Proceedings of the Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH 2022)
719 authors
- Jabar, Cepi Safruddin Abdul
- Student Teacher’s Career Planning Based on Career Development Approach
- Jamaris
- Development of Internal Quality Assurance Equal Education
- Jannah, Miftahul
- Online Consulting Service System Design
- Jannah, Miftakhul
- Guidance and Counseling Referral System Initiative
- Januarumi, Fransica
- Identifying of Talented Students at Elementary Schools Using Volleyball’s Talent Identification
- Kaihatu, Jolanda E.
- Study of Tulude and Masamper Activities as Cultural Tourism Attractions in East Likupang
- Kaihatu, Jolanda E.
- The Effect of the Presence of a Crude Palm Oil Factory on the Settlement Environment in Winangun Village, Bukal District, Buol Regency
- Kairupan, Sisca B.
- Performance of Village Government Apparatus in Public Service in Administration (Case Study in Taas Village, Tikala Subdistrict, Manado City)
- Kalalo, Debie
- An Explorative Study of the Gap in Access and Online Learning Facilities in Tomohon City Primary School
- Kaluku, Julisa Aprilia
- Optimization of Children's Character Education Against Bullying
- Kamagi, Sarah
- An Analysis of the Word Formation Processes in “Captain Marvel” Movie
- Kardiyem
- The Effect of Liquidity, Profitability, Inventory Intensity and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Tax Aggressiveness
- Kardoyo
- Link and Match Education in Indonesia: Implementation of New Policies? Effectiveness of Education Policy Implementation in Indonesia
- Kartika, Ajeng Dianing
- University Students’ Perception of Academic and Non-academic Service During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Karundeng, Frandy E. F.
- The Relevance of Theory to Practice for Educational Administrator: Employ Theory as a Frame of Reference to Improve Practice
- Karwanto, Karwanto
- Development of a Learning and Professional Roadmap to Support Independent Learning at State University of Surabaya
- Karwur, Hermon M.
- Application of Contextual Learning in Learning Socio-economic Geography on Students of the Geography Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Manado State University
- Karwur, Hermon Maurits
- Reinforcement Efforts of Character Education on Students of Geography Education Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Manado State University
- Kasenda, Marven
- Legal Studies Against Default in Sales and Purchase Agreements According to Law No. 8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protection
- Kasmita, Kasmita
- The Effectiveness of the Als Model in Stunting Prevention Education
- Katuuk, Deetje
- The Implementation of the PBL Model in High and Low Grade Elementary Schools
- Katuuk, U. M. Kamajaya
- Effectiveness of Online Learning Methods in Indonesian Lessons
- Kaunang, Meyny
- The Effectiveness of Using Youtube in Learning the Art of Music
- Kembuan, Eddy
- Optimizing the Digital Education Technology in Learning Management System Design During and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic in Society 5.0
- Kemur, Viona C.
- An Analysis of English-Indonesian Code-Mixing Used by Marion Jola
- Kenap, Audy
- Optimizing the Digital Education Technology in Learning Management System Design During and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic in Society 5.0
- Kenap, Audy A.
- The Relevance of Theory to Practice for Educational Administrator: Employ Theory as a Frame of Reference to Improve Practice
- Kerebungu, Ferdinand
- Minahasa Community Local Wisdom; Study of Social Construction of Inter-religious Harmony
- Khairina, Yuni
- Developing Digital Teaching Materials Based on North Sumatra Local Culture for Beginners Level of BIPA
- Khairuddin
- The Effectiveness of the Case Method in Increasing Students’ Learning Motivation
- Kholis, Azizul
- Strategy for Strengthening Accounting Digital Learning at Vocational High School in North Sumatra Province
- Kimbal, Rahel W.
- Speech Text for Language Learning: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Kiong, Tee Tze
- The Heutagogy Model of Learning Innovation in Increasing the Skill Needs of the Digital Era of Vocational Students
- Kiram, Yanuar
- Sensor-Based Main Mover Muscle Control Device Design for Physical Education Learning
- Kistyanto, Anang
- The Moderating Influence of Career Adaptability on the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Leadership and Social Capital on Managerial Career Success in Covid-19 Pandemic Era
- Kiswanto
- The Effect of Executive Character, Capital Intensity, Sales Growth, and Financial Distress on Tax Avoidance
- Koessoy, Herman
- An Explorative Study of the Gap in Access and Online Learning Facilities in Tomohon City Primary School
- Kojongian, Prilimercy
- Intralingual and Interlingual Error in Acquisition of German Consonants
- Komaini, Anton
- Sensor-Based Main Mover Muscle Control Device Design for Physical Education Learning
- Komarudin, Komarudin
- The Impact of Application Health Gate Sterilizer on Work Effectiveness at the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic
- Koniyo, Rierind
- Digitizing Education in Indonesia After the Pandemic
- Korompis, Manuel E.
- Environmental-Based Learning in Studying Global Issues on Students of the Social Studies Education Faculty of Social Sciences Manado State University
- Kumaat, J. C.
- Spatio-Temporal Shorelines Change Model in Totok Bay Southeast Minahasa
- Kumaat, Theophany D.
- Parent-Child Communication Patterns in Decision Making
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- Collaborative Governance in Developing Tourism Potential Through Tourism Villages
- Kurniawan, Nanda Alfan
- Analysis of the Need for Strengthening Learning Skills of New Students in Post-pandemic Learning Based on Gender Perspective
- Kurniawan, Rizal
- Student’s Mental Health Help-Seeking Attitude and Its Implication to Higher Education Management
- Kurniawan, Wahyu Dwi
- Problem-Based Learning: An Ideal Model for Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education
- Kurniawati, Tri
- Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational High School: Does it Really Work?
- Kusmuriyanto
- The Effect of Liquidity, Profitability, Inventory Intensity and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Tax Aggressiveness
- Kusnanik, Nining
- Identifying of Talented Students at Elementary Schools Using Volleyball’s Talent Identification
- Kustandi, Cecep
- Smart Class as a Culture Learning Resource in the Tourism Village of Cisaat
- Kusumantoro
- Learning Design in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Lessons from Online and Hybrid Learning During the Pandemic
- Kusumawardani, Erma
- The Influence of Socio Economic Parent on Using Digital Media in Early Childhood
- Kuswardono, Singgih
- Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Curriculum Design in Arabic Language Education Study Program
- Laksono, Kisyani
- Gesi and Numeracy in Let’s Read Books
- Lanawaang, Janeman Jehezkiel
- The Philosophy of Liability in Environmental Disputes
- Landa, Klara Septia
- The Contribution, of Big Families in Supporting Children’s Education from an Early Post-Pandemic (Local Wisdom from West Sumatra, Indonesia)
- Langkai, Jeane E.
- Evaluation of Flood and Landslide Management Program in Manado City
- Langkay, Jeane
- Analysis of the Online Learning Process During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Elementary School Teachers
- Larashinda, Mentari
- How Do Parenting, Parent Education and Family Income Effect on the Cognitive Development of Toddlers?
- Legi, Clara
- Nihongo Kanoukei Teaching in Japanese Language Education Study Program
- Lena, Mai Sri
- Elementary School Teacher's Competencies in the Era of Technology Disruption
- Lena, Mai Sri
- The Contribution, of Big Families in Supporting Children’s Education from an Early Post-Pandemic (Local Wisdom from West Sumatra, Indonesia)
- Lendo, Ermina Fakrorevat
- Social Discrimination in the Poetry “Der Schwarze In Der Zuckerplantage” by Matthias Claudius
- Lendo, Ermina Fakrorevat
- Social Discrimination in the Poetry “Der Schwarze in Der Zuckerplantage”
- Lendo, Sjuul Juliana
- Social Discrimination in the Poetry “Der Schwarze In Der Zuckerplantage” by Matthias Claudius
- Lendo, Sjuul Juliana
- Social Discrimination in the Poetry “Der Schwarze in Der Zuckerplantage”
- Lensun, Sherly F.
- The Process of Japanese Compound Word Formation
- Lerrich, Frelly
- Text News in Japanese: The Study of the Relationship Between Elements of Text
- Lestari, Prembayun Miji
- Metaphor and Women’s Struggle in Tegalan Ethnic Story
- Lestari, Prembayun Miji
- Transformation of Socio-cultural Behavior of Javanese People: Recovery Efforts After the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Liando, Mayske R.
- The Relevance of Theory to Practice for Educational Administrator: Employ Theory as a Frame of Reference to Improve Practice
- Liando, Nitha Vera Frelly
- On Looking Scrambled Game in English Spelling Teaching
- Liuw, Jola K.
- Verbalization of Tombatu Language
- Lobja, X. E.
- Spatio-Temporal Shorelines Change Model in Totok Bay Southeast Minahasa
- Lolong, Rima
- An Explorative Study of the Gap in Access and Online Learning Facilities in Tomohon City Primary School
- Lolong, Wenly
- Legal Protection for Workers for Termination of Work Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Lombok, Lesza Leonardo
- Due to Legal Liability in Banking Credit
- Lombok, Lesza Leonardo
- Challenges of the State Sovereignty in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
- Lombok, Lesza Leonardo
- The Philosophy of Liability in Environmental Disputes
- Lumba, Johni
- Identifying of Talented Students at Elementary Schools Using Volleyball’s Talent Identification
- Lumenta, Henry
- Legal Position of Land Rights in the form of an Enclave
- Lumenta, Henry
- Legal Studies Against Default in Sales and Purchase Agreements According to Law No. 8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protection
- Lumenta, Henry
- Legal Protection for Workers for Termination of Work Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
- M, I Made Sri Undy
- The Role of Using Virtual Reality in Learning in an Education Environment
- Madlazim
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Lectures During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period as a Part of Education Quality Assurance
- Madlazim
- Multi-discipline Approach to Improve the Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study in Unesa
- Magistarina, Elrisfa
- Student’s Mental Health Help-Seeking Attitude and Its Implication to Higher Education Management
- Mahliatussikah, Hanik
- Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Curriculum Design in Arabic Language Education Study Program
- Mahmud, Melizubaida
- Digitizing Education in Indonesia After the Pandemic
- Maiftri, Fella
- Physical Fitness of Active and Passive Smokers
- Majid, Nur Choliz
- Coaches and Athletes Satisfaction Towards U-16 Sleman Volleyball Championship
- Makikama, Daniel
- The Implementation of Project-Based Learning Model to Improve Students’ Skill of Interpretation on Tsuuyaku Course
- Maliangkay, Denny
- Analysis of Community Participation in Mangrove Forest Conservation in North Beo District
- Mambu, Joupy G. Z.
- Insider Trading in Indonesian Legal Settings
- Mambu, Joupy G. Z.
- The Position of a Mark That Has Not Been Used Fort Three Consecutive Years
- Mambu, Joupy G. Z.
- Study of Labour Social Security Law in the Context of Protecting Human Rights
- Mambu, Joupy G. Z.
- Legal Study of Relationship with the Authority of Central & Local Governments According to Law No. 23 Year 2014
- Mambu, Joupy Gustav
- Juridical Study of Decisions of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency Outside the Court in Electronic Trading