Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019)
217 authors
- Nurhayati
- The Storytelling Method Based on Local Wisdom on Moral Values of 5-6 Years Old Children
- Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
- Interactive Web Learning Media Development for Improving Basic Pattern Learning Outcomes
- Nursalim, Mochamad
- The BESCB Counseling Model to Decrease School Refusal Behavior
- Nursalim, Mochamad
- Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
- Pairin
- Grand Design of Character Education Based on Islamic Values
- Pamungkas, Dyan Eka
- Application of Team of Accelerated Instruction Cooperative Learning with Problem Solving
- Patriasurya, Arry
- Enhancing Student Achievement in Social Science through Cooperative Learning Method
- Pramudyani, Avanti Vera Risti
- E-LEv: Solution for Early Childhood Education Teachers in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Prasetiawan, Hardi
- Cognitive Defusion Techniques to Improve Self-Confidence of Students
- Prasetya, Agus
- School of Visionary Leadership in Developing Characters of Students
- Pratama, Robin
- Career Development of Educational Personnel: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- Pratiwi, Titin Indah
- The Application of a Metaphor Technique by Healing Stories to Reduce Student Anxiety
- Prayitno, Santo Mugi
- The Development of Learning Media for Batik Stamp Tools Made from Used Paper for Primary Education
- Priadi, Antoni Arif
- Recognition of Prior Learning for Master Marine with Indonesian Qualifications Framework
- Probosiwi
- The Development of Learning Media for Batik Stamp Tools Made from Used Paper for Primary Education
- Purba, Damoyanto
- Recognition of Prior Learning for Master Marine with Indonesian Qualifications Framework
- Purwadi
- Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
- Purwoko, Budi
- The Development of Peer Mediation Training for Senior High School Students
- Purwoko, Budi
- The Student’s Conflict Resolution in Individual Psychological Dynamics
- Putri, Ayu Bulan Permata
- The Conformity Profile of Higher Education Students
- Rahmawati, Ika
- An Android Based Game for Children to Learn Fraction
- Rakhmayanti, Dyah
- School Library Management in Private Junior High Schools
- Rayaginansih, Syari Fitrah
- Behavioral Cognitive Counseling for Reducing Test Anxiety Among University Students
- Rifqi, Ainur
- The Role of Higher Education Leaders to Engage Research
- Riyanto, Yatim
- The Impacts of Verbal Violence by Family Members on Children's Social Emotional Aspects
- Roesminingsih, Erny
- Parenting as Character Education Model
- Roesminingsih, Erny
- School Entrepreneurship Extracurricular Management
- Roesminingsih, M. V.
- Learning, Curriculum Monitoring and Evaluation for Decision Making
- Roesminingsih, MV.
- Thesis Guidance Effectiveness in University Setting
- Roesminingsih, Maria Veronika
- Teaching Science to University Students with Visual Impairment
- Rofiah, Khofidotur
- E-CRM for Cooperation Service System in Higher Education Setting
- Rohim, M. Nur
- Marketing Strategy for Educational Services
- Rohmadheny, Prima Suci
- E-LEv: Solution for Early Childhood Education Teachers in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Rosada, Ulfa Danni
- Parent Education Levels on Student Learning Achievements
- Rosada, Ulfa Danni
- The Profile of Bidik Misi Grantee’s Resilience
- Rusijono
- Station Rotation Method Based on Differentiated Instruction to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills
- Saputra, Wahyu Nanda Eka
- Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
- Saputra, Wahyu Nanda Eka
- Cognitive Defusion Techniques to Improve Self-Confidence of Students
- Sari, Puput Puspita
- The Impact of Adduction of Folding Paper Stages for Children’s Fine Motor Skills
- Saroinsong, Wulan Patria
- Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
- Saroinsong, Wulan Patria
- Chinese Students and Customers Purchasing Demands: A 10-year Systematic Review on Luxury Education
- Sartinah, Endang Pudjiasuti
- The Use of Guidebook on Socio-Personal Guidance for Autism Children
- Savira, Siti Ina
- The Mechanism of Experience, Representation, and Verbal Reasoning on the Visually Impaired Individuals
- Setiawan, Aditya Chandra
- The Role of Higher Education Leaders to Engage Research
- Setiawan, Moch. Dedik
- The Effectiveness of Jatim Mengajar Program as an Agent of Change for Remote Schools
- Setiawati, Denok
- Emotional Maturity of Vocational School Students
- Setyaedhi, Hari Sugiharto
- Higher-Order Thinking Learning Outcomes through the Problem-Based Learning Model
- Setyaningrum, Fery
- The Development of Learning Media for Batik Stamp Tools Made from Used Paper for Primary Education
- Setyaputri, Nora Yuniar
- Self-Instruction Technical Guidelines to Improve High School Students’s Self-Discipline
- Setyowati, Aprilia
- Cognitive Restructuring Techniques to Improve Student Self-Concept
- Setyowati, Aprilia
- Behavioral Cognitive Counseling for Reducing Test Anxiety Among University Students
- Sholawati, Siti Auliyatus
- Curriculum Management and Inclusive Education Learning in Special Needs
- Sholeh, Muhamad
- Evaluating Teachers’ Assignment Implementation as School Principals Preparation Program in Indonesia
- Sholihah, Noer Kamilatus
- Management of Education Facilities and Infrastructure
- Sianipar, Godlif
- The Role of Teachers in Value Education in High School Levels: A Survey of Success and Constraints
- Sidiq, Brwa Aziz
- Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
- Simatupang, Nurhenti Dorlina
- The Impact of Adduction of Folding Paper Stages for Children’s Fine Motor Skills
- Simatupang, Nurhenti Dorlina
- Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
- Siswanto, Joko
- Development of Model Teaching Factory in Vocational High Schools
- Soedjarwo
- Parenting as Character Education Model
- Soedjarwo
- The Character Education Through the Symbolic Meaning of Javanese Puppets
- Soedjarwo
- School Library Management in Private Junior High Schools
- Solichah, Nimatus
- The Conformity Profile of Higher Education Students
- Sophianingreki, Shita
- Academic Supervision of Principals, School Culture and Teacher Teaching Performance
- Soselisa, Christina Magdalena
- Station Rotation Method Based on Differentiated Instruction to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills
- Suardiman, Siti Partini
- The Profile of Bidik Misi Grantee’s Resilience
- Sudihutomo, Ananto
- Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
- Sujarwanto
- Teaching Science to University Students with Visual Impairment
- Sujarwanto
- E-CRM for Cooperation Service System in Higher Education Setting
- Sukarman
- Application of Team of Accelerated Instruction Cooperative Learning with Problem Solving
- Sulistiani, Sri
- Employability Skills of Vocational Graduates: Implementation of Curriculum IQF Level 2
- Sulistiyani
- The Character Education Through the Symbolic Meaning of Javanese Puppets
- Sumar, Warni T.
- Implementation of Huyula Culture-Based Character Education in The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Sumargo, Eko
- Parenting as Character Education Model
- Sumarlik
- Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
- Sun, Xiao Jun
- Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
- Supriyanto, Agus
- Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
- Supriyanto, Agus
- What is The Character of Student Tolerance in The Indonesian Political Situation?
- Suryanti
- Ethnoecology as the Method to Build Environmental Care Character through Adiwiyata School Program
- Susilo, Heryanto
- Training of Andragogic Learning through Model Experiential Learning for Equality Education
- Suyanto, Totok
- School Entrepreneurship Extracurricular Management
- Syahrul
- Grand Design of Character Education Based on Islamic Values
- Syahrul
- Kiai's Leadership in Managing Human Resources
- Syamsudin
- College Students’ Career Planning Ability
- Taufikurohmah, Titik
- Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
- Trihantoyo, Syunu
- Evaluating Teachers’ Assignment Implementation as School Principals Preparation Program in Indonesia
- Wagino
- The Mechanism of Experience, Representation, and Verbal Reasoning on the Visually Impaired Individuals
- Wagino
- Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
- Wagino
- Teacher Skills in Communicating with Students with ASD in Inclusive Schools
- Wahini, Meda
- Interactive Web Learning Media Development for Improving Basic Pattern Learning Outcomes
- Wahyu, Ady Achmad Ali
- Reading in The Digital Age: Electronic Storybook as a Teaching Tool for Beginning Readers
- Wahyu, Safira
- Toilet Training Guidebook for the Independent Character in Preschoolers
- Wahyudi, Amien
- Self-Regulation of Emotion Module to Reduce Aggressive Behavior
- Wahyudi, Amien
- The Profile of Bidik Misi Grantee’s Resilience
- Wahyudi, Amien
- What is The Character of Student Tolerance in The Indonesian Political Situation?
- Wahyuni, Hendra
- The Impacts of Verbal Violence by Family Members on Children's Social Emotional Aspects
- Wardhani, Frida Putri
- Why Does He Choose Home Schooling?
- Widayati, Sri
- The Impact of Adduction of Folding Paper Stages for Children’s Fine Motor Skills
- Widayati, Sri Wahyu
- Application of Team of Accelerated Instruction Cooperative Learning with Problem Solving
- Widiantoro, Rachmad Indra
- Thesis Guidance Effectiveness in University Setting