Proceedings of the 1st Lawang Sewu International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 (LEWIS 2022)
156 authors
- Wijayatiningsih, Testiana Deni
- Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices
- Abdullah, Nabilah
- Improving Student's Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Implementation of Integrated Guided Inquiry Model with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Achdiyat, Ichsani Pradipta
- The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
- Achmad Perguna, Luhung
- New Media Hegemony in Higher Education: Business Model or Narration Development
- Aditama, Madya G.
- Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
- Afiah, Amiera Nur
- Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia
- Aimah, Siti
- Peer-Review Statements
- Aimah, Siti
- Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
- Aimah, Siti
- Affective Learning Strategies Less-Applied by Students: How to Elevate?
- Alam, Meredian
- Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia
- Allamin, Sophia
- Improving Student's Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Implementation of Integrated Guided Inquiry Model with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Ambarsari, Arum
- Forming the Pancasila Character of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Students by Using Tapak Suci Training
- Ariesta, Ria
- Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
- Arifin, Rusjdy S.
- The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan
- Asang, Sulaiman
- The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on Employee Performance Case Study: South Sulawesi Province’s Health Department
- Ash-shidiqqi, Ellectrananda Anugerah
- Disaster Management Funding in Regions
- Astuti, Dwi Fuji
- Survival Strategy for Street Vendors During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kassi-Kassi Village, Panakkukang District, Makassar City
- Azhari, Aidul Fitriciada
- Disaster Management Funding in Regions
- Aziz, Abdul
- The Role of the Teaching Free Learning Campus Based on Local Culture in Strengthening Indonesia’s Position in PISA 2024
- Azizah, Cahyati Kharismatul
- New Media Hegemony in Higher Education: Business Model or Narration Development
- Basit, Abd
- Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
- Batrisya, Aisyah Naila
- Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate
- Batrisya, Aisyah Naila
- The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
- Budiastuti, Riana Eka
- Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach
- Budiono
- Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
- Busahdiar
- Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
- Cahyono, Edy
- Improving Student's Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Implementation of Integrated Guided Inquiry Model with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Chesiadita, Aretha Deva
- Processing Swimming Crab Shell into Value-Added Products: It Utilization as a Calcium Source Flour and Flavoring
- Damayanti, Lisa Cyntia
- Processing Swimming Crab Shell into Value-Added Products: It Utilization as a Calcium Source Flour and Flavoring
- Danim, Sudarwan
- Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
- Darwis, Djamaluddin
- Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices
- Darwis, Djamaluddin
- Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
- Demartoto, Argyo
- Promotive, Preventive, Curative, and Rehabilitative Services in Preventing and Overcoming HIV-AIDS During and Post-covid-19 Pandemic in Surakarta, Indonesia
- Dewi, Nuriana Rachmani
- Profile of Students’ Geometric Thinking Ability in Terms of Van Hiele Level
- Fatanti, Megasari Noer
- Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia
- Fauziah, Munaya
- Assessment of the Students’ Perception of Implementation of the Blended Consortium Learning Model in Public Health
- Febrina, Wulan
- Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
- Ferywidyastuti, Setya
- Implementing Project Based Learning in Optical Physics Course: Students’ Perceptions
- Hanum, Ayu Noviani
- Determinants of Academic Fraud Behavior: The Perspective of the Pentagon Fraud Theory
- Harahab, Nuddin
- Marine Environment Awareness for Student
- Hardiyanti, Diana
- The Code Choice of Multilingual Community in Javanese Short Film Capciptop!
- Hasniati
- The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on Employee Performance Case Study: South Sulawesi Province’s Health Department
- Hermawan, Cecep Maman
- Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate
- Hermawan, Cecep Maman
- Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
- Hermawan, Cecep Maman
- The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
- Hermawan, Irfan Nurzubari
- Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate
- Hermawan, Irfan Nurzubari
- The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
- Hijjang, Pawennari
- Survival Strategy for Street Vendors During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kassi-Kassi Village, Panakkukang District, Makassar City
- Ida, Asri
- Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate
- Ifadah, Muhimatul
- Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
- Ifadah, Muhimatul
- Affective Learning Strategies Less-Applied by Students: How to Elevate?
- Iksan, Zanaton H.
- Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
- Indrawati, Nuke Devi
- A Story Book for Child’s Development and Growth
- Irfan, A.
- The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan
- Irmayati, Meiselina
- Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
- Ismail, Toto S.
- Implementation of Darul ‘Ahdi Wa Syahadah Values Among Students
- Junaedi, Iwan
- Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
- Karimah, Ummah
- The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan
- Kuswiyanti, Tanti Sri
- The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers
- Maharani, Endang Tri Wahyuni
- Do Students' Perceptions of Public and Private Schools Differ on Climate Change Health Among Senior Highschool in Thailand?
- Mardani, Raden Ahmad Dedy
- Community Behavior Post COVID-19 Vaccination: A Literature Review
- Marjono
- Marine Environment Awareness for Student
- Marwanto, Tri Budi
- Understanding of Sexual Violence in Students on Campus
- Masrukhi
- Forming the Pancasila Character of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Students by Using Tapak Suci Training
- Masrukhi
- The Potential of Social Capital of Village Communities in Strengthening the Ideology of Pancasila
- Mawarni, Egi
- Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
- Mawarsari, Venissa Dian
- Profile of Students’ Geometric Thinking Ability in Terms of Van Hiele Level
- Meikawati, Wulandari
- Assessment of the Students’ Perception of Implementation of the Blended Consortium Learning Model in Public Health
- Meng, Ooi Choon
- Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
- Muchlis
- Improving the Competence of Chemistry Teachers in Developing the Assessment Instrument Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
- Muhibbi, Muhammad
- Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach
- Muktadir, Abdul
- Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City
- Mulyadi, Dodi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Mulyadi, Dodi
- Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
- Mulyadi, Dodi
- Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices
- Mulyadi, Dodi
- Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach
- Mustami’ah, Dewi
- Understanding of Sexual Violence in Students on Campus
- Mustami’ah, Dewi
- Marine Environment Awareness for Student
- Mustofa, Akhmad
- HIV/AIDS Transmission in the “Z Generation” Perspective
- Mutiara, Diah
- The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan
- Mutmainnah, Yulia
- The Code Choice of Multilingual Community in Javanese Short Film Capciptop!
- Nababan, M. R.
- Gender Roles Construction through Transitivity in Indonesia’s Facial Care Advertisement for Woman
- Nugraheni, Yunita
- Black American Counter Hegemony in Mildred Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (1976)
- Nugraheni, Yunita
- Gender Roles Construction through Transitivity in Indonesia’s Facial Care Advertisement for Woman
- Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
- Determinants of Academic Fraud Behavior: The Perspective of the Pentagon Fraud Theory
- Ocktarani, Yesika Maya
- A Story Book for Child’s Development and Growth
- Octaviani, Resty
- The Implementation of Authentic Assessment and the Problems Faced by the English Teacher at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tarakan
- Pawestri
- Community Behavior Post COVID-19 Vaccination: A Literature Review
- Prasetyanti, Dian Candra
- Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices
- Prasetyanti, Dian Candra
- Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach
- Prasetyanti, Dian Candra
- Analyzing Metadiscourse Markers in Introduction Chapters of Dissertation in Various Disciplines
- Purnomo, Eko A.
- Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
- Purwanto, Bambang
- Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices
- Purwasih, Joan Hesti Gita
- Students’ Knowledge, Perception, and Motivation on Preservice Teacher Profession Education Program
- Putra, Alfyananda Kurnia
- Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia
- Putra, Dian Islami Nugraha
- Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities
- Ramadhany, Ridha
- The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on Employee Performance Case Study: South Sulawesi Province’s Health Department
- Rauf, Rose A.
- Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities
- Rianto, Agus
- The Implementation of Authentic Assessment and the Problems Faced by the English Teacher at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tarakan
- Ridwan, Ridwan
- The Implementation of Authentic Assessment and the Problems Faced by the English Teacher at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tarakan