Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2023)

638 authors
Solehudin, Solehudin
Training And Human Resource Development Model To Improve Farmer Group Performance In Tegallega Village, Ciampel District, Karawang Regency
Solihat, Asri
The Analysis of Subjective Well-Being Influenced by Self-Employment and Personal Functioning
Solin, Sahala Martua
Village Tourism Marketing from an SDL Perspective Based on Local Wisdom: Durian Bangunkarya Festival
Sudaryana, Sonny Hendra
Conceptual Model for Digital Startup Policy to Accelerate the Success Rate in Indonesia
Sudiarti, Sri
Revolutionizing Small Businesses: Green Marketing Strategies for Creative Industries
Sugiana, Neng Susi Susilawati
Exploring the Impacts of Viral Captions in Digital Content Promotion on Impulse Buying Decisions
Sugiarti, Arini Lestari
Analysis of the Effect of Debt Equity Ratio and Debt Asset Ratio on Islamic Social Reporting in Islamic Banks
Sugiarto, Hendro
Evaluation and Level of Efficiency of Milkfish Processing Centers and Regional Development Strategies as Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship Education in Milkfish Management Centers in padaasih Village, Pasirwangi, Garut, West Java
Sugiarto, Hendro
Analysis of Strategic Planning in Creative Economic Education of The Eco-Green Concept in Plastic Waste Management
Sugiarto, Hendro
Implementation of Social Economy Project-Based Learning As Sosciopreneur Skills In The 21st Century
Sugiarto, Hendro
The Effectiveness of Using Tik Tok Media in Increasing Social Entrepreneurship on Consumptive Behavior
Sugiharti, Harpa
Digital Financial Literacy and Digital Financial Inclusion: Efforts to Overcome Challenges After the Covid-19 Pandemic and Increase the Independence of Financial Management
Sugiharti, Harpa
Bibliometric Analysis of Higher-Order Thinking Skills: An Increasing Important Competency
Sugiharti, Harpa
Total Quality Management in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Overview
Suherman, Ade
Cultivating Character Values Through Entrepreneurial Activities Members of the Indonesian Institute of Education Garut Student Cooperative
Suherman, Ade
The Actualization of Pancasila Values in Digital Entrepreneurship Activity of SMKN 1 Garut Students
Sukamto, Rosa Ariani
Preservice Teacher Self Assessment Of Based Course TPACK Model Of Competencies Development
Sukardi, Hadi Ahmad
The Influence of Indonesian Investor Sentiment on Stock Returns Before and After the Issue of the Russian-Ukrainian War in Energy Sector Companies Listed on the IDX
Sulaeman, Ardika
Leaders’s Commitment to Business Sustainability and SMEs’ Performance
Sulastri, Sulastri
Peer-Review Statements
Sulastri, Sulastri
Analysis of Business Success: Effects of Business Competency
Sulastri, Sulastri
Increasing MSME Competitiveness through Creativity and Innovation in The Digital Era Study at Simping MSME Centers in Purwakarta
Sulastri, Sulastri
Empowering Indonesian Migrant Workers Through Entrepreneurship Mentor Training
Sulastri, Yulistina
Analysis of Transparency of Zakat Management Organization in Indonesia
Sultan, Moch. Adib
Promotional Pricing Strategy, Brand Image, and Brand Ambassadorship of a Company on Customer intention to Transaction for Courier Services
Sultan, Mokh Adib
Muslim Tourist Perspective: The Role of Religiosity on The Relationship Between Halal Tourism and Satisfaction
Sultan, Mokh Adib
Effect of Differentiation of Pospay Kiosk Services on the Decision to Use an Application as a Consumer Service
Sultan, Mokh Adib
Empowering Indonesian Migrant Workers Through Entrepreneurship Mentor Training
Sultan, Mokh. Adib
Social Media as a Contributing Factor to the Potential Decline of Commercial Sales Jobs in the Future and the Driving Factors Behind the Increased Intention to Buy Among Generation Y and a Segment of Generation Z in Indonesia
Sultan, Mokh. Adib
Managing Strategy Offline Sales Channels in The Digital Era for the Courier Industry
Sultan, Mokh. Adib
Model of the influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership on optimizing the benefits of Knowledge to improve Customer Experience
Sumantri, Muhammad Bayu Aji
Determinants of Bonds Rating: Case Study of Indonesian Banking Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange
Sumaryana, Fitriana Dewi
The Influence of Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Investor Sentiment on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
Sunduz, Siti
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Parenting Patterns Toward Entrepreneurship Interest in Vocational High School Students
Supriadi, Hari
Enterprise Architecture Model for Digital Village in West Java Province
Supriadi, Supriadi
The Actualization of Pancasila Values in Digital Entrepreneurship Activity of SMKN 1 Garut Students
Supriatna, Yayat
The Influence of Indonesian Investor Sentiment on Stock Returns Before and After the Issue of the Russian-Ukrainian War in Energy Sector Companies Listed on the IDX
Supriatna, Yayat
Strategic Role of Climate Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis
Supriyatna, Asep
The Urgency of Economic Education in Growing Entrepreneurial Awareness in Social Studies Education Students
Suryadi, Edi
Study of Pro-Social Behavior of Young Netizens: Encouragement of Religiosity, Social Support, Empathy, and Self-Efficacy
Suryana, Suryana
The Interrelation of Youth Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention: A Bibliometric Approach
Suryana, Suryana
Bibliometric Analysis of Entrepreneurial Success in Creative Industry
Suryana, Suryana
A Bibliometric Analysis of Social Media and Entrepreneurship Research
Suryana, Suryana
Implement Enterprise Resource Planning and Effective Corporate Performance Strategies through Supply Chain Management Intermediaries at Auto Parts Companies
Suryana, Suryana
Funnelling Strategy of Digital Marketing for developing incubator Business Ecosystem MSEs in Cirebon City
Susanti, Yuyun
Cultivating Character Values Through Entrepreneurial Activities Members of the Indonesian Institute of Education Garut Student Cooperative
Susilawati, Wati
The Influence of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Toward Trust-Building Process of Garut Burayot Center, Indonesia
Susilawati, Wati
Enhancing Local Tourism and Empowering MSMEs through Exploring the Typical Food of Situ Bagendit Garut, Indonesia
Syahbaniah, Mega Siti
The Urgency of Economic Education in Growing Entrepreneurial Awareness in Social Studies Education Students
Syahrani, Raina Kamilla
Analysis Of “All You Can Eat” Business Strategy Implementation in Bandung City’s Restaurants
Syamfithriani, Tri Septiar
Systematic Literature Review: The Role of Enterprise Architecture in Digital Transformation in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Syifa, Raisa Hillia Aini
Use of Public Funds and the Flypaper Effect; Analysis of Regional Expenditure in Four Indonesian Provinces
Syifa, Raisa Hillia Aini
Santripreneur: Eksploring The Entreprenurial Potential In Traditional Pesantren to Realizing a Succsessful Young Generation in Globalization Era
Tanuatmodjo, Heraeni
Behavioral Bias in Retirement Planning: A Literature Review
Taufik, Candra
Determining Consumer Purchase Decisions For Product Imitation In Developing Countries
Taufik, Candra
The Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Culture on Entrepreneurial University Relationships with the Promotion of Innovation Mediated by Sustainability Development Goals
Taufiqurahman, Endang
The Strategies of Pawnshop Institution Service Improvement Based on Analysis of Community Perceptions and Needs: A Case Study in Karawang Regency, Indonesia
Tazliqoh, Agustifa Zea
Analysing The Operational Relationship to Business Performance in Small and Medium Enterprises
Tetep, Tetep
Implementation of Social Economy Project-Based Learning As Sosciopreneur Skills In The 21st Century
Tetep, Tetep
The Effectiveness of Using Tik Tok Media in Increasing Social Entrepreneurship on Consumptive Behavior
Tetep, Tetep
The Actualization of Pancasila Values in Digital Entrepreneurship Activity of SMKN 1 Garut Students
Ubaidillah, M. Rizki
The Effect of Service Recovery on Customer Satisfaction on Lion Air Users
Uno, Indra Cahya
Students’ Entrepreneurial Success Factor in The Ambassador Business Edupreneur Program
Utama, Dian Herdiana
Organisational Support and Job Stress on Job Satisfaction: Case Study of Employees of PT Infolog Solutions Indonesia
Utami, Suci Aprilliani
Analysis of Determining Leading Sectors in West Java Province in Facing the Global Market
Wahyudin, Wahyudin
Plan of Implementing Management Installation of Adab Safar Values through Islamic Religious Education to Improve Student Disciplined Behavior at NHI Bandung Tourism Polytechnic
Wardhani, Dyah Ciptaning Lokiteswara Setya
Use of Public Funds and the Flypaper Effect; Analysis of Regional Expenditure in Four Indonesian Provinces
Waspada, Ika Putera
Profitability, Stock Price, Firm Value, Post Pandemic Covid 19
Waspada, Ikaputera
Does The 6-Factor Model Work Better in The Indonesian Capital Market
Waspada, Ikaputera
Determinants of Bonds Rating: Case Study of Indonesian Banking Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange
Wazdi, Babay Parid
Digital Innovation and Bank Performance: A Systematic Literature Review
Wibawa, Yudi
Enterprise Architecture Model for Digital Village in West Java Province
Wibisono, Yudi
Systematic Literature Review: The Role of Enterprise Architecture in Digital Transformation in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Wibowo, Lili A.
Stock analysis based on the CAPM as a basis for making investment decisions (studies in the infrastructure sector for the 2021-2022 period)
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Peer-Review Statements
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Behavioural Factors Influence on Investment Decisions
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Behind the Investment Curtain: Exploring Internal and External Factors Influencing Mutual Fund Investment Decisions in Indonesian Stock Market
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Strategic Role of Climate Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Profitability, Stock Price, Firm Value, Post Pandemic Covid 19
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Enterprise Architecture Model for Digital Village in West Java Province
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Systematic Literature Review: The Role of Enterprise Architecture in Digital Transformation in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Understanding the Impact of Perceived Value on Consumers’ Continuous Purchase Intention in LiveStreaming E-Commerce Mediated by Consumer Trust and Online Shopping Satisfaction
Wibowo, Lili Adi
The Influence of Locus of Control, Motivation, and Family Environment to Student Entrepreneurial Interest Based on West Java
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Enhancing Online Repurchase Intention: Unveiling the Crucial Role of Digital Customer Experience among Bukalapak Users
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Perceived Enjoyment and Perceived Usefulness to Mobile Payment Users Continuance Intention
Wibowo, Lili Adi
The Influence of Experiential Marketing and Tourist Satisfaction in Revisit Intention Tourism
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Determining Consumer Purchase Decisions For Product Imitation In Developing Countries
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Perceived Risk as a Mediator Subjective Norm & Travel Intention Post Covid-19
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Exploring the Impacts of Viral Captions in Digital Content Promotion on Impulse Buying Decisions
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Working towards Sustainable Behavior in Household Waste: The Role of Consequence Awareness and Responsible Consumption
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Brand Trust, Consumer Experience, and Customer Satisfaction Function as Moderating Factors on Customer Loyalty (A Case at PT. Trimitra Garmedindo Interbuana)
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Marketing Strategy: The Effect of Positioning and Advertising Effectiveness on Social Media to Purchase Decision
Wibowo, Lili Adi
A Model of Co-Creation Strategy Implementation in Supporting the Performance of Vocational Schools in West Java
Wibowo, Lili Adi
The Interrelation of Youth Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention: A Bibliometric Approach
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Portfolio Diversification on Value Creation and Its Implication on Business Performance
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Science Mapping for Sustainable Business Model: A Bibliometric Analysis
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Students’ Entrepreneurial Success Factor in The Ambassador Business Edupreneur Program
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Mapping Current Evolution and Trends of Environmental, Social, Governance Influences on Firm Performance
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Bibliometric Analysis of Entrepreneurial Success in Creative Industry
Wibowo, Lili Adi
A Bibliometric Analysis of Social Media and Entrepreneurship Research