Proceedings of the 4th Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2022)
290 authors
- Raesi, Diah Citra
- The Role of Civic Education Subjects in Shaping the Character of Student Responsibility
- Rahim, A.
- Letter Forgery in Formal and Material Sense and Its Legal Consequence
- Rahim, Abdul
- The Redefinition of Prosecution Power in Indonesia
- Rahim, Muh. Ibnu Fajar
- Letter Forgery in Formal and Material Sense and Its Legal Consequence
- Rahman, Ikman Nur
- Good Governance Model in a Multicultural Society (A Ethnographic Study on Banuroja in Gorontalo)
- Rahmansyah, Aris
- Education for MSMEs Through Design Thinking
- Rahmat
- Exploring into Environmental Protection in Citizenship Education Perspective
- Rahmat
- Establishment of Student Social Skills Based on 21st Century Competence in the Pandemic Era
- Rahmat
- Elementary Teacher’s Perception of Digital Citizenship Program in Mobilizing Schools During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rahmat
- Distance Education: Digital Civic Education Developed Awareness for Higher Education
- Rahmat
- Core Curriculum Model for the Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Rahmat
- The Effectiveness of Quick on the Draw Learning Method to Improve Student Collaboration Skills in Civic Education
- Rahmat
- Creative Board Game Based Design Pancasila and Civic Education Subject Material
- Rahmatiani, Lusiana
- Establishment of Student Social Skills Based on 21st Century Competence in the Pandemic Era
- Rahmawaty, Dewi
- Responsible Environmental of Stdi Students Toward the Environment
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Pedagogic Competence in Primary School: Digital Didactical Design to Develop Teacher’s Performance
- Ramadhani, Fahmi Umam
- Citizenship Competence (Civic Disposition) in Developing Student Morals
- Raudina, Nor Raihan
- Proboscis Monkeys (Bekantan) Rescue Community: A Civic Engagement in the Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia Foundation
- Razi, Aria Ar
- Education for MSMEs Through Design Thinking
- Rini, Endah Puspa
- Exploring into Environmental Protection in Citizenship Education Perspective
- Romlah, Oom Yomi
- Improving the Quality of Legal Awareness on Digital Citizenship in Citizenship Education Remotely
- Ruchliyadi, Dian Agus
- Development of PPKn Learning Model Based on the Character Values of Prince Antasari’s Struggle
- Rusmaniah
- Banjarese Cultural Values on the Floating Market as the Foundation of the Religious Character of the Community
- Rustandi, Apriya Maharani
- Democracy in Youth Participation Is Critical and Inclusive
- Sadeli, Elly Hasan
- The Actualization of Democratic Values in Banyumas Society
- Sahaviriya, Patra
- A Framework for Assessing Students Participation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
- Salem, Rooswandi
- Effectiveness of Implementation of the Performance Accountability System Government Agencies (SAKIP) in Tanah Bumbu Regency 2015–2021
- Sangkhaduang, Ranchida
- Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
- Sanusi
- The Influence of Islamic Eco-Spiritual Based Civic Education on Student Ecological Awareness
- Sanusi, Aris Riswandi
- The Role of Religious-Based Student Organizations in Political Education for National Caderization
- Sapriya
- Elementary Teacher’s Perception of Digital Citizenship Program in Mobilizing Schools During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sapriya
- Distance Education: Digital Civic Education Developed Awareness for Higher Education
- Sapriya
- Core Curriculum Model for the Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Sapriya
- Strengthening Pancasila Philanthropy in the Millennial Generation to Develop Citizenship Character
- Sarbaini
- Rights or Bonds; Voices from Rural Citizens
- Sari, Ani Interdiana Candra
- Ecobrick is Reviewed as the Source of Learning, Creativity, and Environmental Care Attitude
- Sarifah, Iva
- Environmental Literacy Based on Local Wisdom in Elementary Schools
- Shofia Nurun Alanur, S.
- “Tanya Wasbang”: Digital Citizenship Project as Strengthening Civic Knowledge and National Insights in Students
- Sofyan, Fitri Silvia
- The Role of Religious-Based Student Organizations in Political Education for National Caderization
- Sopianingsih, Pitria
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sopianingsih, Pitria
- Learning Design Democratic Education Model in Pancasila and Civic Education Base on Development Student Legal Literacy
- Subkan, Muhamad
- Reconstruction of Citizenship Education to Strengthen National Identity
- Suganda, Munandar Wahyudin
- The Role of Indonesia’s Digital Citizenship Generation in the Realization of Ethics in Cyberspace
- Suhardiyanto, Andi
- Exploring the Potentials of Augmented Reality Poster for Civic Education in Indonesia
- Sujana, I Putu Windu Mertha
- Electronic Module Design of Civic Education for the Development of Dharma Agama and Dharma Negara
- Sukma, Elfia
- Pedagogic Competence in Primary School: Digital Didactical Design to Develop Teacher’s Performance
- Sukmayadi, Trisna
- Conceptual Model of Citizenship Learning Projects Based on Data Literacy in Citizenship Education Course
- Sumarni
- Student Perceptions on Online Learning Effectiveness’ of Civic Education at High Schools in Padang City
- Sundawa, Dadang
- Formation of the Character of Love Nation Through the Three Pillars of Cianjur Culture at Al-I’anah Cianjur Islamic Junior High School
- Sundawa, Dadang
- Learning Design Democratic Education Model in Pancasila and Civic Education Base on Development Student Legal Literacy
- Supriyono
- Multicultural Education in Schools: An Effort to Strengthen Student’s Multicultural Competence
- Suryadi
- Digital Content Ethics and Communication Skills’ Student Based on Role-Playing Learning
- Suryadi, Karim
- Democracy in Youth Participation Is Critical and Inclusive
- Suryadi, Karim
- Religious Populism in Pancasila Democracy Based on Citizen’s Education Perspective
- Suryadi, Karim
- Intercultural Communication in the Grip: Implications of the Literature Review “Social Media and Intercultural Education”
- Suryadi, Karim
- Civil Society's Freedom of Expression in Public Sphere: A Mural Artist Perspective
- Suryadi, Karim
- Radicalism in Indonesia in the Perspective of Merton’s Strain Theory
- Syaifullah
- Voting Behavior of West Javanese Women in Terms of Geographical Location and Cultural
- Tanshzil, Sri Wahyuni
- Radicalism in Indonesia in the Perspective of Merton’s Strain Theory
- Tansui, Daranat
- Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
- Tetep
- Strengthening Motivation in Social Studies Learning Through Guessing Games Method Post Covid 19
- Tiara, Monica
- Hypothetical Step Analysis of Flipped Classroom-Cases Method (FC-CM) Learning to Realize Higher-Level Thinking Skills in PPkn/IPS Subjects in Rural Elementary Schools
- Tijan
- Exploring the Potentials of Augmented Reality Poster for Civic Education in Indonesia
- Tongnuanchan, Siriporn
- A Framework for Assessing Students Participation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
- Trihastuti, Meiwatizal
- Improving the Quality of Legal Awareness on Digital Citizenship in Citizenship Education Remotely
- Triyanto
- Radicalism, Religious Tolerance of Islamic Spiritual Institution (Rohis) in SMA City of Surakarta
- Ulpa, Eska Prawisudawati
- Re-enhancing Civic Education Learning Through Podcast Innovative Communication Based on Relevant Society Issues
- Umah, Enik Chairul
- Hybrid Learning Management in Elementary School
- Useng, Nursahida
- Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
- Wahab, Abdul Azis
- Implementing Blended Learning in Civics Education in Forming 21st Century Skills
- Wahono, Margi
- Social Capital in Islamic Religious-Based Educational Institutions in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era
- Wahyuni
- Political Marketing Through Party Emblems as an Effort to Strengthen Civic Skills
- Wajdi, Farid
- Classroom Management Through Online Lectures in Student Perspective
- Wardhani, Novia Wahyu
- Good Governance Model in a Multicultural Society (A Ethnographic Study on Banuroja in Gorontalo)
- Wesarat, Phathara-on
- A Framework for Assessing Students Participation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
- Wesarat, Phathara-on
- Identifying Lifelong Learning Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
- Widianti, Alifia
- Building a Safe Educational Environment from Sexual Violence in the Perspective of Teacher-Prospective Students
- Wijaya, Guntur
- Growth Mindset of the Digital Citizen in Civics Course
- Wijayanti, Tutik
- Strengthening the Character of Tolerance Through Habituation of Kindness as an Effort to Anticipate Conflicts in Multicultural Communities in Tempur Village, Jepara Regency
- Wilodati
- Multicultural Education in Schools: An Effort to Strengthen Student’s Multicultural Competence
- Wiratama, Galih Pandu
- Formation of the Character of Love Nation Through the Three Pillars of Cianjur Culture at Al-I’anah Cianjur Islamic Junior High School
- Yuniawati, Yeni
- Local Wisdom Value: Promoting and Branding Tourism Village
- Yunita, Nurul
- Civil Society's Freedom of Expression in Public Sphere: A Mural Artist Perspective
- Yusuf
- Radicalism, Religious Tolerance of Islamic Spiritual Institution (Rohis) in SMA City of Surakarta
- Yusuf, Rusli
- The Influence of Islamic Eco-Spiritual Based Civic Education on Student Ecological Awareness
- Zamzani
- Pedagogic Competence in Primary School: Digital Didactical Design to Develop Teacher’s Performance
- Zein, Sarah Fadilah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Zein, Sarah Fadilah
- A Comparative Study of Character Education Content in Indonesian and the Netherland National Curricula
- Zein, Sarah Fadilah
- Creative Board Game Based Design Pancasila and Civic Education Subject Material
- Zulkifli
- Intercultural Communication in the Grip: Implications of the Literature Review “Social Media and Intercultural Education”