Proceedings of the 1st Lawang Sewu International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 (LEWIS 2022)

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42 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Dodi Mulyadi, Siti Aimah, Eny Winaryati
Proceedings Article

Forming the Pancasila Character of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Students by Using Tapak Suci Training

Arum Ambarsari, Masrukhi
Tapak Suci is a Muhammadiyah’s autonomous organization which becomes a medium to strengthen the students’ extracurricular activities in the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang. Through the systematically planned Tapak Suci training, students are required to be disciplined, independent, skilled, righteous,...
Proceedings Article

Understanding of Sexual Violence in Students on Campus

Tri Budi Marwanto, Dewi Mustami’ah
Sexual violence on campus occurs a lot, but what comes to the surface is not known for certain. No wonder sexual violence in college is like an iceberg. This raises the real question of what kind of understanding of sexual violence on students ?. There fore it is important to map the understanding of...
Proceedings Article

Disaster Management Funding in Regions

Ellectrananda Anugerah Ash-shidiqqi, Aidul Fitriciada Azhari, Kelik Wardiono, Wardah Yuspin
The funds used in an emergency reaction situation are ready-to-use monies budgeted in the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and the Revenue Budget and Regional Expenditures (RBRE) (APBD). One of the issues that arises with ready-to-use money budgeted in the APBD is the accountability that passes...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the Teaching Free Learning Campus Based on Local Culture in Strengthening Indonesia’s Position in PISA 2024

Abdul Aziz, Iswahyudi Joko Suprayitno
This article examines the possibilities for the Free Learning Campus Program, run by the ministry of education and culture, to promote locally based learning methodologies. This essay discusses the development of reading and numeracy abilities at SD N Tambaksari in Kebumen Regency, Central Java, through...
Proceedings Article

Needs Analysis and Design for the Development of Teaching Materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) Based on CLIL in the Higher Education at Bengkulu City

Wulan Febrina, Sudarwan Danim, Didi Yulistio, Ria Ariesta, Abdul Muktadir, Meiselina Irmayati
Research and development for the creation of learning materials for Indonesian courses employs both qualitative and quantitative methods (R & D). The purpose of this study is to develop CLIL-based instructional materials for Indonesian language classes that cater to the needs of college students...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Competence of Chemistry Teachers in Developing the Assessment Instrument Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Suyatno Sutoyo, Muchlis, Zainul Arifin Imam Supardi
This study aims to describe the profile of the ability of chemistry teachers in developing the assessment instrument based on higher order thinking skills (HOTS), increasing the ability to develop the assessment instrument based on HOTS and participant responses to the training activities carried out....
Proceedings Article

New Media Hegemony in Higher Education: Business Model or Narration Development

Luhung Achmad Perguna, Cahyati Kharismatul Azizah, Ihda Nur Sabila, Ahmad Arif Widianto
The massiveness of the bubble allows for rapid acceleration of information. Universities have responded by building new media. This study aims to examine the importance of cyber media for universities and the role of social media as a supporter of cyber media. This study uses a descriptive qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Improving Student's Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Implementation of Integrated Guided Inquiry Model with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Suyatno Sutoyo, IGusti Made Sanjaya, Endang Susantini, Edy Cahyono, Nabilah Abdullah, Sophia Allamin
The purpose of the study is to ascertain whether students’ critical thinking abilities and sense of self-worth have increased as a result of using a guided inquiry methodology that incorporates STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) (STEM). The first step in this research is...
Proceedings Article

Classroom Meeting: A Strategy for Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate

Aep Saepuloh, Okta Rosfiani, Asri Ida, Cecep Maman Hermawan, Aisyah Naila Batrisya, Irfan Nurzubari Hermawan
An approach to classroom management known as “classroom meetings” involves the teacher holding regular meetings with the students to identify and solve issues. The purpose of this study is to improve classroom management by finding solutions to actual issues that arise in settings where teachers and...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Religious Education Instructors’ Efforts to Improve Students’ Al-Qur’an Reading Abilities

Abd Basit, Dian Islami Nugraha Putra, Mahmudin Sudin, Busahdiar, Siti Shofiyah, Egi Mawarni, Okta Rosfiani, Cecep Maman Hermawan
The educator plays a pivotal role in the implementation of education because he or she is essential to the success of his students. The teacher must be able to assist students in gaining the necessary experience to read the Al-Qur’an according to the letter meanings and tajwid in order to fulfill their...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of the Students’ Perception of Implementation of the Blended Consortium Learning Model in Public Health

Sayono Sayono, Wulandari Meikawati, Munaya Fauziah, Triana Srisantyorini
The blended consortium learning method is the method combining several types of learning. The COVID-19 pandemic required the lecturer and student to conduct the daring learning method. This study aimed to assess the student’s perception of the implementation of the blended consortium learning method....
Proceedings Article

Profile of Students’ Geometric Thinking Ability in Terms of Van Hiele Level

Venissa Dian Mawarsari, St. Budi Waluya, Nuriana Rachmani Dewi
The ability to think geometrically is very important to be improved in students at all levels of school, from an early age to college. In the ability to think geometry, there is a level which of course an individual will have according to age level and school level. This includes universities, where...
Proceedings Article

Practising Eco-Theology: Pesantren and Green Education in Narmada Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia

Ahmad Arif Widianto, Alfyananda Kurnia Putra, Meredian Alam, Megasari Noer Fatanti, Titis Thoriquttyas, Baretha Yuanda, Amiera Nur Afiah, Endang Sulistywati
The religious approach has recently become an alternative in disaster mitigation. Religion is not only a theological foundation, but also complements the scientific approach in preventing and dealing with disasters. One of them is in disaster literacy based on pesantren in Narmada, Lombok, which is a...
Proceedings Article

Promotive, Preventive, Curative, and Rehabilitative Services in Preventing and Overcoming HIV-AIDS During and Post-covid-19 Pandemic in Surakarta, Indonesia

Argyo Demartoto
The increase in HIV-AIDS case number in Indonesia, including Surakarta, during Covid-19 pandemic makes the public’s social, economic, and health conditions harder. This research studies healthcare services in preventing and overcoming HIV-AIDS during and post-Covid-19 pandemic in Surakarta, Indonesia....
Proceedings Article

Cultural Semiotics in the Traditional Marriage Process of Enggano People

Dendi Wijaya, Engga Zakaria
This research is ethno-semiotic research that focuses on tracing the meaning of cultural semiotics in the traditional marriage procession of the Enggano people. Geo-culturally, the Enggano people are one of the ethnic groups in Bengkulu Province. The Enggano people inhabit Enggano Island, which is about...
Proceedings Article

Teacher as Learning Educator and Researcher: Phenomena of Lesson Study Community Activities

Eny Winaryati, Zanaton H. Iksan, Rose A. Rauf, Budiono, Iwan Junaedi, Dodi Mulyadi, Eko A. Purnomo, Madya G. Aditama
Collaborative learning in solving problems is a feature of Lesson Study (LS). The purpose of this article is to analyze the teacher as an educator and learning researcher from the phenomenon of Lesson study activities in the Muhammadiyah School Lesson Study Community. The research method used was based...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Academic Fraud Behavior: The Perspective of the Pentagon Fraud Theory

Nurcahyono Nurcahyono, Ayu Noviani Hanum
This study aims to link Crowe's pentagon fraud theory to investigate student academic fraud behaviour during the pandemic. This study used a positivist perspective with a comparative causal approach to empirically prove academic fraud behaviour. The population of this research is studied majoring...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Total Quality Management in the Post-Pandemic Instructional Development: A Case Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Tangerang Selatan

Ummah Karimah, Rusjdy S. Arifin, Diah Mutiara, A. Irfan
The model for implementing the Total Quality Management concept in learning at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang is the aim of this study to describe conditions in the pandemic era, which can be used as examples of subsequent implementation in the post-pandemic period. This study uses a qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article

Processing Swimming Crab Shell into Value-Added Products: It Utilization as a Calcium Source Flour and Flavoring

Muhammad Yusuf, Lisa Cyntia Damayanti, Aretha Deva Chesiadita, Yunan Kholifatuddin Sya’di
Indonesia as a maritime country has abundant marine resources. Indonesia's fisheries sector has significantly contributed to the world's food needs. Processed swimming crabs and swimming crab products are one of Indonesia's most important exports. Swimming crabs are generally exported...
Proceedings Article

Do Students' Perceptions of Public and Private Schools Differ on Climate Change Health Among Senior Highschool in Thailand?

Eko Yuliyanto, Panupong Sangtong, Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani
This research was designed to understand how perception regarding climate change and its health impact among grade 10th to 12th students in private high school and state high school are differed from one another, the cross-sectional survey research was conducted in Nonthaburi province where it located...
Proceedings Article

Black American Counter Hegemony in Mildred Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (1976)

Heri Dwi Santoso, Yunita Nugraheni
This research is conducted to analyze the hegemonic and counter hegemonic practices in Mildred Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (1976). The analysis is based on mimetic point-of-view, considering the literary work as a fictional representation of the real world within which the work was made. The...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on Employee Performance Case Study: South Sulawesi Province’s Health Department

Ridha Ramadhany, Sulaiman Asang, Hasniati
The objective of this study is to figure out the influence of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) on performance at the Health Department in South Sulawesi Province. According to the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office’s Regional Apparatus Accountability, the realized performance achievement...
Proceedings Article

Survival Strategy for Street Vendors During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kassi-Kassi Village, Panakkukang District, Makassar City

Dwi Fuji Astuti, Pawennari Hijjang, Safriadi
A survival strategy is a step taken by individuals and groups of people to maintain the existence of themselves or their group, which is associated with tangible and intangible values. The research focus of this study is the strategy of overcoming street vendors during the Covid-19 pandemic. Street Vendors...
Proceedings Article

The Code Choice of Multilingual Community in Javanese Short Film Capciptop!

Yulia Mutmainnah, Diana Hardiyanti
This study discusses the language code used by the speakers in the Javanese short film CapCipTop!. In general, the basic language used in this film is Javanese. However, there are other languages used by speakers due to the many languages spoken by speakers. In collecting data, the researcher used the...
Proceedings Article

Extensive Listening Practices with English Listening Lesson Library Online: EFL Leaners’ Voices

Dodi Mulyadi, Djamaluddin Darwis, Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih, Dian Candra Prasetyanti
The acquisition of listening abilities needs a long learning process. Therefore, students must love listening practices in and out of the classroom. This study's objective is to evaluate students’ experiences with ELLLO in listening classes. Utilizing an open-ended questionnaire, 96 participants...
Proceedings Article

Community Behavior Post COVID-19 Vaccination: A Literature Review

Edy Soesanto, Nanak Sugianto, Dewi Setyawati, Pawestri, Raden Ahmad Dedy Mardani
Overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic is not only the responsibility of the Government, but also the need for synergy and contributions from all elements of the nation, including the community. Efforts that can be used to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19 are to apply obedient behavior to health protocols...
Proceedings Article

Shakespeare’s Worldview Reflected in His Drama the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Genetic Structuralism

Budi Tri Santosa
Literary work is a product of humanity. It means it reflects humanity in all circumstances. As a product of humanity, literary work constantly changes based on the phenomenon, important events in certain period of era, and the author's mood. The author cannot be separated from the work because he...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Authentic Assessment and the Problems Faced by the English Teacher at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tarakan

Ridwan Ridwan, Resty Octaviani, Suyadi Suyadi, Agus Rianto
The present study aimed at describing the implementation of authentic assessment and the teacher’s problems in implementing the authentic assessment. Descriptive qualitative research was employed with the data gained from the technique of documentation, observation, interview, and questionnaire distribution...
Proceedings Article

Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices

Siti Aimah, Djamaluddin Darwis, Ooi Choon Meng, Bambang Purwanto, Muhimatul Ifadah
The length of online learning causes the saturation and demotivation of EFL students from attending online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic that they have to join. Therefore, many of them shared their experiences of online learning and their preference for offline learning to attend. This study...
Proceedings Article

Implementing Project Based Learning in Optical Physics Course: Students’ Perceptions

Setya Ferywidyastuti
This study examines how students perceive the implementation of the project-based learning model in circle material and how they perceive the performance of the project-based learning model in Optical Physics for Optic Refraction students. The participants in this study were fifty pupils. This sort of...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Social Capital of Village Communities in Strengthening the Ideology of Pancasila

Masrukhi, Tutik Wijayanti, Suprayogi, Giri Harto Wiratomo
The application of Pancasila values in the current digitalization era is decreasing compared to previous years. The ease with which other ideological values enter and develop in Indonesia is the trigger for the fading of Pancasila values. In addition, the convenience presented by technological advances...
Proceedings Article

A Story Book for Child’s Development and Growth

Yesika Maya Ocktarani, Nuke Devi Indrawati, Ahmad Roziqin, Azizatus Sabila
This paper illustrates that a storybook for children has a specific characteristic to be used as a medium to gain information on children’s growth and development. This claim was revealed from research conducted to describe a storybook for children which contains information to prevent malnutrition,...
Proceedings Article

Affective Learning Strategies Less-Applied by Students: How to Elevate?

Muhimatul Ifadah, Siti Aimah, Heri Dwi Santoso
Students’ self-learning is directed by their inner drive and controlled learning is driven by external motivation. This study aimed to report the self-learning status of students from three different study programs who take English courses. Among the six learning strategies from the SILL questionnaire,...
Proceedings Article

The Efficacy of the Direct Instruction Approach for Teaching English to Fourth-Grade Students with Ordinal Numbers

Tanti Sri Kuswiyanti, Ichsani Pradipta Achdiyat, Okta Rosfiani, Cecep Maman Hermawan, Aisyah Naila Batrisya, Irfan Nurzubari Hermawan
One of the most vital components is vocabulary. Their vocabulary significantly impacts the kids' ability to speak, listen, read, and write. This will make things easier for children because they will better comprehend what they read and hear. Ordinal numbers are learned as part of the English language's...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Knowledge, Perception, and Motivation on Preservice Teacher Profession Education Program

Joan Hesti Gita Purwasih, Desy Santi Rozakiyah, Anif Fatimatus Sholicha, Azmil Mohd. Tayeb
Being a teacher is not easy in the present. Teachers are required to have the professionalism and to be adaptive to the development of the modern era today. Such ability is needed to make Indonesian education develop better and competitively at the international level. Therefore, to improve the quality...
Proceedings Article

Gender Roles Construction through Transitivity in Indonesia’s Facial Care Advertisement for Woman

Yunita Nugraheni, Riyadi Santosa, M. R. Nababan, Tri Wiratno
The article is aimed to reveal how the facial-care advertisement for Indonesian woman describe the gender roles in Indonesia. The facial-care advertisement texts for Indonesian women are analyzed using SFL devices, particularly transitivity analysis. The result shows that from six processes in transitivity...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Darul ‘Ahdi Wa Syahadah Values Among Students

Supriyanto, Toto S. Ismail
This study examines the values of darul ‘ahdi wa shahadah among university students. This study aimed to discover students’ understanding, appreciation, practice and constraints regarding the value of darul ‘ahdi wa shahadah. The method used is qualitative. The results showed: that Unimus students have...
Proceedings Article

Hybrid Learning: EFL Student’s Perspectives in Writing through Genre-Based Approach

Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih, Muhammad Muhibbi, Dodi Mulyadi, Dian Candra Prasetyanti, Riana Eka Budiastuti
Merdeka Belajar demands that the learning process be carried out in hybrid learning because several students attended lectures from outside the campus. Conditions like this occurred in the English Language Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, where not all courses were converted,...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing Metadiscourse Markers in Introduction Chapters of Dissertation in Various Disciplines

Dian Candra Prasetyanti, Angkana Tongpoon-Patanasorn, Anselmus Sahan
To write our dissertations effectively, we need some instruments called metadiscourse markers. These instruments are considered one of the essential elements in giving information through various linguistic expressions with cohesive and logical structures (Mina & Biria, 2017). Therefore, this study...
Proceedings Article

Marine Environment Awareness for Student

Dewi Mustami’ah, Nuddin Harahab, Marjono, Hagus Tarno
Indonesia has a vast sea as a source of life for humans. However, in this reality, the current sea condition is damaged due to human activities, including garbage and ocean pollution. This situation allows human awareness of the sea, which is still poorly formed. Students must be aware of the marine...
Proceedings Article

HIV/AIDS Transmission in the “Z Generation” Perspective

Rokhani, Akhmad Mustofa
Introduction, the global data shows HIV/AIDS infected in the young group, more than 1,4 million the young group infected with this disease, ages more than 15 years old. The highest number of HIV/AIDS in the young period was caused by risky sexual behavior and lack of knowledge, attitude, and practice....