Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2022)
77 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Bambang Budi Wiyono, Asmaa Abusamra, Zainal Dimaukom Kulidtod, Jamal Nordin bin Yunus, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Ophat Kaosaiyaporn
Proceedings Article
Improving Teacher Performance Through Professional Development in the New Normal Era
Siti Nur Khomariyah, Ali Imron, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Sunarni
This study aims to describe: (1) a description of the performance of post-professional teacher development; (2) inhibiting factors for professional development to improve teacher performance and efforts to overcome them; and (3) the driving factors for professional development to improve teacher performance....
Proceedings Article
Development of Educational Institutions Using the Confrontation Meeting Technique Through Learning Management System (LMS) in Improving School Quality
Hasan Argadinata, Agus Timan, Moch. Faza Pramudya
The development of educational institutions is very necessary in an effort to improve the quality of education. The purpose of the study is to find out how the development of educational institutions, the application of educational development with confrontation meeting techniques in an effort to improve...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Spectrum of Visioner Leadership as a Driving Force in Building a Culture of Innovation in School
Mustiningsih, Ali Imron, Juharyanto, Rochmawati, Nova S. Ariyanti
This study is to find the spectrum of visionary leadership that is the driving force in the process of implementing education management in schools. This is triggered by the phenomenon of globalization and the digitalization of the world of education which is constantly accelerating the complex development...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Front Line Teachers Roles in Managing Remote School: A Narrative Inquiry Study
Ence Surahman
Teachers are an essential element in determining the quality of education. This study carefully reports on the roles of Front line teachers (FLT) in their careers. One front line program teacher was used as a single subject for questioning and authentic evidence about their work during their work. The...
Proceedings Article
Management of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving Learning Productivity in Elementary Schools
Farid Wajdi, Zulfikar Putra, Asmani Arif
Management of facilities and infrastructure in educational units is very important, if the planning is well regulated, it will certainly be in accordance with the expectations and desired goals in a quality learning process. The purpose of the study was to describe the management of facilities and infrastructure...
Proceedings Article
Digital Leadership in the Scope of Education
Muhammad Rasyid Ridho, Indra Lesmana, Heriani Dhia Ayu Safitri, Rosida Kerin Meirani, Dedi Prestiadi
Leadership in the educational context space continues to experience a shift, especially in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. As a leadership policy maker, the principal must be able to read the current developments of the times, one of which is by taking a digital leadership approach. This research...
Proceedings Article
Scientific Approach in Instructional Supervision
Khairun Nisa’, Nadiya Erike Tamara, Dedi Prestiadi
The purpose of this research is to know, explain, and explore the approach. The method used in this research is a literature study. The results of the literature study are: (1) the concept of a scientific approach in the supervision of learning; (2) the position of supervision of learning with a scientific...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review of Clinical Supervision Approaches in Educational Supervision
Lia Sajidah Rusydayana, Novita Nurul Azizah, Nur Anisatussholihah, Dedi Prestiadi
This study aims to increase knowledge about clinical supervision. The method used is literature review by looking for various theoretical references that are relevant to predetermined subjects. The collected data were analyzed descriptively with an interactive analysis model with data collection steps,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Respondents Characteristics in Exploring the Relationship Between Managerial Ability and Effectiveness of Principal Supervision on Teacher Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic at State Elementary School
Sasi Maulina, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Akbar Syah Ichwanda Burham, Erika Mei Budiarti
This study aims to describe the characteristics of the respondents selected in the study with the title of the relationship between managerial ability and the effectiveness of principal supervision on teacher performance during the Covid-19 pandemic that has been carried out. Descriptive analysis technique...
Proceedings Article
Modification of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) Approach with Cognitive Disputation Techniques in Group Counseling Based on Cyber Counseling
Shabrina Muyassirotul ‘Aliyah, Muhammad Ramli, Fitri Wahyuni
Online learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is an alternative solution that is widely applied by educational institutions in Indonesia. Even so, the application of online learning also raises various problems experienced by students. In order to overcome these various problems, counselors present...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Learning Management System: A Case Study on Junior High School Level
Akbar Syah Ichwanda Burham, Burhanuddin, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Djum Djum Noor Benty, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum
This study aims to describe: (1) the management of the learning management system (LMS); (2) supporting factors for LMS utilization and optimization efforts; and (3) the inhibiting factors of LMS and how to overcome them. This qualitative research method uses a case study design at SMP Negeri 3 Malang...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Covid-19 on School Counselor Services
M. Ramli, Nur Mega Aris Saputra
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a very significant change in this context in terms of implementing education. One of the educational contexts that is affected is the implementation of guidance and counseling services in schools. The changes are quite significant and take place quickly, resulting in...
Proceedings Article
Disclosure of the Contribution of Principals in Improving the Quality of Education
Achadi Budi Santosa
The school leadership factor plays a very important role in realizing the achievement of school performance and effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to reveal the principal’s strategy in realizing quality schools. The research was conducted through a sequential explanatory approach, quantitative...
Proceedings Article
Personality and Professionalism Competence Problems Faced by Principals: A Descriptive Analysis
Ahmad Nurabadi, Imam Gunawan, Ibrahim Bafadal, Min-Ling Hung, Maulana Amirul Adha, Ovela Yusma Valenda
The purpose of this study was to identify the problems faced by school principals related to personality and professionalism competencies, to achieve these objectives, a quantitative approach was used with a descriptive research design. The respondents of this study were 41 principals, while the data...
Proceedings Article
Digital-Based Leadership Potential Searching to Improve the Quality of Learning
Erika Mei Budiarti, Ahmad Nurabadi, Teguh Triwiyanto, Sucipto Sucipto
The research objective is to explore the potential for digital-based leadership and mentoring the potential for sustainable leadership. The researcher used a development research design with a total survey sample of 738 students as respondents in the first phase of the research. In the survey data collection,...
Proceedings Article
The Role and Professionalism of School Counselors in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
Inggar Anggita, Alna Aulia Nabilla, Ismawan Robiulkhair, Subira Kaserero, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
Merdeka Belajar Curriculum is a policy in the new era of education. Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture has taken the best approach to fulfill the students’ rights and obligations through Merdeka Belajar curriculum. Merdeka Belajar Curriculum is a new breakthrough...
Proceedings Article
Parent Involvement in the Implementation of Education Program Through the Community “Paguyuban”
Dyas Bintang Perdana, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Maulana Amirul Adha
The purpose of this study is to trace parental participation in education, and reveal the supporting factors and obstacles to parental participation in the implementation of educational activities. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. The data collection steps are...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Teaching Literacy and Numeracy Materials Based on the Problem and Project for 5–6 Year Olds Children
I. Wayan Sutama, Wuri Astuti, Pramono, Dewi Endah Nur’Aini, Lailatus Sangadah
The purpose of this training is to increase the knowledge and skills of teachers in developing problem- and project-based literacy and numerical teaching materials for children aged 5–6 years. This is significant to be implemented, because through the independent curriculum children are directed to have...
Proceedings Article
Development of Leadership Potential Through Student’s Hobby in Sport
Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Ahmad Narabadi, Muh Arafik, Teguh Triwiyanto, Pramono, Rosdiana Amini, Anisa Maulidina, Siti Amalia, Endra Ubaidillah, Min-Ling Hung, Rida Hanania
This study aims to determine the potential of student leadership through students’ hobbies. The location of this research is SMA Lab, State University of Malang. The subjects were 738 students. The research design used is descriptive quantitative with survey method. The instrument used is a questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Media with Javanese Script Monopoly
Umu Da’watul Choiro, Khotimatul Qismiyah, Dias Putri Yuniar
Javanese language in educational institutions, especially the elementary level, is a local content subject. One of the materials studied in Javanese subjects is Javanese script, with basic competencies in reading and writing. Students on average are not interested in learning Javanese because learning...
Proceedings Article
Management of Students by Integrating the Values of Local Wisdom for the Revitalization and Reactualization of the Nation’s Identity to Face the Challenges of Globalization
Ali Imron, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Syamsul Hadi, Mustiningsih, Rochmawati, Moch. Haris Purwanto
Management of students by integrating the values of local wisdom or local excellence is the management of students who incorporate local wisdom and globalization challenges in the areas of human resources, arts and culture, language, information and communication technology, ecology, and other components....
Proceedings Article
Measurement Scale of Student Readiness in Following Hybrid Learning: Validity and Reliability
Endra Ubaidillah, Dedi Prestiadi, Maulana Amirul Adha, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Sasi Maulina, Aulia Nur Firdausi, Yunita Erviana
Research during the pandemic shows that there are many negative impacts during the implementation of online learning, the implementation of hybrid learning is expected to be a solution to solve these problems. The purpose of this study was to test the scale of measurement of student readiness in participating...
Proceedings Article
Student Career Planning Become Entrepreneurs Based on Gender Perspective
Maulana Amirul Adha, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Maisyaroh, Imron Arifin, Nofriska Krissanya, Suherdi Suherdi
The topic of entrepreneurship in recent years has become an interesting topic to be discussed in depth. This study aims to identify the level of student career plans in entrepreneurship and also to examine whether or not there are differences in the level of student career plans as entrepreneurs based...
Proceedings Article
Professional Competence of School Counselor in Providing Guidance and Counseling Service at School
Alna Aulia Nabilla, Inggar Anggita, Ismawan Robiulkhair, Subira Kaserero, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
School counselors play an essential role in helping students to cope with several challenges and problems in daily life, especially in the educational aspect, such as academic performance and interest in learning, followed by social and interpersonal factors. As a school counselor, it is necessary to...
Proceedings Article
Need Analysis of Teaching Materials for Speed and Discharge Materials in Grade 5th of Elementary School
Sigit Wibowo, Yuniawatika, Erif Ahdhianto
The purpose of this study is to analyze the need for teaching materials for teachers and students of class VB in SD Negeri 1 Kauman according to the needs that can be practical, interesting, and useful regarding teaching materials toward more complete and strengthen the independent character of students....
Proceedings Article
Developing Multimedia Tutorial in Vocational High School Teacher Training
Yerry Soepriyanto, Fikri Aulia, Sulthoni, Sri Juniarti Utami
The purpose of community service activities is to provide training for teachers in vocational high schools to develop multimedia tutorials independently. In accordance with the findings of the needs analysis, it is rare for teachers to be trained to develop interactive multimedia tutorial software Implementation...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Student’s Scientific Writing Skills in Research: Common Mistakes and Writing Style
Titis Angga Rini, Ni Luh Sakinah Nuraini, Puri Selfi Cholifah
This study aims to describe the ability to write scientific papers of students from common mistakes and writing styles. Scientific writings intended in this study are in the form of a research report based on pre-research findings during student final project supervision which shows many writing problems....
Proceedings Article
Management of Merdeka Curriculum Towards Strengthening the Profile of Pancasila Students in Schools
Wikan Budi Utami, Agus Wedi, Sulthoni, Fikri Aulia
The purpose of this study was to examine the policy of independent learning in strengthening the profile of Pancasila students. The research was conducted using literature review and descriptive methods. This study shows that the implementation of the independent learning policy has been running but...
Proceedings Article
How to Create and Manage an Innovative Business Startup Using a Design Thinking Approach?
Citra Kurniawan, Ence Surahman
The challenging experience of finding halal food providers, places of worship, and matters related to the halal world prompted the developers to create a complete, accurate, and easily accessible information system for the Muslim community in Taiwan. This study investigates what lessons and how Taiwan...
Proceedings Article
Assistance of Scientific Article Writing Based on Classroom Action Research with Clinical Coaching Approach
Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Sunarni, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Asep Sunandar, Endra Ubaidillah, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Akbar Syah Ichwanda Burham, Nurul Mustabsyiroh
This community service activity aims to improve the professional competence of teachers through mentoring activities for writing scientific articles based on classroom action research with a clinical coaching approach. The method used in this activity is a workshop and assistance in writing scientific...
Proceedings Article
Ikigai Models to Quality Improve Human Resources in Higher Education
Rochmawati, Djum Djum Noor Benty, Kamilatun Nisa, M. Haris Purwanto
That is, Ikigai is a strategy in utilizing all the potential of human resources in dealing with life based on quality values. This model is oriented to the optimization of self quality leading to an increase in the effectiveness and direction of the performance of all staff, continuous improvement, and...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of the Nonformal Education Labsite in Empowering Digital Technology-Based Communities
Kukuh M. Raharjo, Sucipto, Zulkarnain, M. Ishom, M. Haidar
The purpose of this research is to reveal the various components of vocational skills in the labsite programme, labsite strategies in improving the vocational skills of technology-based communities. The research method used is using a qualitative approach with a case study research type. The target of...
Proceedings Article
Higher Education Standard Policy with Effectiveness of Using E-Module Through Learning Management System
Ghasa Faraasyatul ‘Alam, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Asep Sunandar
This study aims to describe the existing policy standards in higher education with the use of effective e-modules through an interactive and attractive learning management system for students in the application of teaching and learning activities. The researcher uses the literature review method with...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Land Transportation Educational Game (GETAR) Based on Computer Assisted Instructional (CAI) on Cognitive Ability of Children with Intellectual Disabilities
Rizqi Fajar Pradipta, Ryadi, Husein Fuat Imanudin, Ilham Afrizal Chusna
Mild mentally retarded children are children with intellectual disabilities who can still be developed academically. As one aspect that can be developed, namely, the ability to recognize land transportation. The use of learning media in the form of Land Transportation Educational Games in Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
NeCard Moral Debate: Principal Moral Strengthening Game Media
Ibrahim Bafadal, Ahmad Nurabadi, Imam Gunawan
The purpose of this research is to create a Moral Debate NeCard game for school principals. NeCard is a modified media game from snakes and ladders and card games, which is played by the principal, to improve and strengthen the principal’s morale in leading the school. This research uses the development...
Proceedings Article
Deeper Learning in Leadership to Help High School Students Find Potential
Teguh Triwiyanto, Ahmad Nurabadi, Muh. Arafik, Pramono Pramono, Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Rosdiana Amini, Anisa Maulinda, Akbar Syah Ichwanda Burham, Endra Ubaidillah, Min-Ling Hung
The purpose of this research is to find out deeper learning in leadership to help high school students find their potential. The research data was reviewed from sources in the form of books, with the keyword’s leadership potential, published in the last three years. There are three books published for...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Leadership Head of School in Al-Qur’an Oriented Institutions
Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Juharyanto, Dedi Prestiadi, Nur Mega Aris Saputra
The principal’s task as a school leader has a very vital role in running an effective organization to guide and direct his subordinates, especially students. The way to successfully teach respect and responsibility, it needs to be supported by values-based leadership behavior from education stakeholders...
Proceedings Article
Conceptual Design of Digital Anxiety Detection-Tools for Students School Anxiety
Nur Hidayah, M. Ramli, Kartika Candra Kirana, Husni Hanafi, Mila Yunita, Rofiqoh Rofiqoh
This study aimed to develop a conceptual design of DAD (Digital Anxiety Detection-tools) for students. DAD is an alternative tool to identify student anxiety more specifically and in real-time based on physical symptoms and the identification of students’ psychological conditions. This research model...
Proceedings Article
Parenting Patterns of Young Family and Impact on the Behavior of Children
M. Munaisra, Pramono Pramono, Eny Nur Aisyah, Arif Fathoni, Sendhi Tristanti, Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin
Parenting generally refers to the way parents treat their children in various ways such as in communicating, disciplining, monitoring, encouraging, and educating. Parenting patterns play a very important role in the development, quality of education, and personality of children. It can be seen that parenting...
Proceedings Article
Development of Integrated Early Childhood Art Innovations to Improve Artistic Abilities of Group B Children
Usep Kustiawan, Retno Tri Wulandari, Munaisra Tri Tirtaningsih, Pramono
Early childhood education should strive to stimulate, guide, nurture, and provide learning activities for all aspects of development, which includes the artistic aspect, in order to help children in achieving their developmental targets. Related to that, art is an activity that humans do consciously...
Proceedings Article
Learning Experience Participant Students MBKM PGPAUD FIP University Negeri Malang
Ahmad Samawi, Usep Kustiawan, Tomas Iriyanto, Wuri Astuti
Learning experience is very important and must be owned by students, not just IPK. It was so important that the Minister of Education and Culture launched an Independent Learning and Independent Campus. Learning experience or learning experience is very important and must be owned by students. This study...
Proceedings Article
Identification of School Principal Social Competence Problems During the Pandemic
Muh. Arafik, Sofiyah Azzahro Pribadi, Maulana Amirul Adha, Ahmad Nurabadi, Ibrahim Bafadal, Imam Gunawan, Siti Amalia Thasbikha
This study seeks to identify the problems encountered by school principals related to their social competence during the pandemic. Descriptive research design with a quantitative approach is used to achieve these goals. The respondent of this research is the principal, which is analyzed by descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Facilitative Learning Strategies in Community Empowerment Programs Originated on Local Literature Skills in Realizing Community-Centralized Sustainable Development
M. Ishom, Sucipto, Zulkarnain, Kukuh M. Raharjo, M. Haidar
This study aims to analyze facilitative learning strategies in community empowerment programs that are oriented towards local literacy skills in realizing community-centered sustainable development. Using a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. The target of this research is the...
Proceedings Article
Investigating the Need for Self-help Design of Technology-Based Reality Counseling to Improve Self-regulated Learning for MBKM Program Students
Nur Mega Aris Saputra, Nur Hidayah, M. Ramli
The MBKM program provides convenience and flexibility to study independently in the form of activities offered to students so adjustments are needed in learning arrangements, and this is due to the differences in the learning program at MBKM with previous learning programs. The problem that occurs is...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Guidance and Counseling Services Implementation in Elementary School Settings
Santi Widiasari, Dian Junita Anggarini, Destanika Diffa Ralianti, Ilma Ainu Sofa, Dinny Hidayatur Rahman
The needs of guidance and counseling services in elementary schools appears from characteristics and problems developments that occur during age child elementary school. Characteristics and optimization student development in elementary school need a better service assistance. The needs of student development...
Proceedings Article
Different Roles of School Counselors and Teachers in Increasing Student Learning Motivation
Caecilia Binanda Rucitra Herestusiwi, Thadeus Ega Fausta, Rizqi Maulida Fitria, Muhammad Ali Najich, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
Learning motivation is the encouragement to get the enthusiasm to learn and change behavior so that they want to do learning activities. The problem of learning motivation will always be found at any level of education. Counselors and teachers must be involved with each other so that student learning...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Counselor’s Code of Ethics: Problems in Implementation
Dian Junita Anggarini, Santi Widiasari, Ilma Ainu Sofa, Destanika Diffa Ralianti, Dinny Hidayatur Rahman
Counselors are professionals who receive special education in the field of guidance and counseling, as well as the original diploma from the counseling guidance undergraduate program. Counselors in conducting counseling have guidelines in carrying out counseling so as not to harm the counselee or counselor....
Proceedings Article
Development of Parenting Models, Infrastructure and Management Health in Management of Day Care for Melati State University of Malang
Pramono Pramono, Arif Fathoni, Sendhi Tristanti, Ellyn Sugeng Desyanti, Elfia Nora
This research is a synthesis of several development research models that have been tested. The development steps used, taking into account the research objectives and the scope of the research subjects, this research procedure uses 6 steps, namely: (1) conducting a needs analysis, (2) identifying the...
Proceedings Article
Learning Management and Leadership Skills of Madrasah Principals in Implementing Freedom to Learn Policy
Maisyaroh, Juharyanto, Ibrahim Bafadal, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Maulana Amirul Adha, Bagus Rachmad Saputra, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Indra Lesmana
The freedom to learn policy is interpreted as an innovative program for the world of education in Indonesia, although at the beginning of the policy discourse it was blown up to the public experiencing many pros and cons, but at this time the policy needs to be pursued for its success in its implementation...
Proceedings Article
Vo2max Level and Fat Levels as the Impact of Decreasing Physical Activity in School During the 2.5 Year Covid Pandemic in Junior High School Students
Taufik, Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, M. E. Winarno, Dona Sandy Yudasmara, Rida Hanania, Eldiene Zaura I’tamada
The aim of this study was to determine the VO2max capacity and fat content of seventh grade students after online school for 2.5 years. The method used in this research is a survey method with a descriptive type of research and a quantitative approach. The instrument used is a beep test to determine...
Proceedings Article
Multimedia Presentation Development Training for Vocational School Teachers
Made Duananda Kartika Degeng, Yerry Soepriyanto, Fikri Aulia, Sri Juniarti Utami
The results of the evaluation of multimedia development training activities for two consecutive years indicate that there is a need for multimedia development training for student learning when learning online. This article presents the results of training activities for developing multimedia presentations...
Proceedings Article
Mapping the Professional Duties of Elementary School Teachers in Implementing Education in the Pandemic Period
Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Wildan Zulkarnain, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Akbar Syach Ichwanda Burham, Evanly Jorji Bengen, Erika Mei Budiarti
The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the duties of the teaching profession in carrying out education during the pandemic in public elementary schools in the Greater Malang area (Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City). The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis....
Proceedings Article
Comparison Euclidean Distance and Manhattan Distance as Classification in Speech Recognition System
Muhammad Ryandy Ghonim Asgar, Risanuri Hidayat, Agus Bejo
One of the uses of a digital system is a speech recognition system. Feature extraction and classification is important step in speech recognition system process. Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC) feature extraction is a popular feature extraction used in speech recognition system, while one of...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Wilson Score on Personal Information Distribution for Privacy-Focused Contact Management
Aqiela Fadia Haya, Cutifa Safitry
This paper proposes an improved contact management system that places its main focus on the privacy of its users by providing a user-controlled privacy management process and implements a user verification method using the Wilson confidence interval. The main the advantage of the proposed method is that...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Trust on Students’ Behavior Towards Blog During Pandemic Era
Ari Kusyanti, Nurudin Santoso, Harin Puspa, Ayu Catherina
Blog is one of the media that can develop one’s abilities and ideas through writing. Blog is also used as a strategic learning media to improve the active and interactive learning process for students. During this pandemic, the existence of blogs facilitate the students to find information that they...
Proceedings Article
Information Technology Usage Index in Indonesian Companies
Anderes Gui, Idris Gautama So, Hasnah Haron, Elfindah Princes, Sumaiyah Abd Aziz, Nathasa Mazna Ramli
Information technology (IT) has been critical in implementing the firm’s Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSD) objectives as it is an effective source for all types of corporate policies. IT is supported by advanced tools and applications to efficiently conduct business plans, increase profits, improve...
Proceedings Article
Effort to Improve Teacher Teaching Skills Through Learning Innovation Training
Asep Sunandar, Mutmainnah, Hasan Argadinata, Muhammad Zidni Ilman Nafi’a
Efforts to improve the quality of education are supported by good quality learning. This encourages teachers to improve their teaching skills to produce quality learning. The development of technology which is the center for changing and being adaptive to be able to improve the quality of teachers and...
Proceedings Article
Understanding How Schools Seek Funding Sources for the Implementation of School Education: An Indonesian Contexts
Imam Gunawan, Wildan Zulkarnain, Ahmad Nurabadi, Sasi Maulina, Endra Ubaidillah, Andhika Gilang Prayoga, Agus Baharudin, Adetya Dewi Wardani
An organization needs funds to implement various programs that have been designed, including schools. Schools also need funds to provide quality educational services. Sources of funds can be obtained by schools from various sources and can be accounted for professionally. This article presents how schools...
Proceedings Article
Game-Based Hots Learning in Kindergarten
Wuri Astuti, Ahmad Samawi, Tomas Iriyanto
The Covid 19 pandemic that has spread throughout the world has implications for changes in all aspects of life, including education. The health and safety of citizens is an important matter, but saving students’ education is no less important. After the government has taken the decision to close schools...
Proceedings Article
Development of Student Discipline in Controlling Truancy Behavior (Case Study at SMPN 11 Malang)
Christina Kusuma Wardhani, Wildan Zulkarnain, Ahmad Nurabadi, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum
This study aims to describe (1) the classification of truancy behavior, (2) the factors causing truancy behavior, (3) the impact of truancy behavior, (4) the strategies adopted by the school as an effort to control students (5) follow-up to the completion of truancy behavior through discipline building....
Proceedings Article
Factor Analysis of Peer Supervision Model in Junior High Schools Malang City
Dedi Prestiadi, Ahmad Nurabadi, Ibrahim Bafadal, Ahmad Munjin Nasih
Supervision is an important activity carried out by the principal to provide assistance to teachers in the face of the problems faced so that it will have an impact on improving the quality of teachers. This study aims to determine the factors of the peer supervision model in Malang City Junior High...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Needs of Elementary School Learning Environment Model Based on Green School
Yuniawatika, Vivi Novianti, Ibrahim Sani Ali Manggala
A healthy and green learning environment in schools will greatly support the achievement of a smart, healthy, and quality generation. Therefore, it is necessary to make an effort to create a school that has a good learning environment. It’s just that a healthy and green learning environment is not only...
Proceedings Article
Model Training for Involving Children in Housework as Formation of Children’s Strong and Independent Characters in the Family Environment
Hardika, Tomas Iriyanto, Dila Umnia Soraya, Eny Nur Aisyah
The involvement of children in household work is actually able to train the character formation of children’s resilience and independence. However, today’s parents have an orientation to educate and take care of children which is more directed towards the success of children in completing school academic...
Proceedings Article
Learning Creativity Through Student Social Life Experiences in Indonesian Higher Education
Tomas Iriyanto, Hardika, Dila Umnia Soraya, Eny Nur Aisyah
This descriptive quantitative research aims to reveal student learning creativity through social life experiences. The research sample was selected purposively by considering that the research process must be carried out quickly, data collection should not be done physically close together, and respondents...
Proceedings Article
Learning Through Play in Early Children’s Education in Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel’s Perspective
Eny Nur Aisyah, Harun Harun, Arif Rohman
This study aims to analyze learning through play in early childhood education in the perspective of Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel. Efforts to explore the developmental potential and abilities of children through a combination of learning activities while playing which is the main characteristic has been...
Proceedings Article
Measurement Scales of Administrative Services and Academic Culture in Universities Based on Item Response Theory
Burhanuddin, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Maisyaroh, Achmad Supriyanto, Nur Luthfi Ardhian
Examine the performance of the universities in providing administrative services to customers and building academic culture need to be measured using appropriate measures scales. Unidimensional factor is an important criterion that must be deserved in scale development for this purpose. This paper reports...
Proceedings Article
The Flexibility of Executive Function: Implementing Social Story for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Muchammad Irvan, Putri Syafitri
So far, many cases of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been found to have various comorbidities, one of which is executive function. These skills, support the flexibility of individuals to be able to complete daily tasks and understand the sequence of schedules. However, some cases of...
Proceedings Article
Overview of the Teaching System in Turkey and Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Andhika Gilang Prayoga, Imam Gunawan, Ahmad Nurabadi
Online teaching is a teaching system that must be implemented by lecturers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic, both synchronously and asynchronously. The purpose of this study is to describe at a glance the teaching system in Turkey (Kocaeli University) and Indonesia (Universitas Negeri Malang)...
Proceedings Article
Development of Canva-Assisted Learning Videos with Strengthening the Independent Character of Grade IV Elementary School Students
Erlin Meilina Purwati, Sukamti Sukamti, Arda Purnama Putra
The purpose of this study is to produce canva-assisted learning video media on light material with independent character strengthening for grade IV elementary school students that is valid according to material experts, media experts, and teachers, and is of interest to teachers and students. This research...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Multimedia Tutorial Development Training for Teachers in Vocational High Schools
Sulthoni, Yerry Soepriyanto, Fikri Aulia
The purpose of community service activities is to provide training for teachers in vocational high schools to develop multimedia tutorials independently. This needs to be done because so far the training has only been multimedia development, both interactive and linear. It is rare for multimedia development...
Proceedings Article
The Comparison of Student Learning Motivation Based on the Study Period
Bambang Budi Wiyono, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin, Dedi Prestiadi, Arifin Arifin
Learning motivation is one of the variables that determine student achievement. Student learning outcomes will be achieved optimally if the students have high learning motivation. Therefore, to improve student learning outcomes, it is necessary to increase student learning motivation. This study aimed...
Proceedings Article
Design of Ubiquitous Learning (U-Learning) on Thesis Writing Training and Final Project Assisted Massive Open Online Courses
Widya Multisari, Adi Atmoko, Riskiyana Prihatiningsih, Hengki Tri Hidayatullah, Sinta Aura Rokhmatillah
This study aims to produce a ubiquoitous learning (u-learning) training design for students who are compiling thesis and final project using massive open online courses (MOOC). The research method uses research and development of the ADDIE model. Data collection was obtained from expert assessments of...
Proceedings Article
Mapping the Structure of E-Leadership Research: A Co-keyword Analysis
Virra Krisnafitriana, Imam Gunawan, Ahmad Nurabadi, Djum Djum Noor Benty, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Wildan Zulkarnain, Indra Lesmana, Sasi Maulina, Endra Ubaidillah, Agus Baharudin, Erika Mei Budiarti
This paper aims to identify the main concepts of e-Leadership study by network analysis of the co-occurrence of keywords, through knowledge domain mapping, a method used in bibliometrics analysis. We analyzed 148 documents from the Web of Science database on e-Leadership with the help of VOSviewer software...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Cattle Farmers with Machine-Assisted Composting Training
R. Anggia Listyaningrum, Rezka Arina Rahma, Ica Purnamasari, Fuad Indra Kusuma, Anisa Rizky Riyandini
Cattle business is one of the profitable businesses, but its maintenance also requires extra attention. In addition to regular feeding, owning a cattle business is also required to maintain the cleanliness of the enclosure. Therefore, the owner or worker always cleans the cow dung and piles it separately....
Proceedings Article
Development of Electronic Teaching Materials Using Google Sites in Grade IV Elementary School
Aulia Permatasari, Arda Purnama Putra, Putri Mahanani
Development of Electronic Teaching Materials Using Google Sites Materials on Rights and Obligations need to be developed as an alternative in delivering material in learning activities. This development intends to produce electronic teaching materials that are suitable for use by material experts, media...
Proceedings Article
Development of MOOC Content in Educational Information Communication Technology Courses
Arda Purnama Putra, Iqlima Pratiwi, Muh Arafik
The purpose of this research and development is to produce interactive MOOC content using the Embed Code in educational communication information technology courses. This research uses the development method which refers to the theory of Borg and Gall. This development research procedure includes several...