Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH 2022)
269 authors
- Abellana, Aprell L.
- Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
- Adigue, Andrea P.
- Self-efficacy and Learning Strategies in the Context of Online Learning
- Afifah, Kurniasih Nur
- Diversity of Fruit Bats (Pteropodidae) in Nature Tourism Park, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
- Afriansyah, Ekasatya Aldila
- How Far is the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Vocational School Students?
- Agil, Mangestuti
- Education System and Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants for Healthcare in Tengger Tribe, Argosari Village, East Java, Indonesia
- Aguirre, Mindelle Rey C.
- A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
- Akbar, Muhammad
- Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability Using E-learning
- Alerta, Rosalina
- Guided Reading Lessons Featuring Digital Stories on Students’ Reading Comprehension
- Alimin, Al Ashadi
- Metacognitive Awareness Towards Academic Learning
- Alvarez, Joel I.
- HyFlex Learning: Continuing Tertiary Education in a Post – Pandemic Environment
- Amalia, Lida
- The Effectiveness of Application POEW (Predict–Observe–Explain–Write) Learning Models on the Ecosystem Concept
- Andhi, Rahmat Rizal
- Development of Ethnomathematics-Based Online Learning (POBE) for Prospective Teachers
- Angeles, Jermil R.
- Learning the Basic Skills in Industrial Arts: A Massive Open Online Course for Pre-service TechVoc Educators
- Anggrahini, Nanda
- Growth Opportunity, Leverage, Net Working Capital and Firm Size on Cash Holding
- Anisah
- Peer Assessment Analysis of Performance Appraisal Using Analytical Rubrics to Improve Critical Thinking Skills
- Anud, Edgar M.
- Relationship Between Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Self-efficacy, 21st Century Instructional Skills and Performance of Science Teachers
- Apriandi, Davi
- STEAM-Culture Based Teaching Materials on Cube and Block Building Materials
- Armiani, Sucika
- Diversity of Fruit Bats (Pteropodidae) in Nature Tourism Park, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
- Astuti, Irnin Agustina Dwi
- Four-Tier Optics Diagnostic Test (4T-ODT) to Identify Student Misconceptions
- Astuti, Reni
- The Evaluation of Teacher Certification Policy Represented by Its Implementation in the Border Area of Sanggau District of Indonesia
- Atmaja, I Wayan Wesa
- Effectiveness eLSIDA as a Moodle-Based LMS on the Slow Learners’ Achievements
- Avionyta, Nadhieva
- Plant Ecology Learning Modeling with Python Programming to Support Digital Argumentation Skills
- Ayu, Ieke Wulan
- Research Skills Profile of Prospective Science Teacher Viewed from Gender
- Ayunar, Gladys S.
- A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
- Aziz, Ahmad Nur
- Financial Technology, Financial Literacy and Financial Management Behaviour in Colleges
- Bhagawan, Weka Sidha
- Education System and Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants for Healthcare in Tengger Tribe, Argosari Village, East Java, Indonesia
- Bhakti, Demmy Dharma
- The Needs Analysis of Online Learning
- Bhakti, Yoga Budi
- Four-Tier Optics Diagnostic Test (4T-ODT) to Identify Student Misconceptions
- Bonifacio, Kent Levi A.
- A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
- Budiarto, Asri
- Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
- Budiono
- The Independence of Students of SLBN Karangrejo Madiun Regency in Learning Farm Education with the STEAM Approach
- Capuyan, Joemar B.
- Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
- Caro, Virgencita B.
- Relationship Between Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Self-efficacy, 21st Century Instructional Skills and Performance of Science Teachers
- Caro, Virgencita B.
- Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
- Casildo, Nathalie Joy G.
- A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
- Chasanatun, F.
- Kampung Budha Sodong’s Local Wisdom: The Symbolic Forms of Covid-19 Traditional Ritual, Its Internalization and Comparing to the Villagers’ Educational Backgrounds
- Cortez, Angelica O.
- Learning the Basic Skills in Industrial Arts: A Massive Open Online Course for Pre-service TechVoc Educators
- Cortez, Angelica O.
- Guidance and Counseling and Homeroom Guidance in Public Schools: How Do We Do in This Time of Pandemic?
- Cortez, Bernard Emil O.
- Guidance and Counseling and Homeroom Guidance in Public Schools: How Do We Do in This Time of Pandemic?
- Dahlena, Alni
- Ecolife Media Effect on Students’ Eco Intelligence Ability in Social Studies Learning
- Darma, Yudi
- The Evaluation of Teacher Certification Policy Represented by Its Implementation in the Border Area of Sanggau District of Indonesia
- Darmadi
- The Independence of Students of SLBN Karangrejo Madiun Regency in Learning Farm Education with the STEAM Approach
- Das, St. Wardah Hanafie
- Digital-Based Islamic Education and Morals Learning Model in SMA/SMK of Parepare
- Deonesia
- Standardization of Athletic Test Norms for Class Viii Boy Students at State Junior High School
- Derije, Ma. Elena E.
- Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
- Devi, Heidy Paramitha
- Factors Affecting the Use of Financial Technology Payment Systems (Case Study on ShopeePay Digital Wallet Users in Madiun City)
- Dianah, Lili
- Ecolife Media Effect on Students’ Eco Intelligence Ability in Social Studies Learning
- Dimyati, Endang
- Actualization of the Value of Local Wisdom in Era 4.0 as a Learning Source for Pancasila and Citizenship Education
- Ditasari, Rollis Ayu
- EDUPEDIA: Intelligent Tutoring System on Learning Difficulties
- Ditta, Aliffianti Safiria Ayu
- EDUPEDIA: Intelligent Tutoring System on Learning Difficulties
- Dwiputri, Marselly
- Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
- Ekasari, Wiwied
- Education System and Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plants for Healthcare in Tengger Tribe, Argosari Village, East Java, Indonesia
- Emyus, Ahmad Zaki
- The Use of Modification Audio Media in Recognition of Braille Letters Symbol on Multiple Disabilities with Visual Impairment (MDVI) Students
- Ernawati, Atie
- Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
- Escarlos, Gladys S.
- A Decision Support System for Predicting Students’ Performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of Senior High School Students
- Escarlos, Gladys S.
- Multidimensional Analysis of Determinants in the Academic Achievement of Basic Education Learners: Its Implication to Higher Education Institutions
- Esteban, Alfredo M.
- Technology Proficiency and Academic Stress Level of Pre-service Teachers Under the New Normal
- Fajri, Siti Rabiatul
- Diversity of Fruit Bats (Pteropodidae) in Nature Tourism Park, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
- Farell, Geovanne
- User Interface Analysis on Job Matching Information System Using Eight Golden Rules
- Fatah, Galih Abdul
- Enterprise Architectural Planning Hospital Using Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) General Hospital Type C
- Fatah, Galih Abdul
- UI/UX Design of Hotel Search and Booking Applications Using the Learn Experience Method
- Fayanni, Yenni
- The Influence of Technology and Innovation Strategy on Financial Performance Through the Mediation of Intellectual Capital in Private Hospitals
- Febriyanti, Nindy
- WordWall Application as an Interactive Learning Media in Mastering English Vocabulary at Elementary School
- Fendrik, Muhammad
- Development of Ethnomathematics-Based Online Learning (POBE) for Prospective Teachers
- Firdaus, Muhamad
- The Evaluation of Teacher Certification Policy Represented by Its Implementation in the Border Area of Sanggau District of Indonesia
- Galman, Sheena Mai A.
- HyFlex Learning: Continuing Tertiary Education in a Post – Pandemic Environment
- Galman, Sheena Mai A.
- Guidance and Counseling and Homeroom Guidance in Public Schools: How Do We Do in This Time of Pandemic?
- Hadi, Ahmaddul
- User Interface Analysis on Job Matching Information System Using Eight Golden Rules
- Hadiprayogo, Basuki
- The Implementation of Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Special Elementary School, Jember Regency
- Halik, Abdul
- Digital-Based Islamic Education and Morals Learning Model in SMA/SMK of Parepare
- Hamdani, Nizar
- WordWall Application as an Interactive Learning Media in Mastering English Vocabulary at Elementary School
- Hamdani, Nizar Alam
- The Needs Analysis of Online Learning
- Hamdani, Nizar Alam
- Moodle-Based Learning Management System Application in the Development of Interactive Digital Module in Description Statistics Courses
- Hamdani, Nizar Alam
- Enterprise Architectural Planning Hospital Using Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) General Hospital Type C
- Hamdani, Nizar Alam
- How Far is the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Vocational School Students?
- Hamdani, Nizar Alam
- UI/UX Design of Hotel Search and Booking Applications Using the Learn Experience Method
- Handhika, Jeffry
- Peer-Review Statements
- Handhika, Jeffry
- Plant Ecology Learning Modeling with Python Programming to Support Digital Argumentation Skills
- Hanif, M.
- Kampung Budha Sodong’s Local Wisdom: The Symbolic Forms of Covid-19 Traditional Ritual, Its Internalization and Comparing to the Villagers’ Educational Backgrounds
- Hariyani, Diyah Santi
- Growth Opportunity, Leverage, Net Working Capital and Firm Size on Cash Holding
- Harris, Soepardi
- Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
- Hartiningrum, Esty Saraswati Nur
- The CORE Learning Model in Improving Mathematical Communication and Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
- Haryanto, Sendy Dwi
- EDUPEDIA: Intelligent Tutoring System on Learning Difficulties
- Herman, Sukrina
- Enterprise Architectural Planning Hospital Using Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) General Hospital Type C
- Herman, Sukrina
- UI/UX Design of Hotel Search and Booking Applications Using the Learn Experience Method
- Hidayat, Ryan
- Design and Development of Batik Village Gemeksekti Kebumen Based on Local Wisdom for Tourism Education
- Hoang, Ha
- Working with the Language Curriculum: On Methods and Teacher Agency
- Imelwaty, Sri
- English Teachers’ Evaluation of the Portable English as an International Language (EIL) Perception Scale Toolkit Practicality as the Diagnostic Instrument
- Indah, Rizky
- Positive Politeness Strategy in Graham Norton Show
- Irawan, Ari
- Implementation of the Kaulinan Barudak Application as a Numeration Learning Media
- Irawan, Ari
- Javanese Batik as the Development of Android-Based Interactive Learning Media
- Iriani, Tuti
- Peer Assessment Analysis of Performance Appraisal Using Analytical Rubrics to Improve Critical Thinking Skills
- Irwan, Dedi
- Metacognitive Awareness Towards Academic Learning
- Irwanita, Dea
- Development of Audio Visual Learning Media Based on Canva Application on Students Learning Interest in Geography Learning in Class X IPS SMAN 2 Dayun, Kabupaten Siak
- Islami, Fajrul
- Integration Technology in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) Course Design for Law Students
- Jamaluddin, Asham Bin
- Students Creativity Through Digital Mind Map
- Jamilah
- Actualization of the Value of Local Wisdom in Era 4.0 as a Learning Source for Pancasila and Citizenship Education
- Jannah, Miftahul
- The Validity of Interactive PowerPoint Based on Balanced Literacy Approach for Early Reading Improvement
- Jaya, Putra
- User Interface Analysis on Job Matching Information System Using Eight Golden Rules
- Juliyanti, Wiwin
- Financial Technology, Financial Literacy and Financial Management Behaviour in Colleges