Proceedings of the 4th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2022 (BIS-HSS 2022)

655 authors
Wahyudin, Undang Ruslan
Development of Educational Quality Management Model Based on Industrial Technology 4.0 at Vocational High School
Wahyudin, Undang Ruslan
Community-Based Education Financing Management in Karawang
Wahyuni, Endang Sri
Effect of Mahabbah Package to Increase Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers after The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
Wahyuni, Lidia
The Effect of Toxic Workplace Climate Dimensions on Millennial Employees in Jakarta
Wahyuni, Nurul Sri
Trends in Mental Health Research during Covid-19
Wahyuningsih, Eko Sri
Formulation and Antibacterial Tests of Serum Preparation of Ethanol Extract of Guava Leaves (Psidium Guajava L) as an Anti-Acne
Wahyuningsih, Sri
Study Narrative of The Role Communication to Kiai Madura as A Leader and Therapist of People with Mental Disorders
Wardana, Aditia Eska
How is HOTS Applied in Elementary Schools? A Review
Wardani, Septi
Thyroid Disorders as a Factor Related for Stunting: A Literature Review
Wardayati, Siti Maria
Social Interaction in Local Government Financial Reporting
Wardhana, Aditia Eska
Implementation of Character and Multicultural Education in Elementary Schools through Extracurricular Activities in SD Kartika XII-1
Warmi, Attin
Teacher Ability in Designing Entrepreneurship-Based Mathematics Learning
Warmi, Attin
Innovation in Learning Financial Literacy Through the Development of Animation Film for Elementary School Students
Waznah, Urmatul
Cleanse and Protect: Harnessing the Antibacterial Power of Guava Leaves in Liquid Soap Antiseptic Formulation
Wibisono, Yossi
An Economic Added Value Analysis of Ready-To-Drink Prebiotic Candidate Milk
Widiyati, Wiwik
The Correlation between Random Glucose Levels and Stroke Severity Using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients at RSUD Dr. Harjono S Ponorogo
Widnyana, I Kadek
Innovative Wayang as an Educational Means to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19 “Sang Kala Korona”
Widodo, Arif
Health Seeking Behavior for the Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Disorder
Widyarto, Rinto
Innovative Wayang as an Educational Means to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19 “Sang Kala Korona”
Wijayani, Qoniah Nur
The Potential for Tourism Development Based on Natural Wealth with a Digital Marketing Approach
Wijayanti, Iin
Socialization of SAK EMKM, Perceptions of MSME Actors, and Education Level of MSME Owners on the Implementation of SAK EMKM in Financial Reports for MSMEs in Ponorogo District
Wijayanti, Kartika
The Effect of Acupressure on Length of Labor: A Literature Review
Wijayanto, Ary Nugraha
Induction Kelentangan as a Pre-Therapy Psychobiophysics Media
Wijayatri, Ratna
From the Genetic Mutation to the Specific Pathologies
Wijayatri, Ratna
The Role of Genetic Mutation on Schizophrenia: A Basic Review Prior to Pharmacogenomics
Wilujeng, Insih
The Validity of the Pro-Based Caturalis Learning Model to Improve Elementary School Students’ Scientific Literacy
Cultural Commodification Analysis Based on Local Wisdom in an Effort to Strengthen Madura’s Potential as a Wellness Tourism Destination
Wirasari, Ira
Photography as a Branding process on MSME Products
Wismantoro, Yohan
Improving Marketing Performance in Construction Companies as a Significant Impact from Value Co-Creation and Business Process Agility
Wulandari, Anna
Green Human Resources Management, Green Environmental: Influence on Sustainability Performance Mediated by Digital Metaverse Technology in the Industry 4.0 Era
Wulandari, Maylina
The Role of Science in Islamic Religious Education in the Modern Era
Wulaningrum, Ratna
Local Government Spending on Information and Communication Technology
Wulaningrum, Ratna
Environmental and Financial Performance of Publicly Traded Indonesian Companies
Yaniawati, Poppy
Mathematical Learning Media in Set Material with The Futsal Context
The Role of Management Control System in Non-Financial Performance
Yanti, Maya Mardi
The Effect of Self-Control on Impulsive Buying of In-Game Virtual Goods among Mobile Legends Bang Bang Players
Yasin, Nanang Munif
Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Technology Information in Antimicrobial Stewardship using Scopus Database
Yudhani, Ardheila Setya
Implementation of Inclusive Education at Elementary School Level in Surakarta
Yudiastuti, Silvia Oktavia Nur
An Economic Added Value Analysis of Ready-To-Drink Prebiotic Candidate Milk
Yuliani, Nur Laila
MSMEs Sustainability: Application of GSM-DE as a Business Growth Model for MSME
Yuliani, Nur Laila
Determinants of Whistleblowing Intentions in Regional Organization
Yuliani, S.
Bibliometric Analysis of Iron Overload (IO) of Thalassemia Disease
Yulianti, Ni Ketut Dewi
Figures of Speech in The Dance Theatre The Cry of Sita
Yuliastuti, Fitriana
Peer-Review Statements
Yunidar, Dandi
Photography as a Branding process on MSME Products
Yupardhi, Toddy Hendrawan
Ghost Kitchen Concept: An Alternative Culinary Business Method with a Minimum Space
Yusuf, Abdul
Improving SMEs Performance through Omni-channel Strategy
Yusuf, Abdul
Creating Behavioral Intention Through Online Experience on Virtual Tourism
Yusuf, Abdul
Community Based Tourism on Natural Tourism Destination
Yuwono, Podo
Using Video Physical Assessment to Enhance Nursing Student’s Skills
Zahrah, Salsabila Salma
From the Genetic Mutation to the Specific Pathologies
Zakiyah, Reza Rohmatun
Utilization of Herbal Supplements to Improve Health Quality after Suffering from Covid-19 Infection in Elderly Posyandu Partners
Zakiyah, Reza Rohmatun
Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results as Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Vulnerable to Covid-19 at the Elderly Posyandu, Sukoharjo Regency
Zuhri, Mursid
Independent Village Agrotourism Based on Regional Innovation System Governance in Jayapura Regency, Papua Province
Øyen, Jannike
Socioeconomic Status and Protein Intake Adequacy in Elementary Children in Surakarta