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1517 articles
Proceedings Article

Roles of the Government in Fulfilling People’s Right To a Healthy Environment Through Sustainable Waste Management

Sulatin Baeti Janah
Waste is a problem that seems endless. Problems regarding this waste occur in various countries including Indonesia. Efforts to support the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment in Indonesian law need to be done by perfecting the principle of justice in various laws. Currently, waste...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Teaching Materials Based on Theory Didactical Situation and Technology in Facing the Era of Society 5.0

Aneu Pebrianti, Suhendra, Eyus Sudihartinih
Social literacy and humanitarian literacy characterize society 5.0 as an effort to optimize technology to solve social problems. According to this perspective, technology is not a machine but an integral part of life in solving problems. This research aimed to optimize the role of technology in the learning...
Proceedings Article

Design of Graduation Thesis Management System Based on School Enterprise Cooperation Mode by B/S Architecture

Weici Liu
The teaching reform of graduation project is an important content of the reform and development of higher education. With the change of the current talent training direction, many universities and enterprises have reached a cooperative relationship for students’ graduation design, however in the actual...
Proceedings Article

Asian Women’s Roles in Family Holiday:

A Case Study of Indonesian Females

Desloehal Djumrianti, Augustus E. Oseso-Asare
The issues about gender in tourism are still debated among scholars. The women’s movement has had a positive impact on gender equality, as in many countries wives hold an equal position with their husbands when making decisions about family holidays. However, some Asian women are still subordinate and...
Proceedings Article

Finding Meaning in the Unexpected: Underexplored Pathways to Discovering and Cultivating Meaning in Life

Pninit Russo-Netzer
One of the central components of meaning in life involves the experience that life “makes sense” and represents a coherent whole. Yet, less is known about the ways through which individuals discover or find meaning in everyday life. Despite advances in our understanding of the creative pathway through...
Proceedings Article

Geopolitics of Renewable Energy in the Middle East and North Africa Region

Nashiha Ulya, Yon Machmudi
The energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is a significant geopolitical challenge, given the economic dependence of these countries on hydrocarbon exports. This study uses a classical realism approach to analyze the impact of the energy...
Proceedings Article

Documentary Photography as a Tool for Environmental Education and Preservation of Paracas National Reserve

Ximena Mostajo-Alvarez, Mario Rodriguez-Quezada, Mariana Montalvo-Man, María Chávez-Chuquimango
This study focuses on analyzing the perception of the role of documentary photography as a tool for preservation and environmental education in the Paracas National Reserve, from the perspective of park rangers and documentary photographers. The methodology employed has an interpretive paradigm with...
Proceedings Article

Visualization Analysis of Current Situation and Trend of TCM Electronic Medical Records Research Based on CiteSpace

Gang Zhang, Shuanggui Tian, Ling Lin
To explore the research status, hot spots and frontier trends in the field of electronic medical record of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and to provide reference for related researchers. Methods: The literatures related to TCM electronic medical records from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2021...
Proceedings Article

Towards the process of adapting the concrete and the abstract through learning activities according to Kolb’s styles in online teaching

Hassane Kemouss, Omar Abdennour, Khaldi Mohamed
In the context of experiential learning, which has developed around the concepts of experiential learning according to the theory of David Kolb, this theory postulates that learning can only take place when a learner experiences the information that he or she has been given or discovers during an experience....
Proceedings Article

Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Perspective from Indonesian Undergraduate Students

Khairun Nisa, Syahrul Ramadhan, Harris Effendi Thahar
Teachers’ technical skills are critical to the learning process that facilitates student understanding. Using technology-based learning is one of the initiatives undertaken to improve their comprehension. Utilizing technology is one of the learning media that can be used in various fields of education...
Proceedings Article

Representation of the LGBTIQ+ Community in Three Peruvian Television Series

Alejandra del Carmen Elias Zambrano, Paola Palomino-Flores, Eliana Gallardo-Echenique
Television in Peru is the media with the greatest reach potential, because more than 80% of the population airs television at least once a week. Television has omitted certain social groups in its transmissions such as LGBTIQ+ community. They have historically been a marginalised sector suffering widespread...
Proceedings Article

Descriptive analysis of the articles about intergenerational at Dergipark on social studies

Ayşe Bostanci Kiliç, Soner Polat
The aim of the researcher is to do descriptive analysis of the ‘intergeneration’ term systematically on the Dergipark. This research has been practiced with the descriptive analysis method of qualitative research model. For that purpose, the articles in Social Studies between 2002-2022 that include ‘intergeneration’...
Proceedings Article

Historical Accuracy and Artistic Expression in 3D Digital Sculpting: Exploring Marcus Aurelius as Historical Representation

Christian Aditya
This practice-based research project investigates the relationship between historical accuracy and artistic expression in 3D digital sculpting, utilizing Marcus Aurelius as a case study. In order to generate insights into best practices and tactics for 3D digital sculpting as a form of historical representation,...
Proceedings Article

Does Artificial Intelligence Influence the Operational Performance of Companies? A Study

Himanshu Agarwall, Chandrika Prasad Das, Rabindra Kumar Swain
Business in today’s world of Technological era is obviously influenced by the Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI needs to be considered as a significant element in the business development and growth. The study allows to consider AI as the digital technology that must be brought together to facilitate...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of College Graduate Departure Management System

Pan Luo, Zhihong Ren
The Spring Boot framework is adopted in the system development, and the requirements analysis, system design, system implementation and system testing are completed according to the software engineering development process. After testing, the completed system can meet the business needs of college graduates...
Proceedings Article

Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy: Reflections on the Challenges and Sustainable Development of Higher Institutions of Learning in South Africa

Samson Adeoluwa Adewumi, Princess Thulile Duma
The ongoing dialogue for academic freedom and university autonomy remains important for the development and sustainability of higher learning institutions. The concept of academic freedom, although explicates different meanings in context and nature, its understanding from the lens of most developing...
Proceedings Article

A macroeconomic monitoring index construction management method based on big data analysis

Liangyoutong Li
In order to effectively forecast and monitor China’s price data, the article takes CPI and PPI price series as an example, constructs CPI and PPI high-frequency monitoring indices using commodity price big data, collects high-frequency big commodity big data from January 1, 2009 to December 27, 2019,...
Proceedings Article

Results of Assessment of Students’ Reading Metacognitive Skills

Mijid Ichinnorov
Many countries set their educational goal in line with the approach of “21st-century students are self-managed learners” and lead students’ skills, development, and mentality towards this tendency scientists’ focuses are, also, concentrating on this, and metacognitive skills research is becoming important....
Proceedings Article

Promote the Construction of Youth Community Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education System of Jilin Animation Institute Based on Information + Database Platform

Yingzhuo Ma, Jian Shen
With the national development entering the new stage of the “fourteenth five year plan”, under the catalysis of the application of various emerging technologies such as XR, artificial intelligence and cloud concept, various business models with great innovative value are constantly emerging, which has...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Online Teaching System of Chinese Ancient History Based on Web Technology

Yingzhe Chen
The online teaching system of Chinese ancient history is designed and implemented based on Web technology, with PHP as the development language, ThinkPHP as the server-side development framework and WAMP as the development environment. Aiming at the new requirements of the current system construction...
Proceedings Article

Implementing Traditional Mongolian Mind in Combination with Modern Teaching Technologies

Namjildagva Raash
A Mongolian proverb says, “Losing livestock is not a big deal, but the loss of the policy is a disaster.” One of the major challenges in the education sector is the implementation of the traditional reform policies. In particular, modern education policy must take into account the specifics of the nomadic...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Current Situation, Issues, and Countermeasures of AI Higher Education Literacy Training for Normal University Students: A Case Study of Wenzhou

Xinyun Jiao, Ruowen Sun, Yihan Ye
With the rapid development and updating of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, the field of higher education is experiencing unprecedented and profound changes. This situation is particularly significant in AIHEd. Normal University Students, as an important part of the future education faculty,...
Proceedings Article

Redefining Mechanism of Checks and Balances of Indonesian National Police Duties in Cyber Space against Citizens’ Human Rights

Muhammad Fajar Sidiq Widodo, Anni Nur Rohmah, Moh Ahza Ali Musthofa
Indonesia, under the leadership of President Joko Widodo, has drafted a bill on the addition of police authority in the cyber domain. This bill has been criticized for not being part of the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas). Some of the issues that have been discussed include the surveillance...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Daily Conversation for Online Drivers

Desloehal Djumrianti, Augustus E. Oseso-Asare
The issues about gender in tourism are still debated among scholars. The women’s movement has had a positive impact on gender equality, as in many countries wives hold an equal position with their husbands when making decisions about family holidays. However, some Asian women are still subordinate and...
Proceedings Article

Factors Associated with Seeking Afghan Refugees Current Situation in Puspa Argo Camp, Sidoarjo, Indonesia

Mohammad Arif Khalid
Due to the ongoing wars in different regions several people leave their countries for a better future. Globally refugees are facing a lot of problems that included economical, socials, and health related problems. The current study aimed to investigate the different factors of refugees from fleeing or...
Proceedings Article

Pre-operationalization of Pedagogical Innovation Centres in Moroccan Universities: An Overview and Perspectives

H. Tmouche, A. Fassouane, L. Daadaoui
This article is part of Pedagogical Innovation Centers (PIC) pre-operationalization within Moroccan universities. Designed to be structured to support pedagogical development and innovation, the PIC aims to enhance, enrich and diversify the pedagogical practices of teacher-researchers individually or...
Proceedings Article

Measuring Scientific Creativity with Subjective Creativity Assessments: Psychometric Challenges and Suggestions

Sujie Yang, Jue Wang
The research on scientific creativity plays an increasingly important role in education. Scientific creativity can be viewed as a type of domain-specific creativity. Subjective creativity assessments (SCA) are particularly useful for measuring domain-specific creativity and earned wide popularity in...
Proceedings Article

Implementing Mobile Mediated Collaborative Writing (MMCW) to Empower Self-Regulated Learning in the EFL Classroom

Ratnawati, Nur Mukminatien, Yazid Basthomi, Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi
Writing in EFL classes needs multidimensional competences including cognitive, metacognitive, socio-behaviour, and motivational aspects in the whole process. Unfortunately, previous studies have been focused more on writing products, cognitive aspects, and individual types. Therefore, to fill in the...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Urban Regeneration: Integrating Green Infrastructures and Nature-Based Solutions in Altamura

Saverio Massaro, Paolo Direnzo, Gaetano De Francesco, Donato Colonna
The integration of green infrastructures into urban planning has the potential to create more resilient and livable cities. This paper intends to present a co-programming path that has seen professionals and non-profit organizations collaborating with the Municipality of Altamura (Italy) in the development...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Development of Community Parenting Education in the Perspective of a Learning Society

Qi-Ying Zhu
Parental education, also known as family education, is the education of parents, and belongs to the category of adult education, comprising two aspects: on the one hand, it is the education of individual parents, and on the other hand, it is the specialized education of parents in the upbringing of their...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Digital Nature on Mental Health and Environmental Learning: Opportunities and Challenges

Eleonora Diletta Sarcinella, Alice Chirico, Katusha Gerardini, Andrea Gaggioli
Digital technologies have revolutionized the way we interact with the world, blurring the lines between the physical and digital realms. This manuscript delves into the transformative potential of these technologies in bridging the gap between humans and nature. Specifically, we focus on the evolution...
Proceedings Article

Design and Development of College Tourism English Training System Based on Speech Recognition Technology

Wenyu Xu
Based on language recognition technology, the author uses Web Audio API interface technology and Microsoft voice service to complete the construction of college tourism English training system in ASP.NET CORE environment. The practical training function of the system can simulate various sections in...
Proceedings Article

Developing Module of Statistics: Preliminary Research for the Second Year of Aerospace Engineering University Students

R. A. Funny, F. K. Rahmawati, M. A. Ghofur
Statistics for undergraduate students deal with a variety of issues depending on their major. Although basic statistics should still be mastered, the student need to learn more about their majoring field. While only a few modules or even books were created specifically to meet this demand. As a result,...
Proceedings Article

Research and Construction of Power Communication Transmission Network Operation and Maintenance Training System

Yanheng Zhao, Chunxiao Song, Ran Fang, Zhan Shi, Xudong Zhang
Skill training is an effective means to improve the professional skills and comprehensive quality of operation and maintenance personnel, and an important way to cultivate high skilled application-oriented talents. Based on the post capacity analysis and the principle of being close to the production...
Proceedings Article

Representation of Women Through Advertising Photography and Body Positive on Instagram

Gianella Grandez-Gamarra, Mario Rodriguez-Quezada, María Chávez-Chuquimango
This research aims to understand the perceptions of young university women about advertising photography and the Body Positive movement, to analyze how it impacts the representation of women who defy socially established beauty stereotypes. The study focuses on the opinions of young female university...
Proceedings Article

Extraordinary Gubernatorial Election in Puebla, Mexico, 2019: Negative Political Publicity, Its Regulation, and Its Implications for Discourse and Journalism

Araceli Espinosa-Márquez, Carla Irene Ríos-Calleja, Jesús Mario León-de Rosa, Alejandro Álvarez-Nobell
Electoral processes are always hectic. In the case of Puebla, Mexico in 2019 an extraordinary election was held after the governor elected in 2018 passed away a month after taking office. This article presents a case study where the negative political advertising used in the campaign of the elected candidate...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Freud Theory on Psychological Aspects of the Main Character in Movie “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (2022)

Christine Kurnia, Lala Palupi Santyaputri
Film is a unique form of art because it can reflect human life through its character, story, and conflicts. Every human being has their own psychological condition that affects their personality. The psychological condition of a human being is very complex and shaped by the many life experiences they...
Proceedings Article

Design and Application of Online Teaching Platform for Intelligent Thinking and Politics Based on Web Technology

Xiaowen Song
Based on the Web technology system, the online teaching platform of ideological and political education in colleges and universities designed with Spring framework as the core is designed to give full play to the characteristics of online education, complement the advantages of traditional classroom...
Proceedings Article

Transforming Pre-Service Economic and Management Sciences Teacher Education with Blackboard: A Blended Learning Tool for Engagement

Mochina Mphuthi
Blended learning platforms, like Blackboard, offer transformative potential in the realm of pre-service Economic and Management Sciences teacher education. This qualitative study engaged twenty-one pre-service teachers to examine the efficacy and challenges of integrating Blackboard into their educational...
Proceedings Article

Research on Creation of Barrier Free Digital Textbooks Based on Kano Model for Children with Visual Impairments

Xiao Xiao, Yitian Guo
This article suggests using hearing and touch to make up for eyesight in product design. To reduce the cognitive load and operational difficulties faced by children with impaired vision. Selection of design elements using the Kano model algorithm. Software programming and Arduino enable product-computer-user...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Digital Economy on the Income Gap between Urban and Rural Areas

Chuangli Shang, Yue Wang
This paper selects panel data of 31 provinces and cities from 2012 to 2021 to explore the impact of digital economy on urban-rural income gap through empirical research. The results indicate that the improvement of the development level of the digital economy has a significant narrowing effect on the...
Proceedings Article

Studying the Situation and Needs of Parents with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Mongolia

Battsengel Gelen, Byambajav Khashbat
The article presents on studying the situation and needs of parents with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Mongolia. According to the World Health Organization, one in every 100 children has an autism spectrum disorder in the world [1]. In Mongolia, there is a lack of knowledge, statistics,...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability of Digital Payments: Empirical Evidence from India

Vandana Bhavsar, Pradeepta Kumar Samanta
The digital financial services like mobile money, digital payments, and newer digital payment systems or financial technologies when rendered productively and responsively in a structured environment, will enable growth and faster achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a country. In...
Proceedings Article

Personalizing Learning Experiences with Q-Learning in Adaptive Educational Systems

Ikram Amzil, Souhaib Aammou, Zakaria Tagdimi, Hicham Erradi
Adaptive Educational Systems (AES) are computer-based systems that personalize the content and teaching methods based on individual students’ learning progress. AES aim to provide tailored learning experiences and improve learning outcomes. This research paper explores how Q-learning, a type of Reinforcement...
Proceedings Article

Development and Realization of the Intelligent Employment Ecosystem in Colleges and Universities

Jinlong Zhao, Peng Li
This paper discusses the development and realization of the intelligent employment ecosystem in universities, and focuses on the system design and architecture, the application of the core technology and its realization and application process. Firstly, the current situation of university employment...
Proceedings Article

The Customary Philosophy of the Anak Dalam Tribe as Part of the Soul of the Mation’s Law

Muhamad Erwin, Ahmad Taqwa, Dicky Seprianto, Ahmad Zamheri
In the soul of the customary law of the Anak Dalam Tribe in Bukit Duabelas National Park is closely related to the traditional teachings of the ancestors and in the balance of his life with the jungle of Bukit Duabelas. The nuance of the soul of law takes place by basing on the existence, source of knowledge,...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Meaning in Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Young Adults’ Future Perspectives in Italy and Portugal

Michela Zambelli, Cláudia Andrade, Joana L. Fernandes, Semira Tagliabue
Presence of meaning in life has been found to be adaptive during the pandemic (Humphrey & Vari, 2021; Samios et al., 2021), however, no studies were conducted to understand whether meaning in life is related to future perspectives in young adulthood. In the current study both the objective impact...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Impact of DESMOS on Students’ Understanding and Learning of Transformations

Anita Dani, Daliya Ashok
Understanding abstract or complex mathematical concepts is challenging for students. Disinterest and trouble understanding the subject can be due to teaching strategies that don’t suit the student’s learning style or an ineffective presentation of the content. Manipulatives, both real and virtual, are...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practical Innovation of Red Culture Education Activities in Linyi University Library Based on Weighted Average Algorithm

Yanmei Lyu, Chunguang Lyu
Relying on rich cultural resources, university library has become the “second classroom” for quality education of college students and an important base for training talents in universities. In this paper, we study the implementation effect of the library’s red culture education activities by quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Applying of Flipped Classroom Model in Terms of Motivation Level on Learning Outcomes of Teacher Candidates

Vera Septi Andrini, Erdyna Dwi Etika
The role of prospective teachers in Indonesia determines to achieve quality education. This study looks at the relationship between motivation level and the flipped classroom paradigm. Quasi-experimental research designs are used in this kind of study. All STKIP PGRI Nganjuk students enrolled in statistics...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation Method of Online Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

Peisen Xu, James Patnao
Classroom teaching quality evaluation is an important part of the overall teaching quality evaluation system in colleges and universities. The traditional multiple linear regression method of teaching quality evaluation lacks the calculation of evaluation index weight, which leads to low evaluation accuracy....
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Lexical Complexity of English for Special Purpose Based on WordSmith Tools and Software Range

A Case Study of Medical English, Maritime English and English for Science and Technology

Minghui Nie
This study compared the lexical complexity of different English for Special Purpose (ESP), mainly based on the Marine Engineering English Corpus (MEE), Medical English Corpus (MEC) and Jiao Da English for Science and Technology Corpus (JDEST). The study made a general analysis of word length, lexical...
Proceedings Article

Addressing Graduate Unemployment: Aligning Higher Education Curricula with Labour Market Demands

Nondumiso Shabangu, Nkosinathi Emmanuel Madondo
Graduate unemployment is a pressing issue that significantly impacts both individuals and the broader economy. While various initiatives attempt to address this problem, particularly from Universities of Technology, many of these efforts, such as entrepreneurial and Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs,...
Proceedings Article

Research and Implementation of Online English Education Learning Performance Prediction Under the Background of Big Data

Han Bao
In the context of big data, mining and analyzing massive data resources in the education field is conducive to making correct decisions for education and teaching based on reference opinions and improving the quality of education. Online English education learning performance prediction is one of the...
Proceedings Article

Supporting Professional Development of Preschool Teachers Through Transcript-based Lesson Analysis (tbla)

Turtogtokh Batkhuyag, Tuvshinlkhagva Nyamlkhagva, Tuya Legden, Jugdernamjil Khurelkhuu
The article presents a literature review analysis of effective teacher professional development and a pilot test on teachers’ questioning skills using Bloom’s taxonomy to support young children’s cognitive and language development. The study examines the status of effective teacher professional development...
Proceedings Article

Research on factors influencing opinion polarization based on QCA algorithm

Jianhua Dai, Shaoqiang Shen
The phenomenon of opinion polarization in unexpected online public events constantly challenges the construction of clear cyberspace, which can also lead to social harms such as cyber violence, rumors, moral abduction and doxing, etc. Studying the influencing factors of opinion polarization can help...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Legal Theory of Marriage Age Limit: A Study of Human Rights Equality

Edwin Aditya Irawan, Lego Karjoko
It can be argued that the desire to live peacefully with one’s partner through marriage is a fundamental human right. In Indonesia, marriage is legally regulated by a number of laws and regulations, one of which relates to the age limit for entering into such a marriage. In this context, a constitutional...
Proceedings Article

The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on school administrators’ psychology family life and work life (İznik sample)

Sümeyra Canavar, Osman Titrek
This study investigated the opinions of school administrators working in primary (elementary) and secondary (high school) schools in İznik district, Bursa province, on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic process on their psychology, family life and work life. Twenty-one school administrators, six female...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting the Purchasing of a Learning Management System in Madrid Region Universities

C. A. Lastras Rodríguez
Learning Management System (LMS) is the engine of knowledge at universities. LMSs acquire, save, share, distribute content among different players at universities. Due to COVID-19 pandemic LMS has become more important not only for content management, but also as an integration tool with video-conference...
Proceedings Article

Table for Two – The Past, Present and Future of Cinematic Parallel Narratives

Delwyn Jude Remedios, Deepak John Mathew, Max Schleser
This paper experiments with parallel interactive narratives in cinematic virtual reality by examining its past, present and anticipated future. Some novel innovations of cinematic parallel narratives are observed in The Kleptomaniac (1905), Rashomon (1950), Pulp Fiction (1994) and Run Lola Run (1998)....
Proceedings Article

Study of Teachers’ Evaluation on Students in Colleges and Universities Based on the Subjective, Objective and Combined Weighting - Cloud Evaluation Model

Yiming Zhou, Yaoyao Song, Yingxin Jiang
The establishment and application of a scientific and effective model and method play a pivotal role in conducting high-quality work of teachers’ evaluation on students in colleges and universities. With regard to the problem of setting the weights of the evaluation indexes of teachers in colleges and...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Leadership Style, Motivation and Work Structure to Muara Enim Community Health Center Performance (Equation Structural Method Approach)

AlHushori, Yusnizal Firdaus, Markoni Badri, Muhammad Yusuf
This study focus to determine the effect of leadership style and motivation on employee performance and to assist in providing suggestion related to the structure of work in the context of providing public health services. This research focus to the management of the program for the Mass Prevention of...
Proceedings Article

Replicating Lecture Hall Interactions Using Metaverse Pedagogies

Laxmi Devi, Lahveenya A. P. Panchalingam
There have been various instructional shifts in the tertiary education sector due to the pandemic. Legal academics have been gently forced to move beyond their primal instinct to teach face-to-face. Instead, they had to become innovative and integrate technology to make the teaching and learning pedagogy...
Proceedings Article

The Race for Leadership in the Global South

The Case of India’s Africa Policy

Ahmet Üçağaç, Ensar Muslu
This study aims to analyze the rapidly developing India-Africa relations in recent years by addressing the diplomatic, economic and security dimensions of the relations. The emergence of a multipolar international order radically changed the way global powers and actors seeking to achieve global power...
Proceedings Article

What Skills do Employers Really Want from Graduates?

Nicole Maisoon Shammas
For over a decade the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has supported an Emiratization initiative designed to employ UAE nationals in a meaningful manner in both the public and private sectors. Utilizing this skilled Emirati labour pool is key to the country’s development and its prioritization is reflected...
Proceedings Article

Investigating Elementary School Teachers’ Challenges and Needs in Implementing STEM Education: The Case of Nusa Tenggara Barat Indonesia

Fita Sukiyani
Elementary school teachers in Indonesia, especially in Nusa Tenggara Barat have implemented STEM in their classroom. Unfortunately, not all of them succeed. Therefore, this study is to identify elementary school teachers’ challenges and needs in implementing STEM education. The study used quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Disinformation in Spain’s Regional and Provincial Press

José Rúas-Araújo, Francisco Javier Paniagua-Rojano, Paulo Carlos López-López
This article aims to analyze how the fight against disinformation is managed in local newsrooms. A survey was completed by those the with the greatest audience, circulation and diffusion of each Spanish province. In total, 26 responses were captured, amounting to half the total number of newspapers and...
Proceedings Article

Using Pedagogical Activities in the Scenario for More Comprehensive and Interactive Pedagogical Videos

Chelliq Ikram, Anoir Lamya, Erradi Mohamed, Khaldi Mohamed
Pedagogical videos have become a highly effective medium for delivering learning content, with the advancement of video creation techniques and methods significantly contributing to their success. Modern technologies now enable the swift and economical production of educational videos, often through...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Case Teaching of Fluid Mechanics Pump and Fan

Zhimei Wen, Zhuangzhuang Qu
Based on the school’s educational orientation, educational philosophy, and talent training goals for building environment and energy application engineering majors, this paper proposes ideas for ideological and political construction of the course through the course introduction, course objectives and...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Lab Rotation Model in Hospitality Management Education

Adelaide Rethabile Motshabi Pitso-Mbili, Yondela Noxolo Mzileni, Nobuntu Rebecca Mtayisi
The rapid developments in technology have transformed the field of education through the integration of online teaching and learning (OTL) facilitated by Information and Communication Technology (ICT), enabling the acquisition of new technical and critical thinking skills. While many courses have seamlessly...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Development and Higher Education Quality Assurance Factor Measurements and Structural Design

Tsatsral Tserendorj, Batdulam Sukhbaatar, Soyolmaa Bavuudorj
Education is a key factor in achieving the goal of sustainable development, which is realized under the motto “NO-ONE LEFT BEHIND” around the world that the countries aiming to build a more stable society. Thus, the roles of education institutes are crucial, especially higher education institutions....
Proceedings Article

Transforming Livelihoods: Ensuring Equity and Sustainability Through ICT

Nirmal Kumar Mandal, Srilata Patnaik
Enhancing livelihoods of rural poor is crucial for poverty reduction. Livelihood perspectives started influencing development thinking in the last couple of decades and were considered to provide a holistic understanding of poverty. Sustainable livelihoods concept is built on the notion of capability,...
Proceedings Article

The Migration of Female Labor Force from the Southern Border Provinces to Malaysia

Raksiri Angchuan, Jiramet Maneekul
The migration of female labor from the southern border provinces of Thailand to Malaysia involves a complex interplay of economic, social, cultural, and network factors. Through semi-structured interviews with female laborers from the border provinces of Thailand who have moved to work in Thai restaurants...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Evidence: Research on the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Productivity Convergence

Jiamin Yu, Yan Sen
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) presents unprecedented opportunities for comprehensive economic growth and productivity improvement. This paper reviews recent development trends of AI and the factors influencing productivity convergence. We focused on the current state of research on...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of E-Learning Materials in Pre-Service Teacher Training: In Case of the Mongolian National University of Education (MNUE)

Munkhtuya Lkhagvasuren, Myagmargarmaa Chuluunbat, Nyamsuren Tsendsuren, Badamsuren Batsuuri
The main feature that distinguishes online learning from face-to-face learning is that regardless of space and time, students independently study the course content by accessing, uploading, downloading, and sending comments, participating in discussions and webinars, and viewing text, audio, and video...
Proceedings Article

Inclusion centered on the body-space perspective: preliminary results of the mapping and definition of indicators for new urban policies

Lia Ferreira, Alexandra Paio
Diversity and inclusion are crucial aspects of creating accessible public spaces in cities for all. The answers to the questions raised by the theme are currently understood as determinants in the context of sustainability and socio-territorial cohesion. The concept of inclusion is part of the contemporary...
Proceedings Article

Documentary Photography and Spatial Remote Sensing as Tools for Deforestation Reconnaissance in the Amazon

Rodrigo Sauñe-Henostroza, Mario Rodriguez-Quezada, María Chávez-Chuquimango
This study explores the potential of documentary photography and spatial remote sensing as complementary tools to address deforestation in the Amazon. Documentary photography possesses the unique ability to capture and communicate the human impacts of deforestation, giving voice to affected communities...
Proceedings Article

Influencing Factors of Employment Choices among College Students in Remote Island Areas: A Case Study of Zhoushan

Wenxuan Ren, Rui Wang, Syamsul Nor Azlan Mohamad, Xinyi Dong, Xiao Yang
The 20th National Congress report of China emphasizes that “talent is the primary resource.” Since 2017, China has witnessed a fierce competition among regions to attract talents, recognizing nowadays talents are the most scarce resource for innovation and development. Due to the geographical factors...
Proceedings Article

The Most Updated Development of PROMS in China

----- A report from Chinese Organizers

Jian Fang Xiao, Yun Zhao, Qinglan Yao, Huiqing Xiao
This article reports a series of Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) conferences organized by Chinese counterparts of Rasch model in China. Starting from PROMS 2023, Macau, China, the authors summarized all the pre-conference workshops run and keynotes delivered at each PROMS conference...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Online Assisted Teaching Platform of Film and Television Language Course Based on Javaweb

Qifeng Chao
In order to improve the traditional education mode of film and television language teaching, and strengthen students’ creativity and learning autonomy. This paper studies the online assistant teaching platform of film and television language course based on javaweb. The system is an application of J2EE...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Application of Online Training System for College Physical Education Teachers Under the Background of “Internet+ Education”

Yue Jia
In order to strengthen the teaching ability and professional quality of college physical education teachers and build a training system of “offline+ online” coordinated development, the author of this paper follows the reform trend of “Internet+ education” and develops an online training system for college...
Proceedings Article

Image Processing Design and Application of the Digital Museum Based on Jinling’s Compendium of Materia Medica

Tao Wang, Yu Tao
The report made on the Chinese Communist Party’s 20th National Congress in 2022 calls for promoting health development as well as the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. Allowing for the enormous theoretical and practical value of the ancient Chinese medicine book titled “Compendium...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Financial Technology on Financial Inclusion SMEs in Palembang City

Nur Rizka Erlianta, Marieska Lupikawaty, Titi Andriyani
The urgent of study is to optimize of the use of financial technology and to expansive of financial inclusion. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of financial technology on financial inclusion, the object of research was conducted on SMEs in Palembang City. The population...
Proceedings Article

Longitudinal Changes of Parents’ Views on Risky Online Behaviors and Positive Technological Development Among Hong Kong Early Adolescents

Wilfred W. F. Lau, Morris S. Y. Jong, Gustavo S. Mesch, Lisa B. Song
This study explored longitudinal changes of parents’ views on risky online behaviors and positive technological development (PTD) of early adolescents in Hong Kong. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with nine parents (four fathers and five mothers) from five families with adolescent...
Proceedings Article

An approach to tackle pronunciation errors in Thai language among Vietnamese students by linguistic and speech recogniton

Kieu Yen Nguyen
The purpose of this study is to present a solution to solve the problem of Thai pronunciation among Vietnamese students learning Thai in University of Foreign Language Studies,, The University of Danang. The pronunciation of Thai and Vietnamese differ in initial consonants, vowels, fina consonants, and...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Clean Water Crisis Awareness by Integrating Mathematics, Environmental Education, and Islamic Value

Anisa Wilujeng
Water is fundamental for human needs. Getting clean water is a right for all people, yet 1.1 billion people around the world have no access to water. This situation is getting worse because of water pollution and the climate crisis. On the other hand, some people with clean water access do not realize...
Proceedings Article

Research and Practice on Ideological and Political Teaching Design of Production Practice Course in the Direction of Building Environment

Baojun Liu
In order to strengthen the ideological and political quality and professional ethics of talents majoring in building energy and improve the quality of classroom teaching, combined with the concept of “curriculum thinking and politics”, taking the core course of building environment and energy application...
Proceedings Article

Similarity analysis method of power unstructured text based on multi-dimensional fusion feature extraction

Li Yongle, Chen Jiaqi, Liu Yang, Sheng Shuang, Zheng Ling, Chen Fei
Similarity analysis of power unstructured text is one of the most important tasks in power unstructured data management. This paper studies the feature extraction and similarity analysis of electric power unstructured text. A multi-dimensional fusion feature extraction-based similarity analysis method...
Proceedings Article

Human Rights at The Global Crossroads: Strategic Approaches to Addressing Threats and Challenges

Andina Elok Puri Maharani, Ika Rahmawati
Human Rights (HR) face various challenges in the era of globalization, including political conflicts, climate change, and the impacts of digital technology. This article explores the strategies necessary to ensure HR protection amidst increasingly complex global threats. The primary focus is on the importance...
Proceedings Article

Satisfaction with Life and Career Indecision in Italian University Students: The Mediating Role of Presence of Meaning in Life

Anna Parola, Luca Fusco, Luigia Simona Sica
The present study examines the role of the presence of meaning in life and life satisfaction on university students’ career indecision. 164 Italian university students (Mage = 23.26; SDage = 3.44) took part in this study. Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire, Meaning in Life Questionnaire,...
Proceedings Article

Modelling Higher Education Quality Based on Information System Quality

Sarah Aouhassi, Khalid Oqaidi, Khalifa Mansouri
Quality assurance in higher education continues to be a serious challenge even the significant efforts that have been done to this end. Major strides have been made by Moroccan universities in this field especially since instituting the national agency for evaluation and quality assurance in higher education...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Results of the Implementation of the Design and Drawing Teacher Program in Secondary Schools

Gotsbayar Radnaabazar, Otgontuya Siyaтov, Munkhbayar Chuluunbat
The countries of the world are focusing their education policies on the direction of shaping knowledgeable, creative, responsible, and lifelong learning skilled citizens who will participate in solving the common problems of humanity in the new century. Mongolia follows the same demands and aims to introduce...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Implementation of Digital Virtual Exhibition Platform for Arts and Crafts Design Based on 3D Web3D Technology

Linyu Li
In order to show the artistic beauty of arts and crafts design works more conveniently and comprehensively, this paper studies the digital virtual display platform of arts and crafts design based on Web3D technology. In this system, the sculpture model is established by 3dsmax, the scene is rendered...
Proceedings Article

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Mathematics: A Systematic Review of Trends, Benefits, and Challenges

Alfred Mvunyelwa Msomi, Themba Mngomeni Mthethwa
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in higher education has evolved significantly, presenting notable opportunities for mathematics education. This systematic literature review aims to answer the question: What are the current trends, benefits, challenges, and future directions in the application...
Proceedings Article

In Class Academic Inductions and English Language Preparation Sessions Impact on Education Year 1 Students’ Academic Achievements Throughout their Study Years

Fatema Ebrahim Al Awadi
Induction or orientation sessions in higher education institutions are highly recommended for newly joining students. The interest in studying the impact of applying these sessions on education division students is shaped by the noticed needs of students in their studies. This study aims to identify...
Proceedings Article

Utilizing Praat to Identify Neutral Tone Features of Mandarin Learners with L1 as Longshan Dialect

Yao Peng, Xinrui Li
The neutral tone of Mandarin is well-known for its unique acoustic features, so foreign Mandarin learners and Chinese dialect speakers presumably have difficulty in producing the neutral tone. At present, some second/foreign language acquisition studies have investigated the pronunciation of the neutral...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Training System of Professional and Skilled Personnel of Information Security Application Technology in Higher Vocational Colleges Under the Background of Modern Information Technology

Ran Fang, Yanheng Zhao, Chunxiao Song, Zhan Shi, Xudong Zhang
Higher vocational education aims at cultivating high-skilled applied talents, guided by strengthening practical operation ability. This paper analyzed the current situation of the training system of professional and skilled personnel of information security application technology, and pointed out five...
Proceedings Article

Excellence in Digital Learning through Intelligent Technologies

Vishwesh Akre, Hesham Allam, Nguyen Hai, Asif Nawaz, Pankaj Mohindru
Digital education is the innovative use of digital tools and technologies during teaching and learning, and is often referred to as Technology Enhanced Learning The technologies and practices that have developed over the last decade have been heralded as opportunities to transform both online and traditional...
Proceedings Article

Designing Interactive Virtual Reality for Distance Learning from Professional Screenwriter’s Point of View

Kus Sudarsono, Perdana Kartawiyudha
Covid 19 has propelled distance learning to a level never seen before. Virtual reality has become more common to the masses and more commonly used in education. The immersive ability of virtual reality can benefit students to learn without the need to leave the classroom. Storytelling has been entertaining,...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on Effect of Digitalisation on Homepreneurs

Lucina Priyadarshini Rout, Snigdharani Panda, Liji Panda
Homepreneurs are independent and empowered by different tools, techniques and online platforms. In this paper researcherstry to study about the concept of Homepreneur and analyse the effect of digital transformation on them. As we know Indian Government continuously motivates people to start their ventures...