Proceedings of the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2021 (BIS-HSS 2021)
537 authors
- Sayekti, Nidya Waras
- The Challenges of Bank Syariah Indonesia Post-Merger
- Sayekti, Nidya Waras
- Analysis of Institutions and Convergence in Decentralizing Indonesia
- Septiani, Diah
- Impact of the Smoking Duration on HbA1c and the Symptoms of Neuropathy Among Stone Carving Worker During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: An Evaluation Study
- Septianingrum, Ni Made Ayu Nila
- A Review of Pharmaceutical Services at Community Pharmacies for Persons with Disabilities
- Setiawan
- Information Literature on Affective Cognitive Aspects of Students in Online Learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2, Malang, Indonesia
- Setiawan, Agus
- Peer-Review Statements
- Setiawan, Budi
- Ecotourism and Women Enterpreuner in Buffer Zone of Karimunjawa National Park
- Setiawan, Budi
- Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Learning Programs in Vocational Schools
- Setiawan, Fery
- The Factors That Cause Early Marriage and the Impact on the Psychology of Couples in Rural Areas
- Setiawati, Anda
- Shifting the Concept of Flats Ownership in Indonesia
- Setiawati, Diana
- The Conceptual Framework of Corporate Social Responsibility for Indonesia: Learning Study of CSR in Vietnam
- Setiono, Gentur Cahyo
- Legal Protection Against Victims of Verbal Violence (Name-Calling) in Indonesia
- Setiyo, Muji
- Peer-Review Statements
- Setya, Anggara Bayu
- Impact of Anti-Fraud Awareness, Fraud Detection Procedures, and Technology to Fraud Detection Skill
- Setyowati, Evi
- Impact of Halal Certification on Guest Satisfaction at the Restaurant Grand Sawit Hotel Samarinda
- Setyowati R, Suparni
- Evaluation of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of PDAM Tirta Wijaya, Cilacap Regency
- Shalihah, Bunga M.
- The Role of Digital Technology in Gold-Pawning Practice in Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
- Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
- Resilience of Children in Refugee Camps in Sister Village Program
- Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
- Implementation of Online Islamic Elementary School Teacher Learning Management in Pandemic Covid-19
- Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
- Implementation of Science Process Skills in Elementary Science Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Shalikhah, Norma Dewi
- Socially Vulnerable Groups and Inclusive Policies of Covid-19 Outbreak Handling: Perspective Review of Social Changes
- Shavir, Ravida Chauria
- The Spiritual Communication of Muallaf
- Sihombing, Dian Dorma Sari
- Self-Control and Procrastination during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sihombing, Irene Eka
- Land Ownership by Indonesian Railway Corporation [PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)] in Kota Intan, Indonesia
- Sihotang, Erma Prilyani
- The Effect Determinant Factors of Audit Judgment in the Government Sector
- Simanjuntak, Sam Letare
- Non-Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Award in Indonesia
- Simatupang, Elivas
- Packaging Design Elements and Consumers Impressions: A Context in Local Food Branding and Communication of Indigenous Community in Indonesia
- Sipayung, Emma Saur Nauli
- Impact of Anti-Fraud Awareness, Fraud Detection Procedures, and Technology to Fraud Detection Skill
- Siyami, Nur
- Triple Helix Development Model in Improving Marketing of The Arrow Industry in Krandegan Village, Purworejo Regency
- Siyami, Nur
- The Effect of Technology Literature, Financial Literature and Financial Technology on the Financial Performance of MSMEs in Purworejo Regency Moderated by Financial Inclusion
- Sodikin
- Factors Related to Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis
- Soeprapto, Etwin Fibrianie
- Impact of Halal Certification on Guest Satisfaction at the Restaurant Grand Sawit Hotel Samarinda
- Sohimah
- Social Support for Pregnant Women with HIV/AIDS in Cilacap District: Qualitative Study
- Subagyo
- Effectiveness of Green Brand, Green Advertising, and Green Products on Consumer Purchase Decisions on AVOSKIN PHTE in Yogyakarta
- Subrata, Sumarno Adi
- Impact of the Smoking Duration on HbA1c and the Symptoms of Neuropathy Among Stone Carving Worker During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: An Evaluation Study
- Subur
- A Literature Review on How the Mind Map Method Helps Students Remember School Lessons
- Sudarsono
- Evaluation of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of PDAM Tirta Wijaya, Cilacap Regency
- Sugiastuti, Natasya Yunita
- Application of Article 1321 of the Civil Code Concerning Vitiated Consent in Court Decisions in Indonesia
- Sugiharti, Rosi Kurnia
- Community-Based Local Food System in Nutritional Problems Management of Children Under 5 Years: a Qualitative Study in Banyumas District
- Suhariyanti, Enik
- Utilizing Information Technology to Fight the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus
- Suharso
- Ombudsman as an Independent Oversight Body for Public Service in Indonesia: An Opinion
- Sujatmoko, Andrey
- The Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission Roles in Victims Reparations
- Sujianti
- Contraceptive use and Related Factors in Women Living with HIV/AIDS
- Sukmawati, Paramita Dwi
- Waste Management Evaluation in Bima Regency, NTT Province
- Sulandari, Triana
- Physical Intervention on Pain Scales in Babies after Immunization Procedures
- Sulastri
- Application of Project Based Learning and STEAM in Higher Education
- Sulikah
- Application of Project Based Learning and STEAM in Higher Education
- Sulistyowati, Endang Tri
- Implementation of Prokesia (Protokol Kesehatan Lansia) Booklets to Improve Elderly Knowledge Dealing with Covid-19 Health Protocol
- Sulton
- Opportunities for Political Da’wah in Muhammadiyah Associations in Region
- Sumanto, Listyowati
- Land Ownership by Indonesian Railway Corporation [PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)] in Kota Intan, Indonesia
- Sumanto, Listyowati
- Perspective of Land Banking Regulation in Indonesia and Its Issues
- Sumarno, Ardawi
- Development of Fundamental Tournament Learning Model for Elementary School Children in Limited Face-to-face Learning
- Sumarsih, Tri
- The Psychology Changes and Self-Concept Adolescent Has Given Birth Premarital in Dealing with Change of Role as a Mother
- Sumarsih, Tri
- Coping Mechanism of Indonesian Teenagers with Online Learning Education Program during the Pandemic Covid-19
- Sunarsih, Sri
- Study of Distribution of Groundwater Salinity in Pacitan Sub-District, Pacitan District Based on GIS
- Supriyadi, Iwan
- A Content Analysis in the Studies of YouTube about Panic Buying Bear Brand Milk Video in COVID-19 Pandemic Era
- Supriyono
- Educational Internships in High Schools during Pandemic: Phenomenology of Learning Interactions
- Surtiningsih
- Community-Based Local Food System in Nutritional Problems Management of Children Under 5 Years: a Qualitative Study in Banyumas District
- Suryandani, Wulan
- Analysis of the Effect of Labour and Capital Availability on The Competitiveness of MSME Processed Fish in Rembang Regency
- Suryawan, Ari
- Multiple Intelligences Profile of Grade IV Elementary School Students in Magelang
- Susanti
- Contraceptive use and Related Factors in Women Living with HIV/AIDS
- Susanti, Dwi
- How Covid-19 Pandemic Increase Domestic Violence? A Literature Review
- Sutarno
- Factors Related to Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis
- Sutrisno
- Opportunities for Political Da’wah in Muhammadiyah Associations in Region
- Suwaryo, Putra Agina Widyaswara
- Psychological Changes and Stigma Experienced by Family with Covid-19
- Suyanto, Bagong
- The Management of Transformational Leadership Value Strategy at “Darussalam Gontor” Modern Islamic Boarding School
- Suyitno
- Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Learning Programs in Vocational Schools
- Syafa’ah, Maharani
- Impact of the Smoking Duration on HbA1c and the Symptoms of Neuropathy Among Stone Carving Worker During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: An Evaluation Study
- Syafingi, Habib Muhsin
- Ombudsman as an Independent Oversight Body for Public Service in Indonesia: An Opinion
- Syam, Aldo Redho
- Application of Positive Discipline in Children to Reduce Parenting Stress During Pandemic
- Syamsuddin, Sofyan
- Strategy for Collection and Distribution of ZIS Funds during a Pandemic in Lazismu
- Syarifuddin, Alfian
- The Direction of Innovation of Antibacterial Agents in Preventing Wounds Infection: A Systematic Review
- Syukroni, Azid
- Subjective Well Being Teacher Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Tersiana, Noella Ludylane
- Fadil Jaidi's Personal Branding on Instagram Social Media
- Tinumbia, Nuryani
- Study of Economic Activities of the Affected Community Toll Road Development
- Tjahjani, A. R. Indra
- Study of Economic Activities of the Affected Community Toll Road Development
- Triana, Putri Meinita
- How Parents Involve in Cultivating Children’s Reading Interests
- Trihudiyatmanto, M.
- Consumer Satisfaction: In the Relationship of Service Quality to Loyalty
- Trihudiyatmanto, M.
- Green Satisfaction: Relationship of Green Brand Image to Green Brand Equity
- Trisnaningsih, Rahma
- Implementation of Prokesia (Protokol Kesehatan Lansia) Booklets to Improve Elderly Knowledge Dealing with Covid-19 Health Protocol
- Triyanto, Andi
- Opportunities and Challenges of Waqf Management in Indonesia: A Narrative Review
- Tsalitsaturrajbiyah
- Spiritual Well-Being as a Predictor of Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients in Indonesia
- Tukina
- Characteristics of Innovation as Determinants of Voluntary Adoption of Mobile Money in Indonesia
- Tuti, Retnowati WD
- Workforce Agility during COVID-19: The Effect of Teamwork and Empowering Leadership
- Tyas, Afifa Surya Darmaning
- The Relationship between Parenting Self-Efficacy and Caregiver Burden in the Sandwich Generation
- Tyas, Afifa Surya Darmaning
- The Relationship between Parenting Self-Efficacy and Caregiver Burden in the Sandwich Generation
- Umar, Haryono
- The Effect of Forensic Audit Knowledge, Audit Experience and Workload on Auditor’s Corruption Detection Skill
- Umrah, Andi Sitti
- The Correlation of Knowledge of Commercial Sex Workers Attitudes with the Criminal Provocate Abortion Case
- Utami, Pranita Siska
- The Effect of Islamic Social Reporting on Performance of Maqashid Sharia
- Utami, Wuri
- Physical Intervention on Pain Scales in Babies after Immunization Procedures
- Wahrudin, Bambang
- Qiro’ah Arabic Textbook Analysis in the Line of Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah: Content and Presentation
- Wahyono, Aswin
- Relationship of House Building Materials, Lighting and Occupational Density to the Incidence of Tuberculosis
- Wahyudianto, Heri
- Strategy for Developing Institutional Service Models for Regional Innovation in Indonesia
- Wahyudianto, Heri
- Measurement of Partnerships, External Relations and Networks in Building Districts in Jayapura Regency
- Wahyuni
- Impact of Physical Exercise on the Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Review
- Wahyuni, Lidia
- The Effect Determinant Factors of Audit Judgment in the Government Sector
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Good Faith in the Implementation of Car Financing Agreements During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Wahyuningtyas, Dinar
- Effectiveness of Classical Music Therapy to Reducing Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients
- Wahyuningtyas, Eka Sakti
- Literature Review: Development of Methods for Measurement of Burn Area in Children
- Wangid, Muhammad Nur
- Volcanic Eruption Disaster Response: A Model for Assisting Children in Learning in Refugee Camps in Indonesia