Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advance Research in Social and Economic Science (ICARSE 2023)

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82 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Hyeyun Ku, Bobur Sobirov, Ayapbergen Taubayev, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICARSE 2023 during October 25 & 26, 2023 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful...
Proceedings Article

Poverty and Inequality in Yogyakarta: Insights from a Comprehensive Study

Didi Nuryadin, Surpiko Hapsoro Darpito, Sultan Sultan, Gita Astyka Rahmanda
Poverty and income inequality are big challenges in Yogyakarta, causing problems at the national level. Using poverty line and Gini index construction and a non-parametric binary logistic regression approach, this study investigated the inequality level in each district/city and investigated the determinants...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Entrepreneurial Competence and Commitment to Business Performance in Handicraft MSMEs

Arief Subyantoro, Khoirul Hikmah, Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum, Rifqi Syarif Nasrulloh
The pandemic has caused business management and educational tour activities made by the handicraft MSME association to experience difficulties. Gradually, the situation began to rise again, even though it had not been restored to its original state. This study aims to analyze the influence between entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article

Take It or Leave It? Understanding Whether Defective Fruit Still Has Economic Value to Consumers

Dhika Cahyasita, Azizah Ridha Ulilalbab
Post-harvest fruit quality depends on size, color, shape and the presence of defects. Defects in fruit tend to reduce consumers’ positive views of the fruit and end in economic losses. This research aims to determine consumers’ willingness to pay for defective fruit. In addition, consumer perceptions...
Proceedings Article

A Hybrid Method of AHP and COPRAS-G for Supplier Selection: A Case Study in Indonesian Leather Industry

Agus Ristono, Tri Wahyuningsih, Gunawan Madyono Putro, Ismianti Ismianti
The aim of this research is to select suppliers using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Complex PRoportional Assessment of Alternatives with Gray Relations (COPRAS-G). The proposed technique for selecting criteria uses Delphi by considering objective and subjective factors. These criteria are...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Internal and External Factors in the E-Business Transformation of Mocaf MSMEs

Didit Herlianto, Astrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo, Sylvert Prian Tahalea
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are important to a country’s economy. One of the MSMEs producing Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) is KWT (Women Farmers Group) Ngudi Rejeki, which is located in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. However, in facing increasingly fierce competition and rapid...
Proceedings Article

Actors And Factors In Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Case Study On Creative Economy-Based Traditional Markets In Yogyakarta

Ahmad Zaki, Nurul Retno Hapsari, Tiara Juniar Soewardi, Shakira Ratu Chantika, Senda Ayu Bidari
This research explores knowledge transfer within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Yogyakarta’s creative economy, a region known for its competitive edge in traditional market. By identifying key actors and factors, we aim to enhance the quality of entrepreneurship in these markets. The study employs...
Proceedings Article

Halal Food Products: Do Religiosity Affect Consumers Attitude and Intention to Use?

Satrio Tegar Gunung Koraag, Puji Handayani Kasih, Keny Rahmawati
The purpose of this research is to undercover values driving Indonesian muslims consumption decisions with respect halal food. Cross-sectional data were collected through distributed 369 questionnaires in Indonesia, mainly to Muslim consumers who come from different city and are currently living in Java...
Proceedings Article

Flowshop Production Scheduling Using the Theory of Constraints Approach: A Case Study in the Leather Glove Industry

Laila Nafisah, Puryani Puryani, Apriani Soepardi, Yudho Jaya Saputro, Mochammad Chaeron, Sri Suharsih
The smooth flow of production in industries characterized by repetitive make-to-order flowshops is often constrained by workstations with long processing times and limited capacity. This condition frequently results in delays in completing all orders. The goal of this research is to create a production...
Proceedings Article

Consumer Preferences For Chili Commodities In Special Region Of Yogyakarta

Paksi Mei Penggalih, N. Nabila
Chili is one of the horticultural commodities that is much liked by Indonesian people, including the people in Special Region of Yogyakarta, who is in their cultural history have a tendency to like sweet food. The high number of chili enthusiasts encourages chili to continue to be cultivated throughout...
Proceedings Article

Economic Potential Development Based on Google Earth Engine Land Value Map

Dania Hellin Amrina, Lysa Dora Ayu Nugraini, Kinanthi Sekar Nareswari, Fadhilla Ajeng Putri Maharani, Maulana Yudi Nugroho
The research aims to analyze the economic potential in Panggang and Saptosari Districts, Gunungkidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Using information from land value mapping from Google Earth Engine technology, the results showed that there were three main classes, namely yards, explosions, and...
Proceedings Article

Integration of Spiritual Dimensions in Company Management to Improve Company Performance and Sustainability

Meilan Sugiarto, Ida Susi Dewanti, Adi Soeprapto, Machya Astuti Dewi, L. Revansa Putra Cahyasetya
The focus of the research results described in this paper is about spiritual companies. This research was conducted because the spiritual dimension in the company is considered capable of improving the company’s performance and sustainability. This concept recognizes the importance of non-material aspects...
Proceedings Article

Strategic Management of Cooperatives in The Society Era 5.0

Mohamad Irhas Effendi, Sriyono Sriyono, Asep Saepudin
Cooperatives are people’s economic movements that base their activities on the principle of kinship to achieve the welfare of members in particular and society in general. The number of cooperatives in Indonesia continues to increase every year after a drastic decline in 2018. The decline was caused...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing State Defense: The Role of Strategic Communication Models in Support Organizations

Edwi Arief Sosiawan, Isbandi Sutrisno, Rudi Wibowo
This article examines the transformation of Indonesia’s national defense concept in the post-reform era. The organization navigates the evolving landscape, focusing on national defense support organizations. This study examines the organizational complexity of the national defense support system and...
Proceedings Article

Assessing Product Preferences: A Study of ‘Kettawa Fresh’ Protein-Based Products among Stunted Communities

Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum, Khoirul Hikmah, M. M. Azimatun Nur
Families with stunted members in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) face the need for protein-based products to address this nutritional challenge. This study focuses on the development of a protein-based product, specifically “Kettawa Fresh,” comprising Ettawa goat milk and various herbal additives,...
Proceedings Article

Vietnamese Legal Framework for Green Credit: A Decade Towards Sustainability

Nguyen The Duc Tam, Pham Thi Nhu Quynh
Green credit is paramount because they address environmental challenges, promote economic growth, and meet evolving societal expectations regarding sustainability. They not only contribute to enhancing our environmental conditions but also drive society towards sustainable development. This paper examines...
Proceedings Article

Development Strategy in the Leather Bag Craft Industry: A SWOT Analysis Perspective

Dian Indri Purnamasari, Vynska Amalia Permadi, Riza Prapascatama Agusdin
One of Yogyakarta’s MSME leather bag craft industries lacks a system covering all activities, including sales and warehouse operations. Sales and production reports are still manually generated in Microsoft Excel or not generated at all. This situation creates a significant obstacle for the company due...
Proceedings Article

Hyperparameter Optimization of Semi-Supervised Sentiment Annotation Model on Marketplace Dataset

Nur Heri Cahyana, Yuli Fauziah, Wisnalmawati, Agus Sasmito Aribowo
Hyperparameter optimization in semi-supervised learning (SSL) models for sentiment analysis is the process of adjusting the machine learning model’s parameters to enhance the performance of the SSL system. Hyperparameter tuning aims to maximize the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score of each machine...
Proceedings Article

Destination Branding Management: The Role Of Ministry Of Tourism And Creative Economy Development A Creative City In Indonesia

Prayudi Prayudi, Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari, Ninik Probosari
A creative city is a city that has an ecosystem that supports the development of the creative economy. The development of creative cities in Indonesia is a complex process and requires pentahelix synergy from various stakeholders, especially the government. The purpose of this study is to analyse the...
Proceedings Article

Financial Literacy Level, Access to Finance, Financial Risk Attitude and Financial Performance of MSMEs. Study on DIY MSMEs

R. Hendri Gusaptono, Heru Kristanto, Lita Yulita
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a very important role in driving the DIY economy. The DIY MSME sector is dominated by micro and small industries and at the same time provides the largest contribution to employment, so that MSMEs are the focus for increasing the financial literacy index,...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Product Design on Batik Consumption among Indonesian Youth

Eny Endah Pujiastuti, Humam Santosa Utomo, Nurul Retno Hapsari, Muhammad Irfan Mu’afi, Sigit Haryono
This study investigates the impact of product design on consumer judgment within the Y and millennial generations in Indonesia, focusing on their preferences for batik clothing that integrates classic and contemporary motifs. Addressing concerns over the diminishing interest in batik among younger consumers,...
Proceedings Article

Gender and Risky Decisions: The Role of the Human Capital Board as Moderator

Sri Isworo Ediningsih, Nilmawati Nilmawati, Agussalim Agussalim
This study investigates the potential effects of gender (female CEO) on riskier decisions. The main proxy for risk aversion and confidence levels, according to the literature, is gender. Men are said to be more risk-tolerant and overconfident than women, who tend to be more cautious and risk-averse....
Proceedings Article

Statistical Analysis of Strategic Food Commodity Pricing Trends

Vynska Amalia Permadi, Herlina Jayadianti, Partoyo Partoyo
Strategic food commodities are commodities that have a significant impact on inflation. Their prices can fluctuate considerably due to various factors, including weather conditions, production levels, and demand. Understanding the pricing trends of strategic food commodities is essential for multiple...
Proceedings Article

Rural Economy and Digital Transformation in Driving Sustainable Development

Rini Dwi Astuti, Didit Welly Udjianto, Bagus Muhammad Akbari
This research examines how the transition from conventional business to online business can affect MSME business in rural economy of Sleman Regency. The results of the study show that website ownership and digital payment systems encourage the expansion of the MSME market. Digitalization has brought...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Creative Industries through Technology and Disaster Risk Mitigation

Didit Welly Udjianto, Rini Dwi Astuti, Tugiyo Tugiyo, Hari Prapcoyo, Ilyasin Aditya Rahman
This research explores how the creative economy actors work in the Mount Merapi disaster area understand the risks of volcanic disasters, whether they are able to mitigate risks well. This study reflects the performance of creative economy actors through individual community attributes and aspects of...
Proceedings Article

SMEs Innovation Performance Based on Organizational Learning, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Customer Capital Case Study of Creative Industry in Central Java

Ngatno Ngatno, Reni Shinta Dewi, Hardi Warsono
The purpose of this research is to analyze the innovation performance of SMEs which is influenced by organizational learning, entrepreneurial orientation, and customer capital. The research was developed by including customer capital as one of the variable recommendations that must be examined, especially...
Proceedings Article

Utilizing Instagram as a Promotional Platform for Lovrinz Publishing on Instagram Account

Erzha Indah Dwi Pratiwi, Didik Hariyanto, Kukuh Sinduwiatmo
This research aims to find out how to use Instagram as a promotional media. This research is based on the theory of promotion mix. This research was conducted by means of qualitative research by interviewing and analyzing the results of Instagram uploads and the number of books successfully printed each...
Proceedings Article

Youth Perspectives on Jerome Polin’s YouTube: Global Insights in Mathematics Learning

Intan Febry Ning Tyas, Didik Hariyanto, Ferry Adhi Dharma, Shakhnoza Makhmudovna Latipova
This study aims to determine the perceptions of teenagers in Candi Wangkal Village regarding Jerome Polin’s Youtube shows as math learning. The method used in this research is qualitative research and uses perception theory. Data collection is collected using interviews, documentation and using data...
Proceedings Article

Revitalizing Small Business Resilience: A Post-Pandemic Marketing Communication Paradigm in the Bag Industry

Rahma Aqidatun Nisa, Nur Maghfirah Aesthetika, Ferry Adhi Dharma, Dildora Pashakhodjaeva
Tanggulangin is included in the tour of MSME centers of the bag and luggage industry in Sidoarjo Regency. Tanggulangin bag and luggage products have local brands with good quality and have been recognized by consumers. Tanggulangin bag and luggage SMEs are one of the icons of Sidoarjo shopping tourism....
Proceedings Article

Exploring Social Interactions in WhatsApp Groups: A Netnographic Study of Virtual Photography Communities

Mochammad Revaldy Rafsanzafi, Nur Maghfirah Aesthetika, Ainur Rochmaniah, Sherzod Uralovich Kiyosov
This research aims to find out the netnography study of social interaction in social media Whatsapp gruop members of the virtual community of photography LLP Indonesia, This research method uses netnography method with qualitative descriptive research type. Data collection techniques used observation...
Proceedings Article

Elevating Event Organizer Services: Innovative Marketing Communication Strategies

Aura Intan Syahira, Djarot Meidi Budi Utomo, Poppy Febriana, Susanna Seyranovna Alieva
This study aims to analyze and explain the Marketing Communication Strategy of PTEkma 89 Communication Surabaya in Increasing Sales of Event Organizer Services. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The location of this research is at PT Ekma 89 Communication Surabaya. Determination of informants...
Proceedings Article

Visual Culture in Boyband K-Pop: Netnographic Insights into Global Fan Communities

Ayu Kartika Dewi, Poppy Febriana, Kukuh Sinduwiatmo, Salim Sobirovich Togayev
Social media makes it easy for anyone to interact and share information. This makes cultural exchange through the internet has no time and space limit. Such as visual culture whose representations can be in the form of movies, music, designs, lifestyles and others that are easily formed through social...
Proceedings Article

Fostering Employee Motivation Amidst Pandemic Challenges: Insights from Production Supervisors

Yuli Krisyanti, Djarot Meidi Budi Utomo, Totok Wahyu Abadi, Bobur Sobirov
The success of an organization depends on how the leader leads it. This research focuses on knowing the communication style used by supervisors when fostering work motivation during a pandemic. This research uses a qualitative method, data collection is done through in-depth interviews and observations...
Proceedings Article

Organizational Communication Climate in Achieving Work Loyalty

Santi Kurnia Wardani, Nur Maghfirah Aesthetika, Ainur Rochmaniah, Akhmadjon Taniyev
This research is based on the fact that the average staff at PT Dwi Prima Sentosa reached a working period of more than 5 years and even 10 years and the expression feels comfortable with the work environment because it is different from the previous work experience. Although in terms of company management,...
Proceedings Article

Therapeutic Communication Strategies for Guidance Counseling Teachers in Handling Students Addiction to Gadgets

Lestari Eka Indriana, Djarot Meidi Budi Utomo, Kukuh Sinduwiatmo, Mashhura Toirхonovna Alimova
This study aims to determine how the strategy of SMPN 3 Krian counseling guidance teacher in dealing with students addicted to gadgets. During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning at school was carried out through gadgets, because of students’ interaction with these gadgets, it did not rule out the possibility...
Proceedings Article

Perceptions of the Usage of the PeduliLindungi Application in Public Spaces

Rachma Sari Octaviani, Didik Hariyanto, Totok Wahyu Abadi, Turdibekov Khasan Ibragimovich
This study aims to determine how the perceptions of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University students about the use of the PeduliLindungi application in public spaces. This research uses qualitative methods in the form of descriptive data. The determination of informants was carried out using purposive sampling...
Proceedings Article

Model of Multi-Cultural Communication and Learning Development Through Nationalism Perspective for Students

Basuki Agus Suparno, Sigit Tripambudi, Sika Nur Indah
Yogyakarta is a province which has been well known as tourism destination and center of study for undergraduate and graduate so that degree of social mobility in Yogyakarta is always changing and very dynamic. Although Yogyakarta is located in Javanese Island, in fact, all ethnics who derived throughout...
Proceedings Article

Men Vs Woman: Learning Channel Differences On Generation Z Investment Intention

Nurul Retno Hapsari, Arika Bagus Perdana, Muhammad Irfan Mu’afi
Investment growth in Indonesia’s capital market is dominated by Generation Z. This technology- savvy generation uses various sources to learn about investment. Therefore, the study investigated Generation Z’s investment intention as influenced by learning channels. A quantitative approach was used by...
Proceedings Article

Development of Interactive Power Point Learning Media in Arabic Vocabulary Learning

Diny Irma Rahmadayanti, Farikh Marzuki, Mahardika Darmawan Kusuma Wardana, Jalilova Lola Jalilovna
This study aims to explain the stages of development in producing interactive power point-based media in the Arabic vocabulary of SMP Putra Darul Fikri Sidoarjo. The type of research used by researchers is research development or Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design,...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Strategies in Speaking Class in Junior High School

Asadini Wahidiyati, Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh, Wahyu Taufiq, Mokhichekhra Yakubovna Ruzieva
In learning language the most important thing is how we can use the language through oral or speaking. This research aims to explore what strategies are used by English teachers in teaching speaking. The object of this research is what strategies are often used by English teachers at SMP Cendikia Sidoarjo....
Proceedings Article

Analyzing Aspects of Speaking Ability in Conversation Learning

Fatwatun Nisa, Farikh Marzuki Ammar, Vidya Mandarani, Akhmedova Mehrinigor Bahodirovna
Everyone is required to master four language abilities of which one is speaking that has an important role as a means of communication. Learning speaking skill continuously will not be separated from conversation. There are various ways to apply conversation itself, one of them is making conversation...
Proceedings Article

Application of Peer Tutorials to Qawaid Class from BSO El-Abbasy Arabic Language Education

Salma Safyra, Imam Fauji, Kemil Wachidah, Juraev Khusniddin Oltinboyevich
The purpose of this research is to analyze the application of peer tutorials to the qawaid class of BSO El-Abbasy PBA Umsida in the preparation, process and evaluation of learning. This research is a qualitative research using a descriptive approach with a sample of students who took part in the BSO...
Proceedings Article

Al-Haditsu Al-Yaum's Impact on Kalam Proficiency in Islamic Boarding Students

Isnaeni Isnaeni, Khizanatul Hikmah, Imam Fauji, Rajabova Marifat Bagoevna
Books are one of the guidelines that can help in the process of teaching and learning activities. This study aims to determine how effective the use of Al-haditsu al-yaum book is in increasing maharah kalam santri with quantitative research methods, this study uses quantitative methods with the type...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Provocative Themes: Unraveling Global Perspectives on Al-'Ashri Class VII Arabic Textbook

Sella Ria Tribuana, Khizanatul Hikmah, Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh, Mehriniso Rakhmatova
In teaching and learning activities, the resources used for the teaching and learning process are one of the main items used to achieve the objectives of teaching and learning activities. Sources of teaching materials can be in the form of textbooks, resource persons, electronic media, print media, the...
Proceedings Article

Revitalizing Speaking Skills: Role-Play Techniques Engage and Inspire

Banafsa Zulfa Zakiyyah, Wahyu Taufiq, Farikh Marzuki Ammar, Asatulloyev Inomjon Abobakir Ugli
This study investigates the efficacy of role-play techniques in enhancing students’ speaking skills, focusing on their perceptions and interest. A sample of 50 eighth-grade students participated in the research conducted through a questionnaire. The findings reveal a positive perception among students...
Proceedings Article

Development of Numeracy Literacy Modules In The Independent Curriculum For VI Grade Elementary Schools

Alvi Febrianti, Mahardika Darmawan Kusuma Wardana, Vidya Mandarani, Khakimov Erkin Tuychiyevich
This study aims to develop a numeracy literacy module in the independent curriculum that is valid and practical, and can be used in teaching mathematics for grade VI elementary school. This development research uses the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The tryout...
Proceedings Article

Image Media Shapes Critical Reading in Elementary Education

Churrota A’yun, Kemil Wachidah, Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh, Arzimatova Inoyatkhan Madimarovna
This study intends to report the effect of the pretest and posttest scores of using media images on the results of learning critical reading skills in Indonesian students on the topic of extracting information from reading texts. Held on March 25, 2023, this research was conducted at Spande Elementary...
Proceedings Article

Code Switching and Teacher’s Response in M-ICO Class

Angelia Firdaus, Vidya Mandarani, Imam Fauji, Saltanat Meiramova
This study's goal is to categorize the different types of code swapping. Employed by the M-ICO class to L1 at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Taman and the reaction of the English teacher of the 7th grade to its application when instructing English-related courses. Data were collected using a qualitative technique...
Proceedings Article

Leveraging Network Analyst In Geospatial Design For Advancing Islamic Boarding School Information Systems

Shoffan Shoffan, Saifullah Saifullah, Oktavia Dewi Alfiani, Dwi Wahyuningrum
This research presents the development of an interactive geospatial information system tailored for Al-Munawwir Krapyak Islamic Boarding School in Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study involved comprehensive data collection, meticulous data processing, and functional and...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Creativity, Educational Support, and Self-Efficacy on Digital Entrepreneurial Intention: Insight from Indonesian Students

Muhamad Ridwan, Ahmad Zaki, Deby Amirunnisa, Sella Enggar Pramesti
This study presents a research model that uses creativity, educational support, and self-efficacy as theoretical constructs to predict digital entrepreneurial intention. Based on the literature review, the study proposes five hypotheses in a research model tested using structural equation modeling (SEM)...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Semester Learning Plans System based on OBE (Outcome-Based Education)

Suharsono Suharsono, Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak, Rifki Indra Perwira, Setia Pambudi, Muhadjir Fachrurradjie, Yolanda Putri Aqillasari
The increasingly rapid development of the industrial world and technology requires the world of education, especially UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta as a tertiary institution, to continue to be able to adapt relevant curricula. The concept of preparing a curriculum based on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is...
Proceedings Article

Strategies for Solving Contemporary Issues in the Work Environment: Increasing Lecturer's Interest in Scientific Publications

Agris Setiawan, Yasmina Amalia, Zahna Allya, Nafira Kartika
As educators, lecturers are required to always be responsive, actual, and creative towards the development of their disciplines. Through this, lecturers can simultaneously develop the world of education and the profession through research activities and scientific publications. However, research conducted...
Proceedings Article

Google’s Legal Responsibility in Displaying Phishing Ads Through Google AdWords

Regita Amanah Huzairin, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevy, Farhod Ahrorov
The discovery of phishing website advertisements served by the Google AdWords advertising platform, which then raises the question of whether Google AdWords has filtered the advertisements that have been submitted and will be served on its advertising services and whether Google as the provider of the...
Proceedings Article

Doxing Patterns Using Social Engineering in Cyberspace

Artanti Tertia Mukti, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Emy Rosnawati, Sarykulov Kurmangaly
Social media has become an important part of human life because it has developed rapidly and has had a major influence on aspects of life. However, on the other hand, social media is often misused to commit cyber crimes, one of which is doxing. In short, doxing is a crime committed on the internet by...
Proceedings Article

Algorithmic Influence: Twitter’s Role in Shaping Public Discourse and Amplifying Radical Content

Hestutomo Restu Kuncoro, Khuswatun Hasanah, Dyah Lupita Sari, Erna Kurniawati
The digital landscape, reshaped by the ascent of social media platforms, has revolutionized the way individuals consume, share, and interact with information. This research focuses on Twitter, a platform central to shaping public discourse, influencing opinions, and driving socio-political movements....
Proceedings Article

Pandemic and Social Media: Textual Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Government Policy in Facing the Third Wave of Covid-19 Attack

Prayudi Prayudi, Muhammad Edy Susilo, Mangaras Yanu Florestiyanto, Dias Regian Pingkan
This article examines the tendencies of information regarding the Indonesian government's response to the third wave of Covid-19 Omicron variant attacks. It begins by looking at big data of Twitter social media users who tweeted about this issue during the three weeks of the pandemic. This study...
Proceedings Article

Digital Diplomacy in the 21st Century: The Transformative Role of Social Media Platforms in Public Engagement

Iva Rachmawati, Hestutomo R. Kuncoro, Dyah Lupita Sari, Sylvert Prian Tahalea
In today's digital epoch, the confluence of politics, public engagement, and technology is pronounced, with social media platforms playing a transformative role in political discourse and diplomacy. Employing a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) methodology rooted in the “Public Diplomacy and Soft...
Proceedings Article

Scholar-Activists And The Campus Workers Union Movement In Indonesia: A Media Review

Yuseptia Angretnowati, Melaty Anggraini
Today's social movements cannot be separated from the role of technology, including social media. The impetus to form a social movement by the academic community in combating the subordination of academic power and the neoliberalization of education in Indonesia. A number of lecturers who then had...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Food Security in Kulon Progo District

Diah Lufti Wijayanti, Eko Amiadji Julianto, Astuti Rahayu
This study investigates the management of food resources in Kulon Progo Regency, emphasizing the optimization of environmental assets to bolster agricultural productivity and, consequently, food security. Utilizing observational, comparative, and interpretative methods, the research identifies crucial...
Proceedings Article

Temporal Dynamics of Land Use Change in Peri-Urban Area of Sleman Regency for Sustainability Agriculture

Tiara Sarastika, R. A. Triyadi, Y. Saraswati
Peri-urban areas are dynamic areas characterized by the transition between rural and urban areas. The city's development strongly influences intensive changes in peri-urban areas. Yogyakarta, as a city of education and culture, has significant growth that affects the development of surrounding areas....
Proceedings Article

Identification of Social, Economic and Building Density Vulnerability To Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards In Bantul District

Yohana Noradika Maharani, Yody Rizkianto, Ikhsan Ikhsan
Bantul Regency is one of the regions in Indonesia with a high risk of earthquake and tsunami disasters due to the presence of an active fault (Opak fault) and proximity to the plate subduction zone. Furthermore, as Yogyakarta’s most popular tourist destination, population density and new development...
Proceedings Article

De-radicalization Policy: Communication Power to Prevent Ex-Terrorist Re-joining for Organization and Radicalism Networking

Susilastuti Dwi Nugrahajati, Basuki Agus Suparno
Terrorists as actors can be identified based on several characteristics and features so that they can be classified in line to these features and a degree of destruction as well as threats and fear which will be produced in their own actions. These types encompass terrorists who failed his actions or...
Proceedings Article

Materiality and Just Energy Transition in Indonesia

Nikolaus Loy, Iva Rachmawati, Joko Susilo
Climate change has driven the birth of the energy transition. However, several obstacles during the transition, such as high costs, technological limitations and societal resistance, result in big questions regarding how the energy transition should be carried out. The energy transition debate involves...
Proceedings Article

The Daybreak of the Global Minimum Tax: Striking the Balance Between Foreign Investment Attraction and International Tax Standards

Nguyen The Duc Tam, Nguyen Thai Ngan
The Global Minimum Tax (GMT) - a pivotal component of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) - endeavors to establish a uniform international threshold for corporate taxation, thereby augmenting fairness, transparency,...
Proceedings Article

Nationalism Implementation Moderates The Effect Of Digital Taxation On Taxpayer Compliance

Kunti Sunaryo, Gita Astyka Rahmanda, Indah Kartika Sandhi, Berty Dwi Rahmawati
Taxes are the main element of the country's largest revenue. Tax revenue is a source of revenue that can be obtained continuously and can be developed optimally as needed. This of course must be directly proportional to the high level of public compliance in paying taxes. Taxpayer compliance to...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Agricultural Development Villages Based on Culinary Enterprises on Communities in Kulon Progo District

Sri Kuning Retno Dewandini, Amalia Nurul Huda, Zulfa Nur Auliatun Nissa, Ardela Nurmastiti
In the rice fields of Kulon Progo Regency, the growth of culinary enterprises such as cafes and restaurants is happening rather quickly. Many farming areas have been converted into eateries with mountain and rice paddies views. The aim of this research is to 1) examine the economic impact of culinary...
Proceedings Article

The 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship and Indonesia's Foreign Policy: Implications for Regional Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

Ludiro Madu, Yudhy Widya Kusumo
Indonesia's Chairmanship of the 2023 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) holds significance for regional diplomacy. Over the years, Indonesia has been a key player in shaping ASEAN's direction. This manuscript aims to provide an analysis of Indonesia's foreign policy during...
Proceedings Article

Democracy in Parenting: Fostering Gratitude in Students

Bening Wahyu, Eko Hardiansyah, D. Ririn Dewanti, Abdybekova Nurmira
This study was conducted to determine whether there is a relationship between Parenting Patterns and Gratitude in students of SMK “X” Gempol. This research is included in correlational quantitative research. The variables contained in this study are the variable Parenting Pattern as the independent variable...
Proceedings Article

Interpersonal Attraction and Prosocial Behavior in College Students: Unveiling the Nexus

Sufi Zhada, Effy Wardati Maryam, Eko Hardiansyah, Azizbaev Saitdin Seiitbekovich
This research is based on the problems experienced by students of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University, namely the indication of a lack of prosocial behavior. It can be seen from the results of interviews that there is a lack of cooperation, honesty and help between students. Researchers are interested in...
Proceedings Article

Dynamics Of Self-Acceptance Of Early Adult Women Who Experience Fatherlessness

Ayu Dzihni Yusriyah, Widyastuti Widyastuti, Dwi Nastiti, Mokhichekhra Yakubovna Ruzieva
This study aims to describe the dynamics of self-acceptance among fatherless early-adult women due to divorce and death. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. This study used a purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique used was semi-structured interviews...
Proceedings Article

Group Cohesion and Social Reinforcement: Exploring Dynamics in Student Organizations

Nis Watul Asrofi, Effy Wardati Maryam, Widyastuti Widyastuti, Akhmedova Mehrinigor Bahodirovna
This study aims to determine the relationship between group cohesiveness and social loafing among students who take part in UKM at the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo. Social loafing is influenced by several factors, one of which is group cohesiveness. This study uses a correlational quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Emotional Description of Autism Children in Sidoarjo

Adiibah Suhailiyyah Alhasiib, Lely Ika Mariyati, Widyastuti, Jalilova Lola Jalilovna
This research purposely to find out the emotion description of children with autism in inclusive school at Sidoarjo. Based on the fact that there is an increase in students with special needs (ABK) attending education in inclusive schools in Sidoarjo, namely at Muhammadiyyah 2 Elementary School. The...
Proceedings Article

Optimistic Minds, Robust Theses: The Key to Psychological Flourishing in Aspiring Psychologists

Yulia Endang Agustini, Dwi Nastiti, Lely Ika Mariyati, Juraev Khusniddin Oltinboyevich
This research was conducted because researchers found the phenomenon of low psychological well-being in students who were preparing their final assignment. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between optimism and psychology students who are preparing their final assignment at...
Proceedings Article

Overview of Affiliation Needs in Late Teens Active Twitter Users in Surabaya

Lira Dewisufi Ratunegoro, D. Ririn Dewanti, Effy Wardati Maryam, Rajabova Marifat Bagoevna
This study aims to determine the picture of affiliation needs in late adolescent active twitter users in Surabaya. This study used descriptive quantitative methods. This study was conducted on the late adolescent active twitter users in Surabaya with a sample of 348 taken using a simple random sampling...
Proceedings Article

Navigating Academia: Decoding the Nexus Between Self-Regulated Learning and Procrastination in Student Achievement

Oktaviani Orsy, Dwi Nastiti, Eko Hardiansyah, Mehriniso Rakhmatova
Academic procrastination is a problem that often occurs in students and an initial survey that has been conducted by researchers on 25 students of Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo, shows that there are still students who deliberately delay starting and completing assignments, so that tasks cannot...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing Smart Villages: The Mediating Role of Good Village Governance Through Accounting Information Systems

Zuhrohtun Zuhrohtun, Indro Herry Mulyanto, Kunti Sunaryo, Heri Susanto, Anake Nagari
This study investigates the relationship between the implementation of Good Village Governance, optimization of Smart Villages, and the outcomes of Accounting Information Systems. Good Village Governance is related to the effective way to govern village, which also serves as a reference point for village...
Proceedings Article

A Socio-Technical Study Of The Narratives Of Three Pro-ISIS Indonesian Women In The Perspective Of Actor-Network Theory

Yuseptia Angretnowati, Melaty Anggraini, Machya Astuti, Dewi, Meilisa Jibrani, Tasya Iznada Syafira
The phenomenon of individuals becoming radicalised and joining extremist movements through media platforms, particularly social media, poses a significant concern. The online sphere has transformed into a sinister domain that fosters several perilous possibilities for the spread of extremism, radicalism,...
Proceedings Article

Economic And Nutritional Losses Result From Household Food Waste Behavior In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta

Herdiana Anggrasari, Muhamad Ridwan, Dhika Cahyasita
Food waste behavior on a household scale is food waste that occurs when food is wasted. This research aims to determine economic and nutritional losses due to food waste in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The economic calculation is calculated by multiplying the amount of rice wasted by the average...
Proceedings Article

Sense of “Love for Indonesian Products” due to “Fear of Missing Out”: Patriotism on Shoe Product Choice Ventela vs Converse

Rolan Mart Sasongko, Yudhistira Saraswati, Hafidh Rifky Adiyatna
The waning sense of patriotism among today's youth has prompted the author to investigate the importance of patriotism and the prevalent fear of missing out (FoMO) experienced by young individuals. This study aims to explore how modern youths, specifically Generation Z students at UPN “Veteran”...
Proceedings Article

SDGs Action Model in Poverty Alleviation in Village Communities

Januar Eko Prasetio, Sabihaini Sabihaini, Widhy Tri Astuti, Gita Astyka Rahmanda
The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of the village SDGs action model implemented in the Sambirejo village of Pakanewon - Prambanan District, Sleman Regency – Special Province of Jogjakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach. This research found that the implementation...
Proceedings Article

Destination Quality’s Impact on Tourist Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions in Dieng

Humam Santosa Utomo, Hendro Widjanarko, Suratna Suratna, Keny Rahmawati
Dieng is a well renowned tourist destination in Central Java, Indonesia. This study aims to examine and assess the influence of destination quality on visitor satisfaction and their desire to revisit, specifically in the Dieng Mountains of Central Java. A total of 250 participants were selected for the...
Proceedings Article

Post-Pandemic Development Strategy for Cultural Tourism Village

Hendro Widjanarko, Humam Santosa Utomo, Susanta Susanta
Wukirsari is one of the leading tourist villages in Indonesia. This research aims to formulate a tourism development strategy based on internal and external factors. A development strategy is really needed after the pandemic ends. The SWOT and QSPM approaches were used in this research to formulate an...