Proceedings of the Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH 2022)

719 authors
Rivauzi, Ahmad
Parenting Patterns in Instilling Islamic Religious Values at the Nurul Hikmah Orphanage in Padang
Riza, Yusmet
Students’ Response to the Use of a Flipped Learning Model (FLM) in Abstract Algebra Course
Psychological Problems of Indonesian Students in Speaking German
Rokhman, Fathur
Study Analysis of the Types of Emancipated Learning Activities
Rokhman, Fathur
Growing Leadership Model for Improving Teaching Staff Professionalism Services Towards World Class University
Rolina, Nelva
Implementation of EoREA’S Model for Child Independence Development:
Rorimpandey, Rinny
Utilization of the Talking Stick Learning Model in Improving English Vocabulary Mastery
Rorimpandey, Widdy H. F.
Design of TPACK Model Based on Hybrid Learning at Science Learning in PGSD
Rosdiana, Weni
Human Resource Management for Vocational Programs Based on Recruitment and Selection Patterns
Rotty, Viktory N. J.
The Relevance of Theory to Practice for Educational Administrator: Employ Theory as a Frame of Reference to Improve Practice
Rudiyati, Sari
Training to Strengthen Middle School Teacher Competence in Learning Children with Special Needs: Needs Analysis
Rumapar, Yan Edoard
Juridical Study of Decisions of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency Outside the Court in Electronic Trading
Analysis of National Men’s Sprinter Athlete Test Results in Preparation for the 2022 SEA Games
School Development Strategy Post Covid-19 Outbreak Based on Human Process and School Culture Revitalization
How Much Interest are Students in Langga as a Local Content?
Sabtiawan, Wahyu Budi
Monitoring and Evaluation of Lectures During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period as a Part of Education Quality Assurance
Saklaili, Sakinah
Parenting Patterns in Instilling Islamic Religious Values at the Nurul Hikmah Orphanage in Padang
Saksono, Lutfi
The Use of Drama in Learning German as Foreign Language During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Salem, Veronika E. T.
Parents Perception on Kawasaran Dance in Tondei Village South Minahasa District
Salem, Veronike E. T.
Social Solidarity Between Fish Sellers in the 66 Bahu Traditional Market Manado City
Saman, Abdul
Blended Learning and Computers Self-efficacy Towards Students Learning Outcomes
Sambeka, Fince
Text News in Japanese: The Study of the Relationship Between Elements of Text
Samola, Nurmin F.
An Analysis of English-Indonesian Code-Mixing Used by Marion Jola
Santi, Titen Darlis
The Effectiveness of the Als Model in Stunting Prevention Education
Santie, Yoseph D. A.
The Role of the Village Consultancy Board in Infrastructure Development in Fursuy Village, Selaru District, Maluku Tenggara Barat Regency
Saputra, Arumawan Mei
The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Lecturer Productivity by Functional Position
Saputra, Nur Mega Aris
Analysis of the Need for Strengthening Learning Skills of New Students in Post-pandemic Learning Based on Gender Perspective
Saputro, Iwan Hardi
Principal’s Performance on Implementation of Online Learning Policy During COVID-19 Pandemic; An Evaluation and Development
Saraswati, I. Gusti Ayu Diah Gita
The Representation of Character Education in the English Textbook Entitled Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI
Sari, Desi Purnama
Tarung Derajat Instrumentation Development
Saroinsong, Sam Julius Richard
Juridical Study of Decisions of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency Outside the Court in Electronic Trading
Saroinsong, Sam Julius Richard
Challenges of the State Sovereignty in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Sarongalo, Yoel
The Effectiveness of Using Youtube in Learning the Art of Music
Sasea, Sanita Carolina
Religious Experiences of the Muslim Community in Tomohon City
Satria, Rengga
Parenting Patterns in Instilling Islamic Religious Values at the Nurul Hikmah Orphanage in Padang
Savelia, Raesa
Comparison of Individual and Team-Based Project in Translating Anger Expression
Savitri, Dian
Monitoring and Evaluation of Lectures During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period as a Part of Education Quality Assurance
Sengkey, Debora
Parents Perception on Kawasaran Dance in Tondei Village South Minahasa District
Sengkey, Marssel Michael
The Effect of Mapalus Organizational Climate on Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Education Workers
Sengkey, Stevi B.
Parent-Child Communication Patterns in Decision Making
Sentosa, Media
Sensor-Based Main Mover Muscle Control Device Design for Physical Education Learning
Septiantoko, Riko
Collaborative Governance in Developing Tourism Potential Through Tourism Villages
Setiadi, Aprilia
The Influence of M-Learning on Students’ Japanese Learning Outcomes
Setyasih, Iya
Preparing Basic Competencies and Skills for Students by Developing Critical Thinking Skills
Shodiq, Syamsul
Development of a Learning and Professional Roadmap to Support Independent Learning at State University of Surabaya
Sholeha, Ericha
Self-Efficacy on School Counselors in Delivering Middle School Student’s Majoring Assistance
Sholikhah, Anindya Mar’atus
Physical Activity and Its Relation to Academic Performance Among University Students
Shrestha, Indraningrum
The Socio-economic and Geographic Related Factors Affecting Electricity Consumption in Urban Households: A Case Study of Kota Tengah, Gorontalo
Siad, Hariadi
Physical Potential of Students’ Portfolio for the Class of 2020
Sibarani, Choms Gary G. T.
Strategy for Strengthening Accounting Digital Learning at Vocational High School in North Sumatra Province
Sidik, Sangputri
Minahasa Community Local Wisdom; Study of Social Construction of Inter-religious Harmony
Sidik, Sangputri
Religious Experiences of the Muslim Community in Tomohon City
Simandjuntak, Reynold
Legal Protection for Workers for Termination of Work Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sindua, N. J.
Spatio-Temporal Shorelines Change Model in Totok Bay Southeast Minahasa
Sindua, Nixon J.
Study of Tulude and Masamper Activities as Cultural Tourism Attractions in East Likupang
Sindua, Nixon J.
The Effect of the Presence of a Crude Palm Oil Factory on the Settlement Environment in Winangun Village, Bukal District, Buol Regency
Singal, Zoni Henki
Parents Perception on Kawasaran Dance in Tondei Village South Minahasa District
Sitharesmi, Riana Diah
Kabela as Local Content Enrichment for a Non Traditional Choreography at Gorontalo
Siwi, Cynthia Maria
An Analysis of the Word Formation Processes in “Captain Marvel” Movie
Siwij, Devie S. R.
Implementation of Child Identity Card (KIA) Policy in the Population and Civil Registration Service of Bolaang Mongondow Timur Regency
Sobon, Kosmas
Development of a Culture-Based Civics Learning Model
Sobri, Ahmad Yusuf
Analysis of the Need for Strengthening Learning Skills of New Students in Post-pandemic Learning Based on Gender Perspective
Problem-Based Learning: An Ideal Model for Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education
Sompotan, Amelia
The Process of Japanese Compound Word Formation
Sompotan, Amelia G. Y.
The Use of the Word Taihen as an Adjective and Adverb in Japanese Sentences
Soputan, Grace Jenny
The Effectiveness of Vocational High School Management: Role of Principal Leadership Behavior
Soraya, Dila Umnia
Student Learning Creativity Based on Social Life
SpyanawatidSibarani, Ni Luh Putu
The Analysis of the History and Culture of the Balinese Traditional Game “Megoak-Goakan” Towards the Preservation of Sustainable Tradition
Sriadhi, S.
Strengthening Lecturer Performances to Achieve Key Performance Indicators of University
Suarcaya, Putu
The Representation of Character Education in the English Textbook Entitled Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI
Suarjana, I. Wayan Gede
Minahasa Community Local Wisdom; Study of Social Construction of Inter-religious Harmony
Sudibjo, Niko
Evaluation of Students’ Learning Engagement in the Implementation of Blended Learning
Sudikan, Setya Yuwana
Trends in Local Wisdom-Based Learning Research: Bibliometrics Using Scopus Data from 2016 to 2022
Sudirtha, I Gede
The Effect of Self-assessment and Motivation Toward Students’ Performance in Practicum Classroom
Multi-discipline Approach to Improve the Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study in Unesa
Blended Learning and Computers Self-efficacy Towards Students Learning Outcomes
Sukerti, Ni Wayan
The Effect of Self-assessment and Motivation Toward Students’ Performance in Practicum Classroom
Sukirman, Dadang
The Role of Using Virtual Reality in Learning in an Education Environment
Sulastriningsih, Sri H.
Use of Geographic Information System for Landslide Conservation on the Manado-Tomohon Road
Suleman, Zulkarnain
Coherence of the Government’s Policy Agenda in the Elimination of Regional Honorary Teachers
Comparison of Coach Leadership, Parental Involvement, and Athletes’ Enjoyment in Indonesian and Malaysian Youth Training
Information and Communication Technology-Based Learning Management in Improving Learning Quality Services in the Digital Era
Sumampouw, Rianna J.
Text News in Japanese: The Study of the Relationship Between Elements of Text
Comparison of Coach Leadership, Parental Involvement, and Athletes’ Enjoyment in Indonesian and Malaysian Youth Training
The Heutagogy Model of Learning Innovation in Increasing the Skill Needs of the Digital Era of Vocational Students
Comparison of Coach Leadership, Parental Involvement, and Athletes’ Enjoyment in Indonesian and Malaysian Youth Training
Sumilat, Juliana Margareta
Development of a Culture-Based Civics Learning Model
Sumual, Herry
The Effectiveness of Vocational High School Management: Role of Principal Leadership Behavior
Sumual, Shelty Deity Meity
Analysis of Socioeconomic Status, Parent’s Income Towards the Interest in Continuing Studies in Students of Tompaso Baru State High School South Minahasa Regency
Suoth, Grace F.
Evaluation of Suitability of Paddy Field (Oryza Sativa L.) in Noongan Sub-watershed and Panasen Sub-watershed
The Effect of the Implementation of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model on Budget Planning Ability (RAB) Vocational High School Students
Suparno, Darsita
The Role of Solidarity as Social Networks News from the Digital Newspaper: Transitivity Perspective
Supit, Brain Fransisco
Environmental-Based Learning in Studying Global Issues on Students of the Social Studies Education Faculty of Social Sciences Manado State University
Supit, Patriani
Design of TPACK Model Based on Hybrid Learning at Science Learning in PGSD
Supit, Patriani Eunike
Study of Tourism Development in the Challenges of the New Life Habits Period and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic in Tomohon City
Multi-discipline Approach to Improve the Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study in Unesa
Supratno, Haris
Religious Values Internalization of Indonesian and Malaysian Literary Novels as Educational Media to Strengthen Local Culture for Culture-Community (A Sociological Literature Studies)
Supriatnaningsih, Rina
Politeness on the Speech Act of Request and Refusal of Indonesian Trainees/Jisshusei in Japan (An Awareness on Japanese Politeness)
Teacher Professional Development Through Writing Scientific Papers
Learning by Laughing: The Use of Ethnic Humor in Increasing Students’ Multicultural Awareness in Indonesia