Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2022)

205 authors
Medyasepti, Frindhinia
360-Degree Illustration Based on Virtual Reality (The Cisadane Folktale)
Midyanti, Hafizhah Insani
Design of Soundscape Music on Beluk Vocal in Digitizing Audio Archives
Milyartini, Rita
Peer-Review Statements
Milyartini, Rita
Trend of Vocal Distance Learning
Milyartini, Rita
Podcasts as Music Learning Media in the Digital Era 4.0
Milyartini, Rita
Creative Dance for the Motor Development of Mental Retardation Students
Milyartini, Rita
Utilization of QR Code for Digital Information Media Installation Artwork
Milyartini, Rita
Reading Imagination Transfer Behind the Music Archive
Milyartini, Rita
The Sundanese Kawih Vocal Exercises Based on Digital Media
Milyartini, Rita
Cultural Identity in Choral Performance Through Digital Media
Milyartini, Rita
Visual Design of Packaging at One Pesantren One Product in Indonesia
Milyartini, Rita
Implementation of Enriched Virtual Learning Model Through Online Guidance to Create Film Production in Videography Class
Milyartini, Rita
Two Cases of Dance Composition Learning Using Technology in Dance Education Study Program in Indonesia
Milyartini, Rita
A Case Study of the Musical Training of Angklung Padaeng in KABUMI UPI
Milyartini, Rita
Use of ICT as a Music Teaching Material Development Tool
Milyartini, Rita
Correction to: Utilization of QR Code for Digital Information Media Installation Artwork
Mustika, Nimas Cahyani
Symbols and Meanings of Barong Dress Using Banyuwangi
Nababan, Ryan Sheehan
Artificial Intelligence Approach in Visual Design Ideation Process
Nafsika, Salsa Solli
(De)Colonialise Pendagogical on Creating Indonesian Intellectual Cinema
Narawati, Tati
Peer-Review Statements
Narawati, Tati
Creative Process of Documentary Production The Bakti Purnamasari Traditional Ceremony as a Form of Cultural Resilience
Narawati, Tati
Islamic Art as a Representation of Religious Society
Ningsih, Dwi Utami
Podcasts as Music Learning Media in the Digital Era 4.0
Nugraheni, Trianti
Peer-Review Statements
Nuralamsyah, Arbi
Creative Process of Creating Tran.sit Dance by Jesssica Christina at the Inspyro Moves Platform Bandung
Oktaria, Dita
Psychoanalysing Visual Art Creation from the Imagination to Understand the Creative Process
Oktaviana, Gita
Batujaya Temple Artifacts as Inspiration for the Development of Karawang Batik Motifs
Pahrulroji, Andri
Types of Projection Mapping on Art and Design Development
Pauhrizi, Erik Muhammad
Implementation of Cross Culture Learning as Scientific Strengthening in Organizing International Student Film Festival Activities
Pauhrizi, Erik Muhammad
(De)Colonialise Pendagogical on Creating Indonesian Intellectual Cinema
Paz, Farhan Reza
Cultural Identity in Choral Performance Through Digital Media
Paz, Farhan Reza
Representation of Local Style in Performance of ‘Cingcangkeling’ on the International Choir Festival
Peng, Li Hsun
Clover Leaf as One of the Innovations of Surabaya’s Typical Batik Motifs in the Village of Ex-Dolly
Permata, Supartini
Value of Life in Benjang Mask Dance
Pertiwi, Annisa Bela
Learning Activities Based on “EDU Creative Production Unit” in Visual Communication Design Study Program at SMKN 9 Bandung
Pranata, Dodi
Learning Ensemble Music Through Android Apps
Prastomo, Agustinus Dicky
Visual Representation and Its Impacts in Rising Positive Emotions Through Interactive Media: Candy Crush Saga Case Study
Pratiwi, Selvi Rahmadani
Study of Social Values in Dance Performances of West Sumatra
Prayitno, Eko Hadi
Implementation of Enriched Virtual Learning Model Through Online Guidance to Create Film Production in Videography Class
Prinera, Dhisa Aditya
Video-Based Art Culture Teaching Materials at SMPN 3 Soreang, Bandung Regency
Putri, Syifa Silviana
Mirroring of Learning Baris Dance at Sanggar Pusbitari in Bandung City
Ramdani, Fitrawati
Composition Music Gamelan with VSTi
Riandi, Wiki
(De)Colonialise Pendagogical on Creating Indonesian Intellectual Cinema
Rianti, Muthia
Buai-Buai Dance as a Symbol of Agriculture in West Sumatra
Rizkavirwan, Darfi
360-Degree Illustration Based on Virtual Reality (The Cisadane Folktale)
Rizkita, Nadine
Virtual Piano Four-Hands Learning Video Design for Learning to Read Basic Music Notation
Rizkiya, Amaliya Lailatur
Clover Leaf as One of the Innovations of Surabaya’s Typical Batik Motifs in the Village of Ex-Dolly
Rohayani, Heny
Online Study Problem Survey in Dance Practice Lectures to Support the MBKM Program
Sabaria, Ria
Dance, Poetry and Music: Film Design through Collaborative Learning
Saiful, Abizar Algifari
Reading Imagination Transfer Behind the Music Archive
A Case Study of the Musical Training of Angklung Padaeng in KABUMI UPI
Sekarningsih, Frahma
Online Study Problem Survey in Dance Practice Lectures to Support the MBKM Program
Sihombing, Vionita V.
Packaging of Vocal Teaching Materials for the Batak Toba “Andung” Region Through the Utilization of Google Drive
Silaban, Jenny Margaretha
Using the Google Site as a Media to Learn Art Music Chord Online
Silaban, Richie Gracia
Utilizing Wordwall as a Learning Media Game-Based Traditional Music Instruments
Silalahi, Eccles Rianda
PowerPoint Utilization to Make Android-Based Boomwhackers Learning App
Soeteja, Z. S.
Visual Design of Packaging at One Pesantren One Product in Indonesia
Soeteja, Zakarias S.
Peer-Review Statements
Soeteja, Zakarias S.
Visual Culture: Reading Digital Collage Art
Soeteja, Zakarias Sukarya
Video-Based Art Culture Teaching Materials at SMPN 3 Soreang, Bandung Regency
Soeteja, Zakarias Sukarya
Types of Projection Mapping on Art and Design Development
Soeteja, Zakarias Sukarya
Representation of Local Style in Performance of ‘Cingcangkeling’ on the International Choir Festival
Stefany, Lareta
Recording Songs in the Studio Using a Mobile Phone: Using Dolby on Application
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Peer-Review Statements
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Recording Songs in the Studio Using a Mobile Phone: Using Dolby on Application
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Creative Process of Documentary Production The Bakti Purnamasari Traditional Ceremony as a Form of Cultural Resilience
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Android-Based Flute Learning Media
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Virtual Piano Four-Hands Learning Video Design for Learning to Read Basic Music Notation
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Best Practice for Making VINOV with the Theme of C Major Guitar Using PowerPoint
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Epistemology of Nagham Al-Qur'an a Comparative Study of the Use Bayyati Style and Javanese Style in Al-Qur'an Recitation
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Composition Music Gamelan with VSTi
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Learning Ensemble Music Through Android Apps
Sukmayadi, Yudi
PowerPoint Presentation in Learning and Teaching of Music History
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Using the Google Site as a Media to Learn Art Music Chord Online
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Utilization of Animakers as a Scale Learning Medium
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Utilizing Wordwall as a Learning Media Game-Based Traditional Music Instruments
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Utilization of the TikTok Application as Multimedia in Violin Learning
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Implementation of Cross Culture Learning as Scientific Strengthening in Organizing International Student Film Festival Activities
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Utilization of the Instagram Application in Learning Saxophone
Sukmayadi, Yudi
PowerPoint Utilization to Make Android-Based Boomwhackers Learning App
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Interactive Power Point for Basic Level Traditional Vocals Learning
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Android-Based Learning Media Development in Lagu Jalan Learning
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Packaging of Vocal Teaching Materials for the Batak Toba “Andung” Region Through the Utilization of Google Drive
Sunaryo, Ayo
The Creative Process of Dance with Technology in the Era of Super Smart Information 5.0
Supandi, Fajar Persada
Utilization of QR Code for Digital Information Media Installation Artwork
Supandi, Fajar Persada
Correction to: Utilization of QR Code for Digital Information Media Installation Artwork
Supiarza, Hery
Dance, Poetry and Music: Film Design through Collaborative Learning
Branding of Riau Batik Pucuk Rebung Motive to Increase the Creativity of Vocational High School Students
Syafitri, Rahma
Representations of Dance Identity of Urban City
Taryana, Tatang
Video Tutorial for Kania Tandang Dance: Building the Kandaga Studio During the Pandemic
Tesa, Sofa Nurhikmah
Putri Binangkit Dance as a Representation of Princess at Keraton Kanoman Cirebon, Indonesia
Tila, Rita
Design of Soundscape Music on Beluk Vocal in Digitizing Audio Archives
Tjahjodiningrat, Harry
Video-Based Art Culture Teaching Materials at SMPN 3 Soreang, Bandung Regency
Trisnawati, Dalila Erna
Changes in the Form of the Sigeh Penguten Dance at Sanggar Khatua Menangsi Lampung Selatan
Undiana, Nala Nandana
Implementation of Cross Culture Learning as Scientific Strengthening in Organizing International Student Film Festival Activities
Undiana, Nala Nandana
(De)Colonialise Pendagogical on Creating Indonesian Intellectual Cinema
Utami, Catur Putri N.
Interactive Power Point for Basic Level Traditional Vocals Learning
Utami, Maya Putri
Effectiveness of Using Digital Media as a Learning Support Media in Elementary School
Wahyuningsih, Urip
Clover Leaf as One of the Innovations of Surabaya’s Typical Batik Motifs in the Village of Ex-Dolly
Widayat, Sally Agustini
The Implementation of Merdeka Learning Flow in Traditional-Based Dance to Increase Junior High School Students’ Creativity