Proceedings of the 4th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2022 (BIS-HSS 2022)

655 authors
Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
Evaluation of Thematic Learning Curriculum 2013 in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
Parenting Style on Learning Motivation in Thematic Learning
Formulation and Antibacterial Tests of Serum Preparation of Ethanol Extract of Guava Leaves (Psidium Guajava L) as an Anti-Acne
Shofwah, Ufairoh Maliha
Socioeconomic Status and Protein Intake Adequacy in Elementary Children in Surakarta
Shyafary, Darius
Soft Innovation Strategy of Batik MSMEs in Indonesia
Sidia, I Made
The Peteng Bulan Dance Choreography Values
Sidik, Solihin
Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategy and Government Policy to Improve MSMEs Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sihab, Alwi
Development of Movement Quality Instruments for Physical Fitness Activities Based on Developmental Psychology of Children Aged 13-18 Years
Siswanto, Siswanto
Policy Adjustment Towards Green Economy in Customary Territory after the Expansion of Papua Province
Sofyan, Imam
Mapping About Bonding Relations in the Communication Network of Madura Salt Production Workers
Stigma Analysis of HIV/AIDS at SMK Negeri 1 Cilacap
Training for Competency Improvement of Widyaiswara in Writing Scientific Writings in the Field of Training and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) Karawang District
Solihah, Sayidah Ummul
Gender-Based Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study of Strengthening Women’s Capacity in Pacitan District
Sondakh, Joula Olvy Maya
Comparative and Collaborative Data Management as a Driver for Regional Competitiveness Efficiency in the Economic Development Region
Soplanit, Albert
Clustering Patterns of Food Crops to Increase Community Income in Papua Province
Sorongan, Erick
Systematic Literature Review of Satisfaction Model and Interest In Adoption of E-Government Services
Stanaya, I. Komang Try Adi
Evaluation of UI/UX Usability in Augmented Reality Application of Balinese Shadow Puppet Panca Pandawa
Suardana, I Wayan
Implication of Technology in Traditional Sculpture Production in Batubulan Village Sukawati Bali
The Role of Science in Islamic Religious Education in the Modern Era
Improving Grade XI Students’ Vocabulary Through Extensive Reading in Senior High School 4 Kendari
Utilization of Prime-Legal Drafting (Prime-LD) Application in The Preparation of Legislation for The Government in Indonesia
Suharta, I Wayan
Gong Kebyar Goes Worldwide Guarding Balinese Culture
Suhendi, Andi
A Combination Supplement of Bitter Melon Extract (momordica charantia l.) with Snakehead Fish (channa striata) Powder has no Effect as an Anti-glycation Agent in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Suhendi, Andi
Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results as Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Vulnerable to Covid-19 at the Elderly Posyandu, Sukoharjo Regency
Suherman, Ansar
Precision Journalism: Digitalization and Research Approaches in Journalism Practices in Indonesian Online Media
Sujayanthi, Ni Wayan Masyuni
Indonesian Multiethnic of the Dinasti Matahari Music Video in the Iconography Context
Sujayanti, Ni Wayan Masyuni
The Cultural Meaning of Para-Para for the Dondai Villager, Papua
Sukamto, Filia Icha
Trends in Mental Health Research during Covid-19
Prevalence Analysis of Intestinal Worm Infection in Pregnant Women
Innovative Wayang as an Educational Means to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19 “Sang Kala Korona”
Sulistyono, Dwi
The Effect of Al-Qur’an Murottal Therapy on Anxiety in Third Trimester Pregnant Women: Study Literature Reviews
Sulistyono, Dwi
Thyroid Disorders as a Factor Related for Stunting: A Literature Review
Disaster Management and Citizens Value as the Basic Policy
Sumarna, Imam Budi
Photography as a Branding process on MSME Products
Sumerjana, Ketut
Induction Kelentangan as a Pre-Therapy Psychobiophysics Media
Cultural Values in the Toponymy of Medalsari Village and a Conservation Model to Support Tourism Based on Local Wisdom in Karawang District
Suparman, Tarpan
Analysis of the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Mathematics Subjects in Elementary Schools
Suprayitno, Gendut
Changes in Priority Scale Between Needs vs Wants in Customer Perspective During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Fuzzy AHP
Digitalization of Madura Tourism Branding in the New Normal
The Initiation of Madura’s Content Creator, Digital Community, and Citizen Media Development as the Strengthened Strategy of Marketing Communication in the Madura Region within the Digital Communication Era
Surur, Muhammad
Development of Movement Quality Instruments for Physical Fitness Activities Based on Developmental Psychology of Children Aged 13-18 Years
Surya, Andika
Investigative Audit and Forensic Accounting from the Perspective of Criminal Procedural Law
Surya, Terbit
Development of Movement Quality Instruments for Physical Fitness Activities Based on Developmental Psychology of Children Aged 13-18 Years
Surya, Yuyun Wahyu Izzati
Motives, Messages, and Media in the Process of Child Marriage in Madura
Suryandari, Nikmah
Mindful Tourism: Management of Tourist Destinations as an Effort to Counter Stereotypes of the Madurese People
Suryandari, Nikmah
Cultural Commodification Analysis Based on Local Wisdom in an Effort to Strengthen Madura’s Potential as a Wellness Tourism Destination
Suryawan, Ari
The Validity of the Pro-Based Caturalis Learning Model to Improve Elementary School Students’ Scientific Literacy
Susanthi, Nyoman Lia
Indonesian Multiethnic of the Dinasti Matahari Music Video in the Iconography Context
Susanti, Adilnia Fifi
Waqf Core Principles Implementation at Muhammadiyah Nazhir Waqf: An Analytic Network Process Approach
Susanti, Emy
Motives, Messages, and Media in the Process of Child Marriage in Madura
Susanti, H.
Bibliometric Analysis of Iron Overload (IO) of Thalassemia Disease
Susanti, Ni Nyoman Lia
The Cultural Meaning of Para-Para for the Dondai Villager, Papua
Susanti, Ratna
Model of Tourism Village Development in Karangasem Village, Bulu District, Sukoharjo Regency as Family Tourist Destinations Based on Local Wisdom
Susanto, Barkah
A Model of Freshwater Fisheries Development Strategy in the Context of Economic Resilience and Environmental Sustainability - evidence in Indonesia
Susila, Ihwan
Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results as Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Vulnerable to Covid-19 at the Elderly Posyandu, Sukoharjo Regency
Susilowati, Tri
Effect of Mahabbah Package to Increase Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers after The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
Sustiawati, Ni Luh
Creating Harmony and Love of the Country in Elementary School Students Through the Art of Med-medan Tradition
Suteja, I Ketut
Creation Process and Visual Aesthetics at Jesus and Mary Images in Balinese Wayang Characters
Sutrisna, E. M.
Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results as Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Vulnerable to Covid-19 at the Elderly Posyandu, Sukoharjo Regency
The Validity of the Pro-Based Caturalis Learning Model to Improve Elementary School Students’ Scientific Literacy
Swandi, I Wayan
The Implementation of Mural Thematic and Individual Whitespace as an Interaction Concept of Innovative Learning Space for Elementary School Students in Bali
Swandi, I Wayan
Sangku as Indonesian Cultural Property
Syafei, Muhammad Mury
Analysis of Needs for Fitness Activity Tools in Physical Education Learning in Schools
Syafrida, Rina
The Effectiveness of Using Cup Board Hoop Media on Children’s Self-Confidence
Syafrida, Rina
The Effectiveness of Rope Ladder Physical Activity Media on Physical Motor Activity in Early Childhood
Syafrida, Rina
The Effect of Using Paper Plate Media on Expressive Language Skills in Early Childhood
Syafrida, Rina
The Effectiveness of Kinds of Rubber Rope Games Media to Improve Fine Motor Skills for Early Childhood
Syah, Ilyas
Waqf Core Principles Implementation at Muhammadiyah Nazhir Waqf: An Analytic Network Process Approach
Syah, Sultan
Middlemen and The Debt bondage System in Salt Production at Madura
Syahida, Dinda Annisa
Teachers Public Speaking Ability in Teaching English at Islamic Boarding School in Karawang Regency
Syahnurmala, Haliza
The Effectiveness of Kinds of Rubber Rope Games Media to Improve Fine Motor Skills for Early Childhood
Syakarna, Nugraheni Fitroh Rezqi
The Effect of the Sharia Credit Payment System on Increasing Income (Study Gold Store “Mas-Masan”)
Syarifuddin, Alfian
From the Genetic Mutation to the Specific Pathologies
Syarifuddin, Alfian
The Role of Genetic Mutation on Schizophrenia: A Basic Review Prior to Pharmacogenomics
Syauta, Jack
Clustering Patterns of Food Crops to Increase Community Income in Papua Province
Tharihk, Andi Jusman
STEM-Based Biology Instruction Using an Inquiry-Based Learning Approach to Foster Students’ Creative Thinking
Thobari, Jarir At
Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Technology Information in Antimicrobial Stewardship using Scopus Database
Titih, Neng
Development of Participatory-Reflective Instrument in the Evaluation of Physical Education Learning: Utilizing the Educational Tricider Platform
Triana, Putri Meinita
How is HOTS Applied in Elementary Schools? A Review
Trisnani, Trisnani
Comparative and Collaborative Data Management as a Driver for Regional Competitiveness Efficiency in the Economic Development Region
Trisnani, Trisnani
Consistency of Blitar City Policy towards the Area of ​​Acceleration of Economic Development in the Perspective of Regional Competitive
Ulya, Nia Afifatul
The Effect of Al-Qur’an Murottal Therapy on Anxiety in Third Trimester Pregnant Women: Study Literature Reviews
Umma, Nafa
Drug Consultation Prototype Based WhatsApp Bot
Utami, Pranita Siska
Determinants of Whistleblowing Intentions in Regional Organization
Utomo, Arief Cahyo
Analysis of Fulfillment of the Rights of Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools (Case Study of SD Lauzardi Kamila Global Islamic School)
Vici, Diajeng Nada
Teachers Public Speaking Ability in Teaching English at Islamic Boarding School in Karawang Regency
Wafirotin, Khusnatul Zulfa
Socialization of SAK EMKM, Perceptions of MSME Actors, and Education Level of MSME Owners on the Implementation of SAK EMKM in Financial Reports for MSMEs in Ponorogo District
Wafom, Yunus
The Cultural Meaning of Para-Para for the Dondai Villager, Papua
Waharini, Faqiatul Mariya
MSMEs Sustainability: Application of GSM-DE as a Business Growth Model for MSME
Wahyono, Agung
An Economic Added Value Analysis of Ready-To-Drink Prebiotic Candidate Milk
Wahyudi, Mohammad Arief
Study Narrative of The Role Communication to Kiai Madura as A Leader and Therapist of People with Mental Disorders
Wahyudianto, Heri
Community Empowerment in Magelang City through the Interaction of Innovation
Wahyudianto, Heri
Clustering Patterns of Food Crops to Increase Community Income in Papua Province
Wahyudianto, Heri
Policy Adjustment Towards Green Economy in Customary Territory after the Expansion of Papua Province
Wahyudianto, Heri
Analysis of Three Levels of Product Potential of Rural Tourism Areas as A Buffer for the Borobudur National Strategic Area
Wahyudianto, Heri
Database Management Infrastructure, Human Resources, Financing, and Equipment in The Sustainable Management of The Covid-19 Pandemic
Wahyudianto, Heri
Comparative and Collaborative Data Management as a Driver for Regional Competitiveness Efficiency in the Economic Development Region
Wahyudianto, Heri
Consistency of Blitar City Policy towards the Area of ​​Acceleration of Economic Development in the Perspective of Regional Competitive
Wahyudianto, Heri
Independent Village Agrotourism Based on Regional Innovation System Governance in Jayapura Regency, Papua Province
Wahyudin, Undang Ruslan
Community-Based Education Quality Management Model