Proceedings of the 4th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2022 (BIS-HSS 2022)
655 authors
- Puspitaloka, Nina
- EYL Students’ Engagement in Flipped English Classroom through Interactive Digital Text
- Putra, Hendrawan Santosa
- Social Interaction in Local Government Financial Reporting
- Putri, Resti Pranata
- An Economic Added Value Analysis of Ready-To-Drink Prebiotic Candidate Milk
- Putri, Salsa Della Guitara
- Collaborative Governance in Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourist Destinations: A Case Study of Gunung Kidul Region
- Putro, Hijrah Eko
- Effectiveness of Group Counseling with Digital Mind Mapping (DMM) Techniques to Improve Self-Regulation
- Qomariyah, Laili
- The Effect of Self-Control on Impulsive Buying of In-Game Virtual Goods among Mobile Legends Bang Bang Players
- Qomariyah, Laili
- The Effect of Peer Conformity on Intention to Buy In-Game Virtual Goods in Adolescent Free Fire Online Game Players
- Rachmawanti, Ranti
- Visual Structure of the Digital Comic Banggaber with the Theme of Parents and Children
- Raharja, I Gede Mugi
- Punden Berundak of Pura Penulisan Supporting the Bali Tourism Industry
- Raharjo, Tri Weda
- Analysis of Three Levels of Product Potential of Rural Tourism Areas as A Buffer for the Borobudur National Strategic Area
- Raharjo, Tri Weda
- Database Management Infrastructure, Human Resources, Financing, and Equipment in The Sustainable Management of The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Raharjo, Tri Weda
- Consistency of Blitar City Policy towards the Area of Acceleration of Economic Development in the Perspective of Regional Competitive
- Rahayu, Ega Trisna
- The Effectiveness of Using Cup Board Hoop Media on Children’s Self-Confidence
- Rahayu, Ega Trisna
- The Effectiveness of Rope Ladder Physical Activity Media on Physical Motor Activity in Early Childhood
- Rahayu, Ega Trisna
- The Effect of Using Paper Plate Media on Expressive Language Skills in Early Childhood
- Rahayu, Ega Trisna
- The Effectiveness of Kinds of Rubber Rope Games Media to Improve Fine Motor Skills for Early Childhood
- Rahayu, Heni Setyowati Esti
- The Effect of Acupressure on Length of Labor: A Literature Review
- Rahayu, Heni Setyowati Esti
- The Effect of Al-Qur’an Murottal Therapy on Anxiety in Third Trimester Pregnant Women: Study Literature Reviews
- Rahayu, Suparni Setyowati
- Engineering for Making Commercial Compost Fertilizer of Oyster Mushroom Waste Baglog Using Molasses Activator in Efforts to Implement Green Economy
- Rahayu, Titi Pudji
- Bibliometric Analysis of Iron Overload (IO) of Thalassemia Disease
- Rahayu, Umi Budi
- The Effectiveness of the Home Rehabilitation Program (HRP) after the Application of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Post-Stroke
- Rahmah, Sabrina Mawar
- Post-Covid-19 Tourism Recovery and Innovation Methods: Practical Evidence from Indonesia
- Rahman
- Analysis of the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Mathematics Subjects in Elementary Schools
- Rahman, Ahmad Fadhlur
- A Combination Supplement of Bitter Melon Extract (momordica charantia l.) with Snakehead Fish (channa striata) Powder has no Effect as an Anti-glycation Agent in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Rahman, Ali Wira
- An Investigation of Students’ Barriers, Hopes, and Short-Term Plan toward Their Speaking Skill Improvements
- Rahman, Puspa Rahayu Utami
- The Contribution of Parental Attachment to Adolescent Moral Intelligence
- Rahmasari, Khusna Santika
- Cleanse and Protect: Harnessing the Antibacterial Power of Guava Leaves in Liquid Soap Antiseptic Formulation
- Rahmawati, Emi
- Middlemen and The Debt bondage System in Salt Production at Madura
- Rahmawati, Farida Nurul
- Mindful Tourism: Management of Tourist Destinations as an Effort to Counter Stereotypes of the Madurese People
- Rahmawati, Farida Nurul
- Cultural Commodification Analysis Based on Local Wisdom in an Effort to Strengthen Madura’s Potential as a Wellness Tourism Destination
- Rahmawati, Puji
- Implementation of Character and Multicultural Education in Elementary Schools through Extracurricular Activities in SD Kartika XII-1
- Rahmawati, Widya Putri
- Prevalence Analysis of Intestinal Worm Infection in Pregnant Women
- Rahmawati, Wiwin Renny
- Health Seeking Behavior for the Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Disorder
- Rahmawaty, Setyaningrum
- Socioeconomic Status and Protein Intake Adequacy in Elementary Children in Surakarta
- Rahoui, Sarra
- The Analysis of the Immigration Politicization Issue in France Based on the Issue Evolution Theory
- Rakhmawati, Yuliana
- The Potential for Tourism Development Based on Natural Wealth with a Digital Marketing Approach
- Ramadan, Regi
- The Contribution of Parental Attachment to Adolescent Moral Intelligence
- Ramida, Santri
- The Effectiveness of the Home Rehabilitation Program (HRP) after the Application of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Post-Stroke
- Rasyidin, Annisa
- The Influence of Product Packaging/Packaging Design, Health Consciousness and Advertising on Purchase Decision Through Attitude and Intention on You C-1000 Consumers in Samarinda City
- Rejeki, Herni
- Cleanse and Protect: Harnessing the Antibacterial Power of Guava Leaves in Liquid Soap Antiseptic Formulation
- Rifai, Maulana
- Improving SMEs Performance through Omni-channel Strategy
- Rinawati, Herrukmi Septa
- Analysis of Three Levels of Product Potential of Rural Tourism Areas as A Buffer for the Borobudur National Strategic Area
- Rinawati, Herrukmi Septa
- Database Management Infrastructure, Human Resources, Financing, and Equipment in The Sustainable Management of The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rinawati, Herrukmi Septa
- Consistency of Blitar City Policy towards the Area of Acceleration of Economic Development in the Perspective of Regional Competitive
- Rinawidiastuti
- Formalin and Borax Content of Chicken Sempol Marketed in Purworejo Regency, Indonesia
- Riza, Wina Lova
- The Contribution of Parental Attachment to Adolescent Moral Intelligence
- Rizky, Noviard
- Investigative Audit and Forensic Accounting from the Perspective of Criminal Procedural Law
- Rizqiya, Choirur
- Stigma Analysis of HIV/AIDS at SMK Negeri 1 Cilacap
- Roesdiana, Lessa
- Development of Entrepreneurship Module Based on Project-Based Learning (PjBL) to Improve Problem-Solving Ability in Entrepreneurship
- Roesdiana, Lessa
- Development of Teaching Materials Based on Blended Learning for Elementary School Students
- Rohma, Naylil Mawadda
- Trends in Mental Health Research during Covid-19
- Rois, Adib Khusnul
- The Role of Science in Islamic Religious Education in the Modern Era
- Rosyid, Fahrun Nur
- A Combination Supplement of Bitter Melon Extract (momordica charantia l.) with Snakehead Fish (channa striata) Powder has no Effect as an Anti-glycation Agent in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Rosyid, Fahrun Nur
- Utilization of Herbal Supplements to Improve Health Quality after Suffering from Covid-19 Infection in Elderly Posyandu Partners
- Rosyidi, Moch. Imron
- Mapping About Bonding Relations in the Communication Network of Madura Salt Production Workers
- Rozi, Fachrur
- Feasibility Study of Salt Tourism as Role Model and Branding of Madura Halal Destination
- Rozi, Fachrur
- Branding of Islamic Boarding Schools as New Edutourism in Madura
- Ruastiti, Ni Made
- The Peteng Bulan Dance Choreography Values
- Ruastiti, Ni Made
- The Cultural Meaning of Para-Para for the Dondai Villager, Papua
- Rullu, Marhana
- Teachers’ Preparations in Teaching English through Online Learning
- Rusdjijati, Retno
- An Analysis of Protection Model for Women Workers in Informal Sector towards Gender Equality and justice
- Rusdjijati, Retno
- A Model of Freshwater Fisheries Development Strategy in the Context of Economic Resilience and Environmental Sustainability - evidence in Indonesia
- Ruta, I Made
- Implication of Technology in Traditional Sculpture Production in Batubulan Village Sukawati Bali
- Sabata, Yusniati N.
- Linguistics Factors as Speaking Obstacle of the EFL Students in Classroom
- Sabata, Yusniati Nadir
- Adapting Content-Based Instruction Principle in Teaching Culinary Arts Vocabulary at Vocational High School
- Safingi, Habib Muhsin
- Utilization of Prime-Legal Drafting (Prime-LD) Application in The Preparation of Legislation for The Government in Indonesia
- Safitri, Umri Nur
- Evaluation of Thematic Learning Curriculum 2013 in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
- Safitri, Vianita Diah
- Socialization of SAK EMKM, Perceptions of MSME Actors, and Education Level of MSME Owners on the Implementation of SAK EMKM in Financial Reports for MSMEs in Ponorogo District
- Said, Hariadi
- Relationship of Arm Muscle Strength and Hand-Eye Coordination with Pointing Throwing Ability in Petanque Game of Banggai Regency Athletes
- Sakinah, Sakinah
- The Effectiveness of the Home Rehabilitation Program (HRP) after the Application of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Post-Stroke
- Salahuddin, Muhammad
- Relationship of Arm Muscle Strength and Hand-Eye Coordination with Pointing Throwing Ability in Petanque Game of Banggai Regency Athletes
- Samboteng, Lukman
- Correction to: The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
- Samboteng, Lukman
- The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
- Santoso, Dadi
- Using Video Physical Assessment to Enhance Nursing Student’s Skills
- Santoso, Setiyo Budi
- From the Genetic Mutation to the Specific Pathologies
- Santoso, Setiyo Budi
- The Role of Genetic Mutation on Schizophrenia: A Basic Review Prior to Pharmacogenomics
- Santoso, Setiyo Budi
- Drug Consultation Prototype Based WhatsApp Bot
- Santoso, Slamet
- Socialization of SAK EMKM, Perceptions of MSME Actors, and Education Level of MSME Owners on the Implementation of SAK EMKM in Financial Reports for MSMEs in Ponorogo District
- Saputri, Alfiana Yogi
- Millennial Investor Analysis of Cryptocurrency Investments
- Saputro, Anip Dwi
- The Role of Science in Islamic Religious Education in the Modern Era
- Sardin
- A Systematic Literature Review on Video Media: Application to Mathematics Learning
- Sari, Armetha Rizqia
- Covid-19 Pandemic Situations’ Impact on the Relationship Between False Financial Statements and Real Earnings Management: A View from the Fraud Hexagon Theory
- Sari, Betha Nurina
- Development of Teaching Materials Based on Blended Learning for Elementary School Students
- Sari, Danar Retno
- Systematic Literature Review of Satisfaction Model and Interest In Adoption of E-Government Services
- Sari, Dewi Kartika
- Effect of Mahabbah Package to Increase Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers after The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
- Sari, Ni Luh Desi In Diana
- The Culture of Packaging Traditional Balinese Snacks with Banana Leaves
- Sari, Novita Putri Dewita
- Drug Consultation Prototype Based WhatsApp Bot
- Saripah, Wa
- Improving Grade XI Students’ Vocabulary Through Extensive Reading in Senior High School 4 Kendari
- Sarjani, Ni Ketut Pande
- The Culture of Packaging Traditional Balinese Snacks with Banana Leaves
- Saryana, I Made
- Semiotics Perspective on Representation of Patriarchal Culture in Films
- Satya, Venti Eka
- Local Government Spending on Information and Communication Technology
- Satya, Venti Eka
- Environmental and Financial Performance of Publicly Traded Indonesian Companies
- Sa’ud, Udin Saefudin
- Analysis of the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Mathematics Subjects in Elementary Schools
- Selis
- Implementation of Education Quality Assurance Management in the Process Blended Learning
- Septian, Gisela Luigi
- The Influence of the Coordination Pattern of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) with the Luwuk District Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) on the Implementation of Elections in Banggai District in 2020
- Septiriana, Nur Indarwati
- Using Video Physical Assessment to Enhance Nursing Student’s Skills
- Setiawan, Agus
- Peer-Review Statements
- Setiyo, Muji
- Peer-Review Statements
- Setyaningrum, Retno Purwani
- Green Human Resources Management, Green Environmental: Influence on Sustainability Performance Mediated by Digital Metaverse Technology in the Industry 4.0 Era
- Setyaningrum, Wita
- Countering Transnational Shadow Economy Crime: Mutual Legal Assistance Mechanism