Proceedings of the 9th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS 2023)

Conference: Proceedings of the 9th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS 2023)
Date: 21 October 2023
Location: Bandung, Indonesia (Offline)

On behalf of the publication team, we are honoured and delighted to present the 9th biannual Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS) proceeding entitled “Shaping the Future: Trends and Insights inMathematics, Computer, and Science Education Research to Support SDGs”. In regard to this topic, sustainability is closely linked to global environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, water scarcity, and pollution. These problems transcend national boundaries and require international cooperation to address effectively.

We are privileged to have an exceptional group of keynotes and invited speakers as well as panelists who have given their insights and perspectives on promoting sustain- ability through education and research. In particular, education possesses the power to shape attitudes and behaviors, equipping individuals with knowledge and skills to con- tribute on sustainability. Moreover, research and innovation on sustainability can invent and offer novel products that directly contribute to achieving sustainable development goals.

This conference proceeding contains selected articles from the 9th MSCEIS confer ence, rigorously reviewed by experts in their fields. This proceeding contained 41 articles that were selected from 75 articles submitted by participants.We are very confident that the conference proceedings will be a good reference on how to address issues and chal- lenges on sustainability, especially in mathematics, sciences, and education perspective. This proceeding can be particularly useful for academicians, scientists, researchers, and other stakeholders to grasp ideas, strategies, and innovative solutions on sustainability issues in education.

This conference proceedings would not be possible without generous support and contribution from the all the reviewers, editors, and the committee. Finally, we would like to thank all the participants, for enriching this biannual conference proceeding by your valuable insights. We do really hope that this conference proceeding will be an intellectually exciting and enjoyable book for all.

Thank you very much,
The Publication Committee of 9th MSCEIS

Fitri Khoerunnisa
Galuh Yuliani
Rizki Zakwandi