Proceedings of the Eighth Southeast Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) & the Second Science, Technology, Education, Arts, Culture, and Humanity (STEACH) International Conference (SEADR-STEACH 2021)
212 authors
- Nuryana, I K. D.
- Development of Automated Assessment Tool to Measure Student Creativity in Computer Programming
- Oktari, Rina S.
- Readability of Higher-order Thinking (HOT) Mathematical Problems in Disaster Context for Junior High School Students
- Palupi, Evangelista L.W.
- Unpacking Primary Teachers’ Initial Knowledge of Realistic Mathematics Education: A Case of Iceberg Model of Fraction Division
- Parno, Parno
- Development of STEM Animation Learning Media with Feedback to Facilitate Students’ Critical Thinking Ability on Global Warming Materials
- Parno, Parno
- Development of Science E-module Based on SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) with Formative Assessments to Improve Critical Thinking Ability of Grade IX Students on Biotechnology Materials
- Payadnya, I P. A. A.
- Preliminary Learning Design Based Realistic Mathematics Education on Entrepreneurship Arithmetic Content in Junior High School
- Prabowo, Prabowo
- The Use of STEM-Integrated Project-based Learning Models to Improve Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
- Prabowo, Prabowo
- The Study of Implementation SETS Approach to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
- Prahani, Binar K.
- Profile of Students’ Science Process Skills on Substance Pressure Material
- Prahani, Binar K.
- The Use of STEM-Integrated Project-based Learning Models to Improve Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
- Prahani, Binar K.
- The Study of Implementation SETS Approach to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
- Prahani, Binar K.
- STEAM-Integrated Project Based Learning Models: Alternative to Improve 21st Century Skills
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Training of Applying Research-Based Learning on Junior High School Social Studies Teacher
- Prawesti, Putu Y.
- Preliminary Learning Design Based Realistic Mathematics Education on Entrepreneurship Arithmetic Content in Junior High School
- Prihatin, Iwit
- Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
- Pudjisartinah, Endang
- A Study Accessibility of Deaf Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Purbaningrum, Endang
- Implementation of Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO) with Digital Video Assistance to Reduce Maladaptive Behavior in Deaf Children
- Purnomo, Nugroho H.
- How Does Social Science Education Drive Marketing Mindset to Shape Entrepreneurial Interest?
- Puspitacandri, Ardhiana
- The Effect of Using Online Learning Media and Learning Styles Towards Marine Cadets Learning Motivation
- Puteri, Ratu I. I.
- Professionalism Development of High School Teachers in Improving the Ability to Implement Realistic Mathematics Education in East OKU Regency
- Putra, Mulia
- How Pre-Service Elementary Teachers Deal with Mathematical Literacy Problems? A Case Study
- Putra, Ricky E.
- Development of Automated Assessment Tool to Measure Student Creativity in Computer Programming
- Putrawan, Agus A.
- Strengthening Students’ Motivation in Statistics Online Learning Through Interactive Animation Media on Android Smartphone
- Putrawan, Agus A.
- Tetra-Helix Concept Model Based on Vocational Realistic Education (VRE)
- Putrawan, I M.
- The Effects of Sample Size and Options Number on the Validity Item of Students’ Environmental Personality Score
- Putri, Laila Mustika
- Development of Authentic Assessment Models in Research Methods Courses
- Putri, Ratu I. I.
- Ethnomathematics: Traveling Trade on The Musi River
- Putri, Ratu I. I.
- Islamic Financial Literacy in Mathematics Education: Proposed Design for Instruction
- Putri, Ratu I. I.
- Implementation of Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC) and PMRI in Three-Dimensional Learning at A State Secondary School in South Sumatera
- Rachmadiarti, Fida
- Profile of Students’ Science Process Skills on Substance Pressure Material
- Rachmadiarti, Fida
- The Study of Implementation SETS Approach to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
- Rahayu, Wardani
- The Effects of Sample Size and Options Number on the Validity Item of Students’ Environmental Personality Score
- Rahmat, Rahmat
- Designing Siri’ na Pacce Values-Based Learning Model
- Ramlan, Andi M.
- Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
- Razali, Razali
- The Relationship of Eye-foot Coordination with Football Skill: A Correlation Study in Young Football Player
- Rif’at, Mohamad
- Unfolding the Practical of Numerical Literacy for Specialist in Teaching Mathematics
- Rochim, Roudhoutul A.
- The Use of STEM-Integrated Project-based Learning Models to Improve Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
- Rochmah, Ni’matur
- A Study of ICT-Based Learning in Elementary School Mathematics Learning Concepts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Rosyid, Abdur
- Rhetorical Moves Used in Thesis Proposal Writing: A Reflective Study of ELT Students
- Rusijono, Rusijono
- High School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Procrastination Level in Blended Learning Model: A Correlation Analysis
- Rusiyanti, Rini H.
- Implementation of Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC) and PMRI in Three-Dimensional Learning at A State Secondary School in South Sumatera
- Safira, Dilla
- Preliminary Learning Design Based Realistic Mathematics Education on Entrepreneurship Arithmetic Content in Junior High School
- Safirista, Melania
- A Study Accessibility of Deaf Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Safrina, Yenny
- Improving Student Geometry Problem-Solving Skills Through Spatial Training
- Saidawati, Saidawati
- Profile of Students’ Science Process Skills on Substance Pressure Material
- Sakti, Norida C.
- How Does Social Science Education Drive Marketing Mindset to Shape Entrepreneurial Interest?
- Sapriya, Sapriya
- Designing Siri’ na Pacce Values-Based Learning Model
- Sarmini, Sarmini
- Training of Applying Research-Based Learning on Junior High School Social Studies Teacher
- Savitri, Agusniar D.
- World Complexity in BIPA Textbook Levels A-C as Materials for Indonesian Vocabulary Mastering for Foreign Speaker
- Segara, Nuansa B.
- Training of Applying Research-Based Learning on Junior High School Social Studies Teacher
- Setiawan, A M.
- Development of STEM Animation Learning Media with Feedback to Facilitate Students’ Critical Thinking Ability on Global Warming Materials
- Sholahuddin, Arif
- Profile of Students’ Science Process Skills on Substance Pressure Material
- Sholeh, Muhammad
- Strategies to Implement Independent Learning Programs: A Reflective Study on Ministerial Programs
- Sholihah, Mar’atush
- Development of Student Worksheet Based on Ethnomathematics Traditional Engklek Games on Cube and Rectangular Pyramid
- Siddieqy, Nur R. A.
- Application of Fading in Expressive Language E-Learning for Autistic Children
- Siswono, Tatag Y. E.
- Understanding Philosophy of Mathematics Education Through Numeracy Task with the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sofyan, Hizir
- Statistical Reasoning Ability of Banda Aceh City High School Students
- Subekti, Hasan
- Synergy of Industrial Sector for the Implementation of MBKM Curriculum: Where Innovators and Investors Meet
- Subekti, Hasan
- Strategies to Implement Independent Learning Programs: A Reflective Study on Ministerial Programs
- Sueb, Sueb
- Synergy of Industrial Sector for the Implementation of MBKM Curriculum: Where Innovators and Investors Meet
- Sueb, Sueb
- Strategies to Implement Independent Learning Programs: A Reflective Study on Ministerial Programs
- Sueb, Sueb
- Rhetorical Moves Used in Thesis Proposal Writing: A Reflective Study of ELT Students
- Sugiatno, Sugiatno
- Unfolding the Practical of Numerical Literacy for Specialist in Teaching Mathematics
- Sujarwanto, Sujarwanto
- Application of Fading in Expressive Language E-Learning for Autistic Children
- Sujarwanto, Sujarwanto
- Synergy of Industrial Sector for the Implementation of MBKM Curriculum: Where Innovators and Investors Meet
- Sukriyah, Dewi
- Development of Student Worksheet Based on Ethnomathematics Traditional Engklek Games on Cube and Rectangular Pyramid
- Sumardi, Hari
- Development of Mathematical Literacy Problems Using Bengkulu Context
- Sumarno, Sumarno
- Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
- Supardi, Zainul A. I.
- Profile of Students’ Science Process Skills on Substance Pressure Material
- Supardi, Zainul A. I.
- STEAM-Integrated Project Based Learning Models: Alternative to Improve 21st Century Skills
- Suryadi, Didi
- How Pre-Service Elementary Teachers Deal with Mathematical Literacy Problems? A Case Study
- Susanta, Agus
- Development of Mathematical Literacy Problems Using Bengkulu Context
- Susanti, Gemi
- Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
- Susiaty, Utin D.
- Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
- Sutoyo, Sutoyo
- The Effect of Using Online Learning Media and Learning Styles Towards Marine Cadets Learning Motivation
- Suyatno, Suyatno
- Pedagogical Skills Exercise as an Alternative to Increase The Teaching Ability of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers at Field Experience Practice
- Suyatno, Suyatno
- Pre-service Science Teachers’ Critical Thinking Dispositions and Critical Thinking Skills
- Suyatno, Suyatno
- World Complexity in BIPA Textbook Levels A-C as Materials for Indonesian Vocabulary Mastering for Foreign Speaker
- Tarida, Luthfiana
- Visually Impaired Students’ Creative Thinking in Solving a Geometry Problem
- Trionanda, Stevanus
- Designing Learning Trajectory on The Topic of Simplifying Fractions Using Realistic Mathematics Education with Flipped Classroom Strategy
- Tsuroyya, Tsuroyya
- Publication Performance and Scientific Impact of Unesa Postgraduate Lecturers
- Ulamatullah, Tri S.
- Training of Applying Research-Based Learning on Junior High School Social Studies Teacher
- Wagino, Wagino
- User Interface and User Experience Design of Family Intervention Application for Parents of Children with Autism
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Development of Authentic Assessment Models in Research Methods Courses
- Warsito, Hadi
- Improving Parents’ Attention to The Interest of High School Students Continuing Study in Higher Education through a Parenting Program
- Warsono, Warsono
- Training of Applying Research-Based Learning on Junior High School Social Studies Teacher
- Wasis, Wasis
- Publication Performance and Scientific Impact of Unesa Postgraduate Lecturers
- Wibawa, Kadek A.
- Developing a Realistic Mathematics Education Based Learning Module on Sets Subject in Junior High School
- Wibawa, Kadek A.
- Preliminary Learning Design Based Realistic Mathematics Education on Entrepreneurship Arithmetic Content in Junior High School
- Widadah, Soffil
- Islamic Financial Literacy in Mathematics Education: Proposed Design for Instruction
- Widadah, Soffil
- Development of Student Worksheet Based on Ethnomathematics Traditional Engklek Games on Cube and Rectangular Pyramid
- Widajati, Wiwik
- Teacher Interpersonal Communication With Autism Students In Inclusive School
- Widajati, Wiwik
- Application of Fading in Expressive Language E-Learning for Autistic Children
- Wijayanti, R. A. Rica
- The Effectiveness of Using Problem Based Learning and Video Scribe
- Wijiastuti, Asri
- Improving Reading Comprehension of Simple Reading Text Using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Strategy for Deaf Students
- Wiryanto, Wiryanto
- A Study of ICT-Based Learning in Elementary School Mathematics Learning Concepts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Witjaksono, Andre D.
- How Does Social Science Education Drive Marketing Mindset to Shape Entrepreneurial Interest?
- Wulandari, I G. A. P. A.
- Developing a Realistic Mathematics Education Based Learning Module on Sets Subject in Junior High School
- Wulantina, Endah
- Development of Authentic Assessment Models in Research Methods Courses
- Yanuartuti, Setyo
- Modern Art Inculturation Oriented Education in Flores