Proceedings of the 2nd Early Childhood and Primary Childhood Education (ECPE 2020)

220 authors
Murti, Tri
Development of Plane Figure Student Activity Sheet Based on Guided Inquiry to Train the Creative Thinking Ability of Elementary School Students
Murtiningsih, RR. Siti
Considering the Effective Online Learning Design: Distance Learning and Digital Divide in the Pandemic Era
Murtiningsih, RR. Siti
Life-Based Postmodern Deconstruction Learning Model to Improve Student Creative Thinking
Desirable Self-Approach on Interpersonal Intelligence in Early Childhood Education
Muslimah, Isrotul
Improvement of Fine Motor Skills Through Cheerful Weaving Activities in Group B PGRI 03 Kindergarten Tumpang Malang
Mustaffa, F.Y.
UTM Arab Students’ Usage for English Vocabulary Mobile Applications
Muzaki, Ferril Irham
Increase the Results of Learning Mathematics Material Area and Circumference Square, Rectangular Through Think Pair Share Model
Muzaki, Ferril Irham
Game Development for Indonesian Language Evaluation Materials in Elementary Schools
Nugroho, Anggit Prasetio
Organic Parenting Pattern as an Early Childhood Behavior Control Strategy in the Millennial Era
Nugroho, Hastanti Widy
Considering the Effective Online Learning Design: Distance Learning and Digital Divide in the Pandemic Era
Nurabadi, Ahmad
Analysis of the Ratio of Teachers, Staff, and Students as an Effort to Accelerate Quality Improvement of Primary Schools
Nurabadi, Ahmad
Primary School Principal Performance Measurement
Nurabadi, Ahmad
Identification of Themes in the Moral Debate Program as an Effort to Increase Work Integrity of Principal
Nurabadi, Ahmad
Student Learning Motivation: A Conceptual Paper
Nurabadi, Ahmad
The Implementation of School Literacy Movement for Children in Elementary School
Nuraini, Ni Luh Sakinah
Critical Thinking and Reflective Thinking Skills in Elementary School Learning
Nuraini, Ni Luh Sakinah
Development of Digital Plane Shape Houses Media for Class IV Elementary Schools
Nurani, Yuliani
Digital Media for the Stimulation of Early Childhood Self Help Skills
Nurdiansa, Eko Saputra
The Role of Educational Technologists in Building the Skills of Early Childhood Teachers With TRINGO Ki Hadjar Dewantara Approach
Development of Moral Religious Values Through Audio Visual Media in Group B of Aisyiyah Kindergarten 1 Palu
Oke, Jonathan Ojo
Challenges of Learning-Based Technology in the Covid-19 Era Through the Use of Social Media Implementation in the Educational System
Oktaviani, Vera Mega
The Use of Information and Communication Technology Through Website and Social Media as Public Relations Information Media
Olusola-Fadumiye, Titilope Olufunke
Challenges of Learning-Based Technology in the Covid-19 Era Through the Use of Social Media Implementation in the Educational System
Palupi, Indah Nur
Development of Guided Inquiry-Based Science Modules for Elementary School Students
Perdana, Dyas Bintang
Teacher Professional Development to Increase Teacher Commitment in the Era of the Asean Economic Community
Pradipta, Rizqi Fajar
Admission System for New Students: Study of Multi Sites in Special School
Organic Parenting Pattern as an Early Childhood Behavior Control Strategy in the Millennial Era
Principal’s Role in Strengthening Teacher Self-Efficacy (TSE) and Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) in Remote Areas
One-Roof School Principal Excellence Leadership Development Model in Indonesia
Prasojo, Lantip Diat
Factors Affecting Educational Productivity at Private Elementary Schools in Indonesia
Pratiwi, Iqlima
Virtual Reality-Based Teaching Materials in Elementary Schools
Pratiwi, Niken
Digital Media for the Stimulation of Early Childhood Self Help Skills
Prayoga, Andhika Gilang
Identification of Themes in the Moral Debate Program as an Effort to Increase Work Integrity of Principal
Prestiadi, Dedi
One-Roof School Principal Excellence Leadership Development Model in Indonesia
Prestiadi, Dedi
The Use of Information and Communication Technology Through Website and Social Media as Public Relations Information Media
Prestiadi, Dedi
The Role of Instructional Leadership Through Kurt Lewin Model in Improving the Teacher Capability
Priyatni, Endah Tri
Analysis of the Ratio of Teachers, Staff, and Students as an Effort to Accelerate Quality Improvement of Primary Schools
Purnamawati, Frimha
Admission System for New Students: Study of Multi Sites in Special School
Puspita, Ryandini Dwi
Professionalism of Primary School Teachers in Selection of Learning Models and Media to Achieve Instructional Goals
Putra, Arda Purnama
Improvement of the Learning Outcome of Write Text Through the Guided Discovery Model in the Second C Grade Student
Putra, Arda Purnama
The Implementation of School Literacy Movement for Children in Elementary School
Putra, Arda Purnama
Development of Guided Inquiry-Based Science Modules for Elementary School Students
Putra, Arda Purnama
Virtual Reality-Based Teaching Materials in Elementary Schools
Qaddoura, Mohammed Z M
UTM Arab Students’ Usage for English Vocabulary Mobile Applications
Rahardjo, Budi
The Application of Locomotors Motion Demonstration Method in Developing Early Childhood’s Gross Motor Skills in Istiqamah Islamic Playgroup Balikpapan
Raharja, Reza Mauldy
Are the Early Children’s School Meals Diverse, Nutritious, Balanced, and Safe?
Rahmania, Lidya Amalia
Development of Students’ Subject Passion Trends (SSPT) Oriented Constructivistic Learning in Facilitating the Needs of UM Laboratory Elementary School Students
Rahmania, Lidya Amalia
Principal’s Role in Strengthening Teacher Self-Efficacy (TSE) and Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) in Remote Areas
Ramadhani, Lukky Reza
The Role of Educational Technologists in Building the Skills of Early Childhood Teachers With TRINGO Ki Hadjar Dewantara Approach
Rini, Titis Angga
Supporting Elementary Students Creative Writing Skill With Assessment as Learning
Rini, Titis Angga
Continuous Professional Development for Novice Lecturers Using Lesson Study (A Case Study in the Department of Primary and Preschool Education)
Role of Mothers in Developing Responsibility Attitudes for Children Aged 4-6 Years During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rohmah, Kholifatur
The Improvement of Fine Motor Skills Through Sewing Several Types of Clothing Patterns in Group A Children at Kindergarten Plus Wahidiyah Sukun Malang
Rozie, Facrul
The Application of Locomotors Motion Demonstration Method in Developing Early Childhood’s Gross Motor Skills in Istiqamah Islamic Playgroup Balikpapan
Sabila, Novira Silmi
Gifted Education in ASEAN
Safitri, Elis
Development of Busy Bag Educational Game Tools for Fine Motor Skills for Children Aged 3-4 Years
Saifudin, Ahmad
Developing Character by Applying the Model of “Makan Kembul” to Grow Attitudes of Independence, Togetherness, Responsibility, and Respect for Others
Samawi, Ahmad
Considering the Effective Online Learning Design: Distance Learning and Digital Divide in the Pandemic Era
Samawi, Ahmad
Life-Based Postmodern Deconstruction Learning Model to Improve Student Creative Thinking
Santoso, Firman Budi
Human Resources Management in Basic Education Schools
Saputra, Bagus Rachmad
Development of Students’ Subject Passion Trends (SSPT) Oriented Constructivistic Learning in Facilitating the Needs of UM Laboratory Elementary School Students
Saputra, Bagus Rachmad
Implementation of Principal Instructional Leadership in Facilitating Learning Independency Policy on 4.0 Industrial Era Orientation in Indonesia
Saputra, Bagus Rachmad
Teacher Professional Development to Increase Teacher Commitment in the Era of the Asean Economic Community
Saputri, Senny Weyara Dienda
Analysis of Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory Capabilities of Children Aged 4-5 with Autism
Saputri, Senny Weyara Dienda
The Analysis of Social Environment Role on the Enhancement of Interpersonal Intelligence of Autism Children
Saputri, Senny Weyara Dienda
Analysis of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Characteristics on Children With Autism Age 4-5 Years Old
Saputri, Senny Weyara Dienda
Communication Skills of 4 to 5 Years Old Autistic Children at Inclusive Kindergarten
Saputri, Senny Weyara Dienda
The Analysis of Emotional Development in Autistic Children Age 4-5 Years
Sari, Dini Kurnia
Parents’ Involvement in Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sari, Galih Miftahul
The Effect of the Simpai Game Dance on the Body Balance of Group A Children TK Dharma Wanita Persatuan I Jatikerto
Sari, Nastiti Novita
Analysis of the Needs of Parents in Mentoring Early Childhood During Learning from Home
Sinaga, Muhammad Najmi Alwi
The Role of Educational Technologists in Building the Skills of Early Childhood Teachers With TRINGO Ki Hadjar Dewantara Approach
Soepriyanto, Yerry
Primary School Principal Performance Measurement
Sofa, Abd. Mu’id Aris
Development of Students’ Subject Passion Trends (SSPT) Oriented Constructivistic Learning in Facilitating the Needs of UM Laboratory Elementary School Students
Sofa, Abd. Mu’id Aris
Principal’s Role in Strengthening Teacher Self-Efficacy (TSE) and Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) in Remote Areas
Life-Based Postmodern Deconstruction Learning Model to Improve Student Creative Thinking
Suci, I Gede Sedana
Yoga Stimulation is A Physical Development of Early Childhood
Sukawati, Nadya Nanda
Human Resources Management in Basic Education Schools
One-Roof School Principal Excellence Leadership Development Model in Indonesia
Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
Student Learning Motivation: A Conceptual Paper
Sumarsono, Raden Bambang
The Role of Instructional Leadership Through Kurt Lewin Model in Improving the Teacher Capability
Surahman, Ence
Professionalism of Primary School Teachers in Selection of Learning Models and Media to Achieve Instructional Goals
The Improvement of Fine Motor Skills Through Sewing Several Types of Clothing Patterns in Group A Children at Kindergarten Plus Wahidiyah Sukun Malang
Development of Busy Bag Educational Game Tools for Fine Motor Skills for Children Aged 3-4 Years
Suyanta, I Wayan
Yoga Stimulation is A Physical Development of Early Childhood
Factors Affecting Educational Productivity at Private Elementary Schools in Indonesia
Thaariq, Zahid Zufar At
The Role of Educational Technologists in Building the Skills of Early Childhood Teachers With TRINGO Ki Hadjar Dewantara Approach
Thaariq, Zahid Zufar At
Professionalism of Primary School Teachers in Selection of Learning Models and Media to Achieve Instructional Goals
Tirtaningsih, Munaisra Tri
Organic Parenting Pattern as an Early Childhood Behavior Control Strategy in the Millennial Era
Triwiyanto, Teguh
Factors Affecting Educational Productivity at Private Elementary Schools in Indonesia
Ubaidillah, Endra
Human Resources Management in Basic Education Schools
Untariana, Ajeng Fitri
The Efforts to Strengthen Nationalist Character Values Through the Methods of Story Telling and Dancing
Veronica, Nina
Desirable Self-Approach on Interpersonal Intelligence in Early Childhood Education
Vibraena, Vivi Mariesca
Gifted Education in ASEAN
Waluyo, Bagus
Developing Character by Applying the Model of “Makan Kembul” to Grow Attitudes of Independence, Togetherness, Responsibility, and Respect for Others
Wardana, Yudi
Factors Affecting Educational Productivity at Private Elementary Schools in Indonesia
Wardani, Adetya Dewi
Student Learning Motivation: A Conceptual Paper
Wardhani, Rr. Dina Kusuma
Are the Early Children’s School Meals Diverse, Nutritious, Balanced, and Safe?
Widyaswari, Monica
Analysis of the Needs of Parents in Mentoring Early Childhood During Learning from Home
Wijanarko, Dhimas Adhitya
The Role of Educational Technologists in Building the Skills of Early Childhood Teachers With TRINGO Ki Hadjar Dewantara Approach