Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019)

497 authors
Motilal, Chandra
Indigenous Wisdom and Technology-Enabled Learning: Efforts to Prepare LPTK Graduates for the 21st Century
Mubarok, M. Agus
Need Analysis of Students Worksheet Based on MIKiR at Themes Always Save Energy of Fourth Grade of Primary School
Muchtar, Azmy Ali
Improving Ability to Write Narrative Texts Through Picture and Picture Learning Model (Class VII Action Research at MTs Nur-Attaqwa)
Muchtarom, Moh.
Developing Civic Responsibility in the Community Through the Social Community “Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia (Mafindo)”
Muchtarom, Moh.
The Role of “Info Cegatan Klaten,”, a Social Community, on Strengthening Youth Civic Engagement
Muchtarom, Moh.
The Concept of Human Literacy as Civics Education Strategy to Reinforce Students’ Character in the Era of Disruption
Muchtarom, Moh.
Civic Virtues Components in the Integrated Islamic School Network of Indonesia (Guidance Book Review)
Muchtarom, Moh.
Service Learning: Establishing Students’ Relationship Between School and Society
Muchtarom, Moh.
Civic Literacy Reinforcement to Cope with the Age of Free Flow of Information: Lesson Learned from Students in Boarding School Environment
Mufatakhah, Laili
Strengthening of Students’ Solidarity Character Education in the Digital Era Through Islamic Individual Building for Junior Students
Muhajir, Muhammad
Designing Android-Based Library Application with Rough Set Method
Muhajir, Muhammad
The Influence of Religiosity Toward Universitas Islam Indonesia Students Nationalism Using Structural Equation Modeling and Loglinear Model
Muhtadi, Ali
The Readiness of Santri in Using Technology to Support Memorizing of the Qur’an in Millennial Era
The Relationship Between Understanding of National Identity and Student’s Attitude of State Defend at SMA N 1 Sumberlawang, Sragen Central Java in the Academic Year 2018/2019
Mukti, Bayu Ismoyo
Laboratory Management of Science in Improving Student Achievements in Sma Lubuklinggau
Mulya, Rahmat
Student Engagement Among High School Students: Roles of Parental Involvement, Peer Attachment, Teacher Support, and Academic Self-Efficacy
Mulyati, Tita
The Effectiveness of Android-Based 2D Mobile Learning Teaching Materials on Indonesian Language Subject in Elementary School
Mulyeni, Trisna
The Identification of Students with Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in Subtype of Math Skill Through Response to Intervention Model
Mulyono, Hadi
Implementation of Creative Entrepreneurship Learning Model Based on Discovery Skills to Improve PSTE Students’ Entrepreneurial Skills in Science Learning of Energy Material
Mulyono, Yatin
Development of High Botanical Module to Integrated Islam Toward Independence Student Learning
Munir, Misnal
Pantun as a Means of Character Education in the Life of the Nation and State
Murwaningsih, Tri
The Divergent Thinking Ability of Fifth-Grade Students in Elementary Schools
Murwaningsih, Tri
Analysis of Critical Thinking Ability of Sixth-Grade Students Primary School
Misconception of Science Learning in Primary School Students
Analysis of Science Process Skills on Science Learning in Primary School
Creative Thinking Skills in Science Lessons in Elementary Schools
Nadiya, Hafizatun
Development of High Botanical Module to Integrated Islam Toward Independence Student Learning
Nafiqoh, Heni
Application of Play Method to Develop Children’s Cognitive Abilities Through Beam Games in Tridaya Kindergarten
Nahdi, Dede Salim
Fostering Diversity Attitudes Through the Internalization of Multicultural Values
POE2WE Model as an Alternative for Learning Physics in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Nara, Hartini
The Identification of Students with Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in Subtype of Math Skill Through Response to Intervention Model
Nirmalasari, Ridha
Development of High Botanical Module to Integrated Islam Toward Independence Student Learning
Noviana, Dewi
The Character of Respect as Viewed from Moral Development and Language Politeness in College Students
Nugraha, Aat Ruchiat
The Importance of Local Wisdom in Building National Character in the Industrial Age 4.0
Nugraha, Jaka
Designing Android-Based Library Application with Rough Set Method
Nugraha, Jaka
The Influence of Religiosity Toward Universitas Islam Indonesia Students Nationalism Using Structural Equation Modeling and Loglinear Model
Nugrahaningsih, Theresia Kriswianti
The Implementation of Thematic–Scientific Learning to Build High-Order Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students
Nugroho, Anang Amiruddin
The Influence of School Infrastructure on Student Learning Activeness: A Research Study
Gender Awareness Education: Examining its Implication for Improving Family Welfare and Health
Nurhadi, Achmad Marwan
Developing Civic Responsibility in the Community Through the Social Community “Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia (Mafindo)”
Calibration and Standardization of Happiness Measurement Through Rasch Models Based on Multiethnic Teenagers in Indonesia
Nurihsan, Juntika
Calibration and Standardization of Happiness Measurement Through Rasch Models Based on Multiethnic Teenagers in Indonesia
Nursianawati, Syahrul
The Role of Teachers’ in Developing Students’ Cooperative Attitudes
Nurul, Adistyaningrum
The Effectiveness of SAVI Approach with Macromedia Flash Toward Students’ Critical Thinking Ability
Nurviana, Nina
The Development of Tools for Designing the Local Characteristic Food Packaging Based on Digital Applications as an Attempt to Accelerate Education
Oktavia, Amalia
Need Analysis of Students Worksheet Based on MIKiR at Themes Always Save Energy of Fourth Grade of Primary School
The Effectiveness of SAVI Approach with Macromedia Flash Toward Students’ Critical Thinking Ability
Pamela, Issaura Sherly
Need Analysis of Students Worksheet Based on MIKiR at Themes Always Save Energy of Fourth Grade of Primary School
Pamungkas, Megita Dwi
Integrating GeoGebra into Space Geometry in College
Pamungkas, Megita Dwi
The Van Hiele Geometry Thinking Level of Autism Students
Pande, Ni Kadek Nita Noviani
Legal Knowledge Development Plan in Responding Student’s Understanding on IT Law: “Pawongan” Approach
Pangestika Nur, Afnia
The Development of Two-Tier Multiple Choice Instruments to Measure Higher Order Thinking Skills Bloomian
Pelenkahu, Noldy
English e-Book for Elementary School Students: Research by Design Based on Whole Language Approach
Pertiwi, Rany Sylvia
The Teacher’s Perspectives About Challenges of Teaching English for Young Learners: A Case Study at English Course for Young Learners
Poerwanti, Jenny Indrastoeti Siti
The Effectiveness of the Use of Digital-Based Educational Comic Media in Improving Reading Interest in Elementary School Students
Poerwanti, Jenny Indrastoeti Siti
The Effect of Means Ends Analysis Model on Reasoning Skills of Planes
Pramudya, Ikrar
Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities in Terms of Emotional Intelligence with TGT and TAI Models
Pramudya, Ikrar
How the Effects of the 21st-Century Learning Model on Higher Level Thinking Ability and Mathematical Learning Creativity Viewed from Student Mathematical Disposition
Pramujiono, Agung
Recounting as Realization of Brown and Levinson’s Positive Politeness Strategies in Instructional Interactions
Prasetyo, Tri Ferga
The Effectiveness of Android-Based 2D Mobile Learning Teaching Materials on Indonesian Language Subject in Elementary School
Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
Observational Skill: The Use of Picture Storybook with Scientific Approach Based Through Project-Based Learning
Prasojo, Lantip Diat
Partnership Management Between SMK Negeri 2 Gedangsari Fashion Expertise Program and Astra Michael D. Ruslim Education Foundation
Prastawa, Singgih
The Effectiveness of Experiential Learning Based on Creative Industry to Improve Competency of Entrepreneurship of Vocational High School Students
Pratama, Riky Rivaldi
Implementation of Creative Entrepreneurship Learning Model Based on Discovery Skills to Improve PSTE Students’ Entrepreneurial Skills in Science Learning of Energy Material
Pratiwi, Emy Yunita Rahma
The Development of Education Game Learning Training Module Based on Information Technology in Industrial Revolution 4.0 for Teachers in MI Al Asy’ari Jombang
Pratolo, Bambang Widi
The Teacher’s Perspectives About Challenges of Teaching English for Young Learners: A Case Study at English Course for Young Learners
Prawira, Dezya Salsabila
The Effect of Curriculum Peculiarities on Psychological Well-Being Possessed by Students and Alumni of SMART Ekselensia Indonesia School
Prayitno, Baskoro Adi
Profile of Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Junior High Schools in Surakarta
Priyanto, Wawan
An Easy Drawing Technique with Numbers for Primary Education Students
Purbayu, Agus
Development of Learning Media for Force and Work for Junior High Schools with AR and VR Technology
Purnomo, Fendi Aji
Development of Learning Media for Force and Work for Junior High Schools with AR and VR Technology
Purwanta, Edi
Transformational Leadership of Inclusion Principals in SD Negeri Giwangan, Yogyakarta
Putra, Bela Janare
The Influence of Group Guidance Service Using Poetry Media to Increase Student Learning Motivation in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Putri, Femmi Indriyana Fitriyati
Analysis of the Preliminary Ability of Scientific Literacy on Temperature and Heat
Qudsyi, Hazhira
Student Engagement Among High School Students: Roles of Parental Involvement, Peer Attachment, Teacher Support, and Academic Self-Efficacy
Rahadini, Astiana Ajeng
Blended Learning on Listening Learning Based of Local Wisdom in the Javanese Language Education Study Program
Raharja, Setya
Curriculum Management-Based Entrepreneurship in Elementary School Unggulan Aisiyah Bantul of Yogyakarta
Raharja, Setya
Conflict Management in Improving Schools Effectiveness
Raharja, Setya
The Implementation of Environment-Based Curriculum in Adiwiyata State Primary School
Rahayu, Suci Dwi
Analysis of Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Secondary Schools on Plants’ Structure and Functions Material
Rahma, Rezka Arina
Gender Awareness Education: Examining its Implication for Improving Family Welfare and Health
Rahman, Mohd Jasmy Abd
The Cultural of Fourth Industrial Revolution in Learning Process
Rahman, Mohd Jasmy Abd
Teaching and Learning-Assisted Learning Management System
Rahman, Mohd Jasmy Abd.
Sign Language Skills of Teachers in the Subject of Islamic Education
Rahmat, Aceng
Improving Ability to Write Narrative Texts Through Picture and Picture Learning Model (Class VII Action Research at MTs Nur-Attaqwa)
Rahmawati, Ana
The Readiness of Santri in Using Technology to Support Memorizing of the Qur’an in Millennial Era
Rahmawati, Fadhilah
Integrating GeoGebra into Space Geometry in College
Rahmawati, Fadhilah
The Van Hiele Geometry Thinking Level of Autism Students
Ramadhoni, Sri Rahmah
The Impact of the Use of Group Counseling Motivational Interviewing as a Strength-Based Approach to Reduce Students’ Disruptive Classroom Behaviors
Ramli, Murni
The Analysis of Learning Progression on Genetics
Rasyad, Ach.
Gender Awareness Education: Examining its Implication for Improving Family Welfare and Health
The Effect of Use of Audiovisual Learning Media on the Students’ Mastery of Concept in Civics Learning
Rejekiningsih, Triana
Interactive Multimedia Based on “Sumpah Pemuda” Values: An Innovation for Civic Education
Rejekiningsih, Triana
Increasing the Society’s Engagement Role Through Interfaith Dialogue
Rejekiningsih, Triana
Building Ecological Citizens Through the Implementation of Climate Village Programs as Climate Change Mitigation Effort
Rejekiningsih, Triana
The Concept of Human Literacy as Civics Education Strategy to Reinforce Students’ Character in the Era of Disruption
Rejekiningsih, Triana
Service Learning: Establishing Students’ Relationship Between School and Society
Rejekiningsih, Triana
Strengthening of Students’ Solidarity Character Education in the Digital Era Through Islamic Individual Building for Junior Students
Rejekiningsih, Triana
The Relationship Between Understanding of National Identity and Student’s Attitude of State Defend at SMA N 1 Sumberlawang, Sragen Central Java in the Academic Year 2018/2019
Rembang, Maria Iriani Fransye
Management of Industrial Work Practice Program in Vocational High School