Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

Progress in Researches on Moral Experience in the Context of Psychology and Philosophy

Rining Liang, Dong Long
Morality as the core concept and the object of study in psychology and philosophy in contemporary times has different focuses in the field of psychology and philosophy. In the context of contemporary pluralism, the study of morality is of great significance to both individuals and the society. The combination...
Proceedings Article

Special Characteristics of Staff Performance Assessment and Professional Development Systems in the Oil and Gas Sector of the Economy

Liliya Sultanova
The article discusses performance assessment and professional development systems’ specificities in the economy’s oil and gas sector. The author identifies the main trends affecting organisational development and personnel management in the industry, systematises the main challenges for oil and gas companies’...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Relationship Between Civil Social Security and Government Work Evaluation

Based on CSS2019 Data Analysis

Xiaowei Liang, Jiahao Lan, Bijun Wu
Previous studies in the academic circle have shown that civil social security and government work evaluation are closely related. However, there is no unified answer to the inner relationship between the two. Based on this, this study uses data from the Comprehensive Survey of Social Conditions in China...
Proceedings Article

Womanism and The Color Purple

Long Shi
This paper aims at studying Womanism and Womanism in The Color Purple. Alice Walker’s Womanism is originated from feminism and it has new demands and different perspectives to feminism. This paper elaborates Womanism in The Color Purple from the following three perspectives: the dilemma of the black...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Study: Ghumah Baghi Philosophy of Besemah Ethnic Society

Prayogi Wijaksono, Martono, Awal Putra Suprianto
Ghumah Baghi, house for Besema people was traditional house in Pagaralam of South Sumatera, Indonesia. The architectural, contractions, internal and external decoration, and the function of the house of reflect the culture and value of Besema’s society. It was owned by Jurai (Tribal Leader) and Besema...
Proceedings Article

Research on Graphic Integration Application in Tmall Brand Image

Xianghong JI, Wanyu Song
With the rapid development of the Internet, the graphic design of brand plays an important role in the development of e-commerce brand.Tmall, as one of the most important brands in the development of e-commerce at the present stage, has become an important symbol of identification and stands out from...
Proceedings Article

Kapamalian in Cikondang Traditional House Lamajang Village Sub-District of Pangalengan Bandung Regency

An Ethnopedagogy study

Santi Nurjanah, Ruhaliah
The study aimed to expand knowledge regarding tradition, to describe kapamalian, and to explain kapamalian ethnopedagogy values in Cikondang Traditional house which is located in Lamajang Village Sub-district of Pangalengan Bandung Regency. The meaning of kapamalian or pamali can be categorized as local...
Proceedings Article

Mathematical Representation Ability on Quadratic Function Through Proof Based Learning

Leonardo Jonathan Shinariko, Yusuf Hartono, Muhamad Yusup, Cecil Hiltrimartin, Jeri Araiku
This study aims at finding out students’ mathematical representation ability through proof-based learning. The research is descriptive qualitative research at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Palembang with 32 students. The instructional process and collecting data were conducted online class because of COVID-19,...
Proceedings Article

The Art of Ancient Caps From Small River Cemetery, Xinjiang, China

Xiaoyu Xin, Rulin Yang, Xiaojing Kang
Based on the archaeological evidence, the paper analyzed the art and craft of the ancient caps unearthed from Small River Cemetery, Xinjiang, China, which has a history of 3500-4000 years. From the detailed description of style, material, size, color, chin-cords and ornaments of those caps, the article...
Proceedings Article

ESG Disclosure and Firm Value: Family versus Nonfamily Firms

Annisa Meidiana Thahira, Aria Farah Mita
This research is motivated by the increasing demand for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure. This phenomenon raises questions as to whether this information is properly used and provides benefits to the company that published the disclosure. Several studies attempted to observe the...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Work Culture and Work Commitment to Teacher Professionalism of Vocational High School

Rahmawati, Happy Fitria, Rohana
This study was carried out in the Sekayu District of State Vocational High School teachers with several goals as: (1) Is there an effect of work culture on teacher professionalism in vocational high school in Sekayu districts; (2) Is there an effect of work dedication on teacher professionalism in vocational...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Parental Attachment in Life Satisfaction with Gratitude as a Mediator for Adolescents in the Digital Era

Natashya Natashya, Debora Basaria
This digital era has quite a variety of impacts on adolescents. Some teenagers have life satisfaction and not in their lives. Thus, it affects attachment to their parents and has an impact on gratitude. This study aims to see how the role of parental attachment on life satisfaction with gratitude as...
Proceedings Article

The Concept of Constitutional Importance to Human Rights in Indonesia

R. Ganjar Tirta Pramahyana
The United Nations published the so-called Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, after the end of World War II. The UDHR of 1948 was the world’s response to a country that had insulted humanity around the world. Building a more peaceful world free from fear and oppression and unfair treatment....
Proceedings Article

Conceptual Model of Citizenship Learning Projects Based on Data Literacy in Citizenship Education Course

Trisna Sukmayadi, Aim Abdulkarim, Kokom Komalasari, Muhammad Halimi
Data literacy capabilities in the 4.0 era can be developed through the learning process using citizenship learning projects. This study aims to develop a data literacy-based learning project model to improve the competence of student citizenship attitudes in the Institutional Citizenship Education course....
Proceedings Article

Transformative Education in Pre-Service Teacher Training: Experiences and Impact

Arnel A. Turiano, Rafael V. Oñate
Education is in a constant state of evolution, mirroring the changes in our world. Therefore, an adaptable and inventive approach to learning, transcending conventional models, is imperative to nurture individual development, critical reasoning, and societal transformation. Based on the principle that...
Proceedings Article

Can Developing Economies Move Up the Relative Value Chain Division of Labour through “North-South” R&D Cooperation?

Yanxi Huang, Ziwei Zou
R&D cooperation is the main way for humankind to address common challenges, grasp the direction of the technological revolution and absorb the dividends of change. However, can developing economies narrow the gap between their relative value chain position and that of developed economies through...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Legislation on Private Data Law

Siyu Li
This essay examines the uprising social concerns on privacy law, with the current challenges in its legal system and legislation process. It outlines the definition of privacy and data privacy, it further opens an academic discussion on the ethical consideration of Data Privacy with references to Immanuel...
Proceedings Article

Interpretation of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in the Japanese Workplace

Susi Widianti
This study explores the views of Indonesian workers on the communication aspect in Japanese workplace. In particular, this study aims to interpret the employees’ communication patterns in the company which involve procedures like greeting, receiving instructions, making appointments, using polite languages,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Sales Growth, Profitability, and Company Size on Leverage

Merry Susanti, Sofia Prima Dewi, Sufiyati Sufiyati, Liana Susanto
The research objective is to obtain empirical evidence of the positive effect of sales growth on leverage, the positive effect of profitability on leverage, and the positive effect of firm size on leverage. The decision to determine the capital structure (leverage) is a very important decision because...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Practice of Collaborative Teaching Model for AES-based English Writing

Weiwei Qu
Writing occupies very important position in college English teaching, which is a difficult problem of college English teaching as well, for a long time limits the overall improve the level of college English teaching. In this paper, based on the automated essay scoring research and collaborative learning...
Proceedings Article

Research on identification and countermeasures of the construction project team's Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior

Yu Ji, Chunling Sun
Due to the uncertainty of external environment and internal incompleteness of contract, the project team members are, more often than not, prone to exhibit Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior. This paper focus on the construction project team's Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior. According to the...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Optimization Measures for Internal Control System in Joint-Stock Commercial Banks

Fengyan Wang
Based on current development of joint-stock commercial banks, this paper analyzes influencing factors for the internal control system in joint-stock commercial banks including the lingering impact of financial crisis, government intervention, functions of the board of supervisors in an empty shell as...
Proceedings Article

Training Mechanism Reform of Innovative Talents under the Concept "Student Centered Learning" (SCL)

Manhong Li, Yuanyuan Li
The educational concept of "SCL" emphasizes stimulating students' internal driving force in learning and pays attention to the whole process of teaching. It consists of students' active learning consciousness and learning ability, the development of learning habits and self-management pattern, learning...
Proceedings Article

Try to talk about the relationship between the teaching design experts and the subject teachers in the multimedia courseware

Jianren Wang, Xiangjun Xu, Jianchen Wang, Jie Wang
This paper starts with the current development pattern of multimedia courseware, and discusses about the respective roles and work of the teaching design experts and the subject teachers in the multimedia courseware, aiming at the reasonable relationship of teaching design experts and the subject teachers...
Proceedings Article

Training Scientific Research Thinking and Innovation Consciousness in Series of Professional Courses

Xiuzhen Hu, Hasihua -, Jun Lv, Changjiang Ding
The graduates are confronted with insufficiency of sensitive scientific research thinking and innovation consciousness when they step into stage of doing researches and writing papers. This is also a primary constraint of scientific research innovation. In this article, we will introduce our revolutions...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Protection of Han Opera Master Mi Yingxian's Opera Culture On Its Historical Contribution to the Formation of Peking Opera

Yifeng Wei
Mi Yingxian, native of Hubei Chongyang, was the recognized founder of Peking opera. In the periods of Qianlong and Jiaqing, he brought his Hubei Han tune to Beijing. He became the leader role of Chuntai Troupe, one of the four Hui troupes. Later, the Han tune converged with Hui tune, which marked the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Problems in Economic Management of Modern Enterprises and Its Innovative Development Road

Wenshan Zhao
The modern economic management embodies the emphasis of enterprise extension. The enterprise should accept the novel concept and make the underlying mechanism followed by economic management run through the daily detailed regulation. The hidden difficulties and drawbacks should be identified at any time...
Proceedings Article

Brand Culture and Localization Design

Nan Lv
Today, in the market of product diversification, how consumers choose and buy commodity from the array of goods is the first concern of enterprise in selling product and in obtaining maximized market profits. In the modern society, with more choices, along with the increasing frequency of commodity updates,...
Proceedings Article

The Czech-Moravian Slavic Union "Slavic Cultural Diplomacy" as the Keeper of Slavic Identity New Social and Cultural Developments in Czechia and Russia

Natalia Bondarenko
The article considers recent social and cultural developments in Czechia and Russia, and, particularly, the project called "Slavic Cultural Diplomacy", which project aims to preserve and develop the Slavic languages and culture, as well as the national identity in the era of globalization.
Proceedings Article

A Study about the Influence of Human Resource on Regional Economic Disparity in Shandong Province

Na Yan
This paper briefly expounds the importance of human resource development for regional economic development, and discusses the influence of human resource on regional economic disparity in Shandong province from the three aspects: quantity, educational level and flow direction of human resource, on the...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Challenges and Innovative Thinking of Financial Management under the Background of Big Data

Qian Wang
With the continuous development of the Internet, big data has become a new type of technology applied into all aspects of society. Corporate financial management is the foundation for the operation and development of an enterprise, and it is also a guarantee for the enterprise to maximize its interests....
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on a Meme-based CET 4 Writing Teaching Model

Jin Wang
This paper utilizes meme theory as reference in order to rethink about CET 4 writing teaching pattern. As an essential part of cultural replication factors, language has its own rules in reproduction and transmission. Those laws that language obeys can be properly applied to writing teaching process....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of China's Legal Education in the New Era

Jiangxin He, Xiaoxia Wan
Since the 18th CPC National Congress, our country’s economy has achieved unprecedented achievements. Comrade Xi Jinping clearly stated in the report of the 19th CPC National Congress that the major social contradictions in our country have changed. Under a profound recognizing and understanding of the...
Proceedings Article

Comprehensive Curriculum Reform of Intelligent Manufacturing in Colleges and Universities Serving Local Areas

J. L. Su
This paper is the practice and discussion of the comprehensive course reform of Intelligent Manufacturing in Colleges and universities. Under the background of intelligent manufacturing development in our country, This paper first expounds the significance of offering comprehensive and specialized courses...
Proceedings Article

Evolutionary Game Analysis on the Supervision of Bad Loans in Commercial Banks

Jinliang Hua
The economic man's rational behavior and information asymmetry and other reasons, often lead to the commercial bank has hidden the impulse of non-performing loans, resulting in inconsistent accounts of the situation, affecting the economic operation. In this game the situation of information asymmetry,...
Proceedings Article

The Application Of Integrated Quality Management In Education To Create Good Governance

Arie Supriati, Sjamsi Pasandaran, Julien Biringan, Maxi Ventje Keintejem, Natanael, F Kaunang
research purpose is to study the application of management quality with the research object at SMKN 1 Airmadidi. The method that being used are descriptive qualitative method with data collection techqniue through observation, interview, and school records documentation. The result of this research shows...
Proceedings Article

Thinking and Practice of "Student Oriented" Educational Philosophy

Guangli Chu, Xiaoli Chai
"Student oriented" is an important educational philosophy. It has been put forward for many years. But few teachers put it into practice. The purpose of higher education based on "student oriented" is to form a person through cultural accomplishment, to create a person based on the care of life, to create...
Proceedings Article

Reflection on the Reform of Basic Curriculum Examination Mode in Higher Education Popularization

Xiaofeng Zhu, Yongming Zhang, Yuying Jiang
At present, higher education has entered the stage of mass education, and the old examination and assessment methods can’t meet the needs of basic course teaching. According to the course attributes and teaching objectives, to explore various forms and modes of examination and assessment, these assessment...
Proceedings Article

On the Identity of Translator Under the Impact of Deconstructionism and Intertextuality

Sai Ma
From the perspective of deconstructionism, this article explores the application of intertextuality theory in the field of translation research and practice, advocating the idea of reader subjectivity, and points out that translation is a transformation process of meaning between texts, a recreation...
Proceedings Article

Ambiguity of Financial Management Supervision in State-Owned Enterprises of the Company

Reni Anggriani
The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has the main goal of realizing the welfare of the community as a welfare-type state that focuses on equalizing the welfare of people's lives. The state is required to play an active role in creating equitable community welfare, one of which plays a...
Proceedings Article

Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Hospital Employees

Lili Herliani, Annisaa Miranty Nurendra
This study aims to determine the relationship of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior among employees working at the Hospital in Cirebon, West Java with organizational commitment as a mediator variable. Job satisfaction is one of the things that can improve the behavior of OCB employees...
Proceedings Article

The Concept and Framework Construction of Proactive Health

Lin Zou, Licong Cao, Weiping Li, Yichen Pan, Rui Liang, Jianxiong Chen
Health has long been a great concern for people, and how to maintain and promote health has become a long-lasting research hotspot. As a new health concept, proactive health is an effective attempt to transform the health model from a traditional disease-centered to health-centered. Since the concept...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on the Development of Art Education in the Era of New Media

Wei Yuan
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and new media technologies is reshaping the landscape of art education, offering personalized learning experiences, fostering creativity, and introducing innovative teaching methodologies. This paper explores the transformative potential of AI in art education,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Tax Information Technology on TaxPayer Compliance and the Role of Tax Consultants

Sumatriani Sumatriani, Dian Gita Utami
The aims of this study were to examine and analyze: (1) The effects of technology information taxation and role of tax consultants on taxpayers; (2) the effects of taxation information technology on taxpayer compliance; (3) the effects of consultant tax roles towards on taxpayers compliance. The population...
Proceedings Article

Beauty Economy: A Practical Approach to Effectively Link Poverty Alleviation with Rural Vitalization

Mengsheng Cai
The goal of “beauty economy” construction lies in the comprehensive realization of “natural beauty, infrastructure beauty, villagers beauty, cultural beauty” in rural areas. In the process of effectively linking poverty alleviation with rural revitalization, the development model of “beauty economy”...
Proceedings Article

Perceptions of Coastal Communities on Environmental Based Civic Culture

Mariatul Kiptiah, Wahyu Wahyu
Coastal communities are a group of people who live together inhabiting coastal areas to form and have a distinctive culture related to their dependence on the use of coastal resources. The understanding of coastal communities in civic culture is that civic culture is an idea related to the moral or ethical...
Proceedings Article

Religiosity and Cultural Identity Impact on Individual’s Ingroup-bias: An Experiment of Trust Game on Chinese

Sian Wang
Religion and culture are both seen to be important elements in group classification. Many previous research showed that trust between individuals decreases transaction costs, encourages collaboration, and is thus vital for economic and social success. and this is known as within-group bias. However,...
Proceedings Article

Introduction of the Words with Morpheme qɒ55 in Lahao Hmong Language of the Great Wall of the South

Xiaoli Tian
Nowadays, the Lahao Miao (also called Hmong) Village in Phoenix, Hunan in China is a “stone village” located on the checkpoint of the Great Wall in the South (founded in Tang Dynasty and flourished in Ming and Qing Dynasties). It is a stone village, which has the natural advantages of language contact...
Proceedings Article

Household Financial Management in Phenomenology Perspective: A Case Study on a Fisherman Family in Kupang City

Indawati Jauhar Nino, Tuti Setyorini, Enos Kabu
The fishing community is a community whose livelihood is catching fish. This activity is carried out actively if in the summer when the weather or climate is also supportive. On average, these small fishermen are more focused on meeting the needs of daily life and there is no priority scale for future...
Proceedings Article

Being Moderate in Religious Societies

Reality and Thoughts on Religious Moderation Education

Badruzzaman Badruzzaman
The thought of learning religious moderation is important because students have a low understanding and behavior about religious moderation. This paper reveals some realities and thoughts about learning religious moderation. Religious moderation is not taught as a lesson in all Religion Subjects in schools,...
Proceedings Article

Design and Applied Research of Corolla 1.6 AT Electronic Controlled Engine Experiment Bench

Wenzi Gong
Experiment bench is based on Toyota Corolla 1.6 AT electronic controlled engine by use of the principle of virtuality and simulation, without mechanical system, but electrical control units are reserved. The bench has simple structure and low cost, and it is safe, environmental protection and economic...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Entrepreneurship Network in Entrepreneurial University-A Case Study of Stanford University

Wei Lu, Shan-Shan Li, Hai-Yan Yan
n recent years, with more and more attention paid to entrepreneurship education, practices of those famous entrepreneurial universities have aroused public concern, among which includes the entrepreneurship network of Stanford University. It has makes integration of entrepreneurship activities and entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article

Identity Confirmation in Tony Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

Mei Wang, Qinqin Zhu, Yan Ma
How to rebuild black women’s identity and dignity under the multiple oppression of classism, sexism and racism has always been Toni Morrison’s major concern. The paper analyzes three solutions to the problem of identity crisis in her first novel The Bluest Eye. Loving one’s black image, loving one’s...
Proceedings Article

Efficiency of Computer Application on Administrative Affairs of Universities

Beixiong Gao
With the rapid development of social economy in our country and the rising level of science and technology, computer technology is more widely applied playing a very important and irreplaceable role in various fields of society. The universities in our country shoulder the responsibilities of training...
Proceedings Article

The Visualization Analysis of Second Language Acquisition's Research Evolution

Yancheng Zhang, Wan Sun
Using a visual analytical approach to explore the evolution of second language acquisition research, this paper was based on 3,940 papers including the theme of "second language acquisition" in the SCI, SSCI, and A&HCI databases from 1964 to 2014. It uses methods of bibliography modeling analysis to...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Ideological Education and Self-Discipline of College Students

Heming Wu
College is a perfect ideological and moral and social consciousness of the critical period. Currently, students in the ideological and moral aspects to varying degrees, there is a lack of self-restraint, which determines when the ideological and moral education of college students need to exist external...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Discarded Instruments in the Teaching of Agricultural Analytical Instruments for Improving the Comprehensive Ability of Students

Renjie Yang, Yanhong Du, Yanrong Yang, Guimei Dong
The results of many teaching researches show that the filling teaching mode in old teaching system has seriously restricted the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability. It is imperative to set up a new teaching mode of taking students as the main body. The application of discarded instruments...
Proceedings Article

Freedom Material in Peace Education Based-Local-Wisdom as Hidden Curriculum

Ratih Hidayah, Intan Pritasari Andriyani, Ghanis Putra Widhanarto
This article aims to discuss the project of cultivating a culture of peace through local Wisdom. The importance of this discussion departs from the view that local wisdom is an intermediary for the transformation of values and character formation. Likewise, the values and culture of peace and the person...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Marketing Strategies of Promoting the Background of Studying Abroad: A Case Study of E Company

Wang Cheng, Liu Hui
With the continuous improvement of China's national living standards and international awareness, the number of applicants for study abroad is increasing every year. According to the data given by the Ministry of Education in 2017, the number of applicants for study abroad in China reached 608,400 in...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study of Learners Agency and Identity in Project-based Learning

Mingmei Du
Abstract.This paper aims to explore the status quo and changing situation of Chinese college Student’ agency, identity and attitude in Project-based Learning (PBL). Based on the activity theory, a 12-week classroom project teaching empirical study was conducted on a class of 40 students in a Chinese...
Proceedings Article

Transformation of the human resources regional market under the influence of economy digitalization

Olga Astafurova, Irina Kulagina, Valery Zapryagaylo
Economy digital transformation involves a number of problems associated with great risk for ensuring steady employment of population as development of artificial intelligence promotes replacement of human resources and jobs cuts. On the other hand, in the area of developing innovative digital technologies,...
Proceedings Article

Influence of College Students' Use of Social Networking Sites on Self-Concept Clarity: Mediating Role of Social Comparison

Yazhi Liu, Hao Liu, Yuan Jiang
To explore the effect of college students' use of social networking sites and social comparison on self-concept clarity and its mechanism of action, the researchers used social networking websites use strength questionnaire, social comparison tendency questionnaire and self-concept clear questionnaire...
Proceedings Article

Training of the Individuals with Disabilities Using Adaptive Education Programs

Valentina Burenina, Liubov Arsenkina, Olga Scherbakova, Olga Otrokova
The use of training equipment for individuals with disabilities by adaptive education programs using the “Russian method of teaching engineers” is described in this paper. The points of view of scientists and specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology are analyzed in the paper, and also the...
Proceedings Article

Research on College English Teaching Under the Thinking Mode of “Internet Plus”

Cong Wu
The background of “Internet plus” social era is continuously applied to the education. Among them, the teaching mode of "Internet plus education" is continuously and strongly involved in the traditional education mode. Such teaching mode can be applied to the teaching mode of college English in our country...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Basic Problems of Prevention and Control of Corruption Crimes in China Based on Big Data

Yuehong Wu, Yaming Fang
Big Data contains the law of social development and criminal governance, and how to prevent and control corruption crimes to adapt to the tide of big data is the key to carry out the management of the number of times in crime prevention and control. In this regard, China should pay attention to the issue...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Construction of Practical Teaching System of College Media in the New Media Environment

Nan Wu
Media is closely related to the current economic and social development, while there often exists some deficiencies in the practical teaching of media in most universities. It has caused that the student’s personal ability training is not comprehensive enough and they lack of certain practical ability....
Proceedings Article

An Analysis on the Blended Teaching Reform on English Oral Courses

Qi Kang
With the development of information technology in the recent decades, the higher educational institutions in China are facing challenges to undertake educational reforms. It is necessary for universities to fulfill the tasks of instilling knowledge and cultivating abilities by designing scientific and...
Proceedings Article

Reform of Dance Curriculum for Preschool Education in Colleges and Universities

Nuo Li
Cultivating excellent preschool educators can help carry out the necessary aesthetic education for children through dance. Therefore, in the teaching process, teachers with certain scientific focus on how to ensure the normal development of various parts of the child's body and enhance physical fitness...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening the Political Ethics of Pancasila in Making Good Governance

Edi Kusnadi, Eneng Martini, Mahmud Mahmud
Whether or not realized the realities of political praxis that leads to the dimension and space that seemed to be free value (value free), putting aside ethics / moral, so far from the practice of politics in accordance with the values of the philosophy of the Indonesian nation itself, this indicates...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of A Scientific Approach With Problem Based Learning Model To Critical Thinking And Learning Results Students IV SDN Jatikalang 1 Krian

Rina Astrianah, Yatim Riyanto
The fact that happened in the field during this perceived lesson IPS less able develop abilities students to thinking critically, solve the problem. Because the learning process in the classroom does not use the thinking strategy of learning. The learning process is only directed so that students can...
Proceedings Article

On the Direction and Trend of Building a New Open Economic System

Yanming Wang
The changing global economic situation has brought pressure on China's economic downturn. Under this background, only by strengthening the construction of a new open economic system can China's sustainable economic development successfully cope with various risks in the economic downturn. In the process...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Tissue Culture Textbook On Callus Induction Of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Based On Research

Nurul Hidayah Nasution, Fauziyah Harahap, Tumiur Gultom
The purpose of this research is to develop textbook based on research of callus induction of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) for tissue culture course. This research used a 4D development model adapted from Thiagarajan and was conducted until design stage only. The data were obtained starting from...
Proceedings Article

Primary Exploration on the Differentiation of the Animation Industry Models of China, Japan and America in the Context of the Two-dimensional Culture

Sun Peng
In recent years, the term "two-dimensional culture" has been mentioned by more and more people around the world. The two-dimensional culture has gradually penetrated into our daily lives. People often confuse the two-dimension with ACGN, but the two-dimensional culture is essentially different from the...
Proceedings Article

The Choreography of Early Childhood Activities — Taking the Story of "The Small White Rabbit and the Wolf" as an Example

Wudai Yang
Children's dance education is to cultivate children's interest and hobbies, the children's dance organic combine with children's language activity. It can increase the children's interests in language learning, it also conducive to the physical development of children. Adding the choreography of simple...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of the Influencing Factors of International Competitiveness between China and India Manufacturing Industries

Meijuan Li, Yumei Zhang
This paper focuses on the international competitiveness of the manufacturing industries of China and India. Starting from the status quo of the development of the manufacturing industries in both countries, this paper compares and analyzes the influencing factors of international competitiveness. The...
Proceedings Article

Modelling IoT-enabled Logistics Process Adaptations with Coloured Petri Nets

Xiaoqin Dong, Ying Wang
The Internet of Things not only supports intelligent logistics services, but also transforms the process. It has become more and more widely used. This paper studied the railway transportation process according to the development of the Internet of Things technology in the railway logistics industry....
Proceedings Article

Ecological Affinity of Student and Teacher: A Case Study in Senior Secondary High Schools in Tangerang Selatan

Udan Kusmawan
Ecological Affinity is defined in this paper as relationships conceived by human beings with their surrounding environment for sustainable development. Ecological affinity elucidates beliefs, attitudes, and intentions towards environmental sustainability expressed by human beings. This study features...
Proceedings Article

Homeschooling: Nonformal Education Learning Strategy 4.0

Imam Imam Shofwan, Imam Shofwan, Liliek Desmawati, Trijoko Raharjo, Irlan Widya Santosa
Homeschooling is an alternative education that is held in the non-formal education pathway. The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of the Homeschooling learning strategy in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Methods of observation, documentation, personal interviews with the Chairman,...
Proceedings Article

Values of Character Education and Internal Conflict of Main Figures in Sinar Novel by Aguk Irawan Mizan as Literature Reading Material

Risma Martalena Tarigan, Biner Ambarita, Khairil Ansari
Character is an important element in humans. Humans who have good character, are able to manage the knowledge and conflicts faced based on virtue values. The purpose of this research is analysis description values of character education and internal conflict of main figures in Sinar novel by Aguk Irawan...
Proceedings Article

Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Professional Development of the Military

Konstantin A. Likhomanov, Maksim N. Saveliev, Vitaly V. Mochalov, Lidia P. Kostikova, Anatoly Yu. Belogurov
The article considers self-efficacy in the context of professional development of the post-graduate students at the military school. It shows the adjuncts’ self-efficacy as belief in their capabilities to exercise control over their professional work in general and research work in particular. Beliefs...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Approach-Based Textbooks Evaluation: A Content Analysis of English Textbooks on Reflective Teaching in Indonesia

Umi Rachmawati
The implementation of scientific approach to English as a foreign language teaching faces challenge. The use of Textbooks prepared by the education ministry is expected to be able to provide the effectiveness and flexibility of the teaching to achieve the learning goals. The principles of reflective...
Proceedings Article

Kindergarten Teacher Training System in China by IT Technology

Shu Zhang, Zhiyuan Hu
The article briefly discusses the process of developing a teacher training system in China using IT-technologies, as well as examines the reforms and a number of results in the teacher training system in China. The Ministry of Education has published “Opinions on the implementation of Project 2.0, “Building...
Proceedings Article

Design of the Element Interior with Betawi Culture Ornaments Made of Portable Diffusor for Interior Acoustics and Aesthetics

M. Nashir Setiawan, Hartini Laswandi
The results of Betawi culture need to be preserved, developed and interpreted as a legacy of Indonesian cultural wealth that has high aesthetic value. Interior elements are part of building space, also need to be processed aesthetically. The purpose of this study was to develop ornaments of Betawi culture...
Proceedings Article

Real Time System for Indonesian Teacher Engagement Index Application

Sasmoko, Yasinta Indriati, Desi Maya Kristin, Brilly Andro Makalew, Yogi Udjaja, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar
Technological developments in education must have a positive impact on improving teacher quality and competence in Indonesia so that teachers are able to run their profession optimally. When teachers are able to play an optimal role then the teacher will provide a significant added value for improving...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Legislation of American Special Education and Its Implication to China

Ren Nianlu
The origin of special education came from Europe and flourished in North America. Since the reform and opening up, due to the continuous development of the economy and the further improvement of the political system, China’s comprehensive national strength has been greatly improved. With the continuous...
Proceedings Article

The Transformation of the US Strategy in the Middle East: Retreat after 2011

Qifeng Fang, Xiaocheng Lu
Since the Cold War, the United States believes in less militarized foreign policy, anchored more on diplomacy, aid, and democracy-building efforts than military intervention. Nonetheless, this belief was largely short-lived after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and the September 9/11 attacks on the United...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Non-Material Incentives of the Post-90s Knowledge Employees in Small and Medium IT Enterprises

Qi Luo
In the 21st century, many developed countries has entered the information age, and China has entered the threshold of the information society. In recent years, the IT industry has become the pillar industry of China’s economic and social development. The number of some small and medium IT enterprises...
Proceedings Article

Integrating the Beauty of Herbs Zingiberaceae into Science Learning Through Nature of Science Within the Active Learning Approach

A. Widowati, Sri Atun, IGP. Suryadarma
Nature and its phenomenon are objects of natural w learning. Learning of natural science helps students to understand aspects of life. One of the natural potentials that can be used as an object of science learning is the charm of Zingiberaceae herbs, like the one popular of plant’s family using as herbs....
Proceedings Article

Information Media Expossion of Making Decision on Early Detection for Cervical Cancer of Women Using Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid Method (VIA)

Atun Wigati, Hilal Ariadi, Sri Rahayu
Cervical cancer caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) infection ranks second with an incidence of 9.7% and a mortality rate of 9.3%. Cervical cancer is one of the causes of death which is quite high in the world including in Indonesia. To prevent cervical cancer can be done with early detection using...
Proceedings Article

Expert Views on the Depth of Ecological Concepts at the Elementary and Middle School Levels

Susanti Wulandari, Nuryani Yogipranata Rustaman, Ari Widodo, I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha
Continuing education is one of the main goals of success in the education sector. Quality human resources are the supporting aspect for the success of education. Teachers play an active role in preparing their students to live in the era of the society revolution 5.0. This study aims to investigate the...
Proceedings Article

Social Inquiry Learning Strategy on News Text Learning in Junior High School

Elsa Noventiana Nur Afni, Miftakhul Huda
A social inquiry strategy is a strategy or plan to develop students’ knowledge abilities to investigate and reflect on social life in society. This research aims to determine (1) how to implement the social inquiry learning strategy to news text teaching material; (2) what are the results of implementing...
Proceedings Article

The Adaptation Pattern as the Development of Lithic Technology in the Southern and Northern Mountains Areas of Java

Indah Asikin Nurani
In maintaining their lives, prehistoric humankind, especially in the Pleistocene up to the beginning of the Holocene era, were still highly dependent on the availability of natural surroundings. The cycles of nature, technology, and culture are inseparable because anything that changes nature will also...
Proceedings Article

The Political Law of Forestry Spatial Planning Based on Climate Change to Realize Sustainable Development in Indonesia

Yudi Kornelis, Sukamto Satoto, Helmi
This article examines Legally Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning the Protection and Management of the Environment as a positive law for environmental regulation has revoked the previous law, but scientifically, the teachings contained in the previous law should still be adhered to and become the basis...
Proceedings Article

National Qualification Framework (NQF) to Promote Quality in Higher Education: Perspectives of English Educators in ASEAN Countries

Silfia Asning Tias, Waraporn Tongjean, Soe Soe Win
The qualification Framework has been widely researched for the past two decades. Implementing a National Qualification Framework (NQF) aims to ensure Quality, thus promoting the accountability of the educational program in a country. This research explores the perspectives of English educators in ASEAN...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Home Rehabilitation Program (HRP) after the Application of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Post-Stroke

Umi Budi Rahayu, Sakinah Sakinah, Santri Ramida
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for post-stroke patients has been shown to improve motor function in a short period, but no one has yet investigated how post-stroke rehabilitation will provide an optimal effect after additional patient Home Rehabilitation Programs (HRP) is applied. The objective...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Family Structure’s Effects on Children's Mental Well Being

Wenli Yang
Different family atmospheres produce different children, and so do different family structures. The first environment for children to receive education is the family. The influence and infection of the family on children is a kind of silent education. The inner security and sense of home that family...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of TikTok Topic “Make Peace with Your Make-Up Free” on Participants’ Social Appearance Anxiety

Liyang Zhu
With the popularity of the social media platform TikTok and its increasingly powerful beautification features, more and more netizens are posting beautification photos of their daily lives to attract others’ attention. When some Internet users see other people’s looks better than their own, they will...
Proceedings Article

Comparing the Functional Orthography Unit Between Chinese and Alphabets

Haolin Lu
Functional Orthography Unit (FOU) is the letter in the alphabet and is the radical in Chinese. The present study reviews how researchers come to the aforementioned conclusion utilizing same-different judgement against participants and MRI scans pointing to the posterior region of the brain as the location...
Proceedings Article

Ways and Suggestions for Drivers to Avoid Risks After Drinking

Yingrui Zhang, Jiang Qiuyan
Through the analysis of the problem of drinking and driving, and through the chamber model, it is concluded that if you drink three bottles of beer in a relatively short period of time, the alcohol content in your blood will reach the maximum after 1.2496 h, and it will be in line with the national standard...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the Purges Towards Massive Range of Bureaucrats played in Julian’s Imperial Control

Jiazhen Jiang
Julian was the last non-christian Roman emperor from 361 to 363. During his reign he prompted many revolutions on religion and politics, and also led the important war against Persian. Researches had done sufficient analysis on the macro level of these fields, and especially in the field of religion....