Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2022)
412 authors
- Hidayah, Ratna
- Peer-Review Statements
- Hidayah, Ratna
- An Analysis of Teachers’ belief in Learning practice in Elementary School
- Hidayat, Rian Rokhmad
- Why Do Indonesian Teens Have Tempted To Do Sexting? Implications For School Counselors Why Teenagers Temped to Do Sexting
- Iasha, Vina
- The Utilization of Augmented Reality to Improve the Interpersonal Intelligence of Elementary School Students
- Indrawati, Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum
- The Need Analysis of The Development of The Historical Teaching Materials of Prince Sido ing Rejek Based on E-Book
- Indriayu, Mintasih
- Liveworksheets Analysis as an Online Student Worksheet Assessment in the 21st Century Era
- Indriyanti, Nurma Yunita
- The Analysis of Low Carbon STEM Project Implementation on Science Learning
- Indriyanti, Nurma Yunita
- Students’ Participation in STEM Integrated Science Learning: How Do Students Act?
- Intyaswati, Drina
- Contribution of Second Screening and Social Media Elaboration on Political Efficacy Learning of Students
- Istiyati, Siti
- Analysis of the Level of Readiness of the Principal in Implementing Sekolah Penggerak’ Program
- Jannah, Fathul
- The Combining Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) Model in the Education of Elementary School
- Japar, Muhammad
- Teaching Civic Skills through Multicultural Education in Indonesia
- Jumiatmoko
- Simple Technologies in Early Childhood Learning: Benefits, Advantages and Disadvantages
- Kardiman, Yuyus
- Teaching Civic Skills through Multicultural Education in Indonesia
- Karkono
- Heutogogy Model Development: A Holistic Framework to Prepare Future Self-Determined Learner Educator
- Karsidi, Ravik
- An Implementation Of The Syllabic Method In Reading Learning At Elementary School
- Kartika
- Readines Science Teaching Orientation (STO) of Preservice Teacher in Online Professional Learning Communities
- Kartini
- Validity of Distance-Based Science Learning Materials for Higher Education Students
- Kartowagiran, B.
- The Development of Measurement Instrument Toward the Ideological Attitude of Al Irsyad Students in Indonesia
- Kenedi, Ary Kiswanto
- Teaching Civic Skills through Multicultural Education in Indonesia
- Khansa, Nadhifa Zahra
- The Needs Analysis of Mathematics E-Module Based on Probing Prompting Model to Improve Problem Solving Ability
- Khasanah, Annisa Nur
- The Analysis of Low Carbon STEM Project Implementation on Science Learning
- Khoiriyah
- The Combining Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) Model in the Education of Elementary School
- Kholili, Ma’rifatin Indah
- Peace Education: The Perspective of Students, Teachers and School Counselors in Sukoharjo Regency
- Kholili, Ma’rifatin Indah
- A Systematic Literature Review of the 21st Century Skills Scale Development: Preliminary Research Within Education Setting
- Kristanto, Matias Vico
- Games for Learning Fractions: Digital or Physical Games?
- Kristiyanto, Agus
- The Effect of Video Media Usage for Improving Science Learning Achievement Toward Autism Students
- Kurniasari, Dian
- Implementing Project Based Learning (PjBL) in Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review
- Kurniawan, Dadan Adi
- The use of Pancasila as Perspective in Designing History Textbooks: A Methodological Exploration
- Kusdiyanti, Heny
- Heutogogy Model Development: A Holistic Framework to Prepare Future Self-Determined Learner Educator
- Kusumaningtyas, Yustinizar
- The Use of Block Dienes Media for Improving Mathematics Learning Achievements of Deaf Students
- Kuswoyo, Heri
- Synchronous Online Learning in English Language Classrooms in Indonesia: A Literature Review
- Kuswoyo, Heri
- A Systematic Review of E-Video Lecture Research in EFL Contexts: Generic Structure and Lexico-grammatical Features
- Latifah, Noor L
- Increase Interest, Independence, and Learning Outcomes Using The Siring Model in Elementary School Students
- Lestari, Gunarti Dwi
- Teachers’ Perceptions on the Use of Textbook Based on Local Maritime Potentials in West Nusa Tenggara
- Mahendrati, Gilang
- Analysis of Psychomotor Assessment Techniques in the K13 Integrated Thematic Book
- Mahfud, Hasan
- Analysis of the Level of Readiness of the Principal in Implementing Sekolah Penggerak’ Program
- Mandasari, Berlinda
- Synchronous Online Learning in English Language Classrooms in Indonesia: A Literature Review
- Manik, Yosef
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Online Learning Outcomes for Engineering Management Study Program at Institut Teknologi Del
- Manshuralhudlori
- Acceleration of Scopus and Web of Science Indexed International Publications
- Mariati, Pance
- Teacher certification program: What we can learn from the case of Indonesia?
- Marmoah, Sri
- Disciplined Character Education to Realize Independent Learners at Elementary School
- Marmoah, Sri
- Project-Based Learning Model as an Effort to Improve Students’ Digital Literacy Skills at SDN Kleco 2 Surakarta
- Marmoah, Sri
- The Impact of Implementing the IPOSACE Model on Improving the Digital Literacy Competence of Elementary School Teachers
- Marmoah, Sri
- Analysis of the Level of Readiness of the Principal in Implementing Sekolah Penggerak’ Program
- Marmoah, Sri
- Study Analysis of Social Collaborative Base Learning Participatory in the Society Era 5.0: A Systematic Literature Review
- Martika, Tias
- Analysis of Elementary School Readiness Levels in Efforts to Create an Inclusive Culture in Boyolali
- Martika, Tias
- Attitudes Towards Disabilities and The Related Factors
- Masyitoh, Novia Fajar
- Independent Learning through a PjBL: a Study of the Presisi Program in Magelang Regency
- Matsuri
- Students Sports Talent Profile of Elementary School Students Utilizing the Sports Search Method
- Mibtadin
- The use of Pancasila as Perspective in Designing History Textbooks: A Methodological Exploration
- Mohamad, Siti Nurul Mahfuzah Binti
- Design and Development of INSPIRED Using MOODLE Learning Management System (LMS)
- Muchtarom, Moh.
- Pancasila and Civic Education Teachers’ Professionalism in Developing Constitutional Studies Teaching Materials
- Muhlis
- How is the implementation of inclusive Education in South Sulawesi, Indonesia?
- Muktamaroh, Asna Istikmalatul
- An Analysis Type of Mathematics Ability, Cognitive Determinants, and Gender Differences in Mathematics Performance of Students with Mathematical Difficulties in Inclusive Elementary Schools
- Mulyahati, Bunga
- Strengthening STEM-Oriented Character Education in Elementary Schools
- Mulyahati, Bunga
- Counseling Guidance Services in Elementary Schools in the Digital Technology Era
- Murwani
- Readines Science Teaching Orientation (STO) of Preservice Teacher in Online Professional Learning Communities
- Murwaningsih, Tri
- Disciplined Character Education to Realize Independent Learners at Elementary School
- Murwaningsih, Tri
- New Paradigm of The Merdeka Curriculum: Lesson Plan Based on The Student’s Learning Needs
- Muryani, Chatarina
- Development of Interactive Multimedia to Improve Spatial Thinking Ability of Students in High School
- Muryani, Chatarina
- Development of Mobile-based Learning Applications to Increase Environmental Awareness for Students
- Musadad, Akhmad Arif
- The Need for Astha Brata Digital Book to Improve Student’s Leadership
- Musa’adah, Siti
- The Need for Astha Brata Digital Book to Improve Student’s Leadership
- Muslim, Arifin
- An Effort to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement And Curiosity Through Realistic Mathematics Education (Rme) Assisted By Comic On Data Presentation For Grade Va In Public Elementary School 1 Pekaja
- Muslimin, E.
- The Development of Measurement Instrument Toward the Ideological Attitude of Al Irsyad Students in Indonesia
- Mustofa, Mustofa
- Teacher certification program: What we can learn from the case of Indonesia?
- Mutaqin, Moh Fikri Tanzil
- Implementation of Learning with the Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM) Approach in Bringing Up the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Profile in Early Childhood
- Muzzazinah
- Analysis of teacher readiness to implement the Pancasila student profile strengthening project
- Muzzazinah
- Need Analyzing: The Importance of Ethnobotany-Based Modules in Mount Muria to Empower High School Students’ Science Process Skills on Plant Classification Materials
- Nafisah, Ainun
- The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy in Natural Science Learning in Elementary Schools
- Nasri, Nurfaradilla Mohamad
- The Level of Adaptive Teaching Skills among Primary School Teachers in Implementing Zero Reject Policy: A Study in Rural Sarawak
- Ndaruningsih, Sri Berlina
- An Effort to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement And Curiosity Through Realistic Mathematics Education (Rme) Assisted By Comic On Data Presentation For Grade Va In Public Elementary School 1 Pekaja
- Nisa, Khaerun
- How is the implementation of inclusive Education in South Sulawesi, Indonesia?
- Nisa, Laili Khairun
- The Effect of Scientific Reading Based Inquiry-STEM to Stimulate Scientific Argumentation Skills
- Nisaa’, Mutiara An
- An Analysis of Teachers’ belief in Learning practice in Elementary School
- Nugraha, Dewanta Arya
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nugraheni, Luthfa
- The Realization of Existential Humanistic Approach Toward Politeness Principal of Indonesian Language: A Case Study of Yogyakarta Urban and Rural Elementary School
- Nugraheni, Luthfa
- Mapping BIPA Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom
- Nugroho, Agung
- Nurturing Elementary School Student’s Religious Character During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Nugroho, Haris
- Acceleration of Scopus and Web of Science Indexed International Publications
- Nur, Maulida
- How Early Children Understand Diversity in Social Interaction
- Nuraeni
- Teachers’ Perceptions on the Use of Textbook Based on Local Maritime Potentials in West Nusa Tenggara
- Nurhasanah, Farida
- Games for Learning Fractions: Digital or Physical Games?
- Nurhasanah, Farida
- Analysis of Learning Motivation, Anxiety, and Metacognition Learning Awareness of Applications Derivative Function in Class XI IPA 1 Students of MAN Sorong City
- Nurjanah, Novita Eka
- Simple Technologies in Early Childhood Learning: Benefits, Advantages and Disadvantages
- Nurkamto, Joko
- A study on Junior High School Students’ Critical Reading Skill in Surakarta
- Nurtanto, Muhammad
- In-Service Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions About Metaverse-Assisted STEM Projects
- Palupi, Warananingtyas
- The Concept of Child-Friendly Early Childhood Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Education
- Pamujo
- An Effort to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement And Curiosity Through Realistic Mathematics Education (Rme) Assisted By Comic On Data Presentation For Grade Va In Public Elementary School 1 Pekaja
- Pamuladsih, Krismajoli Dwi
- Analysis of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Islamic Religious Education Learning in Students with Mental Retardation After Re-Entering School
- Perez-Amurao, Analiza Liez
- Synchronous Online Learning in English Language Classrooms in Indonesia: A Literature Review
- Poerwanti, Jenny I S.
- Project-Based Learning Model as an Effort to Improve Students’ Digital Literacy Skills at SDN Kleco 2 Surakarta
- Poerwanti, Jenny Indrastoeti Siti
- The Impact of Implementing the IPOSACE Model on Improving the Digital Literacy Competence of Elementary School Teachers
- Prakosha, Donni
- Analysis of Elementary School Readiness Levels in Efforts to Create an Inclusive Culture in Boyolali
- Prakosha, Donni
- Attitudes Towards Disabilities and The Related Factors
- Prakoso, Bagus Hary
- Synchronous Online Learning in English Language Classrooms in Indonesia: A Literature Review
- Pratama, Dias Ade
- Development of Interactive Multimedia to Improve Spatial Thinking Ability of Students in High School
- Prihadi, Singgih
- Development of Mobile-based Learning Applications to Increase Environmental Awareness for Students
- Probosari, Riezky Maya
- The Analysis of Low Carbon STEM Project Implementation on Science Learning