Proceedings of 5th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2023

480 authors
Megantari, Krisna
Traditional Arts in YouTube Live Streaming Media
Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy
Merpatih, Merpatih
Perceptions towards Entrepreneurship at Higher Education Level
Miftah, Mohamad
Speed up Uneducated Children’s Education in Central Java through Community Learning
Miftah, Mohamad
Digital Literacy Mastery and its Role in Human Resource Competitiveness
Miftakh, Fauzi
Employing Rubric-referenced Self-assessment for Novice Writers
Minah, Faidliyah Nilna
Potential as Photoprotective, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory of Flavonoid Isolate from Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Mobit, Mobit
Investigation of the Implementation of Student-Centered Learning in Training Digital-Based English Pronunciation in Islamic Boarding School
Moorcy, Nadi Hernadi
Self-Reliance of Balikpapan City as A Partner of The Capital City of the Nusantara (IKN)
Mranani, Muji
Do Board and Audit Committee Characteristics Improve External Auditor Choice?
Muahhadah, Fiyanna
Peak Experience: The Phenomenon of Spirituality in Religions and Psychological Problems (Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism)
Mudra, I Wayan
Traditional Culture in Modern Bali Crafts Product Design
Mudra, I Wayan
Comparison of Wayang Painting Art by I Made Yasana with Wayang Kamasan Painting Art by Jero Mangku Muriati
Mufidah, Lyli
Citrus Farmers and Digital Marketing in Gunuang Omeh, West Sumatera
Mufirotika, Fina
Resilience of Tourism Conscious Group (POKDARWIS) Based on Post Covid-19 Cultural Transformation
Mugiyanto, Eko
Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections
Muhdi, Gunawan
Determinants of Financial Company Value Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Muhdiyanto, Muhdiyanto
The Role of Organizational Resilience on Organizational Performance Mediated by Creativity (Case Study at PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia Kanwill III Semarang)
Muka, I P. Ketut
Traditional Culture in Modern Bali Crafts Product Design
Mukhlidin, Mukhlidin
The Decision to Use the Flip Application in Online Transactions Among Students in Semarang City
Muliawanti, Lintang
Peer-Review Statements
Muliawanti, Lintang
Unveiling the Hidden Dimensions of Telegram: Exploring User Engagement with the Anonymous Chat Feature
Mulyadi, Dedi
District Minimum Wages, Relocation of Unemployed Companies and Its Impact on Poverty
Mundakir, Mundakir
Psychosocial Experiences of Nurse in Providing Care to COVID-19 Patients: A Qualitative Study
Munisih, Siti
Correlation Between Knowledge and Practice of Traditional Self-Medication Among People in Semarang
Murtanto, Murtanto
Audit Dynamics: Exploring the Nexus of Audit Delay, Public Accounting Firm Size, Audit Opinion, Financial Distress, and Management Change in Auditor Switching
Murwanti, Sri
Media Preservation and Education of Pacitan Wayang Beber Tradition Art for Millennial Generation Through Motion Graphic Animation Technology Collaboration
Murwonugroho, Wegig
Study of Memorable Tourism Experience (MTE) through the Virtual Tour of the Indonesian National Museum
Musa, Safuri
Employing Rubric-referenced Self-assessment for Novice Writers
Muslikhun, Alfin
The Decision to Use the Flip Application in Online Transactions Among Students in Semarang City
Mutmainah, Mutmainah
Formulation, Physical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Chlorophyll-c Emugel Preparation from Brown Seaweed (Sargassum polycystum)
Mutmainah, Mutmainah
Characteristics of Nanoparticle Caulerpa Racemosa as an Anti-Breast Cancer Agent
Nasrullah, Dede
Factors Relating to Stunting Prevention Behavior Based on Health Promotion Model (HPM) Theory in Tanah Kali Kedinding Community Health Center Surabaya
Nasrullah, Dede
Psychosocial Experiences of Nurse in Providing Care to COVID-19 Patients: A Qualitative Study
Nasution, Nana Suryana
Level of Long and Short Service Skills in Badminton Students at Public High School 1 West Telukjambe with Machine Learning
Niagasi, Ariq Fikria
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Brand Image on Consumer Buying Intention with Customer Satisfaction as A Mediating Role (Empirical Study on Honda Brand Matic Motorcycle Customers in Magelang City)
Nikmah, Filda Khoirun
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Develop Positive Thinking to Reducing Adolescent Moral Decadence
Nisa, Khoerun
Implementation of The Pancasila Student Profile Through Pramuka Extracurricular Activities in Inclusive Elementary Schools
Noviatun, Dwi
Analysis of Self-Care Implementation in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Nugraha, Septian Aep
Improving Students’ English Language Skills with an English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Approach in the Center of Excellence Vocational School Curriculum
Nugrahani, Farida
Dimensions of Religiosity and Humanity in Indonesian Literature
Nugroho, Fahrizal Ade
Evaluation of Community-Based Mitigation Education in Disaster Risk Reduction Organizations: The Penta Helix Approach
Nugroho, Irham
How Elementary Science Teachers’ Understand Perform Science Process Skills and HOTS
Nugroho, Irham
Analysis of HOTS content in the science process skills Students’ and Teachers’ Handbook of the Merdeka Curriculum
Nugroho, Oki Cahyo
Traditional Arts in YouTube Live Streaming Media
Nur, Iyan Rosita Dewi
Design of a Literacy-Based Mathematics Learning Model to Construct the Numeracy Skills of Junior High School Students
Nurapriani, Fitria
Analysis of The Improvement of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Abilities Through the Implementation of The Problem Posing Method
Nurcahyo, Anton
Resilience of Tourism Conscious Group (POKDARWIS) Based on Post Covid-19 Cultural Transformation
Nurhidayat, Saiful
Enhancing Self-Care Behaviors in the Ponorogo Diabetic Community: The Effectiveness of Islamic Spiritual Classes
Nurkhasanah, Ismi
Student Learning Obstacles on Sets Concept
Nurlailsari, Ella
Development of a Community-Based Education Quality Planning System in Education Units
Nurlailsari, Ella
Implementation of Integrated Quality Management in Islamic Boarding School Education
Nurlia, Nurlia
Self-Reliance of Balikpapan City as A Partner of The Capital City of the Nusantara (IKN)
Nurnaningsih, Nurnaningsih
Communication Strategy in the Speech of the President of Indonesia: As a Strengthening of Representation of Javanese Local Wisdom
Nursucahyo, Eko
The Use of Virtual Reality as an Education Tool for Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review
Oktaviana, Kharisma
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Oktradiksa, Ahwy
Unlocking Minds: Innovative Approaches to Thematic Subject Mastery at MI Muhammadiyah Jagalan through Creative Learning Strategies
Oktradiksa, Ahwy
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes for MI Muhammadiyah Sriwedari Students, Magelang Regency
Ortega Jr., Domingo R.
Digital Storytelling: An Innovative Instructional Material in Improving the Reading Level of Grade 10 Learners
Oñate, Rafael V.
Transformative Education in Pre-Service Teacher Training: Experiences and Impact
Padmaningrum, Dwiningtyas
The Role of Parents in Child Development: Literature Review
Pambuko, Zulfikar Bagus
Peer-Review Statements
Pandiangan, Tiurdia
Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level
Pardistya, Irvan Y.
Analysis of Financial Statements in Sustainable Business SME Culinary in Karawang Regency
Paselle, Enos
A Study on the Electability of Islamic Parties in the 2024 Presidential Election
Pebriani, Tris Harni
Anti-inflammatory Effect and Physical Stability Test of Nanoemulgel Containing Marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) Essential Oil
Pepito, Copernicus P.
Sign For Everyjuan: An Interactive Android Application That Teaches Filipino Sign Language Using Hand Gesture Recognition
Permana, Hinggil
Development of a Community-Based Education Quality Planning System in Education Units
Permana, Hinggil
Implementation of Integrated Quality Management in Islamic Boarding School Education
Piar, Christie Stephanie
Mastering Disruptive Business Model in the Digital World: Blockchain Security Company
Traditional Arts in YouTube Live Streaming Media
Pinilih, Sambodo Sriadi
Exploring Recovery-Focused Health Workers for Advancing Mental Health: Literature Review
Prafitri, Lia Dwi
The Effect of Prenatal Yoga on Discomfort in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Praja, Chrisna Bagus Edhita
Peer-Review Statements
Pranaditya, Ari
An Anti-Fragile Personality in The Relationship of Transformational Leadership to Innovation Performance in Black Swan Events to Overcome Cynicism About Organizational Change
Prasetiyo, Alfian Yuda
An Anti-Fragile Personality in The Relationship of Transformational Leadership to Innovation Performance in Black Swan Events to Overcome Cynicism About Organizational Change
Prasetya, Kiftian Hady
Navigating the Digital Wave: Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy in Students around the New Capital City, Nusantara, through Computer-Based National Assessment Impact
Prasetyawan, Aditya
Accountability for Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes): Determination Analysis
Prasetyo, Andjar
Holtekamp’s Microfinance Landscape: Navigating Challenges, Fostering Community Engagement
Prasetyo, Andjar
Bureaucracy Simplification and Civil Servant Performance: An Analysis of the Implementation in West Java Province
Prasetyo, Andjar
Addressing the Issue of Stunting in Papua Province: A Coordinated Effort for Child Well-being
Prasetyo, Andjar
Developing Collaborative Culture: Cultural Change Through Community Collaboration and Economic Growth
Prasetyo, Andjar
Speed up Uneducated Children’s Education in Central Java through Community Learning
Prasetyo, Andjar
Digital Literacy Mastery and its Role in Human Resource Competitiveness
Prasetyo, Andjar
Literature Review on the Prevalence of Vision Impairment and Age-Related Eye Diseases
Prasetyoningsih, Nanik
The Limitation of Hospital Liability in Indonesian Health Law
Praswati, Aflit Nuryulia
Navigating Online Success: Innovation, Interaction, and Customer Engagement in E-commerce Performance
Prianggoro, Hasto
The Urgency of Customary Law in Public Life in Indonesia at the Modern Era
Prilosadoso, Basnendar Herry
Media Preservation and Education of Pacitan Wayang Beber Tradition Art for Millennial Generation Through Motion Graphic Animation Technology Collaboration
Priyanto, Sigit
Analysis of diabetes mellitus foot sensitivity disorders in Magelang Regency
Pujaningsih, Pujaningsih
How Elementary Science Teachers’ Understand Perform Science Process Skills and HOTS
Pujaningsih, Pujaningsih
Analysis of HOTS content in the science process skills Students’ and Teachers’ Handbook of the Merdeka Curriculum
Purbangkara, Tedi
Learning Media on Shooting Skills in Basketball Games
Purnamasari, Ira
Factors Relating to Stunting Prevention Behavior Based on Health Promotion Model (HPM) Theory in Tanah Kali Kedinding Community Health Center Surabaya
Purnanto, Arif Wiyat
Exploring Variances in Parental Support: Gender Roles and Grade Levels in Elementary School
Purwanto, Heri
An Anti-Fragile Personality in The Relationship of Transformational Leadership to Innovation Performance in Black Swan Events to Overcome Cynicism About Organizational Change
Purwanto, Ungsari Rizki Eka
Anti-inflammatory Effect and Physical Stability Test of Nanoemulgel Containing Marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) Essential Oil
Purwati, Eli
Traditional Arts in YouTube Live Streaming Media
Purwati, Purwati
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Develop Positive Thinking to Reducing Adolescent Moral Decadence
Puspitaningrum, Ika
Anti-inflammatory Effect and Physical Stability Test of Nanoemulgel Containing Marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) Essential Oil