Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE 2021)
75 articles
Proceedings Article
Implementing Quality Management System in School
Conflict and Evolution Management
Senghong Loeung, Cepi Safruddin
This research aims to describe the implementation of quality management system (QMS), conflict management of QMS in school, and evolution management of QMS in school. This study also provides two models used like SWOT analysis, standard and quality assurance (SQA) for implementing QMS in school. Using...
Proceedings Article
Probing-Prompting Learning with Product Assessment to Improve Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes
Himmatul Ulya, Haryanto
This study aims to: (1) describe the implementation of probing-prompting learning with product assessment; and (2) testing the effectiveness of probing-prompting learning with product assessments to improve student learning outcomes. Subjects in the study amounted to 35 students. This research uses an...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students’ Motivation and English Language Skills via NEO Learning Management System
Liann Camille Perez, Anita Triastuti
This paper aims to answer the questions of whether NEO learning management system passes the international quality standards for management systems through comparing it with Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Standards. Moreover, whether if it is capable of enhancing students’ motivation and English...
Proceedings Article
COLLEGE: A Universal Tool to Assess Indonesian Student’s Soft Skills
Raden Muhammad Ali, Dwi Hastuti
Soft skills make significant contributions to university graduates’ success, especially when they are in the work field. However, it is not easy to access an instrument to measure Indonesian students’ soft skills. This article is aimed to promote COLLEGE, a valid, reliable, specific, and universal instrument...
Proceedings Article
Constructing a Fuzzy Model to Predict Math Anxiety
Hari Purnomo Susanto, Mega Isvandiana Purnamasari
This study aims to construct a fuzzy model for predicting math anxiety by using mathematics self-efficacy and positive attitude towards mathematics as input variables. The model focuses on using fuzzy rules developed by Wang, but is limited to the third step, because the variables are related to human...
Proceedings Article
An Application of the Rasch Model in Quality Testing of Polytomic Instruments
Yulinda Erma Suryani, Amat Jaedun
This study aims to apply the Rasch Model in testing the quality of the polytomy instrument. The source of the data is the responses of 288 students of SMPN 2 Prambanan they gave to the Student Perception Scale of School Climate. The Student’s Perception of School Climate Scale consists of 20 items. The...
Proceedings Article
Strategy to Strengthen Teachers’ Digital Competence
Badi’atul Islami, Zainal Arifin, Parmanita Hesti Puspitorini
This study explores the strategies implemented by SMA Yabakii II to improve teachers’ digital competence. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. The research instrument is the researcher himself. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, participatory observation,...
Proceedings Article
The Feasibility of the Mise en Place Restaurant Video Tutorial as a Learning Medium
Rina Febriana Hendrawan, Yeni Yulianti, Lita Rosita
Learning media is a teaching aid used to convey information or messages. It can stimulate students’ willingness to create the teaching and learning process. One type of learning media used is video learning. This study aims to determine the Restaurant Mise en Place video tutorial instructional media’s...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Technology in Biology Teaching During and Post Pandemic Era
Challenges and Opportunities
Rizqa Devi Anazifa
The COVID-19 pandemic forces teachers and students to adapt rapidly to the online learning situation. Teachers have to adjust the traditional face-to-face instruction to online learning. This change affects science learning, especially in teaching biology. This study aims to explore the roles of technology...
Proceedings Article
Student’s Perception of Child-Friendly School Program in Surakarta During the Pandemic Covid-19
Siany Indria Liestyasari, Ravik Karsidi, Asrowi, Abdul Rahman
This paper aims to describe student’s perception about child-friendly school program seen from three indicators. This program has been implemented since 2018 and faced many challenges in the covid19 pandemic situation in Surakarta. Student’s perception are important to map whether this program helps...
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Assessment Strategy Using Cmaptools Application with Rasch Modeling
Mobinta Kusuma, Haryanto, Ani Rusilowati, Lisdiana
This study aims to find a fit model instrument consisting of the validity and reliability of cognitive assessment using the campstool and the distribution of student achievement in making concept maps as a cognitive assessment strategy. As we know, the assessment of cognitive aspects is one way to assess...
Proceedings Article
Online Learning Collaboration with Assisted Learning Models in Technical Drawing Subjects for Vocational Students
M. Agphin Ramadhan, Arris Maulana, Nala Saka Ocean Setiani, Daryati
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, online learning is the new norm in education. However, this long-distance system has become a challenge not only for teachers but also for the students. By using assisted learning model, this classroom action research aims to improve students’ learning activities...
Proceedings Article
Online Assessment Methods and Instrument Testing Aided by Google Meet and WhatsApp Applications
Johan Syahbrudin, Anita Anggraini, Purwoko Haryadi Santoso, Syamsul Bahri
Many educators still have difficulty in conducting online assessments, especially for those who have not been facilitated by the Learning Management System application or the like. Therefore, this study aims to develop an online assessment method that is effective and can be easily carried out by almost...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Learning Media in Training
A Case Study of the Use of Sticky Notes and Virtual Whiteboards in Communication Skills Training at Ministry of Finance
Jamila Lestyowati, Ilvi Rahmi
Learning media is everything that can be used to stimulate students’ thoughts, feelings, attention, and abilities or skills so that they can encourage the learning process. This paper aims to analyze the use of learning media in sticky notes and virtual whiteboards in The Communication Skills Distance...
Proceedings Article
Developing Motion Sensor Experiments in Problem Based Learning for Students’ HOTS
Johri Sabaryati, Sparisoma Viridi, Linda Sekar Utami, Zulkarnain, M. Isnaini
This study had objectives of (1) representing students’ HOTS, (2) developing motion sensor experiments based computerized and sensor in problem-based learning, and (3) testing effectiveness motion sensor experiments for students’ higher order thinking skills (HOTS). This method used research and development...
Proceedings Article
Students Self-Efficacy Profile in Online Learning
Basic Information to Improve the Quality of Learning
Kintan Limiansi, Samsul Hadi
Online learning that occurred suddenly during the Covid-19 pandemic created challenges for education at universities. To be successful in learning, students need to have high self-efficacy in online learning. This study aims to look at student self-efficacy profiles in online learning during the COVID-19...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Curriculum 2013 Implementation on Distance Learning
A Preliminary Research
Isma Priandani, Kastam Syamsi
This research aimed to describe the effectiveness of curriculum 2013 implementation through the practice of and interaction in distance learning at schools amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Aurther investigation was conducted to reveal the influence of teacher-student’s learning interaction during a pandemic...
Proceedings Article
Predicting Engineering Students’ Grade on Introductory Physics Using Machine Learning
Purwoko Haryadi Santoso, Syamsul Bahri, Wahyudi, Johan Syahbrudin
Introductory physics is a compulsory course for the first-year engineering college for providing students the underlying concepts of the future course throughout their study. A sudden shift of distance learning during the disruption of COVID-19 in the middle of 2021 has generated an extensive collection...
Proceedings Article
Pedagogy and Heutagogy Approach in Idris Sardi’s Musical Development
Fu’adi Fu’adi, Putu Sudira, Kun Setyaning Astuti
Idris Sardi is an Indonesian music figure who is widely recognized by the public for his achievements and musical works. This study discusses the musical development of Idris Sardi in pedagogy and heutagogy approaches. A qualitative method was used with a narrative approach. Data collection was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Academic Mapping and Selection of Junior High School Students in West Jakarta
Sri Mugiyati, Rina Febriana, Guspri Devi Artanti
This study aims to see the general distribution of academic ability and the tendency of further study of junior high school students in West Jakarta. This research is ex-post facto with the quantitative descriptive method. The research indicators include academic achievement, most preferred subjects,...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Model
Its Effect on Student’s Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Positive Attitudes Towards Practical Lesson in Automotive Vocational Education
Tafakur, Afri Yudantoko
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has forced teachers and lecturers to take creative strategies for students’ learning. Therefore, this study aims to reveal the effect of flipped learning strategies on (1) students’ self-directed learning readiness, (2) students’ positive attitude toward engine management...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Test Based on the 21st Century Skills
Wahyudi, Badrun Kartowagiran, Haryanto, Mobinta Kusuma, Purwoko Haryadi Santoso, Syamsul Bahri
Teaching in Industrial Revolution 4.0 era addresses to create the 21st century skills, so there is a need to develop an instrument for assessing these skills. This research aims to develop a test of critical and creative thinking skill which fulfils the validity and reliability criteria. These skills...
Proceedings Article
The Portrait of High School Student Physics Competence with Vertical Equating Lens
Suhariyono Suhariyono, Amat Jaedun
This research aims reveal: (1) the vertical equating equation of a test instrument, and (2) the development of physics competence among grade X and XI students of senior high school. This study used the quantitative descriptive method. The population is the students of senior high schools in Purworejo...
Proceedings Article
An Automotive Vocational Instructional Model
Supporting the 21st Century Competencies and Industrial Revolution 4.0
Nirmala Adhi Yoga Pambayun, Kir Haryana
This study aims to determine the instructional model in automotive vocational in higher education that is suitable to support the development of the 21st century competencies and the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This study is quantitative research with the survey method. The research respondents are alumni...
Proceedings Article
Technology Literacy in the Development of Mathematics Learning in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Yuliana Olga Siba Sabon, Edi Istiyono, Ummu Salamah
Mastering technology makes life easier. The ability to use technology or technology literacy in learning has an impact on the development of high-quality learning. This study is a scoping review to investigate the role of technology literacy in the development of mathematics learning during the Covid-19...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Work Loyalty and Work Ethics on Teacher’s Career in Banjar District
Deby Marsadina, Cepi Safruddin Abd Jabar
The study aims to determine work loyalty and work ethic in teacher careers in Banjar Regency. The method used in this research is an explanatory quantitative approach. The data collection technique in this research is observation, and the questions made by the researcher are arranged with the respondents...
Proceedings Article
Digital Learning is the New of Education Face
Practice from Many Countries
AD Hastutiningsih, Sugiyono, Suyanto, UB Wibowo
The existence of the coronavirus in the world today makes education evolve in all aspects. The Ministry of Education and Culture orders online learning as a solution for implementing learning at all levels of education. This paper is a part of a position paper that aims to explain the author’s arguments...
Proceedings Article
Heutagogy: The Most Holistic Approach Utilizing Technology in Learning
Fitria Lapele, Badrun Kartowagiran, Haryanto Haryanto, Eko Wahyunanto Prihono
This research discusses the heutagogical approach, which is the most holistic approach in the era of Distance Learning that utilizes technological developments. Students have the independence to negotiate, determine to learn, and how it will be learned. This current research aims to expose and offer...
Proceedings Article
Teachers in Rural Area of Java Utilize Free Digital Platforms During COVID-19 Pandemic
Ema Aprilisa, Badrun Kartowagiran
Online learning is a solution during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, not all schools have online learning facilities. Therefore, free digital platforms are an alternative solution. This research uses a mixed-method with two steps data collection strategy. The first stage was a survey of teachers...
Proceedings Article
Augmented Reality-Based Media to Improve Disaster Preparedness for Junior High School Students
Dewi Kurnia Herowati
Kebumen is one of the districts located on the southern coast of Indonesia. The area has the potential for natural disasters, including earthquakes and tsunamis. Students are one of the elements vulnerable to disaster risk, so student preparedness needs improvement. This study aims to determine the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Increase Science Learning Outcomes by Increasing Interaction Between Students in Learning
Astri Widyasari, Pratiwi Pujiastuti, Nada Savitri Nawangsari, Albi Anggito
Students experiencing difficulties in learning sometimes feel embarrassed to ask the teacher. They feel more comfortable asking their peers instead of their teachers. Therefore, there is a need to increase interaction and exchange between students. The researcher conducted a Classroom Action Study to...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of the Enrollment Zoning System on the Learning Quality of General Secondary Schools in Special Region of Yogyakarta
Samsul Hadi, Giri Wiyono, Abdul Rahim
There are several problems in the field of education in Indonesia. Some of them are: lack of equity distribution of education, facilities in schools that differ from one school to another, the number of students who is not balanced between one school to another, and parents who complain that their children...
Proceedings Article
Development of Android-Based Specialization Tests for Selection of Prospective Vocational Students
Rina Febriana Hendrawan, Muksin Muksin, Dede Rahmat Hidayat
This study aims to develop an android-based vocational student selection specialization instrument to prepare appropriate Vocational Education inputs. Each student has a unique character. Uniqueness is an advantage, and in education, this advantage is called potential, which must be continuously trained...
Proceedings Article
An Evaluation of the Implementation of Assessment in Biology Distant Learning Based on Curriculum 2013
Ruli Noor Muhaini, Suranto
This study is aimed to evaluate the planning and process of the authentic assessment of Biology distant learning based on curriculum 2013. It is a quantitative evaluation study on the implementation of authentic assessment in Biology distant learning based on curriculum 2013 in SMAN 1 using the Stake...
Proceedings Article
Website-Based Green School on Fashion Education and Training
Miftahul Annisah Nurfitria, Didik Hariyanto, Widihastuti
The development of technology and digitization is a disruptive factor in the structure of human life. Education aspects are among those affected. Innovations in implementation must be carried out on an ongoing basis. The research was conducted with literature reviews. The research was carried out with...
Proceedings Article
English Foreign Language Students’ Perceptions of an Online English Speaking Club in Higher Education
Maria Vineki Riyadini
One of the crucial steps in curriculum design and lesson planning is discovering students’ perceptions of the teaching and learning processes. This study is an evaluative research that aims to determine the perception of English Foreign Language (EFL) students of the Speaking Club in higher education....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Physical Education Learning in the 2013 Curriculum in the Junior High School of Wonosobo District
Taufan Jannata, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of teaching and learning in the physical education subjects in the 2013 Curriculum for Junior High Schools in Wonosobo Regency and the difficulties faced by the teachers in implementing the Curriculum. This research was an evaluative research with CIPP...
Proceedings Article
m-PAI as a Mobile Learning Media for Islamic Religious Education Courses at Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Muhammad Yusro, Andy Hadiyanto, Marhamah Syarief, Raihan Rasyidi
Nowadays, in the digital era, many products of technology about mobile learning have been launched. Mobile learning applications are designed for practice-based learning or visual learning. Lectures are also often equipped with a recorded video to support students’ understanding of materials like Islamic...
Proceedings Article
Vocational Quality Assurance Performance in Preparation for School Self-Evaluation in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Z. Arifin, S. F. A. Widodo, G. Wiyono, A. Sutikno, Darmono
Many vocational high schools have implemented a school quality assurance system, but the quality of their graduates is still low. This study aimed to evaluate efforts made by school principals, teachers, school committees, and vocational students to achieve vocational quality assurance, especially in...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Critical Thinking Test in Social Science for Grade V Elementary School
Kurniawati, Edi Istiyono
The purpose of this research is to describe the quality of a developed critical thinking assessment instrument in Social Sciences for Grade V elementary school. The research population was the grade V students of state elementary schools which have already implemented the 2013 Curriculum in Yogyakarta...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of the Enrollment Zoning System on the Educational Quality of Vocational Secondary Schools
Istanto Wahyu Djatmiko, Samsul Hadi, Muh. Asriadi AM
Enrollment zoning system policy is one of the benchmarks for equity in distribution and improvement of education quality in Indonesia. This study aims were to determine the impact of the enrollment zoning system on the learning quality of vocational secondary schools (VSSs) in Special Region of Yogyakarta....
Proceedings Article
Investigating Multiple Representations Ability of High School Students on Linear Motion
Irvany Nurita Pebriana, Supahar Supahar, Pramudya Wahyu Pradana, Mundilarto Mundilarto
This study investigated the multiple representations ability of high school students on linear motion in the aspect of the ability to represent various forms of representation and the ability to translate between representations. The representation records included verbal, graphs, diagrams, mathematics,...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Problem-based Learning in Terms of Learning Achievement, Problem-Solving, and Self-Confidence
Raoda Ismail, Okky Riswandha Imawan
This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning in terms of learning achievement, problem-solving, and student confidence in the Statistics course. The stages of the problem-based learning model are (1) finding the problem; (2) building a work structure; (3) defining the problem;...
Proceedings Article
Facilitating Reading Javanese Letters Skill with a Multimodal Javanese Digital E-Book
Nur Hanifah Insani, Hardyanto Hardyanto, Joko Sukoyo
The Covid-19 pandemic changed the learning system drastically from a conventional system (face to face) to online learning. This paper describes how to make a multimodal Javanese Digital e-book to improve reading Javanese letters. The Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) was used as the research...
Proceedings Article
The Performance of School Supervision Organizations in the Remote Area of East Aceh Regency
Nurdin, Sumin, Venny Hidayat
The performance of school supervision organizations in the remote area in East Aceh regency faces many problems. The constraints include the geographic condition and other conditions such as the insufficient number of the school supervisors, low qualification and competence of the school supervisors,...
Proceedings Article
Impact of New Student Admission Zoning System on Academic and Geographic Heterogeneity in Junior High School in Tegal City, Central Java
Hanifah Nabila Hendral, Sudiyatno
The zoning system was a policy in the acceptance of new students (PPDB), which has been implemented for 4 years since 2017, to bring students’ domicile closer to the school and remove the stigma of favorite schools. This study described the results of the evaluation of the PPDB implementation and its...
Proceedings Article
Problems in the Implementation of Javanese Language Teaching Administration During the Pandemic at State Junior High School 12 Yogyakarta
Mohamad Makincoiri, Endang Nurhayati
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected various fields, one of which is education. The shifts in teaching-learning patterns led to several changes and problems in the teaching and learning process, such as changes in the teaching administration. This research aims to describe problems in teaching administration...
Proceedings Article
Becoming a Teacher
A Phenomenological Study on Mothers Problems in Learning from Home Program
Aris Martiana, Sri Wening
COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to limit their social space in various fields, one of which is education. Schools must conduct online learning according to the educational curriculum in an emergency. This article seeks to know the various types of problems and benefits that occur in learning from...
Proceedings Article
SWOT Analysis of Integrated Islamic Curriculum During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Ahmad Zaini Aziz, Badrun Kartowagiran
This study aims to know the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at a private Islamic Elementary School in Bandarlampung during the COVID-19 pandemic reviewed from the integrated Islamic curriculum or special curriculum. SWOT analysis is used to formulate the steps to be taken by the school...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Multicultural-based Comic to Improve Learning Achievement and Tolerance Characters in Elementary School
Albi Anggito, E. Kus Eddy Sartono, Ali Mustadi, Nada Savitri Nawangsari, Astri Widyasari
Student success in the 2013 curriculum in elementary school seeks to improve student learning achievement and instill character values derived from Indonesian culture. Problems in the field show that social learning achievement is relatively low in social learning material. Teachers have difficulty developing...
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Test Item Analysis of Kinematics Material for Physics Class XI Using Item Response Theory
Andrea Vicky Novianti, Sudiyatno
This study aims to analyze and describe the characteristics of cognitive test items for physics subjects using the 1-PL model or the Rasch model. This research is quantitative descriptive. The subjects in this study were students of class XI IPA SMA 2016/2017 academic year in the city of Tanjungpinang...
Proceedings Article
Opportunities and Challenges of Online Learning Methods in Religious Education
A Literature Review
Ahmad Syafii, Heri Retnawati
In the last decade, online learning has become a trendy topic. Rapid technology advancements urge the education community to continue to innovate with internet-based learning. Religious education, which is critical in forming students’ personalities, is being challenged to continue adapting their learning...
Proceedings Article
The Personality of Javanese Leaders in the Manuscript of Nitik Kanjeng Ratu Pambayun
Agatia Mega Rianda, Endang Nurhayati
The Nitik Kanjeng Ratu Pembayun manuscript is one of the collections of the Yogyakarta Sonobudoyo Library with the code PB C.71. In the manuscript is written the genealogical history of Kanjeng Ratu Pambayun, daughter of Pakubuwana 7 of GKR Pakubuwana. The lineage of his father and mother begins with...
Proceedings Article
Digitizing Mathematics and Science Learning
What Do We Need to Prepare?
Hasan Djidu, Heri Retnawati
Massive disruption in a short time has occurred due to the Global Pandemic of Covid-19. Digitization of learning has been inevitable at all levels of education after the pandemic forced us to close all educational institutions. This qualitative study aimed to describe perception and experience of teachers...
Proceedings Article
Combining Synchronous and Asynchronous Classes in Remote Learning Design
English Grammar for Corporate Documents
Alfelia Nugky Permatasari
Remote learning has become the only option academics choose to support physical distancing due to the pandemic. With all constraints and opportunities, both educators and learners must adjust to the new learning practice. From the educators’ side, they need to design their courses harnessing the technology...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis to Develop a Practice Assessment Instrument for Learning Process During Covid-19 Pandemic
Wulansari Prasetyaningtyas, Sri Wening
Student achievement levels in learning can be determined through assessment. Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the changes of the learning system, including the assessment process. The study identifies the need to develop practice assessment instruments during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Fashion Design...
Proceedings Article
Item Analysis of Teacher Made Test in Biology Subject
Devi Dwi Kurniawan, Abdullah Syifa, Nurul Huda, Mobinta Kusuma
One of the teachers’ competencies is the ability to compose tests that include difficulty, discriminating power, and the effectiveness of distractors. This research was conducted to evaluate the analysis of teacher-made tests, which can be seen from the three aspects of the test. The population of this...
Proceedings Article
Drill Method: Improving Reading Aloud Skills?
As Janah Verrawati, Wuri Wuryandani, Septia Sugiarsih
This research was conducted because of students’ reading aloud skills and student learning outcomes in Indonesian language content. This study aims to determine the improvement of reading aloud skills using the drill method at class III SD Negeri Petangkuran. This type of research is classroom action...
Proceedings Article
EFA of Pedagogic Competence Instrument to Measure Teacher Performance
Eko Wahyunanto Prihono, Fitria Lapele, Siti Jumaeda, Sukadari Sukadari, Siti Nurjanah
The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of the instrument in terms of construct validity test of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on pedagogic competence instrument to measure the teachers’ per-formance. The focus was on describing the decisions made in EFA. The method used in...
Proceedings Article
The Development of GEOMIK: Digital Comic as a Media for Geography Learning in Class XI
Evangelia Tuko, Bambang Syaeful Hadi
The purpose of this study was to see if: (1) Feasibility of GEOMIK, assessed by media experts, content experts, and students, (2) Improvement of student learning outcome by using GEOMIK, and (3) Effectiveness of GEOMIK in improving student learning outcome. Subjecting 60 students at senior high school...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Innovation and Information Technology Capabilities in Vocational Schools as Human Resources Development (HRD) Enter Point for Increasing SMEs Performance
Iffah Budiningsih, Tjiptogoro Dinarjo Soehari, Fufung Alfulailah
The purpose of this research is to show whether it is necessary to strengthen the capabilities of the innovation and informatics technology among vocational school students who will later become human resources enter points that can improve the performance of the Small Medium Enterprise (SME) industry...
Proceedings Article
The Multimodal Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in the Indonesian Textbooks for Deaf Students
Alfina Fadilatul Mabruroh, Gunarhadi, Herry Widyastono
Numerous studies on gender representation in Indonesian textbooks have portrayed gender stereotypes in textbooks that demonstrate gender inequality, such as sexual violence, sexism, and double burden. However, there are only a few studies on gender representation in textbooks dedicated to students who...
Proceedings Article
Student’s Self-Confidence Change Through the Application of the Guided Discovery Learning Model
Okky Riswandha Imawan, Raoda Ismail
This study aims to describe student self-confidence change by applying the Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) model in the solid geometry course. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The subject of this study was one class of the Mathematics Education Study Program at one university in Yogyakarta,...
Proceedings Article
Online Learning Assessment: Solution in Industrial Revolution 4.0
Furintasari Setya Astuti, Heri Retnawati
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages of using digital platform in learning assessment. The digital platform discussed in this study is Eduprime, a digital platform that is engaged in assessment. This research uses the mixed method. Data retrieval is done by interview...
Proceedings Article
Learning Challenges During New Normal Era Using a Combination of SWOT-PESTEL Analysis
Eltom Ishaq Osman Musa, Yoyon Suryono
COVID-19 has become a new problem in education worldwide. This paper aims to examine the challenges faced by schools during the new normal era, particularly in Central Java. The issue is related to the teaching and learning strategies during the pandemic by adopting an educational risk management model...
Proceedings Article
Flipped Classroom Learning Model to Increase Learning Passion at the Demangan State Elementary School
Rismawati Fatima Sigalingging, C. Asri Budiningsih
The flipped classroom learning model is one of the newest digital-based learning models currently used in Demangan state elementary schools with online learning by using learning videos as learning media outside the classroom. This research is a literature review through searching accredited journal...
Proceedings Article
Challenges Faced by Students on the Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic in West Kalimantan Province
Arif Didik Kurniawan, Yunita Fitri Andani
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the education sector, which requires the transformation of learning patterns from face-to-face to online learning. This study aimed to analyze challenges faced by students on online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was a descriptive...
Proceedings Article
The Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure and the Quality Assurance of Education at MTs Darul Huda Mataraman During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nadia Hardini Puteri, Sugiyono
This paper analyzed the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of online learning and the quality of education at MTs Darul Huda Mataraman. The researcher was qualitative descriptive research conducted at MTs Darul Huda Mataraman. The data were collected through observation,...
Proceedings Article
Sapen Radio and TV Programs as Supporting Media During Covid-19 Distance Learning
Nada Savitri Nawangsari, Ali Mustadi, Albi Anggito, Astri Widyasari
This study aimed to describe and interpret the use of radio and TV learning media with various interactive programs. This research used a qualitative case study. The research participants were teachers, parents, students, and broadcasting trainers at SD Muhammadiyah Sapen Yogyakarta. Data were obtained...
Proceedings Article
The Rasch Model for Analysing the Indonesian Language Examination Instrument
Muhammad Fajar Suminto, Sri Wening
This study aimed to analyze instrument for evaluation in the Indonesian Language Test, based on its difficulty level. The Item Response Theory [IRT] was applied in this study. We investigated the examinee’s responses to the instrument parameter. The respondents were 259 Vocational High School students...
Proceedings Article
Student Responses During Online Learning in Biology Subject at SMAN 1 Teluk Keramat, Sambas, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Nuri Dewi Muldayanti, Mahwar Qurbaniah, Rachma Marcella
Learning Biology online is an unusual and new thing for students of SMAN 1 Teluk Keramat, which is located in a rural area. This study aimed to evaluate the students’ responses toward online learning in Biology at SMAN 1 Teluk Keramat, Sambas, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. This study used a quantitative...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Science Digital Scrapbook Based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on Students’
Indah Urwatin Wusqo, Niken Ayu Lestari Bondan Jatiningsih, Supinah
The students’ learning outcomes in the COVID-19 pandemic era were declining. Science learning resources are often not suitable for online teaching and learning. The Science Digital Scrapbook has been developed based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to support science teaching and learning....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of High School Students’ Social Skills on Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Ira Lestari, Haryanto, Neni Aristya Sukmawati
The covid-19 pandemic has a significant impact on the learning system in schools, where learning is turned into online learning. Students learn to use more tools, and there is a very little interaction, thus making students’ social skills different. The study aims to describe students’ social skills...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of School-Based Management to Improve Education Quality at MAN 6 Pidie
Ida Rosyida, Nurtanio Agus Purwanto
This study aims to determine the implementation of school-based management to improve the quality of education in MAN 6 Pidie. This study is a case study which is focused on one phenomenon that is selected and understood in depth. The data was collected using observation, interview and documentary studies....
Proceedings Article
The Problems of Social Studies Teachers in Junior High School with Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Yuhanida Milhani, Harun
Online learning is essential to limit social interaction thus reducing the risk of coronavirus transmission. This study aimed to explore the implementation of social science learning in online learning, problems faced by teachers in social science learning, and efforts made by the teachers to address...