Proceedings of 5th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2023

480 authors
Abadi, Agung Prasetyo
Student Learning Obstacles on Sets Concept
Abdullah, Wan Amalina Wan
A Bibliometric Mapping of Good Corporate Governance Research: Past, Present, and The Future
Adadiyah, Min
Evaluation of Medical Record Data Utilization for Marketing Information Systems at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung
Advistasari, Yustisia Dian
Correlation Between Knowledge and Practice of Traditional Self-Medication Among People in Semarang
Afghohani, Afif
Independent Curriculum PPG Mathematics Students’ Thinking Concepts in View of Metacognitive Skills: Case Study in Indonesia
Agustina, Nur Wulan
Analysis of Self-Care Implementation in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Agustiningrum, Ratna
Analysis of Self-Care Implementation in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Ahmad, Yousef Bani
Investigation of the Implementation of Student-Centered Learning in Training Digital-Based English Pronunciation in Islamic Boarding School
Aini, Indrie Noor
Mathematics Learning Media with a Sports Context: Effects on Mathematical Connection Ability
Aisyah, Siti
Navigating Online Success: Innovation, Interaction, and Customer Engagement in E-commerce Performance
Akib, Akib
Leadership and School Culture
Aktifah, Nurul
The Experience of Being a Victim of Bullying as a Predisposing Factor for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Descriptive Study
Al-Baekani, Abdul Kodir
Indonesian University Students’ Engagement with Offline Application (ATMEN) in English as a Task Language Listening Classroom
Al-Ma’ruf, Ali Imron
Dimensions of Religiosity and Humanity in Indonesian Literature
Amin, Muhammad Khoirul
Exploring Recovery-Focused Health Workers for Advancing Mental Health: Literature Review
Anas, Muhammad
The Use of Virtual Reality as an Education Tool for Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review
Andarmoyo, Sulistyo
Enhancing Self-Care Behaviors in the Ponorogo Diabetic Community: The Effectiveness of Islamic Spiritual Classes
Andriyani, Lilik
Analysis of Financial Statements Fraud Using the Fraud Hexagon Perspective on Family Company
Anggoro, Ayub Dwi
Traditional Arts in YouTube Live Streaming Media
Apriani, Dietce
Antecedents of Employee Creativity in Entertainment Industry Employees
Apriani, Siska Tiara
Resilience of Tourism Conscious Group (POKDARWIS) Based on Post Covid-19 Cultural Transformation
Aprilito, Taftazani
The Role of Company Size on the Influence of Audit Tenure, Public Accounting Firm Size and Company’s Performance on Audit Delay
Arief, Mohammad Rizal
The Use of Virtual Reality as an Education Tool for Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review
Arifah, Ani
Analysis of HOTS content in the science process skills Students’ and Teachers’ Handbook of the Merdeka Curriculum
Ariyanti, Dyah Kharisma
Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy
Arnu, Anggi Pasca
Attracting Consumer Interest to Buy Food Product in TikTok Application
Arroyo, Estrella T.
Digital Storytelling: An Innovative Instructional Material in Improving the Reading Level of Grade 10 Learners
Arsitawati, Desi
The Use of Virtual Reality as an Education Tool for Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review
Artayani, Ida Ayu Gede
Traditional Culture in Modern Bali Crafts Product Design
Aryani, Lina
Adaptive Policy in Crisis Response: Lessons from Indonesia Task Force Against Covid-19
Astraguna, I Wayan
Intercultural Communication Aesthetics in Multicultural Reality in Maintaining Social Harmony
Astuti, Retna Tri
A Review of the Literature on the Effects of Lost Pregnancies on the Mental Health of Women and Childfree
Astutiningsih, Christina
Potential as Photoprotective, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory of Flavonoid Isolate from Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Aufa, Minzani
Differentiated Learning with an Islamic Values ​​Approach: Alternative Path to the Third Supra-rational Dimension
Augustine, Patria Yulida
Exploring Psychological Factors Affecting the Students’ Writing Anxiety in University Level
Aulia, Dany
Mathematics Learning Media with a Sports Context: Effects on Mathematical Connection Ability
Aulia, Lathifatul
Application of Fuzzy AHP and New Fuzzy Servqual Methods for Performance Evaluation Based on Perceptions Service Quality and Satisfaction Towards the Implementation of Educational Programs
Aulia, Rakhma
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Awwalia, Luthfi
Exploring Creative Video Documentary Through Folklore Settings for Strengthening Storytelling to Expand the Promotion of Madura Tourism Destination
Ayuanda, Leila Nisya
Pregnant Women’s Perception of Psychoeducation Services by Midwives: “I Feel Stronger and Accept My Pregnancy”
Azijah, Dewi Noor
Adaptive Policy in Crisis Response: Lessons from Indonesia Task Force Against Covid-19
Badarwan, Badarwan
Leadership and School Culture
Baihaqi, Akhmad
Strengthening The Character Education of Islamic Boarding School Students and The Internalization of Values Through Local Wisdom at The Islamic Boarding School
Baisa, Sofiah
The Influence of Corporate Governance and Firm Age on the Dividend Payment Policy of Indonesian Banking Companies
Banna, Usaid Al
Peak Experience: The Phenomenon of Spirituality in Religions and Psychological Problems (Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism)
Bariah, Oyoh
Religious Literacy Model Based on The Student-Centered Learning Approach in Learning Islamic Religious Education Courses
Biczó, Gábor
Collective Memory and Luang Language Shift (Ltiery Lgona) at the Lexical Level
Budiarto, Eka
The Experience of Being a Victim of Bullying as a Predisposing Factor for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Descriptive Study
Budiman, Budiman
Market Risk, Financial Distress, Board Gender Diversity, Trade Credit and Performance of Indonesia Consumer Goods Companies
Cahyadi, Dwi
Investment in Entrepreneurial Equipment for Correctional Facility Inmates
Chabibah, Nur
Pregnant Women’s Perception of Psychoeducation Services by Midwives: “I Feel Stronger and Accept My Pregnancy”
Chabibah, Nur
The Effect of Prenatal Yoga on Discomfort in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Chandra, Edy
Intercultural Communication Aesthetics in Multicultural Reality in Maintaining Social Harmony
Choliq, Idham
Factors Relating to Stunting Prevention Behavior Based on Health Promotion Model (HPM) Theory in Tanah Kali Kedinding Community Health Center Surabaya
Chua, Marissa G.
Sign For Everyjuan: An Interactive Android Application That Teaches Filipino Sign Language Using Hand Gesture Recognition
Cruz, Cherry Ann S. Dela
Digital Storytelling: An Innovative Instructional Material in Improving the Reading Level of Grade 10 Learners
Dartiningsih, Bani Eka
Exploring Creative Video Documentary Through Folklore Settings for Strengthening Storytelling to Expand the Promotion of Madura Tourism Destination
Deden, Deden
Navigating the Digital Wave: Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy in Students around the New Capital City, Nusantara, through Computer-Based National Assessment Impact
Del Mundo, Mary Joyce R.
Sign For Everyjuan: An Interactive Android Application That Teaches Filipino Sign Language Using Hand Gesture Recognition
Dewi, Veni Soraya
Peer-Review Statements
Diana, Arista Fitri
Application of Fuzzy AHP and New Fuzzy Servqual Methods for Performance Evaluation Based on Perceptions Service Quality and Satisfaction Towards the Implementation of Educational Programs
Dilla, Ericson L.
Sign For Everyjuan: An Interactive Android Application That Teaches Filipino Sign Language Using Hand Gesture Recognition
Dinanti, Dinda
Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy
Dinurrosifa, Rahmawati Salsa
Esterification of Acetic Acid Anhydride with Eugenol and Its Activity as Antifungal
Dwiatmojo, Rinto
Tourism’s Midway for Peace in A Conflict-Ridden Destination
Dwihantoro, Prihatin
Unlocking the Potential: The Diverse Impacts of User-Generated Content on Tourism Promotion
Effendi, Kiki Nia Sania
Mathematics Learning Media with a Sports Context: Effects on Mathematical Connection Ability
Emilisa, Netania
Antecedents of Employee Creativity in Entertainment Industry Employees
Ersila, Wahyu
The Effect of Prenatal Yoga on Discomfort in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Erwahyudin, Devid Dwi
Adapting Technology in Islamic Psychology: Exploring Digital Pathways to Spiritual and Psychological Wellbeing
Estiningsih, Dwi
Peak Experience: The Phenomenon of Spirituality in Religions and Psychological Problems (Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism)
Fadhilah, Isnaini Qoriatul
Evaluation of Medical Record Data Utilization for Marketing Information Systems at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung
Fadli, Uus M. D.
District Minimum Wages, Relocation of Unemployed Companies and Its Impact on Poverty
Fahmimroah, Feti
Mastering Disruptive Business Model in the Digital World: Blockchain Security Company
Fahmimroah, Feti
Using Quizizz to Increase Student Satisfaction Levels in Civic Education Courses
Faizah, Rayinda
Cyberbullying: Unmasking The Right Assesment
Fajriyah, Nuniek Nizmah
Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections
Farel, Jose Raci
Market Risk, Financial Distress, Board Gender Diversity, Trade Credit and Performance of Indonesia Consumer Goods Companies
Fathurrohman, N.
Investigation of the Implementation of Student-Centered Learning in Training Digital-Based English Pronunciation in Islamic Boarding School
Fatmawati, Ani
Perceptions towards Entrepreneurship at Higher Education Level
Febriansyah, Ferry Irawan
The Urgency of Customary Law in Public Life in Indonesia at the Modern Era
Festi, W. Pipit
Psychosocial Experiences of Nurse in Providing Care to COVID-19 Patients: A Qualitative Study
Firdausi, Ulya Shafa
The Urgency of Customary Law in Public Life in Indonesia at the Modern Era
Factors Relating to Stunting Prevention Behavior Based on Health Promotion Model (HPM) Theory in Tanah Kali Kedinding Community Health Center Surabaya
Firmansyah, Dani
The Impact of a Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) on Students’ Grammar Skills Using on Line Application: A Classroom Action Research
Firmansyah, Rifo
The Nexus of Interest Rate, Foreign Exchange Rate, Profitability, and Leverage on Stock Returns in the Indonesia LQ45 Companies
Fitri, Ayu
Numeracy in Elementary School
Fitri, Fitri
The Nexus of Interest Rate, Foreign Exchange Rate, Profitability, and Leverage on Stock Returns in the Indonesia LQ45 Companies
Fitri, Rila Melyana
Implementation of The Pancasila Student Profile Through Pramuka Extracurricular Activities in Inclusive Elementary Schools
Fitriana, Rahmawati
Analysis of Level of Understanding Accounting in English in SMAN 1 Students in Muara Badak
Fitriyani, Dini Rahmah
The Effect of Acupressure Therapy on Labor Pain at the Aesya Maternity Home Indonesia
Fujita, Mira
Attracting Consumer Interest to Buy Food Product in TikTok Application
Galupo Jr, Emmanuel G.
Sign For Everyjuan: An Interactive Android Application That Teaches Filipino Sign Language Using Hand Gesture Recognition
Gartika, Dewi
Bureaucracy Simplification and Civil Servant Performance: An Analysis of the Implementation in West Java Province
Gemala, Sita Aisha
Market Risk, Financial Distress, Board Gender Diversity, Trade Credit and Performance of Indonesia Consumer Goods Companies
Gunada, I Wayan Agus
Intercultural Communication Aesthetics in Multicultural Reality in Maintaining Social Harmony
Gunarta, I Ketut
Implementation of Business Process Re-engineering in Improving Local Government Performance: A Literature Review Using Bibliometric Analysis
Gunarti, Neni Sri
Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy
Gunarti, Neni Sri
Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level
Gunawan, I Ketut
A Study on the Electability of Islamic Parties in the 2024 Presidential Election