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1582 articles

An Analysis of Hate Speech Delivery by YouTube Users on Clara Dao’s Shorts Video Content: Impoliteness Theory

Verica Putri Muji Astuti, Sigit Haryanto
This study aimed to find out the target hate speech and to identify the impoliteness strategy and the function of the impoliteness that netizen used to delivery the hate speech in comment section of Clara Dao’s shorts video. The method used in this research is decriptive qualitative research using content...

Women and Javanese Local Psychology: Evidence Through Literature with Indigenous Studies Context

Anas Ahmadi, Bambang Yulianto, Hasan Subekti, Siti I. Savira, Putri Aisyiyah, Abdul M. Aziz, Ahmad Burhanuddin
The current study aims to explore women and treatment in Indonesian literature through the perspective of indigenous studies. This research focuses on two Indonesian novels, namely Olenka by Budi Darma and Para Priyayi by Umar Kayam. The theory used refers to the psychology of literature associated with...

Typotecture on the Old Shop Building: An Evidence from Central Surabaya, Indonesia

Nova Kristiana, Asidigisianti S. Patria, Nanda N. Anggalih, Putri D. Samantha, Tania D. Prastywi, Dani T. Aditya
Architecture has had a lot of typographic exploration and experimentation. Typography is influenced by architectural styles and movements. The realms of typography and architecture share many design values. Letters have a combination of functional values and aesthetic values. The letterforms found in...

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Shopping Behavior

Natalia Velony Putri, Windah Maria Sonia Nadiah Hutagalung, Lina Lina
Large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) or commonly known as lockdown were imposed in Indonesia in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 which has become a global pandemic, including Indonesia. One of the biggest impacts during lockdown is the closing of public facilities such as malls, supermarkets, and restaurants....

Implications of Indonesian Economic Globalization and Economic Development in 1945–2014

Almen S. Ramaino, Aksilas Dashfordate, Meity Najoan
For 69 years (1945–2014), Indonesia has been led by six presidential figures, namely Soekarno (1945–1967), Suharto (1967–1998), Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie (1998–1999), Abdurraman Wahid (1999–2001), Megawati Soekarno Putri (2001–2004), and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004–2014). This study presents a qualitative...

Literature Review: Implementation of Smart Tourism Applications in Indonesia Realizing the 2030 SDGs

Yura Vianisa, Dika Putri Febriyanti
The application of Smart Tourism as a travel agent is an innovative technology that specializes in meeting the wishes of travelers through combining ICT developments with tradition and innovation to promote and improve the best of tourism offerings, beautify tourism control, and amplify the industry’s...

Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Mental Health and Education: A Literature Review

Lim Kai Shi, Putri Aisyah Cahyani, Sri Tiatri
COVID-19 pandemic had forced most of the affected countries to implement lockdown for at least a month with the hope to return the situation back to normal. Lockdown had forced the closure of school, workplace and restricted citizens’ movement. These implementations have a significant impact on mental...

The Impact of Covid 19 on UMKM Sector in Indonesia

Ignatius Lorenzo, Michelle Dinita, Riska Kristiani, Ratu Balqis Putri Tarfin, Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari
The motivation behind this investigation is to discover and examine what sort of effect brought about by the Covid on the advancement of UMKM organizations in Indonesia. The technique for investigation in this examination is a subjective engaging method.Small and medium-sized organizations (UMKM) are...

Medical Waste Management During COVID-19 Pandemic

Valensia Fanny Ludya Liap, Melita Michele, Elisha Sanjaya, Yusra I. M. Dadoui, Vidia Naldly Putri
One of the major concerns that came along with the Covid-19 pandemic is the environmental issue caused by the high consumption of medical supplies, more particularly the plastic single use ones (PSUs). A pandemic of this magnitude has resulted in untenable volumes of medical waste. To this end, it is...

The Effect of Salary on Employee’s Performance: A Study in Central Java

Sukma Nugraha, Silvi Haerunisa Dwi Putri, Teten Mohamad Sapril Mubarok, Nizar Alam Hadani
This study aims to analyze how salaries in Central Java affect workers’ productivity. Salary is the independent variable in this analysis. Employee performance is the dependent variable. The study’s sample consists of Central Java employees. Convenience sampling, a non-probability sampling method, was...

The Need Analysis for Development of Animated Video to Foster Independent Attitude in Science Subject

Putri Ayu Melatie Kartika Dewi, Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati
This study aims to describe the need for the development of animated video to foster independent attitude towards science subject. This study was qualitative. The subjects in this study were 1 teacher and 36 students of fifth grade SPF Wonorejo 4 Public Elementary School (W4PES). Data collection techniques...

Sports Facilities and Infrastructure: Do They Contribute to the Learning Interest of SMK Students?

Putri Ali Fahmy, Gatot Jariono
The author's observations about the kids’ enthusiasm in participating in physical education lessons for sports and health at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi District, led to the problem in this study. Infrastructure given by schools for the continuation of teaching Sports and Health Physical Education...

Directive Speech Acts in the Novel Laut Bercerita and Its Implementation in Indonesian Language Learning in Class X

Prafika Putri Widiantari, Markhamah, Atiqa Sabardila, Agus Budi Wahyudi
This study aims to (1) explain directive speech acts in the novel Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori and (2) implement the results as Indonesian language material for class X. The research approach is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this research is the novel Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori....

Role Conflict – Job Resources Impact on Emotional Exhaustion: Work-Family Conflict as Mediator

Cecylia Mauri Napitupulu, Putri Mega Desiana
In the working environment, job characteristics such as high job demands and low resources impact workers’ emotional exhaustion, including Public Accountant workers. During COVID-19, Public Accountant workers should change their work method to working from home (WFH). While using this job method, workers...

Video Podcast Training as A Means to Form Personal Branding of Students with Special Needs

Herma Retno Prabayanti, Irhamna Nirbhaya Carreca, Putri Shofi Nabilah
Access to education is the right of every citizen without exception. The space for education needs to be provided, both for people without physical limitations and for people with disabilities at all levels. Even so, not all educational institutions provide adequate facilities and infrastructure, especially...

The Effect of Abusive Behavior on Insecurity of Early-Adult Female Victims

Putri Apriliani, Sitawaty Tjiptorini
Abusive behavior in a relationship is an act of violence committed by the perpetrator to the victim, both physically and psychologically. This study aims to examine the abusive behavior of female victims in early adulthood, which affects feelings of insecurity (insecurity) due to the treatment of abusive...

The Influence of Work Discipline, Leadership Style, and Training on Employee Performance at PT Fuji Bijak Prestasi

Chyndi Dwi Putri Kurnia, Mokhamad Anwar
Nothing is static in the corporate environment because everything must change. Changes brought on by dynamic and competitive environmental conditions will be more impactful. The company will struggle to compete with other businesses if it does not have competent human resources to back it up. Analyzing...

How is HOTS Applied in Elementary Schools? A Review

Agrissto Bintang Aji Pradana, Aditia Eska Wardana, Putri Meinita Triana, Fitra Amaldi
In this technologically advanced period, every individual, especially students, is expected to be able to compete in all parts of life when confronted with the twenty-first century. HOTs-based learning is required in the field of education at this moment. This study employs Systematic Literature Review...

Variation of Learning Cycle 5E Implementation with Consideration of Learning Interest on the Effect of Electro Pneumatic Control System Problem Solving Ability

Setiadi Cahyono Putro, Wiwit Livia Putri, Yogi Dwi Mahandi, Ahmad Mursyidun Nidhom
This research was conducted in SMK with students’ interest in learning which is still relatively low. The objectives of this study (1) are to reveal the interaction between the application of variations in learning models and interest in learning (2) to reveal the significance of significant differences...

Self-Protection Motivation Reviewed from Conveying Covid-19 Prevention Messages: Experimental Study of Threatening Messages Vs Persuasive Messages

Ayunda Putri Milenia, Rostiana Rostiana, Bianca Marella
Covid-19 is a disease outbreak that can be transmitted from human to human through direct contact or indirect contact. To prevent its spread, education is needed by the public to motivate self-protection action (Self-Protection Motivation). One of the ways the government has taken to increase motivation...

The Influence of Learning Behavior on The Learning Outcomes of Practicum Courses at UNNES during The Pandemic

Meddiati Fajri Putri, Moh. Muttaqin, Saptariana Saptariana, Hadromi Hadromi, Asih Kuswardinah, Dyah Nurani Setyaningsih
This study aims to analyze and describe the influence of learning behavior on the learning outcomes of practical courses at UNNES and see how much influence these two variables have. This study used a quantitative approach. Data collection in this study used analytic/survey techniques by distributing...

Hashtags “Begini tanggapan lesti” (“Here’s How Lesti Responded”) in Viral News on Social Media: Discourse Analysis and its Implications in Indonesian Language Learning in Junior High School

Nadia Aprillia Kartikasari Putri, Yunus Sulistyono, Yakub Nasucha, Markhamah
Purpose: This study aims to describe the viral forms of hashtags “Begini Tanggapan Lesti” (“Here’s How Lesti Responded”) on Social Media and implications in Indonesian learning in junior high school. This topic was chosen because there has been no language research that analyzes hashtag discourse, namely...

Empowerment of Islamic Boarding School Students Based on the Local Potential in Indonesia

Mutimmatul Faidah, Arita Puspitorini, Fifi Putri Wijayanti, Moh. Thoriq Ilmi
This study aims at mapping the potential of Islamic boarding schools along with the students’ problems and planning the empowerment of the students. This study might benefit the students to live independently and further enrich the treasury of the empowerment model conducted in boarding schools. This...

The Influence of Leadership, Communication and Competence on Performance of Employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Branch of Jayapura

Putri Inggrid Maria Risamasu, Samuel Batlajery, Frans Papilaya, Marlyn Eleida Alfons, Adrianus Aprilius
This study aims to determine the influence of leadership, communication and competence on the performance of employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Branch Jayapura and variables where laying dominant affect the performance of employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Branch Jayapura....

Strategy for Development of Small and Medium Micro Business Using SWOT and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrices (QSPM) Analysis (Case Study of Panama Remake Restaurant)

Adrianus Aprilius, Elisabeth Lia Riani Kore, Putri Inggrid Maria Risamasu, Caecilia Henny Setyawati, Simon Siamsa
This study aimed to determine the strategy of restaurant development. The research method used was a qualitative and quantitative method. The results showed that the analysis results of internal factors and external factors conducted at Panama Restaurant found some things that mostly affected restaurant...

Students Who are Active in Organizations: Implications for Self-Esteem with Social Loafing

Nadya Zhafira Herda Putri, Fransisca Iriani Roesmala Dewi
Self-development facilities for students to live in society, including by participating in activities or being active in organizations. Interaction in organizations increases individual expectations of the ability of other members to complete work and carry out tasks collectively. Some students are not...

Why Government Failed: A Reception Analysis Towards Large Scale Social Restriction in Indonesia

Putri aisyiyah rachma dewi, Awang dharmawan, Sjafiatul mardliyah, Agus prasetyawan, Yuni lestari
This study focuses on reception analysis of the Government’s message regarding the imposition of large-scale social restrictions (in bahasa Indonesia, it refers to Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or PSBB) in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The research location includes three cities in East Java Province,...

The Effect of Work Overload on Job Embeddedness with Quality of Work Life as an Intervening Variable at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, Medan Imam Bonjol

Putri Julianti Girsang, Yenny Absah, Ruliandra Purnomo
This study aims to determine whether work overload affects the quality of work life. Does work overload affect job embeddedness? Does the quality of work life affect job embeddedness? Does work overload affect job embeddedness with quality of work life as an intervening variable? The data analysis technique...

Multigrade Learning in Elementary Schools: A Bibliometric Analysis

Putri Rachmadyanti, Hendrik Pandu Paksi, Ricky Setyawan, Heru Subrata, Jauharotillah
One of the learning practices and challenges in education is related to limited human resources, lack of teachers, lack of students, and also lack of infrastructure in the form of learning places. This problem is not only faced by schools in Indonesia, but also becomes a problem for the implementation...

Gender Stereotype on Solo Putri Bridal Makeup Java Indonesia

Mutimmatul Faidah, Khofifah
Bride’s performance is the center of attention in panggih (The meeting of the bride and groom of the marriage ceremony) procession. Each detail of the makeup is a cultural symbol and full of meaning. Every region in Indonesia has a different and unique bridal makeup. This study aims to describe the look...

Improving Construction Digitalization Literacy through the Development of Building Information Modelling Learning Contents Based on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

M.Mirza Abdillah Pratama, Julieta Eka Yudo Putri, Cynthia Permata Dewi, Vita Ayu Kusuma Dewi, Muhammad Aris Ichwanto
The influence of technology on education and the Open Access movement also supports educational institutions to develop Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). MOOCs is an online course facility platform that can be accessed openly and free of charge by the public to improve the competencies of interest....

Development of Independent Homeschooling Model Primary School Division as the Impact of Covid 19

Maria Veronika Roesminingsih, Widya Nusantara, Rivo Nugroho, Putri Rachmadyanti, Ganes Gunansyah
Since the discovery of positive cases of the corona virus in Indonesia in early March 2020 until it broke out in a number of regions at this time, the Government has instructed them to carry out teaching and learning activities at home until an undetermined time to reduce the spread of the virus. Learning...

The Development of Educational Game Based Learning Media Increases Computer System Learning Motivation in Vocational High Schools

Rohmania Agustin Pramana Putri, Heru Wahyu Herwanto, Khoirudin Asfani, Wahyu Sakti Gunawan Irianto
The development of technology at this time is getting faster with the increasing number of applications about learning that use smartphones, tablets and laptops. The media used so far mostly only uses text, making students feel uninterested in learning the learning material. So that it has an impact...

Resilient, Innovative and Inclusive Guidance and Counselling Master Programme Curriculum

Najlatun Naqiyah, Elisabeth Cristiana, Retno Tri Hariastuti, Diajeng Retno Kinanti Putri
The Guidance and Counselling master's study programme made adjustments in accordance with the vision and mission of UNESA PTNBH. The KKNI curriculum that has been implemented needs to be reviewed to suit the needs of the job market. This study aims to explain the curriculum structure of the master...

The Evaluation of Narcotic and Psychotropic Reporting Systems (SIPNAP)

Diah Kartika Putri, Prasojo Pribadi, Agus Setiawan
SIPNAP is a system used to report the use of narcotics and psychotropic drugs in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the level of usability in the narcotics and psychotropic reporting system (SIPNAP). This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a purposive sampling approach and with Cross-Sectional...

Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level

Tia Laelasari, Neni Sri Gunarti, Eko Sri Wahyuningsih, Aliffia Dwi Rahma, Dinda Revalina Putri, Tiurdia Pandiangan, Zahra Adisty Rahma
Kombucha is a probiotic fermented drink produced through a consortium of bacteria and yeast known as Scoby (Symbiotic Culture/Colony Bacteria & Yeast), serving as an initial culture that aids in the fermentation process. Kombucha also contains organic acids, including ascorbic acid, which is also...

Job Burnout on Teachers as Public Servant

Siti I. Savira, Citra F. Kholidya, Putri Rachmadyanti, Dewi Komalasari, Evi Winingsih
Workers in the public service sector are one type of work with high risk of job burnout. This study aims to examine the descriptive data of job burnout of teachers as public servants. The data is collected by distributing online questionnaires. Analysis of the demographic data and the level of burnout...

Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy

Mentari, Neni Sri Gunarti, Eko Sri Wahyuningsih, Ainun Mar’atus Putri Warsito, Dyah Kharisma Ariyanti, Dinda Dinanti, Dhavid Twua Mangunsong
Purple sweet potato is a plant that having a purple pigment which is an anthocyanin pigment that functions as antioxidant. Antioxidants themselves are compounds that can inhibit free radicals. With the inhibiting oxidation reactions in easily oxidizable materials and resisting substrate oxidation due...

Content Analysis of Process Skills in Mathematics Textbook Curriculum 2013 Revised 2018 Grade IV First Semester

Kamid, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Putri Fadillah, Rizki Alfiana, Dila Yathasya, Nursakinah
This study aims to analyze the content of material in the Mathematics textbook curriculum 2013 even semester odd semester which contains indicators of mathematical process skills in it. This research uses a qualitative approach. The type of research used is content analysis using document studies. The...

The Literature Review of Tengger Tribe Local Wisdom

Building the Character Value on the Elementary School Students

Putri Rachmadyanti, Rizka M. Syafitri, Ika Rahmawati, Evi Winingsih
Tengger is one of the tribes in East Java, Indonesia, with much interesting local wisdom to study. Learning based on local wisdom is essential to be integrated into the curriculum to sustain the values of local cultural heritage. This study aims to describe the local wisdom of the Tengger Tribe and its...

Drug Consultation Prototype Based WhatsApp Bot

Nafa Umma, Novita Putri Dewita Sari, Riza Nur Afifah, Maulana Yusuf Baharudin, Prasojo Pribadi, Setiyo Budi Santoso, Elmiawati Latifah
Services through social media are in great demand because they are direct, convenient and effective besides that social media allows pharmacists to reach consumers quickly and more easily. Destination making WhatsApp Bot to make it easier for users and service providers to communicate, consult and obtain...

The Practice of Green Hospitality at the Operational Level (a Case of 5-Star Hotel in Bali)

I Ketut Astawa, I Ketut Budarma, Cokorda Istri Sri Widhari, Anak Agung Putri Suardani, Suardani
The implementation of green hospitality business practices also pays attention to the balance of environmental; economic; and social life. So; maintaining environmentally friendly cultural tourism is important for hotel management. The research objective is to analyze the implementation of green hospitality...

The Effect of Fraud Pentagon and Academic Procrastination Dimensions Towards Academic Dishonesty of Students of Social Science in Senior High School of Semarang

Agung Yulianto, Luthfi Fathan Dahriyanto, Rina Wijayanti, Putri Adininggar
Academic dishonesty is a dishonest behavior done by students to obtain good marks by violating the regulations so that it harms other people. The effect of students’ academic dishonesty is influenced by several factors such as academic pressure, opportunity, rationalization, individual’s ability in making...

Leadership Challenge in Maintaining the Travel Business During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ina Veronika Ginting, Rafif Andyka Dzulfiqar, Indriyani Handyastuti, Andri Faskal Tarigan, Melani Angelina, Trizmayanti Putri Nugraha
The leadership of travel agents needs to respond to the crisis of the impact of Covid-19 in maintaining the travel business. This requires the professional ability of the company’s leadership to maintain the business. Some travel agents who can survive are also trying to find strategies to create positive...

Digital Management of Traditional Cultural Expressions: Why It is Needed in the Context of Gaining the Benefit-Sharing

Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, Putu Aras Samsithawrati, Putri Triari Dwijayanthi
He success of inventorying, recording, and issuing of Recording Letters for Traditional Cultural Expressions works as part of Communal Intellectual Property from Bali is still accompanied by challenges. Those are uploading and commercialization of Communal Intellectual Property works documentation as...

Need Analysis And System Engineering Of Financial Planning Web-Based Application Development For Indigenous Communities At VillageCredit InstitutionIn Badung Regency; Bali

I Made Wijana, Anak Agung Putri Suardani, I G P Fajar Pranadi Sudhana
This research aims to develope Financial Web-based application For Indigenous Village Communities at Village Credit Institution in Badung Regency; the Province of Bali; Indonesia. This paper focuses on discussing the initial stages of the research namely investigating awareness and financial literacy...

Visual Communication Strategy of the Benefits from Balancing Consuming Sweet Stuff with Water

Chinthia Putri, Dinda Dinda, Anny Valentina
Consuming water according to your body’s daily needs is important and should be taken as a healthy lifestyle. Although it is known that consuming water has many benefits, many people still ignore this healthy lifestyle and choose to consume sugary drinks, sweet foods instead of drinking enough water....

Need Assessment of English for Specific Purposes Learning Materials

Mukhayyarotin Jauhariyah, Maharani Putri, Sharvina Yudatika, Dhita Sari, Evangelista Palupi, Nur Qomariyah, Muchlis
It is a preliminary study to analyze the need assessment of learning materials in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) courses in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMNS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Using an explanatory type of research regarding the need for teaching materials in the ESP course....

Collaborative Governance in Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourist Destinations: A Case Study of Gunung Kidul Region

Amanda Aspasia Dilla, Salsa Della Guitara Putri, Rizky Febriyanto, Satria Iman Prasetyo
Cases of sexual exploitation of children are often found in our social environment. Even a place that is supposed to be a fun and safe place for children, namely a tourist destination, can be a place where many cases of sexual exploitation of children are found. This study was conducted to further examine...

Seloko Local Wisdom-Based E-Module Learning to Build the Character of Love for the Homeland in Class V SD

Syahrial, Asrial, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Naufal Aqila Kusnadi, Agus Fadillah, Putri Sakila Amelia Anwar, Irma Widya Ningsih, Roy Andre Ferdinan
Local wisdom is a community tradition that can produce its own experience and may not be experienced by other communities. One form of Jambi Malay local wisdom is the marriage custom, namely Seloko, which is an old literary form known as an oral tradition that is produced, disseminated and passed down...