Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2022)
205 authors
- Medyasepti, Frindhinia
- 360-Degree Illustration Based on Virtual Reality (The Cisadane Folktale)
- Midyanti, Hafizhah Insani
- Design of Soundscape Music on Beluk Vocal in Digitizing Audio Archives
- Milyartini, Rita
- Peer-Review Statements
- Milyartini, Rita
- Trend of Vocal Distance Learning
- Milyartini, Rita
- Podcasts as Music Learning Media in the Digital Era 4.0
- Milyartini, Rita
- Creative Dance for the Motor Development of Mental Retardation Students
- Milyartini, Rita
- Utilization of QR Code for Digital Information Media Installation Artwork
- Milyartini, Rita
- Reading Imagination Transfer Behind the Music Archive
- Milyartini, Rita
- The Sundanese Kawih Vocal Exercises Based on Digital Media
- Milyartini, Rita
- Cultural Identity in Choral Performance Through Digital Media
- Milyartini, Rita
- Visual Design of Packaging at One Pesantren One Product in Indonesia
- Milyartini, Rita
- Implementation of Enriched Virtual Learning Model Through Online Guidance to Create Film Production in Videography Class
- Milyartini, Rita
- Two Cases of Dance Composition Learning Using Technology in Dance Education Study Program in Indonesia
- Milyartini, Rita
- A Case Study of the Musical Training of Angklung Padaeng in KABUMI UPI
- Milyartini, Rita
- Use of ICT as a Music Teaching Material Development Tool
- Milyartini, Rita
- Correction to: Utilization of QR Code for Digital Information Media Installation Artwork
- Mustika, Nimas Cahyani
- Symbols and Meanings of Barong Dress Using Banyuwangi
- Nababan, Ryan Sheehan
- Artificial Intelligence Approach in Visual Design Ideation Process
- Nafsika, Salsa Solli
- (De)Colonialise Pendagogical on Creating Indonesian Intellectual Cinema
- Narawati, Tati
- Peer-Review Statements
- Narawati, Tati
- Creative Process of Documentary Production The Bakti Purnamasari Traditional Ceremony as a Form of Cultural Resilience
- Narawati, Tati
- Islamic Art as a Representation of Religious Society
- Ningsih, Dwi Utami
- Podcasts as Music Learning Media in the Digital Era 4.0
- Nugraheni, Trianti
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nuralamsyah, Arbi
- Creative Process of Creating Tran.sit Dance by Jesssica Christina at the Inspyro Moves Platform Bandung
- Oktaria, Dita
- Psychoanalysing Visual Art Creation from the Imagination to Understand the Creative Process
- Oktaviana, Gita
- Batujaya Temple Artifacts as Inspiration for the Development of Karawang Batik Motifs
- Pahrulroji, Andri
- Types of Projection Mapping on Art and Design Development
- Pauhrizi, Erik Muhammad
- Implementation of Cross Culture Learning as Scientific Strengthening in Organizing International Student Film Festival Activities
- Pauhrizi, Erik Muhammad
- (De)Colonialise Pendagogical on Creating Indonesian Intellectual Cinema
- Paz, Farhan Reza
- Cultural Identity in Choral Performance Through Digital Media
- Paz, Farhan Reza
- Representation of Local Style in Performance of ‘Cingcangkeling’ on the International Choir Festival
- Peng, Li Hsun
- Clover Leaf as One of the Innovations of Surabaya’s Typical Batik Motifs in the Village of Ex-Dolly
- Permata, Supartini
- Value of Life in Benjang Mask Dance
- Pertiwi, Annisa Bela
- Learning Activities Based on “EDU Creative Production Unit” in Visual Communication Design Study Program at SMKN 9 Bandung
- Pranata, Dodi
- Learning Ensemble Music Through Android Apps
- Prastomo, Agustinus Dicky
- Visual Representation and Its Impacts in Rising Positive Emotions Through Interactive Media: Candy Crush Saga Case Study
- Pratiwi, Selvi Rahmadani
- Study of Social Values in Dance Performances of West Sumatra
- Prayitno, Eko Hadi
- Implementation of Enriched Virtual Learning Model Through Online Guidance to Create Film Production in Videography Class
- Prinera, Dhisa Aditya
- Video-Based Art Culture Teaching Materials at SMPN 3 Soreang, Bandung Regency
- Putri, Syifa Silviana
- Mirroring of Learning Baris Dance at Sanggar Pusbitari in Bandung City
- Ramdani, Fitrawati
- Composition Music Gamelan with VSTi
- Riandi, Wiki
- (De)Colonialise Pendagogical on Creating Indonesian Intellectual Cinema
- Rianti, Muthia
- Buai-Buai Dance as a Symbol of Agriculture in West Sumatra
- Rizkavirwan, Darfi
- 360-Degree Illustration Based on Virtual Reality (The Cisadane Folktale)
- Rizkita, Nadine
- Virtual Piano Four-Hands Learning Video Design for Learning to Read Basic Music Notation
- Rizkiya, Amaliya Lailatur
- Clover Leaf as One of the Innovations of Surabaya’s Typical Batik Motifs in the Village of Ex-Dolly
- Rohayani, Heny
- Online Study Problem Survey in Dance Practice Lectures to Support the MBKM Program
- Sabaria, Ria
- Dance, Poetry and Music: Film Design through Collaborative Learning
- Saiful, Abizar Algifari
- Reading Imagination Transfer Behind the Music Archive
- Saprudin
- A Case Study of the Musical Training of Angklung Padaeng in KABUMI UPI
- Sekarningsih, Frahma
- Online Study Problem Survey in Dance Practice Lectures to Support the MBKM Program
- Sihombing, Vionita V.
- Packaging of Vocal Teaching Materials for the Batak Toba “Andung” Region Through the Utilization of Google Drive
- Silaban, Jenny Margaretha
- Using the Google Site as a Media to Learn Art Music Chord Online
- Silaban, Richie Gracia
- Utilizing Wordwall as a Learning Media Game-Based Traditional Music Instruments
- Silalahi, Eccles Rianda
- PowerPoint Utilization to Make Android-Based Boomwhackers Learning App
- Soeteja, Z. S.
- Visual Design of Packaging at One Pesantren One Product in Indonesia
- Soeteja, Zakarias S.
- Peer-Review Statements
- Soeteja, Zakarias S.
- Visual Culture: Reading Digital Collage Art
- Soeteja, Zakarias Sukarya
- Video-Based Art Culture Teaching Materials at SMPN 3 Soreang, Bandung Regency
- Soeteja, Zakarias Sukarya
- Types of Projection Mapping on Art and Design Development
- Soeteja, Zakarias Sukarya
- Representation of Local Style in Performance of ‘Cingcangkeling’ on the International Choir Festival
- Stefany, Lareta
- Recording Songs in the Studio Using a Mobile Phone: Using Dolby on Application
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Recording Songs in the Studio Using a Mobile Phone: Using Dolby on Application
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Creative Process of Documentary Production The Bakti Purnamasari Traditional Ceremony as a Form of Cultural Resilience
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Android-Based Flute Learning Media
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Virtual Piano Four-Hands Learning Video Design for Learning to Read Basic Music Notation
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Best Practice for Making VINOV with the Theme of C Major Guitar Using PowerPoint
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Epistemology of Nagham Al-Qur'an a Comparative Study of the Use Bayyati Style and Javanese Style in Al-Qur'an Recitation
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Composition Music Gamelan with VSTi
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Learning Ensemble Music Through Android Apps
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- PowerPoint Presentation in Learning and Teaching of Music History
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Using the Google Site as a Media to Learn Art Music Chord Online
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Utilization of Animakers as a Scale Learning Medium
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Utilizing Wordwall as a Learning Media Game-Based Traditional Music Instruments
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Utilization of the TikTok Application as Multimedia in Violin Learning
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Implementation of Cross Culture Learning as Scientific Strengthening in Organizing International Student Film Festival Activities
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Utilization of the Instagram Application in Learning Saxophone
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- PowerPoint Utilization to Make Android-Based Boomwhackers Learning App
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Interactive Power Point for Basic Level Traditional Vocals Learning
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Android-Based Learning Media Development in Lagu Jalan Learning
- Sukmayadi, Yudi
- Packaging of Vocal Teaching Materials for the Batak Toba “Andung” Region Through the Utilization of Google Drive
- Sunaryo, Ayo
- The Creative Process of Dance with Technology in the Era of Super Smart Information 5.0
- Supandi, Fajar Persada
- Utilization of QR Code for Digital Information Media Installation Artwork
- Supandi, Fajar Persada
- Correction to: Utilization of QR Code for Digital Information Media Installation Artwork
- Supiarza, Hery
- Dance, Poetry and Music: Film Design through Collaborative Learning
- Suprayogi
- Branding of Riau Batik Pucuk Rebung Motive to Increase the Creativity of Vocational High School Students
- Syafitri, Rahma
- Representations of Dance Identity of Urban City
- Taryana, Tatang
- Video Tutorial for Kania Tandang Dance: Building the Kandaga Studio During the Pandemic
- Tesa, Sofa Nurhikmah
- Putri Binangkit Dance as a Representation of Princess at Keraton Kanoman Cirebon, Indonesia
- Tila, Rita
- Design of Soundscape Music on Beluk Vocal in Digitizing Audio Archives
- Tjahjodiningrat, Harry
- Video-Based Art Culture Teaching Materials at SMPN 3 Soreang, Bandung Regency
- Trisnawati, Dalila Erna
- Changes in the Form of the Sigeh Penguten Dance at Sanggar Khatua Menangsi Lampung Selatan
- Undiana, Nala Nandana
- Implementation of Cross Culture Learning as Scientific Strengthening in Organizing International Student Film Festival Activities
- Undiana, Nala Nandana
- (De)Colonialise Pendagogical on Creating Indonesian Intellectual Cinema
- Utami, Catur Putri N.
- Interactive Power Point for Basic Level Traditional Vocals Learning
- Utami, Maya Putri
- Effectiveness of Using Digital Media as a Learning Support Media in Elementary School
- Wahyuningsih, Urip
- Clover Leaf as One of the Innovations of Surabaya’s Typical Batik Motifs in the Village of Ex-Dolly
- Widayat, Sally Agustini
- The Implementation of Merdeka Learning Flow in Traditional-Based Dance to Increase Junior High School Students’ Creativity