Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE 2020)

378 authors
Developing an Online Mobile Based Diagnostic Instrument to Identify Science Misconceptions for Junior High School Students
Nurhidayah, Lely
Integrated of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) for Pre-Service Science Teachers: Literature Review
Teacher Needs Analysis on the Development of Android-Based Chemistry Learning Media
Nurmalasari, Puspa
The Profile of High School Students’ Reflective Judgment and Argumentation Skills in Biology
Level of Preparedness of Grade XII High School Students in Facing Disaster
Profile of Biology Teachers’ Understanding on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) in Bantul Regency Based-on Teaching Experiences and Gender
Biology Teachers’ Understanding of Argument-Driven Inquiry and Think Pair Share Learning Model Based on the Educational Background and Teachers’ Experience
Biology Teacher’s Knowledge About Discovery Learning and Team Assisted Individualization Model Based on Teaching Experience
Analysis of Biology Teacher’s Understanding in Lebak Regency Towards Environmental Literacy Based on Teaching Experience
Preliminary Study: Profile of Critical and Creative Thinking in Undergraduate Students of Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
The Role of ICT Literacy Opinion on ICT Self-Efficacy and AR Opinion on Teacher Education Students
Pangestika, Widya
Chemistry Learning Anxiety Scale: A Scale Development
Panjaitan, Muchtar Haryanto
Profile About Initial Soft Skills Understanding of Pre-Service Science Teachers’
Panjaitan, Muchtar Haryanto
Students’ Environmental Literacy Understanding in Science Learning: A Preliminary Study
Panjaitan, Muchtar Haryanto
Advancing Students’ Environmental Sustainability Awareness Through Science Mobile Learning: A Literature Review
Perdana, Riki
The Implementation of Blended Learning and Peer Tutor Strategies in Pandemic Era: A Systematic Review
Permata, Mika Dwi
Developing an E-Module Physics-Based Kvisoft Flipbook Maker to Enhance the Concept of Understanding for the Senior High School Student
Permata, Mika Dwi
The Effect of Using the E-Module Assisted by the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker in Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Prakasiwi, L R
The Level of Critical Thinking Ability of Students in the Learning by Using Adobe Animate Based Learning Media
Prakasiwi, Lintang Rizham
Development of Adobe Animate Assisted Physics Learning Media as Online Learning Aid
Pramiana, Sylmi
Profile of Students’ Pro-Environmental Attitude: In Adiwiyata’s School at Wonosobo
Pramudawardani, Hanis
Perception Graduates Science Education in Socio Scientific Issues Related with Scientific Communication and Critical Attitude
Pramusinta, Wahyu
Science Learning and Environment: Analysis of Student’s Scientific Literacy Based on Indonesia’s Waste Problem
Pramusinta, Wahyu Anggraini
Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA) Learning Media on Lens Experiment Simulation
Pramusinta, Wahyu Anggraini
Need Analysis of Science E-book Based on Tri Pusat Pendidikan (Three Center of Education) Approach for Junior High School Students
Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
Student Worksheet Based on E-Learning Development to Improve Problem-Solving Skills of Class X MAN 3 Yogyakarta Students in 2019/2020
Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
The Effect of E-Learning Based Worksheet to Improve Problem Solving Ability of Senior High School Students
Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
The Application of Contextual Physics Teaching Materials Assisted by Android-Based Virtual Labs to Improve Students’ Science Process Skills During the Learning Activities in Covid-19 Pandemic
Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
A Preliminary Study of Student’s Initial Technology and Engineering Literacy
Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
Exploring Students’ Decision-Making Ability in the Context of Socio-Scientific Issues
Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
Perception Graduates Science Education in Socio Scientific Issues Related with Scientific Communication and Critical Attitude
Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
Interactive E-book in Local Potention-Integrated Natural Science Contextual Teaching & Learning During COVID-19 Distruption to Recovery: A Content Analysis
Pratiwi, Mira
Awareness Towards COVID-19 Among Junior High School Student: A Questionnaire Based Survey
Pratomo, Galih Nur
Student’s Misconception Profile of First Semester 10th Grade on Biology
Priambodo, Yustar Afif
The Analysis of Initial Achievement of Crosscutting Concept: Cause-Effect and Critical Thinking of Junior School Students in Ceramics Crafts-Integrated Natural Science Learning
Priambodo, Yustar Afif
Interactive E-book in Local Potention-Integrated Natural Science Contextual Teaching & Learning During COVID-19 Distruption to Recovery: A Content Analysis
Prihandayu, Opnofti
Biology Teachers’ Understanding of Argument-Driven Inquiry and Think Pair Share Learning Model Based on the Educational Background and Teachers’ Experience
Priyambodo, Erfan
Developing Android-Based Media for Evaluating Chemical Literacy of Senior High School Students
Prodjosantoso, Anti Kolonial
Teaching Tools Based on Socio-Scientific Issues on Acid-Base Topic for Chemistry Learning at High School: A Needs Analysis
Prodjosantoso, Anti Kolonial
Comparison of Regarding Students’ Learning Motivation by Gender During the Online Learning
Natural Science Teacher Perception on Subject Specific Pedagogy Integrated Earthquake Disaster Mitigation
Energy Literacy of Junior High School Students in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Awareness Towards COVID-19 Among Junior High School Student: A Questionnaire Based Survey
Pandemic Era, Education Support Technology: The Potential for Augmented Reality in Science Learning
Students’ Environmental Literacy Understanding in Science Learning: A Preliminary Study
Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students’ Based Local Potentian of Making Kempul/Gong Reyog Ponorogo
Pulungan, Delyanti Azzumarito
Comparison of Regarding Students’ Learning Motivation by Gender During the Online Learning
Puspitaningrum, Nimas Putri Dewi
Comparison of Regarding Students’ Learning Motivation by Gender During the Online Learning
Puspitasari, Devi
Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA) Learning Media on Lens Experiment Simulation
Puspitasari, Devi
Need Analysis of Science E-book Based on Tri Pusat Pendidikan (Three Center of Education) Approach for Junior High School Students
Puspitasari, Hana
Pandemic Era, Education Support Technology: The Potential for Augmented Reality in Science Learning
Putra, Edysyah
How Can Scientific Approach Enhancing Student’s Curiosity and Learning Outcomes in Science Learning?
Raharja, Setya
Improving Learning Motivation and the Ability to Organism Categorize with Think Pair Share Learning Model
Raharjo, Sentot Budi
The Need Analysis of Guided Inquiry-Based Electronic Module Using Virtual Laboratory for Chemistry Learning
Raharjo, Tri Joko
Practical Skills of Pakistani and Indonesian Students A Comparative Analysis
Rahayu, Puji
Developing Physics Digital Literacy Skill Diagnostic Test Assisted by Google Form for Senior High School Students
Rahayu, Puji
Review A Trending and Interesting Topic of ‘Aloe Vera: Healthy Lifestyle Trends Through Functional Food Consumption’ in Science Learning
Rahayu, Puji
Developing an Online Mobile Based Diagnostic Instrument to Identify Science Misconceptions for Junior High School Students
Rahayu, Sri
Examining High School Students’ Ill-Structured Problem Solving Skills on Chemistry Problems Related to COVID-19
Rahayu, Sri
Turning Crisis into Opportunity: Indonesian Chemistry Teachers’ Perceptions of Socio-Scientific Issues in COVID-19
Rahmadani, Nurul Fitri
Chemistry Teachers’ Perspectives on Virtual STEM Laboratories as Learning Media
Rahmat, Adi
Student Cognitive Activities in Biogeochemical Cycle Learning Using Modeling Example
The Effect of Contextual Physics Teaching Materials Assisted by an Android-Based Virtual Lab to Improve Students’ Conceptual Understanding During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Application of Contextual Physics Teaching Materials Assisted by Android-Based Virtual Labs to Improve Students’ Science Process Skills During the Learning Activities in Covid-19 Pandemic
Rahmawati, Ratih Galuh
The Effectiveness of STEM-Based Student Worksheets to Improve Students’ Data Literacy
Rahmawati, Ratih Galuh
Development of Worksheet Based on STEM-PBL with PhET Simulation to Improve Student’s Problem Solving During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rasis, Rifqi
Preliminary Study: Profile of Critical and Creative Thinking in Undergraduate Students of Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Needs Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Matter in Junior High School Science Learning in Yogyakarta Special Region
Ravista, Natalia Dwiasty
An Analysis of the Need for Developing E-Module Based on Problem Based Learning Utilizing Virtual Laboratory on the Digestive System Material
Retnawati, Heri
Analysis Difficulties and Characteristics of Item Test of on Biology National Standard School Examination
Retnowati, Heri
Group Investigation to Improve Science at Primary School
Level of Preparedness of Grade XII High School Students in Facing Disaster
Rohaeti, Eli
Research-Oriented Collaborative Inquiry Learning (REORCILEA) Model: Improvement of Students’ Analytical Thinking Ability in High School Chemistry Learning
Rosana, Dadan
Augmented Reality Based on Learning Assessment
Rosana, Dadan
The Profile of Scientific Literacy in Student’s Junior High School 1 Kesamben with Local Wisdom
Rosawati, Ervita Eka
Turning Crisis into Opportunity: Indonesian Chemistry Teachers’ Perceptions of Socio-Scientific Issues in COVID-19
Rusmalinda, Riski
Biology Teacher’s Knowledge About Discovery Learning and Team Assisted Individualization Model Based on Teaching Experience
Rustaman, Nuryani Yogipranata
Expert Views on the Depth of Ecological Concepts at the Elementary and Middle School Levels
Safitri, Ardila
Developing an E-Module Physics-Based Kvisoft Flipbook Maker to Enhance the Concept of Understanding for the Senior High School Student
Safitri, Ardila
The Effect of Using the E-Module Assisted by the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker in Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Safitri, Dhamar Widya
A Literature Review of Human, Organization, Technology (HOT) – Fit Evaluation Model
Practical Skills of Pakistani and Indonesian Students A Comparative Analysis
Sampouw, Falenthino
Chemistry Teacher’s Perception About Their Technology, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Santi, Marleni Tri
Learning Activities Based on Learning Cycle 7E Model: Chemistry Teachers’ Perspective
Santoso, Agus
Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills in STEM-Based Science Learning Through Project Assignments
Saputra, Aditya Nugraha Surya
Analysis Difficulties and Characteristics of Item Test of on Biology National Standard School Examination
Saputri, Heni Septia
Group Investigation to Improve Science at Primary School
Saputri, Septiana Sandra
The Importance of Improving Collaboration Skill in Confront an Earthquake with Mitigation Learning: A Content Analysis
Saputro, Sulistyo
The Need Analysis of Guided Inquiry-Based Electronic Module Using Virtual Laboratory for Chemistry Learning
Sari, Mega Indah Puspita
Knowledge and Attitude of Junior High School Students Towards Hydrometeorological Disaster Preparedness: A Case Study in Cirebon City, Province of West Java
Sari, Yeni Pita
Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills on Implementation of Problem-Based Learning on Endemic Flora and Fauna in Senior High School in Bengkulu
Sa’diyah, Aniesatus
The Effect of Using Smartphone Based Learning Media to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills During Covid-19 Pandemic
Sa’diyah, Aniesatus
Smartphone-Based Learning Media on Microscope Topic for High School Students
Profile of Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Case on Rate of Reaction Topic
Septaria, Kiki
Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills in STEM-Based Science Learning Through Project Assignments
Septiyono, Wahyu Elko
Student Worksheet Based on E-Learning Development to Improve Problem-Solving Skills of Class X MAN 3 Yogyakarta Students in 2019/2020
Septiyono, Wahyu Elko
The Effect of E-Learning Based Worksheet to Improve Problem Solving Ability of Senior High School Students
Setyani, Winda Arwin
Development of Audio Visual Media for Distance Learning
Setyani, Winda Arwin
The Implementation of Audio Visual Media in Problem Based Learning Model to Improve the Problem Solving Skills
Setyawan, Dias
Portrait of Metacognitive Awareness of Prospective Biology Teachers of Malang State University Through Learning Journal on Lesson Study-Based Learning