Proceedings of 5th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2023

480 authors
Sulaeman, Eman
Human Resource Management Strategy in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Graduates from The Faculty of Economics, UNSIKA in The Digital Era
Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
The Role of Parents in Child Development: Literature Review
Sulistijanti, Wellie
Application of Fuzzy AHP and New Fuzzy Servqual Methods for Performance Evaluation Based on Perceptions Service Quality and Satisfaction Towards the Implementation of Educational Programs
Sulistyarini, Indah
Esterification of Acetic Acid Anhydride with Eugenol and Its Activity as Antifungal
Sumarno, Ardawi
Level of Long and Short Service Skills in Badminton Students at Public High School 1 West Telukjambe with Machine Learning
Sumarta, Sumarta
The Impact of a Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) on Students’ Grammar Skills Using on Line Application: A Classroom Action Research
Sunarini, Ni Made Rai
Traditional Culture in Modern Bali Crafts Product Design
Sundari, Cici
The Real Village Leader in Indonesia: A Unique Demonstration of Citizens Demanding That the Incumbent Re-Run
Sundari, Komang Nelly
Comparison of Wayang Painting Art by I Made Yasana with Wayang Kamasan Painting Art by Jero Mangku Muriati
Suntoko, Suntoko
Learning Media on Shooting Skills in Basketball Games
Suprijono, Agus
The Effect of Telang Flower Extract on the Hepatic Catalyst Enzyme of Mice Exposed to Tobacco Smoke
Supriyadi, Supriyadi
Citrus Farmers and Digital Marketing in Gunuang Omeh, West Sumatera
Surianto, Surianto
Perceptions towards Entrepreneurship at Higher Education Level
Surokim, Surokim
Exploring Creative Video Documentary Through Folklore Settings for Strengthening Storytelling to Expand the Promotion of Madura Tourism Destination
Susanti, Dwi
Unlocking the Potential: The Diverse Impacts of User-Generated Content on Tourism Promotion
Susanto, Barkah
Accountability for Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes): Determination Analysis
Susanto, Barkah
Analysis of Financial Statements Fraud Using the Fraud Hexagon Perspective on Family Company
Susilo, Ganjar
Navigating the Digital Wave: Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy in Students around the New Capital City, Nusantara, through Computer-Based National Assessment Impact
Susilo, Ganjar
Description of Implementation of Project Based Learning Model on Creativity Ability of Second Grade Students of SD Islam Ar-Rahiim Balikpapan
Susilowati, Dewi
Independent Curriculum PPG Mathematics Students’ Thinking Concepts in View of Metacognitive Skills: Case Study in Indonesia
Susilowati, Dwi
Self-Reliance of Balikpapan City as A Partner of The Capital City of the Nusantara (IKN)
Suswanta, Suswanta
The Real Village Leader in Indonesia: A Unique Demonstration of Citizens Demanding That the Incumbent Re-Run
Sutarjo, Sutarjo
Opportunities and Challenges of Instructional Leadership for Principals to Develop Literacy in Elementary Schools
Syahrul, Syahrul
Leadership and School Culture
Syairudin, Bambang
Implementation of Business Process Re-engineering in Improving Local Government Performance: A Literature Review Using Bibliometric Analysis
Syarifuddin, Alfian
The Ruling of Novel Drugs to the Molecular Targets on Variant Pathological
Syifa’, Dinara Safina Firdaus
Formulation, Physical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Chlorophyll-c Emugel Preparation from Brown Seaweed (Sargassum polycystum)
Syukur, Mighfar
Anti-inflammatory Effect and Physical Stability Test of Nanoemulgel Containing Marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) Essential Oil
Taufik, Mohammad
A Study on the Electability of Islamic Parties in the 2024 Presidential Election
Toharudin, Moh
Implementation of The Pancasila Student Profile Through Pramuka Extracurricular Activities in Inclusive Elementary Schools
Tricana, Deny Wahyu
Traditional Arts in YouTube Live Streaming Media
Trihudiyatmanto, M.
An Anti-Fragile Personality in The Relationship of Transformational Leadership to Innovation Performance in Black Swan Events to Overcome Cynicism About Organizational Change
Turiano, Arnel A.
Transformative Education in Pre-Service Teacher Training: Experiences and Impact
Turmudi, Turmudi
Design of a Literacy-Based Mathematics Learning Model to Construct the Numeracy Skills of Junior High School Students
Umisara, Elinda
Exploring Psychological Factors Affecting the Students’ Writing Anxiety in University Level
Utami, Pranita Siska
Accountability for Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes): Determination Analysis
Velasco, Londren U.
Sign For Everyjuan: An Interactive Android Application That Teaches Filipino Sign Language Using Hand Gesture Recognition
Wahyudianto, Heri
Holtekamp’s Microfinance Landscape: Navigating Challenges, Fostering Community Engagement
Wahyudianto, Heri
Addressing the Issue of Stunting in Papua Province: A Coordinated Effort for Child Well-being
Wahyudin, Undang Ruslan
Development of a Community-Based Education Quality Planning System in Education Units
Wahyudin, Undang Ruslan
Implementation of Integrated Quality Management in Islamic Boarding School Education
Wahyuni, Holy Ichda
From Cindelaras to Snow White: A Critical Analysis of Popular Children’s Literature with an Ecofeminist Perspective
Wahyuni, Lidia
Audit Dynamics: Exploring the Nexus of Audit Delay, Public Accounting Firm Size, Audit Opinion, Financial Distress, and Management Change in Auditor Switching
Wahyuningsih, Eko Sri
Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy
Wahyuningsih, Eko Sri
Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level
Waluyo, Kasja Eki
Religious Literacy Model Based on The Student-Centered Learning Approach in Learning Islamic Religious Education Courses
Wardana, Aditia Eska
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Wardani, Septi
Clinical Manifestation of digestive problems among children with COVID-19: A Literature Review
Wardiah, Isna
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Model with a Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach in Statistics and Probability Courses
Warsito, Ainun Mar’atus Putri
Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy
Waspada, Agung Eko Budi
Study of Memorable Tourism Experience (MTE) through the Virtual Tour of the Indonesian National Museum
Waznah, Urmatul
Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections
Wibowo, Agung
Analysis of Active Participation of Men in Family Planning Program in Central Java
Wicaksana, Muhlis Fajar
Teacher Reflective Practice: Post-Pandemic Program Sekolah Penggerak (PSP) Development Model
Widaryanti, Widaryanti
A Bibliometric Mapping of Good Corporate Governance Research: Past, Present, and The Future
Widayati, Mukti
Communication Strategy in the Speech of the President of Indonesia: As a Strengthening of Representation of Javanese Local Wisdom
Widyaningsih, dan Siti Faizah
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Wijayanti, Kartika
The Effect of Acupressure Therapy on Labor Pain at the Aesya Maternity Home Indonesia
Wijayatri, Ratna
The Ruling of Novel Drugs to the Molecular Targets on Variant Pathological
Wilujeng, Insih
How Elementary Science Teachers’ Understand Perform Science Process Skills and HOTS
Wilujeng, Insih
Analysis of HOTS content in the science process skills Students’ and Teachers’ Handbook of the Merdeka Curriculum
Winiadi, Nicky
Market Risk, Financial Distress, Board Gender Diversity, Trade Credit and Performance of Indonesia Consumer Goods Companies
Wirman, Wirman
Analysis of Financial Statements in Sustainable Business SME Culinary in Karawang Regency
Witanti, Witanti
Analysis of HOTS content in the science process skills Students’ and Teachers’ Handbook of the Merdeka Curriculum
Wulandari, Ratri
Application of Fuzzy AHP and New Fuzzy Servqual Methods for Performance Evaluation Based on Perceptions Service Quality and Satisfaction Towards the Implementation of Educational Programs
Wulaningrum, Ratna
Investment in Entrepreneurial Equipment for Correctional Facility Inmates
Yasa, I Komang Widya Purnama
Intercultural Communication Aesthetics in Multicultural Reality in Maintaining Social Harmony
Yoedhanto, Radityo Satryo
The Role of Organizational Resilience on Organizational Performance Mediated by Creativity (Case Study at PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia Kanwill III Semarang)
Yohani, Yohani
Integrated Reporting Quality with Hofstede’s Six Dimension of National Culture: Case Studies from Indonesia
Yono, Robert Rizki
Exploring Psychological Factors Affecting the Students’ Writing Anxiety in University Level
Yudhaputri, Egabetha Amirah
Antecedents of Employee Creativity in Entertainment Industry Employees
Yuliani, Nur Laila
Accountability for Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes): Determination Analysis
Yuliani, Nur Laila
Analysis of Financial Statements Fraud Using the Fraud Hexagon Perspective on Family Company
Yuliastuti, Fitriana
Peer-Review Statements
Yunas, Novy Setia
The Real Village Leader in Indonesia: A Unique Demonstration of Citizens Demanding That the Incumbent Re-Run
Yuniarti, Lisa
Developing Collaborative Culture: Cultural Change Through Community Collaboration and Economic Growth
Yuniarti, Suci
Navigating the Digital Wave: Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy in Students around the New Capital City, Nusantara, through Computer-Based National Assessment Impact
Yusuf, Abdul
Behavioral Intention on Sharia Fintech in Indonesia
Zakaria, Heikal M.
Analysis of Financial Statements in Sustainable Business SME Culinary in Karawang Regency
‘Ulhaq, Annisa Choirunascha Afif
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Develop Positive Thinking to Reducing Adolescent Moral Decadence