Sentiment on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
Hidayah, Nurdin
Whether AI-based Chatbots Influence Destination Visit Intentions?
Hidayanti, Ayuk
Analysis of Enhancing Marketing Performance in MSMEs Through Strategies to Boost Local Value-Creation and Competitiveness
Hidayat, Rahmat
Marketing Strategy: The Effect of Positioning and Advertising Effectiveness on Social Media to Purchase Decision
Hikmatyar, Missi
Smart Sukuk on Blockchain Technology: A Systematic Literature Review
Hilimiatussadiah, Kinanti Geminastiti
The Effect of Prior Knowledge and Technology Mastery on the Readiness to Become Prospective Teachers in Students of the Education Study Program at FPEB, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Hilmiatussadiah, Kinanti Geminastiti
Preservice Teacher Self Assessment Of Based Course TPACK Model Of Competencies Development
Huda, Miftakul
Implement Enterprise Resource Planning and Effective Corporate Performance Strategies through Supply Chain Management Intermediaries at Auto Parts Companies
Huriyati, Ratih
Effect of Differentiation of Pospay Kiosk Services on the Decision to Use an Application as a Consumer Service
Hurriyati, Ratih
Peer-Review Statements
Hurriyati, Ratih
Green Marketing: Green Brand Positioning’s Influence on Green Products Purchase Intention
Hurriyati, Ratih
The Effect of UGC (User Generated Content) and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on Gen Z’s Online Purchasing Decision in Bandung City on Online Start-ups
Hurriyati, Ratih
Understanding the Impact of Perceived Value on Consumers’ Continuous Purchase Intention in LiveStreaming E-Commerce Mediated by Consumer Trust and Online Shopping Satisfaction
Hurriyati, Ratih
E-Wom Strategy Through Perceived Usefulness to Increase Repurchase Intention of Pospay Pt Pi