Proceedings of the 4th Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2022)

290 authors
Raesi, Diah Citra
The Role of Civic Education Subjects in Shaping the Character of Student Responsibility
Rahim, A.
Letter Forgery in Formal and Material Sense and Its Legal Consequence
Rahim, Abdul
The Redefinition of Prosecution Power in Indonesia
Rahim, Muh. Ibnu Fajar
Letter Forgery in Formal and Material Sense and Its Legal Consequence
Rahman, Ikman Nur
Good Governance Model in a Multicultural Society (A Ethnographic Study on Banuroja in Gorontalo)
Rahmansyah, Aris
Education for MSMEs Through Design Thinking
Exploring into Environmental Protection in Citizenship Education Perspective
Establishment of Student Social Skills Based on 21st Century Competence in the Pandemic Era
Elementary Teacher’s Perception of Digital Citizenship Program in Mobilizing Schools During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Distance Education: Digital Civic Education Developed Awareness for Higher Education
Core Curriculum Model for the Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
The Effectiveness of Quick on the Draw Learning Method to Improve Student Collaboration Skills in Civic Education
Creative Board Game Based Design Pancasila and Civic Education Subject Material
Rahmatiani, Lusiana
Establishment of Student Social Skills Based on 21st Century Competence in the Pandemic Era
Rahmawaty, Dewi
Responsible Environmental of Stdi Students Toward the Environment
Ramadhan, Syahrul
Pedagogic Competence in Primary School: Digital Didactical Design to Develop Teacher’s Performance
Ramadhani, Fahmi Umam
Citizenship Competence (Civic Disposition) in Developing Student Morals
Raudina, Nor Raihan
Proboscis Monkeys (Bekantan) Rescue Community: A Civic Engagement in the Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia Foundation
Razi, Aria Ar
Education for MSMEs Through Design Thinking
Rini, Endah Puspa
Exploring into Environmental Protection in Citizenship Education Perspective
Romlah, Oom Yomi
Improving the Quality of Legal Awareness on Digital Citizenship in Citizenship Education Remotely
Ruchliyadi, Dian Agus
Development of PPKn Learning Model Based on the Character Values of Prince Antasari’s Struggle
Banjarese Cultural Values on the Floating Market as the Foundation of the Religious Character of the Community
Rustandi, Apriya Maharani
Democracy in Youth Participation Is Critical and Inclusive
Sadeli, Elly Hasan
The Actualization of Democratic Values in Banyumas Society
Sahaviriya, Patra
A Framework for Assessing Students Participation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
Salem, Rooswandi
Effectiveness of Implementation of the Performance Accountability System Government Agencies (SAKIP) in Tanah Bumbu Regency 2015–2021
Sangkhaduang, Ranchida
Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
The Influence of Islamic Eco-Spiritual Based Civic Education on Student Ecological Awareness
Sanusi, Aris Riswandi
The Role of Religious-Based Student Organizations in Political Education for National Caderization
Elementary Teacher’s Perception of Digital Citizenship Program in Mobilizing Schools During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Distance Education: Digital Civic Education Developed Awareness for Higher Education
Core Curriculum Model for the Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Strengthening Pancasila Philanthropy in the Millennial Generation to Develop Citizenship Character
Rights or Bonds; Voices from Rural Citizens
Sari, Ani Interdiana Candra
Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning, Creativity, and Environmental Care Attitude
Sarifah, Iva
Environmental Literacy Based on Local Wisdom in Elementary Schools
Shofia Nurun Alanur, S.
“Tanya Wasbang”: Digital Citizenship Project as Strengthening Civic Knowledge and National Insights in Students
Sofyan, Fitri Silvia
The Role of Religious-Based Student Organizations in Political Education for National Caderization
Sopianingsih, Pitria
Peer-Review Statements
Sopianingsih, Pitria
Learning Design Democratic Education Model in Pancasila and Civic Education Base on Development Student Legal Literacy
Subkan, Muhamad
Reconstruction of Citizenship Education to Strengthen National Identity
Suganda, Munandar Wahyudin
The Role of Indonesia’s Digital Citizenship Generation in the Realization of Ethics in Cyberspace
Suhardiyanto, Andi
Exploring the Potentials of Augmented Reality Poster for Civic Education in Indonesia
Sujana, I Putu Windu Mertha
Electronic Module Design of Civic Education for the Development of Dharma Agama and Dharma Negara
Sukma, Elfia
Pedagogic Competence in Primary School: Digital Didactical Design to Develop Teacher’s Performance
Sukmayadi, Trisna
Conceptual Model of Citizenship Learning Projects Based on Data Literacy in Citizenship Education Course
Student Perceptions on Online Learning Effectiveness’ of Civic Education at High Schools in Padang City
Sundawa, Dadang
Formation of the Character of Love Nation Through the Three Pillars of Cianjur Culture at Al-I’anah Cianjur Islamic Junior High School
Sundawa, Dadang
Learning Design Democratic Education Model in Pancasila and Civic Education Base on Development Student Legal Literacy
Multicultural Education in Schools: An Effort to Strengthen Student’s Multicultural Competence
Digital Content Ethics and Communication Skills’ Student Based on Role-Playing Learning
Suryadi, Karim
Democracy in Youth Participation Is Critical and Inclusive
Suryadi, Karim
Religious Populism in Pancasila Democracy Based on Citizen’s Education Perspective
Suryadi, Karim
Intercultural Communication in the Grip: Implications of the Literature Review “Social Media and Intercultural Education”
Suryadi, Karim
Civil Society's Freedom of Expression in Public Sphere: A Mural Artist Perspective
Suryadi, Karim
Radicalism in Indonesia in the Perspective of Merton’s Strain Theory
Voting Behavior of West Javanese Women in Terms of Geographical Location and Cultural
Tanshzil, Sri Wahyuni
Radicalism in Indonesia in the Perspective of Merton’s Strain Theory
Tansui, Daranat
Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
Strengthening Motivation in Social Studies Learning Through Guessing Games Method Post Covid 19
Tiara, Monica
Hypothetical Step Analysis of Flipped Classroom-Cases Method (FC-CM) Learning to Realize Higher-Level Thinking Skills in PPkn/IPS Subjects in Rural Elementary Schools
Exploring the Potentials of Augmented Reality Poster for Civic Education in Indonesia
Tongnuanchan, Siriporn
A Framework for Assessing Students Participation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
Trihastuti, Meiwatizal
Improving the Quality of Legal Awareness on Digital Citizenship in Citizenship Education Remotely
Radicalism, Religious Tolerance of Islamic Spiritual Institution (Rohis) in SMA City of Surakarta
Ulpa, Eska Prawisudawati
Re-enhancing Civic Education Learning Through Podcast Innovative Communication Based on Relevant Society Issues
Umah, Enik Chairul
Hybrid Learning Management in Elementary School
Useng, Nursahida
Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
Wahab, Abdul Azis
Implementing Blended Learning in Civics Education in Forming 21st Century Skills
Wahono, Margi
Social Capital in Islamic Religious-Based Educational Institutions in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era
Political Marketing Through Party Emblems as an Effort to Strengthen Civic Skills
Wajdi, Farid
Classroom Management Through Online Lectures in Student Perspective
Wardhani, Novia Wahyu
Good Governance Model in a Multicultural Society (A Ethnographic Study on Banuroja in Gorontalo)
Wesarat, Phathara-on
A Framework for Assessing Students Participation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
Wesarat, Phathara-on
Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
Widianti, Alifia
Building a Safe Educational Environment from Sexual Violence in the Perspective of Teacher-Prospective Students
Wijaya, Guntur
Growth Mindset of the Digital Citizen in Civics Course
Wijayanti, Tutik
Strengthening the Character of Tolerance Through Habituation of Kindness as an Effort to Anticipate Conflicts in Multicultural Communities in Tempur Village, Jepara Regency
Multicultural Education in Schools: An Effort to Strengthen Student’s Multicultural Competence
Wiratama, Galih Pandu
Formation of the Character of Love Nation Through the Three Pillars of Cianjur Culture at Al-I’anah Cianjur Islamic Junior High School
Yuniawati, Yeni
Local Wisdom Value: Promoting and Branding Tourism Village
Yunita, Nurul
Civil Society's Freedom of Expression in Public Sphere: A Mural Artist Perspective
Radicalism, Religious Tolerance of Islamic Spiritual Institution (Rohis) in SMA City of Surakarta
Yusuf, Rusli
The Influence of Islamic Eco-Spiritual Based Civic Education on Student Ecological Awareness
Pedagogic Competence in Primary School: Digital Didactical Design to Develop Teacher’s Performance
Zein, Sarah Fadilah
Peer-Review Statements
Zein, Sarah Fadilah
A Comparative Study of Character Education Content in Indonesian and the Netherland National Curricula
Zein, Sarah Fadilah
Creative Board Game Based Design Pancasila and Civic Education Subject Material
Intercultural Communication in the Grip: Implications of the Literature Review “Social Media and Intercultural Education”