Proceedings of the 9th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS 2023)

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42 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-review Statements

Fitri Khoerunnisa, Galuh Yuliani, Rizki Zakwandi
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 9th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS 2023) during October 21st, 2023, in Bandung, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and...
Proceedings Article

How is the improvement of critical thinking skills and student collaboration using the ICARE Model on momentum and Implus Topic?

Carolina Sri Athena Barus, Parsaoran Siahaan, Endi Suhendi, Achmad Samsudin
The purpose of this research is to improve students’ critical thinking skills and collaboration skills in learning using the ICARE model (Introduction, Connection, Application, Reflection and Extendtion). The research design used is explanatory sequential mixed method. The instruments used in the study...
Proceedings Article

Water Quality Analysis Based on Total Coliform Bacteria in Ambon Bay

Zen Ladestam Siallagan, Charlie Ester de Fretes
Ambon Bay is divided into two main parts, namely the Inner Ambon Bay (IAB) and the Outer Ambon Bay (OAB). The quality of Ambon Bay waters continues to decline along with increased activity around the bay. This study aims to determine the health quality of the waters around Ambon Bay from a microbiological...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Blended Learning Flex Model to Improve Chemistry Learning Outcomes in Acid and Base of Class XI MIPA SMAN 4 Pekanbaru

Maria Erna, Abdullah Abdullah, Faira Yovanie
The implementation of less effective learning models causes low student chemistry learning outcomes, so a learning model that involves students is needed to be active and independent. In this study, the Flex model Blended Learning was applied which can improve learning outcomes on acid and base. The...
Proceedings Article

Development of Student Worksheet Based on The Constructivism on Subject of Organic Chemistry II Study Program of Chemistry Education of FKIP UR

Susilawati Susilawati, Jimmi Copriady, Maria Erna, Hasnah Hasnah, Rendra Rendra, Nurul Auliya Nisa, Okma Rahmatya
The learning of organic chemistry in Study Program of Chemistry Education, FKIP UR has not been using an effective, innovative, and valid of student’s work sheet (SWS). Lecturers try to develop of SWS based on constructivism in organic chemistry II course. The formulation of the problem in the research...
Proceedings Article

Voices from the Classroom: Students’ Perspectives on ARIPSA’s Role in Assessing Problem-Solving Skills

Siti Nurdianti Muhajir, Resti Warliani, Rani Putri Septiani
To address the complexities of the 21st century, it is essential for society to be armed with relevant competencies, of which problem-solving skills are paramount. A comprehensive assessment that reflects their problem-solving acumen is necessary to gauge students’ capabilities in this area. This study...
Proceedings Article

Design and Development of IoT-Based Distributed Vibration Recording Instrument

Rendy Ramadhana Wahyudi, Yudi Rosandi
The IoT technology has a vast range of applications in nowadays human activities. In this work we report the development of wireless vibration sensors in order to detect the ground vibrations, based on the SM-4 geophone sensors. This study demonstrates the feasibility of deploying a cost-effective geophone...
Proceedings Article

Electrospun PVDF-HFP/MgO Nanofiber Composites: Influence of MgO Nanoparticles Content on Nanostructure, Thermal, Mechanical, and Surface Characteristics

Asnan Rinovian, Muhamad Nasir, Muhammad Ali Zulfikar, Swasmi Purwajanti, Nugraha, Nurrahmi Handayani, Muhammad Amin
PVDF-HFP/MgO nanofiber composites have been successfully synthesized using the electrospinning process. The successful synthesis of the PVDF-HFP/MgO nanofiber composites was confirmed through XRD, FTIR, and SEM analyses. In the XRD results, distinct peaks were observed at diffraction angles of 42.80°...
Proceedings Article

Computational Thinking Level of Student in Statistics Using Computational Thinking Scale

Harsa Wara Prabawa, Rizky Rosjanuardi, Elah Nurlaelah
A review of the literature on Computational Thinking has revealed the importance of computational thinking (CT) as an effective approach in problem-solving, especially when associated with the presence of technology as a means to formulate problem solutions. Using the Computational Thinking Scale (CTS),...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Machine Learning Algorithms on Triaxial Passive Seismic Data to Identify The Geological Location of The Signal Source

Muhammad Randy Azhari, Bagus Mahendro Wibowo Adhi, Evi Fazriati, Yudi Rosandi
The characteristics of ground vibration are determined by the local geological and physical conditions of the Earth. Such vibrations can be detected using the passive seismic measurement. This research aims to create an advanced signal processing program to classify the local characteristic of ground...
Proceedings Article

A Cloning Issue of Human, Animal, and Plant in Science Teachers’ Argumentation: A study in Islamic Organization-Based Schools

Afridha Laily Alindra, Ari Widodo, Fitri Nuraeni, Nenden Permas Hikmatunisa, Hafiziani Eka Putri
Cloning is a fascinating topic in the socio-scientific question. This is a contentious question in both religion and science. Science teachers must be able to deliver this topic proportionally in the practice of science learning in class. The purpose of this study is to investigate how science teachers...
Proceedings Article

Science Process Skills-Based E-Module for Earth and Space Science Class: A Supplemental Teaching Resource of NAAP Basic Coordinates and Seasons Simulator

Ifa Rifatul Mahmudah, Rahmat Rizal, Rifaatul Maulidah, Dwi Sulistyaningsih
Living in this interconnected world, students require having science process skills. The study of science process skills-based instructional material has been on the rise for the last decade. Yet there are few regarding the developing science process skills-based electronic module (e-module) for higher-education...
Proceedings Article

How is Student’s Awareness to Support Zero Food Waste for Sustainable Food System?

Ghina Nur Inayah, Ari Widodo, Rini Solihat
Food waste is a primary concern worldwide, accounting for almost a third of the total food produced is wasted [1]. Discarded food fills landfills and creates a massive waste of energy and a threatening source of methane gas. This study aims to see students’ awareness of supporting zero food waste for...
Proceedings Article

Planning Evacuation Routes in Rise Buildings Using Maximum Dynamic Flow Approach

Khusnul Novianingsih, Beriel Ilham, Kartika Yulianti, Sumanang M. Gozali
Planning evacuation route is one important aspect in disaster management. This research study a problem to determine optimal evacuation routes in rise buildings. we model a problem to maximize the number of people that must be evacuated from several points to some assembly points in a short period of...
Proceedings Article

Do Emotions Affect Students’ Eating Behavior?

Weni Anissa Putri, Ari Widodo, Rini Solihat
Students’ emotions may affect eating behavior when students have negative and positive emotions that can affect how much they over-eat or less-eat. This research aims to analyze how emotion affects students’ eating behavior. The participants are 20 students from 8th grade from one private school in Bandung,...
Proceedings Article

Design of Digital-Based Photoelectric Effect Practicum Devices

Dewi Hikmah Marisda, Ana Dhiqfaini Sultan, Syamsuriana Basri, Irma Sakti, Nurjannah, Mutiara Siska Aprilia
Some universities provide laboratories and practical units for modern physics, some do not. It only has modern theoretical physics courses which are usually imposed on students in the fifth semester. Based on the analysis of the material and lecture achievements at the predetermined stages, the researcher...
Proceedings Article

Solving Airline Crew Scheduling Problems by Identifying the Existence of Crew Swaps

Khusnul Novianingsih
We investigate a problem for solving airline crew recovery problem efficiently. We present a concept to identify the candidate crew swaps in the operation of airline crew schedules. We show that crew recovery problem can be solved by canceling disjoint cycles in crew routes. Moreover, candidate crew...
Proceedings Article

Diagnosis of Students’ Conception on Light and Optic Topics with Four-Tier Test

Rossy Andini Herindra Putri, Ari Widodo, Lilit Rusyati
Students’ conception is defined as the way students make sense of a range of natural phenomena. Identifying students’ conception is essential because it leads to more focused teaching and enables teachers to prevent and eliminate misconceptions. The four-tier test is chosen because it is a stronger and...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Quantum Teaching on Problem-solving skills in the Context of Lifelong Learning

Sylvia Nur Azizah, Eko Sujarwanto, Ifa Rifatul Mahmudah
Quantum teaching states that the learning environment and learning media are designed to be able to provide knowledge that can be accepted by students. Quantum teaching also implies that every student’s learning efforts should be recognized and every achievement should be celebrated. These principles...
Proceedings Article

What is Needed to Change Students’ Waves Conceptions? Precursory Development of CoSiReT (Computer Simulation on Refutation Texts)

Shobrina Nurul Mufida, Achmad Samsudin, Endi Suhendi, Ida Kaniawati, Hera Novia, Bayram Coştu
Before learning activities in class, some students have various conceptions, especially potential misconceptions. Therefore, this examination aims to develop Computer Simulation on Refutation Texts (CoSiReT) for wave learning. Updates on refutation text are useful to facilitate changing students’ conceptions...
Proceedings Article

Student Responses to the Multicultural-Based Ethno-STEAM Learning Model

Ria Wulandari, Sri Atun, Dadan Rosana
The purpose of writing this article is to determine the practicality of the multicultural-based Ethno-STEAM learning model that has been developed in terms of the responses given by students. Responses measured include eth-no-STEAM and multicultural. The type of research used is research and development...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Aiken Index in the Development of Scientific Argumentation Written Test on Fluid Mechanics Course

Diniya Diniya, Muslim Muslim, Dadi Rusdiana, Niki Dian Permana, Riza Andriani, Amma Sufarman, Mentari Darma Putri, Neni Hermita, Fitri Nuraeni
Scientific communication skill is one of the important assessments in 21st-century learning, including in science learning. In this regard, one form of scientific communication is familiarly known as scientific argumentation. Scientific argumentation skills can be trained since high schools to the university...
Proceedings Article

Flipped Classroom Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

Budi Laksono Putro, Izuardo Zulkarnain, Waslaluddin Waslaluddin, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra, Eka Fitrajaya Rahman
Today's students have a characteristic interest in technology. Flipped Classroom is a technology-savvy learning app. Flipped classroom for access to material for more flexibility. The teacher's primary role shifts from the lesson source to the role of the student learning guide. The problem...
Proceedings Article

Physicochemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Soymilk Ice Cream with The Addition of Jamun Fruit (Syzygium cumini) and Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana)

Florentina Maria Titin Supriyanti, Yusrianti Sabrina Kurniadianti, Ali Kusrijadi
This study aims to determine the physicochemical properties, antioxidant activity, and organoleptic acceptability of soymilk ice cream fortified with jamun fruit and stevia. The methods used included the production of jamun and stevia extracts, production of soymilk, production of eleven variants of...
Proceedings Article

Magnetic Susceptibility and Heavy Metal Content of Sediments in the Upstream Citarik River

Kartika Hajar Kirana, Rifky Darmawan, Mileani Shafaria, Dini Fitriani, Eleonora Agustine, Gerald Hendrik Tamuntuan, Yudi Rosandi
The Citarik River is one of the Citarum sub-watersheds that originates in the Kareumbi Masigit Forest Conservation Area, Sumedang Regency. The number of human activities around the upstream Citarik River can affect the quality of water and sediment. To identify the anthropogenic effect, we conducted...
Proceedings Article

Research Trends on Scratch in Education and Creative Thinking Skills in Science Education: A Bibliometric Analysis for Last Ten Years (2014–2023)

Muhamad Taufiq, Ida Kaniawati, Liliasari Liliasari, Achmad Samsudin
Scratch in Education plays a crucial role in advancing creative thinking skills, one of the competencies of the 21st century, by providing students with practical experience in designing programming projects, stimulating their creative thinking, and promoting understanding of science concepts through...
Proceedings Article

Bridging ESD Competencies in Environmental Chemistry Learning: A Decadal Bibliometric Analysis

Murbangun Nuswowati, Harjito Harjito, Abdul Jabbar, Muhamad Taufiq
Integrating ESD competencies into the curriculum of environmental chemistry courses is essential to foster a generation capable of addressing intricate environmental issues. This research aims to know the development of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) competencies in Environmental Chemistry...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Learning Management System in Face-To-Face and Virtual Learning on Students’ Cognitive Abilities on Biology Materials

Nurul Hidayati Utami, Aminuddin Prahatama Putra, Kaspul Kaspul
Biology learning has characteristics with living creatures as objects. These objects are concrete and can be sensed by the learner. During the recovery process from Biology learning during the Covid 19 pandemic, various innovations have been carried out on a massive scale. One of the learning innovations...
Proceedings Article

Comic Based on Creative Problem Solving to Enhance Mathematical Representation for Visual Learning Style

Ely Susanti, Anantia Afiah Mirantty, Hapizah Hapizah, Indaryanti Indaryanti, Isra’atun, Ruth Helen Simarmata
Students with a visual learning style usually use that contain with a lot of figures, as well as stories that contain lots of color. This study aims to develop a valid and practical mathematics comic based on creative problem solving and its effect in mathematical representation of students with visual...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Nation Ideology Based Education and STEAM Approach in Science Education Program: A Bibliometric Analysis Using VOSviewer

Arfilia Wijayanti, Wiyanto Wiyanto, Saiful Ridlo, Parmin Parmin
The rapid development of knowledge and technology in the 21st century has become a support for increasing the quality and competitiveness of a nation. Integration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) has been widely developed in the implementation of science education programs,...
Proceedings Article

Tensor C*-algebra on Two Qubit Spin-1/2 System

Rivani Adistia Dewi, Imam Nugraha Albania, Rizky Rosjanuardi, Sumanang Muhtar Gozali
Spin-1/2 system is one of the most important phenomenon in quantum mechanics. Such a system is known to be expressed as Pauli matrices, that is  σ 1 = ...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness Of C-R-E-A-T-E Model Through TCOF in Making Natural Voltaic Cell to Build High School Students’ Creativity

Wawan Wahyu, Ali Kusrijadi
In recent, research about students’ creativity is still being developed because students’ creativity is a part of 21st century skills. Connecting-Restructuring-Elaborating-Applying-Tasking-Evaluating (C-R-E-A-T-E) model is an alternative model to build students’ creativity. The implementation of the...
Proceedings Article

Dissolution Study of Lignin from Coconut Fiber as Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Eutectic Based Ionic Liquids

Ahmad Mudzakir, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Eddy Heraldy, Jon Efendi, Karina Mulya Rizky, Mia Widyaningsih, Lewi Stefanus Anggiat
Eutectic Based Ionic Liquids (EILs) are a new alternative to conventional ionic liquids which are considered cheaper, more environmentally friendly and biodegradable for use as a solvent in the chemical process of lignin. The aim of this research is to study the chemical process of lignin dissolution...
Proceedings Article

Development of ASICC-Based Modern Biotechnology Student Worksheets to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

Silvi Fitria Kumalasari, Nyoto Pujiadi, Dina Maulina, Dwi Ari Budiretnani, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Agus Muji Santoso
This research aims to develop modern biotechnology worksheets to improve high school students’ critical thinking skills. This research uses design research with a development study which consisting of preliminary studies and prototyping. The research was conducted to senior high school in Kediri, East...
Proceedings Article

Improving Metacognition Skills through Implementing ASICC-Based Student Worksheets on the Body's Defense System

Titik Ernawati, Denis Agustin, Nurul Agustini, Ericka Darmawan, Budhi Utami, Poppy Rahmantika Primandiri, Agus Muji Santoso
The body's defense system material is considered difficult by students because it contains abstract concepts. Based on the results of the preliminary study, students’ metacognitive skills have not been trained. ASICC is a learning model that is proven to be able to improve high-level thinking skills....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of ASICC-Based Student Worksheets To Improve High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills on the Topic of the Body's Immune System

Adelia Widiyanti, Irfan Marzuki, Nyoto Pujiandi, Siti Ramdiah, Budhi Utami, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Agus Muji Santoso
Critical thinking is a thinking skill that involves complex cognitive processes. Based on the results of a preliminary study, it was revealed that learning at SMAN Negeri 1 Kediri is still carried out conventionally, causing students’ critical thinking skills to be low. Critical thinking can be trained...
Proceedings Article

Development of Student Worksheets Containing Green/Blue Economy for Prospective Teacher Students

Agus Muji Santoso, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Siti Zubaidah
Environmental damage, pollution, management of marine resources, and declining biodiversity indices have become global issues. The results of preliminary studies have shown that learning in education courses (for prospective teachers) has not integrated green and blue economy issues. In fact, the green/blue...
Proceedings Article

The Maturase K Region of Kebak, A Javanese Cultural Flora

Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Muhammad Rifqi Hariri, Tutut Indah Sulistiyowati, Agus Muji Santoso
Kebak is a historically significant plant in the Javanese cultural activity Ngunggahne Beras. During field collection, several plants are morphologically indistinguishable, demanding the use of DNA sequences to back up the results of morphological identification. This research aims to describe the maturase...
Proceedings Article

Morphological Diversity of Ipomea batatas (L.) Lamb. Leaves Crossed Between Antin 2 and Beta 2

Sulistiono, Ida Rahmawati, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Budhi Utami, Mumun Nurmilawati, Agus Muji Santoso
Sweet potato has high genetic diversity. Analysis of genetic diversity based on phenotypic traits plays an important role in plant breeding. This study aims to describe the diversity of morphological structure of sweet potato leaves resulting from crosses between Antin 2 and Beta 2 accessions. The study...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Zero Waste Habits at Vocational School

Rika Siti Syaadah
Waste is a major problem in society, the issue about waste is big global issues. Increasing population means increasing waste produced. The lack awareness of waste management makes the environment worse. This problem can’t be solved by government only, but this problem required collaboration of the whole...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Publication Trends on Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Erna Piantari, Dwi Novia Al Husaeni, Ani Anisyah, Erlangga Erlangga
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of study in computer science that aims to build machines with intelligence like humans. AI-based technology is currently quite advanced and is used in many industries, including education. The application of AI in education is considered to have great potential...
Proceedings Article

Effect of a Small Insoluble Surfactant Concentration on the Shape of a Steady Sessile Drop

Kartika Yulianti, Agus Yodi Gunawan
In this research, we constructed a mathematical model to describe the influence of a surfactant concentration on the shape of a steady sessile drop, more specifically to the alteration of its contact angle. We used the Young-Laplace equation the shape of drop and proposed a model for the distribution...