Proceedings of the 9th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS 2023)

177 authors
Putri, Weni Anissa
Do Emotions Affect Students’ Eating Behavior?
Putro, Budi Laksono
Flipped Classroom Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Rahman, Eka Fitrajaya
Flipped Classroom Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Rahmatya, Okma
Development of Student Worksheet Based on The Constructivism on Subject of Organic Chemistry II Study Program of Chemistry Education of FKIP UR
Rahmawati, Ida
Morphological Diversity of Ipomea batatas (L.) Lamb. Leaves Crossed Between Antin 2 and Beta 2
Ramdiah, Siti
Implementation of ASICC-Based Student Worksheets To Improve High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills on the Topic of the Body's Immune System
Rendra, Rendra
Development of Student Worksheet Based on The Constructivism on Subject of Organic Chemistry II Study Program of Chemistry Education of FKIP UR
Ridlo, Saiful
Analysis of Nation Ideology Based Education and STEAM Approach in Science Education Program: A Bibliometric Analysis Using VOSviewer
Rinovian, Asnan
Electrospun PVDF-HFP/MgO Nanofiber Composites: Influence of MgO Nanoparticles Content on Nanostructure, Thermal, Mechanical, and Surface Characteristics
Rizal, Rahmat
Science Process Skills-Based E-Module for Earth and Space Science Class: A Supplemental Teaching Resource of NAAP Basic Coordinates and Seasons Simulator
Rizky, Karina Mulya
Dissolution Study of Lignin from Coconut Fiber as Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Eutectic Based Ionic Liquids
Rosana, Dadan
Student Responses to the Multicultural-Based Ethno-STEAM Learning Model
Rosandi, Yudi
Design and Development of IoT-Based Distributed Vibration Recording Instrument
Rosandi, Yudi
The Application of Machine Learning Algorithms on Triaxial Passive Seismic Data to Identify The Geological Location of The Signal Source
Rosandi, Yudi
Magnetic Susceptibility and Heavy Metal Content of Sediments in the Upstream Citarik River
Rosjanuardi, Rizky
Computational Thinking Level of Student in Statistics Using Computational Thinking Scale
Rosjanuardi, Rizky
Tensor C*-algebra on Two Qubit Spin-1/2 System
Rusdiana, Dadi
Analysis of the Aiken Index in the Development of Scientific Argumentation Written Test on Fluid Mechanics Course
Rusyati, Lilit
Diagnosis of Students’ Conception on Light and Optic Topics with Four-Tier Test
Sakti, Irma
Design of Digital-Based Photoelectric Effect Practicum Devices
Samsudin, Achmad
How is the improvement of critical thinking skills and student collaboration using the ICARE Model on momentum and Implus Topic?
Samsudin, Achmad
What is Needed to Change Students’ Waves Conceptions? Precursory Development of CoSiReT (Computer Simulation on Refutation Texts)
Samsudin, Achmad
Research Trends on Scratch in Education and Creative Thinking Skills in Science Education: A Bibliometric Analysis for Last Ten Years (2014–2023)
Santoso, Agus Muji
Development of ASICC-Based Modern Biotechnology Student Worksheets to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Santoso, Agus Muji
Improving Metacognition Skills through Implementing ASICC-Based Student Worksheets on the Body's Defense System
Santoso, Agus Muji
Implementation of ASICC-Based Student Worksheets To Improve High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills on the Topic of the Body's Immune System
Santoso, Agus Muji
Development of Student Worksheets Containing Green/Blue Economy for Prospective Teacher Students
Santoso, Agus Muji
The Maturase K Region of Kebak, A Javanese Cultural Flora
Santoso, Agus Muji
Morphological Diversity of Ipomea batatas (L.) Lamb. Leaves Crossed Between Antin 2 and Beta 2
Septiani, Rani Putri
Voices from the Classroom: Students’ Perspectives on ARIPSA’s Role in Assessing Problem-Solving Skills
Shafaria, Mileani
Magnetic Susceptibility and Heavy Metal Content of Sediments in the Upstream Citarik River
Siahaan, Parsaoran
How is the improvement of critical thinking skills and student collaboration using the ICARE Model on momentum and Implus Topic?
Siallagan, Zen Ladestam
Water Quality Analysis Based on Total Coliform Bacteria in Ambon Bay
Simarmata, Ruth Helen
Comic Based on Creative Problem Solving to Enhance Mathematical Representation for Visual Learning Style
Solihat, Rini
How is Student’s Awareness to Support Zero Food Waste for Sustainable Food System?
Solihat, Rini
Do Emotions Affect Students’ Eating Behavior?
Sufarman, Amma
Analysis of the Aiken Index in the Development of Scientific Argumentation Written Test on Fluid Mechanics Course
Suhendi, Endi
How is the improvement of critical thinking skills and student collaboration using the ICARE Model on momentum and Implus Topic?
Suhendi, Endi
What is Needed to Change Students’ Waves Conceptions? Precursory Development of CoSiReT (Computer Simulation on Refutation Texts)
Sujarwanto, Eko
The Influence of Quantum Teaching on Problem-solving skills in the Context of Lifelong Learning
Morphological Diversity of Ipomea batatas (L.) Lamb. Leaves Crossed Between Antin 2 and Beta 2
Sulistiyowati, Tutut Indah
The Maturase K Region of Kebak, A Javanese Cultural Flora
Sulistyaningsih, Dwi
Science Process Skills-Based E-Module for Earth and Space Science Class: A Supplemental Teaching Resource of NAAP Basic Coordinates and Seasons Simulator
Sultan, Ana Dhiqfaini
Design of Digital-Based Photoelectric Effect Practicum Devices
Supriyanti, Florentina Maria Titin
Physicochemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Soymilk Ice Cream with The Addition of Jamun Fruit (Syzygium cumini) and Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana)
Susanti, Ely
Comic Based on Creative Problem Solving to Enhance Mathematical Representation for Visual Learning Style
Susilawati, Susilawati
Development of Student Worksheet Based on The Constructivism on Subject of Organic Chemistry II Study Program of Chemistry Education of FKIP UR
Syaadah, Rika Siti
Implementation Zero Waste Habits at Vocational School
Tamuntuan, Gerald Hendrik
Magnetic Susceptibility and Heavy Metal Content of Sediments in the Upstream Citarik River
Taufiq, Muhamad
Research Trends on Scratch in Education and Creative Thinking Skills in Science Education: A Bibliometric Analysis for Last Ten Years (2014–2023)
Taufiq, Muhamad
Bridging ESD Competencies in Environmental Chemistry Learning: A Decadal Bibliometric Analysis
Utami, Budhi
Improving Metacognition Skills through Implementing ASICC-Based Student Worksheets on the Body's Defense System
Utami, Budhi
Implementation of ASICC-Based Student Worksheets To Improve High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills on the Topic of the Body's Immune System
Utami, Budhi
Morphological Diversity of Ipomea batatas (L.) Lamb. Leaves Crossed Between Antin 2 and Beta 2
Utami, Nurul Hidayati
Implementation of Learning Management System in Face-To-Face and Virtual Learning on Students’ Cognitive Abilities on Biology Materials
Wahyu, Wawan
The Effectiveness Of C-R-E-A-T-E Model Through TCOF in Making Natural Voltaic Cell to Build High School Students’ Creativity
Wahyudi, Rendy Ramadhana
Design and Development of IoT-Based Distributed Vibration Recording Instrument
Warliani, Resti
Voices from the Classroom: Students’ Perspectives on ARIPSA’s Role in Assessing Problem-Solving Skills
Waslaluddin, Waslaluddin
Flipped Classroom Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Widiyanti, Adelia
Implementation of ASICC-Based Student Worksheets To Improve High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills on the Topic of the Body's Immune System
Widodo, Ari
A Cloning Issue of Human, Animal, and Plant in Science Teachers’ Argumentation: A study in Islamic Organization-Based Schools
Widodo, Ari
How is Student’s Awareness to Support Zero Food Waste for Sustainable Food System?
Widodo, Ari
Do Emotions Affect Students’ Eating Behavior?
Widodo, Ari
Diagnosis of Students’ Conception on Light and Optic Topics with Four-Tier Test
Widyaningsih, Mia
Dissolution Study of Lignin from Coconut Fiber as Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Eutectic Based Ionic Liquids
Wijayanti, Arfilia
Analysis of Nation Ideology Based Education and STEAM Approach in Science Education Program: A Bibliometric Analysis Using VOSviewer
Wiyanto, Wiyanto
Analysis of Nation Ideology Based Education and STEAM Approach in Science Education Program: A Bibliometric Analysis Using VOSviewer
Wulandari, Ria
Student Responses to the Multicultural-Based Ethno-STEAM Learning Model
Yovanie, Faira
Implementation of Blended Learning Flex Model to Improve Chemistry Learning Outcomes in Acid and Base of Class XI MIPA SMAN 4 Pekanbaru
Yuliani, Galuh
Peer-review Statements
Yulianti, Kartika
Planning Evacuation Routes in Rise Buildings Using Maximum Dynamic Flow Approach
Yulianti, Kartika
Effect of a Small Insoluble Surfactant Concentration on the Shape of a Steady Sessile Drop
Zakwandi, Rizki
Peer-review Statements
Zubaidah, Siti
Development of Student Worksheets Containing Green/Blue Economy for Prospective Teacher Students
Zulfikar, Muhammad Ali
Electrospun PVDF-HFP/MgO Nanofiber Composites: Influence of MgO Nanoparticles Content on Nanostructure, Thermal, Mechanical, and Surface Characteristics
Zulkarnain, Izuardo
Flipped Classroom Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
de Fretes, Charlie Ester
Water Quality Analysis Based on Total Coliform Bacteria in Ambon Bay