Proceedings of the 1st Lawang Sewu International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 (LEWIS 2022)

156 authors
Wijayatiningsih, Testiana Deni
Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices
Abdullah, Nabilah
Improving Student's Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Implementation of Integrated Guided Inquiry Model with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Achdiyat, Ichsani Pradipta
The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
Achmad Perguna, Luhung
New Media Hegemony in Higher Education: Business Model or Narration Development
Aditama, Madya G.
Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
Afiah, Amiera Nur
Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia
Aimah, Siti
Peer-Review Statements
Aimah, Siti
Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
Aimah, Siti
Affective Learning Strategies Less-Applied by Students: How to Elevate?
Alam, Meredian
Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia
Allamin, Sophia
Improving Student's Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Implementation of Integrated Guided Inquiry Model with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Ambarsari, Arum
Forming the Pancasila Character of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Students by Using Tapak Suci Training
Ariesta, Ria
Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
Arifin, Rusjdy S.
The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan
Asang, Sulaiman
The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on Employee Performance Case Study: South Sulawesi Province’s Health Department
Ash-shidiqqi, Ellectrananda Anugerah
Disaster Management Funding in Regions
Astuti, Dwi Fuji
Survival Strategy for Street Vendors During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kassi-Kassi Village, Panakkukang District, Makassar City
Azhari, Aidul Fitriciada
Disaster Management Funding in Regions
Aziz, Abdul
The Role of the Teaching Free Learning Campus Based on Local Culture in Strengthening Indonesia’s Position in PISA 2024
Azizah, Cahyati Kharismatul
New Media Hegemony in Higher Education: Business Model or Narration Development
Basit, Abd
Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
Batrisya, Aisyah Naila
Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate
Batrisya, Aisyah Naila
The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
Budiastuti, Riana Eka
Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach
Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
Cahyono, Edy
Improving Student's Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Implementation of Integrated Guided Inquiry Model with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Chesiadita, Aretha Deva
Processing Swimming Crab Shell into Value-Added Products: It Utilization as a Calcium Source Flour and Flavoring
Damayanti, Lisa Cyntia
Processing Swimming Crab Shell into Value-Added Products: It Utilization as a Calcium Source Flour and Flavoring
Danim, Sudarwan
Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
Darwis, Djamaluddin
Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices
Darwis, Djamaluddin
Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
Demartoto, Argyo
Promotive, Preventive, Curative, and Rehabilitative Services in Preventing and Overcoming HIV-AIDS During and Post-covid-19 Pandemic in Surakarta, Indonesia
Dewi, Nuriana Rachmani
Profile of Students’ Geometric Thinking Ability in Terms of Van Hiele Level
Fatanti, Megasari Noer
Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia
Fauziah, Munaya
Assessment of the Students’ Perception of Implementation of the Blended Consortium Learning Model in Public Health
Febrina, Wulan
Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
Ferywidyastuti, Setya
Implementing Project Based Learning in Optical Physics Course: Students’ Perceptions
Hanum, Ayu Noviani
Determinants of Academic Fraud Behavior: The Perspective of the Pentagon Fraud Theory
Harahab, Nuddin
Marine Environment Awareness for Student
Hardiyanti, Diana
The Code Choice of Multilingual Community in Javanese Short Film Capciptop!
The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on Employee Performance Case Study: South Sulawesi Province’s Health Department
Hermawan, Cecep Maman
Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate
Hermawan, Cecep Maman
Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
Hermawan, Cecep Maman
The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
Hermawan, Irfan Nurzubari
Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate
Hermawan, Irfan Nurzubari
The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
Hijjang, Pawennari
Survival Strategy for Street Vendors During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kassi-Kassi Village, Panakkukang District, Makassar City
Ida, Asri
Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate
Ifadah, Muhimatul
Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
Ifadah, Muhimatul
Affective Learning Strategies Less-Applied by Students: How to Elevate?
Iksan, Zanaton H.
Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
Indrawati, Nuke Devi
A Story Book for Child’s Development and Growth
Irfan, A.
The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan
Irmayati, Meiselina
Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
Ismail, Toto S.
Implementation of Darul ‘Ahdi Wa Syahadah Values Among Students
Junaedi, Iwan
Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
Karimah, Ummah
The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan
Kuswiyanti, Tanti Sri
The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
Maharani, Endang Tri Wahyuni
Do Students' Perceptions of Public and Private Schools Differ on Climate Change Health Among Senior Highschool in Thailand?
Mardani, Raden Ahmad Dedy
Community Behavior Post COVID-19 Vaccination: A Literature Review
Marine Environment Awareness for Student
Marwanto, Tri Budi
Understanding of Sexual Violence in Students on Campus
Forming the Pancasila Character of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Students by Using Tapak Suci Training
The Potential of Social Capital of Village Communities in Strengthening the Ideology of Pancasila
Mawarni, Egi
Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
Mawarsari, Venissa Dian
Profile of Students’ Geometric Thinking Ability in Terms of Van Hiele Level
Meikawati, Wulandari
Assessment of the Students’ Perception of Implementation of the Blended Consortium Learning Model in Public Health
Meng, Ooi Choon
Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
Improving the Competence of Chemistry Teachers in Developing the Assessment Instrument Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
Muhibbi, Muhammad
Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach
Muktadir, Abdul
Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
Mulyadi, Dodi
Peer-Review Statements
Mulyadi, Dodi
Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
Mulyadi, Dodi
Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices
Mulyadi, Dodi
Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach
Mustami’ah, Dewi
Understanding of Sexual Violence in Students on Campus
Mustami’ah, Dewi
Marine Environment Awareness for Student
Mustofa, Akhmad
HIV/AIDS Transmission in the “Z Generation” Perspective
Mutiara, Diah
The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan
Mutmainnah, Yulia
The Code Choice of Multilingual Community in Javanese Short Film Capciptop!
Nababan, M. R.
Gender Roles Construction through Transitivity in Indonesia’s Facial Care Advertisement for Woman
Nugraheni, Yunita
Black American Counter Hegemony in Mildred Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (1976)
Nugraheni, Yunita
Gender Roles Construction through Transitivity in Indonesia’s Facial Care Advertisement for Woman
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
Determinants of Academic Fraud Behavior: The Perspective of the Pentagon Fraud Theory
Ocktarani, Yesika Maya
A Story Book for Child’s Development and Growth
Octaviani, Resty
The Implementation of Authentic Assessment and the Problems Faced by the English Teacher at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tarakan
Community Behavior Post COVID-19 Vaccination: A Literature Review
Prasetyanti, Dian Candra
Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices
Prasetyanti, Dian Candra
Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach
Prasetyanti, Dian Candra
Analyzing Metadiscourse Markers in Introduction Chapters of Dissertation in Various Disciplines
Purnomo, Eko A.
Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
Purwanto, Bambang
Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
Purwasih, Joan Hesti Gita
Students’ Knowledge, Perception, and Motivation on Preservice Teacher Profession Education Program
Putra, Alfyananda Kurnia
Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia
Putra, Dian Islami Nugraha
Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
Ramadhany, Ridha
The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on Employee Performance Case Study: South Sulawesi Province’s Health Department
Rauf, Rose A.
Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
Rianto, Agus
The Implementation of Authentic Assessment and the Problems Faced by the English Teacher at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tarakan
Ridwan, Ridwan
The Implementation of Authentic Assessment and the Problems Faced by the English Teacher at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tarakan