Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019)

217 authors
The Storytelling Method Based on Local Wisdom on Moral Values of 5-6 Years Old Children
Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
Interactive Web Learning Media Development for Improving Basic Pattern Learning Outcomes
Nursalim, Mochamad
The BESCB Counseling Model to Decrease School Refusal Behavior
Nursalim, Mochamad
Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
Grand Design of Character Education Based on Islamic Values
Pamungkas, Dyan Eka
Application of Team of Accelerated Instruction Cooperative Learning with Problem Solving
Patriasurya, Arry
Enhancing Student Achievement in Social Science through Cooperative Learning Method
Pramudyani, Avanti Vera Risti
E-LEv: Solution for Early Childhood Education Teachers in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Prasetiawan, Hardi
Cognitive Defusion Techniques to Improve Self-Confidence of Students
Prasetya, Agus
School of Visionary Leadership in Developing Characters of Students
Pratama, Robin
Career Development of Educational Personnel: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Pratiwi, Titin Indah
The Application of a Metaphor Technique by Healing Stories to Reduce Student Anxiety
Prayitno, Santo Mugi
The Development of Learning Media for Batik Stamp Tools Made from Used Paper for Primary Education
Priadi, Antoni Arif
Recognition of Prior Learning for Master Marine with Indonesian Qualifications Framework
The Development of Learning Media for Batik Stamp Tools Made from Used Paper for Primary Education
Purba, Damoyanto
Recognition of Prior Learning for Master Marine with Indonesian Qualifications Framework
Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
Purwoko, Budi
The Development of Peer Mediation Training for Senior High School Students
Purwoko, Budi
The Student’s Conflict Resolution in Individual Psychological Dynamics
Putri, Ayu Bulan Permata
The Conformity Profile of Higher Education Students
Rahmawati, Ika
An Android Based Game for Children to Learn Fraction
Rakhmayanti, Dyah
School Library Management in Private Junior High Schools
Rayaginansih, Syari Fitrah
Behavioral Cognitive Counseling for Reducing Test Anxiety Among University Students
Rifqi, Ainur
The Role of Higher Education Leaders to Engage Research
Riyanto, Yatim
The Impacts of Verbal Violence by Family Members on Children's Social Emotional Aspects
Roesminingsih, Erny
Parenting as Character Education Model
Roesminingsih, Erny
School Entrepreneurship Extracurricular Management
Roesminingsih, M. V.
Learning, Curriculum Monitoring and Evaluation for Decision Making
Roesminingsih, MV.
Thesis Guidance Effectiveness in University Setting
Roesminingsih, Maria Veronika
Teaching Science to University Students with Visual Impairment
Rofiah, Khofidotur
E-CRM for Cooperation Service System in Higher Education Setting
Rohim, M. Nur
Marketing Strategy for Educational Services
Rohmadheny, Prima Suci
E-LEv: Solution for Early Childhood Education Teachers in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Rosada, Ulfa Danni
Parent Education Levels on Student Learning Achievements
Rosada, Ulfa Danni
The Profile of Bidik Misi Grantee’s Resilience
Station Rotation Method Based on Differentiated Instruction to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills
Saputra, Wahyu Nanda Eka
Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
Saputra, Wahyu Nanda Eka
Cognitive Defusion Techniques to Improve Self-Confidence of Students
Sari, Puput Puspita
The Impact of Adduction of Folding Paper Stages for Children’s Fine Motor Skills
Saroinsong, Wulan Patria
Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
Saroinsong, Wulan Patria
Chinese Students and Customers Purchasing Demands: A 10-year Systematic Review on Luxury Education
Sartinah, Endang Pudjiasuti
The Use of Guidebook on Socio-Personal Guidance for Autism Children
Savira, Siti Ina
The Mechanism of Experience, Representation, and Verbal Reasoning on the Visually Impaired Individuals
Setiawan, Aditya Chandra
The Role of Higher Education Leaders to Engage Research
Setiawan, Moch. Dedik
The Effectiveness of Jatim Mengajar Program as an Agent of Change for Remote Schools
Setiawati, Denok
Emotional Maturity of Vocational School Students
Setyaedhi, Hari Sugiharto
Higher-Order Thinking Learning Outcomes through the Problem-Based Learning Model
Setyaningrum, Fery
The Development of Learning Media for Batik Stamp Tools Made from Used Paper for Primary Education
Setyaputri, Nora Yuniar
Self-Instruction Technical Guidelines to Improve High School Students’s Self-Discipline
Setyowati, Aprilia
Cognitive Restructuring Techniques to Improve Student Self-Concept
Setyowati, Aprilia
Behavioral Cognitive Counseling for Reducing Test Anxiety Among University Students
Sholawati, Siti Auliyatus
Curriculum Management and Inclusive Education Learning in Special Needs
Sholeh, Muhamad
Evaluating Teachers’ Assignment Implementation as School Principals Preparation Program in Indonesia
Sholihah, Noer Kamilatus
Management of Education Facilities and Infrastructure
Sianipar, Godlif
The Role of Teachers in Value Education in High School Levels: A Survey of Success and Constraints
Sidiq, Brwa Aziz
Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
Simatupang, Nurhenti Dorlina
The Impact of Adduction of Folding Paper Stages for Children’s Fine Motor Skills
Simatupang, Nurhenti Dorlina
Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
Siswanto, Joko
Development of Model Teaching Factory in Vocational High Schools
Parenting as Character Education Model
The Character Education Through the Symbolic Meaning of Javanese Puppets
School Library Management in Private Junior High Schools
Solichah, Nimatus
The Conformity Profile of Higher Education Students
Sophianingreki, Shita
Academic Supervision of Principals, School Culture and Teacher Teaching Performance
Soselisa, Christina Magdalena
Station Rotation Method Based on Differentiated Instruction to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills
Suardiman, Siti Partini
The Profile of Bidik Misi Grantee’s Resilience
Sudihutomo, Ananto
Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
Teaching Science to University Students with Visual Impairment
E-CRM for Cooperation Service System in Higher Education Setting
Application of Team of Accelerated Instruction Cooperative Learning with Problem Solving
Sulistiani, Sri
Employability Skills of Vocational Graduates: Implementation of Curriculum IQF Level 2
The Character Education Through the Symbolic Meaning of Javanese Puppets
Sumar, Warni T.
Implementation of Huyula Culture-Based Character Education in The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Sumargo, Eko
Parenting as Character Education Model
Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
Sun, Xiao Jun
Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
Supriyanto, Agus
Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
Supriyanto, Agus
What is The Character of Student Tolerance in The Indonesian Political Situation?
Ethnoecology as the Method to Build Environmental Care Character through Adiwiyata School Program
Susilo, Heryanto
Training of Andragogic Learning through Model Experiential Learning for Equality Education
Suyanto, Totok
School Entrepreneurship Extracurricular Management
Grand Design of Character Education Based on Islamic Values
Kiai's Leadership in Managing Human Resources
College Students’ Career Planning Ability
Taufikurohmah, Titik
Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
Trihantoyo, Syunu
Evaluating Teachers’ Assignment Implementation as School Principals Preparation Program in Indonesia
The Mechanism of Experience, Representation, and Verbal Reasoning on the Visually Impaired Individuals
Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
Teacher Skills in Communicating with Students with ASD in Inclusive Schools
Wahini, Meda
Interactive Web Learning Media Development for Improving Basic Pattern Learning Outcomes
Wahyu, Ady Achmad Ali
Reading in The Digital Age: Electronic Storybook as a Teaching Tool for Beginning Readers
Wahyu, Safira
Toilet Training Guidebook for the Independent Character in Preschoolers
Wahyudi, Amien
Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
Wahyudi, Amien
The Profile of Bidik Misi Grantee’s Resilience
Wahyudi, Amien
What is The Character of Student Tolerance in The Indonesian Political Situation?
Wahyuni, Hendra
The Impacts of Verbal Violence by Family Members on Children's Social Emotional Aspects
Wardhani, Frida Putri
Why Does He Choose Home Schooling?
Widayati, Sri
The Impact of Adduction of Folding Paper Stages for Children’s Fine Motor Skills
Widayati, Sri Wahyu
Application of Team of Accelerated Instruction Cooperative Learning with Problem Solving
Widiantoro, Rachmad Indra
Thesis Guidance Effectiveness in University Setting