Proceedings of the 4th Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2022)
290 authors
- Hidayat, Mupid
- A Comparative Study of Character Education Content in Indonesian and the Netherland National Curricula
- Husen, Achmad
- Responsible Environmental of Stdi Students Toward the Environment
- Ilham
- Legal Protection of Children Who Are Victims of Criminal Acts of Obscenity
- Ilhami, M. Ridha
- Banjarese Cultural Values on the Floating Market as the Foundation of the Religious Character of the Community
- Imron, Ali
- Hybrid Learning Management in Elementary School
- Inda
- The Role of Pancasila and Citizenship Education in Shaping Religious Character Through a Values Approach for Generation Z
- Indriyani, Dina
- The Impact of Project-Based Learning to Build Student Civic Engagement in the Digital Age
- Insani, Nisrina Nurul
- Bibliometric Analysis: Civic Education E-Learning for Digital Civic Skill
- Insani, Nisrina Nurul
- Learning Design Democratic Education Model in Pancasila and Civic Education Base on Development Student Legal Literacy
- Isdendi, Rio Razab
- The Role of Indonesia’s Digital Citizenship Generation in the Realization of Ethics in Cyberspace
- Iswandi, Dede
- Peer-Review Statements
- Iswandi, Dede
- Digital Citizenship Literacy and Democratic Competence in the Pandemic Covid-19 in Bandung Indonesia
- Iswandi, Dede
- Students’ Digital Citizenship at Junior High School in Bandung Indonesia
- Iswandi, Dede
- A Comparative Study of Character Education Content in Indonesian and the Netherland National Curricula
- Iswandi, Dede
- Creative Board Game Based Design Pancasila and Civic Education Subject Material
- Jamaludin
- “Tanya Wasbang”: Digital Citizenship Project as Strengthening Civic Knowledge and National Insights in Students
- Jatiningsih, Oksiana
- Building a Safe Educational Environment from Sexual Violence in the Perspective of Teacher-Prospective Students
- Joyoatmojo, Soetarno
- Radicalism, Religious Tolerance of Islamic Spiritual Institution (Rohis) in SMA City of Surakarta
- Jubaedah, Edah
- Religious Populism in Pancasila Democracy Based on Citizen’s Education Perspective
- Juliardi, Budi
- The Existence of Civic Education in the Digital Era
- Juri
- The Tradition of Nyamaru Dayak Ntuka in Mungguk Ganis Sekadau—Indonesia
- Kaewsaeng-on, Rudsada
- Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
- Karliani, Eli
- Digital Content Ethics and Communication Skills’ Student Based on Role-Playing Learning
- Khairun, Syahril Muhammad
- Local Traditions: Ritual Sopik at Tahane Makean Island, South Halmahera
- Khoirusnaini, Hesty
- Digital Citizenship Literacy and Democratic Competence in the Pandemic Covid-19 in Bandung Indonesia
- Khoirusnaini, Hesty
- The Use of Qr Code Enhanced Student Worksheet as a Media to Strengthen Democratic Values Among Citizens
- Komalasari, Kokom
- The Impact of Project-Based Learning to Build Student Civic Engagement in the Digital Age
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Establishment of Student Social Skills Based on 21st Century Competence in the Pandemic Era
- Komalasari, Kokom
- The Role of Picture and Picture Cooperative Models in Civic Education Learning to Strengthen Students Critical Thinking
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Conceptual Model of Citizenship Learning Projects Based on Data Literacy in Citizenship Education Course
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Learning Methods and Learning Media of Ecological Citizenship Based Civic and Pancasila Education with Society 5.0 Perspective
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Student-Teacher Relation in Blended Learning of Civic Education Based on Law-Related Education
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Students’ Digital Citizenship at Junior High School in Bandung Indonesia
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Reconstruction of Citizenship Education to Strengthen National Identity
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Radicalism in Indonesia in the Perspective of Merton’s Strain Theory
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Strengthening Students’ Character Through Religious Extracurricular Activities
- Korompis, Ferry Lourens Sampel
- Optimization of Student Tolerance Character Development Through Online Learning in Subjects Pkn in Tondano 6 State Junior High School
- Kurniati, Pat
- Strengthening Pancasila Philanthropy in the Millennial Generation to Develop Citizenship Character
- Kurniati, Pat
- Reconstruction of Citizenship Education to Strengthen National Identity
- Kurniawan, Ganda Febri
- Development and Sustainable of Student’s Academic Culture: The Paradigm of Cultural Conservation and Nationalism
- Kurniawan, Muhammad Andi
- Strengthening the Character of Tolerance Through Habituation of Kindness as an Effort to Anticipate Conflicts in Multicultural Communities in Tempur Village, Jepara Regency
- Kusnadi
- Citizenship Education Based on Local Wisdom: An Alternative to Grow Humanity Literacy
- Larasati, Anik
- The Actualization of Democratic Values in Banyumas Society
- Latief, Abdul
- Tolerance in Strengthening the Values of Religious Moderation
- Lestari, Puji
- Development and Sustainable of Student’s Academic Culture: The Paradigm of Cultural Conservation and Nationalism
- Lukitawati, Lukki
- Development and Sustainable of Student’s Academic Culture: The Paradigm of Cultural Conservation and Nationalism
- Machfiroh, Runik
- Education for MSMEs Through Design Thinking
- Maesaroh, Sri
- Peer-Review Statements
- Maesaroh, Sri
- Developing of Civic Disposition for Indonesian Students Through Civic Education in International Schools
- Maesaroh, Sri
- A Comparative Study of Character Education Content in Indonesian and the Netherland National Curricula
- Maftuh, Bunyamin
- Multicultural Education in Schools: An Effort to Strengthen Student’s Multicultural Competence
- Mahpudz, Asep
- Developing Global Citizenship Education Materials and Values in the Indonesian School Curriculum
- Maladerita, Wiwik
- Hypothetical Step Analysis of Flipped Classroom-Cases Method (FC-CM) Learning to Realize Higher-Level Thinking Skills in PPkn/IPS Subjects in Rural Elementary Schools
- Malihah, Elly
- The Impact of Project-Based Learning to Build Student Civic Engagement in the Digital Age
- Masyitoh, Iim Siti
- Implementing Blended Learning in Civics Education in Forming 21st Century Skills
- Masyitoh, Iim Siti
- Developing of Civic Disposition for Indonesian Students Through Civic Education in International Schools
- Matang
- Intercultural Communication in the Grip: Implications of the Literature Review “Social Media and Intercultural Education”
- Matang
- Improving the Quality of Legal Awareness on Digital Citizenship in Citizenship Education Remotely
- Merkuri, Yulia Gesti
- Cultural Literacy Through Youth Education in the Family Environment as a Reinforcement of the National Literacy Movement
- Muhajir
- Tolerance in Strengthening the Values of Religious Moderation
- Muhkam, Mirwan Fikri
- The Impact of the Public Sphere of Democracy on the Competence of Citizens
- Mukhlisin
- A Comparative Study of Character Education Content in Indonesian and the Netherland National Curricula
- Mulyawan, Rahman
- Voting Behavior of West Javanese Women in Terms of Geographical Location and Cultural
- Muslim, Ibnu Jamaludin
- Strengthening Citizen’s Intelligence Through Community Civics Contribution
- Mustadi, Ali
- Pedagogic Competence in Primary School: Digital Didactical Design to Develop Teacher’s Performance
- Mustajab, Robby Xandria
- The Role of the United Nation and Political Agency (Bakesbangpol) in Forming Character of the Pancasila
- Mustika, Maryam
- Digital Content Ethics and Communication Skills’ Student Based on Role-Playing Learning
- Muthaqin, Dwi Iman
- Peer-Review Statements
- Muthaqin, Dwi Iman
- Frame Work Occupational Accident-Based Labor Law Enforcement in the Protection of Labor Rights
- Muthaqin, Dwi Iman
- Integrated of Decree of the People’s Consultative Assembly in the Directive Principle of State Policy: Back to the Original 1945 Constitution
- Muthaqin, Dwi Iman
- Learning Design Democratic Education Model in Pancasila and Civic Education Base on Development Student Legal Literacy
- Nadiroh
- Responsible Environmental of Stdi Students Toward the Environment
- Nadiroh
- Environmental Literacy Based on Local Wisdom in Elementary Schools
- Najah, Endah Zakiyyatun
- The Effectiveness of Quick on the Draw Learning Method to Improve Student Collaboration Skills in Civic Education
- Nanda, Indra
- The Role of Indonesia’s Digital Citizenship Generation in the Realization of Ethics in Cyberspace
- Nasiwan
- Civic Culture Analysis of Mawarung Culture of Banjar Community
- Noe, Wahyudin
- Good Governance Model in a Multicultural Society (A Ethnographic Study on Banuroja in Gorontalo)
- Noor, Muhammad
- Relations Between Indigenous Institutions and Goverments, as Well as Corporations in Promoting Local Wisdom
- Noorhapizah
- The Development of Elementary School Teaching Materials Based on Pancasila Students to Improve the Character of Kayuh Baimbai
- Novellia, Susana Cindy
- Growth Mindset of the Digital Citizen in Civics Course
- Nugraha, Yogi
- Core Curriculum Model for the Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Nugroho, Dedy Ari
- Innovation Learning Model “Who Wants to Be a Good Citizen” Based on Flash Player Application in Learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education
- Nugroho, Dedy Ari
- Strengthening Digital Citizenship Values in Pancasila dan Civics Learning in the 21st Century
- Nurhasanah, Nina
- Environmental Literacy Based on Local Wisdom in Elementary Schools
- Nurmalisa, Yunisca
- Re-enhancing Civic Education Learning Through Podcast Innovative Communication Based on Relevant Society Issues
- Panrod, Warrapojn
- Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
- Pasani, Chairil Faif
- Pedagogic Competence in Primary School: Digital Didactical Design to Develop Teacher’s Performance
- Pebriyenni
- Student Perceptions on Online Learning Effectiveness’ of Civic Education at High Schools in Padang City
- Pitoewas, Berchah
- Re-enhancing Civic Education Learning Through Podcast Innovative Communication Based on Relevant Society Issues
- Pradana, Diexy Inkha
- Peer-Review Statements
- Praherdhiono, Henry
- Hybrid Learning Management in Elementary School
- Pratiwi, Diani Ayu
- The Development of Elementary School Teaching Materials Based on Pancasila Students to Improve the Character of Kayuh Baimbai
- Pratomo, Wachid
- Intercultural Communication in the Grip: Implications of the Literature Review “Social Media and Intercultural Education”
- Pratomo, Wachid
- Strengthening Pancasila Philanthropy in the Millennial Generation to Develop Citizenship Character
- Purwanto, Agung
- Responsible Environmental of Stdi Students Toward the Environment
- Puspitasari, Rhindra
- Elementary Teacher’s Perception of Digital Citizenship Program in Mobilizing Schools During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Putra, Feragi Azizun
- Strengthening the Character of the Lampung Sai Batin Community Through Piil Pesenggikhi Local Culture
- Putra, Haris Maiza
- Strengthening Pancasila Philanthropy in the Millennial Generation to Develop Citizenship Character
- Putra, Irwan
- The Influence of Islamic Eco-Spiritual Based Civic Education on Student Ecological Awareness
- Putra, Muhammad Adhitya Hidayat
- Banjarese Cultural Values on the Floating Market as the Foundation of the Religious Character of the Community