Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019)

217 authors
Abas, Dahliyanti
Implementation of Huyula Culture-Based Character Education in The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Adhe, Kartika Rinakit
Toilet Training Guidebook for the Independent Character in Preschoolers
Adi, Sugeng Susilo
Utilizing Edmodo and Google Classroom for Facilitating Blended Learning
College Students’ Career Planning Ability
The Effect of Learning Motivation on Student Achievement on Statistics
Akbar, Maruf
Kiai's Leadership in Managing Human Resources
Al Ardha, Muchamad Arif
Toilet Training Guidebook for the Independent Character in Preschoolers
Ala’i, Tazkiyatul
The Improvement of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Achievement Through Principal’s Transformational Leadership
Alhadi, Said
Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
The Storytelling Method Based on Local Wisdom on Moral Values of 5-6 Years Old Children
Andajani, Sri Joeda
Teaching Science to University Students with Visual Impairment
Andajani, Sri Joeda
Sensopatic Games for the Early Childhood Sensory Integration Special Program
Andari, Shelly
The Role of Higher Education Leaders to Engage Research
Anggraini, Lisdiana Putri Dewi
The Use of Guidebook on Socio-Personal Guidance for Autism Children
Anra, Yusdi
Career Development of Educational Personnel: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Ariyanti, Shela Dwi
An Android Based Game for Children to Learn Fraction
Arofah, Laelatul
Self-Instruction Technical Guidelines to Improve High School Students’s Self-Discipline
Ashar, Muhammad Nurul
Teacher Skills in Communicating with Students with ASD in Inclusive Schools
Atmadja, I Ketut
The Impacts of Verbal Violence by Family Members on Children's Social Emotional Aspects
Awalunisah, Sita
The Storytelling Method Based on Local Wisdom on Moral Values of 5-6 Years Old Children
Bachri, Bachtiar S.
Station Rotation Method Based on Differentiated Instruction to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills
Grand Design of Character Education Based on Islamic Values
Barida, Muya
Assessment Implementation to Detect Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
Baskoro, Farid
Designing PQRST Signal Generator as One of The Learning Media
Boonroungrut, Chinun
Chinese Students and Customers Purchasing Demands: A 10-year Systematic Review on Luxury Education
Boonrungrut, Chinun
Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
Budiatman, Ino
Enhancing Student Achievement in Social Science through Cooperative Learning Method
Cahyadi, Tri
Recognition of Prior Learning for Master Marine with Indonesian Qualifications Framework
Cahyaningsih, Rizky Oktaviani
The Conformity Profile of Higher Education Students
Chaiinkam, Teeranart
Chinese Students and Customers Purchasing Demands: A 10-year Systematic Review on Luxury Education
Darmawanti, Ira
Interpreting Facial Expression: A Challenging Study Using Existing Video
Dewi, Damajanti Kusuma
The Conformity Profile of Higher Education Students
Dewi, Utari
Management of Learning Activities at a Local English Camp in Indonesia
Endrastuty, Jianjar Fernia
Emotional Maturity of Vocational School Students
Fahriza, Irfan
Cognitive Restructuring Techniques to Improve Student Self-Concept
Fahriza, Irfan
Behavioral Cognitive Counseling for Reducing Test Anxiety Among University Students
Faizin, A.
Internalization of Character Values in Pesantren School: Efforts of Quality Enhancement
Farisia, Hernik
Principal’s Leadership to Improve the Quality of Early Childhood Education in the 4.0 Era
Fauzia, Agnellia Novita
Implementation of IT-Based Learning Media Training to Improve Teachers’ Pedagogic Ability
Fauziah, Mufied
Cognitive Restructuring Techniques to Improve Student Self-Concept
Fauziah, Mufied
Behavioral Cognitive Counseling for Reducing Test Anxiety Among University Students
Career Development of Educational Personnel: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Firmansyah, Rifki
Designing PQRST Signal Generator as One of The Learning Media
The Storytelling Method Based on Local Wisdom on Moral Values of 5-6 Years Old Children
Halimatussa’diyah, Lina
Concentration Profiles Among Shooting Student Athletes
Hanaris, Fitria
Training Analysis of Management of Creative Classes in Disruption Era
Handayaningrum, Warih
The Guidance and Counseling Management Programs at Senior High School
Harini, Novita Vindri
Recognition of Prior Learning for Master Marine with Indonesian Qualifications Framework
Hartini, Sri
What is The Character of Student Tolerance in The Indonesian Political Situation?
Hartono, Ulil
Learning, Curriculum Monitoring and Evaluation for Decision Making
Hartono, Ulil
Thesis Guidance Effectiveness in University Setting
Hasna, Devi Diana
Management of Public Relation Efforts in Public Interest
Huda, Muhammad Nuril
Strengthening on Human Resources Investment through Education in Indonesia
Ilhamuddin, Muhammad Farid
Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
Indah, Dewi Rosaria
The Character Education Through the Symbolic Meaning of Javanese Puppets
Iriani, Sri Setyo
E-CRM for Cooperation Service System in Higher Education Setting
Ismabela, Juwita
The Impact of Zoning System to Student Achievement and School Innovation
Isnaini, Rahmatika Quin
Headmaster Leadership Style to Improve Education Staff Competence in Public Elementary School
Istianah, Farida
Ethnoecology as the Method to Build Environmental Care Character through Adiwiyata School Program
Izzati, Umi Anugerah
The Relationship Between Quality of Teacher Work Life and Turnover Intention
Jannah, Miftakhul
Concentration Profiles Among Shooting Student Athletes
Jasin, Muammal
Enhancing Teacher Professionalism in Learning Organization Perspective
Jayanti, Novy Cici
Classroom Management for Early Childhood Group Setting
Jemiparera, Nita
The Application of a Metaphor Technique by Healing Stories to Reduce Student Anxiety
Ethnoecology as the Method to Build Environmental Care Character through Adiwiyata School Program
Kartikasari, Dewi
Classroom Management for Early Childhood Group Setting
The Guidance and Counseling Management Programs at Senior High School
School Library Management in Private Junior High Schools
Khotimah, Khusnul
Reading in The Digital Age: Electronic Storybook as a Teaching Tool for Beginning Readers
Khotimah, Nurul
Toilet Training Guidebook for the Independent Character in Preschoolers
Kinesti, Herni Ken
The Implementation of Primary and Secondary Education Quality Assurance Systems
Komalasari, Dewi
Classroom Management for Early Childhood Group Setting
Laksmiwati, Hermien
The Mechanism of Experience, Representation, and Verbal Reasoning on the Visually Impaired Individuals
Latifah, Siti
Sensopatic Games for the Early Childhood Sensory Integration Special Program
Ledger, Susan
Simulation in Higher Education: Choice, Challenges and Changing Practice
Lestari, Gunarti Dwi
Management of Learning Activities at a Local English Camp in Indonesia
Mardiningsih, Heni
The Role of Leadership and Training in Improving Operational Leadership Competences
Mariana, Neni
Exploring Primary School Mathematical Concepts in Gembira Dance
Maritaria, Trisya
Exploring Primary School Mathematical Concepts in Gembira Dance
Masitoh, Siti
Teaching Science to University Students with Visual Impairment
School Entrepreneurship Extracurricular Management
Messakh, Linda Caroline
Learning, Curriculum Monitoring and Evaluation for Decision Making
Muarifah, Alif
Assessment Implementation to Detect Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
Mukaromah, Al Fiyatul
The Improvement of Teacher’s Classroom Management Skill on Students’ Learning Activity
Principal’s Leadership to Improve the Quality of Early Childhood Education in the 4.0 Era
Mukhtar, Mukhneri
Kiai's Leadership in Managing Human Resources
Mulyana, Olievia Prabandini
The Relationship Between Quality of Teacher Work Life and Turnover Intention
Murbojono, Rahmat
Career Development of Educational Personnel: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Musliman, Dita Anggraini Nurjannah
Educational Governance Innovation through Implementation of Four UNESCO Education Pillars
Muyana, Siti
College Students’ Career Planning Ability
Muyana, Siti
Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
Muyana, Siti
The Effect of Learning Motivation on Student Achievement on Statistics
Naqiyah, Najlatun
Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
Nawai, Fory A.
Implementation of Huyula Culture-Based Character Education in The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Nawantara, Rosalia Dewi
Self-Instruction Technical Guidelines to Improve High School Students’s Self-Discipline
Noer, Mochammad Churidin
The Implementation of Quality Management in a Vocational School
Noris, Iqbal Afrizal
Improvement of Teacher Professionalism
Nugroho, Rivo
Training of Andragogic Learning through Model Experiential Learning for Equality Education
Nuraini, Febritesna
The Development of Learning Media for Batik Stamp Tools Made from Used Paper for Primary Education
Nurdiansyah, Aristyawan Putra
Designing PQRST Signal Generator as One of The Learning Media