Proceedings of 5th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2023

480 authors
Putra, Martin Surya
Perceptions towards Entrepreneurship at Higher Education Level
Putri, Dinda Revalina
Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level
Putri, Windy Virdinia
The Limitation of Hospital Liability in Indonesian Health Law
Putro, Hijrah Eko
Differentiated Learning with an Islamic Values ​​Approach: Alternative Path to the Third Supra-rational Dimension
Qomariyah, Laily
Cyberbullying: Unmasking The Right Assesment
Rachmawati, Rika Reviza
Citrus Farmers and Digital Marketing in Gunuang Omeh, West Sumatera
Rahayu, Anisa Sri
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Rahayu, Heni Setyowati Esti
The Effect of Acupressure Therapy on Labor Pain at the Aesya Maternity Home Indonesia
Rahayu, Rita
The Experience of Being a Victim of Bullying as a Predisposing Factor for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Descriptive Study
Rahayu, Sri
Human Resource Management Strategy in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Graduates from The Faculty of Economics, UNSIKA in The Digital Era
Rahma, Aliffia Dwi
Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level
Rahma, Zahra Adisty
Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level
Rahmadewi, Reni
Level of Long and Short Service Skills in Badminton Students at Public High School 1 West Telukjambe with Machine Learning
Rahmat, Ali
Potential as Photoprotective, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory of Flavonoid Isolate from Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Rahmawati, Laili Etika
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Rahmawati, Maya
Employing Rubric-referenced Self-assessment for Novice Writers
Rahmawati, Puji
Evaluation of Community-Based Mitigation Education in Disaster Risk Reduction Organizations: The Penta Helix Approach
Rahmayanti, Elvi
The Nexus of Interest Rate, Foreign Exchange Rate, Profitability, and Leverage on Stock Returns in the Indonesia LQ45 Companies
Ramadan, Fitra
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Brand Image on Consumer Buying Intention with Customer Satisfaction as A Mediating Role (Empirical Study on Honda Brand Matic Motorcycle Customers in Magelang City)
Ramdani, Rachmat
Adaptive Policy in Crisis Response: Lessons from Indonesia Task Force Against Covid-19
Ramdhani, Khalid
Religious Literacy Model Based on The Student-Centered Learning Approach in Learning Islamic Religious Education Courses
Ramli, Harozila
Study of Memorable Tourism Experience (MTE) through the Virtual Tour of the Indonesian National Museum
Ramonah, Dewi
Characteristics of Nanoparticle Caulerpa Racemosa as an Anti-Breast Cancer Agent
Rasidi, Rasidi
Evaluation of Community-Based Mitigation Education in Disaster Risk Reduction Organizations: The Penta Helix Approach
Ratnasari, Ina
Attracting Consumer Interest to Buy Food Product in TikTok Application
Rejeki, Mirah
Ovarian Cysts Treatment and Recovery Using Herb Medicine
Ridwan, Iwan
Indonesian University Students’ Engagement with Offline Application (ATMEN) in English as a Task Language Listening Classroom
Ridwan, Iwan
The Impact of a Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) on Students’ Grammar Skills Using on Line Application: A Classroom Action Research
Rihotimawati, Mimin
Perceptions towards Entrepreneurship at Higher Education Level
Risma, Risma
Analysis of Level of Understanding Accounting in English in SMAN 1 Students in Muara Badak
Rizkiana, Afitria
Peak Experience: The Phenomenon of Spirituality in Religions and Psychological Problems (Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism)
Rofiqoh, Siti
The Effect of Prenatal Yoga on Discomfort in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Rohmah, Nur Wakhidatur
Analysis of Financial Statements Fraud Using the Fraud Hexagon Perspective on Family Company
Rohmah, Ulfatur
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Rohmayanti, Rohmayanti
The Effect of Acupressure Therapy on Labor Pain at the Aesya Maternity Home Indonesia
Rohmayanti, Rohmayanti
Analysis of Active Participation of Men in Family Planning Program in Central Java
Rohmayanti, Rohmayanti
A Review of the Literature on the Effects of Lost Pregnancies on the Mental Health of Women and Childfree
Roisiah, Riska Rahayu
From Cindelaras to Snow White: A Critical Analysis of Popular Children’s Literature with an Ecofeminist Perspective
Rokhmawati, Andewi
The Nexus of Interest Rate, Foreign Exchange Rate, Profitability, and Leverage on Stock Returns in the Indonesia LQ45 Companies
Rony, H.
Investment in Entrepreneurial Equipment for Correctional Facility Inmates
Rosyidah, Eka Jamilatur
Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections
Rosyidi, Moch. Imron
Unlocking the Potential: The Diverse Impacts of User-Generated Content on Tourism Promotion
Rowiyani, Rowiyani
The Decision to Use the Flip Application in Online Transactions Among Students in Semarang City
Ruli, Redo Martila
Student Learning Obstacles on Sets Concept
Rum, Jalaluddin
Leadership and School Culture
Ryandy, Ryandy
Determinants of Financial Company Value Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Sabila, Fatichati
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Sabilla, Salma
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Sadjidan, Sadjidan
Exploring Perceptions and Practices of Prospective Teachers: Unpacking Creativity Beliefs
Safuri, Safuri
Opportunities and Challenges of Instructional Leadership for Principals to Develop Literacy in Elementary Schools
Salim, Agus
Audit Dynamics: Exploring the Nexus of Audit Delay, Public Accounting Firm Size, Audit Opinion, Financial Distress, and Management Change in Auditor Switching
Samori, Yosina Edekas Yembise
Determinants of Financial Company Value Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Samrin, Samrin
Leadership and School Culture
Samsudin, Ahmad
Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections
Sandy, Fadhillah
Unveiling the Hidden Dimensions of Telegram: Exploring User Engagement with the Anonymous Chat Feature
Sandy, Fadillah
Cyberbullying: Unmasking The Right Assesment
Santoso, Dian Budhi
Level of Long and Short Service Skills in Badminton Students at Public High School 1 West Telukjambe with Machine Learning
Santoso, Setiyo Budi
The Ruling of Novel Drugs to the Molecular Targets on Variant Pathological
Saptaningtyas, Haryani
Analysis of Active Participation of Men in Family Planning Program in Central Java
Saptomo, Sri Wahono
Teacher Reflective Practice: Post-Pandemic Program Sekolah Penggerak (PSP) Development Model
Saputri, Aulia Puspita
Unlocking Minds: Innovative Approaches to Thematic Subject Mastery at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan through Creative Learning Strategies
Sari, Nurratri Kunia
Exploring Perceptions and Practices of Prospective Teachers: Unpacking Creativity Beliefs
Sari, Nurratri Kurnia
Teacher Reflective Practice: Post-Pandemic Program Sekolah Penggerak (PSP) Development Model
Sari, Rika Maya
Enhancing Self-Care Behaviors in the Ponorogo Diabetic Community: The Effectiveness of Islamic Spiritual Classes
Sari, Tri Hariyati Nur Indah
Description of Implementation of Project Based Learning Model on Creativity Ability of Second Grade Students of SD Islam Ar-Rahiim Balikpapan
Sayuti, Muhamad
Implementation of Business Process Re-engineering in Improving Local Government Performance: A Literature Review Using Bibliometric Analysis
Setiawan, Agus
Peer-Review Statements
Setiawan, Wahyudi
Peak Experience: The Phenomenon of Spirituality in Religions and Psychological Problems (Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism)
Setiawati, Maria Caecilia Nanny
Correlation Between Knowledge and Practice of Traditional Self-Medication Among People in Semarang
Setiyaningsih, Henik
The Ruling of Novel Drugs to the Molecular Targets on Variant Pathological
Setiyawan, Radius
From Cindelaras to Snow White: A Critical Analysis of Popular Children’s Literature with an Ecofeminist Perspective
Setiyo, Muji
Peer-Review Statements
Setyawati, Herni
Potential as Photoprotective, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory of Flavonoid Isolate from Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Setyoningsih, Endang
The Effect of Telang Flower Extract on the Hepatic Catalyst Enzyme of Mice Exposed to Tobacco Smoke
Setyowati, Retno
The Role of Parents in Child Development: Literature Review
Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
Unlocking Minds: Innovative Approaches to Thematic Subject Mastery at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan through Creative Learning Strategies
Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes for MI Muhammadiyah Sriwedari Students, Magelang Regency
Sinaulan, Scheren Vandrea
Antecedents of Employee Creativity in Entertainment Industry Employees
Siswandari, Siswandari
Exploring Perceptions and Practices of Prospective Teachers: Unpacking Creativity Beliefs
Soetrisno, Soetrisno
Analysis of Active Participation of Men in Family Planning Program in Central Java
Solehudin, Arip
The Strategic Role of Human Resources in Improving the Quality and Quantity of Animal Feed Production in XYZ Village, Karawang Regency
Solehudin, Arip
The Provision of Human Resources Support for The Purpose of Enhancing Economic Growth Through Digital Innovation in The Processing of Animal Manure in Karyamulya Village, Karawang
Solehudin, Solehudin
The Strategic Role of Human Resources in Improving the Quality and Quantity of Animal Feed Production in XYZ Village, Karawang Regency
Solehudin, Solehudin
The Provision of Human Resources Support for The Purpose of Enhancing Economic Growth Through Digital Innovation in The Processing of Animal Manure in Karyamulya Village, Karawang
Solehudin, Solehudin
Human Resource Management Strategy in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Graduates from The Faculty of Economics, UNSIKA in The Digital Era
Solehudin, Solehudin
Empowered Peasant Women: Character Development and Independence
Sopiany, Hanifah Nurus
Design of a Literacy-Based Mathematics Learning Model to Construct the Numeracy Skills of Junior High School Students
Srisudarso, Mansyur
Improving Students’ English Language Skills with an English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Approach in the Center of Excellence Vocational School Curriculum
Suardana, I Wayan
Traditional Culture in Modern Bali Crafts Product Design
Subur, Subur
Strengthening The Character Education of Islamic Boarding School Students and The Internalization of Values Through Local Wisdom at The Islamic Boarding School
Subur, Subur
The Aspect of Spirituality in Teacher Performance as Viewed Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Sudiyana, Benedictus
Communication Strategy in the Speech of the President of Indonesia: As a Strengthening of Representation of Javanese Local Wisdom
Sugandi, Yogi Suprayogi
Bureaucracy Simplification and Civil Servant Performance: An Analysis of the Implementation in West Java Province
Sukainah, Zulfa
The Influence of Corporate Governance and Firm Age on the Dividend Payment Policy of Indonesian Banking Companies
Sukanta, Sukanta
Indonesian University Students’ Engagement with Offline Application (ATMEN) in English as a Task Language Listening Classroom
Sukarmin, Sukarmin
Exploring Perceptions and Practices of Prospective Teachers: Unpacking Creativity Beliefs
Sukmana, Eman
Resilience of Tourism Conscious Group (POKDARWIS) Based on Post Covid-19 Cultural Transformation
Sukmana, Eman
Tourism’s Midway for Peace in A Conflict-Ridden Destination
Sukmasetya, Pristi
Unlocking the Potential: The Diverse Impacts of User-Generated Content on Tourism Promotion
Sukresna, I Made
Navigating Online Success: Innovation, Interaction, and Customer Engagement in E-commerce Performance