Proceedings of the Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH 2022)
719 authors
- Yulianto, Agung
- Maqashid Sharia Performance Determinants Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
- Yulianto, B.
- Multi-discipline Approach to Improve the Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study in Unesa
- Yulianto, Bambang
- Similarity and Dissimilarity of Culture Between Indonesia-Thailand as a Context of Foreign Language Teaching
- Yuniarta, Gede Adi
- Transformation of Green Accounting Implementation Aspects Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Yuniarta, Gede Adi
- Understanding Solidarity in Cooperative Lessons to Become Stronger and Independent
- Yuniawan, Tommi
- Study Analysis of the Types of Emancipated Learning Activities
- Yuniawan, Tommi
- Growing Leadership Model for Improving Teaching Staff Professionalism Services Towards World Class University
- Yusra, Alfajri
- Contextual Sociology Teaching Materials for High School Sociology Learning
- Yustisia, Henny
- Literature Review: Study of the Relevance of the Mining Vocational Education Curriculum in the Preparation of the MBKM
- Yusuf, Ali
- The Role of the Giri Mulya Study Group Community for Increasing Community Empowerment
- Yusuf, Syarif Ramadhan
- Information and Communication Technology-Based Learning Management in Improving Learning Quality Services in the Digital Era
- Zain, Ita Mardiani
- Preparing Basic Competencies and Skills for Students by Developing Critical Thinking Skills
- Zainul, Rahadian
- Validity of Guided Discovery Learning-Based Content Learning System to Improve Learning Outcomes in Acid-Base Materials
- Zakaria, Jaffry
- Sensor-Based Main Mover Muscle Control Device Design for Physical Education Learning
- Zalindro, Ade
- Physical Fitness of Active and Passive Smokers
- Zarki, Rudi
- Physical Fitness of Active and Passive Smokers
- Zarwan
- Physical Fitness of Active and Passive Smokers
- Zid, Muhammad
- Smart Class as a Culture Learning Resource in the Tourism Village of Cisaat
- ‘Ilmi, Achmad Miftachul
- Analysis of the Need for Strengthening Learning Skills of New Students in Post-pandemic Learning Based on Gender Perspective