Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2022 (IJCAH 2022)

868 authors
Sadewo, FX Sri
Quality Analysis of Vocational Program Management Services
Sadewo, Fransiscus Xaverius Sri
Banking Business Credit: Choice Between Riba or the Need for Business
Sadhana, Senyum
Training Music Sequencer at the Pare String Ensemble Community
Sadhana, Senyum
Sticking as a Basic Drum Technique in the Indria-Level Percussion Course in the Music Study Program
Safira, Vialentina Khifinanda
Training in Making Promotional Videos as MSME Product Marketing Media
Safitri, Agusniar D.
Ideologic Code in Asma’ Artho Text at Islamic Boarding School
Safitri, Anita
Digital Marketing and Creative Space Rebranding for Senior High School Students
Said, Amalia Rizky Novitasari
Designing Surabaya Heritage Theme for Hopscotch Playmat of Kampoeng Dolanan
Saksono, Lutfi
Problem of Writing Personal Letter in German to Students at the State University of Surabaya Base on Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen
Saksono, Lutfi
Learning German Through Traditional Dance
Saksono, Lutfi
Strategy for Developing a Blue Print for Community Service to Strengthen University with Legal Entity
Saksono, Lutfi
Supporting Dekatagung Bawean as a Tourism Village Through Water Sports Safety Training for Young People
Sakti, Arya Mahendra
Operational Plan Development of Four-Year Diploma Mechanical Engineering Study Program
Sakti, Arya Mahendra
Roadmap Development Research and Community Service of Four-Year Mechanical Engineering Program
Saleh, M. Nurul Ikhsan
Pedagogical Modification in Instilling Moral Values Prompted by COVID-19 Pandemic
Salsabila, Salma
Social Construction of Muslim Students on Gender Equality
Salsabilla, Jihan A.
The Legend of Kemaro Island Folklore as Inspiration for Modern Muslim Wedding Dress
Salsabillah, Laylisa
Diversification of Patterned Batik Products (Nyanggit Motif) in Clothing as an Alternative to the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Batik Enterprises
Samantha, Putri D.
Typotecture on the Old Shop Building: An Evidence from Central Surabaya, Indonesia
Samsul, Suwarno
Learning German Through Traditional Dance
Santana, Dian
Implementation of Job Analysis and Workload Analysis in Surabaya City Government
Santoso, Minnar Titis
Modification of Dryer Cabinet Based on Automation System
Santoso, Minnar Titis
Advanced Development of PLC Trainer Products as Facilities in the Control Engineering Laboratory
Santoso, Shintya Devina Putri
Contribution of Understanding Job Description and Workload with Readiness to Change in Employees
Saparuddin, Saparuddin
Audit Time Budget, Auditor’s Experience, and Professionalism Impact on Auditing Quality
Saputra, Ardi
Construction Pentigraph as Indonesia’s Digital Literature
Saputra, Hendra
Factors Affecting Academic Dishonesty: Empirical Study on Distance Learning
Sari, Dhita
Need Assessment of English for Specific Purposes Learning Materials
Sari, Dhita Ayu Permata
Implementation of E-Catalog Technology as a Digital Promotion Media on a Small Medium Enterprise
Sari, Dhita Ayu Permata
Digitalization of Simple Financial Statements on Women’s Fashion MSMES in East Java
Sari, Dhita Ayu Permata
Evaluation Strategy Ecoprint Fashion Business by Applying Web-Based Bespoke Tailoring Application: Case Study on “Daun Efek”
Sari, E. N.
Does Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Have an Impact on Student Character Values?
Sari, Fadilah Indira
Diversification of Patterned Batik Products (Nyanggit Motif) in Clothing as an Alternative to the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Batik Enterprises
Sari, Maya Mustika Kartika
Youth Voters’ Views on the Phenomenon of Money Politics
Sari, Ratna
Pedagogical Modification in Instilling Moral Values Prompted by COVID-19 Pandemic
Sari, Satriana Fitri Mustika
Development of Operating Plan for Four-Year Diploma Civil Engineering Program
Sari, Tri Diana
Mapping the Budget Plan Towards the Key Performance Indicators
Sari, Tri Diana
The Description of University Budget Variance, Equality, and Expenditure Matter Toward Services
Sarjoko, Moch.
Arrangement Approach to Improve Music Creativity of Keroncong at Vocational School
Sarmini, Sarmini
Exploration of Leading Villages as a Guide Source for the Activities of Student Independent Project
Sarmini, Sarmini
Technical Training Mapping Analysis of Education Staff Personnel Towards a University with Legal Entity
Saroinsong, Wulan Patria
Peer-Review Statements
Saroinsong, Wulan Patria
Pre-school Teachers’ Burnout: Examining the Relation to the Quality of Student-Teacher Interaction
Sasanadjati, Jajuk D.
Choir Creative Process in Facing Regional, National, and International Competitive Levels
Sasanti, Nise Samudra
Implementation of Kanji Learning Outcome Assessment During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sasongko, Tri
Absorption of Carbondioxide (CO₂) on Jl. Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno Road (MERR) Surabaya
Satiningsih, Satiningsih
Academic Anxiety Levels Students with Disabilities in University “X”
Satyawati, Tara
Asset Lending Information System at Faculty of Languages and Arts
Savana, Raisza Tarida
Digitization in Inorganic Chemistry and Instrument Laboratory Services
Savira, Siti I.
Women and Javanese Local Psychology: Evidence Through Literature with Indigenous Studies Context
Savira, Siti Ina
Overcoming Procrastination; Cognitive Restructuring to Support Positive Behavior Change
Savitri, Agusniar D.
Plant Lexicon in Village Naming as an Appreciation of the Madurese Community for the Environment
Segara, Nuansa Bayu
Social Alienation of Thinking Narrowness
Sekti, Retnayu P.
Cultural Value in the Performing Arts Langen Tayub as a Strengthening of Preservation of Traditional Arts and Cultural in Nganjuk District
Septiana, Hespi
An Evaluation of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers Curriculum: An Evidence from a State University in East Java
Septiana, Hespi
The Vocabulary Learning for Slow Learners
Seruni, Puti Mayang
Delivery Business Owner Responsibilities in Damaged Goods Caused by the Employees Based on the Indonesian Consumers’ Protection Law
Setiabudi, Arif
The Vocabulary Learning for Slow Learners
Setiani, Fatma Sasmita
Implementation of Parking Retribution Policy in Madiun City
Setianingrum, Vinda Maya
Marketing Communication by Businesses in the Cerebral Palsy Community
Setianingrum, Vinda Maya
Training in Making Promotional Videos as MSME Product Marketing Media
Setianingrum, Vinda Maya
Video Profile Cinematic as Media Branding and Promotion of “Batik Ciprat” Rumah Kinasih
Setiawan, Beni
Virtual Reality Development for the Physically Disabled
Setiawan, Slamet
Peer-Review Statements
Setiawan, Slamet
Technical Training Mapping Analysis of Education Staff Personnel Towards a University with Legal Entity
Setiawan, Slamet
Disclosing the Regional Dialect Shift Used by Tulungagung College Students as Newcomers in Surabaya Metropolitan City
Setiawan, Slamet
Is Krama Speech Level Still Alive in Millennial Circumstance?: The Evidence from Javanese Children
Setiawan, Slamet
Cause-Effect Relation in Language Use Among English Department Students Towards Their Lecturers on WhatsApp Chat
Setiawan, Slamet
A Connection Between Nickname and Identity: Does it Reflect Intimacy or Shaming?
Setiawati, Denok
Group Guidance Guide with Surabaya Cultural Values for Students
Setiawati, Denok
Group Guidance with Local Values to Improve Understanding of the Typical Words in Surabaya
Setyami, Inung
Epic of Mahabharata in Kuntowijoyo’s Novels: Aesthetic Response Analysis
Setyaningrum, Arifah
Reinvention of Learning System as a Strategy to Improve School Quality in Post-pandemic Era
Setyowati, Rr Nanik
Community Empowerment and Participation in Brantas Watershed Management
Setyowati, Rr. Nanik
Srikandi Street School and Critical Education for Female Street Children
Setyowati, Sri
Ape Taktor to Increase the Ability to Recognize the Concept of Number Symbols in Early Children
Setyowati, Sri
Lesson Study as Innovation in Learning Literacy Supervision at Elementary School
Shah, Alfi
Civic Education Teacher’s Strategies in Developing Discipline and Responsibility Character After the Covid 19 Pandemic
Shodiq, Syamsul
Interpersonal Communication in CBDS Youtube Channel
Sholeh, Muhammad
The Ambivalence of Emancipated Learning and Student’s Learning Experience on Graduate Attributes: An Initial Identification
Silvia, Mega
Developing Busy Book for Children Mitigation Preparedness
Simanullang, Nurmika
The Effect of Research Outcomes and Community Service on the Implementation of Key Performance Indicators
Sitorus, D. S.
Does Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Have an Impact on Student Character Values?
Sodiq, Syamsul
Curriculum Design for Emancipated Learning at Higher Education to Accommodate Experiential Learning for the Students
Sodiq, Syamsul
The Ambivalence of Emancipated Learning and Student’s Learning Experience on Graduate Attributes: An Initial Identification
Sodiq, Syamsul
Analysis of Multiple Choice Questions for Japanese Language Final-Term Exam at Senior High School
Sodiq, Syamsul
Analysis of Multiple Choice Questions for Japanese Language Mid-Term Exam at Public Senior High School
Soepardjo, Djodjok
Implementation of Kanji Learning Outcome Assessment During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Soepardjo, Djodjok
Japanese Language Teacher Self-efficacy in Learning Outcome Assessment Practice
Evaluation of the Relevance of Vocational School Basic Machinery Materials to the Industrial World
Stiawan, Agung
Leisure Time for Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (KIP-K) Students During Holidays in the Post-Pandemic Period
Stiawan, Agung
Exploration of Leading Villages as a Guide Source for the Activities of Student Independent Project
Subagio, Agung
Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Critical Thinking Through Multimedia Learning
Subandi, Subandi
Discrimination of Women in Modern Javanese Novels
Subandi, Subandi
Deixis in Chinese Written Discourse Text in Daily Newspaper 国际日报 Guoji Ribao
Subandi, Subandi
Error Analysis of University Students’ Chinese Narrative Writing
Subandi, Subandi
Analysis of Syntactic Language Errors in Narrative Written Discourse Texts
Subandi, Subandi
Male and Female Pitch on Japanese Language Directive Speech Acts in Gintama Live Action Movies 1 and 2
Subandi, Subandi
Elements of Cohesion and Coherence in Chinese Narrative Discourse Texts in Newspapers 国际日报 Guoji Ribao
Subekti, Hasan
Curriculum Design for Emancipated Learning at Higher Education to Accommodate Experiential Learning for the Students