Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language, Art and Cultural Exchange (ICLACE 2024)

73 authors
Chang, Huipin
The Study on Cultural Intelligence Communication and New Quality Productivity in Organizations
Chen, Guojing
Appropriation and Heteroglossia in Translations
Chen, Xiaodan
Technology and Ethics; Human and Non-human
Chen, Xiaojing
Preliminary Research on Residential Landscape Design Based on Regional Culture - A Case Study of the Landscape of Diaoyu Tai MGM Grand Villa in Beijing
Cheng, Tianlu
The Role of Parental Stimulation in Family Education in China
Cong, Li
Peer-Review Statements
De Araujo, Gabriel Antunes
Peer-Review Statements
Deng, Dejun
Preliminary Research on Residential Landscape Design Based on Regional Culture - A Case Study of the Landscape of Diaoyu Tai MGM Grand Villa in Beijing
Deng, Zouyuwa
Critical Review and Evaluation of the Literature on Listeners’ Emotional Reactions
Dong, Wenzhuo
Technology and Ethics; Human and Non-human
Dong, Yazhao
Cross-border Language Education: A Perspective from the Belt and Road Initiative
Dou, Xiaohan
A Study on the Conceptual Metaphor Construction of China's Environmental Image in the British Media: An Analysis of the Guardian's Reports
Fan, Wenyu
Discussion on the Lack of the Maternal Instincts under the Perspective of Feminism
Ge, Yongliang
Technology and Ethics; Human and Non-human
Gong, Xiaoshuang
A Corpus-based Metaphor Study of Annual Reports: Semantic Fields and Metaphors
Gu, Jiaxi
Study on the Path of Promoting Educational Equity from the Perspective of Regional Differences
Guo, Jingjia
Exploring Practical Approaches to Ideological-Political Education in College English Courses
Guo, Jingjia
Practical Paths for College English Teaching in the Context of Digital Transformation
Guo, Min
Studies on the Importance and Problems of Mass Media Management
Guo, Mingrui
Research on Landscape Design of Tongbai Mountain Rock Art Site Based on Heritage Corridor Construction
Guo, Xiangyi
Preliminary Research on Residential Landscape Design Based on Regional Culture - A Case Study of the Landscape of Diaoyu Tai MGM Grand Villa in Beijing
Han, Jiangxue
Innovations and Influences: Tracing the Evolution of Art History and Cultural Creativity
Jia, Moqing
The Concept of Securitization and the Existing Problems of Liberalism
Jia, Tianqi
A Rhetoric Study on the C-E Translation of Chinese Cuisines from the perspective of Susan Bassnett’s Cultural Translation Theory —A Case Study of Enjoy Culinary Delights: The English Translation of Chinese Menus
Jia, Tinya
Innovations and Influences: Tracing the Evolution of Art History and Cultural Creativity
Ke, Ruiming
The State and the Individual in Times of Transition
Kuang, Yu
The Efficacy of Multi-modality on the Teaching Input and Learning Output of English Grammar
Lan, Yueliang
Teacher Mobility Patterns in Vocational Education: Challenges and Solutions for Enhancing Stability
Li, Meng
Appropriation and Heteroglossia in Translations
Li, Yanying
The State and the Individual in Times of Transition
Li, Yun
A Study on the Conceptual Metaphor Construction of China's Environmental Image in the British Media: An Analysis of the Guardian's Reports
Lin, Shuhua
A Study on Chinese Character Components and Transfer Learning in Literacy Instruction: A Case Study of Elementary School Students in Lower Grades
Liu, Hsuehlun
A Study on Chinese Character Components and Transfer Learning in Literacy Instruction: A Case Study of Elementary School Students in Lower Grades
Liu, Yanmin
Preliminary Research on Residential Landscape Design Based on Regional Culture - A Case Study of the Landscape of Diaoyu Tai MGM Grand Villa in Beijing
Liu, Yifan
Innovations and Influences: Tracing the Evolution of Art History and Cultural Creativity
Liu, Yuluan
Preliminary Research on Residential Landscape Design Based on Regional Culture - A Case Study of the Landscape of Diaoyu Tai MGM Grand Villa in Beijing
Liu, Zixuan
Copyright Infringement Issues in Al Art
Lu, Jiaqi
Research on the Development of Teaching Models in Preschool Education in China
Pan, Jiawei
Investigation of the Current Status of Classroom Instructional Language in English Classes for Primary School Students in Northern Guangdong, China
Shen, Chaoqun
Peer-Review Statements
Shi, Shang
The Study of Different Teaching Innovation Paths in Higher Education
Song, Fangjun
Investigation of the Current Status of Classroom Instructional Language in English Classes for Primary School Students in Northern Guangdong, China
Song, Fangjun
The Study on Cultural Intelligence Communication and New Quality Productivity in Organizations
Tian, Chengsheng
Research on Landscape Design of Tongbai Mountain Rock Art Site Based on Heritage Corridor Construction
Wang, Baoyi
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Chinese Animation
Wang, Jingyao
Pronunciation Variation of /r/ in the Accented English of Chinese Learners
Wang, Qihao
A Study on the Role of Teachers in Special Education: A Case Study of Students with Psychological Disorders
Wu, Bing
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Chinese Animation
Wu, Guijie
Enlighten Truth with Beauty and Cultivate Beauty with Beauty——Research on the Elements of Aesthetic Education in Chinese Teaching
Xiao, Cheng
Research on the Construction of a New Type of International Relations from the Perspective of Chinese Civilization
Xiao, Yating
The State and the Individual in Times of Transition
Xiong, Wenjia
Framework Analysis in the News Reports of Cross-Era Sports Female Stars
Xu, Huayang
A Cognitive Study of Chinese Transportation Vocabulary
Xu, Nuo
Analyzing the Han and Song Dynasties: Confucianism Adaptation in Chinese Feudal Politics
Xu, Wenli
“Objectification” and “Anti-Objectification”
Xue, Bai
How does Drama in Education Challenge English Teaching in Mainstream Primary Schools in Hong Kong
Yan, Mengxi
A Study on the Developmental Obstacles and Causes of Art Education in China--Taking Dance Education as an Example
Yang, Chingchien
The Study on Cultural Intelligence Communication and New Quality Productivity in Organizations
Yang, Qian
Technology and Ethics; Human and Non-human
Yang, Wenqing
Technology and Ethics; Human and Non-human
Yang, Yizhe
A Comparative Study of the Protagonists in Ba Jin’s Family and Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks
You, Shufeng
Preliminary Research on Residential Landscape Design Based on Regional Culture - A Case Study of the Landscape of Diaoyu Tai MGM Grand Villa in Beijing
You, Shuoyang
Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Interactive Gamified Cinematic Experiences: Technical Implementations, Challenges and Future Prospects
Yu, Lifang
Technology and Ethics; Human and Non-human
Zeng, Feiru
Peer-Review Statements
Zeng, Zhiyi
The Effect of Effective Combination of Informal and Formal Learning in a Formal Learning Environment on High School Students’ English Vocabulary Acquisition
Zhan, Fanhao
A Comparative Study of the Linguistic Landscapes in Religious Sites in China: Hong Kong and Guangzhou
Zhang, Enming
A Study of the Differences between Chinese and Western Saxophone Playing Styles
Zhang, Hongju
Acculturation of Chinese Culture in Modern American Poetry
Zhang, Zikun
The Writing of Hüzün in Orhan Pamuk’s A Strangeness in My Mind
Zhao, Yizhe
Analysis of English Translations of Metro Stations in China from the Perspective of the language landscape: A case study of Changchun
Zhao, Yue
A Study of Disease Metaphors in Network Language
Zheng, Qiuchen
Multifunction Word Lau in Early Hakka