Proceedings of 5th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2023

480 authors
Hadiyatno, Didik
Self-Reliance of Balikpapan City as A Partner of The Capital City of the Nusantara (IKN)
Hakim, Putri Kamalia
Employing Rubric-referenced Self-assessment for Novice Writers
Hamdani, Hamdani
Using Quizizz to Increase Student Satisfaction Levels in Civic Education Courses
Handayani, Sri
Analysis of Self-Care Implementation in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Hanif, Zainuri
Citrus Farmers and Digital Marketing in Gunuang Omeh, West Sumatera
Hannie, Hannie
Attracting Consumer Interest to Buy Food Product in TikTok Application
Haq, Akhmad Liana Amrul
Cyberbullying: Unmasking The Right Assesment
Harahap, Cicely Delfina
Antecedents of Employee Creativity in Entertainment Industry Employees
Harpgillnesia, Cesar Ratu
Resilience of Tourism Conscious Group (POKDARWIS) Based on Post Covid-19 Cultural Transformation
Hartanti, Monica Dwi
Correlations of Expression of KLF5, FHIT and DLG2 with Cervical Cancer
Hartopo, Agustinus
Holtekamp’s Microfinance Landscape: Navigating Challenges, Fostering Community Engagement
Haryanti, Sri
Characteristics of Nanoparticle Caulerpa Racemosa as an Anti-Breast Cancer Agent
Hasanah, Uswatun
Factors Relating to Stunting Prevention Behavior Based on Health Promotion Model (HPM) Theory in Tanah Kali Kedinding Community Health Center Surabaya
Hasba, Sandra
Leadership and School Culture
Hasiara, La Ode
Analysis of Level of Understanding Accounting in English in SMAN 1 Students in Muara Badak
Herawaty, Vinola
The Role of Company Size on the Influence of Audit Tenure, Public Accounting Firm Size and Company’s Performance on Audit Delay
Hermahayu, Hermahayu
Cyberbullying: Unmasking The Right Assesment
Herman, Tatang
Numeracy in Elementary School
Hermawan, Iwan
Religious Literacy Model Based on The Student-Centered Learning Approach in Learning Islamic Religious Education Courses
Hesti, A. W. Ariani
The Effect of Telang Flower Extract on the Hepatic Catalyst Enzyme of Mice Exposed to Tobacco Smoke
Hidajat, Djatmiko
Independent Curriculum PPG Mathematics Students’ Thinking Concepts in View of Metacognitive Skills: Case Study in Indonesia
Hidayat, Imron Wahyu
The Ruling of Novel Drugs to the Molecular Targets on Variant Pathological
Hidayat, Muhammad Arizar
Study of Memorable Tourism Experience (MTE) through the Virtual Tour of the Indonesian National Museum
Hidayati, Luk Luk Atul
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Brand Image on Consumer Buying Intention with Customer Satisfaction as A Mediating Role (Empirical Study on Honda Brand Matic Motorcycle Customers in Magelang City)
Hidayati, Nurul
Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections
Hira, Tauhid
Resilience of Tourism Conscious Group (POKDARWIS) Based on Post Covid-19 Cultural Transformation
Ikhram, Iqbal Nafi Nur
The Urgency of Customary Law in Public Life in Indonesia at the Modern Era
Imami, Adi Ihsan
Student Learning Obstacles on Sets Concept
Iman, Muis Sad
Analysis of HOTS content in the science process skills Students’ and Teachers’ Handbook of the Merdeka Curriculum
Imron, Imron
Strengthening The Character Education of Islamic Boarding School Students and The Internalization of Values Through Local Wisdom at The Islamic Boarding School
Imron, Imron
The Aspect of Spirituality in Teacher Performance as Viewed Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Imtikhanah, Sobrotul
Integrated Reporting Quality with Hofstede’s Six Dimension of National Culture: Case Studies from Indonesia
Indiantoro, Alfalachu
The Urgency of Customary Law in Public Life in Indonesia at the Modern Era
Indriawati, Prita
Navigating the Digital Wave: Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy in Students around the New Capital City, Nusantara, through Computer-Based National Assessment Impact
Indriyanti, Erwin
Esterification of Acetic Acid Anhydride with Eugenol and Its Activity as Antifungal
Irwansyah, Ridwan
Development of a Community-Based Education Quality Planning System in Education Units
Irwansyah, Ridwan
Implementation of Integrated Quality Management in Islamic Boarding School Education
Ischak, Mohammad
Study of Memorable Tourism Experience (MTE) through the Virtual Tour of the Indonesian National Museum
Issholikhah, Lailatun Nissa
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes for MI Muhammadiyah Sriwedari Students, Magelang Regency
Isyanto, Puji
District Minimum Wages, Relocation of Unemployed Companies and Its Impact on Poverty
Izzah, Nur
Pregnant Women’s Perception of Psychoeducation Services by Midwives: “I Feel Stronger and Accept My Pregnancy”
Januarti, Indira
Do Board and Audit Committee Characteristics Improve External Auditor Choice?
Japar, Muhammad
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Develop Positive Thinking to Reducing Adolescent Moral Decadence
Juandi, Dadang
Design of a Literacy-Based Mathematics Learning Model to Construct the Numeracy Skills of Junior High School Students
Juwari, Juwari
Self-Reliance of Balikpapan City as A Partner of The Capital City of the Nusantara (IKN)
Kadafi, Muhammad
Investment in Entrepreneurial Equipment for Correctional Facility Inmates
Karuna, Kalvin
Collective Memory and Luang Language Shift (Ltiery Lgona) at the Lexical Level
Karuni, Ni Kadek
Traditional Culture in Modern Bali Crafts Product Design
Kawuryan, Renita
Mastering Disruptive Business Model in the Digital World: Blockchain Security Company
Kesuma, Raudhatuzzahra
Literature Review on the Prevalence of Vision Impairment and Age-Related Eye Diseases
Khairina, Etika
A Study on the Electability of Islamic Parties in the 2024 Presidential Election
Khasanah, Uswatun
From Cindelaras to Snow White: A Critical Analysis of Popular Children’s Literature with an Ecofeminist Perspective
Khikmah, Siti Noor
Do Board and Audit Committee Characteristics Improve External Auditor Choice?
Khoerunnisa, Khoerunnisa
Unveiling the Hidden Dimensions of Telegram: Exploring User Engagement with the Anonymous Chat Feature
Khotimah, Husnul
Navigating the Digital Wave: Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy in Students around the New Capital City, Nusantara, through Computer-Based National Assessment Impact
Khotimah, Khusnul
Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections
Khotimah, Kusnul
Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections
Kissiya, Efilina
Collective Memory and Luang Language Shift (Ltiery Lgona) at the Lexical Level
Kogoya, Alvionita
Correlations of Expression of KLF5, FHIT and DLG2 with Cervical Cancer
Kristiyanti, Rini
The Effect of Prenatal Yoga on Discomfort in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Kristiyanto, Agus
Analysis of diabetes mellitus foot sensitivity disorders in Magelang Regency
Kumala, Farida Nur
Evaluation of Community-Based Mitigation Education in Disaster Risk Reduction Organizations: The Penta Helix Approach
Kuncoro, Andaru Retno
Student Learning Obstacles on Sets Concept
Kurnia, Marlina
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Brand Image on Consumer Buying Intention with Customer Satisfaction as A Mediating Role (Empirical Study on Honda Brand Matic Motorcycle Customers in Magelang City)
Kurniasih, Nunung
Opportunities and Challenges of Instructional Leadership for Principals to Develop Literacy in Elementary Schools
Kurniawan, Rendya Adi
Media Preservation and Education of Pacitan Wayang Beber Tradition Art for Millennial Generation Through Motion Graphic Animation Technology Collaboration
Kurniawati, Evy
Correlation Between Knowledge and Practice of Traditional Self-Medication Among People in Semarang
Kushendar, Deden Hadi
Bureaucracy Simplification and Civil Servant Performance: An Analysis of the Implementation in West Java Province
Kusmita, Lia
Formulation, Physical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Chlorophyll-c Emugel Preparation from Brown Seaweed (Sargassum polycystum)
Kusnandar, Kusnandar
Analysis of diabetes mellitus foot sensitivity disorders in Magelang Regency
Kusuma, Nur Intan
The Experience of Being a Victim of Bullying as a Predisposing Factor for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Descriptive Study
Kusuma, Nur Intan
Pregnant Women’s Perception of Psychoeducation Services by Midwives: “I Feel Stronger and Accept My Pregnancy”
Kusumanigrum, Dwi Sulistya
Analysis of The Improvement of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Abilities Through the Implementation of The Problem Posing Method
Laelasari, Tia
Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level
Laksani, Hening
Media Preservation and Education of Pacitan Wayang Beber Tradition Art for Millennial Generation Through Motion Graphic Animation Technology Collaboration
Larasati, Intan
Mathematics Learning Media with a Sports Context: Effects on Mathematical Connection Ability
Leon, Farah Margaretha
Market Risk, Financial Distress, Board Gender Diversity, Trade Credit and Performance of Indonesia Consumer Goods Companies
Leon, Farah Margaretha
Determinants of Financial Company Value Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Lestari, Anik
Analysis of diabetes mellitus foot sensitivity disorders in Magelang Regency
Lestari, Lilla Puji
Potential as Photoprotective, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory of Flavonoid Isolate from Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Lestari, Luthfiyah
Developing Collaborative Culture: Cultural Change Through Community Collaboration and Economic Growth
Lestari, Santi Arum Puspita
Analysis of The Improvement of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Abilities Through the Implementation of The Problem Posing Method
Lestarini, Niken
Traditional Arts in YouTube Live Streaming Media
Lianasari, Dewi
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Develop Positive Thinking to Reducing Adolescent Moral Decadence
Lutfiani, Asri Pangestika
Integrated Reporting Quality with Hofstede’s Six Dimension of National Culture: Case Studies from Indonesia
Macatangga, Raymond S.
Sign For Everyjuan: An Interactive Android Application That Teaches Filipino Sign Language Using Hand Gesture Recognition
Mahardhika, Dhika Bayu
Learning Media on Shooting Skills in Basketball Games
Maksum, Apid Hapid
The Strategic Role of Human Resources in Improving the Quality and Quantity of Animal Feed Production in XYZ Village, Karawang Regency
Mangunsong, Dhavid Twua
Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy
Mardiyah, Jihan
Description of Implementation of Project Based Learning Model on Creativity Ability of Second Grade Students of SD Islam Ar-Rahiim Balikpapan
Mareta, Reni
The Role of Parents in Child Development: Literature Review
Marlina, Rina
Mathematics Learning Media with a Sports Context: Effects on Mathematical Connection Ability
Martiningtiyas, Catur Rahayu
The Influence of Corporate Governance and Firm Age on the Dividend Payment Policy of Indonesian Banking Companies
Marwanti, Marwanti
Analysis of Self-Care Implementation in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Maryati, Mimin
Empowered Peasant Women: Character Development and Independence
Mashitoh, Robiul Fitri
Evaluation of Community-Based Mitigation Education in Disaster Risk Reduction Organizations: The Penta Helix Approach
Peak Experience: The Phenomenon of Spirituality in Religions and Psychological Problems (Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism)
Matusin, Anita Roosmalina
The Influence of Corporate Governance and Firm Age on the Dividend Payment Policy of Indonesian Banking Companies
Maulida, Nurliani
Navigating the Digital Wave: Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy in Students around the New Capital City, Nusantara, through Computer-Based National Assessment Impact
Mawardi, Imam
Differentiated Learning with an Islamic Values ​​Approach: Alternative Path to the Third Supra-rational Dimension