Proceedings of 5th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2023

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132 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko, Muji Setiyo, Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja, Agus Setiawan, Fitriana Yuliastuti, Lintang Muliawanti, Veni Soraya Dewi
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 5th BIS-HSS 2023 during December 13, 2023 in Magelang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful...
Proceedings Article

The Ruling of Novel Drugs to the Molecular Targets on Variant Pathological

Henik Setiyaningsih, Imron Wahyu Hidayat, Alfian Syarifuddin, Setiyo Budi Santoso, Ratna Wijayatri
In recent decades, the investigation of novel drugs have not only been fully characterized at the molecular level, but have also been used in significant pharmacogenomic research. Our paper presents the ruling of novel drugs to molecular targets on variant pathological. Furthermore, in this study, we...
Proceedings Article

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Model with a Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach in Statistics and Probability Courses

Isna Wardiah
In higher education, the focus has shifted towards developing students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This transition from teacher-centered to student-centered learning is encapsulated in the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) approach, which emphasizes independent learning. Problem-Based...
Proceedings Article

The Nexus of Interest Rate, Foreign Exchange Rate, Profitability, and Leverage on Stock Returns in the Indonesia LQ45 Companies

Andewi Rokhmawati, Rifo Firmansyah, Fitri Fitri, Elvi Rahmayanti
Companies must maintain their stock price high to maximize the existing shareholders’ wealth. Maintaining the company’s solid fundamentals to cope with the macroeconomic turmoil is crucial to sustaining its excellent financial performance. This study analyzes the effect of interest rates, foreign exchange...
Proceedings Article

An Anti-Fragile Personality in The Relationship of Transformational Leadership to Innovation Performance in Black Swan Events to Overcome Cynicism About Organizational Change

M. Trihudiyatmanto, Ari Pranaditya, Heri Purwanto, Alfian Yuda Prasetiyo
In order to sustain organizational growth amidst a volatile environment, organizations need to establish robust systems for innovation and adaptation to withstand threats and stressors, such as anti-fragility. The COVID-19 pandemic, often referred to as a “Black Swan Event” by some scientists, has upended...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Culture in Modern Bali Crafts Product Design

I Wayan Mudra, Ni Made Rai Sunarini, I P. Ketut Muka, Ida Ayu Gede Artayani, I Wayan Suardana, Ni Kadek Karuni
The design of modern Balinese craft products in the current digital era, visually still displays the cultural content of local Balinese traditions, although there are also those who break away from this traditional content. This research aims to discuss the design of modern Balinese craft products which...
Proceedings Article

Self-Reliance of Balikpapan City as A Partner of The Capital City of the Nusantara (IKN)

Juwari Juwari, Nurlia Nurlia, Dwi Susilowati, Didik Hadiyatno, Nadi Hernadi Moorcy
The proposal to relocate the capital to The Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan Province, along with the rapid infrastructure development in the new capital, has implications for the surrounding areas, particularly Balikpapan City. This research aims to assess the impact of utilizing regional revenue...
Proceedings Article

Holtekamp’s Microfinance Landscape: Navigating Challenges, Fostering Community Engagement

Agustinus Hartopo, Andjar Prasetyo, Heri Wahyudianto
This research is a focused analysis of BUMKamp (Village-Owned Enterprises) in Holtekamp, Jayapura, with a particular emphasis on the microfinance units. The study’s primary goal is to delve into the untapped potential of these microfinance units and scrutinize the key challenges impeding their effective...
Proceedings Article

Bureaucracy Simplification and Civil Servant Performance: An Analysis of the Implementation in West Java Province

Dewi Gartika, Andjar Prasetyo, Yogi Suprayogi Sugandi, Deden Hadi Kushendar
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the bureaucratic simplification and equalisation policy in West Java Province, focusing on its impact on the distribution of positions, State Civil Apparatus performance, and policy evaluation. The research method involves analysing data from two phases...
Proceedings Article

Addressing the Issue of Stunting in Papua Province: A Coordinated Effort for Child Well-being

Heri Wahyudianto, Andjar Prasetyo
Stunting is a serious health problem among children in Papua Province, Indonesia. This study analyses secondary data on environmental factors, vulnerable family indicators, and stunting prevalence in the region. The main challenges faced are inter-sectoral coordination, budget management, and ineffective...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian University Students’ Engagement with Offline Application (ATMEN) in English as a Task Language Listening Classroom

Abdul Kodir Al-Baekani, Iwan Ridwan, Sukanta Sukanta
Numerous studies have examined the use of online applications in EFL listening classes. However, there is limited research on students’ engagement with offline applications, such as ATMEN, in tertiary listening classes. To address this gap, researchers investigated how undergraduate students at an Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Creative Video Documentary Through Folklore Settings for Strengthening Storytelling to Expand the Promotion of Madura Tourism Destination

Surokim Surokim, Bani Eka Dartiningsih, Luthfi Awwalia
Madura’s tourism requires a digital communication touch to reach a wide audience. Through documentary videos uploaded on various media platforms, Madura’s tourist destinations will become more appealing and easily accessible to a broader audience. By reinforcing the connection with local folklore, a...
Proceedings Article

Navigating the Digital Wave: Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy in Students around the New Capital City, Nusantara, through Computer-Based National Assessment Impact

Suci Yuniarti, Prita Indriawati, Husnul Khotimah, Kiftian Hady Prasetya, Deden Deden, Ganjar Susilo, Nurliani Maulida
Students must have Literacy and numeracy skills in the Industrial Era 4.0. Computer-based National Assessment (CBNA), mainly the Minimum Competency Assessment (MCA), measures students’ reading and mathematics literacy (numeracy). Reading literacy is understanding, using, evaluating, and reflecting on...
Proceedings Article

Developing Collaborative Culture: Cultural Change Through Community Collaboration and Economic Growth

Lisa Yuniarti, Andjar Prasetyo, Luthfiyah Lestari
This study aims to analyse the impact of collaborative culture in Central Java Province on local economic growth. The research method involves a descriptive analysis of the crucial factors that influence the emergence of collaborative culture, using data from the Provincial Office of Education and Culture....
Proceedings Article

Speed up Uneducated Children’s Education in Central Java through Community Learning

Mohamad Miftah, Andjar Prasetyo
The pervasive issue of out-of-school children in Indonesia, particularly in Central Java, demands comprehensive strategies. With an alarming 4.3 million children aged 7-18 out of school, this study examines constitutional amendments, the national strategy, and low school readiness rates in Central Java....
Proceedings Article

Digital Literacy Mastery and its Role in Human Resource Competitiveness

Mohamad Miftah, Andjar Prasetyo
This study analyses the 2022 Human Development Index development in Central Java Province, exploring its correlation with challenges and opportunities in the education sector, particularly digital literacy. The primary goal is to assess the HDI trends and identify areas for improvement, focusing on the...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of a Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) on Students’ Grammar Skills Using on Line Application: A Classroom Action Research

Iwan Ridwan, Sumarta Sumarta, Dani Firmansyah
The present study is to develop students’ grammar skills in learning tenses through a Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). This study adopts a classroom action research design that required the researcher to play an active role in the classroom and collect the data through interviews. It has been studied...
Proceedings Article

Resilience of Tourism Conscious Group (POKDARWIS) Based on Post Covid-19 Cultural Transformation

Anton Nurcahyo, Tauhid Hira, Siska Tiara Apriani, Fina Mufirotika, Cesar Ratu Harpgillnesia, Eman Sukmana
A positive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was the emergence of community cultural transformation. Social and physical distancing became a portal for travel movements that were responded and implemented Health Protocols (or Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) by tourism businesses....
Proceedings Article

Tourism’s Midway for Peace in A Conflict-Ridden Destination

Eman Sukmana, Rinto Dwiatmojo
Conflicts cause losses in various aspects of tourism destinations, affecting both tourists and local communities. This study aims to provide literature-based evidence showing that tourism can contribute to peacebuilding in conflict destinations. This research employs the systematic literature review...
Proceedings Article

How Elementary Science Teachers’ Understand Perform Science Process Skills and HOTS

Irham Nugroho, Insih Wilujeng, Pujaningsih Pujaningsih
One potential reason for the strong performance could be that the performance test items were given in a realistic setting, which may have aided the elementary science instructors in addressing them due to their familiarity with the situations. The inadequate conceptual comprehension exhibited by the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Self-Care Implementation in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Ratna Agustiningrum, Dwi Noviatun, Sri Handayani, Nur Wulan Agustina, Marwanti Marwanti
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition that cannot be cured and can lead to complications, necessitating self-care. Correct self-care can improve the sufferer’s capacity to fulfill life’s demands independently, allowing them to control their illness and avoid complications. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Learning Media on Shooting Skills in Basketball Games

Dhika Bayu Mahardhika, Tedi Purbangkara, Suntoko Suntoko
This study aims to assess the effectiveness of learning media for improving shooting skills in basketball games. Employing a quantitative approach, the research methodology involves survey research utilizing a questionnaire. The sample comprises 25 students selected through total sampling. The study...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Wayang Painting Art by I Made Yasana with Wayang Kamasan Painting Art by Jero Mangku Muriati

Komang Nelly Sundari, I Wayan Mudra
Research has been conducted on the Wayang paintings by I Made Yasana and Jero Mangku Muriati in Denpasar and Kamasan in October 2023. Although these two paintings exhibit similarities, people refer to I Made Yasana’s Wayang painting as classical Wayang, while Jero Mangku Muriati’s is identified as Wayang...
Proceedings Article

Antecedents of Employee Creativity in Entertainment Industry Employees

Netania Emilisa, Scheren Vandrea Sinaulan, Egabetha Amirah Yudhaputri, Cicely Delfina Harahap, Dietce Apriani
This study investigates how leadership styles and employee characteristics influence creativity within Jakarta’s entertainment industry, a sector that thrives on innovation. The researchers surveyed 261 employees using a targeted sampling method to ensure the participants were relevant to the industry....
Proceedings Article

Intercultural Communication Aesthetics in Multicultural Reality in Maintaining Social Harmony

I Wayan Astraguna, I Wayan Agus Gunada, I Komang Widya Purnama Yasa, Edy Chandra
This research focuses on the aesthetics of intercultural communication, social harmony, and research techniques in the multicultural society of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province. In the era of globalization, intercultural communication is critical because diverse cultures, norms, languages, and...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Knowledge and Practice of Traditional Self-Medication Among People in Semarang

Maria Caecilia Nanny Setiawati, Siti Munisih, Yustisia Dian Advistasari, Evy Kurniawati
Self-medication presents a dual-sided approach recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) for its potential to alleviate strain on global healthcare systems. However, its misuse can result in significant adverse outcomes. This research aimed to assess the understanding and practice of self-medication...
Proceedings Article

Level of Long and Short Service Skills in Badminton Students at Public High School 1 West Telukjambe with Machine Learning

Nana Suryana Nasution, Ardawi Sumarno, Dian Budhi Santoso, Reni Rahmadewi
This study investigates the skill level in short and long serves amongst young badminton players from SMAN 1 Telukjambe Barat. Focusing on 20 student athletes, the researchers employed a quantitative approach that involved testing and data analysis. They see potential in leveraging new technologies like...
Proceedings Article

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Develop Positive Thinking to Reducing Adolescent Moral Decadence

Purwati Purwati, Annisa Choirunascha Afif ‘Ulhaq, Muhammad Japar, Filda Khoirun Nikmah, Dewi Lianasari
This study aims to examine and identify the effectiveness whether Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) based on positive thinking is capable of reducing the moral decadence. This research is a quasi-experimental (pre-post) which intended to estimate the effect of positive thinking based on Cognitive Behavioral...
Proceedings Article

Improving Students’ English Language Skills with an English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Approach in the Center of Excellence Vocational School Curriculum

Mansyur Srisudarso, Septian Aep Nugraha
This study investigates the effectiveness of the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) approach in improving English language skills among students in Indonesia’s Center of Excellence Vocational Schools (SMK), which are known for preparing job-ready graduates. The ESP approach focuses on teaching English...
Proceedings Article

Religious Literacy Model Based on The Student-Centered Learning Approach in Learning Islamic Religious Education Courses

Iwan Hermawan, Khalid Ramdhani, Kasja Eki Waluyo, Oyoh Bariah
In higher education, this research aims to develop and use a religious literacy model based on the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) method. This goal’s primary objective is to assist students in reaching their educational objectives, including social, moral, religious, and independent learning objectives....
Proceedings Article

Collective Memory and Luang Language Shift (Ltiery Lgona) at the Lexical Level

Kalvin Karuna, Efilina Kissiya, Gábor Biczó
This research aims to describe the collective memory of the Luang community regarding the existence of the Luang language today. Language shift, especially at the lexical point and what factors influence the shift. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, with the main focus being...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Financial Statements in Sustainable Business SME Culinary in Karawang Regency

Irvan Y. Pardistya, Heikal M. Zakaria, Wirman Wirman
The study aims to analyze financial statements on the sustainability of culinary businesses in Karawang Regency. The subject of this study was a culinary company that operated in Karawang Regency for 3 years, so that 30 Culinary MSMEs were obtained in Karawang Regency. The test results show that financial...
Proceedings Article

Potential as Photoprotective, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory of Flavonoid Isolate from Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)

Christina Astutiningsih, Herni Setyawati, Ali Rahmat, Lilla Puji Lestari, Faidliyah Nilna Minah
Long-term exposure to UV radiation can induce skin disorders, such as cancer and photo-allergic reactions. Natural products are being considered for their potential as non-irritating and effective sunscreen resources, owing to their UV absorption, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. This study...
Proceedings Article

The Strategic Role of Human Resources in Improving the Quality and Quantity of Animal Feed Production in XYZ Village, Karawang Regency

Solehudin Solehudin, Arip Solehudin, Apid Hapid Maksum
Human resources play an important role in improving the quality and quantity of animal feed production. This study aims to analyze the role of human resources in increasing animal feed production in XYZ Village, Ciampel District, Karawang Regency. The methods used are surveys and interviews with farmers...
Proceedings Article

The Provision of Human Resources Support for The Purpose of Enhancing Economic Growth Through Digital Innovation in The Processing of Animal Manure in Karyamulya Village, Karawang

Arip Solehudin, Solehudin Solehudin
This study examines the critical role of human resource assistance in the implementation of digital-based innovations for animal waste processing to enhance economic competitiveness in Karyamulya Village, Batujaya District, and the Karawang Regency. The main objective was to investigate the impact of...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Psychological Factors Affecting the Students’ Writing Anxiety in University Level

Elinda Umisara, Robert Rizki Yono, Patria Yulida Augustine
Organization, logical development of ideas, grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, style, and quality of expression are the components of writing skill which make someone experience anxiety in writing, especially for students in university level as foreign language learner. This research was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Opportunities and Challenges of Instructional Leadership for Principals to Develop Literacy in Elementary Schools

Sutarjo Sutarjo, Safuri Safuri, Nunung Kurniasih
This study aimed to explore, analyze, and elucidate scientific facts pertaining to the opportunities, obstacles, and solutions encountered by instructional leadership in school principals as they strive to foster literacy in elementary schools. An empirical research methodology, characterized by a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Community-Based Education Quality Planning System in Education Units

Undang Ruslan Wahyudin, Hinggil Permana, Ella Nurlailsari, Ridwan Irwansyah
This study aims to develop a community-based education quality planning system in Package C education units in Karawang. Education Package C has a strategic role in providing learning opportunities for people who cannot access formal education. Challenges related to education quality planning at this...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Integrated Quality Management in Islamic Boarding School Education

Hinggil Permana, Undang Ruslan Wahyudin, Ella Nurlailsari, Ridwan Irwansyah
This study aims to examine the implementation of integrated quality management in Islamic boarding school education in Karawang Regency. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and analysis of documents related...
Proceedings Article

Accountability for Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes): Determination Analysis

Nur Laila Yuliani, Aditya Prasetyawan, Barkah Susanto, Pranita Siska Utami
Financial management accountability represents a duty towards stakeholders, demonstrated through the presentation of reports spanning planning, execution, oversight, and review processes. This practice is pivotal for enhancing performance and fostering public confidence. Despite this, some BUMDes (Village-Owned...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of the Implementation of Student-Centered Learning in Training Digital-Based English Pronunciation in Islamic Boarding School

Yousef Bani Ahmad, Mobit Mobit, N. Fathurrohman
This research aims to describe and analyze the application of the SCL (Student-Centered Learning) method in learning English pronunciation in the Islamic boarding school environment. A descriptive qualitative approach is used to describe in detail the experience, perception, and results of implementing...
Proceedings Article

The Decision to Use the Flip Application in Online Transactions Among Students in Semarang City

Alfin Muslikhun, Rowiyani Rowiyani, Mukhlidin Mukhlidin
This study aims to examine the effect of security, risk, and ease of use on the decision to use the flip application on students on campus in the Semarang city. the sample of this study were students who used the flip application. the sample was calculated using the lemeshow formula. The population of...
Proceedings Article

Anti-inflammatory Effect and Physical Stability Test of Nanoemulgel Containing Marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) Essential Oil

Ungsari Rizki Eka Purwanto, Mighfar Syukur, Tris Harni Pebriani, Ika Puspitaningrum
The ability of marjoram essential oil (MEO) to reduce pro-inflammatory agents, C-reactive protein (CRP), is gaining attention these days. The nanoemulgel development is needed to increase permeation of the active components. Furthermore, proving the anti-inflammatory effectiveness and stability of MEO...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Company Size on the Influence of Audit Tenure, Public Accounting Firm Size and Company’s Performance on Audit Delay

Vinola Herawaty, Taftazani Aprilito
Despite regulations requiring public companies in Indonesia to submit financial reports within 90 days (OJK regulation No.44/PJOK.04/2016), audit delays remain common. This study examines how factors like length of service by the same auditor (audit tenure), accounting firm size, company financial health...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Telang Flower Extract on the Hepatic Catalyst Enzyme of Mice Exposed to Tobacco Smoke

Agus Suprijono, A. W. Ariani Hesti, Endang Setyoningsih
A tobacco contains more than 4700 chemical compounds and 200 of them can be detrimental to health. These compounds include CO, CO2, HCN, NOx, nicotine, phenol, tar and cadmium which have the potential to become free radicals. Continuous exposure to chemical compounds in tobacco can result in a decrease...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Virtual Reality as an Education Tool for Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review

Muhammad Anas, Desi Arsitawati, Mohammad Rizal Arief, Eko Nursucahyo
Objective: To know the benefits of using Virtual Reality as an education tool for pregnant women. Methods: Using four search tools with inclusion and exclusion criteria in electronic databases of PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and SINTA. All the collected full texts were screened systematically using...
Proceedings Article

Adaptive Policy in Crisis Response: Lessons from Indonesia Task Force Against Covid-19

Dewi Noor Azijah, Lina Aryani, Rachmat Ramdani
This research discusses the government’s response through adaptive policies issued in crisis and fluctuating situations. The period was carried out during the Covid 19 pandemic with area coverage in the Karawang district. This research focuses on the actions taken by the Covid-19 Task Force through the...
Proceedings Article

Formulation, Physical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Chlorophyll-c Emugel Preparation from Brown Seaweed (Sargassum polycystum)

Lia Kusmita, Dinara Safina Firdaus Syifa’, Mutmainah Mutmainah
Brown seaweed (Sargassum polycystum) contains a distinctive pigment, chlorophyll-c. Chlorophyll is known to exhibit strong antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria. Emulgel is one of the topical preparations that offers several advantages, including being non-greasy, easy to spread, easy...
Proceedings Article

Study of Memorable Tourism Experience (MTE) through the Virtual Tour of the Indonesian National Museum

Muhammad Arizar Hidayat, Wegig Murwonugroho, Agung Eko Budi Waspada, Harozila Ramli, Mohammad Ischak
The National Museum of Indonesia presents innovation by providing virtual visits via the Virtual Tour platform on the official website. It becomes a digital asset heritage with a dual concept, combining physical and virtual space. Virtual Tours offer an alternative tourism experience, although they have...
Proceedings Article

Perceptions towards Entrepreneurship at Higher Education Level

Martin Surya Putra, Ani Fatmawati, Mimin Rihotimawati, Surianto Surianto, Merpatih Merpatih
This study attempts to reveal how students at higher education in Indonesia perceived entrepreneurship after graduation. The research method in this study was group discussion between the tutors and the 22 research participants who were at the final year of their vocational higher education study in...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of The Pancasila Student Profile Through Pramuka Extracurricular Activities in Inclusive Elementary Schools

Moh Toharudin, Khoerun Nisa, Rila Melyana Fitri
Pramuka is a form of extracurricular that contains character education in the learning process. SDN Klampok 01 is an inclusive school that holds pramuka extracurriculars to create a Pancasila student profile. Instilling Pancasila student profile character education through pramuka extracurricular activities,...
Proceedings Article

Market Risk, Financial Distress, Board Gender Diversity, Trade Credit and Performance of Indonesia Consumer Goods Companies

Budiman Budiman, Jose Raci Farel, Sita Aisha Gemala, Nicky Winiadi, Farah Margaretha Leon
The company must pay attention to factors influencing its performance. Prolonged financial distress can lead to bankruptcy, especially when market risks increase. Good corporate governance such as considering gender diversity on the board, can impact company performance. Trade credit in working capital...
Proceedings Article

Attracting Consumer Interest to Buy Food Product in TikTok Application

Ina Ratnasari, Anggi Pasca Arnu, Mira Fujita, Hannie Hannie
Social media such as TikTok is an effective means of promotion. TikTok can attract the attention of a wide audience, especially young people. Creative and interesting video content can stimulate consumer buying interest. Using Influencer to help promote and review food product can make people, especially...
Proceedings Article

Citrus Farmers and Digital Marketing in Gunuang Omeh, West Sumatera

Supriyadi Supriyadi, Rika Reviza Rachmawati, Zainuri Hanif, Lyli Mufidah
Citrus farmers in Indonesia, including in Gunuang Omeh, West Sumatera, are still experiencing problems with prices falling during the main harvest. Digital marketing can be an alternative to overcome this because it can reach a wider market, thereby getting the most suitable price. This research aims...
Proceedings Article

Sign For Everyjuan: An Interactive Android Application That Teaches Filipino Sign Language Using Hand Gesture Recognition

Londren U. Velasco, Raymond S. Macatangga, Copernicus P. Pepito, Marissa G. Chua, Emmanuel G. Galupo Jr, Mary Joyce R. Del Mundo, Ericson L. Dilla
Sign for EveryJUAN is an Android application for Filipinos who want to learn alphabet, numbers, WH questions, greetings, phrases, days, family members, adjectives, and verbs in Filipino Sign Language. The application will display images and play videos of signs in Filipino Sign Language which includes...
Proceedings Article

Employing Rubric-referenced Self-assessment for Novice Writers

Putri Kamalia Hakim, Safuri Musa, Fauzi Miftakh, Maya Rahmawati
This study aims to explore the efficacy of the use of rubric-referenced self-assessment on students’ writings. The goal is to provide experimental and qualitative support for the application of rubric-referenced self-assessment among EFL students who are in the early stages of acquiring English writing...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Financial Company Value Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Ryandy Ryandy, Gunawan Muhdi, Yosina Edekas Yembise Samori, Farah Margaretha Leon
Financial institutions are at the forefront of economic growth. Investments in this sector are highly attractive. Investors consider the value of an enterprise in their investments. It is important to understand the determining factors of firm value to ensure that the enterprise remains appealing to...
Proceedings Article

Communication Strategy in the Speech of the President of Indonesia: As a Strengthening of Representation of Javanese Local Wisdom

Benedictus Sudiyana, Mukti Widayati, Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih
Speech is a language of public interest that is bound by many cultural norms. In multicultural Indonesia, speech speakers use communication strategies through the use of local wisdom with a cultural background, namely Javanese. This study aims to describe the communication strategy in the speech of the...
Proceedings Article

Student Learning Obstacles on Sets Concept

Redo Martila Ruli, Adi Ihsan Imami, Agung Prasetyo Abadi, Andaru Retno Kuncoro, Ismi Nurkhasanah
Set is one of the main subjects in mathematics and is a material that raises quite a lot of learning obstacles for students. This study aims to identify the learning obstacles that arise and reveal the factors that cause the emergence of these obstacles. This research is a descriptive qualitative research....
Proceedings Article

Unveiling the Hidden Dimensions of Telegram: Exploring User Engagement with the Anonymous Chat Feature

Khoerunnisa Khoerunnisa, Lintang Muliawanti, Fadhillah Sandy
In general, telegram is known as an application for exchanging messages. But on the other hand, telegram is also widely used because of bot features such as video and audio downloaders from other platforms, as a movie watching application with the channel feature, and there are also features that are...
Proceedings Article

Mathematics Learning Media with a Sports Context: Effects on Mathematical Connection Ability

Kiki Nia Sania Effendi, Dany Aulia, Rina Marlina, Indrie Noor Aini, Intan Larasati
The research was initiated due to the low ability to make mathematical connections, the suboptimal implementation of the independent curriculum, and the limited use of mathematics learning media. The independent climate policy has brought changes that influenced school learning activities, particularly...
Proceedings Article

Factors Relating to Stunting Prevention Behavior Based on Health Promotion Model (HPM) Theory in Tanah Kali Kedinding Community Health Center Surabaya

Ira Purnamasari, Dede Nasrullah, Firman, Idham Choliq, Uswatun Hasanah
Stunting remains a significant nutritional issue for children under two years old, leading to increased morbidity and mortality, reduced learning capacity, higher risk of infections and chronic diseases in adulthood, and decreased productivity and economic capacity. One major contributing factor to high...
Proceedings Article

Application of Fuzzy AHP and New Fuzzy Servqual Methods for Performance Evaluation Based on Perceptions Service Quality and Satisfaction Towards the Implementation of Educational Programs

Lathifatul Aulia, Ratri Wulandari, Arista Fitri Diana, Wellie Sulistijanti
The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, offers various educational programs, including the Kampus Merdeka initiative. This program provides valuable real-world experiences for college students by connecting them with workplaces and entrepreneurs...
Proceedings Article

Design of a Literacy-Based Mathematics Learning Model to Construct the Numeracy Skills of Junior High School Students

Hanifah Nurus Sopiany, Turmudi Turmudi, Dadang Juandi, Iyan Rosita Dewi Nur
This research discusses the impact of the School Literacy Movement (Gerakan Literasi Sekolah or GLS) program on student’s mathematical literacy abilities in Indonesia. The study is motivated by Indonesia’s low ranking in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the government’s efforts...
Proceedings Article

Behavioral Intention on Sharia Fintech in Indonesia

Abdul Yusuf
Financial technology, commonly known as fintech, represents a notable innovation in the finance sector, harnessing the power of information technology. Fintech entails the delivery of financial products and services through a blend of technological platforms and innovative business models. This research...
Proceedings Article

Mastering Disruptive Business Model in the Digital World: Blockchain Security Company

Renita Kawuryan, Christie Stephanie Piar, Feti Fahmimroah
The aim of this community service initiative was to investigate disruptive business models and provide updates on blockchain security company. The seminar was organized by the lecturer of strategic digital business and Youth Network Kaltim (a community for young people to get access to educational, vacancy...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of The Improvement of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Abilities Through the Implementation of The Problem Posing Method

Santi Arum Puspita Lestari, Dwi Sulistya Kusumanigrum, Fitria Nurapriani
Reasoning helps one understand mathematical concepts, while understanding mathematical content helps one develop reasoning skills. When solving challenges that affect a person's cognitive development and ability to make rational decisions, reasoning skills are essential. However, because there aren't...
Proceedings Article

Media Preservation and Education of Pacitan Wayang Beber Tradition Art for Millennial Generation Through Motion Graphic Animation Technology Collaboration

Basnendar Herry Prilosadoso, Rendya Adi Kurniawan, Hening Laksani, Sri Murwanti
Wayang is a theatrical performance using puppets which contains character education. One of the oldest forms of picture-story telling in the form of wayang is wayang beber. Wayang beber provides as an preservation and exploration in development through audiovisual media. The objective of this study was...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Nanoparticle Caulerpa Racemosa as an Anti-Breast Cancer Agent

Sri Haryanti, Dewi Ramonah, Mutmainah Mutmainah
Caulerpa racemosa is a marine algae rich in folic acid, thiamine, and caulerpenyne, characterized by potential anticancer, antitumor and antiproliferative properties. Despite the promising potential, the clinical application of natural ingredients often faces challenges due to low bioavailability. To...
Proceedings Article

Esterification of Acetic Acid Anhydride with Eugenol and Its Activity as Antifungal

Rahmawati Salsa Dinurrosifa, Indah Sulistyarini, Erwin Indriyanti
The main contents of clove oil are phenolic compounds, namely eugenol, eugenol acetate and gallic acid, as well as flavonoids. One of the derivatives of the eugenol compound is acetyl eugenol which was developed by the esterification reaction between eugenol and acetic acid anhydride using the sonochemical...
Proceedings Article

Transformative Education in Pre-Service Teacher Training: Experiences and Impact

Arnel A. Turiano, Rafael V. Oñate
Education is in a constant state of evolution, mirroring the changes in our world. Therefore, an adaptable and inventive approach to learning, transcending conventional models, is imperative to nurture individual development, critical reasoning, and societal transformation. Based on the principle that...
Proceedings Article

From Cindelaras to Snow White: A Critical Analysis of Popular Children’s Literature with an Ecofeminist Perspective

Radius Setiyawan, Holy Ichda Wahyuni, Uswatun Khasanah, Riska Rahayu Roisiah
Children's literature in Indonesia is a genre that is an important part of children's growth and development. Children's literature texts are not neutral stories with no ideological value. Most of these types of children's folklore are reproduced over time. Critically reading various...
Proceedings Article

Digital Storytelling: An Innovative Instructional Material in Improving the Reading Level of Grade 10 Learners

Cherry Ann S. Dela Cruz, Estrella T. Arroyo, Domingo R. Ortega Jr.
The student's reading ability is confronted by educational lapses due to the implementation of remote teaching and learning during and after the global health crisis. With this, the researcher aimed to develop innovative instructional material to improve the reading level of Grade 10 learners of...
Proceedings Article

Audit Dynamics: Exploring the Nexus of Audit Delay, Public Accounting Firm Size, Audit Opinion, Financial Distress, and Management Change in Auditor Switching

Agus Salim, Murtanto Murtanto, Lidia Wahyuni
This research investigated factors influencing auditor switching decisions in transportation and logistics companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2020 and 2022. The study employed logistic regression analysis to examine the impact of five variables: audit delay, Public Accounting...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Acupressure Therapy on Labor Pain at the Aesya Maternity Home Indonesia

Dini Rahmah Fitriyani, Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu, Rohmayanti Rohmayanti, Kartika Wijayanti
High maternal mortality rates (MMR) are a concern for public health. One cause of maternal death is prolonged labor, which can be influenced by physical, emotional, and social factors. Among the emotional factors, stress and anxiety during childbirth can lead to prolonged labor. Additionally, pain from...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Financial Statements Fraud Using the Fraud Hexagon Perspective on Family Company

Barkah Susanto, Lilik Andriyani, Nur Laila Yuliani, Nur Wakhidatur Rohmah
Numerous frauds in the financial statements that businesses listed on the IDX have released. Due to the funds, they have committed, investors will undoubtedly suffer from this since they will not receive accurate financial information while the business is operating. The variables of pressure, opportunity,...
Proceedings Article

Description of Implementation of Project Based Learning Model on Creativity Ability of Second Grade Students of SD Islam Ar-Rahiim Balikpapan

Ganjar Susilo, Tri Hariyati Nur Indah Sari, Jihan Mardiyah
This research aims to describe the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model on flat building materials. The type of research used is a qualitative research method which is descriptive analysis. This research was conducted at Ar-Rahiim Islamic Elementary School, Balikpapan. The...
Proceedings Article

Adapting Technology in Islamic Psychology: Exploring Digital Pathways to Spiritual and Psychological Wellbeing

Devid Dwi Erwahyudin
This study discusses the application of technology in Islamic psychology through digital dhikr applications, spiritual educational content in social media, and the application of technology in Islamic therapy and counseling. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach with case studies of Muslim...
Proceedings Article

Unlocking Minds: Innovative Approaches to Thematic Subject Mastery at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan through Creative Learning Strategies

Aulia Puspita Saputri, Ahwy Oktradiksa, Norma Dewi Shalikhah
The purpose of this study is to ascertain the best ways to apply Creative Thinking learning methodologies in order to enhance theme learning results. Experiments are being used in this quantitative study. A sample of 23 students was taken using the census method, and the participants of this study were...
Proceedings Article

Human Resource Management Strategy in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Graduates from The Faculty of Economics, UNSIKA in The Digital Era

Eman Sulaeman, Solehudin Solehudin, Sri Rahayu
This research aims to identify and analyze effective Human Resource Management (HRM) strategies in enhancing the competitiveness of graduates from the Faculty of Economics at Singaperbangsa Karawang University in the Digital Era. The rapidly evolving digital era presents new challenges in the realms...
Proceedings Article

The Limitation of Hospital Liability in Indonesian Health Law

Windy Virdinia Putri, Nanik Prasetyoningsih
According to Indonesian Hospital Law, as last amended by Indonesian Health Law, the hospital may be held liable for losses caused exclusively by the negligence of health workers at the hospital. In contrast, according to the concept of civil law, fault in a broad sense includes both negligence and intentional....
Proceedings Article

Empowered Peasant Women: Character Development and Independence

Mimin Maryati, Solehudin Solehudin
This study explores the process of character development and journey towards independence amongst peasant women in rural areas. Through in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and document analysis, the experiences of 12 peasant women from various socioeconomic backgrounds were examined. The...
Proceedings Article

Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes for MI Muhammadiyah Sriwedari Students, Magelang Regency

Lailatun Nissa Issholikhah, Ahwy Oktradiksa, Norma Dewi Shalikhah
Learning outcomes in integer operations among sixth-grade students at MI Muhammadiyah Sriwedari are notably low. This issue is attributed to teachers employing a direct learning model, leading to passive student engagement and boredom. The study aims to identify the learning model used at MI Muhammadiyah...
Proceedings Article

Independent Curriculum PPG Mathematics Students’ Thinking Concepts in View of Metacognitive Skills: Case Study in Indonesia

Djatmiko Hidajat, Dewi Susilowati, Afif Afghohani
This case study needs to be carried out because knowledge about personal thinking awareness of the ability to solve problems can support the percentage of success in achieving goals. The learning evaluation by Polya and several problem-solving figures has not touched on the metacognitive skills of teaching...
Proceedings Article

Psychosocial Experiences of Nurse in Providing Care to COVID-19 Patients: A Qualitative Study

Mundakir Mundakir, W. Pipit Festi, Dede Nasrullah
The COVID-19 pandemic not only jeopardizes the lives of infected individuals but also poses a substantial threat to healthcare professionals providing care. The inadequate availability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has contributed to an escalating mortality rate among healthcare workers. This...
Proceedings Article

Unlocking the Potential: The Diverse Impacts of User-Generated Content on Tourism Promotion

Prihatin Dwihantoro, Dwi Susanti, Pristi Sukmasetya, Moch. Imron Rosyidi
This research was conducted in the Kalibiru Tourism Area, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta Special Region to describe other impacts or side effects of using user-generated content as a tourism promotion media in Kalibiru Yogyakar-ta. The conceptual approach used is the concept of a spectacle society from Jean...
Proceedings Article

Dimensions of Religiosity and Humanity in Indonesian Literature

Farida Nugrahani, Ali Imron Al-Ma’ruf
Literary works are the result of a writer’s reflection on his socio-cultural environment. Writers then express these reflections in beautiful language with their imagination and creativity. Therefore, apart from containing entertainment elements, literary works also contain didactic elements in terms...
Proceedings Article

Cyberbullying: Unmasking The Right Assesment

Rayinda Faizah, Hermahayu Hermahayu, Fadillah Sandy, Laily Qomariyah, Akhmad Liana Amrul Haq
The development of the digital era has had a negative impact on human behavior. One of which is the increase in the number of cyberbullying cases in society. There is a shift from traditional bullying towards bullying behavior carried out through digital media. This study aims to examine the literature...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Community-Based Mitigation Education in Disaster Risk Reduction Organizations: The Penta Helix Approach

Rasidi Rasidi, Robiul Fitri Mashitoh, Puji Rahmawati, Farida Nur Kumala, Fahrizal Ade Nugroho
If community resilience initiatives are not balanced with the high chance of disaster, numerous losses will ensue. The function of organisations dedicated to disaster risk reduction (OPRB) in bolstering community resilience through the acquisition of thorough studies on catastrophe mitigation. This study's...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Recovery-Focused Health Workers for Advancing Mental Health: Literature Review

Muhammad Khoirul Amin, Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih
The process of recovering from mental disorders extends beyond medical treatment to address the individual needs of patients. Achieving recovery from mental disorders requires a comprehensive approach and effective collaboration among healthcare services, caregivers, and the community. Health workers...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Level of Understanding Accounting in English in SMAN 1 Students in Muara Badak

Rahmawati Fitriana, La Ode Hasiara, Risma Risma
Beside its native language is influence in her/his daily talk, the students of 12th Grade Social class of SMAN 1 Muara Badak is also difficult to understand of English Accounting standard/terms. The purpose of this study is to analyse the level of understanding of English Accounting standard (based on...
Proceedings Article

Teacher Reflective Practice: Post-Pandemic Program Sekolah Penggerak (PSP) Development Model

Muhlis Fajar Wicaksana, Nurratri Kurnia Sari, Sri Wahono Saptomo
A good learning culture in the post-pandemic period needs to be restored to what it was before the pandemic. One of the activities that can be done through the creativity of teacher reflective practice in learning. Reflective practice is carried out with supervisors, headmasters, and teachers. Starting...
Proceedings Article

Clinical Manifestation of digestive problems among children with COVID-19: A Literature Review

Septi Wardani
This review explores digestive problems in children with COVID-19. Researchers examined studies (2019–2021) focusing on “children,” “Covid 19,” and “digestive issues.“ They prioritized original English-language research on hospitalized children (0–16) with digestive problems, MIS-C, or other health conditions....
Proceedings Article

Using Quizizz to Increase Student Satisfaction Levels in Civic Education Courses

Hamdani Hamdani, Feti Fahmimroah
The use of information technology in learning increases student involvement and enjoyment to be more effective. In reality, many assessment activities still use conventional assessments. So, digital-based assessments such as Quizizz need to be carried out. The aim of this research is to analyze student...
Proceedings Article

Ovarian Cysts Treatment and Recovery Using Herb Medicine

Mirah Rejeki
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries. Ovarian cysts generally occur in women at productive age (20–40 year). Ovarian cysts are usually harmless and may disappear by itself. However, it can be dangerous becoming cancer. This study was carried out to prevent and treat patients with ovarian...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Digital Marketing and Brand Image on Consumer Buying Intention with Customer Satisfaction as A Mediating Role (Empirical Study on Honda Brand Matic Motorcycle Customers in Magelang City)

Fitra Ramadan, Marlina Kurnia, Luk Luk Atul Hidayati, Ariq Fikria Niagasi
After the COVID-19 pandemic, various business sectors, including PT Armada Tunas Jaya Magelang in the two-wheeled vehicle industry, are reassessing their strategies to regain competitiveness. Understanding customer behavior and the factors influencing buying intentions is crucial for devising effective...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Corporate Governance and Firm Age on the Dividend Payment Policy of Indonesian Banking Companies

Catur Rahayu Martiningtiyas, Anita Roosmalina Matusin, Sofiah Baisa, Zulfa Sukainah
There hasn't been a lot of GCG research on dividend policies in Indonesian financial organisations, hence the purpose of this study is to examine how corporate governance and company age affect dividend payment practices in these companies. This study's analytical technique is multiple regression...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening The Character Education of Islamic Boarding School Students and The Internalization of Values Through Local Wisdom at The Islamic Boarding School

Subur Subur, Akhmad Baihaqi, Imron Imron
Islamic boarding schools have become a preferred choice of education among the community, especially for those who prioritize religious education, character development, and independence. However, some boarding schools tend to overly focus on religious aspects while neglecting broader character dimensions...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School

Arif Wiyat Purnanto, Aditia Eska Wardana, Laili Etika Rahmawati, Salma Sabilla, Anisa Sri Rahayu, Fatichati Sabila, Kharisma Oktaviana, Rakhma Aulia, Ulfatur Rohmah, dan Siti Faizah Widyaningsih
This research aimed to examine the relationship between gender and class level with parental support for elementary school/madrasah ibtiadiyah students. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to 150 students and were analyzed using Dummy Variable Regression with SPSS 27. The results of...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Organizational Resilience on Organizational Performance Mediated by Creativity (Case Study at PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia Kanwill III Semarang)

Radityo Satryo Yoedhanto, Muhdiyanto Muhdiyanto
This research aims to empirically test the influence of organizational resilience on organizational performance which is mediated by creativity. This research uses a resource-based theory perspective. This research was conducted at PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia Kanwill III Semarang in the form of a survey....